Bp129-Batas Pambansa

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Batas Pambansa Blg: 129 | Date: March 1, 1999.

An Act Reorganizing The J!iciar", A##ro#riating $n!s There%or, An! $or

&ther Pr#oses
PR'()M)*AR+ ,-APT'R
.ection 1. Title. This Act shall be /no0n as 1The J!iciar" Reorganization Act o% 1923.4
.ection 2. .co#e. The reorganization herein #ro5i!e! shall incl!e the ,ort o% A##eals, the ,ort
o% $irst )nstance, the ,ircit ,riminal ,orts, the J5enile an! Domestic Relations ,orts, the ,orts
o% Agrarian Relations, the ,it" ,orts, the Mnici#al ,orts, an! the Mnici#al ,ircit ,orts.
,-APT'R )
,&6RT &$ APP'A(.
.ection 7. &rganization. There is hereb" create! a ,ort o% A##eals 0hich consists o% a Presi!ing
Jstice an! %i%t" Associate Jstice 0ho shall be a##ointe! b" the Presi!ent o% the Phili##ines. The
Presi!ing Jstice shall be so !esignate! in his a##ointment, an! the Associate Jstice shall ha5e
#rece!ence accor!ing to the !ates o% their res#ecti5e a##ointments, or 0hen the a##ointments o%
t0o or more o% them shall bear the same !ate, accor!ing to the or!er in 0hich their a##ointments
0ere isse! b" the Presi!ent. An" member 0ho is rea##ointe! to the ,ort a%ter ren!ering ser5ice in
an" other #osition in the go5ernment shall retain the #rece!ence to 0hich he 0as entitle! n!er his
original a##ointment, an! his ser5ice in the ,ort shall, %or all intents an! #r#oses, be consi!ere!
as continos an! ninterr#te!. 8as amen!e! b" '9ec. &r!er *o. 77,, Jl" 22, 192:.;
.ection <. '9ercise o% #o0ers an! %nctions. The ,ort A##eals shall e9ercise its #o0ers, %nctions,
an! !ties, throgh se5enteen 81=; !i5isions, each com#ose! o% three 87; members. The ,ort ma"
sit en banc onl" %or the #r#ose o% e9ercising a!ministrati5e, ceremonial, or other non>a!?!icator"
%nctions. 8as amen!e! b" '9ec. &r!er *o. 77,.;
.ection @. .ccession to &%%ice o% Presi!ing Jstice. )n case o% a 5acanc" in the absence o% inabilit"
to #er%orm the #o0ers, %nctions, an! !ties o% his o%%ice, the associate Jstice 0ho is %irst in
#rece!ence shall #er%orm his #o0ers, %nctions, an! !ties ntil sch !isabilit" is remo5e!, or
another Presi!ing Jstice is a##ointe! an! has Aali%ie!.
.ection :. Bho #resi!es o5er session o% a !i5ision. )% the Presi!ing Jstice is #resent in an" session
o% a !i5ision o% the ,ort, he shall #resi!e. )n his absence, the Associate Jstice atten!ing sch
session 0ho has #rece!ence shall #resi!e.
.ection =. Cali%ications. The Presi!ing Jstice an! the Associate Jstice shall ha5e the same
Aali%ications as those #ro5i!e! in ,onstittion %or Jstice o% the .#reme ,ort.
.ection 2. Dro#ing o% Di5isions. 8'9#ressl" re#eale! b" .ection <, '9ec. &r!er *o. 77, Jl" 22,
.ection 9. Jris!iction. The ,ort o% A##eals shall '9ercise:
1. &riginal ?ris!iction to isse 0rits o% man!ams, #rohibition, certiorari, habeas cor#s, an! Ao
0arranto, an! a9iliar" 0rits or #rocesses, 0hether or not in ai! o% its a##ellate ?ris!ictionE
2. '9clsi5e original ?ris!iction o5er actions %or annlment o% ?!gements o% Regional Trial ,ortsE
7. '9clsi5e a##ellate ?ris!iction o5er all %inal ?!gements, resoltions, or!ers or a0ar!s o% Regional
Trial ,orts an! Aasi>?!icial agencies, instrmentalities, boar!s or commission, incl!ing the
.ecrities an! '9change ,ommission, the .ocial .ecrit" ,ommission, the 'm#lo"ees
,om#ensation ,ommission an! the ,i5il .er5ice ,ommission, '9ce#t those %alling 0ithin the
a##ellate ?ris!iction o% the .#reme ,ort in accor!ance 0ith the ,onstittion, the (abor ,o!e o%
the Phili##ines n!er Presi!ential Decree *o. <<2, as amen!e!, the #ro5isions o% this Act, an! o%
sb#aragra#h 81; o% the thir! #aragra#h an! sb#aragra#h < o% the %orth #aragra#h o! .ection 1=
o% the J!iciar" Act o% 19<2.
The cort o% A##eals shall ha5e the #o0er to tr" cases an! con!ct hearings, recei5e e5i!ence an!
#er%orm an" an! all acts necessar" to resol5e %actal isses raise! in cases %alling 0ithin its original
an! a##ellate ?ris!iction, incl!ing the #o0er to grant an! con!ct ne0 trials or A##eals mst be
continos an! mst be com#lete! 0ithin three 87; months, nless e9ten!e! b" the ,hie% Jstice.
8as amen!e! b" R.A. *o. =932.;
.ection 13. Place o% hol!ing sessions. The ,ort o% A##eals shall ha5e its #ermanent station in the
,it" o% Manila. Bhene5er !eman!e! b" #blic interest, the .#reme ,ort, #on its o0n initiati5e or
#on recommen!ation o% the Presi!ing Jstice, ma" athorize a !i5ision o% the ,ort to hol!
sessions otsi!e Manila, #erio!icall", or %or sch #erio!s an! at sch #laces as the .#reme ,ort
ma" !etermine, %or the #r#ose o% hearing an! !eci!ing cases.
.ection 11. Corm A ma?orit" o% the actal members o% the ,ort shall constitte a Aorm %or its
session en banc. Three members shall constitte a Aorm %or the session o% a !i5ision. The
nanimos 5ote o% the three members o% a !i5ision shall be necessar" %or the #rononcement o% a
!ecision o% %inal resoltion, 0hich shall be reache! in consltation be%ore the 0riting o% the o#inion b"
an" members o% the !i5ision. )n the e5ent that the three members !o not reach a nanimos 5ote,
the Presi!ing Jstice shall reAest the Ra%%le ,ommittee o% the ,ort %or the !esignation o% t0o
a!!itional Jstice to sit tem#oraril" 0ith them, %orming a s#ecial !i5ision o% %i5e members an! the
concrrence o% a ma?orit" o% sch !i5ision shall be necessar" %or the #rononcement o% a !ecision or
%inal resoltion. The !esignation o% sch a!!itional Jstice shall be ma!e strictl" b" ra%%le.
A month %or reconsi!eration o% its !ecision or %inal resoltion shall be resol5e! b" the ,ort 0ithin
ninet" 893; !a"s %rom the time it is sbmitte! %or resoltion, an! no secon! motion %or
reconsi!eration %rom the same #art" shall be entertainment. 8as amen!e! b" '9ec. &r!er *o. 77,
Jl" 22, 192:.;
.ection 12. )nternal Rles. The cort en banc is athorize! to #romlgate rles or or!ers go5erning
the constittion o% the !i5isions an! the assignment o% A##ellate Jstices thereto, the !istribtion o%
cases, an! other matters #ertaining to the o#erations o% the ,ort o% its !i5isions. ,o#ies o% sch
rles an! or!ers shall be %rnishe! b" the .#reme ,ort, 0hich rles an! or!ers shall be e%%ecti5e
%i%teen 81@; !a"s a%ter recei#t thereo%, nless !irecte! other0ise b" the .#reme ,ort.
,-APT'R ))
R'D)&*A( TR)A( ,&6RT.
