The Deputy Manager 220kv GIS G/S Ravi Lahore

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The Deputy Manager

220kv GIS G/S Ravi

SUBJECT: Request for repair of 5 No. Air Conditioners (8.5 ton) & No AC (!.5 ton) .
It is submitted or your kind inormation that ! "o. air #onditioner $%.! ton& are insta''ed in
220()/*+2()/**() #ontro' rooms and re'ay room. 2 "o. air #onditioner $*.! ton& are insta''ed in SMS room.
They a'' are out o order. ,ot summer season has started and they a'' are need to be repaired. The Detai' o
-ork is as under.
Sr# Description of work Qty.
01- AC compressor repair (8.5 ton) 3 No.
02- AC compressor gas charging (8.5 ton) 3 No.
03- AC Freezer indoor unit repair (8.5 ton) 3 No.
0- AC outdoor unit repair (8.5 ton) 3 No.
05- AC !u"" ser#ice (8.5 ton) 5 No.
0$- %#erhau"ing and repairing o! pipe and comp"ete !itting Air
compressor (8.5 ton)
3 No.
0&- AC !u"" ser#ice 'ith gas charging in ()( room (1.5 ton) 2 No.
(ind'y make arrangements or repairing o air #onditioners on emergent basis to avoid any mishap in hot
summer season.
/ssistant Manager $0&
220() GIS grid Station
Ravi Lahore.
National Transmission & Despatch Company Limited.
%!!ice o! the
*+. )anager 220,-
.rid (tation N/*C
0a#i 1ahore.
)emo No. 23333333333333 *ated4 3333333333332201
1- )2s ).N. 5nterprises6
7-86 )arghzar Co"on+6 1ahore.
2- )2( 8ama" 5ngineering 9or:s
)omin ;ura 0oad 1ahore.
3- )2( /he Contractors6
%!!ice < 16 2
!"oor6 7hatti to'er =-!ane road 1ahore.
(u>?ect4 - QUOTT!ON.
;"ease @uote +our "o'est rates !or the !o""o'ing reha>i"itation 'or: inc"usi#e o! a"" taAes and
duties. Bour @uotations shou"d reach this o!!ice on 30-5-201 or >e!ore in a sea"ed co#er >+ post or >+ hand.
Cuotations 'i"" >e opened on the same da+ in the o!!ice o! the undersigned.
Sr# Description of work Qty.
01- AC compressor repair (8.5 ton) 3 No.
02- AC compressor gas charging (8.5 ton) 3 No.
03- AC Freezer indoor unit repair (8.5 ton) 3 No.
0- AC outdoor unit repair (8.5 ton) 3 No.
05- AC !u"" ser#ice (8.5 ton) 5 No.
0$- %#erhau"ing and repairing o! pipe and comp"ete !itting Air
compressor (8.5 ton)
3 No.
0&- AC !u"" ser#ice 'ith gas charging in ()( room (1.5 ton) 2 No.
/he undersigned reser#e the rights to accept or re?ect the @uotations 'ithout assigning an+ reason.
*eput+ )anager6
220 ,- .rid (tation
N/*C6 0a#i 1ahore.
1- )anager .(% N/*C 1ahore Circ"e
2- *+. )anager (CA) N/*C Napier 0oad 1ahore.
3- )aster Fi"e
The Deputy Manager
220kv GIS G/S Ravi
1ith reeren#e to your good oi#e 2uotation 3 dated4
Sr# Description of work Qty. "ate
01- AC compressor repair (8.5 ton) 3 No. 158002- each
02- AC compressor gas charging (8.5 ton) 3 No. 110002- each
03- AC Freezer indoor unit repair (8.5 ton) 3 No. 0002- each
0- AC outdoor unit repair (8.5 ton) 3 No. 0002- each
05- AC !u"" ser#ice (8.5 ton) 5 No. 32502- each
0$- %#erhau"ing and repairing o! pipe and comp"ete !itting Air
compressor (8.5 ton)
3 No. $5002- each
0&- AC !u"" ser#ice 'ith gas charging in ()( room (1.5 ton) 2 No. 0002- each
5ours tru'y.
The Deputy Manager
220kv GIS G/S Ravi
With reference to your good office uotation ! dated"
Sr# Description of work Qty. Rte
0#$ %& co'pre((or repair )*.+ ton, - .o. #/200/$
02$ %& co'pre((or ga( charging )*.+ ton, - .o. ##+00/$
0-$ %& 0ree1er indoor unit repair )*.+ ton, - .o. 2-00/$
02$ %& outdoor unit repair )*.+ ton, - .o. 2-00/$
0+$ %& fu33 (ervice )*.+ ton, + .o. -+00/$
0/$ 4verhau3ing and repairing of pipe and co'p3ete fitting
%ir co'pre((or )*.+ ton,
- .o. 5000/$
05$ %& fu33 (ervice 6ith ga( charging in SMS roo' )#.+
2 .o. 2+00/$
7our( 0aithfu33y8
The Deputy Manager
220kv GIS G/S Ravi
With reference to your good office uotation ! dated"
Sr# Description of work Qty. Rte
