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Love or something like it- BaekYeol

"I like you!"

The short confession turns into a drawn out scream that echoes across the school's student-filled corridors. Baekhyun
winces. Why did everyone decide to stop talking at the exact moment those words left his mouth?
He glances at the shocked looking Kim Junmyeon and barely stops himself from bolting away right that second and
hiding under a rock, never to come out again.
"Oh, I'm... Thank you," the student body president replies, still obviously taken aback. "But I, uh, already have
someone I like. I'm sorry."
Baekhyun hears the snickers and feels the derisive stares of the people around them. He can feel heat suffuse his
cheeks. He needs to get out of there as soon as possible.
Just say it's okay then go.
He opens his mouth to speak but what comes out is loud snort. "Then your ass is doomed. Who would even like you?
Your hair is stupid as fuck and you look as old as my grandfather!"
He can hear a few students gasp at his words and stare, mouths open, at him in shock. Kim Junmyeon is not only
popular because of his good looks, but also his brains. Baekhyun knows it but he can't control the insults that spill
automatically from his lips.
"Uh, are you perchance rejecting me?" Junmyeon asks incredulously.
No. "Damn right, I am!" he shouts instead. With a dismissive nod, he strolls away.
Walk straight, slowly. Easy. You're the bomb, Byun Baek, he tells himself.
It isn't until he turns a corner that he starts to frantically run.
He runs and runs, trying to get away from everyone as soon as possible. He can barely catch his breath but he doesn't
want to waste a second to breathe until he reaches his secret place. He flies up three flights of stairs. Almost there.
He finally reaches the secluded boy's comfort room on the fourth floor. As usual, there is no one around. Baekhyun
approaches the sink and gazes at his reflection. His eyes go to his black hair and the lone lock of gold that is curled
against the center of his forehead. He thinks it's the coolest thing and he has sported it since freshman year, making
him stand out from the lame dumbs that populated the school. He looks at his face then at his pale neck where a long
golden necklace given by his older brother hangs. Dopeshit the large pendant read and Baekhyun smiles for the first
time since the disaster earlier.
The smile quickly fades though. He planned his confession (even its outcome) a week prior. He was so sure that Kim
Junmyeon would be so thankful that Byun Baekhyun noticed him that he would fall down on his knees with gratitude.
Then Baekhyun would help him up and they would walk hand in hand through the school corridors like a happy
couple complete with peach blossoms scattered along their path.
So now, Baekhyun is confused as to why it didn't work. He thinks--no, he knows he's like the coolest guy here. To top
off his undeniable charm, he dresses in the latest fashion (Well, he is currently in a school uniform but he buttons his
shirt up to the neck which makes him look suave) with the help of his brother who was popular during his time here,
He blows air into his cheeks and lets it out slowly. He's definitely a catch so what actually went wrong? Why didnt
Junmyeon fall for his charms?
He isn't given more time to puzzle over it, though, because the bell rings, signalling the end of lunch. He straightens
his clothes and fixes the black patterned bandana tied around his right wrist. Baekhyun takes a fortifying breath before
he heads out the door.
He ambles past a small corridor but after a few steps he stops. He backtracks a little and confirms what he thought he
just saw. There's a tall boy being backed into a corner by a male student from Baekhyun's class. Baekhyun raises an
eyebrow as he hears his usually timid classmate browbeat the giant student.
"So pretty," the shorter boy says with a smirk. "Having people fall all over you. You must be so proud."
"I'm not," the giant responds quietly.
The bully scoffs. "Of course you are. But a pity that people don't know they're just wasting their time on a spineless
shit like you."
"Please don't use profanity," the taller boy answers.
"Oh, why? Does it hurt your feelings? Are you gonna run to mommy now?"
Baekhyun's brow arches when the taller boy doesn't reply. He doesn't have the time for this but--
"Hey, dumbass!" he shouts and the shorter boy's head whips to his direction. His face registers surprise when he sees
Baekhyun coming closer. "What the fuck are you trying to pull?"
It's kind of funny how the boy visibly cowers at the sight of him. Baekhyun wants to laugh at how his classmate loses
all of his cool within seconds and quickly scampers away. He watches the hasty retreat and rolls his eyes. He hasn't
even done anything yet. Why was he so scared?
"Thank you," the taller boy says.
"The hell were you doing anyway getting bullied by that midget?" Baekhyun asks, not liking how he has to crane his
neck up just to look at him.
The boy only shrugs and answers, "Thank you."
"Whatever, loser," he replies before he turns away. He doesn't spare him another thought as he walks towards class.
Baekhyun doesn't see the smile the other boy gives him as he watches his rescuer stalk off.
The thing with Byun Baekhyun is--How should we put it? You know the brain-to-mouth filter humans are supposed to
have? Well, he doesn't have one.
It isn't that he doesn't think before speaking. He does. But it's entirely different from the things that come out of his
mouth. When a normal person will say a simple thank you, Byun Baekhyun will curse at them, say their name in vain,
and--if theyre really lucky--will even throw a crack or two into the mix. When others will give a person praise, Byun
Baekhyun will hurl insults that'll make them break down and cry. But if they do, Byun Baekhyun will most probably
look at them weirdly and ask what's wrong.
More unfortunate is the fact that Byun Baekhyun isn't aware that how he talks (and dresses) isn't cool or normal at all.
This results to people being afraid of him or--more accurately put--afraid of being seen with him or anyone near him
for that matter. It is no wonder then that for all that he thinks himself to be cool and popular, Byun Baekhyun is really
It's mostly his brother's fault but we'll get to that part later. For right now, there's this certain classmate who is itching
to give our hero a piece of his mind (whether Baekhyun likes it or not) and who unwittingly sets our story's wheels in
"I know right? I can't believe he had the nerve to actually confess to Junmyeon!"
Baekhyun stiffens as he hears the name of the council president. He is once again reminded of theconfession fiasco
yesterday. He turns in his seat to look at several of his classmates and he can honestly say he's not surprised to see
Kim Jongdae in the middle of the group, taking advantage of the study period to gossip.
They've always been at odds since second grade when Jongdae cried because Baekhyun told him that he was adopted.
Kim Jongdae wasn't adopted and what Baekhyun actually meant was that he doesn't look like his mom. They never
did make up so here they were.
"Just look at him." Jongdae gives him a once over before he laughs making it obvious that they are really talking
about Baekhyun.
He ignores his classmates and returns to writing on his planner. Now that he wasn't able to get Junmyeon, what's to be
done? He taps the end of the pen against his chin. Truth be told, he isn't that into the council president. It's just that
Kim Junmyeon possesses all the qualifications he has for a boyfriend. Baekhyun's already in his senior year and he
has to have a boyfriend soon because it's his happy ending on the line here.
