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ECOSOC: Millennium
Development Goals
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McNemar, Donald

The research paper treats the eight Millennium Development Goals set by the United Nations in
the year 2000. The United Nations States have agreed to attempt to achieve these goals by the
year 201.
Executive Summary:
There are 6 years 304 days 10 hours 32 minutes 20 seconds to reach the deadline for the
Millennium Development Goals. At the current date there is !reat uncertainty as to "hether the
#$ "ill %e a%le to achieve the !oals %y the set date. At the midpoint for the MDGs set date the
research done on the topic su!!ests that most pro%a%ly they "ill fail on achievin! the !oals %y
the year 201&. $evertheless the efforts that have %een provided for these !oals has %een
enormous and for that reason the attempt "ill not %e considered a failure "hatsoever it "ould
rather %e considered a complete success %ecause of the achievements they "ill have
accomplished at the due date. Thus far many achievements have %een made as you "ill see in
our analysis of the MDGs %elo".
The ei!ht !oals set %y the #$ and 1'( participatin! states out the 1(2 that are currently
enrolled in the #$ all see) an increase in development throu!hout the "orld. The !lo%al aim of
these !oals is to reach a point "here the "orld can %e proud of the increased productivity of
countries "hich no" seems impossi%le "ill ever %e a%le to achieve it and prosperity "ill %e the
conse*uence to follo" after the MDGs have %een achieved %e it %y 201& or later.
The Millennium Development Goals +MDGs, are ei!ht !oals "hich "ere created %y 1'(
participatin! states of the #nited $ations at the %e!innin! of the year 2000. The participatin!
states have a!reed to try to achieve these !oals %y the year 201&. The !oals e-pected to %e
achieved are. to eradicate e-treme poverty and hun!er achieve universal primary education
promote !ender e*uality and empo"er "omen reduce child mortality improve maternal health
com%at /012A0D3 malaria and other diseases ensure environmental sustaina%ility and finally to
develop a !lo%al partnership for development. These 1'( states and the mem%er or!ani4ations of
the #nited $ations "ill %e the )ey contri%utors to allocate the resources need to achieve these
ei!ht !oals.
After careful research on the ei!ht MDGs "e have found si!nificant information
re!ardin! the current situations of each !oal the achievements thus far and the pro%lems
encountered in tryin! to successfully achieve them. 5e "ill provide specific actions that have
and are currently ta)in! place. Additionally6 0 "ill e-amine the historical %ac)!round on ho" the
participatin! states came up "ith these specific !oals. 5e "ill list #$ resolutions that had an
impact re!ardin! the issue and the recent developments of each !oal. 7urthermore "e "ill
e-amine countries actively involved in the pro!ress of these !oals and their current positions on
the issues includin! the help provided %y participatin! states. To conclude "e "ill address
potential actions that the #$ can carry out in order to achieve these !oals %y the tar!et date.
Current Situation/Actions Taken:
The #nited $ations and the participatin! states have listed the MDGs in order of importance.
The first !oal of the #nited $ations is to eradicate e-treme poverty and hun!er. They "ant to
achieve t"o tar!ets first they "ant to reduce %y one half from 1((0 to 201& the num%ers of
people that live on an income of less than one dollar a day6 and the num%er of people that suffer
from hun!er.
Many countries of su%83aharan Africa have %een e-periencin! and increase in rice
production thus allo"in! farmers "ho used to live on an income of less than one dollar a day to
produce enou!h rice to feed their families and %e a%le to ma)e profit in the mar)et creatin! an
increase in their income and allo"in! them to afford commodities.
This "as made possi%le %y
the creation of $9:0;A $e" :ice of Africa +A hy%rid %et"een the Asian and the African
:ice,. This rice is special in that it has <hi!her yield shorter !ro"th duration resistance to local
stresses and hi!her protein content than traditional rice varieties.=
This special rice "as created
%y an or!ani4ation called 5A:DA "hich is assisted %y three supportin! or!ani4ations of the #$
"hich are the #$D> the 7A? and the 9;A.
Much pro!ress has %een done and further studies
are %ein! esta%lished in order to develop more a!ricultural advances "hich "ill yield positive
results as "e have seen "ith the creation of $9:0;A.
0mprovement sho"s that %et"een 1((& and 2004 in $epal poverty dropped from 42@ to an
actual poverty rate of less than 2'@ of the population. /o"ever it is still the $epalese
!overnmentAs first priority to reduce this num%er even lo"er. Alon! "ith the #$D> the
$epalese !overnment has %een a%le to allocate micro8credit loans to individuals "ith
entrepreneurial s)ills "ho other"ise "ouldnAt %e a%le to o%tain a loan. The reason for doin! this
is that ne" small %usinesses allo" for %etter livin! conditions and lo"er the poverty rates.
