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November 22, 2014

Template for Extended Abstracts for the Internatonal St!dent Scentfc
Conference 2014
"rst A# A!thor$
% Second &# A!thor
and Thrd C# A!thor
1, 2
Authors Department, Institute, COUNTRY
!"#mai$% &irstauthorsname'aaaabbb, se(on)authorsname'aaaabbb*
Authors Department, Institute, COUNTRY
!"#mai$% thir)authorsname'aaaabbb*
This )o(ument presents the instru(tions nee)e) to prepare the e,ten)e) abstra(t to be in($u)e) in
the pro(ee)in-s o& the I..C 2014 A$$ abstra(ts shou$) be /ritten in "n-$ish In or)er to a(hieve
-raphi(a$ (onsisten(0, the e,ten)e) abstra(t shou$) be pre&erab$0 /ritten usin- 1i(roso&t 2or) It
shou$) start /ith the papers tit$e, authors, authors a&&i$iation, a))ress an) e#mai$, &o$$o/e) b0 the
Abstra(t3s te,t an) the 4e0/or)s !up to si,* 5$ease, in)i(ate the author ma4in- the presentation /ith
an asteris4
The abstra(t shou$) be /ritten in 1. 2or) &ormat in sin-$e#spa(e) 11 point Times Ne/ Roman Do
not in)ent the te,t para-raphs The e,ten)e) abstra(t shou$) in($u)e an intro)u(tion that provi)e
brie& overvie/ o& the stu)0 the 6uestions tr0in- to be ans/ere), or prob$ems to be so$ve)7 the
metho)s an) steps ta4en to rea(h the resu$ts7 summar0 o& the &in)in-s an) -enera$ (on($usion o& the
stu)0 Authors (an in($u)e &i-ures an)8or tab$es7 ho/ever, the0 must be (ontaine) /ithin the 2#
pa-e $imit A 9 pt &ont shou$) be use) &or tab$e or &i-ure )es(riptions
Re&eren(es shou$) be in($u)e) as &ootnotes, usin- a 9 pt Times Ne/ Roman &ont /ith (itations
bein- $iste) as numbers /ithin the te,t The &o$$o/in- are e,amp$es o& &ootnote (itations an) ho/
to re&eren(e )i&&erent t0pes o& sour(es
This is an e,amp$e o& a (itation &or a stan)ar) :ourna$ usin- the numberin- &ormat /ith the
re&eren(e $iste) as a &ootnote at the bottom o& the pa-e

;or an unpub$ishe) manus(ript, an e,amp$e o& ho/ to $ist the re&eren(e is be$o/

A persona$ (ommuni(ation re&eren(e shou$) &o$$o/ this &ormat


A re&eren(e &rom a boo4 shou$) be $iste) in this /a0

, /hi$e a (hapter /ithin a boo4 is
s$i-ht$0 )i&&erent an) shou$) be re&eren(e) $i4e this