He gets distracted however when a shadow hovers over him. He looks up to a smirking Jongdae who leans his butt
against the seat beside Baekhyun's. "In case you're wondering, yes we were talking about you."
"Why don't you tell them you got yo' panties twisted because you like Junmyeon yourself but you're chicken shit,"
Baekhyun says.
Jongdae gapes at the sudden attack and sputters, "I--I don't like him!" The boy straightens and retaliates. "This is why
nobody wants you, Byun Baekhyun. You're too uncivilized and... just look at your self."
Baekhyun looks down at his clothes. There's not a thing out of place. His necklace shines back at him. It's perfectly
Jongdae lets out a patronizing laugh. "Oh, Baekhyun. You don't even know what's wrong with you, do you? You don't
have manners and you look ridiculous. Poor boy, you'll never ever get a boyfriend," he ends with a pitying shake of
his head.
What? He, Byun Baekhyun, looks ridiculous?
He scoffs at the other boy. "Excuse you. I'll have a boyfriend. I can have anybody I want."
"Oh, really?" Jongdae smirks again. "Anybody? Even the most popular boy in school?"
"Even him!" Baekhyun immediately answers. "He'll beg to date me. I am Byun Baekhyun!"
He doesn't like the glint in Jongdae's eyes.
"Yeah? So my friends and I are going out for snacks later after class. Come with us and take Zhang Yixing with you,
He knew it, Jongdae was up to something with that grin of his. Everyone knows that Zhang Yixing is easily the most
popular guy on campus.
"Is there a problem?" the other boy asks. "Oh, can't you ask him? I thought--"
"We'll fucking go," Baekhyun responds.
"Okay, then. See you later." Jongdae gives him a little mocking salute before he returns to his seat.
No big deal, Byun Baek. You can get Zhang Yixing. Piece of cake.
Another thing with Byun Baekhyun is that--more often than not--his head is high up there in the clouds endlessly
making up scenarios. Little romantic fairy tales that will put a little girl's dreams to shame. Either that, or they will
make the little girl face palm when she hears them. Regrettably--also more often than not--things don't turn out the
way he imagines them to be.
Which is in fact a pretty good thing for its actually how he meets his fairy godfather.
Sort of.
His heart thumps quite fast.
It feels so far but his destination is only two doors down the corridor. Baekhyun ignores the curious glances he gets as
he walks towards Zhang Yixing's class which also happens to be Kim Junmyeon's class and if it weren't for Jongdae
breathing down his neck right now he would have waited a few more days before even approaching the said room.
However, he has something to prove so he tightens his grip on the strap of his backpack and forges on.
This will be simple, he thinks. He'll enter the room and everyone will stop to admire his dopeness. Zhang Yixing will
be sitting on his chair but will immediately stand up once he sees Baekhyun. There won't be a need for too many
words as a matter of fact. Baekhyun will approach him, smile and invite him to go out for ice cream. Then Yixing,
overcome with gladness, will stand up and hold on to Baekhyun's hand before he'll pull him running outside into the
sunset. Yes, simple enough.
Baekhyun reaches class 3-A and without further ado enters the room. It gives him some relief that there aren't too
many people inside as the others are already shuffling out, eager to go home. No one stops to admire his dopeness but
it isn't only that that differs from his imagined scene. Zhang Yixing is actually standing and talking to some classmate
of his when Baekhyun approaches him.
(He doesn't look it but inside he's really nervous. He always is. He just never lets anybody see.)
"Hey, bitch!" he blurts out. Just like it always is, his voice comes out too loud and there's sudden silence as he attracts
the attention of everyone there. Yixing slowly looks up to face him, revealing the other student's--Kim Junmyeon's--
surprised expression. Baekhyun shoots a glance at him but the council official shifts his gaze, seemingly afraid of eye
He understands (he feels a bit mortified himself) and he isn't there for Junmyeon anyway. He looks at the blonde
student, waiting for his famous bedimpled smile to appear but Yixing just stares at him.
I'm Byun Baekhyun, would you like to come with me downtown for ice cream? Is what he is supposed to say.
"I like you so get your ass moving and let's go grab some shit," is what Baekhyun ends up saying.
"Are you talking to me?" Yixing asks hesitantly.
Baekhyun nods. "Yeah, dumbface."
The other boy gives him a perplexed look. "Right. But who are you?"
He hears sharp laughter behind him and Baekhyun doesn't need to turn to know it's Jongdae and his posse, always
eager to witness him make a fool of himself. Soon after, the other students are joining with the laughing. Baekhyun
feels himself blush with embarrassment but he won't give up that easily.
He starts to answer but then a large hand holds onto his arm.
"It's okay. You can stop. You win the bet."
Baekhyun looks up... and up. "Huh?" What bet?
"Bet?","What did Park say?", "What's he talking about?" Baekhyun hears the others murmuring and he wants to ask
the same thing. The giant just tugs on his arm and starts pulling him away.
"You know him, Chanyeol?" Yixing asks.
"Yes. Please forgive him. He's a very confused kid. Excuse us," the boy--Chanyeol--replies and continues to drag
Baekhyun out.
"Where the fuck--" the short boy protests.
"Okay," Yixing laughs. "I thought he was serious."
I am! he wants to shout out but the stranger chooses that moment to haul Baekhyun against him and almost carry him
out the door.
Baekhyun tries to get himself free but the taller boy's grip, although not painful, is tight. The boy doesn't stop pulling
him until they're standing on the school's rooftop. His eyes widen when he's pushed against the wall beside the door
and the other male leans in to start unbuttoning the top buttons of Baekhyun's shirt.
The shorter boy is too shocked to do anything but gape at the large hands on his clothes. He feels those same hands
run through his well-styled and hair and really, that's where he draws the line. Nobody touches his hair.
"Ya, you fucker!" Baekhyun shoves the other away. "Get your hands off me!"
Chanyeol steps back. "You don't go around confessing to people looking like that."
Baekhyun's hands go up to his hair. "You jerkwad! You ruined my hair!"
The giant just shrugs and smiles at him. Baekhyun scowls but pauses because it's the first time he actually notices how
the other looks.
He is easily over six feet tall. He has black, short cropped hair and large brown eyes. The boy is on the thin side but
Baekhyun can see the firm lines of his arms through his blazer and the flattering way his uniform falls on his body.
Baekhyun returns his gaze to the giant's face.
That face, he decides, is so beautiful he wants to punch it.
"Can you stop the damned smiling?!" Baekhyun growls. "It hurts the eyes!"
