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1 Test Your Knowledge

a) An organizational unit for specifying and controlling customer credit limits is called:
Credit Control Area
b) The three methods for creating a customer master data record are:
Accounting and sales personnel maintain the general area together and their own
areas separately( Decentralized ) and customer master records are maintained
c) The transaction codes of the above three methods are (respectively):
VD01, FD01 and XD01.
d) Customer master data that is valid for the client is stored in the
eneral Data level of the master data record.
e) The Account roup determined that Keith Export Ltd account number
was alphanumeric, while Steven Smiths customer account number was
f) The account number of customer Office Supplies ncorpor!ted (company
code !!!) is: !"0#
g) The dunning procedure assigned to "ffice #upplies $ncorporated is: $%%&
M4." Test Your Knowledge
a) The Transfer Order document tells warehouse how much to pic%
from stoc% to complete the order.
b) Can more than one outbound delivery be created from a single order& 'es()o
c) #istri$ution ch!nnel 14 is used for the delivery of (er)ice.
d) #ivision %& is used for selling which type of product& *igh +ech
e) *ave the goods purchased in s!les order '&1' (sales org. !!!) been paid as
yet& 'es()o 'es.
g) The billing document no. associated with s!les order 1%'() is: ,00!"0,1
M4.4 Test Your Knowledge
a) The document type of the customer invoice is: D-
b) To display every item that constitutes the customer+s account balance, $
would place the cursor on: Dou.le/clic0 the *!l!nce.
c) $ would use O net ta. (open item) to display the customer+s d!+s in
d) The 1et2Cash Discount pushbutton displays the payment term+s discount
owing to the customer.
e) ndustri!l Supplies nc. has an account balance of: 3.#04567
f) The terms of p!+ment of $ndustrial #upplies $nc. are 8901 which
means a discount will accrue if: paid with in !0 days.
g) The last payment made by ndustri!l Supplies was , 1,!.!#"500 in
the month %ay of -../.
M4.' Test Your Knowledge
a) As a result of a sale, the reduction in inventory is recorded when the
oods $ssue is posted.
b) The offsetting entry of the reduction in inventory, is a debit to the
4,703" account. This account is used to record
Cost o: oods (old
c) The Accounting document is used to determine which
accounts are posted to, as a result of a sale.
d) The #ystem may be configured to recognize re)enue 5 sales deductions5 or
e) $n the #tandard system, all billing types are configured to post to the
customer account for the automatic offsetting entry.
M4., Test Your Knowledge
a) -ustomer p!+ment uses document type: D8
b) 0osting %ey 1" is used for recording incoming p!+ments.
c) .eference documents are used to simplify the document entry
process and to reduce data input errors.
d) A p!+ment re/uest is a document that triggers a dunning notice
through the dunning program.
e) The credit entry of the sale to Keith Exports Ltd was posted to general
ledger account ("%%%%. This account is a balance sheet account or a profit
and loss account& ;ro:it and <oss Account.
f) 1here did the #ystem obtain 2eith 34ports 5td credit limit information from& FD!3
( Credit <imit %anagement )

