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Subject Code / Name: ME 1301 Dynamics of Machinery


Sub. Code/Name: ME1301 Dynami! o" Ma#ine$y %ea$/Sem: III/&
1( )hat is free body dia*ram+
,( Define static force ana-ysis(
UNIT - 1
' A (T ) A *+ M a $ , ! )
3( Differentiate bet.een static and dynamic e/ui-ibrium(
0( Define a11-ied and constraint forces(
2( Differentiate bet.een static force ana-ysis and dynamic force ana-ysis(
3( Define inertia force(
4( Define inertia tor/ue(
5( State D6-embert6s 1rinci1-e(
7( State the 1rinci1-e of su1er1osition(
10( Define 1iston effort(
11( Define cran8 effort and cran891in effort(
1,( )hat is meant by turnin* moment dia*ram or cran8 effort dia*ram+
13( E:1-ain the term ma:imum f-uctuation of ener*y in f-y .hee-(
10( Define coefficient of f-uctuation of ener*y(
12( Define coefficient of f-uctuation of s1eed(
13( Define coefficient of steadiness(
14( )hy f-y.hee-s are needed in for*in* and 1ressin* o1erations+
15( )hat is cam dynamics+
17( Define unba-ance and s1rin* sur*e(
,0( Define .indu1( )hat is the remedy for camshaft .indu1+
,1( )hat are the effect and causes of .indu1+
Subject Code / Name: ME 1301 Dynamics of Machinery
PART-B (16 Marks)
1( For reci1rocatin* en*ine; deri<e the e:1ression for
=i>?e-ocity and acce-eration of the 1iston
=ii>n*u-ar <e-ocity and an*u-ar acce-eration of the connectin* rod =13>
,( In a reci1rocatin* en*ine mechanism; if the cran8 and connectin* rod are 300mm and 1m
-on* res1ecti<e-y and the cran8 rotates at a constant s1eed of ,00r(1(m(Determine ana-ytica--y;
1( !he cran8 an*-e at .hich the ma:imum <e-ocity occurs and
,( Ma:imum <e-ocity of 1iston(
3( Deri<e the re-e<ant e/uations( =13>
3( =i>Deduce the e:1ression for the inertia force in the reci1rocatin* force ne*-ectin* the .ei*ht
of the connectin* rod( =5>
=ii> <ertica- 1etro- en*ine .ith cy-inder of 120mm diameter and ,00mm stro8es has a connectin*
rod of 320mm -on*( !he mass is 1(38* and the en*ine s1eed is 1500 r1m( $n the
e:1ansion stro8e .ith cran8 an*-e 30@ from!DC; the *as 1ressure is 420ABa(
Determine the net thrust on the 1iston( =5>
0( =i>Define coefficient of f-uctuation of s1eed and coefficient of f-uctuation of ener*y( =0>
=ii>!he radius of *yration of a f-y .hee- is 1meter and f-uctuation of s1eed is not to e:ceed 1C
of the mean s1eed of the f-y.hee-( If the mass of the f-y.hee- is 33008* and the steam
de<e-o1s 120A) at 132r1m; then find; 1(Ma:imum f-uctuation of ener*y
,( Coefficient of f-uctuation of ener*y =1,>
2( !he -en*th of cran8 and connectin* rod of a horiDonta- reci1rocatin* en*ine are 100mm and
200mm res1ecti<e-y( !he cran8 is rotatin* at 000r1m()hen the cran8 has turned 30@
from the IDC; find ana-ytica--y1(?e-ocity of 1iston ,(cce-eration of 1iston
3( n*u-ar <e-ocity of connectin* rod 0( n*u-ar acce-eration of connectin* rod( =13>
Subject Code / Name: ME 1301 Dynamics of Machinery
3( !he -en*th and connectin* rod of a horiDonta- reci1rocatin* en*ine are ,00mm and
1meter res1ecti<e-y(!hje cran8 is rotatin* at 000r1m()hen the cran8 has turned 30@ from
the inner dead center; the difference of 1ressure bet.een co<er end and 1iston rod is 0(0 N/mm,(
