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Realidades 1 captulo 3B (WAVA 68) Paragraph number ___________


1. Read the paragraph you have been given.
2. Circle the verbs and underline the adjectives.
3. Evaluate the paragraph by checking the appropriate boxes.
4. Write at least one positive comment (what the group did well) and at least one comment to help the group
improve the writing.
Be considerate of feelings, however be honest. This will not count against the group members who wrote the
paragraph. Your comments should be meaningful to help the group members improve.
Clear Ideas Grammar Detail Creativity
5 points
Ideas are clear. We can
understand the message.
5 points
Verbs are conjugated
appropriately. Adjectives
follow nouns and agree.
5 points
There was a variety of
vocabulary and ideas.
Vocabulary came from this
chapter and other chapters.
Writer(s) gave a lot of
information. We can
visualize what was
5 points
Paragraph is creatively
written without going to far
outside of the learned
knowledge. There is
attempt at humor or
creative writing. Writing
goes beyond the basic
4 points
There were a few mistakes,
but we could still
understand what was being
4 points
Verbs were conjugated, but
with a few mistakes.
Adjectives follow the noun,
but there are a few mistakes
in agreement.
4 points
Writer(s) used good
vocabulary. A few words
came from other chapters.
There was enough
information to understand
what was going on.
4 points
Writing is good with some
elaboration to make it
3 points
There was some confusion
about what was being
3 points
Many mistakes in verb
conjugations and adjectives
do not agree.
3 points
The information was basic
with little details. We cant
really visualize what
exactly is happening.
3 points
Writing is basic. We were
bored reading it.
2 points
Ideas were not clear and we
could not understand what
the writer was trying to say.
2 points
Verbs were not used and/or
conjugated. Adjectives
were not used.
2 points
There was not enough
information to know what
is going on.
2 points
Writing was vague or

Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
19-20 16-18 12-15 9-11 8
Realidades 1 captulo 3B (WAVA 68) Paragraph number ___________


5. Read the paragraph you have been given.
6. Circle the verbs and underline the adjectives.
7. Evaluate the paragraph by checking the appropriate boxes.
8. Write at least one positive comment (what the group did well) and at least one comment to help the group
improve the writing.
Be considerate of feelings, however be honest. This will not count against the group members who wrote the
paragraph. Your comments should be meaningful to help the group members improve.
Clear Ideas Grammar Detail Creativity
5 points
Ideas are clear. We can
understand the message.
5 points
Verbs are conjugated
appropriately. Adjectives
follow nouns and agree.
5 points
There was a variety of
vocabulary and ideas.
Vocabulary came from this
chapter and other chapters.
Writer(s) gave a lot of
information. We can
visualize what was
5 points
Paragraph is creatively
written without going to far
outside of the learned
knowledge. There is
attempt at humor or
creative writing. Writing
goes beyond the basic
4 points
There were a few mistakes,
but we could still
understand what was being
4 points
Verbs were conjugated, but
with a few mistakes.
Adjectives follow the noun,
but there are a few mistakes
in agreement.
4 points
Writer(s) used good
vocabulary. A few words
came from other chapters.
There was enough
information to understand
what was going on.
4 points
Writing is good with some
elaboration to make it
3 points
There was some confusion
about what was being
3 points
Many mistakes in verb
conjugations and adjectives
do not agree.
3 points
The information was basic
with little details. We cant
really visualize what
exactly is happening.
3 points
Writing is basic. We were
bored reading it.
2 points
Ideas were not clear and we
could not understand what
the writer was trying to say.
2 points
Verbs were not used and/or
conjugated. Adjectives
were not used.
2 points
There was not enough
information to know what
is going on.
2 points
Writing was vague or

Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
19-20 16-18 12-15 9-11 8

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