Amon!st these types of %usinesses a 23 year old operates a mushroom farm in the %asement of
his home. The Microenterprise Development >ro!ram strives to mar)et these products in order to
increase small %usiness productivity.

The second !oal of the MDGs is to achieve universal primary education for this !oal the #$
has one )ey o%Dective6 they "ant children all around the "orld male and female to %e a%le to
complete a full primary education course. This has %een an on!oin! proDect over the years "here
the enrollment in primary education has risen as "e can see in current e-amples. 0n Ghana from
2004 to 200& enrollment in primary education increased from 4.2 million to &.4 million
nation"ide includin! the most rundo"n nei!h%orhoods. Eefore the year 2004 it "as almost
impossi%le for lo" income families to afford primary education for their children %ecause the
school fees and all other costs such as uniforms and %oo)s composed more than one *uarter of
their income. This "as a very hi!h cost considerin! that many of these families live on less than
one dollar a day. The "ay they "ere a%le to increase enrollment %y such drastic num%ers "as
%ecause they eliminated the school fees. This "as also done in Fenya "here the num%ers "ere
even hi!her includin! a 1.2 million increase in 2003 clim%in! to a si!nificant G.2 %y 2004.This
method of eliminatin! school fees has cau!ht the attention of many or!ani4ations supported %y
the #$ as is the case of #$0;97 the 5orld Ean) #3A0D and other contri%utin! associations
"hich are "or)in! on a </o" to= !uide to achieve enrollment in primary education for
developin! countries.
;ountries in 3outh America and the ;ari%%ean have also %een tryin! to decrease the
apparent effect of poor education. These countries have opted to use !overnment funds in order
to provide more afforda%le education for their poorest communities. Althou!h this effort has
%een a complete success in some countries +Ar!entina Era4il ;u%a Hamaica Me-ico >anama
Trinidad and To%a!o and #ru!uay, "ho "ill %e a%le to attain the MDGs %y 201&6
others have a
had a rou!h ride as "e see in the case of /aiti "here #$ a!encies and $G?As had to ta)e action
and ma)e su%stantial monetary contri%utions "hich included providin! trainin! for teachers
materials and supplies for 33 schools. This effort helped 4300 children "ho "erenAt a%le to !o to
school due to the costs of school materials and supplies. Than)s to these or!ani4ations as "ell as
sponsors such as the #$D> and soccer players li)e :onaldo and Iidane these children can no"
ta)e advanta!e of a complete primary education.
0n addition many Jatin American and
;ari%%ean nations donAt seem to %e in a !ood trac) to meet the MDGs. A research done %y
#$93;? and the 9conomic ;ommission for Jatin America and the ;ari%%ean +9;JA;, found
that 12 out of the 22 countries conformin! the re!ion "ill not %e a%le to achieve the !oal %y year
201& "ith !overnment funds only they "ill re*uire e-ternal aid so far the #$ is investi!atin!
efficient "ays to approach these countries.
The third !oal of the MDGs is to promote !ender e*uality and empo"er "omen. The
MDGs "ould li)e "omen to have the opportunity to have %oth primary and secondary education
%y 200& and have all levels of education %y 201&. 0n order to tac)le this issue "orld"ide the #$
has %rou!ht to!ether a !roup of or!ani4ations such as the #$D> the #$079M and the #$;D7
in order to create !ender e*uality in local development and %etter access to resources and
services for "omen. The pro!ram is currently %ein! implemented in five of AfricaAs less
developed countries "ith an aim of providin! !ender responsive plannin! %ud!etin!
implementation monitorin! and evaluation. The "ay they are promotin! this is %y increasin!
>ro*uest 8 1
>ro*uest 8 1
"omen participation in local !overnments such that their opinions on local issues are addressed
e*uita%ly as the ones addressed %y male counterparts.
A !ood e-ample of these measures came
"ith the recent elections for >residency and parliament in :"anda. 7or the first time in the
history of the country free and fair elections "ere held6 the referendum for a ne" constitution
contained the hi!hest num%er of "omen allo"ed in parliament in any country in the "hole
"orld. $o" in :"anda there is a minimum of 30 parliamentary seats for "omen meanin! that
the #$D> and other or!ani4ations have %een successful in promotin! "omen e*uality.
;hild mortality is the fourth Millennium Development Goal. The tar!et for this !oal is to
reduce the under8five child mortality rate %y t"o thirds from 1((0 to 201&. The primary cause of
child mortality in developin! and underdeveloped countries is diseases such as tetanus malaria
and measles. The reason "hy these diseases are affectin! these individuals is %ecause they come
from lo" income families that cannot afford these common vaccines or medical assistance for
affected children.