If the mass of the reci1rocatin* 1arts is 100A* and a cy-inder bore is 0(0meters(Ca-cu-ate
=i>Inertia force =ii> Force on 1iston =iii> Biston effort =i<> !hrust on the side of the cy-inder .a--s
=<> !hrust in the connectin* rod =<i>Cran8 effort( =13>
4( horiDonta- *as en*ine runnin* at ,10r1m has a bore of ,,0mm and a stro8e of 000mm(
!he connectin* rod is 7,0mm -on* the reci1rocatin* 1arts .ei*ht ,08*()hen the cran8 has
turned throu*h an an*-e of 30@ from IDC; the *as 1ressure on the co<er and the cran8 sides
are 200AN/m, and 30AN/m, res1ecti<e-y( Diameter of the 1iston rod is 00mm(Determine;
1( !urnin* moment on the cran8 shaft ,(!hrust on bearin*
3( cce-eration of the f-y.hee- .hich has a mass of 58* and radius of *yration of 300mm
.hi-e the of the en*ine is ,,A)( =13>
5( sin*-e cy-inder <ertica- en*ine has a bore of 300mm and a stro8e of 000mm(!he connectin* rod is
1000mm -on*( !he mass of the reci1rocatin* 1arts is 1008*($n the e:1ansion stro8e .ith the cran8 at
30@from the to1 dead center; the *as 1ressure is 0(4MBa(If the runs at ,20r1m; determineE
1( Net force actin* on the 1iston ,(resu-tant -oad on the *ud*eon 1in
3( !hrust on cy-inder .a--s
0( !he s1eed abo<e .hich other thin*s remainin* same; *ud*eon 1in -oads .ou-d be
re<ersed in direction( =13>
7( <ertica- doub-e actin* steam en*ine has a cy-inder 300mm diameter and 020mm stro8e and
runs at ,00r1m(!he reci1rocatin* 1arts has a mass of ,,28* and the 1iston rod is 20mm diameter(
!he connectin* rod is 1(,m -on*( )hen the cran8 has turned 1,2@ from IDC the steam
1ressure abo<e the 1iston is 30AN/m,(ca-cu-ate;
=i>Cran891in effort
=ii>!he effecti<e turnin* moment on the cran8 shaft( =13>
10( !he turnin* moment dia*ram for a 1etro- en*ine is dra.n to a sca-e of 1mm to 3N9m and
the horiDonta- sca-e of 1mm to 1@(!he turnin* moment re1eat itse-f after e<ery ha-f re<o-ution of
the en*ine( !he area abo<e and be-o. the mean tor/ue -ine are 302; 410; 20;320;750and ,42mm,(
!he mass of rotatin* 1arts is 008* at a radius of *yration of 100mm(C-cu-ate the coefficient
of f-uctuation of s1eed if the mean s1eed is 1200r1m( =13>
11( !he tor/ue de-i<ered by a t.o stro8e en*ine is re1resented by
!F =1000G300sin,H9200cos,H> N9m .here H is the an*-e turned by the cran8 from the IDC(
!he en*ine s1eed is ,20r1m(!he mass of the f-y.hee- is 0008* and radius of *yration
000mm(Determine;=i>the de<e-o1ed =ii>the tota- 1ercenta*e f-uctuation of s1eed =iii>the an*u-ar
acce-eration of f-y.hee- .hen the cran8 has rotated throu*h an an*-e of 30@ from the IDC( =i<> the
ma:imum an*u-ar acce-eration and retardation of the f-y.hee-( =13>
' A ( T ) A *+ M a $ , ! -
1( )hat is meant by ba-ancin* of rotatin* masses+
,( )hy rotatin* masses are to be dynamica--y ba-anced+
3( Define static ba-ancin*(
0( Define dynamic ba-ancin*(
2( State the conditions for static and dynamic ba-ancin*(
3( State the conditions for com1-ete ba-ance of se<era- masses re<o-<in* in different 1-anes of a shaft(
4( )hy com1-ete ba-ancin* is not 1ossib-e in reci1rocatin* en*ine+
5( Can a sin*-e cy-inder en*ine be fu--y ba-anced+ )hy+
7( Differentiate bet.een the unba-anced force caused due to rotatin* and reci1rocatin* masses(