M4.& Test Your Knowledge
a) The term used by #A0 for generating letters of demand is:
b) A Dunning ;rocedure is assigned to a customer master record in
the Correspondence tab.
c) The tone of the dunning te4t gets more severe the older the overdue account
gets. To set this incremental tone, Dunning <e)els are created within
the Dunning ;rocedure.
d) 1hat is the name of dunning procedure %%%"& Four/le)el dunning5 e)ery month
f) To review dunning runs that have been e4ecuted in the past, $ would use the
dunning history function.
M4.( Test Your Knowledge
a) A par%ed document is represented by the following: symbol.
b) $f a customer short pays an invoice, what are two options for clearing the 0ot
!ssigned balance& -esidual and ;artial.
c) 1hat 1unction 2e+ is a short cut to display document flow& Shift 3 1&
d) $n transaction 14"(, if you do not want to select open items by %eying their respective
document numbers into the #ystem, what are three other options of listing open items in
a customer+s account:
;osting Date
Dunning Area.
e) Can an incoming payment be processed if it has a balance in the 0ot
!ssigned field& 'es()o 'es
f) $n a dispute case, what is the name of re!son %%%5& 1A
g) The Extern!l .ef. number in the dispute case for customer 6!777 is the
same number as: $n)oice document!1 )
M4.) Test Your Knowledge
a) $n which 8# #tate is the customer 6ump 0etwor2 -orpor!tion located&
b) $n which month and year did *loc2 *ros pay $93# 8# $nc.:
c) 1hich Accounting document number was posted to *ush 7oldings in 6!!&
d) $n 6!!:, what were the total sales for 8m!rt& 7##.#"0500
e) A field in customer 5"&1 master record was changed in "%%'. 1hat field was
changed& +a= and +elephone1 and who made the change& C-%->%&+> ?
9A-+><(V respecti)ely.
f) 9oes -omputer 9orld have credit management maintained& 'es()o& 'es
$f so, what is their credit limit& 1.000.000500
S:6 E.6 Module 4 ; :ccounts .eceiv!$le
#emonstr!te Your Le!rning M4
- Much of the d!t! in :ccounts .eceiv!$le comes from which S:6
A Controlling
; <eneral 5edger
C (ales and Distri.ution
9 =aterials =anagement
6 9hich of the following st!tements is 1:LSE=<
A A credit control area is responsible for credit control
; A credit control area must be assigned to at least one company code
C Customers that are created in company codes with a common credit
control area, are controlled by this one credit control area
9 A company code can be divided into several credit control areas
-omp!n+ code 5%1% >Euro Su$sidi!r+ *elgium? is assigned to
which credit control area&: !000
A !-!
9 !000
C -!!!
9 6!!!
: 9hich of the following customer m!ster d!t! record fields h!ve
wh!t S:6 term @speci!l functionsA<=
A >elevant for statistics
; Account group
C Alternative payer
9 )ame
? The three !re!s where customer m!ster d!t! m!+ $e cre!ted !re=
A #ales ( Accounting ( Accounts >eceivable
9 (ales 2 Accounting 2 Centrally
C #ales ( 0urchasing ( Centrally
9 #ales ( Accounts 0ayable ( Centrally
/ -ustomer m!ster d!t! records !re divided in the following levels=
A Accounting ( #ales ( Company code
; Accounting ( #ales ( Client
C eneral 2 Company code 2 (ales
9 )one of the above
Reproduced with permission for VU BAO6714 sem 1 and 2/21 on!"
S:6 E-- ,.% -her+l -!lvert 4.'&
Bpd!ted 8!n "%%) C S:6 :D "%%4
@ 9hich of the following tr!ns!ction codes is logic!ll+ incorrect<=
A A9!6 change customer master record B Centrally
9 FD03 display customer master record @ Accounting
C C9!- create customer master record B Accounting
9 A9!- create customer master record B Centrally
D : customer credit limit is m!int!ined in which m!ster d!t!
A 9ebt management
9 Credit management
C Customer master data record B Accounting
9 Customer master data record B #ales
. -ustomer m!ster d!t! th!t is v!lid for the entire clientE is stored !t
which level of the customer m!ster record<=
A Company code
; #ales
C Accounting
D eneral
-! 9hich posting 2e+ is used to record customer invoices<=
A 01
; --
C 6-
9 -?
-- -ustomer credit memoAs use which document t+pe<=
; 9>
C 9E
9 90
-6 n the MDE the S+stem must $e configured to record revenue in
the !ppropri!te period. The S:6 procedure to do this is c!lled<=
A The revenue procedure
; The revenue recording procedure
C The revenue recognition procedure
9 #ales recording procedure
- 9hich procedure is used to configure the S:6 S+stem to post
customer invoices to the !ppropri!te !ccounts<=
A Account recording procedure
9 Account determination procedure
C Account procedure
9 Assign accounts procedure
Reproduced with permission for VU BAO6714 sem 1 and 2/21 on!"
S:6 E-- ,.% -her+l -!lvert 4.'(
Bpd!ted 8!n "%%) C S:6 :D "%%4
-: 6!+ment terms %%1' !re=
A 0ayable within -! days F cash discount
9 ;aya.le within 10 days "A cash discount
C 1ithin ! days due net
9 0ayable immediately
-? #unning procedure 1FF# me!ns th!t correspondence is=
A 6 level every wee%
; 6 level every : months
C 7 le)el e)ery 3 wee0s (loans)
9 : level once per month
-/ The DGL reconcili!tion !ccount !tt!ched to customer 4%%%,, is=
A -/!!!!
; -:!!!
C -:!!!-
D 170000
-@ The S:6 user #esmond m!de ! ch!nge to customer 5"&1. 9h!t
field did #esmond ch!nge<= 0:
A Customer name
; 0ayment terms
C 9unning area
9 #ales area
-D 9h!t is the se!rch term of customer BS40eum!ns< >cGcode 5%%%?= 0:
A 39$
; 8#A0"
C Chemical
D A;&
-. -ustomer BS4To+s >cGcode 5%%%? uses which !ccount group<=
A C09
; !!!-
C 28)A
D 8A;&
6! 9h!t document num$er is !ssoci!ted with the p!+ment from
customer 1&)% in 1)), >cGcode 5%%%?<=
A 170000076,
; -:!!!!!!!-
C -!!!!!!@
9 -!!!!!--
Reproduced with permission for VU BAO6714 sem 1 and 2/21 on!"
S:6 E-- ,.% -her+l -!lvert 4.')
Bpd!ted 8!n "%%) C S:6 :D "%%4
6- -onfirming the !v!il!$ilit+ of ordered goods is conducted !t
which st!ge of the s!les !nd distri$ution process<=
A Customer payment
9 $n)entory sourcing
C ;illing
9 #hipping
66 : s!les !re! is ! com$in!tion of=
A (ales organization 2 distri.ution channel 2 di)ision
; #ales organization ( delivering plant ( division
C #ales organization ( delivering plant ( shipping point
9 #ales organization ( distribution channel ( shipping point
6 : division=
A $s used to group materials and2or ser)ices
; $s a means by which materials and(or services reach customers
C Controls shipping activities
9 The location from which materials and(or services are distributed
6: n #ESE the two ch!r!cter identifier of the distri$ution ch!nnel 44
fin!l customer s!les is=
A !!
; -6
C 10
9 -:
6? n St!tus OverviewE the column 9M st!nds for=
A 1arehouse pic% confirmation
; 1arehouse pic% status
C Barehouse management system
9 1arehouse maintenance system
6/ n ! completed s!les process document flowE the l!st document
in the process is=
A Accounting document
; $nvoice
C Credit memo
9 <oods issue

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