?ne of the nations that has %een a focus for the #$ and the participatin! countries
re!ardin! child mortality is Eurundi "hich after a civil "ar "as infected %y malaria in most of
the territory of the country from areas "here it "as a common disease to areas "here malaria
had not %een e-posed %efore. The people livin! in the areas "hich hadnAt %een e-posed "ere
more vulnera%le to die from the disease %ecause they had not ac*uired protection. Durin! this
period malaria struc) affected more than half of the population of Eurundi. 0n efforts to reduce
child mortality caused %y malaria the !overnment alon! "ith a!encies such as 9;/? the
9uropean ;ommissionAs /umanitarian Aid ?ffice and #$0;97 chan!ed the dru! policy in 2003
in order to implement prevention and treatment of the disease. The !overnment has provided
%oth insecticides as a method of prevention and in case that fails they also have medicines
readily availa%le for medical treatment to help save childrenAs lives.
0mprovin! maternal health is the ne-t Millennium Development Goal. The #nited
$ationsA tar!et for this !oal is to reduce %y three *uarters the maternal mortality ratio from 1((0
to 201&. The main issue relatin! this !oal is to end 7istula "hich is the rupture in the %irth canal
"hich is common "hen there is a lon! lastin! and o%structin! %irth. ?ften after this rupture
"omen end up incontinent lonely and unenthusiastic. #sually 7istula can %e treated in nine out
of ten "omen yet in some countries the inefficiency of medical healthcare and the lac) of access
leave these "omen untreated and therefore e-posed to death in most of the cases.
The Department for 0nternational Development +D70D, is tryin! to improve maternal
health %y helpin! "omen durin! their pre!nancies or durin! la%our sta!es to see) medical
assistance either %y a mid"ife or a doctor. They are also providin! information for "omen on
ho" to prevent pre!nancy "hen they canAt afford it and ho" to %ecome pre!nant "hen they "ant
to. The D70D has made pro!ress durin! the last three years %y providin! successful pro!rams
"hich has increased maternal health %y 34@. 7unds contri%uted for the pro!ram come from
or!ani4ations such as the #$ >opulation 7und and the 5orld /ealth ?r!ani4ation +5/?,. 0n
addition pro!ress "ill only %e made in this !oal "hen improvements in areas such as lo" status
of "omen poor nutrition and %etter education6 are made.
The si-th !oal in the Millennium Development Goals is to com%at /012A0D3 Malaria
and other diseases. 7or this !oal the #$ has come up "ith t"o tar!ets they "ant to have halted
%y the year 201& the spread of /012A0D3 and started to cut do"n on the num%er of infected
individuals6 and have halted and started to cut do"n on the spread of Malaria and other maDor
diseases. The main reason "hy the #$ and participatin! countries came up "ith this !oal can %e
summari4ed "ith the follo"in! *uote </ealth is a value in itself. Eut health also enhances
learnin! increases productivity prompts !ro"th and reduces poverty=.
The previous statement
clearly states "hy the importance of health can help achieve other !oals and hence improve our
A!encies of the #nited $ations such as the #$D> and #$A0D3 have partnered "ith
other or!ani4ations li)e the 3panish A!ency for 0nternational ;ooperation in order to create a
ne" plan for fi!htin! /012A0D3 in 9cuador. These a!encies %elieved that the plan recently
launched in 200G needed some restructurin! if they "anted to meet the MDGs %y 201&. The ne"
plan is %oth concerned in prevention and intervention. They "ant to prevent the !eneral
population from %ein! e-posed to the disease and in the other hand they "ant to intervene in
specific !roups "hich have a hi!h8ris) of !ettin! the disease and2or spreadin! it. #$079M has
also underta)en a maDor part in the effort to prevent the disease from spreadin! %y providin!
information a%out "omen and their vulnera%ility of o%tainin! the disease. The #$D> alon! "ith
the 9*uatorial !overnment have %een "or)in! on A0D3 policies "hich include the testin! and
counselin! for infected individuals in the society.
Ji)e"ise similar efforts are %ein! made around the "orld focusin! on the 3u%83aharan
population "hich has %een more affected than others "ith re!ard to these maDor diseases. 0n this
attempt the !overnment of Mo4am%i*ue "ith help provided %y the 5/? has %een actively
involved in providin! insecticide8treated nets that are %ein! distri%uted free of char!e to tar!eted
4ones of the population "here hi!h ris) of Malaria infections is %ein! recorded. Also education
a%out the diseases is %ein! provided to individuals in the communities such that health measures
>ro*uest L 2
are ta)en on an individual %asis. These types of efforts "ill help on haltin! the spread of these
maDor diseases %y the year 201&.
9nsure environmental sustaina%ility ma)es up the seventh tar!et !oal set %y the MDG.
