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Before completing the form and returning it to Newman House, applicants should read all
accompanying notes. Your application must be accompanied by the following supporting documents.

1. A letter stating why you wish to live in Newman House, and what contribution you would
make to the life of the community.
2. Two written references, one of which should be from your Parish Priest or College Chaplain.
3. A recent passport-sized photograph of yourself.

Applications will not be considered until all accompanying documents have been received.

Please note: We usually reply to applications by email. If you would like us to reply by post,
please enclose an A5 stamped addressed envelope, or an International Reply Coupon.

Dear Student,

We are pleased to provide you with information about living in Newman House.

Newman House is both the Catholic Chaplaincy for university students in Central London and a small residential
hall which offers students a unique opportunity of living for one year in an adult Catholic community.

Newman House is far more than just another hall of residence. In many ways we are more demanding of the
students who live here. In order for Newman House to retain and build upon its ethos as a Catholic residential
community, we do expect applicants to be those who want to participate fully in the community and spiritual life
of the House. For our part, we will seek to help you to develop your experience of the Catholic Faith in a way
which is positive and forward looking. We base this upon the three pillars of community, spirituality and mission.

In order to achieve these aims, you need to know that the following are understood, at the outset, to be part of
the normal commitment of those who are resident at Newman House:

1. That you would be regular in your attendance at Mass in the Newman House Chapel on Sundays.
2. That you make a commitment to take part in at least some of the activities for formation, and the
development of your spiritual life.

If this opportunity of residing in a Catholic community attracts you, please complete and return the attached
application form. Wherever possible, applicants will be invited to meet with one of the chaplains as part of the
application process.

Applications for residence must be for the full 2014-15 academic year of not less than thirty weeks.

If you wish to find out more about Newman House, please feel free to visit us.

Yours sincerely

Fr Stephen Wang
Senior Chaplain


Newman House is both the centre for the Catholic Chaplaincy to the Universities in central London, and a small residential hall
which offers students a unique opportunity of living for one year in an adult Catholic community. Situated in the heart of Londons
student district, Newman House provides 64 residential places.

Included in the Rent:
- Accommodation in a single study bedroom, with a
sink and washbasin, and the usual furnishings for a
bedroom, for not less than thirty weeks.
- Breakfast and Main Meal each day of the week.
- Shared Bathroom facilities
- Utilities (water, power, etc)
- Use of shared areas: Chapel, Library, TV Room, Bar,
Garden Area, Iron.

Additional Facilities
- Wireless broadband access is at 25 per term.
- Coin-operated Laundry facilities

You should bring your own bedding and towels. Alternatively,
bedding packs can be purchased on arrival for the price of 24.

Our bar is run and maintained by the students.


- Accommodation is only offered for a full academic year of 30 weeks. Once you have been accepted as part
of the community at Newman House, you are liable for the fees for the full 30 weeks. These are listed in the
box below, and are payable in advance at the beginning of each term.
- A deposit of 300 is payable on acceptance of an offer of a place which is returnable at the end of the year
provided the keys have not been lost or damage been done to the property.
- Residents are welcome to stay during the Christmas and Easter vacations at normal student term-time rates. A
weekly retainer fee is payable by students who do not wish their rooms to be rented out while they are away
during the vacation period. Normally rooms must be vacated at the end of the Academic Year, but
arrangements may be made for students whose studies continue beyond that time.
- No responsibility is taken for the loss of personal property. Students should provide their own
insurance cover.

Residents are expected to take a full part in the running of the House, including the Chapel, thereby
making Newman House a welcoming place to non-resident visitors.

Newman House is a Catholic residence for full-time students at one of the London universities.