10( )hy are the cran8s of a -ocomoti<e; .ith t.o cy-inders; 1-aced at 70@ to each other+
11( %ist the effects of 1artia- ba-ancin* of -ocomoti<es(
1,( Define s.ayin* cou1-e(
13( Define hammer b-o. .ith res1ect to -ocomoti<es(
10( )hat are the effects of hammer b-o. and s.ayin* cou1-e+
12( Define direct and re<erse cran8s(
13( .hat for the ba-ancin* machines are used+
14( )hat are different ty1es of ba-ancin* machines+
Subject Code / Name: ME 1301 Dynamics of Machinery
PART-B (16 Marks)
1( shaft is rotatin* at a uniform an*u-ar s1eed( Four masses M1; M,; and M3and M0 of ma*nitudes
3008*; 0208*; 3308*; 3708* res1ecti<e-y are attached ri*id-y to the shaft( !he masses are rotatin* in the
same 1-ane( !he corres1ondin* radii of rotation are ,00mm; 120mm; ,20mmand 300mm res1ecti<e-y(
!he an*-e made by these masses .ith horiDonta- are 0@(02@; 1,0@and ,22@res1ecti<e-y(
Find;=i> the ma*nitude of ba-ancin* mass
=ii> the 1osition of ba-ancin* mass if its radius of rotation is ,00mm( =13>
,( Four masses M1; M,; M3; and M0 are ,008*; 3008*; ,008* and ,308* res1ecti<e-y( !he
corres1ondin* radii of rotation are 0(,m; 0(12m; 0(,2m and 0(3m res1ecti<e-y and the an*-e bet.een
successi<e masses02@; 42@; and132@(Find the 1osition and ma*nitude of ba-ance mass re/uired if its
radius of rotation is 0(,2m( =13>
3( !he data for three rotatin* masses are *i<en be-o.:9
M1F08* r1F42mm H1F02
M,F38* r,F52mm H,F132
M3F,(28* r3F20mm H3F,00
Determine the amount of counter mass at a radia- distance of 32mm re/uired for their static ba-ance
0( Four masses ; I; C; and D are com1-ete-y ba-anced masses C and D ma8es an*-es of 70@ and 172@
res1ecti<e-y .ith I in the same sense( !he rotatin* masses ha<e the* 1ro1erties:

F,28* r

F008* r
F328* r
B-anes I and C are ,20mm a1art( Determine =i> the mass and its an*u-ar 1osition
=ii> the 1osition of 1-anes and D( =13>
2( ; I; C and D are four masses carried by a rotatin* shaft at radii 100mm;1,2mm;,00mm and 120mm
res1ecti<e-y( !he 1-anes in .hich the masses re<o-<e are s1aced 300mm a1art and the masses of I;C
and D are 108*;28* and 08*res1ecti<e-y(Find the re/uired mass and re-ati<e an*u-ar settin* of the
four masses so that the shaft be in com1-ete ba-ance( =13>
Subject Code / Name: ME 1301 Dynamics of Machinery
3( Four masses ; I; C and D re<o-<es at e/ua- radii and e/ua--y s1aced a-on* a shaft( !he mass I is
48* and the radii of C and D ma8e an*-e s of 70@ and ,00 @res1ecti<e-y .ith the radius of I(Find the
ma*nitude of masses ;C and D and an*u-ar 1osition of ( So that the system may be com1-ete-y
ba-anced( =13>
4( shaft caries four rotatin* masses ; I; C and D .hich are com1-ete-y ba-anced( !he masses I; C
and Dare 208*; 508* and 408* res1ecti<e-y( !he masses C and D ma8e an*-es of 70@ and 172@
res1ecti<e-y .ith mass I in the same sense( !he masses ;I;C and D are concentrated at radius
42mm;100mm;20mm and 70mmres1ecti<e-y(!he 1-ane of rotation of masses I and C are ,20mm a1art(
Determine =i> the ma*nitude of mass and its an*u-ar 1osition
=ii> the 1osition of 1-anes and D( =13>
5( four cy-inder <ertica- en*ine has cran8s 120mm -on*( !he 1-ane of rotation of the first; second and
fourth cran8s are 000mm;,00mm and ,00mm res1ecti<e-y from that of the third cran8 and their