The tar!et o%Dective of this !oal is to improve overall health of the environment %y providin!
sanitation pota%le "ater and a clean atmosphere. The !oals is to create policies and principals
that "ill rescue and restore the loss of environmental resources to cut %y one half the amount of
people "ho currently do not have clean pota%le "ater %y 201& and %y 2020 improve the livin!
conditions of a%out 100 million slum d"ellers +http.22""".md!monitor.or!2!oalG.cfm,.
;urrently the most affected demo!raphic %y these environmental issues are the poor and poor
countries. 0n many of these developin! countries environmental resources play an important role
in sustaina%ility. Many are dependent on natural resources such as <tim%er a!ricultural crops
fuel and minerals for their livelihoods and for economic !ro"th.=
0t is crucial for the economic
!ro"th and health of the people of these countries to have a clean environmental condition.
;urrently the #nited Fin!dom alon! "ith the >artners of 5ater and 3anitations
+>A53, that is composed %y different or!ani4ations such as en!ineerin! companies la" firms
"ater companies and $G?s are contri%utin! to the improvements of "ater in Africa. 0n 2006
thousands of Africans had access to pota%le "ater. ?ther achievements of these or!ani4ations
headed %y the #F "ere . <the improvement of "ater in over &0 to"ns in #!anda the
development of strate!ies that allo"s for more effective "ater and sanitation services in 3outh
Africa the t"innin! scheme "hich has e-tended the provision of customer care to 3&0 000
people in Iululand and uThun!ulu the esta%lishment of "ater consumer associations in three
small to"ns in Eenue 3tate $i!eria and finally supportin! the development of "ater *uality
strate!y in Eenue 3tate "hich is no" improvin! the "ater sanitation for 340000 people.=

The last Millennium Development Goal is to develop a !lo%al partnership for development
and one that "raps up all of the previous ones in that it calls for countries to unite for a sin!le
cause development. The "ord development can %e seen from different points of vie"s %ut
al"ays in the conte-t of !oin! for"ard and improvin!. The tar!ets set %y the #$ for this !oal
are6 to develop fair and open tradin! and financial systems "ith no corruption development and
poverty reduction6 to address the special need of the less developed countries6 to address the
special needs of landloc)ed developin! countries and small island developin! states6 to deal
comprehensively "ith the de%t pro%lems of developin! countries in order to ma)e de%t
sustaina%le in the lon! term6 in coordination "ith developin! countries develop and create
strate!ies for decent and productive "or) for youth6 in coordination "ith pharmaceutical
companies provide access to afforda%le essential dru!s in developin! countries6 and finally in
coordination "ith the private sector ma)e availa%le the %enefits of ne" technolo!ies.
Thus far success has %een made in the issue amon!st the current events "e find that the
#$D> in an effort to eradicate poverty and ma)e services availa%le to the "orst off in areas
"here these services donAt reach national and multinational companies have participated in
e-tendin! their services to these individuals. 0n Fenya for e-ample the #$D> has %een a%le to
set up 10 partnership proDects. The aim of these proDects is to e-pand %usiness possi%ilities
around the country. Amon!st these proDects there "as the proDect of a Duice ma)er "ho used to
import the concentrates for his man!o Duice from other countries. /o"ever Fenya is one of the
main producers of man!o the pro%lem is that due to poor harvestin! these man!oes are rotten
>ro*uest 8 3
and not eata%le. The #$D> encoura!ed many farmers to harvest their man!oes and no" the
Duice ma)er imports his man!o concentrates from these farmers thus cuttin! on losses from trade
%arriers and also creatin! a %usiness opportunity for the farmers. <FenyaMs 10 Gro"in!
3ustaina%le Eusiness initiative proDects are e-pected to !enerate over #3NG0 million in
additional revenues and create thousands of Do%s reachin! an estimated 42000 %eneficiaries.=
Historical Background on the Issue:
The #$ is an or!ani4ation that strives to improve !lo%al issues. The Millennium
Development Goals "ere commissioned in 2002 in order to %e a%le to address the on!oin!
pro%lems of poverty hun!er and disease around the !lo%e. Ey 200& after research and
development a %ody of advisors su%mitted a Millennium >roDect report "ith recommendations on
actions that could %e ta)en to reduce and eliminate poverty hun!er and disease. Many
improvements have %een made %et"een 1((0 and 2002 avera!e incomes increased %y 21@
overall poverty declined %y 130 million increases in life e-pectancy increased to 6&years and
child mortality rate decreased additionally '@ of the "orlds developin! nations received pota%le
"ater and a 1&@ increase in sanitary conditions. Althou!h all of the !oals have %een addressed
there has %een no uniformity across the nationAs improvements and !oals. ?ne of the countries
"ith e-treme necessity is su%83ahara Africa. ?n the other hand Asia is one of the countries "ith
the most pro!ress yet there is still much poverty in the country. ?ther re!ions "hich include
Jatin America the Middle 9ast and $orth Africa have had slo" %ut continuous pro!ress.