The community at Newman House is a Eucharistic Community. There are a limited number of places available, and in
order to give the best possible experience to residents, it is important that everyone is committed to the life of the

If you are considering applying to live here for the Academic Year, we draw your attention to the following:

1. Our primary responsibility is to the Catholic Community, and, as such, it is seldom possible to offer places to
people who are not Catholic. Catholic students who apply are expected to be committed to their faith and to
make Newman House their main place of worship.
2. We are only able to accept those enrolled in a course of full-time study at a university.
3. Applications must be for a full 30 weeks, beginning in September or October.
4. We only accept those who are under 28 years of age at the beginning of the Academic Year.

We regret that we are not usually able to offer places to applicants who are ordained, members of a religious order,
married or in their first year of study as an undergraduate.

(of not less than thirty weeks)
Bandings are calculated on a scale based on size, location and other factors.

BAND A 190.00
BAND B 185.00
BAND C 180.00

Fees are payable in full within two weeks of the start of each period of residence.
These rates apply from 1st September 2014 until 30th June 2015.


1. Residents rental commitment is for a minimum of a thirty week academic year, divided into
three periods of residence (semesters or terms).
2. Rents are charged for the full period; there is no rebate for late arrival or early departure.
3. Rent for each period of residence is payable in full at the commencement of each period.
4. If you vacate your room in Newman House during a period of residence there will be no
refund of rent paid for that period.
5. In cases of hardship or difficulty, the Director will always be willing to meet with individual
students to seek a solution.
6. Any resident who is found to be in breach of the Licence Agreement, or to be causing
undue disruption in the House will be asked to leave.

If you are offered a place, you will be required to sign a Licence Agreement, and to pay a deposit of
three hundred pounds (300) to confirm your intention to take up residence. This deposit is not
refundable if you cancel.
If you lose your keys, you will be charged for replacements, which may entail locks being changed.
At the end of your stay your deposit will be returned to you when you return your keys, providing
there has been no damage to Newman House property and your room has been left in a clean state.

Appl i cati on for Resi dence 2014-15

Family Name

Christian Name

Date of Birth
Email address





Year of Study in 2014-15

UG or PG

Degree (BA, MSc, etc)



Previous University (where applicable)

Permanent Home

Address (where

Valid until:
Telephone Telephone

Mobile No Name of next of
kind (and address,
where different)


Have you previously lived in a University Chaplaincy? If so, which?

Please give details of any disability or serious allergy.

Please give details of any hobbies,
activities or special interests you have.
(You can expand the box if necessary)

Please give brief details of recent
work experience.

Will you be working during the coming Academic Year?

How did you hear about Newman House?

Room Size Preference (A-C; see notes)

Insert Photograph in the box below


All residents are asked to undertake the following House Responsibilities in order to help with the running of the

Please select FOUR jobs you would like to undertake, ranking them in order of preference, 1-4.


Serving at Mass: Preparing the Chapel for Mass and Serving on
Sundays and Weekdays.

Choir: Singing at the Sunday Morning Mass
If you play an instrument, please state your instrument and the standard to which
you play.

Flowers: Purchasing and arranging flowers for the Chapel

Silver Polishing


Preparing Coffee after Mass on Sundays and for other events, and
welcoming visitors.


Yearbook: Editing the annual House Yearbook.

Photographer: Being present at events and taking photos for the
blog, website and Yearbook


Staff: Serving behind the Bar on a Rota Basis


Recycling: Taking materials to be recycled.

Please complete the boxes below before submitting your form (a or Yes). By signing below you are making the
following agreement:

1. I wish to apply for accommodation for the entire Academic Year 2014-15.
2. I have read the accompanying literature and would like to make a positive commitment to be part of a
residential Catholic Community.
3. I agree to abide by the rules of the House.
4. If my application is accepted I agree to pay rent for each term within two weeks of the beginning of
each term.

Have you included with your application:
1. A photograph of yourself.
2. A letter, stating why you would like to live in Newman House.
3. Two references, one of which is from your Parish Priest or college Chaplain.
Your References are to follow under separate cover,



Please return your complete application either in hard copy by hand, post, or
email to

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