reci1rocatin* masses are 208*;308* and 208* res1ecti<e-y( Find the mass of the reci1rocatin* 1arts for
the third cy-inder and re-ati<e an*u-ar 1osition of the cran8s in order that the en*ine may be in com1-ete
ba-ance( =13>
7( four cy-inder <ertica- en*ine has cran8s 300mm -on*( !he 1-ane of rotation of the first; third and
fourth cran8s are 420mm;1020mm and 1320mm res1ecti<e-y from that of the second cran8 and their
reci1rocatin* masses are 108*;0008* and ,208* res1ecti<e-y( Find the mass of the reci1rocatin* 1arts
for the second cy-inder and re-ati<e an*u-ar 1osition of the cran8s in order that the en*ine may be in
com1-ete ba-ance( =13>
10( Deri<e the* e:1ression of effects of 1artia- ba-ancin* in t.o cy-inder -ocomoti<e
en*ine =i> ?ariation of tracti<e force =ii> S.ayin* cou1-e =iii> Jammer b-o. =13>
Subject Code / Name: ME 1301 Dynamics of Machinery
' A ( T ) A *+ M a $ , ! -
1( )hat are the causes and effect of <ibration+
,( Define fre/uency; cyc-e; 1eriod and free <ibration(
3( )hat are the different ty1es of <ibrations+
0( State different method of findin* natura- fre/uency of a system(
2( )hat is meant by free <ibration and forced <ibration+
3( Define resonance(
4( )hat is meant by de*rees of freedom in a <ibratin* system+
5( )hat is the natura- fre/uency of sim1-e s1rin* mass system+
7( Determine the natura- fre/uency of mass of 108*sus1ended at the bottom of t.o s1rin*s =of stiffness:
2N/mm and 5N/mm> in series(
10( )hat is the effect of inertia on the shaft in -on*itudina- and trans<erse <ibrations+
11( State the e:1ression for the fre/uency of sim1-e 1endu-um(
1,( &i<e the e:1ression for natura- fre/uency of .ater; .hich osci--ates in a K#6tube manometer+
13( )hat are the different ty1es of dam1in*+
10( Dra. the schematic dia*ram of a free dam1ed <ibration system and .rite the *o<ernin*
differentia- e/uation of the system(
12( S8etch the !ime ?s Dis1-acement for under9dam1ed and o<er9dam1ed systems(
13( )hat is the -imit beyond .hich dam1in* is detrimenta- and .hy+
14( )hat is meant by critica- dam1in*+
15( )hat ty1e of motion is e:hibited by a <ibratin* system .hen it is critica--y dam1ed+
17( Define critica- or .hir-in* s1eed(
,0( )hat are the factors that affect the critica- s1eed of a shaft+
,1( )hat are the causes of critica- s1eed+
,,( Differntiate bet.een trans<erse and torsiona- <ibrations(
Subject Code / Name: ME 1301 Dynamics of Machinery
PART-B (16 Marks)
1( Deri<e an e:1ression for the natura- fre/uency of the free -on*itudina- <ibration by
=i>E/ui-ibrium method =ii> Ener*y method =iii>'ay-ei*h6s method =13>
,( In a sin*-e de*ree of dam1ed <ibration system a sus1ended mass of 58* ma8es 30 osci--ations in 15
seconds( !he am1-itude decreases in 15 seconds( !he am1-itude decreases to 0(,2 of the initia- <a-ue
after 2 osci--ations( Determine =i> the s1rin* stiffness =ii> -o*arithmic decrement =iii> dam1in* factor
=i<> Dam1in* coefficient( =13>
3( Determine e/uation of motion .hen a -i/uid co-umn <ibratin* in a K#6tube by
=i> Ne.ton6s method =ii> Ener*y method and hence find its natura- fre/uency( =13>
0( =i>Deduce the e:1ression for the free -on*itudina- <ibration in terms of s1rin* stiffness; its inertia
