Cbse Class 11 Physics Syllabus 2011-12

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Class XI Physics Syllabus 2012

One Paper Three Hours Max Marks: 70

Class XI ei!h"a!e
Unit I Physical World & Measurement 03
Unit II Kinematics 10
Unit III Laws of Motion 10
Unit IV Work !ner"y & Power 0#
Unit V Motion of $ystem of %articles & &i"id 'ody 0#
Unit VI (ra)itation 0*
Unit VII Pro%erties of 'ulk Matter 10
Unit VIII +hermodynamics 0*
Unit ,I 'eha)iour of Perfect (as & Kinetic +heory of "ases 0*
Unit , -scillations & Wa)es 10
+otal .0
#ni" I: Physical orl$ an$ Measure%en" &perio$s 10'
Physics / sco%e and e0citement1 nature of %hysical laws1 Physics technolo"y and society2
3eed for measurement4 Units of measurement1 systems of units1 $I units fundamental and deri)ed
units2 Len"th mass and time measurements1 accuracy and %recision of measurin" instruments1
si"nificant fi"ures2
5imensions of %hysical 6uantities dimensional analysis and its a%%lications2
#ni" II: (ine%a"ics &Perio$s )0'
7rame of reference2 Motion in a strai"ht line4 Position/time "ra%h s%eed and )elocity2
Uniform and non/uniform motion s%eed and )elocity / a)era"e and instantaneous
Uniformly accelerated motion )elocity/time "ra%h and %osition/time "ra%h e6uations for uniformly
accelerated motion 8"ra%hical treatment only92
$im%le introduction to elementary conce%ts of differentiation and inte"ration for descri:in" motion2
$calar and )ector 6uantities4 )ectors notation e6uality of )ectors multi%lication of )ectors :y
a real num:er1 addition and su:traction of )ectors2 Position and dis%lacement )ectors relati)e
Unit )ector1 &esolution of a )ector in a %lane / rectan"ular com%onents2 Motion in a %lane2
Pro;ectile motion circular motion2
#ni" III: *a+s o, Mo"ion &Perio$s 1-'
<once%t of force2 Inertia 3ewton=s first law of motion1 momentum and 3ewton=s second law
of motion1 im%ulse1 3ewton=s third law of motion2 Law of conser)ation of linear momentum and
its a%%lications2
!6uili:rium of concurrent forces2 $tatic and kinetic friction laws of friction rollin" friction2
5ynamics of uniform circular motion4 <entri%etal force e0am%les of circular motion 8)ehicle on
le)el circular road )ehicle on :anked road92
#ni" I.: ork/ 0ner!y an$ Po+er &Perio$s 1-'
$calar %roduct of )ectors2 Work done :y a constant force and a )aria:le force1 kinetic ener"y
work/ener"y theorem %ower2
Potential ener"y %otential ener"y of a s%rin" conser)ati)e forces4 conser)ation of mechanical
ener"y 8kinetic and %otential ener"ies91 non/conser)ati)e forces4 elastic collisions and elementary
idea of inelastic collisions2

#ni" .: Mo"ion o, Sys"e% o, Par"icles an$ 1i!i$ 2o$y &Perio$s 13'

