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UCBMUN Head Delegates 2014-15: Anton Wideroth and Apratim Vidyarthi

Calendar, Conference, Culture, and Competition

1. Change the Calendar
a. Switch SBIMUN (UCSB) for TrojanMUN (USC); we have already talked to the SG for
TrojanMUN and can get discounts.
b. Add NCSC (Georgetown, mid-October) to the calendar to balance the fall/spring semester;
we have also talked to the SG for NCSC and they are willing to consider discounts.
c. Remove McMUN (McGill), due to scheduling, expense, and quality issues.
d. Potentially add WPSC (West Point) to the calendar, creating a 4-4 fall/spring division.
2. Provide assistance for the UCBMUN Conference
a. Leverage our contacts on the circuit and work in conjunction with the COS-E in order to
invite competitive schools to our conference, and to publicize our conference.
b. Work with secretariat and USGs in order to collaborate on training and to provide
chairing/CD experiences for first timers.
c. More focus on paperwork (such as resolution writing) alongside Secretariat.
d. Provide feedback about other conferences to create a what not to do list.
3. Improve the Cultureand Competitiveness of away conference experiences
a. Continue one-on-one system of pre-conference training, and speeches during club meetings.
b. Have a pre-conference dinner in order to get to know our delegation better before travel.
c. Continue the team traditions of GroupMe, toast on Saturday, delegation dinner, lapel pins,
and blue pads; potentially add more traditions such as first-timer toasts and senior toasts.
d. Improve documentation through photographs.
e. Recognize delegates and winners on our UCBMUN page, on a potential blog, and on
alumni newsletters; work with Secretary/VP to ensure alumni network and blog are created.
f. Streamline debrief and feedback during away conferences.
g. Utilize our conference props for away conferences.
h. For California conferences, ensure head delegates arrive to conference first; create a system
of under head delegates in order to streamline debrief, feedback, and training, and show
potential head delegates the ropes.
i. Utilize our contacts on the circuit to talk to chairs and CDs and provide feedback for our
delegates post-conference.
j. Continue transparency through providing budgets, feedback forms, and information on how
committees are selected.
k. Work with treasurer in order to ensure subsidizations are provided right after conferences.
l. Reach out to scholarships and sponsors, in conjunction with treasurer, to reduce costs.
m. Apply for conference fee waivers.
4. Improve training and general Competitiveness
a. Refer to the Head Delegate training manual and use in conjunction with lectures.
b. Create a MUN Basics bloc training at the beginning of the year, in conjunction with new
member orientation, in order to streamline training and free space on calendar.
c. New members and old members should not have to attain the same points; old members
already know the ropes and need not waste their time.
d. Hold simulations potentially after lectures so lecture material can be applied.
e. Invite speakers to help with lectures, especially during the MUN basics training.

Anton Wideroth Apratim Vidyarthi
Outstanding Delegate LAMUN 2014
Verbal Commendation HNMUN 2014
Delegate SBIMUN 2013
Assistant Crisis Director Sri Lanka
committee, UCBMUN XVIII
Head Delegate 2013-2014
Best Small Delegation ChoMUN 2014
o 8/10 delegates success rate
Best Large Delegation LAMUN 2014
o 23 awards, including 11 MUN-freshmen
o 23/31 delegates success rate, highest in 3
Outstanding Large Delegation SBIMUN 2013
Overall, 54 awards in 7 conferences; 46.9%
success rate
Verbal Mention ChoMUN 2014
Outstanding Delegate LAMUN 2014
Book Award ad-hoc, McMUN 2014
Best Delegate ad-hoc, CMUNNY 2013
Distinguished Delegate Award (Conference-wide)
Best Delegate LAMUN 2013
Honorable Mention LAMUN 2012
Honorable Mention SBIMUN 2011
Delegate 15 conferences, including 6 ad-hocs
Assistant Crisis Director Ad-hoc, UCBMUN XVIII
Crisis Director League of Arab States, UCBMUNC
Crisis Director IAEA, BayMUN 2012, Spring
Social Chair Spring 2012 Spring 2013
Deputy Secretary General BayMUN 201 1, Fall

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