Yandere Project

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Maybe I am too nice for my own good I should know better. The nice guys always seem to
draw the craziest girls. You see, often times when a girl is bullied or ignored for most of her life
she thinks that when a guy is nice to her that he must really like her. Next thing you know, she
obsesses. You buy her lunch after some assholes took hers from her bags when she wasnt
looking and the next thing you know she has wedding bells on her mind. I have learned this
lesson time and time again, but it just keeps happening to me. But this last one was the single
most insane experience ever. So this is how it starts

Chapter 1
Well I was studying psychology with an emphasis on developmental psych (keyword here is
was) and part of the learning experience is that I had to spend a period of time as an intern in a
behavioral health rehabilitation center or nuthouse for the layman. It was a center for people
11 to 17 and communal so there were boys and girls in there. Crazy boys and girls together.
You could practically smell the sex and desperation in there, and the half of the time you didnt
spend making sure they werent fucking you were breaking up fights over someone fucking
someone elses forever lover. But there was one girl who seemed too good for that. Her name
ironically was Angelica. I asked her about it when we had our first counseling session and she
told me that her parents watched a lot of Rugrats as kids I lolled so hard at that. But anyway,
she was about 14. Her hair was dyed so many times you could never tell what her original hair
color was. And before you tell me to just look at her eyebrows I will point out that she
obsessively shaves them off. She was a very unique looking girl. Very average height, slightly
overweight. Teeth discolored from a history of bulimia. Not that you ever saw them. She never
really smiled with all the meds she was on.

Chapter 2
She was more than a little off, but at least she did what she was told and genuinely tried in her
counseling. So I felt a little relieved when I found out that Angelica was assigned to my
schedule for counseling. Since I was still a student I was being supervised, but more often than
not my supervisor would pay half attention because he felt that I knew what I was doing. I
discovered through interviewing her and reading her file that she had several problems. And
here comes the list Paranoid schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder, bipolar disorder,
bulimia, anorexia, obsessive personality disorder, a history of molestation and post-traumatic
stress disorder from a lifetime of being bullied by classmates and her parents. She was quite
simply a wreck, which is a shame because she had such a high IQ. Even through the drugs I
could see the light of intelligence in her eyes when she began talking about something. She
didn't care much for people gossip, but could discuss ideas all day. Like a good schizophrenia I
often had to keep her on topic or she would go on tangents about anything and frankly leave
me bewildered by the things she said. If it were possible for her to truly apply herself, she
would be every philosophy professors dream student. I was almost sad to see her released, but
her foster parents simply could not afford to keep her in any longer and her insurance was
ready to cut off for the year. Policy dictates that we do not touch patients, but she surprised
me when she hugged me before leaving. I felt happy that I could do some good in her life, and
barely noticed at the time how slightly creepy it was how she held my hands when she backed
away from the hug and looked deeply into my eyes.
Chapter 3
Fast forward about four months. Everything was pretty much working out great I finished the
internship and finally got my degree. A masters in psychology with an emphasis in
developmental psych. I was so happy. Then when I passed the state examination and became a
licensed counselor for troubled teens, I felt even better. I was 27 and felt that I finally achieved
something I was determined to help people and become the counselor I wish I had when I was
younger. And I even got my first job It was with a small private practice run by an aging woman
who needed someone to take a few patients and make some money. I have never been
thrilled with the idea of charging so much to help others but fuck it I needed money to pay off
all the schooling. I promised myself that in a few years I would quit this shit and get on with a
school or something. But that was also when I began to notice some strange things. It all
started with a single note under my windshield wiper one morning. It simply said "I miss you :("
Chapter 4
Over the next few months I worked for the "good doctor and genuinely felt that I was helping
these kids. Many of them just wanted someone to talk to about life and why it sucks. They
wanted someone who would not tell them what was best or what they wanted to hear, but
what they needed to hear. And so many of them just wanted someone to actually listen to
them. I really began to develop a rapport with them when they would walk in for counseling
and instead of saying something stupid like "tell me about your feelings today I would ask
them "how did Michael take the news?" or "is Lisa and Eric still dating? They loved the fact
that I would pay attention to them. But the notes kept coming over the course of those
months. I heard of patients becoming obsessed with counselors before, and slowly began
wondering which one of them it may be. Was it Erica? No Steve? He just came out of the closet.