The MDGs play an important role in the #$As mission. 0n order for the #$ to provide
support and help to their impoverished nations it has developed special pro!rams that provide
support. ?ne of the #$As most si!nificant pro!rams is the #nited $ations Development >ro!ram
+#$D>, "hich in itself includes many or!ani4ations that are involved in promotin! and
improvin! a ran!e of !lo%al issues. Amon!st them are the 5orld /ealth ?r!ani4ation
#$A0D3 Glo%al 7und to fi!ht A0D3 Tu%erculosis and Malaria. #nder the same development
um%rella the #$ also has promoted human development throu!h other or!ani4ations that provide
funds such as the 0nternational Monetary 7und +0M7, and the 5orld Ean) Group.
The #$ is an or!ani4ation that strives to improve !lo%al issues. The MDGs play an
important role in the #$As mission. The MDGAs are important for the overall improvement of the
!lo%al community. 9ach of these ei!ht !oals are all inter related. Ey successfully improvin!
these !oals "e can achieve !lo%al sta%ility and reduce poverty and death. ?ne of the pro!rams
that have contri%uted to the resolution of these ei!ht pro%lems is the #nited $ations
Development >ro!ram +#$D>, "hich includes many or!ani4ations that help in promotin! and
developin! strate!ies as "ell as funds to improve !lo%al issues. ?r!ani4ations that ma)e part of
the #$D> are. the 5orld /ealth ?r!ani4ation +5/?, #$A0D3 Glo%al 7und to fi!ht A0D3
Tu%erculosis and Malaria 0nternational Monetary 7und +0M7, and the 5orld Ean) Group.
Country Positions:
Amon!st the countries that are re*uired to achieve the most have the lar!est tar!ets to reach
and are the ones of most concern %ecause of their lac) of development or their very slo"
development are the 3u%83aharan African countries. 5e include them all %ecause each of them
has a su%stantial role in the pro!ress and achievements of the MDGs. All of these countries are
committed and actively "or)in! on some or all of the !oals presented %y the #$ and
participatin! countries. They have a !lo%al responsi%ility to "or) as hard as they can "ith #$
support or!ani4ations and other $G?s in order to achieve ma-imum development. $evertheless
their stron! efforts and their commitment to improve and develop donAt seem to %e in trac) on
the midpoint on achievin! the MDGs as stated in an article released %y the #$ "ith the purpose
of providin! an update for 200G of Africa and the Millennium Development Goals. <At the
mid"ay point %et"een their adoption in 2000 and the 201& tar!et date for achievin! the
Millennium Development Goals su%83aharan Africa is not on trac) to achieve any of the Goals.
Althou!h there have %een maDor !ains in several areas and the Goals remain achieva%le in most
African nations even the %est !overned countries on the continent have not %een a%le to ma)e
sufficient pro!ress in reducin! e-treme poverty in its many forms.=

?n the other side of the spectrum is the #nited 3tates one of the fe" countries that is not
havin! to %attle "ith these e-treme conditions. Althou!h they are not directly affected %y these
e-treme conditions the #nited 3tates is active in tryin! to raise funds throu!h or!ani4ations such
as the #nited Methodist ;hurch and the Jutheran 5orld Movement. ;urrently the #.3 is tryin!
to raise around N200 million in order to %attle malaria in Africa.
Alon! "ith the #nited 3tates
the #nited Fin!dom is "or)in! hard to provide its support in contri%utin! to the achievement of
the MDGs. 0n order to achieve the MDGs %y 201& the #F has distri%uted (03 million pounds to
tar!et income poverty and hun!er they are donatin! this money throu!h the D70D. They have
also committed to donate 412 million pounds throu!h the D70D to promote primary education.
They have also donate 2(G million pounds to empo"er "omen 46& million pounds to reduce
child mortality 324 million pounds to improve maternal health &2& million pounds to reduce
/012A0D3 and malaria and finally 60& million pounds to promote environmental sta%ility.
0t is evident that many countries that are dealin! "ith these !lo%al issues directly are
tryin! to ma)e as much improvements as possi%le. The %est e-ample is Africa "hich is "or)in!
alon! "ith different or!ani4ations. At the same time "e can see ho" nations that are not directly
affected are "or)in! hard to provide support to these impoverished countries. The %est e-ample
is the #nited Fin!dom that alon! "ith the D70D is donatin! millions of pounds in an effort to
com%at these issues %efore 201&.