<entre of mass of a two/%article system <entre of mass of ri"id :odies2 Momentum conser)ation
and motion centre of mass2
Vector %roduct of )ectors1 moment of a force tor6ue an"ular momentum conser)ation of
an"ular momentum with some e0am%les2
!6uili:rium of ri"id :odies ri"id :ody rotation and e6uations of rotational motion com%arison
of linear and rotational motions1
Moment of inertia radius of "yration2 Moments of inertia for sim%le "eometrical o:;ects 8no
deri)ation92 -nly statement of %arallel and %er%endicular a0es theorems and their a%%lications2
#ni" .I: 4ra5i"a"ion &Perio$s 16'
Ke%lar=s laws of %lanetary motion2 +he uni)ersal law of "ra)itation2
>cceleration due to "ra)ity and its )ariation with altitude and de%th2
(ra)itational %otential ener"y1 "ra)itational %otential2 !sca%e )elocity2 -r:ital )elocity of a satellite2
(eo/stationary satellites2
#ni" .II: Proper"ies o, 2ulk Ma""er &Perio$s 23'
!lastic :eha)iour $tress/strain relationshi% ?ooke=s law @oun"=s modulus :ulk modulus shear
modulus of ri"idity2
Pressure due to a fluid column1 Pascal=s law and its a%%lications 8hydraulic lift and hydraulic
:rakes92 !ffect of "ra)ity on fluid %ressure2
Viscosity $tokes= law terminal )elocity &eynold=s num:er streamline and tur:ulent flow2
'ernoulli=s theorem and its a%%lications2
$urface ener"y and surface tension an"le of contact a%%lication of surface tension to dro%s
:u::les and ca%illary action2
?eat tem%erature thermal e0%ansion1 s%ecific heat ca%acity / calorimetry1 chan"e of state /
latent heat2
?eat transfer/conduction con)ection and radiation thermal conducti)ity 3ewton=s law of coolin"2
#ni" .III: Ther%o$yna%ics &Perio$s 12'
+hermal e6uili:rium and definition of tem%erature 8Aeroth law of thermodynamics92 ?eat work
and internal ener"y2 7irst law of thermodynamics2
$econd law of thermodynamics4 re)ersi:le and irre)ersi:le %rocesses2 ?eat en"ines and
#ni" IX: (ine"ic Theory o, 4ases &Perio$s 3'
!6uation of state of a %erfect "as work done on com%ressin" a "as2
Kinetic theory of "ases / assum%tions conce%t of %ressure2 Kinetic ener"y and tem%erature1
rms s%eed of "as molecules1 de"rees of freedom law of e6ui%artition of ener"y 8statement only9
and a%%lication to s%ecific heat ca%acities of "ases1 conce%t of mean free %ath >)o"adro=s
#ni" X: Oscilla"ions an$ a5es &Perio$s 23'
Periodic motion / %eriod fre6uency dis%lacement as a function of time2 Periodic functions2
$im%le harmonic motion 8$2?2M9 and its e6uation1 %hase1 oscillations of a s%rin"Brestorin"
force and force constant1 ener"y in $2?2M2 Kinetic and %otential ener"ies1 sim%le %endulumB
deri)ation of e0%ression for its time %eriod1 free and forced 8dam%ed9 oscillations 86ualitati)e
ideas only9 resonance2

Wa)e motion2 +rans)ersal and lon"itudinal wa)es2 5is%lacement relation for a %ro"ressi)e wa)e2
&eflection of wa)es %rinci%le of su%er%osition of wa)es standin" wa)es in strin"s and or"an
%i%es fundamental mode and harmonics 'eats2 5o%%ler effect2
7o"e: 05ery s"u$en" +ill per,or% 10 experi%en"s &8 ,ro% each sec"ion' an$ 3 ac"i5i"ies &6 ,ro%
each section9 durin" the academic year2
+wo demonstration e0%eriments must :e %erformed :y the teacher with %artici%ation of students2
+he students will maintain a record of these demonstration e0%eriments2 $chools are ad)ised to
follow the "uidelines for e)aluation in %racticals for <lass ,II2
05alua"ion Sche%e ,or Prac"ical 0xa%ina"ions
l -ne e0%eriment from any one section C marks
l +wo acti)ities 8one from each section9 8DED9 C marks
l Practical record 8e0%eriments & acti)ities9 # marks
l &ecord of demonstration e0%eriment & Vi)a :ased on these e0%eriments 3 marks
l Vi)a on e0%eriments & acti)ities * marks
+otal 30 marks
12 Use of Vernier <alli%ers
8i9 to measure diameter of a small s%hericalFcylindrical :ody2
8ii9 to measure dimensions of a "i)en re"ular :ody of known mass and hence find its density2
8iii9 to measure internal diameter and de%th of a "i)en :eakerFcalorimeter and hence find its )olume2
G2 Use of screw "au"e
8i9 to measure diameter of a "i)en wire and 8ii9 to measure thickness of a "i)en sheet2
32 +o determine radius of cur)ature of a "i)en s%herical surface :y a s%herometer2
D2 +o find the wei"ht of a "i)en :ody usin" %arallelo"ram law of )ectors2
*2 Usin" a sim%le %endulum %lot L/+ and L/+G "ra%hs2 +o find the 8a9 effecti)e len"th of second=s
%endulum usin" a%%ro%riate "ra%h 8:9 acceleration due to "ra)ity2
#2 +o study the relationshi% :etween force of limitin" friction and normal reaction and to find co/
efficient of friction :etween a :lock and a horiAontal surface2
12 +o make a %a%er scale of "i)en least count e2"2 02Gcm 02*cm2
G2 +o determine mass of a "i)en :ody usin" a metre scale :y %rinci%le of moments2
32 +o %lot a "ra%h for a "i)en set of data with %ro%er choice of scales and error :ars2
D2 +o measure the force of limitin" friction for rollin" of a roller on a horiAontal %lane2
*2 +o study the )ariation in ran"e of a ;et of water with an"le of %ro;ection2
#2 +o study the conser)ation of ener"y of a :all rollin" down on inclined %lane 8usin" a
dou:le inclined %lane92