.ection 17. ,reation o% Regional Trial ,orts. There are hereb" create! thirteen 817; Regional Trial
,orts, one %or each o% the %ollo0ing ?!icial regions:
The $irst J!icial Region, consisting o% the #ro5inces o% Abra, Benget, )locos *orte, )locos .r, (a
6nion, Montain Pro5ince, an! Pangasinan, an! cities o% Bagio, Dag#an, (aog an! .an ,arlosE
The .econ! J!icial Region, consisting o% the #ro5inces o% Batanes, ,aga"an, )%gao, Falinga>
A#a"ao, *e5a Gisca"a, an! CirinoE
The Thir! J!icial Region, consisting o% the #ro5inces o% Bataan, Blacan 8e9ce#t the mnici#alit" o%
5alenzela;, *e5a 'ci?a, Pam#anga, Tarlac, an! Hambales, an! the cities o% Angeles, ,abanatan,
&longa#o, Pala"an an! .an JoseE
The *ational ,a#ital J!icial Region, consisting o% the cities o% Manila, Cezon, Pasa", ,aloocan
an! Man!al"ong, an! the mnici#alities o% *a5otas, Malabon, .an Jan, Ma/ati, Pasig, Pateros,
Tagig, Mari/ina, ParaIaAe, (as PiIas, Mntinl#a, an! GalenzelaE
The $orth J!icial Region, consisting o% the #ro5inces o% Batangas, ,a5ite, (agna, Marin!Ae,
Min!oro &cci!ental, Min!oro &riental, Pala0an, Cezon, Rizal 8e9ce#t the cities an! mnici#alities
embrace! 0ithin the *ational ,a#ital J!icial Region3, Romblon, an! Arora, an! the cities o%
Batangas, ,a5ite, (i#a, (cena, Perto Princessa, .an Pablo, Taga"ta", an! Trece MartiresE
The $i%th J!icial Region, consisting o% the #ro5inces o% Alba", ,amarines .r, ,amarines *orte,
,atan!anes, Masbate, an! .orsogon, an! the cities o% (egas#i, *aga an! )rigaE
The .i9th J!icial Region, consisting o% the #ro5inces o% A/lan, AntiAe, ,a#iz, )loilo, (a ,alota,
Ro9as, .an ,arlos, an! .ila", an! the sb#ro5ince o% DimarasE
The .e5enth J!icial Region, consisting o% the #ro5inces o% Bohol, ,eb, *egros &riental, an!
.iAi?or, an! the cities o% Bais, ,anlaon, ,eb, Danao, Dmagete, (a#>la#, Man!ae,
Tagbilaran, an! Tole!o,
The 'ighth J!icial Region, consisting o% the #ro5inces or 'astern .amar, (e"te, *orthern, .amar,
.othern (e"te, &rmoc, an! Tacloban:
The *inth J!icial Region, consisting o% the #ro5inces o% Basilan, .l, Ta0i>Ta0i, Hamboanga !el
.r, an! the cities o% Da#itan, Di#olog, Paga!ian, an! HamboangaE
The Tenth J!icial Region, consisting o% the #ro5inces o% Agsan !el *orte, Agsan !el .r,
B/i!non, ,amigin, Misamis &cci!ental, Misamis &riental, an! .rigao !el *orte, an! the cities o%
Btan, ,aga"an !e &ro, Dingoog, &zamis, &roAieta, .rigao, an! TangbE
The 'le5enth J!icial Region, consistingno% the #ro5inces o% Da5ao !el *orte, Da5ao &riental,
Da5ao !el .r, .oth ,otabato, an! .rigao !el .r, an! the cities o% Da5ao, an! Deneral .antosE
The T0el%th J!icial Region, consisting o% the #ro5inces o% (anao !el *orte, (anao !el .r,
Magin!anao, *orth ,otabato, an! .ltan F!arat, an! the cities o% ,otabato, )ligan, an! Mara0i.
)n case o% trans%er or re!istribtion o% the #ro5inces, sb#ro5inces, cities or mnici#alities com#rising
the regions establishe! b" la0 o% #r#oses o% the a!ministrati5e %iel! organization o% the 5arios
!e#artments an! agencies o% the go5ernment, the com#osition o% the ?!icial regions herein
constitte! shall be !eeme! mo!i%ie! accor!ingl".
.ection 1<. Regional Trial ,orts.
8a; $i%t">se5en Regional Trial J!ges shall be commissione! %or the $irst J!icial Region. There
shall be.
T0o branches 8Branches ))) ans )); %or the #ro5ince o% Abra, 0ith seats at Bange!E
'ight branches 8Branches ))) to J; %or the #ro5ince o% Benget an! the cit" o% Bagio, Branches ))) to
G)) 0ith seats at Bagio ,it", an! Branches G))) to J at (a Trini!a!E
*ine branches 8Branches J) to J)J; %or the #ro5ince o% )locos *orte an! the cit" o% (aoag, Branches
J) to JG) 0ith seats at (aoag ,it", Branches JG)) an! JG))) at Batac, an! Branch J)J at BangiE
.i9 branches 8Braches JJ to JJG; %or the #ro5ince o% )locos .r, Branches JJ an! JJ) 0ith seats at
Gigan, Branch JJ)) at *ar5acan, Branch JJ))) at ,an!on, Branch JJ)G at ,abgao, an! Branch
JJG at Tag!inE
*ine branches 8Branches JJG) to JJJ)G; %or the #ro5ince o% (a 6nion, Branches JJG) to JJJ 0ith
seats at .an $ernan!o, Branches JJJ) an! JJJ)) at Agoo, Branch JJJ))) at Baang, an! Branch
JJJ)G at BalaoanE
T0o branches 8Branches JJJG an! JJJG); %or the #ro5ince o% Montain #ro5ince, 0ith seats at
BontocE an!
T0ent">one branches 8Branches JJJG)) to (G)); %or the #ro5ince o% Pangasinan an! the citie so%
!ag#an an! san ,arlos, Branches JJJG)) to JJJ)J 0ith seats at (inga"en, Branches J( to J()G
at !ag#an, Branches J(G to J()J at 6r!aneta, Branch ( at Gillasis, Branches () an! ()) at Ta"g,
Branch ())) at Rosalaes, Branches ()G an! (G at Alaminos, an! Branch (G) an! (G)) at san ,arlos.
8b; Thirt">t0o Regional Trial J!ges shall be commissione! %or the .econ! J!icial region. There
shall be:
T0el5e branches 8Branches ) to J)); %or the #ro5ince o% ,aga"an, Branches ) to G 0ith seats at
Tgegarao, Branches G) to J at A#arri, Branch J) at Tao, an! Branch J)) at .anchez MiraE
&ne branch 8Branch J))); %or the #ro5ince o% Batanes, 0ith seat at BascoE
T0o branches 8Branches J)G an! JG; %or the #ro5ince o% )%gao, Branch J)G 0ith seat at (aga0e,
an! Branch JG at PotiaE
*ine branches 8Branches JG) to JJ)G; %or the #ro5ince o% )sabela, Branches JG) to JG))) 0ith seats
at )lagan, Branches J)J an! JJ at caa"an, Branch JJ) at .antiago, Branch JJ)) at ,abagan,
Branch JJ))) at Ro9as, an! Branch JJ)G at 'chageE
T0o branches 8Branches JJG an! JJG); %or the #ro5ince o% /alinga>A#a"ao, Branch JJG 0ith seat
at Tab/, an! Branch JJG) at (naE
$or branches 8Branches JJG)) to JJJ; %or the #ro5ince o% *e5a Gizca"a, Branches JJG)) to JJ)J
0ith seats at Ba"ombong, an! Branch JJJ at BambangE
T0o branches 8Branches JJJ) an! JJJ)); %or the #ro5ince o% Cirino, 0ith seats at ,abarrogis.
8c; .e5ent">%i5e Regional Trial ?!ges shall be commissione! %or the Thir! J!icial Region. There
shall be:
$i5e branches 8Branches ) to G; %or the #ro5ince o% Bataan, Branches ) to ))) 0ith seats at Balanga,
Branch )G at Mari5eles, an! Branch G at Dinal#ihanE
.e5enteen branches 8Branches G) to JJ)); %or the #ro5ince o% Blacan 8e9ce#t the mnici#alit" o%
Galenzela;, 0ith seats at MalolosE
'ighteen branches 8Branches JJ))) to J(; %or the #ro5ince o% *e5a 'ci?a an! the cities o%
,abanatan, .an Jose an! Pala"an, Branches JJ))) to JJJ 0ith seats at ,abanatan ,it",
Branches JJJ) to JJJ))) at Dimba, Branches JJJ)G to JJJG) at Da#an, Branch JJJG)) at .to.
