Perfecting Your Voice Tone

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Brad P.

The 30/30 Club
Month 3: Presence
Perfecting Your Voice Tone
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Brad P. Presents:
The 30/30 Club
Table of Contents
How to Learn Voice Tone.................................................................................................3
General Tips.......................................................................................................................4
Different Types of Voices.................................................................................................6
For Special Problems.......................................................................................................
!"tra Help...........................................................................................................................
#eal Pic$%p &%'io.............................................................................................................
(f yo% only 'o )*! TH(*G..............................................................................................+,
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Brad P. Presents:
The 30/30 Club
How to Learn Voice Tone
For most guys, it's a good idea to focus on voice for the about a month, make it a habit, then forget about it so it doesn't become a
distraction. Form the right habits and let them guide you.
In the beginning, you will have to focus on your voice. You will lose some of your ability to focus on conversations during this
time period, but don't sweat it too much. It's all part of the learning process. Build good vocal habits now, and you'll be able to
focus on listening and responding to women in conversations later.
This month, it's more important for you to learn the proper techniue than to get any one woman in particular. !o view your
approaches and interactions as practice. You are practicing your intangibles" voice tone and body language.
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Brad P. Presents:
The 30/30 Club
General Tips
Lose the accent# $nless women are specifically telling you they love your accent, it's probably hurting you. In %merica, for
e&ample, women are attracted to %merican and 'uropean accents. (ost other accents will be a turn off. )hy* Because non#
'uropean accents are associated with +rd world countries and people of lower social and economic status. !tereotyping plays a
huge role in your success with women when you do cold approaches. I'm not saying it's right or it's fair, I'm ,ust trying to tell you
what's going to get you the best results. If you have a heavy accent it will stop many other parts of your game from improving.
-andle this %!%. so it doesn't stunt your development.
Slow it down- This is one of the simplest ways to improve the sound of your voice. !peaking slowly makes it much easier for
people to understand you, and it shows that you are rela&ed and in control.
/isten to any powerful person speak and you will notice that they speak more slowly than people who are less powerful. For
e&ample, in an office setting, the bosses usually speak slowly and rela& while they speak. The lower workers speak uickly and
franticly. They're not sure if people are going to be willing to take the time to hear them out. 0on't make that mistake yourself.
Make a melody# There's more to conversation than ,ust words and sentences. 'very sentence you say is like a miniature song.
There's actually melody to the way people talk. )omen respond to melody in your speech patterns, so be sure you're making a
Be e!ressi"e# 1ary your tone. 1ary your melody. 1ary the pace and timing. '&aggerate the emotions in your voice at times.
)hen you first meet people sometimes you have to make the emotions obvious. 0on't be afraid to really spell it out.
#ali$rate your "olume- !ure, it sounds obvious, but there are plenty of guys who don't get the right volume for the setting they're
in. If you're in a book store, keep it down and use a more intimate tone. If you're in a bar or club you'll have to talk loud.
2'%//Y /3$0. 3ne common voice mistake is to underestimate the volume needed in bars and clubs.
%nunciate- If women can't understand what you're saying, they'll usually ,ust re,ect you immediately and there's not much that can
be done to change this. !o enunciation is very important. Be sure that the consonants in your words can be heard and it's not ,ust a
series of vowels. !low the pace a bit if necessary.
.ay particular attention the the 4final consonants.4 That's the consonant sound that is at the end of a word. 5eT iT* Fina/
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Brad P. Presents:
The 30/30 Club
In loud situations, people can't always hear every sound you make with your voice, so they put together conte&tual clues with the
parts they can hear. Your final consonant is often the big clue that helps someone put together the pieces.
Be &amiliar- Talk to everyone you meet as if you've known them for years. If you do this, you'll feel more comfortable, they'll
feel more comfortable, and things will be easier.
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Brad P. Presents:
The 30/30 Club
Different Types of Voices
Your voice is a powerful tool when relating to women. You should try to master a few different types of voice tones in order to be
ready for all situations. -ere's a few different voice tones you should use when speaking with women.
The authoritati"e "oice- This is the slow, low, and powerful voice. 0id you listen to my live seminar 60s last month* That's a
good e&ample of this voice. 'verything is clear and enunciated. Take another listen so you can emulate that voice tone.
The $a$y talk "oice- This voice is something you might use when first approaching in order to prevent the woman from getting
startled or feeling threatened by the presence of a stranger. It's similar to the way you might talk when speaking to a small child.
-igher in pitch, more melodic and musical. It doesn't have to be perfect, you can even mi& in 4like4 and 4you know4 here and
there. This keeps things informal and rela&ed. It also makes the woman feel like she's a little girl again, and this makes her more
likely to feel intense infatuation and attraction.
For an e&ample of this voice tone, listen to my 4/ive %pproaches4 60.
The stage "oice- This is the voice you should use in a loud environment. The idea here is to have the same volume you would
have when shouting, but use the melody, tone, or pattern of you speaking voice. 'verything is the same as if you were speaking,
e&cept it's really loud.
It's called a 4stage voice4 because it's the kind of voice an actor with no microphone uses on stage during a live theater
performance. -ave you ever been to a small theater performance* The actors have no microphones but they are able to pro,ect
incredibly loud volumes without changing their tonality much. This is the kind of voice techniue you can use in a loud bar or
dance club.