effect and sus1ended mass( =5>
=ii> s1rin* mass system has s1rin* stiffness Ks6N/m and has a mass of Km68*(It has the natura-
fre/uency of <ibration as 1,JD(n e:tra ,8* mass is cou1-ed to Km6 and natura- fre/uency reduces by
,JD(Find the <a-ue of Ks6 and Km6( =5>
2(<ibratin* system consists of a mass of 58*;s1rin* of stiffness 2(3N/m and dash1ot of dam1in*
coefficient of 00N/m/s(Find;=i>Critica- dam1in* coefficient =ii> the dam1in* factor =iii>the natura-
fre/uency of dam1ed <ibration =i<>the -o*arithmic decrement=<>the ratio of t.o consecuti<e am1-itude
=<i>the number of cyc-e after .hich the ori*ina- am1-itude is reduced to ,0 1ercent(
3( n instrument <ibrates .ith a fre/uency of 1JD .hen there is no dam1in*( )hen the dam1in* is
1ro<ided; the fre/uency of dam1ed <ibration .as obser<ed to be 0(7JD(
Find; =i> dam1in* factor =ii> -o*arithmic decrement( =13>
4( Find the e/uation of notion for the s1rin* mass9dash1ot system for the cases .hen
=i> L F , =ii>L F 1 and =iii>L F 0(3( !he mass Km6is dis1-aced by a distance of 30mm and re-eased
Subject Code / Name: ME 1301 Dynamics of Machinery
5( Iet.een a so-id mass of 108* and the f-oor are 8e1t t.o s-abs of iso-ates; natura- rubber and fe-t; in
series( !he natura- rubber s-ab has a stiffness of 3000N/m and e/ui<a-ent <iscous dam1in* coefficient of
100 N9sec/m(!he fe-t has a stiffness of 1,000N/m and e/ui<a-ent <iscous dam1in* coefficient of 330N9
sec/m(Determine undam1ed and the dam1ed natura- fre/uencies of the system in <ertica- direction( =13>
7( =i> canti-e<er shaft 20mm diameter and 300mm -on* has a disc of mass 1008* at its free end( !he
youn*6s modu-us for the shaft materia- is ,00&N/m,(SDetermine the fre/uency of -on*itudina- and
trans<erse <ibration of the shaft( =10>
=ii>E:1-ain the s8etches different cases of dam1ed <ibrations( =3>
10( !he barre- of a -ar*e *un recoi-s a*ainst a s1rin* on firin*( t the end of the firin*; a dash1ot is
en*a*ed that a--o.s the barre- to return to its ori*ina- 1osition in minimum time .ithout osci--ation( &un
barre- mass is 0008* and initia- <e-ocity of recoi-s 1m(Determine s1rin* stuffiness and critica- dam1in*
coefficient of dash1ot( =13>
11( stee- shaft 100mm in diameter is -oaded and su11ort in shaft bearin* 0(0m a1art( !he shaft carries
three -oads: first mass 1,8* at the centre; second mass 108* at a distance 0(1,m from the -eft bearin*
and third mass of 48* at a distance 0(07m from the ri*ht bearin*( Find the <a-ue of the critica- s1eed by
usin* Dun8er -ey6s method( EF,M10
' A ( T ) A *+ M a $ , ! )
1( Define dam1in* ratio or dam1in* factor(
,( Define -o*arithmic decrement(
3( &i<e e/uation for dam1in* factor L and dam1ed fre/uency Nd(
0( )hat is meant by harmonic forcin*+
2( )hat is the re-ationshi1 bet.een fre/uencies of undam1ed and dam1ed <ibration+
3( )hat is meant by dynamic ma*nifier or ma*nification factor+
4( Define transmissibi-ity(
5( Define transmissibi-ity ratio or iso-ation factor(
7( )hat is <ibration iso-ation+
Subject Code / Name: ME 1301 Dynamics of Machinery
10( S8etch the *ra1h for =N/Nn> ?s !ransmissibi-ity for different <a-ues of dam1in* factor(
PART-B (16 Marks)