The boy's lips spread wider. What? Is he laughing at me? No one laughs at Byun Baekhyun!
"Are you laughing at me? Are you?!"
The boy just shrugs and continues smiling.
Wait. That shrug.
"Hey, you're the loser who was being bullied the other day," he points at him. The boy's smile dims a little.
"Yes. So I just returned the favor."
"Returning the favor? I don't need your damned help!" Baekhyun says indignantly. No, he definitely does not. But he
suddenly recalls the laughter that followed after his invitation. On second thought, maybe he does.
Except,"You don't even have enough swag to charm shit, why the hell would I need help from a douche like you?"
Chanyeol gives him a grin once more. "My name is Park Chanyeol. Can you find it in your heart to use it in the
"I said stop with the freaking smiling," he mumbles. "No wonder you get bullied. You're just begging to be punched."
"I don't believe in violence." Chanyeol crosses his arms across his chest and Baekhyun thinks it's unfair how the guy
managed to look more handsome. "What do you suggest I do then?"
Baekhyun rests his hands on his hips. "You tell them to fuck off."
Chanyeol laughs and Baekhyun thinks even the way he laughs is beautiful.
Okay, since you gave me advice, let me at least help you to get the boy of your dreams.
I told you. I dont need your help,
He feels Chanyeol give him a once over. "Believe me, you do."
Baekhyun gives in. He has just about less than two months before graduation. My happy ending, I have to have it.
"Fine! But... You'll let me teach you how to swag," Baekhyun replies. It's the only thing he can offer this pile of sissy
shit in return.
"Deal," Chanyeol says as he holds out his hand.
"Sure thang, mothafuckah."
"First up, never say that word again," Chanyeol says with a frown.
"What word? Mothafuckah? But it's completely dope!" he argues.
"No. Don't use that word, either."
Baekhyun groans silently. What has he gotten himself into?
"Why the fuck not?"
Park Chanyeol sighs wearily, "Meet me at 10 this saturday. Fifth station. Trust me, we have a lot to do."
Byun Baekhyun, as you may have noticed by now, has this obsession with happily ever after. You can't blame him
though because, you see, his parents' story is as sweet and romantic as any fairy tale is. They met during senior year,
fell in love and went on to stay in love even after their marriage five years later. They had two children who grew up
seeing their parents wake up with a kiss every morning and an I love you before they go to sleep at night. Except for
the unfortunate accident which took their lives when Byun Baekhyun was but ten years old, theirs would have been a
perfect love story. Byun Baekhyun remembers watching his papa rest his head on his mama's shoulder when they
watched TV and thinking he wants the same for himself.
Our Baekhyunnie is left in the care of his older brother who tried his best to take care of him and keep him away from
the people who might take advantage of his little brother. He did--and still does--a good job of it but he creates a
number of complications that our poor Park Chanyeol has to deal with that weekend.
Baekhyun arrives at the fifth station a few minutes before 10AM in his full dopeshit regalia--oversized everything.
Park Chanyeol can only watch in dismay as he looks at the boy walking towards him--hair parted in the center with
that horrid golden lock curling on his forehead, golden necklace swinging heavily around his neck, black bandana
wrapped around his right wrist, and the sleeves of his XXXXL DICKHEAD T-shirt flapping against his thin arms.
Baekhyun almost trips on the hem of his jeans.
"I can hear you curse at me a mile away," Chanyeol says and his eyes dip to the word printed across Baekhyun's chest.
"Cool as fuck, huh?" Baekhyun grins. He sees the taller boy pinch the bridge of his nose. "The hell you wearing,
The shorter boy eyes Chanyeol's gray plaid shirt and slim black jeans and he thinks they kind of look nice.But not as
nice as his outfit.
"What normal people wear," Chanyeol answers before ushering him towards the train. He doesn't say more and they
spend the short train ride with Baekhyun wondering what in the world Park Chanyeol ate to become as tall as the
fricking Mt. Everest. He's only at eye level with the boy's nose and he thinks it's so bloody perfect.
"What?" Chanyeol asks him suddenly.
He didn't notice that the taller boy has been watching him watch him and he blushes. "You're fugly."
"Thank you," Chanyeol chuckles.
Baekhyun isn't used to that response, however. After all his insults, Chanyeol should have left him alone by now but
he's still there.
They reach downtown shortly after. Baekhyun trails after the tall dude and can't help but be drawn to the way he
walks gracefully down the street like... a model. He's a lot different from the Park Chanyeol in school who can't even
look at the person bullying him.
"We're here." The giant stops abruptly and Baekhyun bumps his nose against his back.
He rubs his nose half annoyed but pauses when he sees where Chanyeol has taken him. "No," he steps back, preparing
to run for his life. He looks in horror at the large sign outside the hair salon. "No."
"Yes," Chanyeol says while he holds on to Baekhyun's shoulders to keep him from running away and pushes him
towards the entrance.
The shorter boy does his best to push back and halt their advance with his legs but to no avail. He finds himself inside
and Baekhyun's about to kill Park Chanyeol.
"No one touches my hair," he hisses at the other.
"This will have to go." Chanyeol points at the lock of hair on his forehead.
"But it's swag. Hyung says so," he argues.
The dark haired boy looks incredulous. "It isn't. At all."
"Byun Baekhyun, do you want to get Zhang Yixing to go out with you or not?"
"Of course I do fucktard."
"Then," Chanyeol holds up a hand and pretends to cut off Baekhyun's golden hair. "Off they go."
Baekhyun drops down grudgingly at an empty chair in front of a large mirror. He stares at his beloved hair and he
wants to cry.
"Come now, don't cry," Chanyeol leans down so their faces are side by side. Baekhyun glances at their reflection and
notices how different they look from each other. His eyes travel to Chanyeol's expertly styled hair and reassuring
"I told you to stop smiling, fegit." He pouts but the other boy's lips remain curved.
A stylist comes to them and asks what cut they want. Baekhyun lets Chanyeol talk to her. It's obvious he knows more
about it than he does. He doesn't interrupt until he hears them talking about color. "Wait! What do you mean only one
"You either make it black or blonde," Chanyeol explains. The guy raises a perfect brow when Baekhyun attempts to
argue. He fumes but then the dictatorial guy strolls away leaving him alone with the stylist. "Ah, noona?"
The lady leans down and Baekhyun whispers into her ear. She straightens after Baekhyun finishes with his request and
asks, "Are you sure?"
Baekhyun assures her with a definite yes. It isn't until two hours later that Baekhyun is gaping at his own reflection.
The sides are shorter and his hair now falls softly across his forehead. Gone is the blonde lock of hair. He actually
looks... really good.