Domingo, Branches JJJG))) an! JJJ)J at .an Jose, an! Branch J( at Pala"an.
T0ent">t0o branches 8Branches J() to (J)); %or the #ro5ince o% Pam#anga an! the cit" o% Angeles,
Branches J() to J(G))) 0ith seats at .an $ernan!o, Branches J()J to ())) at Daga, Branches ()G
an! (G at Macabebe, an! Branches (G) to (J)) at Angeles ,it"E
.i9 branches 8Branches (J))) to (JG))); %or the #ro5ince o% Tarlac, Branches (JG) at ,a#as, Branch
(JG)) at PaniAi, an! Branch (JG))) at ,amilingE an!
.e5en branches 8Branches (J)J to (JJG; %or the #ro5ince o% Hambales an! the cit" o% &longa#o,
Branches (J)J to (JJ) 0ith seats at )ba an! Branches (JJ)) to (JJG at &longa#o ,it"
8!; &ne hn!re! se5ent">t0o 81=2; Regional Trial J!ges shall be commissione! %or the *ational
,a#ital J!icial Region. There shall be:
$i%t">%i5e branches 8Branches 1 to @@; %or the ,it" o% Manila, 0it seats thereatE
Thirt">t0o branches 8Branches =: to 13=; %or Cezon ,it", 0ith seats thereatE
T0el5e branches 8Branches 132 to 119; %or Pasa" ,it", 0ith seats thereatE
T0el5e branches 8Branches 123 to 171; %or ,aloocan ,it", 0ith seats thereatE
$i%t">eight branches 8Branches @: to =< an! 172 to 1=3; %or the Mnici#alities o% *a5otas, Malabon,
.an Jan, Ma!al"ong, Ma/ati, Pasig, Pateros, Tagig, Mari/ina, ParaIaAe, (as PiIas, an!
Mntinl#aE Branches := to =1 an! 1@1 to 1:2 at PasigE an! Branches =2 to =<, 1:9 an! 1=3 at
MalabonE an!
Three branches 8Branches =@, 1=1 an! 1=2; %or the mnici#alit" o% Galenzela, 0ith seats thereat.
8As amen!e! b" '& *o. 77, Jl" 73, 192:.;
8e; 'iht">t0o Regional Trial J!ges shall be commissione! %or the $orth J!icial Region. There
shall be:
$orteen branches 8Branches ) to J)G; %or the #ro5ince o% Batangas an! the cities o% (i#a an!
Batangas, Branches ) to G) 0ith seats at Batangas ,it", Branch G at (emer", Branches G) to G))) at
Tanan, Branches )J to J) at Bala"an, Branches J)) an! J))) at (i#a, an! Branch J)G at *asgbE
*ine branches 8Branches JG to JJ))); %or the #ro5ince o% ,a5ite an! the cities o% ,a5ite, Taga"ta"
an! Trece Matires, Branch JG 0ith seat at *aic, Branches JG)) at ,a5ite ,it", Branch JG))) at
Taga"ata" ,it", Branch J)J at Bacoor, Branches JJ to JJ)) at )ms, an! Branch JJ))) at Trece
$orteen branches 8Branches JJ)G to JJJG)); %or the #ro5ince o% (agna an! the cit" o% .an Pablo,
Branches JJG))) at .ta. ,rz, Branches JJ)J to JJJ)) at .an Pable ,it", Branch JJJ))) at .iniloan,
an! Branches JJJ)G to JJJG) at ,alambaE
&ne branch 8Branch JJJG))); %or the #ro5ince o% Marin!Ae, 0ith seat at BoacE
$i5e branches 8Branches JJJ)J to J())); %or the #ro5ince o% Min!oro &riental, Branches JJJ)J to
J( 0ith seats at ,ala#an, Branches J() an! J()) at Pinamala"an, an! Branch J()) at Ro9asE
Three branches 8Branches J(G)) to J(G); %or the #ro5ince o% Min!oro &cci!ental, Branch J()G 0ith
seat at Mambrao, an! Branches J(G an! J(G) at .an JoseE
.i9 branches 8Branches J(G)) to ()); %or the #ro5ince o% Pala0an an! the cit" o% Perto Princesa,
0ith seats at Perto Princesa ,it"E
Thirteen branches 8Branches ())) to (JG; %or the #ro5ince o% Cezon an! the cit" o% (cena,
Branches ())) to (J 0ith seats at (cena ,it", Branches (J) an! (J)) at Dmaca, Branch (J))) at
,alaag, Branch (J)G at Maban, an! Branch (JG at )n%antaE
&ne branch?8Branch (JG); %or the #ro5ince o% Arora, 0ith seat at BalerE
$orteen branches 8Branches (JG)) to (JJJ; %or the #ro5ince o% Rizal e9ce#t the cities an!
mnici#alities embrace! 0ithin the *ational ,a#ital J!icial Region, Branches (JG)) to (JJ 0ith
seats at Binangonan, Branches (JJ) to (JJ)G at Anti#olo, Branches (JJG to (JJG)) at .an Mateo,
an! Branches (JJG))) to (JJJ at MorongE an!
T0o branches 8Branches (JJJ) an! (JJJ)); %or the #ro5ince o% Romblon, Branch (JJJ) 0ith seat
at Romblon, an! Branch (JJJ)) at &!iongan.
8%; $i%t">%i5e Regional Trial J!ges shall be commissione! %or the $i%th J!icial Region. There shall
'ighteen branches 8Branches ) to JG))); %or the #ro5ince o% Alba" an! the cit" o% (egas#i, Branches )
to J 0ith seats at (egas#i ,it", Branches J) to J)G at (igao, an! Branches JG to JG))) at TabacoE
*ineteen branches 8Branches J)J to JJJG)); %or the #ro5ince o% ,amarines .r an! the cities o%
*aga an! )riga, Branches J)J to JJG))) 0ith seats at *aga ,it", Branch JJ)J at (ibmanan, Branch
JJJ at Tigaon, Braches JJJ) to JJJ))) at Pili, an! Branches JJJ)G to JJJG)) at )riga ,it"E
$or branches 8Branches JJJG))) to J()); %or the #ro5ince o% ,amarines *orte, 0ith seat at DaetE
T0o branches 8Branches J()) an! J()); %or the #ro5ince o% ,atan!anes, 0ith seats at GiracE
.e5en branches 8Branches J()G to (; %or the #ro5ince o% Masbate, Branches J()G to J(G))) 0ith
seats at Masbate, Branch J()J at ,ataingan, an! Branch ( at .an JacintoE an!
$i5e branches 8Branches () to (G; %or the #ro5ince o% .orsogon, Branches () to ())) 0ith seats at
.orsogon, Branch (G) at Dbat, an! Branch (G at )rosin.
8g; .i9t">three Regional Trial J!ges shall be commissione! %or the .i9th J!icial Region. There
shall be:
*ine branches 8Branches ) to )J; %or the #ro5ince o% A/lan, 0ith seats at FaliboE
$or branches 8Branches J to J))); %or the #ro5ince o% AntiAe, Branches J to J)) 0ith seats at .an
Jose, an! Branch J))) an! ,lasiE
'ighr branches 8Branches J)G to JJ); %or the #ro5ince o% ,a#iz an! the cit" o% Ro9as, Branches J)G
to J)J 0ith seats at Ro9as ,it" an! Branches JJ an! JJ) at MambsaoE
'ighteen branches 8Branches JJ)) to JJJ)J; %or the #ro5ince o% )loilo, the sb#ro5ince o% Dimaras,
an! the cit" o% )loilo, 0ith seats at )loilo ,it"E an!
T0ent">%or branches 8Branches J( to (J))); %or the #ro5ince o% *egros &cci!ental, an! the cities o%
Bacolo!,Bago, ,a!iz, (a ,arlota, .an ,arlos an! .ila", Branch J( 0ith seat at .ila" ,it", Branches
J() to ()G at Bacolo! ,it", Branches (G an! (G) at -imama"lan, Branches (G)) to ()J at
Faban/alan, Branch (J)) at Bago ,it", an! Branch (J)) at (a ,arlota ,it".