1( mass of 208* is su11orted by an e-astic structure of tota- stiffness ,0AN/m(!he dam1in* ratio of the
system is 0(,( sim1-e harmonic disturbin* force acts on the mass and at any time Kt seconds; the force
is 30sin10t ne.tons(Find am1-itude of the <ibration and 1hase an*-e caused by the dam1in*( =13>
,( mass of 208* is su11orted by an e-astic structure of tota- stiffness ,0AN/m(!he dam1in* ratio of
the system is 0(,2( sim1-e harmonic disturbin* force acts on the mass and at any time Kt seconds; the
force is 42cos1,t ne.tons(Find am1-itude of the <ibration and 1hase an*-e caused by the dam1in*( =13>
3( mass of 108* is sus1ended from one end of a he-ica- s1rin*; the other end bein* fi:ed( !he stiffness
of the s1rin* is10N/mm(!he <iscous dam1in* causes the am1-itude to decreases to one9tenth of the
initia- <a-ue in four com1-ete osci--ations( If a 1eriodic force of 120cos20t N is a11-ied at the mass in the
<ertica- direction (Find the am1-itude of the forced <ibrations+ )hat is its <a-ue of resonance+ =13>
0( harmonic e:itin* force of ,2N is actin* on a machine 1art .hich is ha<in* a mass of ,A* and
<ibratin* in <iscous medium( !he e:citin* force causes resonant am1-itude of 1,(2mm .ith a 1eriod of
0(,sec( =13>
2( body ha<in* a mass of 128* is sus1ended from a s1rin* .hich def-ects 1,mm under the .ei*ht of
the mass( Determine the fre/uency of the free <ibrations( )hat is the <iscous dam1in* force needed to
ma8e the motion a 1eriodic at a s1eed of 1mm/s+If; .hen dam1ed to this e:tend a disturbin* force
ha<in* a ma:imum <a-ue of 100N and <ibratin* at 3JD is made to act on the body; determine the
am1-itude of the u-timate motion( =13>
3( sin*-e cy-inder <ertica- 1etro- en*ine of tota- mass of ,008* is mounted u1on a stee- chassis frame(
!he <ertica- static def-ection of the frame is ,(0mm due to the .ei*ht of the en*ine (!he mass
of the reci1rocatin* 1arts is 158* and stro8e of 1iston 130mm .ith S(J(M(If dash1ot of dam1in*
coefficient of 1N/mm/s used to dam1ed the <ibrations; ca-cu-ate a- steady state =i>m1-itude of
<ibrations at 200r1m en*ine s1eed(=ii>!he s1eed of the dri<in* shaft at .hich resonance .i-- occurs( =13>
Subject Code / Name: ME 1301 Dynamics of Machinery
4( <ertica- sin*-e sta*e air com1ressor ha<in* a mass of 2008* is mounted on s1rin* ha<in* stiffness
of 1(73M10
N/m and dash1ot .ith dam1in* factor of 0(,m(!he rotatin* 1arts are com1-ete-y ba-anced
and the e/ui<a-ent reci1rocatin* 1arts .ei*ht ,08*(!he stro8e is 0(,m(Determine the dynamic am1-itude
of <ertica- motion of the e:citation force if the com1ressor is o1erate at ,00r1m( =13>
5( machine 1008* has a ,08* rotor .ith 0(2mm eccentricity( !he mountin* s1rin* ha<e sF52:10
!he o1eratin* s1eed is 300r1m and the unit is constrained to mo<e <ertica--y( Find =i> Dynamic
am1-itude of machine =ii> the force transmitted to the su11ort( =13>
7( sin*-e cy-inder en*ine has an out of ba-ance force of 200N at an en*ine s1eed of 30r1m(!he tota-
mass of en*ine is 1208* and its carried on a set of tota- stiffness 300N/cm(
=i> Find the am1-itude of steady motion of the mass and ma:imum osci--atin* force transmitted to the
=ii>If a <iscous dam1in* is inter1osed bet.een the mass and the foundation the dam1in* force 1000N at