He sees Chanyeol stand behind him and the now familiar deep voice says, "So magenta, huh?"
He looks up and sticks his tongue out. He can't really say anything more. Chanyeol suprisingly doesnt argue with his
choice and Baekhyun smiles to himself, feeling accomplished.
Next stop: clothes.
Chanyeol brings him to different shops and makes him try clothes on and on and on until Baekhyun feels dizzy. After
more than three hours, Baekhyun now has several pairs of skinny jeans, a blazer and two long sleeved shirts. He
thinks that they are too plain and boring but Chanyeol says they're what are in so he agrees. He only has a few bills
left and he hopes his brother won't ask where his allowance went.
"Just two more t-shirts and you're good to go," Chanyeol tells him. "Since you've been very obedient and only said
dick two times for the last hour, I give you leave to choose your own--hey, wait. Don't buy anything bigger than a
Baekhyun rolls his eyes and excitedly stalks away, glad that he'll have a moment to shop on his own. His eyes light up
when he sees a store with stuff that are definitely his style. It doesn't take him long to finish shopping and he spots
Chanyeol not far from where he left him. Baekhyun's steps slow as he comes nearer and gets a clearer view of the
taller guy. Sitting by the fountain in the mall's atrium, he looks hopelessly out of place. Like a prince among peasants,
to be honest. Baekhyun wonders, not for the first time, how someone as beautiful as him isn't popular at school.
"Hey, Park Dumbyeol. I'm done." He waves the plastic bag in front of Chanyeol's face.
"Let me see."
Baekhyun takes out a shirt and throws the bag at the other boy who barely catches it. He places the shirt against his
chest to let Chanyeol see that it fits his body just right. He sees the taller boy's approving grin give way to a resigned
"Fuck This Shit'," he reads the shirt print. "Why am I not surprised?"
"Well, you didn't say anything about the design--" Baekhyun says defensively. He really likes the blood-spattered
skull in front of the shirt.
Chanyeol stands up and ruffles his hair. "It's okay, Byun Baekhyun. I don't want to entirely take away your...swag."
It's curious, Baekhyun thinks as he watches Chanyeol's retreating back, why he can't suddenly seem to breathe.
He may not look it but Byun Baekhyun certainly believes in love everlasting--all the rainbows and unicorns and poop.
But he, surprisingly, has never been truly in love before. One can say that it's because he's idealistic and has pretty
high standards, based from the ridiculously long list of requirements he has written down in his diary. (It's quite
manly. It's colored blue.) But to be honest? It's just because Byun Baekhyun is clueless and he won't know love even
if it bites him in the butt, says "Ola, amigo!" and does the salsa.
Again, we have his brother to thank for that but we'll get to him a little bit later. Because who wants to talk about him
when we can talk about what Byun Baekhyun's doing on Park Chanyeol's bed instead?
"Chanyeol... it hurts," he moans.
"Shhh. It will get better," Chanyeol murmurs.
It's Friday after class--the second weekend of Baekhyun's makeover--and he finds himself in Park Chanyeol's room,
on top of his bed, lying on his back... and clutching his abused eye. "It's been three fucking minutes, the hell it'll get
"Hey, watch your language." Chanyeol chuckles and sits beside him. "I told you to stay still."
"Why do I have to put that shit on my eye anyway?" Baekhyun moans again, earning another laugh from the taller
"This shit is called eyeliner and it makes your eyes stand out. Don't you want to look all pretty for Zhang Yixing?"
Baekhyun is tempted to answer no. If it hurts to get poked in the eye by that evil eyeliner thing then Zhang Yixing
may not be worth it. But then prom's nearing and next to it is graduation. He needs his fairy tale to come true soon.
"Come on. Let's try again," Chanyeol says when he doesn't answer. "Just don't blink too much and it will be fine."
Baekhyun reluctantly sits up, grumbling all the while. The taller boy stands and goes in front of Baekhyun to position
his hand above the smaller male's face.
"Okay." The boy tilts Baekhyun's chin up. "Now, please don't move."
It's really quite hard following that request because Baekhyun's stomach is fluttering once more. His stomach has been
out of sorts for several days now and he isn't quite sure what to do. He remembers feeling it for the first time when he
passed by Chanyeol on his way to his classroom. The giant smiled at him in greeting. He felt cold and then hot and
there was that dastardly fluttering.
Baekhyun feels Chanyeol's left hand warm on his chin and he gets this urge to kick him in the gut.
"Ya, Byun. I told you to stay still not kill yourself by not breathing."
Flustered, Baekhyun lets out a labored breath and distracts himself from the thought that Chanyeol's face is so close to
his own, their noses are almost touching. Of course it's not really affecting him because if it does then it'll be weird.
And Baekhyun's not weird. He's dope. He's... he's... Chanyeol leans closer and Baekhyun loses his train of thought
"You should take off your beanie. Don't you want people to see your new look?" Chanyeol asks, his eyes trained on
Baekhyun's lids as he applies the liner gently across his eyelids.
"No, not yet." He's unsure why he doesn't want others to see his newly colored hair yet. Is he actually saving it for
when he next asks Yixing out? Not yet prepared to inspect his own reasons, Baekhyun changes the subject. "How do
you even know how to apply this shit?"
Chanyeol sighs at his use of 'shit' again but answers, "I have my Yuri-noona. My sister's four years older than me and
is a model. She's away right now because of work. She taught me everything I needed to know about... things," he
"About dressing up and all that?"
Chanyeol moves to apply the liner to his other eye. "Hey, Byun. Can I ask why?"
"Why what?" he answers distractedly.
"Why do you want to have a boyfriend?"
"It's because I want to see my name written on the bathroom mirror with toothpaste," Baekhyun says.
"What?" Chanyeol stops applying the liner and looks into Baekhyun's eyes.
"I used to wonder why my parents took so long to go out of the bathroom every night. So one time, I finally got the
courage to open the door while they were inside. I saw them standing in front of the sink, smiling at each other. My
papa drew a big heart on the mirror using toothpaste and mama wrote their names inside. I want that, too."
A few heartbeats after, Chanyeol pokes Baekhyun's forehead with the other end of the eyeliner. "I can't believe I'm
helping you out just because you want your name written with toothpaste," he says drily.
"They were happy," Baekhyun replies and searches into Chanyeol's eyes. For some reason, he wants him to
understand. "I just want to be happy like that."
The taller boy unexpectedly cups his cheek. Baekhyun forgets how to breathe again. "I get it, Baekhyun. Let's get you
that happy ending then."