0#$ %& co'pre((or repair )*.+ ton, - .o. #/+00/$ each
02$ %& co'pre((or ga( charging )*.+ ton, - .o. ##0+0/$ each
0-$ %& 1ree2er indoor unit repair )*.+ ton, - .o. 3+00/$ each
03$ %& outdoor unit repair )*.+ ton, - .o. 3+00/$ each
0+$ %& fu44 (ervice )*.+ ton, + .o. 3000/$ each
0/$ 5verhau4ing and repairing of pipe and co'p4ete fitting %ir
co'pre((or )*.+ ton,
- .o. /0+0/$ each
00$ %& fu44 (ervice 6ith ga( charging in SMS roo' )#.+ ton, 2 .o. 3300/$ each
7our( 1aithfu44y8
(u>?ect4 - ##"O$L%SNCT!ON &O" T'( "(#!" )O"* O& !"
COND!T!ON("S T ++,*$ -"!D STT!ON NTDC "$! L'O"(.
./ /he Assistant )anager (%) 220,- .D( 0a#i 1ahore has re@uested to ma:e arrangement o! the
!o""o'ing repair 'or: o! air conditioners !or up :eep the Contro" rooms on emergent >asis at 220,- .D(
0a#i 1ahore.
+/ Dn this connection6 the undersigned ca""ed @uotations !rom the !o""o'ing 9apda2N/*C 0egistered
(upp"iers2Contactors #ide this o!!ice "etter No. dated 6 E opened on 30-5-201 !or repair
'or: o! air conditioners on emergent >asis.
i)- )2s ).N. 5nterprises67-86 )arghzar Co"on+6 1ahore
ii)- )2( 8ama" 5ngineering 'or:s )omin ;ura6 1ahore.
iii)- )2( /he Contractors6 %!!ice < 16 2
!"oor6 7hatti to'er =-!ane road 1ahore.
)2s ).N. 5nterprises67-86 )arghzar Co"on+6 1ahore has @uoted the "o'est rates 'hich are
@uite reasona>"e and genuine6 hence recommended !or +our :ind appro#a" p"ease.
0/ /he detai" is as under.
S# Description Qty. "ate mo1nt
0*6 /7 #ompressor repair $%.! ton& +
158002- &00.00
026 /7 #ompressor gas #harging $%.! ton& +
110002- 33000.00
0+6 /7 8ree9er indoor unit repair $%.! ton& +
0002- 12000.00
0:6 /7 outdoor unit repair $%.! ton& +
0002- 12000.00
0!6 /7 u'' servi#e $%.! ton& !
32502- 1$250.00
0;6 0verhau'ing and repairing o pipe and #omp'ete
itting /ir #ompressor $%.! ton&
$5002- 1=250.00
0<6 /7 u'' servi#e -ith gas #harging in SMS room $*.!
0002- 8000.00
/ota" .23.4,.,,
2/ Dt is there!ore6 re@uested to :ind"+ accord appro#a"2sanction !or 0s. 18150.00 (0upees %ne 1ac
!ort+ eight /housand one hundred and !i!t+ on"+) in !a#or o! )2s ).N. 5nterprises67-86
)arghzar Co"on+6 1ahore 'hose rates are "o'est 'hich !a""s under competenc+ o! 9orth+
)anager6 .(% N/*C 1ahore Circ"e 1ahore >eing competent authorit+ #ide (ection-- (r. No.
5.1 (u> C"ause (-) ;age No. 236 N/*C 7oo: o! Financia" ;o'ers re#ised-200&.
4/ 03 Nos. @uotations a"ong 'ith comparati#e statement E other re"e#ant documents are enc"osed
Dep1ty 5ana6er7
++,*$ -rid Station7
NTDC7 "a8i Lahore
9/ 5ana6er -SO Circle NTDC N*L# Lahore
National Transmission & Despatch Company Limited.
%!!ice o! the
*+. )anager 220,-
.rid (tation N/*C
0a#i 1ahore.
)emo No. 23333333333333 *ated4 3333333333332201
)2s ).N. 5nterprises6
7-86 )arghzar Co"on+6 1ahore.
(u>?ect4 - )O"* O"D("
The undersigned is p'eased to p'a#e a -ork order upon your irm or repair o o''o-ing
e2uipment ater obtaining /dmn. /pprova' rom -orthy Manager GS0 "TD7 Lahore 7ir#'e
vide =.0."o.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dated >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or repair o o''o-ing e2uipment
under Se#tion6). 7'ause !.*. sub6#'ause $)& at page "o. 2+ "TD7 ?ook o 8inan#ia' @o-er
revised 200<. the detai' is as under.
S# Description Qty. "ate mo1nt
0*6 /7 #ompressor repair $%.! ton& +
158002- &00.00
026 /7 #ompressor gas #harging $%.! ton& +
110002- 33000.00
0+6 /7 8ree9er indoor unit repair $%.! ton& +
0002- 12000.00
0:6 /7 outdoor unit repair $%.! ton& +
0002- 12000.00
0!6 /7 u'' servi#e $%.! ton& !
32502- 1$250.00
0;6 0verhau'ing and repairing o pipe and #omp'ete
itting /ir #ompressor $%.! ton&
$5002- 1=250.00
0<6 /7 u'' servi#e -ith gas #harging in SMS room $*.! 2 0002- 8000.00
ton& "o.
/ota" .23.4,.,,

