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Lesson Plan Name: People and the Land

Lesson Plan Date: 09/13; 09/15

Social Studies Tennessee Unit.Lesson: 1.3:
Social Studies Tennessee Pae Num!e"#s$: %0 && %3
' ())* + T,)) S)SS-.NS (-T, ,./)0../
ST'ND'0D: 1ontent Standa"d: -- )conomics 2 --- 3eo"aph4
Lea"nin )+pectations:
5.%.01Desc"i!e the potential costs and !ene6its o6 pe"sonal
economic choices in a ma"7et econom4.
5.%.01c: 'nal48e ho9 people in di66e"ent pa"ts o6 the United States
ea"ned a li:in in the past and do so in the p"esent.
State Pe"6o"mance -ndicato"s:
5.3 SP- 5 Dete"mine ho9 densit4; dist"i!ution; and "o9th "ate
a66ected United States settlement patte"ns.
5.3 SP- < -denti64 cause and e66ect "elationships !et9een
population dist"i!ution and en:i"onmental issues #i.e.;
9ate" suppl4; ai" =ualit4; solid 9aste$.
Teache" Pe"6o"mance -ndicato"s: N/'
.>?)1T-@): The lea"ne" 9ill !e a!le unde"stand 9hat ma7es a place Aood to li:eAB
1. S7ill 2 St"ate4: Students 9ill "ead aloud pp %0 2 %1 6illin in the 1lassi6ication 1ha"t
%. >ac7"ound: Discussion on 9h4 9e li:e in 1hattanooa; TN
3. Di66e"entiated -nst"uction: Pa"tne" students up to discuss in6o"mation a!out human impact
on en:i"onment. Students 9ill ma7e poste" 6o" elements o6 TN usin thei" !oo7s and
handout 6"om US 1ensus.
1. U0L 6o" 9e!sites
%. U0L: 'll Social Studies Lesson Plans
3. U0L Social Studies Tennessee #Students$
4. U0L Social Studies Tennessee #Teache"$
5. U0L Lesson Summa"ies
C. U0L: (o"d (e! 6o" @oca!ula"4
D. /4 Notes
<. Loin @ideo
9. 0u!"ic 6o" T"a:el 3uide
'SS)SS/)NT: ,o9 does climate a66ect 9he"e people li:eB (hat a"e some human a66ect on
landB Students 9ill pa"tne" up and ma7e a t"a:el poste" 6o" TN and the Eo!s; "esou"ces and
Pollution: an4thin that ma7es the soil o" ai" unhealth4
,./)(.0*: ("ite a pa"a"aph on 9hat eo"aphic and economic 6eatu"es a66ect 9he"e
people li:eB
Gile Name: *:H,a"d4 )lementa"4 SchoolHLesson PlansHSocial StudiesH09I13I%010 && People and the Land /S (o"d 199D

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