And Chanyeol does his best to give Baekhyun his make-over. They spend the next two weeks studying etiquette over
sundaes down at the nearby ice cream parlor. After classes, they can always be found at the table near the corner
window, arguing over what to say (You look really good tonight) and what not to say (Hey, yo' asshat) when going on
a date with a guy you like.
Baekhyun and Chanyeol settle into a comfortable routine and somewhere along the way Baekhyun forgets why he is
having a make-over in the first place. Somehow, he ends up enjoying the company of the big oaf even if he always
cuts and corrects Baekhyun when he speaks.
The shorter boy finds himself looking forward to their walk home even if it hurts his neck when he has to look up at
Chanyeol because he is just so tall. He even welcomes Chanyeol's wide grins even if they still hurt his eyes.
Baekhyun learns to live with the strange fluttering in his stomach.
Nothing to say here at this point. Only that when Byun Baekhyun falls in love, all hell breaks loose. Just kidding.
"Hi! Zhang Yixing," Baekhyun smiles brightly, "I don't know if you remember but I'm Byun Baekhyun from class 3-
D. I heard you really like the band FYX. I actually have two tickets for their live performance at Club EXO this
coming Saturday. So I was kind of wondering if you want to come with me."
Baekhyun bites his lower lip as he waits nervously for the answer.
More silence.
"If you don't answer me in the next fucking second, you asshole--"
Chanyeol bursts into laughter, earning curious stares from the other patrons of the ice cream place.
"I knew you couldn't wait for too long." Chanyeol leans over the table and pulls down Baekhyun's beanie over his
eyes, making the shorter boy sputter.
Baekhyun pulls the beanie back up and glares at his friend. "You dumbshit."
"Language," Chanyeol admonishes. At Baekhyun's scowl, he gives in. "I was just teasing okay. But yeah, you passed."
The shorter boy's expression clears. "I did?"
"Yes. Your Zhang Yixing will definitely say yes," the giant says confidently.
Strangely, knowing it doesn't make Baekhyun feel as happy as he should be. He's a step closer to his goal. He should
be jumping up and down at the very least.
However, he doesn't feel like celebrating. More so when Chanyeol says, "We're actually done. No more need to meet
up every day, thank god."
Does this mean they don't get to hang out anymore? Why does he even feel panicked? And why does his chest hurt?
"Ya, Byun. Why so quiet?"
"You're an idiot," he says with a glare.
"Is that a thank you?" Chanyeol's lips quirk up.
"No. That means you're an idiot," Baekhyun replies. "And don't think you can escape easily, punk. It's my turn to
teach you the ways of the swag."
"I was hoping you wouldve forgotten about that," the taller boy mutters into a spoonful of ice cream.
Baekhyun smirks. This means they can still hang out, can't they? He feels a rush of relief.
Baekhyun grins smugly at the perfect hit he just made. A spoonful of Strawberry ice cream is now plastered against
Chanyeol's right cheek.
"That's not nice," the taller boy says plainly while wiping the mess with a tissue.
Baekhyun scoffs. "See? Bully-target."
"What was I supposed to do then?" the giant leans forward and frowns at Baekhyun.
The shorter boy leans forward as well until their faces are so close, their noses almost bump. "You. Tell. Them. To.
Fuck. Off."
Chanyeol doesn't reply. Time stops for a moment as Baekhyun stares into the other's deep brown eyes. Let's stay like
He lurches back when he realizes where his thoughts are going. He can't... like Park Chanyeol. He can't like losers.
Byun Baekhyun can't like losers even if they look perfect just sitting there with melting ice cream on their cheeks.
"You okay?" the other asks concerned. He nods. "Let's go then."
The wind's a bit chilly that late afternoon. Baekhyun's wearing one of his new plaid shirts much like what the other
boy is wearing. Couple clothes. He shakes his head. No.
The walk home is uncharacteristically quiet until Chanyeol breaks it with a question Baekhyun isn't ready to answer.
"When are you going to ask Yixing out?"
He feels like there's something happening here but he isn't certain what it is or if its even anything at all. "I'm not
The taller of the two pauses and turns so they're facing each other. Chanyeol reaches out for Baekhyun's right hand
where the black bandana is still wrapped around his wrist. "You don't have to worry, Baekhyun."
"What if he--" he trails off, unwilling to voice his insecurities.
Chanyeol lifts his hand higher, takes off the bandana and hands it to him. "You don't need this," he tells Baekhyun.
"You're amazing. He'd be a fool not to say yes."
There goes the fluttering again.
As if he felt he said too much, Chanyeol clears his throat and walks ahead.
Unused to all the chaotic thoughts and emotions that are making his knees weak, Baekhyun goes back to what he's
most comfortable with.
"You're the lamest, weakest prick, I've ever seen," he says abruptly to Chanyeol's back. "Your shoulders are always
hunched. You're a walking, breathing bully-target."
Chanyeol glances back at him with his usual eye-blinding smile before he continues strolling down the street. "The
only reason I became this way is because you're so tiny, I had to bend down every time I talk to you."
"Oh, is that it?"
"Yes, so so tiny and--ack!"
The giant is forced to bend back because Baekhyun just hooked the bandana around his neck from behind. "What's
that again about being tiny?" he whispers threateningly against Chanyeol's ear.
"Are you going to kill me?"
"Maybe--Ah!" It's his turn to gasp because Chanyeol holds on to his arms and suddenly bends forward, carrying
Baekhyun on his back. He squeaks when the taller boy lets go of his arms. He slips down but Chanyeol quickly
catches the backs of his thighs and pulls him closer to his back. The dark-haired boy skips and, afraid of falling,
Baekhyun wraps his arms around Chanyeol's shoulder. "What the hell?!"
"You said I'm lame and I'm weak so I'm starting to lift weights. God knows how heavy you are."
Baekhyun's eyes narrow when he hears Chanyeol laugh. But he lets it pass. He can't say that he doesn't want to be
where he is right now.
The thing with Byun Baekhyun's brother is I'll just let you find out for yourself.
Baekhyun laughs behind his hand when he sees Chanyeol pass by outside their classroom the next morning. The taller
boy is wearing the black paisley-patterned bandana around his neck just like how hip-hop dudes do. He told Chanyeol
it's the first step to being swag and its nice how the guy looked unconvinced but wore it anyway. He can't wait to tease
him about it later.
"So how're you and your boyfriend? Park Chanyeol, isn't it?"
Baekhyun doesn't even look at Jongdae when he replies. "He's not my boyfriend."
"Really? But we always see you together after classes and we even thought you two look cute together. You have this
Jack and the beanstalk thing going on." Jongdae chuckles. "And here I thought that you can get the most popular boy
in school to date you."