But no, he was not my patient when this started and the handwriting isnt the same. It was
driving me nuts. Until I got home from work one day and noticed that the door was slightly
open. I was so scared I called the police and they walked in with me. Nobody was there, and
nothing seemed out of place so I thanked them. But the next night, I noticed that my lucky
boxers were missing.
Chapter 5
It was a few more months and exactly one year since I stopped my internship at this point.
There were a few other things that had happened. A missing item here. A new item there.
Things like creepy love letters, roses with the rose cut off and blood on the thorns, flattened
areas in the grass in the back yard. But then came the day when I walked into the house and
went about my usual routine. I cooked some food in the microwave, watched some TV. And
took my shower I heard some noises, but didnt think much of them. I was having trouble with
squirrels in the attic at that point. So yeah, lots of noise all the time. But then I got into bed
and turned on my kindle in the dark to read and saw something in the light reflecting off the
walls. It was a dim silhouette. I turned on the lamp and was shocked to see Angelica standing
in the middle of my room. She had lost a little weight, but other than the fact that she took my
advice and grew out her eyebrows she still looked the same. They were brown. Why I noticed
that first and not the fact that she was obviously naked under my button down shirt that she
was wearing is beyond me. And the other shocking thing was the rather large straight razor
she was holding.
Chapter 6
Angelica, why are you here? That was all I could say.
I ran away. She responded I came to be with you. I knew that you would understand me I
knew that you would not make me take those pills anymore
Oh shit! I thought. Are you telling me that you are off your meds?
I don't like the way they make me feel. Why can't anyone accept that this is who I am! She
screamed the last part and held her arms up. Her forearms were covered with very fresh cuts. I
knew I was in trouble.
I just had to calm her down What do you hope to achieve by being here? I had to find out
what her delusion was.
To be with you forever, honey bunny! We are going to be so perfect together
Those piercing eyes showed through again. And they looked deep into mine. My fear must
have betrayed itself because suddenly her demeanor changed as she screamed
Whether you like it or not!
She stepped closer and I was paralyzed. I didnt know what to do. She climbed into the bed
and held the razor to my throat as she kissed my lips. I could taste blood from where she had
been nervously chewing the insides of her cheeks. Her tongue darted inside my mouth and her
free hand grasped my hair. Against my will I began to grow an erection. She must have felt it
because she ran the razor across the front of my shirt to cut it off and left bites down the front
of my chest as she went downwards.
Chapter 7
She tore my boxers off. She seriously ripped them off of my body. She saw that I was indeed
erect and squealed with glee. Thais the only way I can think to describe it. She looked back at
me with those deep grey eyes and smiled
It's time! We are going to make the baby!
The baby? I asked What baby?
The antichrist! She exclaimed.
Okaaaay ,she was beyond delusional. She pulled my shirt off her body and I could see her
clearly. Her pubic area was completely shaven, and her breasts were about a B cup since I
know thats what everyone will ask. But thats not what I noticed at first. The first thing I saw
was that across her slightly pronounced belly written upside down was where she carved into
her skin some time ago some words
Daddy fucked me and I loved it!
She began to guide me inside her. But I tried to push away. She quickly moved the razor to my
No! I thought you were different! I need you, Anon!
Oh shit. Looks like I am having sex whether I like it or not. Lets just hope she is not sick, and
does not kill me when she is done
Chapter 8
She slid me inside of her, and I felt the warmth around me. I closed my eyes and tried not to
think about it, but she slapped my face and screamed at me to pay attention. She screamed
that this was the most important day of our lives. I opened my eyes to appease her when I felt
the razor dig into my collarbone and saw such madness in her eyes. She began riding me faster
and letting out noises that seemed almost inhuman. She grabbed my hair again and forced my
lips to hers she must have forgotten the blade was there when she pressed our chests
together because when she got back up to bounce some more, blood was pouring from her
right breast just above the nipple. Then she stopped
Get on top she ordered I want you to fuck me now
The bloody razor in her hand was all the proof I needed that I did not want to say no. I may
have been able to run when we were changing positions, but I have no doubt that she would
have caught me while I was trying to unlock the door. So I complied I got on top of her 15 year
old body and slid in. She wrapped her arms around me and put the razor to the back of my
neck. One quick slice and it would be over.