1m/s of <e-ocity; find the am1-itude of force dam1ed osci--ation of the mass and its an*-e of -a* .ith
disturbin* force( O =13>
10( n industria- machine .ei*htin* 0028* is su11orted on a s1rin* .ith a statica- def-ection of 0(2cm(If
the machine has rotatin* imba-ance of ,28*9cm(Determine the force transmitted at 1,00r1m and the
dynamic am1-itude at the s1eed( =13>
11( !he mass of an e-ectric motor is 1,08* and it runs at 1200r1m(!he armature mass is 328* and its
centra *ra<ity -ies 0(2mm from a:is of rotation( !he motor is mounted on fi<e s1rin*s of ne*-i*ib-e
dam1in*( So that the force transmitted is one9e-e<enth of the im1ressed force( ssume that the mass of
the motor is e/ua--y distributed amon* the fi<e s1rin*s( Determine =i> the stiffness of the s1rin* =ii> the
dynamic force transmitted to the base at the o1eratin* s1eed( =iii> Natura- fre/uency of system( =13>
1,( Find the stiffness of each s1rin* .hen a refri*erator unit ha<in* a mass of 308* is to be su11ort by
three s1rin*s( !he force transmitted to the su11ortin* structure is on-y 10C of the im1ressed force( !he
refri*erator unit o1erates at 0,0r1m( =13>
Subject Code / Name: ME 1301 Dynamics of Machinery
' A ( T ) A *+ M a $ , ! -
1( )hat is the function of *o<ernor+
,( Jo. *o<ernors are c-assified+
3( Differentiate bet.een *o<ernor and f-y .hee-(
0( )hat is meant by sensiti<eness of a *o<ernor+
2( )hat is the effect of friction on the *o<ernor+
3( Define coefficient of sensiti<eness(
4( )hat is meant by huntin*+
5( )hat is meant by isochronous conditions *o<ernor+
7( &i<e a11-ication of *yrosco1ic 1rinci1-e(
10( )hat is *yrosco1ic tor/ue+
11( )hat is the effect of *yrosco1ic cou1-e on ro--in* of shi1+ )hy+
1,( Define *yrosco1ic cou1-e(
13( )rite e:1ression for *yrosco1ic cou1-e(
PART-B (16 Marks)
1( 1orter *o<ernor has e/ua- arms each ,20mm -on* and 1i<oted on the a:is of rotation( Each ba-- has
a mass of 28* and mass of the centra- -oad on the s-ee<e is ,28*(!he radius of rotation of the ba-- is
120mm .hen *o<ernor is at ma:imum s1eed( Find the ma:imum and minimum s1eed and ran*e of
s1eed of the *o<ernor( =13>
,( !he -en*th of the u11er and arms of a 1orter *o<ernor are ,00mm and ,20mm res1ecti<e-y(
Ioth the arms are 1i<oted on the a:is of rotation( !he centra- -oad is 120N; the .ei*ht of the each ba-- is
,0N and the friction of the s-ee<e to*ether .ith the resistance of the o1eratin* *ear is e/ui<a-ent to a
force of 30N at the s-ee<e( If the -imitin* inc-inations of the u11er arms to the <ertica- are 30@ and 00@
ta8in* friction in to account( Find the ran*e of s1eed of the *o<ernor( =13>
Subject Code / Name: ME 1301 Dynamics of Machinery
3( Ca-cu-ate the ra*e of s1eed of a 1orter *o<ernor .hich has e/ua- arms of each ,00mm -on* and
1i<oted on the a:is of rotation (!he mass of each ba-- is 08* and the centra- -oad of the s-ee<e is
,08*(!he radius of rotation of the ba-- is 100mm .hen the *o<ernor bein* to -ift and 130mm .hen the
*o<ernor is at ma:imum s1eed( =13>
0( hartne-- *o<ernor ha<in* a centra- s-ee<e s1rin* and t.o ri*ht an*-ed be-- cran8 -e<er o1erates
bet.een ,70r1m and 310r1m for a s-ee<e -ift of 12mm(!he s-ee<e and ba-- arms are 50mm and 1,0mm
