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Te Puna Korero Tuatahi

Place: Rangiaowhia
Time: 10 am, Karakia
Oral Presentation of Storyboards
Te Puna Korero Tuarua
Place: Kahotea Marae
Time: 12.30 pm, Powhiri
Static Display of Storyboards
1.00 pm: Matariki Kai Hakari
Kahotea Marae, Kahotea Road, Otorohanga
NB: If the weather is wet Te Puna Korero tuatahi and
tuarua will be staged at Kahotea Marae
Contact numbers
07 873 6949 or 027 713 8704
Borell, M & Joseph, R .(2012) Ngati Apakure Te Iwi Ngati Apakura Mana Motuhake: Report for
Ngati Apakura Claimants and the Waitangi Tribunal. Wellington. Crown Forestry Rental
Coromandel-Wander, H. (2013) Korero Tuku Iho: Wahine Maaori voices from the embers of
Rangiaowhia. MAdult Ed.Tesis. College of Education, Massey University. Palmerston
Cowan, J. 1922. Te Old Frontier: Te Awamutu, the story of the Waipa Valley : the missionary, the
soldier, the pioneer farmer, early colonization, the war in Waikato, life on the Maori border
and later-day settlement: New Zealand Wars (18451872). Te Awamutu: Te Waipa Post
Printing and Publishing Company Limited.
Cowan, J. 1955. Te New Zealand Wars: A History of the Maori Campaigns and the Pioneering
Period: Volume I: 18451864. Wellington: R.E.Owen Government Printers.
E P t Hau: He tangi m Te Wano. Published Source, Unknown Author.
Hurinui, P. 1959. King Ptatau. Carterton: Polynesian Society.
Ritchie, N. Te Waikato War of 1863-1864: A guide to the main events and sites. Department of
Conservation. Accessed 21 November 2013.
Stokes, E. 2002. Wiremu Tamihana: Rangatira. Wellington: Huia Publishes.
Wahanui Huatare Biography Te Ara Encyclopedia of New Zealand. Accessed 05 May 2014.
Oral Sources
Tukiri, Te Otaota. 08 June 2014 Kahotea Marae, Otorohanga.
Matthew Wright and Megan Cook . 'Freight and warehousing - Early Mori freight and storage',
Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, updated 10-Jul-13.
Giles, J W f 1847. Angas, George French, 1822-1886 :Muriwhenua. Kahawai / George French
Angas [delt]; J. W. Giles [lith]. Plate 51. 1847.. Angas, George French 1822-1886 :Te New
Zealanders Illustrated. London, Tomas McLean, 1847.. Ref: PUBL-0014-51. Alexander
Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.
Hawkins, W, f 1847. Angas, George French, 1822-1886 :Hongi Hongi / George French Angas
[delt]; W. Hawkins [lith]. Plate 11. 1847.. Angas, George French 1822-1886 :Te New
Zealanders Illustrated. London, Tomas McLean, 1847.. Ref: PUBL-0014-11. Alexander
Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.
Te werowero, or Potatau, the Principal Chief of all Waikato. Te Waru Principal Chief of the
Nga Ti Apakura Tribe. George French Angas. www.aucklandartgallery.com1024x655 www.
Matariki Maumahara
Rangiaowhia and Kahotea
He Puna Roimata He Puna Aroha
from the wellspring of tears and love
Invitation to attend an unveiling of
Ngaati Apakura storyboards.
He whakahau tenei kia maumahara ki te
koorero tuku iho o Ngaati Apakura tuupuna e
pa ana ki to taatou hitori tae noa ki eenei ra.
When: Saturday 28th June 2014
Te Puna Korero Tuatahi
Place: Rangiaowhia
Time: 10 am -12 noon
Meet: at Memorial Stone, corner of
Rangiaowhia and Puahue Roads
12 noon depart for Kahotea Marae
Te Puna Korero Tuarua
Place: Kahotea Marae
Time: 12.30 pm Powhiri
Hakari: 1.00 pm
He Puna Roimata He Puna Aroha
from the wellspring of tears and love References
Matariki: he wa maumahara, he wa
huihui, he wa whakanui i te tau hou
Te Puna Korero Tuatahi
Ngaati Apakura
Apakura Te Iwi
Ngahuruhuru Pa
Ngahuruhuru Pa: Te Pataka Kai
Hongihongi I
Hoani Papita
Hori Te Waru
Hori Te Waru & his daughter
Mission Station Deed
Rangiaowhia Churches
Karangapaihau Deed of Land
Rangiaowhia & Hairini Map
Paterangi Pa
Te Pahuatanga
Katorika Raupo Whare Karakia
Wikitoria Pahi
Whare Karakia - Hongihongi Kapara II
Te Rongopamamao
Mokopuna of Hoani
Hounuku Wharekoka & Karo Kereopa Te Rau
Kaumatua in a white blanket
Rahapa Te Hauata
Hairini Wiremu Tamihana Tarapipipi
Kowhai Ngutu Kaka
Wahanui Reihana Te Huatare
Hitiri Te Paerata
Te Ara Roimata
ki ngaa hau e wha
ki Tuwharetoa
E Pa to Hau - He Tangi
Te Puna Korero Tuarua
Kaua e Wareware
Te Mamae Pahi
Hongihongi Kapara II
Rihi Te Rauparaha
I riro whenua atu me hoki whenua mai
Deed of Settlement
Apology by the Crown
Anga Whakamua
Ngaati Apakura Pa and Marae
He hnore he korria ki te atua he
maungarongo ki te whenua, he whakaaro pai ki
ng tngata katoa.
Mihia te upoko ariki, Kngi Tuheitia e noho nei i
te ahurewa tapu o na mtua tuupuna, te mana
te wehi te tapu o rtau m
Kei ng mate tuatinitini, kua titi ki te uma o
Ranginui, trama mai r i te ao, i te p.
Ko mtau whakaaro ki a koutou e kore e mutu.
Ngaa Mihi nui kia koutou katoa.
Thank You all for coming to support our day and
celebrating Matariki Mauri Ora kia koutou katoa.
Na Hazel Coromandel Wander, Mahe Winikerei and
Candida Hamana, - Storyboard Project Team.

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