8h; $ort">si9 Regional Trial J!ges shall be commissione! %or the .e5enth J!icial Region. There
shall be:
$or branches 8Branches ) to )G; %or the #ro5ince o% Bohol an! the cit" o% Tagbilaran, 0ith seats at
Tagbilaran ,it"E
T0ent">%i5e branches 8Branches G to JJ)J; %or the #ro5ince o% ,eb an! the cities o% ,eb, Danao,
(a#>(a#, Man!ae an! Tole!o, Branches G to JJ)G 0ith seats at ,eb ,it", Branch JJG at
Danao ,it", Branch JJG) at Argao, Branch JJG)) at (a#>(a# ,it", Branch JJG))) at Man!ae
,it", an! Branch JJ)J at Tole!o ,it"E
.i9teen branches 8Branches JJJ to J(G; %or the #ro5ince o% *egros &riental an! the cities o%
Dmagete, Bais an! ,anlaon, Branches JJJ to J()G 0ith seats at Dmagete ,it", an! Branch
J(G at Bais ,it"E an!
&ne branch 8Branch J(G); %or the #ro5ince o% .iAi?or, 0ith seat at (arena.
8i; Thirt">three Regional Trial J!ges shall be commissione! %or the 'ighth J!icial Region. There
shall be:
$i5e branches 8Branches ) to G; %or the #ro5ince o% 'astern .amar, Branches ) an! )) 0ith seats at
Borongan, Branch ))) at Dian, Branch )G at Dolores, an! Branch G at &rasE
Thirteen branches 8Branches G) to JG))); %or the #ro5ince o% (e"te, the sb>#ro5ince o% Biliran, an!
the cities o% &rmoc an! Tacloban, Branches G) an! )J 0ith seats at Tacloban ,it", Branch J at
Ab"og, Branch J) at ,albian, Branch J)) at &rmoc ,it", Branch J))) at ,arigara, Branch J)G at
Ba"ba", Branch JG at Braen, Branch JG) at *a5al, Branch JG)) at Palom#on, an! Branch JG))) at
$i5e branches 8Branches J)J to JJ))); %or the #ro5ince o% *orthern .amar, Branches J)J an! JJ
0ith seats at ,atarman, Branches JJ) an! JJ)) at (aoang, an! Branch JJ))) at AllenE
Three branches 8Branches JJ)G to JJG); %or the #ro5ince o% .othern (e"te, Branches JJ)G an!
JJG 0ith seats at Maasin, an! Branch JJG) at .an JanE an!
.e5en branches 8Branches JJG)) to JJJ))); %or the #ro5ince o% .amar an! the cit" o% ,alba"og,
Branches JJG)) to JJ)J 0ith seats at ,atbalogan, Branch JJJ at Base", Branches JJJ) an! JJJ))
at ,alba"og ,it", an! Branch JJJ))) at ,albiga.
8?; T0ent">%or Regional Trial J!ges shall be commissione! %or the *inth J!icial Region. There
shall be:
T0o branches 8Branches ) an! )); %or the #ro5ince o% Basilan, 0ith seats at )sabelaE
T0o branches 8Branches ))) an! )G; %or the #ro5ince o% .l, Branch ))) 0ith seat at Jolo, an! Branch
)G at ParangE
&ne branch 8Branch G; %or the #ro5ince o% Ta0i>Ta0i, 0ith seat at BongaoE
.i9 branches 8Branches G) to J); %or the #ro5ince o% Hamboanga !el *orte, an! the cities o% Di#olog
an! Da#itan, Branches G) to J seats at Di#olog ,it", an! Branch J) at .in!anganE an!
Thirteen branches 8Branches J)) to JJ)G; %or the #ro5ince o% Hamboanga !el .r an! the cities o%
Paga!ian an! Hamboanga Branches J)) to JG)) 0ith seats at Hamboanga ,it", Branches, JG))) to
JJ)) at Paga!ian ,it", Branch JJ))) at Mola5e, an! Branch JJ)G at )#il.
8/; Thirt">t0o Regional Trial J!ges shall be commissione! %or the Tenth J!icial Region. There
shall be:
$i5e branches 8Branches ) to G; %or the #ro5ince o% Agsan !el *orte an! the cit" o% Btan, 0ith
seats at Btan ,it"E
T0o branches 8Branches G) an! G)); %or the #ro5ince o% Agsan !el .r, Branches G) 0ith seat at
Pros#eri!a! an! Branch G)) 0ith seat at Ba"ganE
$or branches 8Branches G))) to J); %or the #ro5ince o% B/i!non, Branches G))) to J 0ith seats at
Mala"bala" an! Branch J) at Manalo $ortichE
$i5e branches 8Branches J)) to J); %or the #ro5ince o% Misamis &cci!ental an! the cities o%
&roAieta, &zamis, an! Tangb, Branches J)) to J)G 0ith seats at &roAieta ,it", Branch JG at
&zamis ,it", an! Branch JG) at Tangb ,it"E
'le5en branches 8Branches JG)) to JJG)); %or the #ro5ince o% Misamis &riental an! the cities o%
,aga"an !e &ro an! Dingoog, Branches JG)) to JJG 0ith seats at ,aga"an !e &ro ,it", Branch
JJG) at Me!ina, an! Branch JJG)) at Dingoog ,it"E
&ne branch 8Branch JJG))); %or the #ro5ince o% ,amigin, 0ith seat at Mamba?aoE an!
$or branches 8Branches JJ)J to JJJ)); %or the #ro5ince o% .rigao !el *orte an! the ,it" o%
.rigao, Branches JJ)J an! JJJ 0ith seats at .rigao ,it", Branch JJJ) at Da#a, an! Branch
JJJ)) at Dinagat, Dinagat )slan!.
8l; T0ent">nine Regional Trial J!ges shall be commissione! %or the 'le5enth J!icial Region. There
shall be
$or branches 8Branches ) to )G; %or the #ro5ince o% Da5ao !el *orte, Branches ) an! )) 0ith seats at
Tagm, Branch ))) at *abntran, an! Branch )G at PanaboE
Three branches 8Branches G to G)); %or the #ro5ince o% Da5ao &riental, Branches G an! G) 0ith
seats at Mati an! Branch G)) at BangangaE
$orteen branches 8Branches G))) to JJ); %or the #ro5ince o% Da5ao !el .r an! the cit" o% Da5ao,
Branches G))) to JG)) 0ith seats at Da5ao ,it", Branches JG))) an! J)J at Digos, Branch JJ at
Malinta, an! Branch JJ) a BansalanE
$i5e Branches 8Branches JJ)) to JJG); %or the #ro5ince o% .oth ,otabato an! the cit" o% Deneral
.antos, Branches JJ)) an! JJ))) 0ith seats at Deneral .antos ,it", Branches JJ)G an! JJG at
Forona!al, an! Branch JJG) at .rallahE an!
Three branches 8Branches JJG)) to JJ)J; %or the #ro5ince o% .rigao !el .r, Branch JJG)) 0ith
seat at Tan!ag, Branch JJG))) at (ianga, an! Branch JJ)J at Bislig.
8m; T0ent" Regional Trial J!ges shall be commissione! %or the T0el%th J!icial Region. There shall
.e5en branches 8Branches ) to G)); %or the #ro5ince o% (anao !el *orte an! the cit" o% )ligan,
Branches ) to G) 0ith seats at )ligan ,it", an! Branch G)) at Tbo!E
$i5e branches 8Branches G))) to J)); %or the #ro5ince o% (anao !el .r an! the cit" o% Mara0i,
Branches G))) to J 0ith seats at Mara0i ,it", an! Branches J) an! J)) at MalabangE
Three branches 8Branches J))) to JG; %or the #ro5ince o% Magin!anao an! the cit" o% ,otabato,
Branches J))) an! J)G 0ith seats at ,otabato ,it", an! Branch JG at Magano"E
Three branches 8Branches JG) to JG))); %or the #ro5ince o% *orth ,otabato, Branch JG) 0ith seat at
Fabacan, Branch JG)) at Fi!a#a0an, an! Branch JG))) at Missa"a#E an!
T0o branches 8Branches J)J an! JJ; %or the #ro5ince o% .ltan F!arat, Branch J)J, 0ith seat at
)slan, an! Branch JJ at Tacrong.
.ection 1@. Cali%ications. *o #ersons shall be a##ointe! Regional Trial J!ge nless he is a
natral>born citizen o% the Phili##ines, at least thirt">%i5e "ears o% age, an! %or at least ten "ears, has
been engage! in the #ractice o% la0 in the Phili##ines or has hel! a #blic o%%ice in the Phili##ines
reAiring a!mission to the #ractice o% la0 as an in!is#ensable reAisite.