%lso, keep in mind that when in a loud venue, you can get closer to the listener by leaning in from the side. /eaning in from the
front will be creepy to women, but leaning in from the side won't. /ook around at people who know each other ne&t time you're
out somewhere loud. !ee how they stand side by side and sometimes lean in sideways* That's how it's done.
The $edroom "oice- You can use a se&y voice when speaking with women even when you've first met them. 7eep it really low,
really slow, and add more breathy sound to your voice. It's almost like a phone se& voice. 0on't be afraid to use it. )omen love
phone se& and they love dirty talk. 3nce a woman is attracted to you, you can use a very se&y voice and she will start getting
turned on.
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Brad P. Presents:
The 30/30 Club
If you use a bedroom voice in normal situations, it will create se&ual innuendos and make women start thinking about se&. This is
always good to do. You can make any sentence sound se&ual if you say it a certain way, even something very mundane.
Try this one"
First, say it normally" 4/ook at that hot open turkey sandwich.4
8ow, say it in a se&y way" 4/ook at that sandwich.4
You may notice that in the 4/ive %pproaches4 60, 5lenn and I are sometimes talking about things that are completely pointless.
3ther times we say things that make no sense or sound a bit silly. -owever, we're using attractive voice tone, so the women get
attracted even though we're talking a lot of nonsense. The women are more focused on our voice and our presence than they are on
the actual words.
% woman will only remember the best 9:; of what you said, and the worst 9:;, so there's plenty of room in between for filler
and fluff in between. !he's paying more attention to your 4vibe4 than your words. That vibe comes from your voice, your body
langauge, your clothing, your positive outlook, your good energy, and your playful mood.
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Brad P. Presents:
The 30/30 Club
For Special Problems
If you have a specific problem with your voice, this can often be solved by acting classes. (ost acting classes focus on using and
pro,ecting your voice. %cting classes can fi& the following problems"
.oor enunciation
/ack of volume
/ack of control
-eavy accent
(onotone voice
!"tra Help
!ince you're a member of my (etamorphosis (ethod 6oaching .rogram, you can also upload some video or audio of your voice
to the internet and have one of the coaches give you help. $se your digital camera, or a small computer microphone. You can use a
program called 5arage Band on a mac, and )indows has something called 4!ound 2ecorder4 in the accessories section.
#eal Pic$%p &%'io
!ome notes on the 42eal .ickup %udio4 60s" The first few tracks are ,ust openers, and the later tracks get into email closes,
number closes, full on conversations, etc. )e tried for more night game audio, but it was too hard to hear the conversation in the
recording, so most of the approaches are from daytime in this recording.
Track 9# Brad demonstrates 4-orsegirl4
This approach was done in a bookstore, so it's pretty easy to hear what's going on. The girl was sitting on the floor reading a book
on astrology, so I did a standard -orsegirl opener with the usual contingencies. /isten closely, as the first sentence 40o you like
horses*4 is obscured by a scratching sound on the microphone. It's one of the ha<ards of using a hidden microphone.
Track =# %nother bookstore approach
%nother approach in the bookstore. This girl was sitting with a guy, but he didn't get involved in the conversation, he ,ust sort of
sat there uietly. 6redit to 5eoff for the Bubbles>?>? opener.
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Brad P. Presents:
The 30/30 Club
Track +# @uality 6ontrol 3pener
= 2ussian girls in a cafe at night. This was a tough one because they didn't speak much 'nglish, but they were really hot so I
decided to keep working them anyway.
Track A# 3prah 3pener
This girl was throwing curveballs right from the beginning, saying she'd never heard of 3prah and she 4has no take on this.4 But
she warmed up after a few mintues and became very flirtatious.
Track B# Te&t )ar
%pproaching a girl who is on the phone talking or te&ting can be difficult but 5lenn makes it seem easy in this one. 5lenn's voice
is loud and bold. %nother opener we sometimes use for girls on phones is 4%re you blogging*4 6redit to a workshop student for
the 4Blogging 3pener.4
Track ># 5lenn in the !upermarket
5lenn assumes rapport and the girl plays along with his role#playing situation opener. 8otice how uickly 5lenn goes into a
se&ual voice tone.
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Brad P. Presents:
The 30/30 Club
(f yo% only 'o )*! TH(*G...
The best e&ercise you can do to train your voice is to make a video tape of yourself talking. I know it sounds weird, but it will
allow you to hear yourself the way others hear you. )hen you listen to yourself talk throughout your normal day, part of what you
are hearing is the the tones reverberating in your own head. That's why so many people say 4)ow I sound so much different when
recorded.4 The tape doesn't lie. That's what you really sound like. 3nce you know what your voice really sounds like, you can
make a few ad,ustments that will help you sound even better.
-ave a friend hold the camera and ask you random uestions. 3r video tape yourself on a normal phone call. This e&ercise is
enlightening to most people who are working on their voice tone. You don't need a long winded book or 60 set to learn voice
tone, recording yourself once a week will get you much further.
0o this right now. 0on't be one of those guys who buys a bunch of books and then skips the e&ercises. You will get 83T-I85
out of this if you don't do the e&ercises. This is the end of the book, there's no more reading for you to do today. !o go get your
camera or use your phone if it has video, and make this video right away. If you do it now, all the things you ,ust read will be fresh
in your mind.
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