/erms E Conditions4-
*. @ayment4 6 @ayment -i'' be made on #omp'etion o -ork and produ#tion o bi'' in trip'i#ate to the
2. @eriod o 7omp'etion4 6 The -ork -i'' be #omp'eted -ithin + days.
+. Inspe#tion4 6 /ssistant Manager $0& 220 () GIS Ravi Lahore.
:. 7onsignee4 6 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>do>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
*eput+ )anager6
220 ,- .rid (tation
N/*C6 0a#i 1ahore.
1- )anager .(% N/*C 1ahore Circ"e
2- *+. )anager (CA) N/*C Napier 0oad 1ahore.
3- Assistant )anager %peration6 220 ,- .D( 0a#i 1ahore
- )aster Fi"e
S# Description Qty. "ate mo1nt
0*6 /7 #ompressor repair $%.! ton& +
158002- &00.00
026 /7 #ompressor gas #harging $%.! ton& +
110002- 33000.00
0+6 /7 8ree9er indoor unit repair $%.! ton& +
0002- 12000.00
0:6 /7 outdoor unit repair $%.! ton& +
0002- 12000.00
0!6 /7 u'' servi#e $%.! ton& !
32502- 1$250.00
0;6 0verhau'ing and repairing o pipe and #omp'ete
itting /ir #ompressor $%.! ton&
$5002- 1=250.00
0<6 /7 u'' servi#e -ith gas #harging in SMS room $*.!
0002- 8000.00
/ota" .23.4,.,,

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