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Fill the gaps with your own words

1. She caught them while they _____.

2. I _____ my grandmother next week.
3. You should always _____ healthy food.
4. The bus _____ before I reached the bus-stop.
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5. Look! The boy _____ the hill.

6. I _____ the pen before she did.
7. I _____ in this school for ten years.
8. I _____ a letter tomorrow.
9. She _____ cooking food daily.
10. I _____ my work now. Do not disturb me.
11. The baby _____ usually well behaved.
12. Scientists _____ a new planet.
13. She _____ to London yesterday.
14. If I _____ the address, I would have gone there.
15. I met Jane while I _____ on the beach.
16. She never _____ late to school.
17. The manager _____ soon.

18. If she asks for money, I _____ her.

19. I did my homework while I _____ television.
20. London _____ a lot since 1975.
The right tense
1. When I was a young boy, I .............................(meet) Santa Claus.
2. Tony............................ (study) for his math test as we speak.
3. Pat and Sean .............................(smoke) for the past three years. They would like to
quit though.
4. She sometimes .........................(lose) her temper. She scares me a bit when she does.
5. I ............................(understand) your point now.
6. I ..............................(see) this movie about a dozen times already.
7. We................................ (sleep) all day yesterday.
8. I finally ..........................(decide) to call her yesterday to ask her out.
9. She .............................(be) never late. I wonder why she is missing.
10. I........................... (be) in class very early this morning to study for my math exam.
11. ........................(be) you mad at me last night? I didn't hurt you on purpose you
know !
12. ............................(you, see, ever) Le Cirque Du Soleil?
13. We still ..............................(go out, sometimes).
14. What................................. (you, are, do) now? I'm cleaning my room.
15. I ...........................(visit) my uncle Bob in San Jose last year.
16. They............................ (call, negative) me since last week.
17. What kind of music ......................(she, like)?
18. 3 years ago, Doug completely.......................... (change) his lifestyle.
19. Who........................... (invent) the lightbulb? I really don't have a clue.
20. I............................... (never, try) lobster in my life.

Fill in the blanks with the given adjectives.

1-Yesterday I went to the cinema. The film was so........................ that I felt
.................... (scared-scaring)
2-Please, be quiet! Youre so ......................that at the end of the day I feel
very ...................(tired-tiring)
3-When I was going to pay the bill, I noticed that I didnt have any money. It
was an......................... situation and I really was.......................... .
4-The book I have just read is so....................... that I am........................... in
watching the film. (interested-interesting)
5-London is a......................... very town. Im very....................... because I was

offered a trip to visit this place. (excited-exciting)

6-I was.......................... when I saw my boyfriend with another girl. It was
a......................... experience. (shocking-shocked)
7-I feel........................ at work. I consider my job...................... .(boringbored)
8- The test result was..................... .My parents were...................... when they
saw it. (surprising-surprised)
9- Rainy weather is ........................ It makes me feel........................
10-Being a doctor is a very...................... job. Most doctors feel.......................
with their job. (satisfied-satisfying)
11-Spiders are so ...................that I feel......................... when I see one.
12-There is such a....................... smell here that I feel .................
13-I was doing the exercise.......................... because the words
were.......................... (confusing-confused)
14-Europe is living a........................ situation. We are...................... about it.
15-At the end of a days work I am often...................... because my job is
.................... (exhausting-exhausted)
16-We were all when we heard the news about the storm. (horrifyinghorrified)
17-I was really......................... because at the end the result was
very....................... . (disappointing-disappointed)
18-Sarah, you look ....................tonight. Im........................ at your good
taste. (amazed-amazing)
19- My holiday was......................... I felt really..................... .(relaxedrelaxing)
20- Grammar rules are so......................... ! I feel.................... whenever I
dont understand them.( frustrated- frustrating)

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