.ection 1:. Time an! !ration o% sessions. The time an! !ration o% !ail" sessions o% the Regional
Trial ,orts shall be !etermine! b" the .#reme ,ort: Pro5i!e!, ho0e5er, That all motions, e9ce#t
those reAiring imme!iate action, shall be hear! in the a%ternoon o% e5er" $ri!a", nless it %alls on a
holi!a", in 0hich case, the hearing shall be hel! on the a%ternoon o% the ne9t sccee!ing bsiness
!a": Pro5i!e!, %rther, That the .#reme ,ort ma", %or goo! reasons, %i9 a !i%%erent motion !a" in
s#eci%ie! areas
.ection 1=. A##ointment an! assignment o% Regional Trial J!ges. '5er" Regional Trial J!ge shall
be a##ointe! to a region 0hich shall be his #ermanent station, an! his a##ointment shall state the
branch o% the cort an! the seat thereo% to 0hich he shall be originall" assigne!. -o0e5er, the
.#reme ,ort ma" assign tem#oraril" a Regional Trial J!ge to another region as #blic interest
ma" reAire, #ro5i!e! that sch tem#orar" assignment shall not last longer than si9 8:; months
0ithot the consent o% the Regional Trial J!ge concerne!.
A Regional Trial J!ge ma" be assigne! b" the .#reme ,ort to an" branch or cit" or mnici#alit"
0ithin the same region as #blic interest ma" reAire, an! sch assignment shall not be !eeme! an
assignment to another station 0ithin the meaning o% this section.
.ection 12. Athorit" to !e%ine territor" a##rtenant to each branch. The .#reme ,ort shall !e%ine
the territor" o5er 0hich a branch o% the Regional Trial ,ort shall e9ercise its athorit". The territor"
ths !e%ine! shall be !eeme! to be the territorial area o% the branch concerne! %or #r#oses o%
!etermining the 5ene o% all sits, #rocee!ings or actions, 0hether ci5il or criminal, as 0ell as
!etermining the Metro#olitan Trial ,orts, Mnici#al Trial ,orts, an! Mnici#al ,ircit Trial ,orts
o5er the sai! branch ma" e9ercise a##ellate ?ris!iction. The #o0er herein grante! shall be
e9ercise! 0ith a 5ie0 to ma/ing the corts rea!il" accessible to the #eo#le o% the !i%%erent #arts o%
the region an! ma/ing the atten!ance o% litigants an! 0itnesses as ine9#ensi5e as #ossible.
.ection 19. Jris!iction in ci5il cases. Regional Trial ,orts shall e9ercise e9clsi5e original
81; )n all ci5il actions in 0hich the sb?ect o% the litigation is inca#able o% #ecniar" estimationE
82; )n all ci5il actions 0hich in5ol5e the title to, or #ossession o%, real #ro#ert", or an" interest therein,
0here the assesse! 5ale o% the #ro#ert" in5ol5e! e9cee!s T0ent" thosan! #esos 8P23,333.33; or
%or ci5il actions in Metro Manila, 0here sch the 5ale e9cee!s $i%t" thosan! #esos 8@3,333.33;
e9ce#t actions %or %orcible entr" into an! nla0%l !etainer o% lan!s or bil!ings, original ?ris!iction
o5er 0hich is con%erre! #on Metro#olitan Trial ,orts, Mnici#al Trial ,orts, an! Mnici#al ,ircit
Trial ,ortsE
87; )n all actions in a!miralt" an! maritime ?ris!iction 0here he !eman! or claim e9cee!s &ne
hn!re! thosan! #esos 8P133,333.33; or , in Metro Manila, 0here sch !eman! or claim e9cee!s
T0o hn!re! thosan! #esos 8233,333.33;E
8<; )n all matters o% #robate, both testate an! intestate, 0here the gross 5ale o% the estate e9cee!s
&ne hn!re! thosan! #esos 8P133,333.33; or, in #robate matters in Metro Manila, 0here sch
gross 5ale e9cee!s T0o hn!re! thosan! #esos 8233,333.33;E
8@; )n all actions in5ol5ing the contract o% marriage an! marital relationsE
8:; )n all cases not 0ithin the e9clsi5e ?ris!iction o% an" cort, tribnal, #erson or bo!" e9ercising
?ris!iction or an" cort, tribnal, #erson or bo!" e9ercising ?!icial or Aasi>?!icial %nctionsE
8=; )n all ci5il actions an! s#ecial #rocee!ings %alling 0ithin the e9clsi5e original ?ris!iction o% a
J5enile an! Domestic Relations ,ort an! o% the ,orts o% Agrarian Relations as no0 #ro5i!e! b"
la0E an!
82; )n all other cases in 0hich the !eman!, e9clsi5e o% interest, !amages o% 0hate5er /in!,
attorne"Ks %ees, litigation e9#enses, an! costs or the 5ale o% the #ro#ert" in contro5ers" e9cee!s
&ne hn!re! thosan! #esos 8133,333.33; or, in sch other abo5ementione! items e9cee!s T0o
hn!re! thosan! #esos 8233,333.33;. 8as amen!e! b" R.A. *o. =:91L;
.ection 23. Jris!iction in criminal cases. Regional Trial ,orts shall e9ercise e9clsi5e original
?ris!iction in all criminal cases not 0ithin the e9clsi5e ?ris!iction o% an" cort, tribnal or bo!",
e9ce#t those no0 %alling n!er the e9clsi5e an! concrrent ?ris!iction o% the .an!iganba"an 0hich
shall herea%ter be e9clsi5el" ta/en cognizance o% b" the latter.
.ection 21. &riginal ?ris!iction in other cases. Regional Trial ,orts shall e9ercise original
81; )n the issance o% 0rits o% certiorari, #rohibition, man!ams, Ao 0arranto, habeas cor#s an!
in?nction 0hich ma" be en%orce! in an" #art o% their res#ecti5e regionsE an!
82; )n actions a%%ecting ambassa!ors an! other #blic ministers an! consls.
.ection 22. A##ellate ?ris!iction. Regional Trial ,orts shall e9ercise a##ellate ?ris!iction o5er all
cases !eci!e! b" Metro#olitan Trial ,orts, Mnici#al Trial ,orts, an! Mnici#al ,ircit Trial ,orts
in their res#ecti5e territorial ?ris!ictions. .ch cases shall be !eci!e! on the basis o% the entire
recor! o% the #rocee!ings ha! in the cort o% origin an! sch memoran!a an!Mor brie%s as ma" be
sbmitte! b" the #arties or reAire! b" the Regional Trial ,orts. The !ecision o% the Regional Trial
,orts in sch cases shall be a##ealable b" #etition %or re5ie0 to the
,ort o% A##eals 0hich ma" gi5e it !e corse onl" 0hen the #etition sho0s #rima %acie that the
lo0er cort has committe! an error o% %act or la0 that 0ill 0arrant a re5ersal or mo!i%ication o% the
!ecision or ?!gment soght to be re5ie0e!.
.ection 27. .#ecial ?ris!iction to tr" s#ecial cases. The .#reme ,ort ma" !esignate certain
branches o% the Regional Trial ,orts to han!le e9clsi5el" criminal cases, ?5enile an! !omestic
relations cases, agrarian cases, rban lan! re%orm cases 0hich !o not %all n!er the ?ris!iction o%
Aasi>?!icial bo!ies an! agencies, an!Mor sch other s#ecial cases as the .#reme ,ort ma"
!etermine in the interest o% a s#ee!" an! e%%icient a!ministration o% ?stice.
.ection 2<. .#ecial Rles o% Proce!re. Bhene5er a Regional Trial ,ort ta/es cognizance o%
?5enile an! !omestic relation cases an!Mor agrarian cases, the s#ecial rles o% #roce!re a##licable
n!er #resent la0s to sch cases shall contine to be a##lie!, nless sbseAentl" amen!e! b" la0
or b" rles o% cort #romlgate! b" the .#reme ,ort.
,-APT'R )))
M'TR&P&()TA* TR)A( ,&6RT., M6*),)PA( TR)A( ,&6RT., A*D M6*),)PA( ,)R,6)T
TR)A( ,&6RT.