"I totally can." Baekhyun finally looks at Jongdae. "But Jongdae?" He has to concentrate and make use of everything
Chanyeol has taught him this past month to get it this out. "When I told you that you were adopted, the only thing I
meant was that you don't look like your mom but you are as good-looking as your dad."
He sees his classmates' jaw drop in confused shock before he turns away. That feels kind of good,Baekhyun thinks.
It's free period next and he uses the time to go out and check up on Chanyeol and his bandana. A quick peek into his
classroom yields no giant. He's about to return to his room when he spots Chanyeol walking towards the male's
Baekhyun follows his not-exactly-friend but stops just outside the door, intending to scare him when he comes out.
He'll probably squeal like a girl.
It isn't even a minute after when a boy hastily comes out from the comfort room. It's Chanyeol's bully followed shortly
by a dazed looking Chanyeol. Baekhyun's classmate disappears around the corner and he is left with the taller boy
grinning widely from ear to ear. "Byun Baekhyun!"
"What?" It's all he's able to say because Chanyeol wraps him into a tight hug before he pulls back and rests his hands
on Baekhyun's shoulders.
"I just told somebody to fuck off!" The taller boy's grin is so infectious that Baekhyun finds himself smiling widely,
They celebrate over a big bowl of banana split with extra nuts and chocolate syrup.
On the way home, they laugh and shout "We're the baddest dopes in town!" like two drunks. Both of them marginally
settle down when they reach the intersection of their streets. They usually separate here for their houses are on
opposite directions so he's surprised when Chanyeol continues to march down Baekhyuns lane. "Hey, where are you
The teen just shrugs and returns to walking. They share a companionable silence until they reach the gates of
Baekhyun's house. He feels something. He doesnt know what it is, but it feels nice. Baekhyun doesn't want this--
everything--to end yet.
He faces Chanyeol and fumbles for something to say. "Ya, Park Chanyeol."
The taller boy looks expectantly at him. "Yes?"
"Uh, um." This isn't really happening, is it? Byun Baekhyun, speechless? "Uh..."
"Thanks for this," Chanyeol moves closer and points at the bandana that's still around his neck. "I think it works."
"Of course it does." Baekhyun's hand unconsciously reaches out to touch the cloth.
"So what were you going to say?" Chanyeol says, his voice deep and soothing.
"Huh?" It's a mistake when Baekhyun looks up because he doesn't realize that Chanyeol is so so close. If he just
tiptoes and inch or two--
His eyelids turn heavy as he gazes at Chanyeol's full lower lip. Is it just him or are those lips coming nearer?
Baekhyun jumps back and the moment is completely broken when the gate opens to reveal a scowling guy in his mid-
"Hyung!" Baekhyun greets his older brother but gets ignored.
The guy fixes his gaze on Chanyeol. "Who are you?"
"He's Park Chanyeol, my schoolmate," Baekhyun answers for the other boy. "Chanyeol, this is my brother, Kyuhyun-
"Nice to meet you, sir." Chanyeol bows down but gets ignored as well.
"Get inside Baekhyun, it's a school night you should have been here an hour ago." Kyuhyun gives the taller boy
another glare before he returns inside.
"Well, see you tomorrow!" he tells Chanyeol.
Baekhyun quickly follows after his brother and finds him in the kitchen, leaning against the kitchen sink with his arms
crossed over his chest. "What's for dinner?"
"Is he the boy who made you like this?" Kyuhyun asks.
"Like what?"
His brother points at him. "Like this! Was he the one who told you to buy new clothes? The one who told you to cut
your hair?"
"No, it was entirely my decision," he answers.
"But why? You looked perfectly normal and--"
"Hyung, I think... I don't look normal," he finally voices out what's been bugging him since he started with his
makeover thing with Chanyeol. "I looked around me and all I can see are people laughing because I'm different. I
didn't mind, hyung. Because you've taught me everything I know--how to dress and how to act. I've always believed
in you. "
"But then I saw that you look just like them, hyung. The clothes you told me to wear, the words you told me to say,
the way you told me to act--you don't use them." Baekhyun plays with the hem of his shirt. "I'm not angry at all. I
just... I just want to understand."
Kyuhyun sighs and motions for Baekhyun to sit by the dining table. He waits for the younger boy to settle down
before he speaks. "I was fifteen when I was left to take care of my little brother. I knew next to nothing about bringing
up a child. I barely left childhood myself. I was so afraid of what will happen if I so much as blink and take my eyes
off of you for a second. I was trying to finish my studies soon so I could work for the both us."
"I worry every moment that you are out of my sight, Baekhyun. You're our precious baby and I'm the only one you
have left. Since I know it's impossible to keep an eye on you all the time, I thought of a way to get you away from
those predators outside."
"So you taught me how to dress and act this way because you don't want people to get close and take advantage of
me?" Baekhyun asks, trying to understand his brother's reasoning. Kyunhyun nods. "But hyung, I also didn't have
"I knew that would happen. That's why I try to spend as much time with you as I can. Don't you think my company is
enough?" Kyuhyun asks.
Baekhyun hears the hurt in his brother's tone and he rushes to assure him. "Of course it is hyung!"
"Then why do you have to hang out with that Park Chanyeol? I don't like him." Kyuhyun's brows knot and then his
eyes widen. "Tell me, is he your boyfriend?" he demands.
The younger boy laughs, although it sounds a bit hollow to his own ears. "That's ridiculous, hyung. He is just a friend,
really. A loser one at that."
"If he's a loser then why do you spend so much time with him?"
"Because--" Baekhyun pauses. Why does he?
Because when I'm with him I don't feel so alone. He makes me... happy.
He pauses upon that realization. He has not realized how Chanyeol came to mean this much to him in such a short
amount of time.
He looks up at his brother. "I... I only feel sorry for him because that douche doesn't have any friends."
"Are you sure that's all it is?" his brother asks suspiciously.
"I'm sure, hyung," he reassures the older guy.
Kyuhyun sighs, resigned. "Well, I hope so. I just dont want to see you hurt or I'll break that boy's nose."
He laughs. "There won't be a need for that, hyung. I promise."
After dinner, Baekhyun goes to his room and dives onto his bed. He smiles into his pillow when he recalls the look of
pride on Chanyeol's face as he said Fuck off after every spoonful of ice cream. All the dumb.
His smile drops, though, when he remembers that moment outside the gate when he was looking into Chanyeol's eyes
and his stomach was fluttering so much he wanted to puke at the giant's pretty face.
He doesn't know what's happening. He can't really like him. Baekhyun is supposed to fall for princes like Kim
Junmyeon and Zhang Yixing. Losers like Park Chanyeol aren't his type. Even if he's funny and always lets Baekhyun
choose what flavor of ice cream to buy since Chanyeol lets him finish half of it off anyway.
