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Dilip Kumar Rajbongshi Dilip Kumar Rajbongshi
Cell: 01725146563
Career Objective
Achieving a dynamic and challenging job in an organization where I can use my technical
and interpersonal skills, creativity and above all my learning experience in order to
develop my career and as well as to contribute in the welfare of the organization.
Masters of cience
Institution$ Govt. Debendra College,Manikganj
University:National University
%epartment$ Management
&assing year$ '(()
*esult$ Second Class !+btained Marks ,-.#
"achelor of cience
"./om !0ons.#
Institution$ Govt. Debendra College,Manikganj
University:National University
&assing year$ '((1
*esult$ 2
Class !+btained Marks ,2.#.
Institution$ Govt. Debendra College,Manikganj
"oard$ %haka "oard
3roup $ "usiness tudies
&assing 4ear$ '((5
*esult$ G!"3#30
Institution$ Manikganj Govt High School,Manikganj
"oard $ %haka "oard
3roup $ "usiness tudies
&assing 4ear$ '((6
*esult$ G!"3#25
$ob E%&erience
'(!C '!)* +,-
/ompany 7ocation $ 228A Amin 9ower,"azar *oad,avar, %haka.
%epartment$ piceal Assate Management!AM#.
%aily mail browsing and mail report making. All registre mortage complate as
per bank rules. %eposite collection. And other sme banking activities. And 9his
role is responsible for ac:uiring business and providing high level of services
directly to a number of /ommercial clients across a wide range of products and
services. 9he role manages and maintains current business relationships and seeks
new accounts for achieving a profitable business portfolio for the business. 9he
incumbent is to maintain strong working relations with all existing clients to
ensure customer satisfaction and loyalty. /reate new business opportunities for
the bank ensuring a profitable portfolio for the bank. Maintain the current
portfolio of the business. %evelop and maintain a strong working relationship with
the customers to ensure customer satisfaction and loyalty.
&age 6 of '
;nglish !<luent in both written and spoken#.
"engali !<luent in both written an
d spoken#
(esearc. /or0s
3roup and 9eam 7eader in mentioned field works.
/lass *epresentative in =niversity !2 years#, tudent *epresentative in high chool !2
years# and college !6 year#.

23 certi14 all in1or5ation stated in resu5e is true and co5&lete to t.e best o1 54 0no6led7e#2
!M%. >A?*=7 I7AM#
&age ' of '
%r. ayed afiullah
%epartment of /hemistry, @ahangirnagar
=niversity avar, %haka A 652', /ell$
%r. Afser Ahamed,
%epartment of %rama And %ramatics,
@ahangirnagar =niversity, avar, %haka A 652',
/ell $ (6B65,5,5,).

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