.ection 2@. 'stablishment o% Metro#olitan Trial ,orts, Mnici#al Trial ,orts an! Mnici#al ,ircit
Trial ,orts. There shall be create! a Metro#olitan Trial ,ort in each metro#olitan area establishe!
b" la0, a Mnici#al Trial ,ort in each o% the other cities or mnici#alities, an! a Mnici#al ,ircit
Trial ,ort in each circit com#rising sch cities an!Mor mnici#alities as are gro#e! together
#rsant to la0.
.ection 2:. Cali%ications. *o #erson shall be a##ointe! ?!ge o% a Metro#olitan Trial ,ort,
Mnici#al Trial ,ort, or Mnici#al ,ircit Trial ,ort nless he is a natral>born citizen o% the
Phili##ines, at least 73 "ears o% age, an!, %or at least %i5e "ears, has been engage! in the #ractice o%
la0 in the Phili##ines, or has hel! a #blic o%%ice in the Phili##ines reAiring a!mission to the
#ractice o% la0 as an in!is#ensable reAisite.
.ection 2=. Metro#olitan Trial ,orts o% the *ational ,a#ital Region. There shall be a Metro#olitan
Trial ,ort in the *ational ,a#ital Region, to be /no0n as the Metro#olitan Trial ,ort o% Metro
Manila, 0hich shall be com#ose! o% eight">t0o 822; branches. There shall be:
Thirt" branches 8Branches ) to JJJ; %or the cit" o% Manila 0ith seats thereatE
Thirteen branches 8Branches JJJ) to J())); %or Cezon ,it" 0ith seats thereatE
$i5e branches 8Branches J()G to J(G))); %or Pasa" ,it" 0ith seats thereatE
$i5e branches 8Branches J()J to ())); %or ,aloocan ,it" 0ith seats thereatE
&ne branch 8Branch ()G; %or *a5otas 0ith seat thereatE
T0o branches 8Branches (G an! (G); %or Malabon 0ith seats thereatE
T0o branches 8Branches (G)) an! (G))); %or .an Jan 0ith seats thereatE
T0o branches 8Branches ()J an! (J; %or Man!al"ong 0ith seats thereatE
.e5en branches 8Branches (J) an! (JG)); %or Ma/ati 0ith seats thereatE
$i5e branches 8Branches (JG))) to (JJ)); %or Pasig 0ith seats thereatE
&ne branch 8Branch (JJ))); %or Pateros 0ith seat thereatE
&ne branch 8Branch (JJ)G; %or Tagig 0ith seat thereatE
T0o branches 8Branches (JJG an! (JJG); %or Mari/ina 0ith seats thereatE
T0o branches 8Branches (JJG)) an! (JJG))); %or ParaIaAe 0ith seats thereatE
&ne branch 8Branch (JJ)J; %or (as PiIas 0ith seat thereatE
&ne branch 8Branch (JJJ; %or Mntinl#a 0ith seat thereatE
T0o branches 8Branches (JJJ) an! (JJJ)); %or Galenzela 0ith seats thereatE
.ection 22. &ther Metro#olitan Trial ,orts. The .#reme ,ort shall constitte Metro#olitan Trial
,orts in sch other metro#olitan areas as ma" be establishe! b" la0 0hose territorial ?ris!iction
shall be co>e9tensi5e 0ith the cities an! mnici#alities com#rising the metro#olitan area.
'5er" Metro#olitan Trial J!ge shall be a##ointe! to a metro#olitan area 0hich shall be his
#ermanent station an! his a##ointment shall state branch o% the cort an! the seat thereo% to 0hich
he shall be originall" assigne!. A Metro#olitan Trial J!ge ma" be assigne! b" the .#reme ,ort
to an" branch 0ithin sai! metro#olitan area as the interest o% ?stice ma" reAire, an! sch
assignment shall not be !eeme! an assignment to another station 0ithin the meaning o% this section.
.ection 29. Mnici#al Trial ,orts in cities. )n e5er" cit" 0hich !oes not %orm #art o% a metro#olitan
area, there shall be a Mnici#al Trial ,ort 0ith one branch, e9ce#t as heren!er #ro5i!e!:
T0o branches %or (aoag ,it"E
$or branches %or Bagio ,it"E
Three branches %or Dag#an ,it"E
$i5e branches %or &longa#o ,it"E
Three branches %or ,abanatan ,it"E
T0o branches %or .an Jose ,it"E
Three branches %or Angeles ,it"E
T0o branches %or ,a5ite ,it"E
T0o branches %or Batangas ,it"E
T0o branches %or (cena ,it"E
Three branches %or *aga ,it"E
T0o branches %or )riga ,it"E
Three branches %or (egas#i ,it"E
T0o branches %or Ro9as ,it"E
$or branches %or )loilo ,it"E
.e5en branches %or Bacolo! ,it"E
T0o branches %or Dmagete ,it"E
T0o branches %or Tacloban ,it"E
'ight branches %or ,eb ,it"E
Three branches %or Man!ae ,it"E
T0o branches %or Tagbilaran ,it"E
T0o branches %or .rigao ,it"E
T0o branches %or Btan ,it"E
$i5e branches %or ,aga"an !e &ro ,it"E
.e5en branches %or Da5ao ,it"E
Three branches %or Deneral .antos ,it"E
T0o branches %or &roAieta ,it"E
Three branches %or &zamis ,it"E
T0o branches %or Di#olog ,it"E
$or branches %or Hamboanga ,it"E
T0o branches %or Paga!ian ,it"E an!
T0o branches %or )ligan ,it".
.ection 73. Mnici#al Trial ,orts. )n each o% the mnici#alities that are not com#rise! 0ithin a
metro#olitan area an! a mnici#al circit there shall be a Mnici#al Trial ,ort 0hich shall ha5e one
branch, e9ce#t as heren!er #ro5i!e!:
T0o branches %or .an $ernan!o, (a 6nionE
$or branches %or TgegaraoE
Three branches %or (allo, an! t0o branches %or A#arri, both o% ,aga"anE
T0o branches %or .antiago, )sabelaE
T0o branches each %or Malolos, Me"caa"an an! Blacan, all o% Blacan Pro5inceE
$or branches %or .an $ernan!o an! t0o branches %or Daga, both o% Pam#angaE
T0o branches %or Tarlac, TarlacE
T0o branches %or .an Pe!ro, (agnaE an!
T0o branches each %or Anti#olo an! Binangonan, both in Rizal.
.ection 71. Mnici#al ,ircit Trial ,ort. There shall be a Mnici#al ,ircit Trial ,ort in each area
!e%ine! as a mnici#al circit, com#rising one or more cities an!Mor one or more mnici#alities. The
mnici#alities com#rising mnici#al circits as organize! n!er A!ministrati5e &r!er *o. 77, isse!
on Jne 17, 19=2 b" the .#reme ,ort #rsant to Presi!ential Decree *o. @7=, are hereb"
constitte! as mnici#al circits %or #r#oses o% the establishment o% the Mnici#al ,ircit Trial
,orts, an! the a##ointment thereto o% Mnici#al ,ircit Trial J!ges: Pro5i!e!, ho0e5er, That the
.#reme ,ort ma", as the interests o% ?stice ma" reAire, %rther reorganize the sai! corts ta/ing
into accont 0or/loa!, geogra#hical location, an! sch other %actors as 0ill contribte to a rational
allocation thereo%, #rsant to the #ro5isions o% Presi!ential Decree *o. @7= 0hich shall be
a##licable inso%ar as the" are not inconsistent 0ith this Act.
'5er" Mnici#al ,ircit Trial J!ge shall be a##ointe! to a mnici#al circit 0hich shall be his o%%icial
The .#reme ,ort shall !etermine the cit" or mnici#alit" 0here the Mnici#al ,ircit Trial ,ort
shall hol! sessions.
.ection 72. Jris!iction o% Metro#olitan Trial ,orts, Mnici#al Trial ,orts an! Mnici#al ,ircit
Trial ,orts in criminal cases. '9ce#t in cases %alling 0ithin the e9clsi5e original ?ris!iction o%
Regional Trial ,orts an! o% the .an!iganba"an, the Metro#olitan Trial ,orts, Mnici#al Trial
,orts, an! Mnici#al ,ircit Trial ,orts shall e9ercise:
81; '9clsi5e original ?ris!iction o5er all 5iolations o% cit" or mnici#al or!inances committe! 0ithin
their res#ecti5e territorial ?ris!ictionE an!