And Chanyeol doesn't even like him, too. He looks so happy every time they talk about Baekhyun confessing to
Yixing. Baekhyun has this suspicion that the taller boy can't wait to be rid of him. The jerk.
"Are you sure that's all it is?"
He told his brother yes but in truth he really isn't sure at all. Because when Chanyeol pushes him to confess, he gets
this not so good feeling. The urge to punch the taller boy becomes stronger. Baekhyun doesn't want to feel this way.
He doesn't like feeling unsure.
He decides it's time to speak to Zhang Yixing. He has put it off long enough. His relationship (or whatever it is that
they have) with Chanyeol is ending anyway. They already fulfilled both their parts in the bargain.
Baekhyun feels his phone vibrate in his pocket. He takes it out and sees Douchebag calling on the screen. There's that
fluttering thing again. He immediately answers, "Hello?"
"Hey, just want to make sure you didn't get into trouble," Chanyeol says from the other line.
"I didn't."
"Oh, good." They both go silent, neither knowing what else to say.
Baekhyun shifts and lies on his side. His eyes go to the wall calendar. Three weeks to graduation. "Chanyeol? I'm
going to ask Yixing out tomorrow."
It takes a while but he hears Chanyeol reply. "That's great, Byun. Good luck!"
The giant sounds happy. His stomach stops fluttering. Instead it plunges down, down, down and, for no reason at all,
he wants to end Park Chanyeol's life.
"Yeah," is all he says before he abruptly ends the call.
Baekhyun closes his eyes and ignores the sudden feeling of sadness that sweeps through him.
The thing with Park Chanyeol is that he is really tall, which makes everything difficult for Byun Baekhyun. Also, it's
really painful to watch two idiots fall for each other. Let us believe in the powers of love, romance, rainbows, unicorn
and all that poop.
(These three statements put together may not make sense but then again when does love ever do?)
There he is again in front of class 3-A's door. Just like before, he's still nervous, but everything else is different.
Baekhyun has taken off his beanie, revealing his rocking magenta hair. His eyes look hot and mysterious with
eyeliner. Instead of snickers and derisive looks, he is now the recipient of amazed gasps and admiring stares.
He easily spots Zhang Yixing and with a deep breath he enters the room. He throws a quick glance to the dark-haired
giant leaning against a chair to the left and he gets an encouraging smile in return. Baekhyun feels worse.
The walk is short and soon he reaches the blonde guy who was looking curiously at him.
"Hi, Yixing-ssi. I don't know if you remember me but my name is Byun Baekhyun from class 3-C," he says.
"Oh, yes. The guy from the other day? The one who made a bet with Chanyeol?" the other boy answers.
"Uh, yeah. About that, I would really like to make up for it. Are you free this weekend?" He thinks he hears the
collective breath the students take behind him as they waited for Zhang Yixing's response.
"A Date?"
"Yes, uh. Yes, a date."
Baekhyun takes out his phone and gets Yixing's number, hands fumbling a little with the keys. "Okay, so I'll just
message you when and where?" At the blonde boy's nod, he grins and says, "See you later!"
He bows and turns to leave. Baekhyun's eyes instinctively look for the black cropped hair and the blinding grin but
what he sees is Chanyeol's retreating back as the giant goes out the door. The elation he feels quickly turns to
something akin to disappointment.
The weekend comes fast.
Baekhyun looks between his wrist watch and his phone's screen. He's waiting for Yixing inside the cozy Chinese
restaurant, all made up in a black jacket over an equally black v-neck t-shirt and dark skinny jeans. He did away with
styling gel and let his hair fall straight and his fringe parted just a little bit on the side. Park Chanyeol once told him
that that suits him the best.
Speaking of the douche, he hasn't talked to Baekhyun since the day he asked Yixing out. Which got Baekhyun
wondering why he is still waiting for him to call. Was he hoping to get another good luck from Chanyeol? Or was he
just hoping to hear his voice?
He abruptly shakes his head. No, he isn't hoping for that at all but he sends another glance at his phone.Loser.
"Hey," Yixing greets him and Baekhyun pushes his plans of torture for Park Chanyeol to the back of his mind. He
thinks the other guy looks princely in his teal knit sweater and slacks but if it were Chanyeol, for a first date, he would
have worn--
Focus, Byun Baekhyun. Focus.
He lets Yixing order for him. The guy listens attentively as Baekhyun talks about all sorts of stuff over egg rolls and
deep fried wontons. The place is nice. The atmosphere is pleasant. But even if his mouth moves a mile a minute,
Baekhyun is bored.
They're now having dessert--a plate of pan-fried water chestnut cake. It's looks delicious and mouth-watering but
Baekhyun thinks he'd rather have a strawberry sundae. He touches the collar of his shirt for the thirty-second time
during the course of their date. Its cut low but he somehow feels restricted. Suffocated. He sees a cute dimple appear
on the other boy's cheek while he tells him about... Something. Baekhyun can't seem to focus on what Yixing is
talking about.
He sips on his glass of iced tea as he studies the blonde boy. What he notices is that Zhang Yixing is handsome but he
doesn't have a smile that hurts the eyes. He doesn't make Baekhyun want to punch his face. He doesn't make
Baekhyun's neck ache from looking up at him. He doesn't interrupt Baekhyun rudely when he speaks. He doesn't...
He's not... He's just not Park Chanyeol.
Baekhyun chokes on his drink.
"You okay?" Yixing asks, concerned.
He coughs some more before he's able to answer. "Yeah."
But no, he isn't. He just had the wildest realization of his seventeen years of (dope) existence. It's quite difficult to
accept that Byun Baekhyun, master swagger, likes Park Chanyeol, biggest loser. He likes Dumbyeol. He wants to
punch himself.
"So yes, as I was saying--"
"I'm sorry," Baekhyun blurts out. "I don't like you."
Yixing looks surprised but then he lets out a laugh. "Are you rejecting me?"
"Yes. It's not that I don't really like you. I like you but I don't like like you," Baekhyun explains.
Yixing looks lost at first but then he says, "I think I get it."
"I'm sorry."
"It's fine. To tell you the truth I just said yes because I wanted to be distracted. You see, there's this guy that I really
like and--"
Baekhyun holds his hand up. "Uh, I don't really have the time and this is rude and I'd probably get scolded by this
giant douchebag I know because where have all our training gone to but I really have to go and so I'm willing to listen
to your love story about the dick who obviously doesn't know better than to make you wait but we can do it some
other time, you hearing me bitch?"
Yixing chuckles again. "Fine. I'm holding you to that."