Te(hni(a$ reports &o$$o/ this &ormat

, an) $ast but not $east, in#press pub$i(ations that have
not 0et been assi-ne) a 0ear, vo$ume number an) pa-e ran-e are re&eren(e) in the /a0
sho/n be$o/
?u@mAn, O, ; 5$a@a, an) ? 5ob$ete 201+ An e,amp$e o& ho/ the re&eren(es shou$) be $iste) Bourna$ o& ",ten)e) Abstra(ts, 1%1+11#1+1+
Unpub$ishe) manus(ript On &i$e at I;O5, 9+2 C$an(o .t, Da$paraEso, Chi$e
5ersona$ (ommuni(ation 5eter Nipti4, 5O Co, ++>, Carro/, AF, GG>9<
2i$son, ON 2001 ;ishin- &or ha))o(4 .hribner 5ress, Coston, +>>p
Bohnson, " ; 200> Countin- &ish in a net In% 2a0s to (ount &ish !A 2 O$son, e)itor*, p +>#44 Universit0 5ress 1iami
Ca4er, 2A 2002 Han)on-s o& ha))o(4 in 5ortsmouth, Ne/ Iampshire NOAA Te(hni(a$ Report N1;.#N";.C#++>, 44p
Bones In press .urve0s &or ri-ht /ha$es in 200> 1arine 1ammo$o-0
")!re 1# ",amp$e -raph &or the e,ten)e) abstra(t
Authors are re6ueste) to submit Abstra(ts !ma, 2 pa-es in the $en-th* in e$e(troni( &orm !1.#
2or)* via emai$ to the (on&eren(e se(retariat The in(orre(t &ormats ma0 resu$t in 0our abstra(t bein-
returne) to 0ou b0 e#mai$ The s(ienti&i( (ommittee /i$$ se$e(t the (ontributions &or ora$ an) poster
presentations A )i-ita$ version o& the I..C 2014 5ro(ee)in-s /i$$ be pub$ishe) in the (on&eren(e
CD#RO1 (overin- the &u$$ te,t papers In the (ase o& ",ten)e) Abstra(ts, the authors shou$) use
the &u$$ $en-th o& the pa-e In the (ase o& an ",ten)e) Abstra(t, the authors shou$) use the &u$$
$en-th o& the pa-e In the (ase o& an ",ten)e) Abstra(t, the authors shou$) use the &u$$ $en-th o& the
pa-e In the (ase o& an ",ten)e) Abstra(t, the authors shou$) use the &u$$ $en-th o& the pa-e In the
(ase o& an ",ten)e) Abstra(t, the authors shou$) use the &u$$ $en-th o& the pa-e
In the (ase o& ",ten)e) Abstra(ts, the authors shou$) use the &u$$ $en-th o& the pa-e In the (ase o&
an ",ten)e) Abstra(t, the authors shou$) use the &u$$ $en-th o& the pa-e In the (ase o& an ",ten)e)
Abstra(t, the authors shou$) use the &u$$ $en-th o& the pa-e In the (ase o& an ",ten)e) Abstra(t,
the authors shou$) use the &u$$ $en-th o& the pa-e In the (ase o& an ",ten)e) Abstra(t, the authors
shou$) use the &u$$ $en-th o& the pa-e Abstra(t, the authors shou$) use the &u$$ $en-th o& the pa-e
In the (ase o& an ",ten)e) Abstra(t, the authors shou$) use the &u$$ $en-th o& the pa-e
In the (ase o& ",ten)e) Abstra(ts, the authors shou$) use the &u$$ $en-th o& the pa-e In the (ase o&
an ",ten)e) Abstra(t, the authors shou$) use the &u$$ $en-th o& the pa-e In the (ase o& an ",ten)e)
Abstra(t, the authors shou$) use the &u$$ $en-th o& the pa-e In the (ase o& an ",ten)e) Abstra(t,
the authors shou$) use the &u$$ $en-th o& the pa-e In the (ase o& an ",ten)e) Abstra(t, the authors
shou$) use the &u$$ $en-th o& the pa-e Abstra(t, the authors shou$) use the &u$$ $en-th o& the pa-e
In the (ase o& an ",ten)e) Abstra(t, the authors shou$) use the &u$$ $en-th o& the pa-e In the (ase
o& ",ten)e) Abstra(ts, the authors shou$) use the &u$$ $en-th o& the pa-e In the (ase o& an
",ten)e) Abstra(t, the authors shou$) use the &u$$ $en-th o& the pa-e In the (ase o& an ",ten)e)
Abstra(t, the authors shou$) use the &u$$ $en-th o& the pa-e
*e+,ords- Abstra(t, "2?#D.., Temp$ate, up to = /or)s arran-e) in a$phabeti(a$ or)er,led)ment- The authors /ou$) $i4e to e,press appre(iation &or the support o& the sponsors
J5ro:e(t Number K LLLLLLLM This part o& the Abstra(t is optiona$

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