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Steady One Dimensional Heat Conduction

Basic Equations

Grid spacing
The use of non-uniform grid is more desirable. A fine grid is required where the variation of the dependent
variable is very less with the independent variables.
A preliminary course grid solutions can be used to find the pattern of the variation of the dependent variable
w.r.t the independent variable. Then a suitable non uniform grid can be constructed. Thus the method should
give physically meaningful solutions even with coarse grids.

Interface Conductivity
Diffusion coefficient is the thermal conductivity here. A linear variation or an harmonic variation can be
considered. Latter is found to be more relating to the physical meaning.

Non Linearity
When the coefficients itself are the functions of the dependent variable, iteration has to be done.
1. Assume values for the dependent variable at all grid points.
2. Substitute them in the coefficients and find the tentative coefficient value.
3. Solve the equations for the better values of the dependent variable.
4. Now substitute them back into the coefficients and continue the process until the values of
dependent variables converge.

Source Term Linearization
Some methods of linearization of the source are-
1. Dumping the whole of the source relation into the Sc and making Sp equal to zero This is
lazy mans approach.
2. Taylor's Expansion of the source can be done This contains the slope of the curve at the
grid point. Hence most recommended.
3. Sp term can be made deliberately or forcefully negative Slow convergence as the slope
becomes more steeper.
Steeper lines are acceptable, but less steep lines are undesirable, as they fail to incorporate the given rate of
fall of S with dependent variable.

Boundary Conditions
Three kinds of Boundary Conditions for heat conduction are-
1. Given boundary Temperature.
2. Given boundary heat flux.
3. Given heat transfer coefficient and temperature of surrounding fluid.
Boundary grid-point is associated with a half control volume as it can be seen below for a one dimentional

For B.C 1 No further equations required.
For B.C 2 Equations are obtained as follows
Now integrating the one-dimensional, steady state, heat conduction equation,

For B.C 3 Equations are as follows,

Solution of Linear Algebraic Equation
Solution of this can be obtained using Gauss - elimination method also called as Thomas algorithm or TDMA
(Tri-diagonal Matrix Algorithm).
Concept -
Matrix consists of non-zero coefficients on three diagonals. Hence first equation is a relation between T1 and
T2. Second relation between T1, T2, T3. Third between T2, T3, T4 and so on. Last is between Tn and Tn-1.
Now find T1 in terms of T2 using first equation and substitute in second equation. Then we get T2 in terms of
T3. Subtitute in third equation and go on. Hence last two equations will have only two unknown variables which
can be solved. Then back substituting the values one by one, we get the required values.

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