Grateful, Baekhyun bows and waves goodbye. Once outside the restaurant he gets his phone and dials the loser's
Chanyeol picks up on the second ring. His voice sounds deeper on the phone. "Hey, Byun."
Baekhyun's hold on his phone tightens because Park Chanyeol is a loser but he still misses him. "Hey."
"So--how's the date? Wait. Isn't it too early for you to call? The date's already over?" He hears Chanyeol cluck. "You
used the f-word didn't you?"
"I didn't," Baekhyun answers. He starts walking, eager to get to Chanyeol's place. "I used dick, though."
He can hear Chanyeol wince over the phone. "Byun Baekhyun," he says in a long drawn out sigh.
He wants to laugh at the sound but Baekhyun's nervous. He found out he likes the douche but he isn't sure Chanyeol
likes him in return. Will he even give Baekhyun the time of day? "Where are you?" Baekhyun asks.
"I'm... at home. Yeah, just relaxing at home."
Baekhyun passes by the ice cream parlor and wonders if Chanyeol will be wooed by a pint of chocolate mint ice
cream. His cheeks flush. What the hell am I even thinking?
"Will you just stay there or will--" Baekhyun pauses and backtracks. He blinks and blinks some more. At home? Then
who's that loser sitting on their usual window seat? He sees the two sundaes on the table. Is the loser on a date? He's
even wearing the black bandana around his neck and Baekhyun has half a mind to march there and strangle him with
"Baek? You still there?"
"You're home, right?" Baekhyun watches the taller guy nod. Dickhead.
"Yes, why?" Chanyeol picks at his ice cream and Baekhyun notices that the other sundae looks untouched. And it's
strawberry flavored.
He doesn't really get it but the fluttering starts all over again, stronger this time. "Nothing," he whispers.Where's your
date? What are you doing there, Park Chanyeol?
"So are you on your way home now?"
"Chanyeol, where's my bandana? I want it back," he asks into the receiver, ignoring the other's question. His heart is
beating fast and he can barely even hear himself.
"Oh, your bandana?" Baekhyun sees the giant hold onto it and fit it more snugly against his chin. "I already threw it
away. Since I have my own 'swag' anyway and don't need it anymore."
"But--it's mine." He sees the giant smile from inside the ice cream parlor and it still hurts Baekhyun's eyes. Thats why
he feels like crying.
"It's gone, though."
"You're dead, jerkwad."
Chanyeol snorts. The giant stands up and proceeds to go out. Baekhyun walks a few steps back so the loser won't see
him. He waits until the other guy is a few feet away before he follows him down the road.
"Well, I guess... Since you got your boy... It's over, huh?" Chanyeol rubs his hand against his nape.
"Yeah," is all he answers. "I have to go."
"Oh, okay. Yeah. Bye."
They're already on Chanyeol's street and Baekhyun continues to follow the taller boy quietly. He tells himself he can
just call out to him. Tell him he's there. Ask him why he lied and... Does he like Baekhyun, too? Because he looks like
he does.
Then what are you waiting for, Baekhyun? What?
Chanyeol reaches his house and Baekhyun stops a few steps to his right. The giant halts. Baekhyun stiffens thinking
that the dark-haired guy found out he is following him but then Chanyeol just stands there.
Baekhyun watches in surprise as the other boy holds onto the bandana again and lifts it to his lips. He studies his
profile and his heart clutches because Chanyeol looks sad.
Is that what he is looking for?
Not able to stop himself any longer, Baekhyun runs over to where Chanyeol is and promptly pulls on the bandana
from the back, effectively choking the taller guy. "Wha--"
"You're still such a loser!" Baekhyun pulls again.
Chanyeol turns around, bending down a little because Baekhyun is still holding onto the bandana. "Baekhyun? he
coughs. You're really going to kill me?"
The shorter boy doesn't answer but instead tiptoes and, mentally throwing all the requirements he has for the perfect
boyfriend, kisses Chanyeol.
And of course, since this isn't a fairy tale, his lips miss and smacks straight at Chanyeol's chin. Damnit all.
Baekhyun lets go and glares at the douche. "Why do you have to be so damned tall, you fucktard? You breastfed
straight from a cow or something? And why are you smiling like that? How many times do I fucking have to tell you
it hurts the eyes? Damnit, why do I even like you? You're--Oof!"
Chanyeol lifts him up and puts him on the doorstep, effectively stopping his pointless tirade.
"Now that you're taller. You can kiss me now," Chanyeol says with a soft smile.
That face. That fucking face. He really wants to punch it.
However, when Baekhyun lifts his hand, it's not to hit Chanyeol but to pull him close. "I can't believe I'm stooping so
low and liking a loser like you. It's against the ways of the swag."
"Best confession I've heard so far."
Baekhyun scoffs at him. "Oh, get over yourself. That's the only confession you'll ever gonna get, dumbface."
Chanyeol only has time to roll his eyes before Baekhyun dips his head and catches Chanyeol's lips beneath his own.
And then they are kissing.
Baekhyun wraps his arms tightly around Chanyeol's neck. It's okay if Chanyeol is a loser because he really is good at
this, he thinks when the taller boy's hands holds onto his waist and deepens the kiss.
He pulls back an inch, breathing now a bit ragged and Baekhyun sees Chanyeol is still grinning. He still wants to
punch him and kiss him and punch him. And kiss him endlessly.
The taller boy reluctantly pulls back and removes the bandana from his neck. He then holds on to Baekhyun's slim
wrist and wraps the cloth around it, just like how the shorter boy used to do it.
"I like you. I started to like you the first time you called me fegit."
Baekhyun's eyes searches Chanyeol's. "But that's... that was when I had my haircut."
"Yeah," Chanyeol says absently as he finishes tying the bandana. He then looks straight at Baekhyun. "But you were
already after Zhang Yixing. And you think I'm a douche."
"I don't think you're a douche. I know you are."
"You're filthy-mouthed," Chanyeol laughs huskily. "But I don't mind. I like you. You can wear your DICKHEAD shirt
and wrap this thing on your wrist and yell and curse at me all you want. And I wouldn't mind."
"Really?" Baekhyun asks and he doesn't know what to do because he just really, really, really likes Park Chanyeol.
"Yes. Except for the gold hair. Please."
Baekhyun gives in and punches Chanyeol in the ribs. Although, there isn't much force behind it. He puts all his energy
in kissing the loser instead.
The thing with Byun Baekhyun and Park Chanyeol is... No scratch that.
The thing between Byun Baekhyun and Park Chanyeol is love.
And if you're curious. Yes, Baekhyun got to have his happy ending complete with his and Chanyeol's name written in

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