Potential Current Actions:
As stated earlier on the paper the #nited $ations throu!h most of the or!ani4ations they
represent and in accordance "ith the participatin! states have made !reat successes to"ards the
Millennium Development Goals that they had set at the Millennium 3ummit in 2000. 5e have
seen particular current actions that have %een ta)en to"ards achievin! each one of the !oals they
have set "ith their specific tar!ets. $evertheless there is a !reat chance that they "ill not %e a%le
to achieve all their !oals %ut they "ill have made vast achievements that they should %e proud of
and also try to maintain and continue "or)in! to achieve them even thou!h the date catches up
on them.
Disre!ardin! the fact that they mi!ht not ma)e the MDGs %y the e-pected date there are still
many actions that can %e ta)en to )eep on aimin! for their tar!et of pursuin! all these !oals %y
the year 201&. Amon!st the potential current actions that can %e underta)en %y the #nited
$ations is to )eep on providin! aid on a day to day %asis to those countries that are fi!htin!
poverty. To )eep on raisin! funds from those countries to "hich the effect is not direct %ut rather
indirect as is the case of the #nited 3tates and the #nited Fin!dom amon!st others.
Another potential current action that the #$ should underta)e is to )eep providin! the funds
throu!h the 5orld Ean) and other or!ani4ations to countries such that they "ill %e a%le to
provide a pu%lic primary education. 0f !overnments provide free education the !oal of achievin!
universal primary education "ill %ecome much easier %ecause as "e have seen from previous
e-amples in Africa the techni*ue "or)s in places "here people "ith lo" income canAt afford the
%asic of an education for their child. A lac) of education "ill also result in more poverty %ecause
less educated people "ill find it harder to search for Do%s and thus "onAt %e a%le to produce the
%are minimum to survive.
:e!ardin! the third MDG concerned "ith !ender e*uality and empo"erment of "omen 0
%elieve that the #$ could tar!et those places "here !ender discrimination ta)es place the most.
Amon!st those places are most of the Ara% countries "here "omen are restrained from
achievin! very fe" if any position in the !overnment. Ey tac)lin! those countries first if they
are successful they "ill %e a%le to create an e-ample for the rest of the countries "here the
pro%lem persists and ma)e the population a"are of such issues.
0n order to reduce child mortality potential current actions that can %e ta)en re!ard improvin!
health services in many countries. Alon! "ith the 5orld /ealth ?r!ani4ation and #$0;97 the
#$ could "or) in accordance "ith pharmaceutical companies in order to provide more
afforda%le healthcare in order to %e a%le to vaccinate children from maDor diseases and also %e
a%le to cure them in the case they !et them. This current action has a hi!h correlation "ith !oal
num%er five and num%er si- aimin! improve maternal health and com%at /012A0D3 malaria
and other diseases as these are some of the maDor causes of child mortality they also affect a vast
amount of the adult population as "ell.
The seventh !oal that for "hich there are potential current actions that can %e ta)en is
re!ardin! environmental sustaina%ility. The #$ could %e!in %y "or)in! "ith local !overnments
in order to create necessary re!ulations for %usiness developments and create a concern in the
!eneral population %y educatin! them on the %enefits of !oin! !reen and stayin! !reen. Ey doin!
this not only "ill re!ulations enforce companies to adapt to environmental sustaina%ility %ut
they "ill also "ant to do it %ecause it is "hat their customers re*uire from them.
0n "hat re!ards the last !oal a%out a !lo%al partnership for development the #$ should
emphasi4e the necessity of peace in the "orld and easier trade %arriers for developin! countries.
The #$ should try to ma)e countries "or) "ith one another in order to create a friendlier
environment in "hich development is supported %y nei!h%or countries or countries "ith the
necessary tools for development to occur such as economic %ase and technolo!ical advance as
"ell as all other aspects for development.
The fact that they donAt reach the MDGs %y the set date "ill not mean that they donAt deliver
on their promises the set !oals have a very hi!h e-pectancy rate and it "ould %e completely
understanda%le if they donAt reach them. Also their efforts "ill not have %een in vain %ecause
they already have ta)en the initiative and !iven the countries in need the tools to )eep on
"or)in! on the !oals.
Suggested eadings:
The Millennium >roDect. A plan for meetin! the Millennium Development Goals. The
Jancet 1olume 36& 0ssue (4&6 >a!es 34G83&3. H. 3achs H. McArthur
o :ead this in order to !et an idea of the reasons "hy the #$ came up "ith the
MDGs and "hat they "ant to achieve also "hat they have done so far.
>opulation /ealth and Development in Ghana. Attainin! the Millennium Development
Goals %y ;hu)s H. M%a +9ditor, 3tephen ?. F"an)ye +9ditor,
o 0n this %oo) you "ill find that the policy ma)ers and the scholars "ho "rote it
reflect on the achievements they have made a%out !oals re!ardin! population and
health in Ghana.