12 +o determine @oun"=s modulus of elasticity of the material of a "i)en wire2
G2 +o find the force constant of a helical s%rin" :y %lottin" "ra%h :etween load and e0tension2
32 +o study the )ariation in )olume with %ressure for a sam%le of air at constant tem%erature :y %lottin"
"ra%hs :etween P and V and :etween P and IFV2
D2 +o determine the surface tension of water :y ca%illary rise method2
*2 +o determine the coefficient of )iscosity of a "i)en )iscous li6uid :y measurin" terminal )elocity of
a "i)en s%herical :ody2
#2 +o study the relationshi% :etween the tem%erature of a hot :ody and time :y %lottin" a coolin" cur)e2
.2 8i9 +o study the relation :etween fre6uency and len"th of a "i)en wire under constant tension usin"
8ii9 +o study the relation :etween the len"th of a "i)en wire and tension for constant fre6uency usin"
C2 +o find the s%eed of sound in air at room tem%erature usin" a resonance tu:e :y tworesonance
H2 +o determine s%ecific heat ca%acity of a "i)en solid li6uid :y method of mi0tures2
12 +o o:ser)e chan"e of state and %lot a coolin" cur)e for molten wa02
G2 +o o:ser)e and e0%lain the effect of heatin" on a :i/metallic stri%2
32 +o note the chan"e in le)el of li6uid in a container on heatin" and inter%ret the o:ser)ations2
D2 +o study the effect of deter"ent on surface tension :y o:ser)in" ca%illary rise2
*2 +o study the factors affectin" the rate of loss of heat of a li6uid2
#2 +o study the effect of load on de%ression of a suita:ly clam%ed metre scale loaded
8i9 at its end 8ii9 in the middle2
"ested manstration e0%eriments2
S#440ST0: *IST O; :0MO7ST19TIO7 0XP01IM07TS
12 +o demonstrate that a centri%etal force is necessary for mo)in" a :ody with a uniform s%eed
alon" a circle and that the ma"nitude of this force increases with increase in an"ular s%eed2
G2 +o demonstrate inter/con)ersion of %otential and kinetic ener"y
32 +o demonstrate conser)ation of linear momentum2
D2 +o demonstrate conser)ation of an"ular momentum2
*2 +o demonstrate the effect of an"le of launch on ran"e of a %ro;ectile2
#2 +o demonstrate that the moment of inertia of a rod chan"es with the chan"e of %osition of a %air
of e6ual wei"hts attached to the rod2
.2 +o study )ariation of )olume of a "as with its %ressure at constant tem%erature usin" a doctorsI
C2 +o demonstrate 'ernoulliIs theorem with sim%le illustrations
H2 +o demonstrate that heat ca%acities of e6ual masses of different materials are different2
102 +o demonstrate free oscillations of different )i:ratin" systems2
112 +o demonstrate resonance with a set of cou%led %endulums2
1G2 +o demonstrate lon"itudinal and trans)erse wa)es2
132 +o demonstrate the %henomenon of :eats due to su%er%osition of wa)es %roduced :y two sources

of sound of sli"htly different fre6uencies

1D2 +o demonstrate resonance usin" an o%en %i%e2
1*2 +o demonstrate the direction of tor6ue2
1#2+o demonstrate the law of moments2
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