Faster! she commanded Fuck me like you love me!
Chapter 9
I felt so dirty. I felt so wrong. I wanted more than anything to stop. And I could not for the life
of me figure out why my dick was so hard. But I did not have a choice I kept pumping and
hoping she was happy .The blood from her cut chest began flying all over her and my bed as
her breasts bounced from the rhythm. She then pulled me close by the hair again. I guessed
she wanted to kiss me again, but she instead went for the side of my neck. She bit me
extremely hard I had to get staples there later, It was that bad. Blood began pouring out of my
neck fortunately it was not an artery that she got. But the blood was still gushing. It filled her
mouth and then she pulled away from my neck and rolled me over. She got on top and forced
my penis inside of her as deep as it would go as she pressed her mouth to mine CPR style and
let my blood ooze into my mouth. Her tongue danced across the inside of my mouth the whole
time. That was when I noticed something that at the time scared the shit out of me I was
actually feeling turned on. I put my tongue into her mouth and felt myself getting close to
climax. Just in time for her to pull her mouth away and start pumping her hips very hard I
whispered the words "I'm cumming" and she once again went as deep as she could go and had
her own orgasm. I felt the walls of her vagina rippling against my penis and that was all I could
stand. I released everything I had inside of her.
Chapter 10
So when she was done, she did not kill me. She just curled against my shoulder and kissed me.
She thanked me for fulfilling our destiny. I waited until she fell asleep and picked up the phone.
I called 911, whispered the word "help" and hung up. I felt almost guilty. I looked at her and
saw how beautiful she really was. I felt so much pity for her. And I imagined what would
happen if she was indeed pregnant now. I asked myself if this is really what its like to fall in
love with your rapist. But after all the thought I could not feel anything but guilt. I heard sirens
in the distance and knew it was almost over. I hid the razor under the mattress before waking
her up gently. I kissed her lips and told her that she would always have a special place in my
heart. Then we had one more passionate kiss. I then told her that I had to go to the bathroom
and to go back to sleep. I then locked myself in the downstairs closet as I heard pounding at
the door. It was the police. I screamed for them to kick in the door and get her out of the
upstairs bedroom. They kicked it in and I heard their heavy boots running up the stairs. I could
hear her fighting loudly then I heard someone scream for a taser and then silence. The last I
saw of her was her being dragged half awake and completely naked to the back of the police
Final Chapter
Since then. I have given up counseling Ironically, it was my counselor that told me to get away
from it. He told me that I should start a new life. So now that I have a worthless education, I
work for Target as a night stocker and write for peanuts for laymen's psychology magazines. I
have tried to date since then, but it never survives first contact in the bedroom. I have come to
the conclusion that I just can't get into it unless I am being raped. Without that thrill. I'm half-
mast at best. But I know what you want to know is what happened to Angelica. Well, her
foster parents disowned her after our evening together. She was in fact pregnant, but the
drugs they force fed her in the psych ward caused a miscarriage. And she has since been
violating her restraining order by writing me letters. They are all about life, and how she is
spitting/vomiting her pills into the toilet whenever she gets the chance. And how they may
have killed our baby but we have to try again. But recently, she has written about how she is
getting good at acting. And how the psychs in the hospital think she may be ready to be let
loose if she promises to stay on her medication and remain in a halfway house. She told me
that we have a destiny together. And that we must try again. My pants tightened as my penis
bulged for the first time in what felt like an eternity when I read that I know I should not have.
But I wrote back to it. A simple letter, Come and get me. I have since stopped locking my
door at night, and her straight razor is sitting on the table by the door.

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