m9 - Summary

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Alissandra Berry

ED 252

Week 9 Summary
Chapter 12

School wide Strategies for Positive Behavior Supports

1. School-wide behavior management strategies are presented in chapter 12 List
four elements of effective behavior management strategies.
I. Continually monitoring and screening students at each level to identify those in
need of additional supports
II. Implementing evidence-based strategies interventions with fidelity
III. Providing a continuum of intervention strategies through multiple tiers of
intensity so that the needs of all students can be served
IV. Examining student progress data to help make programming decisions and
decisions regarding special education eligibility

2. School districts around the nation are under pressure to improve school safety.
A list of guidelines are offered on page 332. In your opinion, which of these ideas
would be easiest to get started with and would be the things you would do first?
I think the number one goal will be communication and team building for the
teachers, staff and
5. List 3 possible obstacles to school-wide programs.
I. Program being too baud
II. Programs being too strict and not allowing room for the exceptions of children
III. Teachers not being consistent
6. What is the purpose of the SWPBS team? The Team Implementation Checklist is
one of the school-wide evaluation tools found in the text. Take a look at the checklist
by clicking on this link.
A SWPBS team is a team that implements A School Wide Positive Behavior Support
program in a school. This team looks at problem behaviors and works with teachers to
come up with a plan to minimize these problems with students.

7. List the general strategies given in the text to assist school staff when challenging
behaviors are observed anywhere on school property.
I. Interrupt the behavior chain
II. Maintain proximity control
III. Inject humor into the situation
IV. Maintain instructional control
V. Facilitate problem solving
VI. Consider stimulus change
VII. Remember the fair pair rule
VIII. Be consistent
IX. Avoid reinforcing inappropriate behavior
X. Limit consequences for inappropriate behavior
XI. Deal with inappropriate behavior immediately
XII. Stop Shouting

8. List and explain 5 strategies recommended by Long and Newman as a part of
the ecological manipulation of the classroom.
I. Higher-Order Thinking lower-order thinking only 1...2...3...4...5 higher order thinking is
II. Depth of Knowledge is shallow 1...2...3...4...5 knowledge is deep
III. Connectedness to the World Beyond the Classroom no connection 1...2...3...4...5
IV. Substantive Conversation no substantive conversation 1...2...3...4...5 high-level
substantive conversation
V. Social Support for Student Achievement negative social support 1...2...3...4...5 positive
social support
9. On page 343 , There are basic behavior management strategies for the
classroom. List all 10.
I. Classroom rules: inform students of what is expected of them
II. Establish a positive learning climate
III. Provide meaningful learning experiences
IV. Avoid Threats
V. Demonstrate fairness
VI. Build and exhibit self-confidence
VII. Recognize positive student attributes
VIII. Use positive modeling
IX. Pay attention to the physical arrangement of the classroom
X. Limit downtime

10. How does a student learn to be non-compliant? Does a student choose to be
non-compliant? (Remember Glassers Choice Theory)
A student learns to be non-compliant when they are given permission to be non-
compliant with any person of authority. In the classroom when a student is told to do
something and isnt encouraged or forced to do it then they learn that they do not have to
listen because they are not expected to. Also with social pressures if being non-compliant
makes them feel cool to their peers then they are less likely to listen. Although if a
teacher provides an environment where that is not an option and where respect is the only
option students are more likely to listen and want to succeed. Students can only make
choices for which they have options to choose from, if you do not give them the option
they cannot choose it.

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