82; '9clsi5e original ?ris!iction o5er all o%%enses #nishable 0ith im#risonment not e9cee!ing si9
8:; "ears irres#ecti5e o% the amont o% %ine, an! regar!less o% other im#osable accessor" or other
#enalties, incl!ing the ci5il liabilit" arising %rom sch o%%enses or #re!icate! thereon, irres#ecti5e o%
/in!, natre, 5ale, or amont thereo%: Pro5i!e!, ho0e5er, That in o%%enses in5ol5ing !amage to
#ro#ert" throgh criminal negligence the" shall ha5e e9clsi5e original ?ris!iction thereo%. 8as
amen!e! b" R.A, *o. =:91;
.ection 77. Jris!iction o% Metro#olitan Trial ,orts, Mnici#al Trial ,orts an! Mnici#al ,ircit
Trial ,orts in ci5il cases. Metro#olitan Trial ,orts, Mnici#al Trial ,orts, an! Mnici#al ,ircit
Trial ,orts shall e9ercise:
81; '9clsi5e original ?ris!iction o5er ci5il actions an! #robate #rocee!ings, testate an! intestate,
incl!ing the grant o% #ro5isional reme!ies in #ro#er cases, 0here the 5ale o% the #ersonal
#ro#ert", estate, or amont o% the !eman! !oes not e9cee! &ne hn!re! thosan! #esos
8P133,333.33; or, in Metro Manila 0here sch #ersonal #ro#ert", estate, or amont o% the !eman!
!oes not e9cee! T0o hn!re! thosan! #esos 8P233,333.33; e9clsi5e o% interest !amages o%
0hate5er /in!, attorne"Ks %ees, litigation e9#enses, an! costs, the amont o% 0hich mst be
s#eci%icall" allege!: Pro5i!e!, That 0here there are se5eral claims or cases o% action bet0een the
same or !i%%erent #arties, embo!ie! in the same com#laint, the amont o% the !eman! shall be the
totalit" o% the claims in all the cases o% action, irres#ecti5e o% 0hether the cases o% action arose ot
o% the same or !i%%erent transactionsE
82; '9clsi5e original ?ris!iction o5er cases o% %orcible entr" an! nla0%l !etainer: Pro5i!e!, That
0hen, in sch cases, the !e%en!ant raises the Aestion o% o0nershi# in his #lea!ings an! the
Aestion o% #ossession cannot be resol5e! 0ithot !eci!ing the isse o% o0nershi#, the isse o%
o0nershi# shall be resol5e! onl" to !etermine the isse o% #ossession.
87; '9clsi5e original ?ris!iction in all ci5il actions 0hich in5ol5e title to, or #ossession o%, real
#ro#ert", or an" interest therein 0here the assesse! 5ale o% the #ro#ert" or interest therein !oes
not e9cee! T0ent" thosan! #esos 8P23,333.33; or, in ci5il actions in Metro Manila, 0here sch
assesse! 5ale !oes not e9cee! $i%t" thosan! #esos 8P@3,333.33; e9clsi5e o% interest, !amages
o% 0hate5er /in!, attorne"Ks %ees, litigation e9#enses an! costs: Pro5i!e!, That 5ale o% sch
#ro#ert" shall be !etermine! b" the assesse! 5ale o% the a!?acent lots. 8as amen!e! b" R.A. *o.
.ection 7<. Delegate! ?ris!iction in ca!astral an! lan! registration cases. Metro#olitan Trial ,orts,
Mnici#al Trial ,orts, an! Mnici#al ,ircit Trial ,orts ma" be assigne! b" the .#reme ,ort to
hear an! !etermine ca!astral or lan! registration cases co5ering lots 0here there is no contro5ers"
or o##osition, or conteste! lots the 0here the 5ale o% 0hich !oes not e9cee! &ne hn!re!
thosan! #esos 8P133,333.33;, sch 5ale to be ascertaine! b" the a%%i!a5it o% the claimant or b"
agreement o% the res#ecti5e claimants i% there are more than one, or %rom the corres#on!ing ta9
!eclaration o% the real #ro#ert". Their !ecisions in these cases shall be a##ealable in the same
manner as !ecisions o% the Regional Trial ,orts. 8as amen!e! b" R.A. *o. =:91;
.ection 7@. .#ecial ?ris!iction in certain cases. )n the absence o% all the Regional Trial J!ges in a
#ro5ince or cit", an" Metro#olitan Trial J!ge, Mnici#al Trial J!ge, Mnici#al ,ircit Trial J!ge
ma" hear an! !eci!e #etitions %or a 0rit o% habeas cor#s or a##lications %or bail in criminal cases in
the #ro5ince or cit" 0here the absent Regional Trial J!ges sit.
.ection 7:. .mmar" #roce!res in s#ecial cases. )n Metro#olitan Trial ,orts an! Mnici#al Trial
,orts 0ith at least t0o branches, the .#reme ,ort ma" !esignate one or more branches thereo%
to tr" e9clsi5el" %orcible entr" an! nla0%l !etainer cases, those in5ol5ing 5iolations o% tra%%ic la0s,
rles an! reglations, 5iolations o% the rental la0, an! sch other cases reAiring smmar"
!is#osition as the .#reme ,ort ma" !etermine. The .#reme ,ort shall a!o#t s#ecial rles or
#roce!res a##licable to sch cases in or!er to achie5e an e9#e!itios an! ine9#ensi5e
!etermination thereo% 0ithot regar! to technical rles. .ch sim#li%ie! #roce!res ma" #ro5i!e that
a%%i!a5its an! conter>a%%i!a5its ma" be a!mitte! in lie o% oral testimon" an! that the #erio!s %or
%iling #lea!ings shall be non>e9ten!ible.
.ection 7=. Preliminar" in5estigation. J!ges o% Metro#olitan Trial ,orts, e9ce#t those in the
*ational ,a#ital Region, o% Mnici#al Trial ,orts, an! Mnici#al ,ircit Trial ,orts shall ha5e
athorit" to con!ct #reliminar" in5estigation o% crimes allege! to ha5e been committe! 0ithin their
res#ecti5e territorial ?ris!ictions 0hich are cognizable b" the Regional Trial ,orts.
The #reliminar" in5estigation shall be con!cte! in accor!ance 0ith the #roce!re #rescribe! in
.ection 1, #aragra#hs 8a;, 8b;, 8c;, an! 8!;, o% Presi!ential Decree *o. 911: Pro5i!e!, ho0e5er, That
i% a%ter the #reliminar" in5estigation the J!ge %in!s a #rima %acie case, he shall %or0ar! the recor!s
o% the case to the Pro5incialM,it" $iscal %or the %iling o% the corres#on!ing in%ormation 0ith the #ro#er
*o 0arrant o% arrest shall be isse! b" the J!ge in connection 0ith an" criminal com#laint %ile! 0ith
him %or #reliminar" in5estigation, nless a%ter an e9amination in 0riting an! n!er oath or a%%irmation
o% the com#lainant an! his 0itnesses, he %in!s that a #robable case e9ists.
An" 0arrant o% arrest isse! in accor!ance here0ith ma" be ser5e! an"0here in the Phili##ines.
.ection 72. J!gments an! #rocesses.
81; All ?!gments !etermining the merits o% cases shall be in 0riting, stating clearl" the %acts an! the
la0 on 0hich the" 0ere base!, signe! b" the J!ge an! %ile! 0ith the ,ler/ o% ,ort. .ch ?!gment
shall be a##ealable to the Regional Trial ,orts in accor!ance 0ith the #roce!re no0 #rescribe! b"
la0 %or a##eals to the ,ort o% $irst )nstance, b" the #ro5isions o% this Act, an! b" sch rles as the
.#reme ,ort ma" herea%ter #rescribe.
82; All #rocesses isse! b" the Metro#olitan Trial ,orts, Mnici#al Trial ,orts an! Mnici#al
,ircit Trial ,orts, in cases %alling 0ithin their ?ris!iction, ma" be ser5e! an"0here in the
Phili##ines 0ithot the necessit" o% certi%ication b" the J!ge o% the Regional Trial ,ort.
