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1. New Product Development. Jelaskan hal-hal berikut :
What is new product development (NPD)??
Challenges in NPD
Overcoming these challenges
NPD Strategies
New product failures
Stages in NPD
See Slide chapter 14

2. Software Quality Assurance and Software Testing Strategies. Jelaskan:
Elements of SQA
SQA Goals
Statistical SQA
Six-Sigma for Software engineering
Software Reliability
Software Safety
Software Testing
Testing Strategies
Object-Oriented Testing
High Order Testing
The Art of Debugging
See Slide chapter 15

3. Apakah yang Anda ketahui mengenai Cyclomatic Complexity. Hitunglan VG untuk gambar
dibawah ini:

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Cyclomatic Complexity V(G)is computed in 3 ways:
a. The Number of Regions (R) = 4
b. V (G) = E (#of Edge) N (#of nodes) + 2 = 11 9 + 2 = 4
c. V (G) = P (Predicted nodes) + 1) = 2 +1 = 3 -> a.x = b.x
d. V (G) = E N + P = = 11 9 + 2 = 4

Various researches shown, program module having CC greater than 10 considered complex.
Overly complex module reduces maintainability and testability. See below some standard ranges
of this metrics:

Cyclomatic Complexity Complexity level and Risk
1-10 a simple program, without much risk
11-20 more complex, moderate risk
21-50 more complex, moderate risk
greater than 50 untestable program , very high risk

4. SCM. Jelakan:
Software Configuration Management Concept/Definition
SCM Repository
The SCM Process
SCM for Web Engineering

See slide session 20

5. Hitunglah Function Point berdasarkan kondisi dibawah ini.

Info Domain value
Simple /
Avg /
x /
weight Count
# of external inputs 20 /3 24/4 30/6 24
# of external outputs 12/4 16/5 22/7 16
# of external inqueries 16/3 22/4 28/6 22
# of internal logical files 3/7 4/10 5/15 4
# of external interface
file 2/5 2/7 3/10 2
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FP = Count total x *0.65 + 0.01 * (Fi)+

Info Domain value Simple Avg Complex Est. Count Weight FP Count
# of external inputs 20 24 30 24 4 96
# of external outputs 12 16 22 16 5 80
# of external inqueries 16 22 28 22 4 88
# of internal logical files 3 4 5 4 10 40
# of external interface file 2 2 3 2 7 14
Count total 318

Factor Value
Backup & recovery 4
Data communication 2
Distributed processing 0
Performance critical 4
Exisiting operating environment 3
Online data entry 4
Input transaction over multiple
screens 5
Master files updated online 3
Info domain values complex 5
Internal processing complex 5
code designed for reuse 4
Conversion/installation in design 3
Multiple installations 5
Application designed for change 5
Value adjustment factor (Fi)+ 52

Factor Value
Backup & recovery 4
Data communication 2
Distributed processing 0
Performance critical 4
Exisiting operating environment 3
Online data entry 4
Input transaction over multiple screens 5
Master files updated online 3
Info domain values complex 5
Internal processing complex 5
code designed for reuse 4
Conversion/installation in design 3
Multiple installations 5
Application designed for change 5
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FP = Count total x *0.65 + 0.01 * (Fi)+
FP = 318 x (0.65 + 0.01 x 52)
FP = 318 x (0.65 + 0.52)
FP = 318 x 1.17
FP = 372.06

6. SWOT Analysis
Buatlah analisa SWOT untuk Bisnis Games di Indonesia
See slide session 25

7. Project Scheduling & Testing
Jelakan tahapan dalam Project Scheduling dan Testing. Buat lah berdasarkan Proyek Matakuliah
SE yang telah kamu buat dengan kelompok.

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