Millennium Development Goals The. A Jatin American and ;ari%%ean >erspective
%y #nited $ations +Author,
o This report addresses an in8depth analysis of "hat the MDGs are and "hat they
hope to achieve. $otice that the report "as "ritten %y the #$ so the information
provided is very concrete.
Tar!etin! Development. ;ritical >erspectives on the Millennium Development Goals
+:outled!e 3tudies in Development 9conomics,
%y :ichard Elac) +Author,
o The te-t mainly refers to Development as a "hole %ut then emphasi4es on ho"
the MDGs promote development and it also loo)s into !oal num%er ei!ht "hich is
to develop a !lo%al partnership for development.
Achievin! the millennium development !oals %y :ooy Media. 2006 Ovideorecordin!
The Millennium >roDect. A plan for meetin! the Millennium Development Goals. The
Jancet 1olume 36& 0ssue (4&6 >a!es 34G83&3. H. 3achs H. McArthur
>ro*uest L 1 Education#$atin America: Another $ost %ecade& Diana Cariboni.
'lo!al In(ormation )et*ork. $e" Qor). Hul 2 2004. p!. 1
>ro*uest L 2 S"ecial re"ort: +H, %irector#'eneral candidates- res"onses to The
$ancet-s .uestionnaire Pascoal Mocumbi Peter Piot Julio Frenk Mora Awa Maria
Coll-Seck et al. The $ancet. Jondon. Han 1' 2003. 1ol. 361 0ss. (3&36 p!. 231 ' p!s
>ro*uest L 3 /0 'overnment: Im"roving *ater and sanitation (or A(rica # /0
"artnershi" turns *ords into action on millennium develo"ment goals1 234 56 Press
*ire. ;oventry. Hul 2' 2006. p!. 1
A""endix 7esolutions8
5illennium %eclaration 699:

The #$ General Assem%ly +GA, convened on 6 April and adopted the resolution decidin! to
convene a /i!h Jevel Meetin! in $e" Qor) in 200& as a follo"8up to the outcome of the
Millennium 3ummit in 2000.
The maDor event in 200& "ill %e responsi%le for the follo"in!.
a, revie" of the pro!ress made in the fulfillment of all commitments contained in the
5illennium %eclaration
%, revie" of pro!ress made in fulfillment of the internationally a!reed development !oals and the
!lo%al partnership re*uired for their achievement
c, revie" of pro!ress made in the inte!rated and coordinated implementation of the outcomes
and commitments of the maDor #$ conferences and summits in the economic social and related
The General Assem%ly has re*uested the 3ecretary General to su%mit to the ne-t session of the
GA +3eptem%er 2004, a report on su!!ested modalities format and or!ani4ation of this maDor
event. The >resident of the General Assem%ly is e-pected to carry out open8ended consultations
in this re!ard.
A num%er of Mem%er 3tates too) the floor %efore adoptin! this resolution "hich has %een the
su%Dect of intense ne!otiations for several months.
$e" Iealand on %ehalf of Australia ;anada and $e" Iealand e-pressed concern that the event
is not !iven the responsi%ility to reaffirm previously a!reed outcomes. $e" Iealand said it "as
essential that the 200& meetin! focus s*uarely on the *uestion of implementation and said the
event should also ta)e into account the findin!s of the 3ecretary GeneralMs /i!h Jevel >anel on
Threats ;hallen!es and ;han!e.
0reland on %ehalf of the 9uropean #nion said the 9# "as ready to ma)e a su%stantive
contri%ution to the event that "ill conduct a stoc)ta)in! of pro!ress made in implementin! the
Millennium Declaration and achievement of the Millennium Development Goals +MDGs,. The
9# said on 2G April 9# Development Ministers invited the 9uropean ;ommission to ta)e
for"ard "or) on the preparation and coordination of a consolidated 9# contri%ution to the
international stoc)ta)in! of the MDGs. 0t is e-pected that a synthesis report prepared %y the
9uropean ;ommission "ould %e su%mitted to the 9# Development Ministers no later than April
Hapan said the event is the opportune moment to discuss #$ reform matters particularly reform
of the 3ecurity ;ouncil. 0t is an important component of the Millennium Declaration Hapan said
and should %e a le!itimate focus of the discussion ne-t year.
3"it4erland ;roatia and $or"ay raised concerns over the inade*uate level of transparency
involved in these monthsA lon! ne!otiations and ur!ed that the process !oin! for"ard should %e
truly open8ended to include all interested dele!ations.
Ratar on %ehalf of the G8GG and ;hina supported the resolution.
5hile no schedule has %een set it is e-pected that the >resident of the General Assem%ly "ill
%e!in related consultations in the near future.