,-APT'R )G
D'*'RA( PR&G).)&*.
.ection 79. A##eals. The #erio! %or a##eal %rom %inal or!ers, resoltions, a0ar!s, ?!gments, or
!ecisions o% an" cort in all cases shall be %i%teen 81@; !a"s conte! %rom the notice o% the %inal
or!er, resoltion, a0ar!, ?!gment, or !ecision a##eale! %rom: Pro5i!e! ho0e5er, That in habeas
cor#s cases, the #erio! %or a##eal shall be %ort">eight 8<2; hors %rom the notice o% the ?!gment
a##eale! %rom.
*o recor! on a##eal shall be reAire! to ta/e an a##eal. )n lie thereo%, the entire recor! shall be
transmitte! 0ith all the #ages #rominentl" nmbere! consecti5el", together 0ith an in!e9 o% the
contents thereo%.
This section shall not a##l" in a##eals in s#ecial #rocee!ings an! in other cases 0herein mlti#le
a##eals are allo0e! n!er a##licable #ro5isions o% the Rles o% ,ort.
.ection <3. $orm o% !ecision in a##eale! cases. '5er" !ecision o% %inal resoltion o% a cort in
a##eale! cases shall clearl" an! !istinctl" state the %in!ings o% %act an! the conclsions o% la0 on
0hich it is base!, 0hich ma" be containe! in the !ecision or %inal resoltion itsel%, or a!o#te! b"
re%erence %rom those set %orth in the !ecision, or!er, or resoltion a##eale! %rom.
.ection <1. .alaries. )nterme!iate A##ellate Jstices, Regional Trial J!ges, Metro#olitan Trial
J!ges, Mnici#al Trial J!ges, an! Mnici#al ,ircit Trial J!ges shall recei5e sch com#ensation
an! allo0ances as ma" be athorize! b" the Presi!ent along the gi!elines set %orth in (etter o%
)m#lementation *o. 97 #rsant to Presi!ential Decree *o. 92@, as amen!e! b" Presi!ential Decree
*o. 1@9=.
.ection <2. (onge5it" #a". A monthl" longe5it" #a" eAi5alent to @N o% the monthl" basic #a" shall
be #ai! to the Jstices an! J!ges o% the corts herein create! %or each %i5e "ears o% continos,
e%%icient, an! meritorios ser5ice ren!ere! in the ?!iciar"E Pro5i!e!, That in no case shall the total
salar" o% each Jstice or J!ge concerne!, a%ter this longe5it" #a" is a!!e!, e9cee! the salar" o% the
Jstice or J!ge ne9t in ran/.
.ection <7. .ta%%ing #attern. The .#reme ,ort shall sbmit to the Presi!ent, 0ithin thirt" 873; !a"s
%rom the !ate o% the e%%ecti5it" o% this Act, a sta%%ing #attern %or all corts constitte! #rsant to this
Act 0hich shall be the basis o% the im#lementing or!er to be isse! b" the Presi!ent in accor!ance
0ith the imme!iatel" sccee!ing section.
.ection <<. Transitor" #ro5isions. The #ro5isions o% this Act shall be imme!iatel" carrie! ot in
accor!ance 0ith an '9ecti5e &r!er to be isse! b" the Presi!ent. The ,ort o% A##eals, the ,orts
o% $irst )nstance, the ,ircit ,riminal ,orts, the J5enile an! Domestic Relations ,orts, the ,orts
o% Agrarian Relations, the ,it" ,orts, the Mnici#al ,orts, an! the Mnici#al ,ircit ,orts shall
contine to %nction as #resentl" constitte! an! organize!, ntil the com#letion o% the
reorganization #ro5i!e! in this Act as !eclare! b" the Presi!ent. 6#on sch !eclaration, the sai!
corts shall be !eeme! atomaticall" abolishe! an! the incmbents thereo% shall cease to hol!
o%%ice. The cases #en!ing in the ol! ,orts shall be trans%erre! to the a##ro#riate ,orts constitte!
#rsant to this Act, together 0ith the #ertinent %nctions, recor!s, eAi#ment, #ro#ert" an! the
necessar" #ersonnel.
The a##licable a##ro#riations shall li/e0ise be trans%erre! to the a##ro#riate corts constitte!
#rsant to this Act, to be agmente! as ma" be necessar" %rom the %n!s %or organizational
changes as #ro5i!e! in Batas Pambansa Blg. 23. .ai! %n!ing shall therea%ter be incl!e! in the
annal Deneral A##ro#riations Act.
.ection <@. .hariKa ,orts. .hariKa ,orts to be constitte! as #ro5i!e! %or in Presi!ential Decree
*o. 1327, other0ise /no0n as the 1,o!e o% Mslim Personal (a0s o% the Phili##ines,4 shall be
incl!e! in the %n!ing a##ro#riations so #ro5i!e! in this Act.
.ection <:. Dratit" o% ?!ges an! #ersonnel se#arate! %rom o%%ice. All members o% the ?!iciar" an!
sbor!inate em#lo"ees 0ho shall be se#arate! %rom o%%ice b" reason o% the reorganization
athorize! herein, shall be grante! a gratit" at a rate eAi5alent to one monthKs salar" %or e5er"
"ear o% continos ser5ice ren!ere! in an" branch o% the go5ernment or eAi5alent nearest %raction
thereo% %a5orable to them on the basis o% the highest salar" recei5e!: Pro5i!e!, That sch member
o% the ?!iciar" or em#lo"ee shall ha5e the o#tion to retire n!er the J!iciar" Retirement (a0 or
general retirement la0, i% he has met or satis%ie! the reAirements there%or.
.ection <=. Re#ealing clase. The #ro5isions o% Re#blic Act *o. 29:, other0ise /no0n as the
J!iciar" Act o% 19<2, as amen!e!, o% Re#blic Act *o. @1=9 as amen!e!, o% the Rles o% ,ort,
an! o% all other stattes, letters o% instrctions an! general or!er or #arts thereo%, inconsistent 0ith
the #ro5isions o% this Act are hereb" re#eale! or accor!ingl" mo!i%ie!.
.ection <2. Date o% '%%ecti5it". This Act shall ta/e e%%ect imme!iatel".
A##ro5e!: Agst 1<, 1921
L&ther #ro5isions o% the Act:
1.ection. @. A%ter %i5e8@; "ears %rom the e%%ecti5it" o% this Act, the ?ris!ictional amonts mentione! in
.ec. 1987;, 8<;, an! 82;E an! .ec. 7781; o% Batas Pambansa Blg. 129 as amen!e! b" this Act, shall
be a!?ste! to T0o hn!re! thosan! #esos 8P233,333.33;. %i5e 8@; "ears therea%ter, sch
?ris!ictional amonts shall be a!?ste! %rther to Three hn!re! thosan! #esos 8P733,333.33;:
Pro5i!e!, ho0e5er, That in the case o% Metro Manila, the abo5ementione! ?ris!ictional amonts
shall be a!?ste! a%ter %i5e 8@; "ears %rom the e%%ecti5it" o% this Act o% $or hn!re! thosan! #esos
.ection. =. The #ro5isions o% this Act shall a##l" to all ci5il cases that ha5e not "et reache! the #re>
trial stage. -o0e5er, b" agreement o% all the #arties, ci5il cases cognizable b" mnici#al an!
metro#olitan corts b" the #ro5isions o% this Act ma" be trans%erre! %rom the Regional Trial ,orts to
the latter. The e9ecti5e ?!ge o% the a##ro#riate Regional Trial ,ort shall !e%ine the a!ministrati5e
#roce!re o% trans%erring the cases a%%ecte! b" the re!e%inition o% ?ris!iction to the Metro#olitan Trial
,orts, Mnici#al Trial ,ort, an! Mnici#al ,ircit Trial ,ort.4
L,riminal cases %alling 0ithin the ?ris!iction o% $amil" ,orts 8establishe! b" the $amil" ,orts Act
o% 199= OR.A. *o. 27:9P; ha5e been trans%erre! %rom Metro#olitan trial ,orts, Mnici#al Trial ,orts,
Mnici#al trial ,ort in ,ities, Mnici#al Trial ,orts an! Mnici#al ,ircit Trial ,orts to Regional
trial ,orts n!er A.M. *o. 99>1>17>., e%%ecti5e March 1, 1999.

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