re1ecti<e-y(!he -e<ers are 1i<oted at 1,0mm from the *o<ernora:is and mass of the ba-- is ,(28*(!he
ba-- arms are 1ara--e- at -o.est e/ui-ibrium s1eed(Determine =i> -oad on the s1rin* at ma:imum and
minimum s1eeds and =ii> Stiffness of the s1rin*( 13>
2( *o<ernor of hartne-- ty1e has e/ua- ba--s of mass 38*; set initia--y at a radius of ,00mm(!he
arms of the be--9cran8 -e<er are 110mm <ertica--y and 120mm horiDonta--y( Find =i> the initia-
com1ressi<e force on the s1rin* at a radius of ,00mm at,00r1m and =ii> the stiffness of the s1rin*
re/uired to 1ermit a s-ee<e mo<ement of 0mm on a f-uctuation of 4(2 1ercent in the en*ine s1eed( =13>
3( !he contro--in* force in a s1rin* contro--ed *o<ernor is 1200N .hen radius of rotation is ,00mm and
554(2N .hen radius of rotation is 130mm(!he mass of each ba-- is 58*(If the contro--in* force cur<e is a
strai*ht -ine; then find =i> Contro--in* force at 120mm radius of rotation =ii> S1eed of the *o<ernor at
120mm radius(=iii>Increase in initia- tension so that *o<ernor is isochronous(
=i<> Isochronous s1eed( =13>
4( In a s1rin* contro--ed *o<ernor; the contro--in* force cur<e is a strai*ht -ine( )hen the ba--s are
000mm a1art; the contro--in* force is 1,00N and .hen ,00mm a1art; the contro--in* force is
020N(Determine the s1eed at .hich the *o<ernor runs .hen the ba--s are ,20mm a1art( )hen initia-
tension on the s1rin* .ou-d be re/uired for isochronisms and .hat .ou-d be the s1eed( !a8e mass of
each ba-- to be 108*( =13>
5( Ca-c-ate the minimum s1eed of a 1roe-- *o<ernor; .hich has e/ua- arms each of ,00mm and are
1ro<ided on the a:is of rotation( !he mass of each ba-- is 08* and the centra- mass on the s-ee<e is
Subject Code / Name: ME 1301 Dynamics of Machinery
,08*(!he e:tension arms of the -in8s are each 30mm -on* and 1ara--e- to the a:is .hen the
minimum radius of the ba-- is 100mm(of -oad( =13>
7( =i> E:1-ain the effect of &yrosco1ic cou1-e on a Na<a- shi1 durin* 1itchin*(=5>
=ii> E:1-ain the effect of &yrosco1ic cou1-e on a ero1-ane( =5>
10(Each 1add-e .hee- of a steamer ha<e a mass of 13008* and a radius of *yration of 1(,meters(!he
steamer turns to 1ort in a circ-e of 130meters radius at ,0Am/hr(!he s1eed of the 1add-e is 70r1m(Find
the ma*nitude and effect of the *yrosco1ic cou1-e actin* on the steamer( =13>
11( !he rotor of a turbine yatch rotates at 1,00r1m c-oc8.ise .hen <ie.ed from stern( !he rotor has a
mass of 420 8* and radius of *yration of ,20mm(Find the ma:imum *yrosco1ic cou1-e transmitted to
the hu-- .hen yacht 1itches .ith a ma:imum an*u-ar <e-ocity of 1 rad/s()hat is the effect of this
cou1-e+ =13>
1,( !he turbine rotor of a shi1 has a mass of ,0 tonnes and a radius of *yration 0(42(Its s1eed is
,000r1m(!he shi1 1itches 3@ abo<e and be-o. the horiDonta- 1osition ($ne com1-ete osci--ation ta8es 15
seconds and the motion is sim1-e harmonic( Determine =i> the ma:imum cou1-e tendin* to shear the
ho-din* do.n bo-t of the turbine
=ii>!he ma:imum an*u-ar acce-eration of the shi1 durin* 1itchin*
=iii> !he direction in .hich the bo. .i-- tend to turn .hi-e; if the rotation of the rotor is c-oc8.ise .hen
-oc8in* from rear( =13>

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