7or %ac)!round information on the Millennium Declaration and MDGs please use the follo"in!
lin). http.22""".un8n!ls.or!2millenniumKdevelopmentK!oals.htm
3incerely yours
The resolution addresses the opinions of the different countries on "hat they %elieve
a%out the MDGs. $e" Iealand e-presses that they should meet in 200& to spea) a%out the
pro!ress made. 0reland representin! the 9# !ives complete support in "hatever they can do to
help achieve the MDGs. Hapan says that they should focus on the ne-t year. 3"it4erland ;roatia
and $or"ay "ere concerned on pro%lems "ith transparency.
esolution ;< # Policy
0. Title Millennium Development Goals and the Diocese of $e" /ampshire
00. Author. The :ev. :andolph F. Dales
000. 0ntent. To follo" up on the actions of the 2004 diocesan convention and the 2006 General
;onvention to continue support for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals
+D022, as a priority for the Diocese of $e" /ampshire
BE IT ES,$=E% that the 204th Annual ;onvention of the 9piscopal Diocese of $e"
/ampshire reaffirm the commitment of the 202nd ;onvention to affirm and em%race the
Millennium Development Goals to.
9radicate e-treme poverty and hun!er
Achieve universal primary education
>romote !ender e*uality and empo"er "omen
:educe child mortality
0mprove maternal health
;om%at /01 and A0D3 malaria and other diseases
9nsure environmental sustaina%ility and
;reate a !lo%al partnership for development "ith a focus on de%t aid and trade6
and strive to fulfill the 202nd ;onventionMs commitment of !ivin! 0.G@ of the annual Diocese
Eud!et and !ivin! 0.G@ of the income from one of the Diocesan 9ndo"ment 7unds %y the
Trustees of the Diocese to fund international development pro!rams6 and
BE IT >/THE ES,$=E%? that the diocese Doin "ith the G&th General ;onvention +2006,
in ur!in! each con!re!ation and parishioner to commit to 0.G@ !ivin! to"ard these !oals %y Huly
G 200G +0G20G20G,6 and
BE IT >/THE ES,$=E% that the %ishop %e re*uested to desi!nate the Jast 3unday
after >entecost or such days as may %e desi!nated ecumenically for commendation of the
MDGs as a special time of prayer fastin! and !ivin! in the 9piscopal ;hurch to"ard !lo%al
reconciliation and the Millennium Development Goals6 and
BE IT >/THE ES,$=E% this 204th Annual ;onvention endorse SThe ?$9
;ampai!nS the #.3. movement for the MDGs throu!h The 9piscopal ;hurchMs S?$9
9piscopalianS campai!n callin! on all con!re!ations and individuals to Doin the ?$9
9piscopalian campai!n6 and pu%licly endorse The ?$9 ;ampai!nMs call for the #nited 3tates
!overnment to annually spend an additional one percent of its %ud!et to com%at !lo%al poverty
and to %e active advocates for the achievement of this "or)6 and
BE IT >/THE ES,$=E%, that the bishop be encouraged to appoint a committee or task
force to support and encourage the fulfillment of this commitment in the diocese.
01. :ationale. The General convention of the 9piscopal ;hurch esta%lished the Millennium
Development Goals as first mission priority for this comin! triennium and there has %een
"idespread adoption of 0.G@ !ivin! for the implementation of those !oals %y dioceses
con!re!ations and individuals. This resolution see)s to continue and enhance the "or) of
achievin! those !oals and additionally it calls upon $e" /ampshire 9piscopalians to support
the ?$9 9piscopalian ;ampai!n in ur!in! the #3 !overnment to add one percent to its annual
%ud!et to com%at !lo%al poverty.
1. >lan of Action. The tas) force2committee appointed %y the %ishop "ill assist con!re!ations in
their education and advocacy for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals as "ell
as ma)in! recommendations to the Diocesan ;ouncil concernin! allocation of 0.G percent !ivin!
to implement those !oals.
10. >roDected ;osts. Any costs for materials mailin! or copyin! are e-pected to %e minimal and
can %e funded throu!h e-istin! resources of the /uman $eeds ;onsultation.
100. Accounta%ility. The tas) force2committee "ill report to Diocesan ;ouncil and throu!h
council to Diocesan ;onvention. ;on!re!ations "ill %e as)ed to include reports of 0.G@ !ivin!
in their Annual >arish :eport su%mitted to the %ishop alon! "ith the >arochial :eport.
The resolution addresses the support of the 9piscopal ;hurch "ith the MDGs. 0t says that
the 9piscopal ;hurch is "illin! to %e actively involved in contri%utin! "hatever they can for the
success of achievin! the MDGs %y the year 201&.

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