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Innovative product display units that

showcased the entire range of colours were

createdfor GCPLpartner outlets (goldenclub
outlets). Noadditional incentive was givento
the trade to stock the entire range of colours.
The invitationpricing of the offer helpedcre-
ate consumer pull in trade.
Anumber of specialisedagencies workedon
this and helped create different elements of
the campaign. Creative agency JWTconcep-
tualised and executed the advertising cam-
paign Welcome to the Family. Elephant
Design was roped in to create the vibrant
Colour Play packaging; and the retail mer-
chandising solutions were created by
Brandmark Solutions.
What was its direct andmeasurable
impact onthesales andthebrand? Inthe
final analysis, howeffectivewas the
The promotion was immensely successful as
we exceeded all metrics. The seeding or sales
of newmachinesroseby22percent duringthis
period. Post this promotion, we strengthened
our market leadership as our share increased
significantly inthe next quarter.
Apart from putting more machines per
home, the Colour Play range was also a dis-
tribution expansion initiative for Good
Knight machines. The campaignhelped the
brandaddover 1 lakhoutlets. Distributionfor
Good Knight machines went up from 4.23
lakh retail outlets in January 2012 to 5.25
lakh outlets in September 2012.
The intent of the campaign was to cele-
brate Good Knights leadership positionand
expand the Good Knight family. The cam-
paign stuck to its objectives in letter and
spirit. Owing to its strategic significance,
we brought the campaign back just before
the onset of the mosquito season this year.
Dont sales promotions incur highlong-
termcosts for thecompany?
As long as a sales promotion is strategic in
nature like GoodKnights Welcome to
Family promotion and helps in building
a brands franchise, it does end up paying
for itself over a period of time.
As toldto MasoomGupte
What hasbeenthemost interestingsales
My best sales promotion to date has been
for Good Knight liquid vapouriser, dubbed
Welcome to Family promotion. It was an
extremelystrategic, large-scale
promotion with multiple con-
sumer touch points. We found
an interesting way of creating
buzz inalow-involvement cat-
egory so as to increase the
number of machines per home.
The liquid vapouriser was
available only in red earlier.
Based onthe insight that peo-
ple might want the vapouriser
dispenser tomatchthe overall
look of a room, we started
manufacturing it in different
colours such as blue, green,
purple and introduced themas the Colour
Play range. The campaign lasted for two
months July and August 2012 a peri-
od chosen to coincide with the so-called
mosquito season.
What was theprimaryobjectivebehind
This promotionwas done keeping inmind
twoobjectives: first, tomaintainour market
leadership, and second to increase pene-
tration and reach new con-
sumers because once youhave
entered a home with a dis-
penser youcansell refills only.
Hence, getting new con-
sumers for the machines was
very important.
What kindof promotion
was it? Howwas it
We markedthe campaignwith
a discount scheme that com-
bined a machine and a refill
pack for ~63 (the machine plus
refill was soldfor ~99 andanda standalone
refill for ~54 then).
The promotion was supported by tele-
vision, print, digital and retail activations.
It focused largely on brand-building. Take
the TVad for instance it was only in the
last five seconds of the 40-second com-
mercial that we talked of the new range.
The storyboard talked of the presence of
GoodKnight inall kinds of homes andfam-
ilies in India in a humorous tone and then
invited consumers to join in the Good
Knight family by choosing one from the
Colour Play range.
Retail activation took the formof prod-
uct displays across general trade andmod-
erntrade stores. The celebratorydisplays of
Good Knight Advanced Activ+ Colour Play
machines found their way in over 10,000
general trade stores and200moderntrade
stores across India.
What werethechallenges, especiallyin
convincingthetradefor this?
The one hiccup that we could have faced
related to the general tendency among our
trade partners to stock just one or two
colours of a machine. This would have
defeated the thought behind the promo-
tion of giving options to the consumer.
We had to overcome this through heavy
merchandising at the point of sale; strong
demand pull also helped overcome trade
COO, sales, marketing
and SAARC, Godrej
Consumer Products
The initiative helped create buzzin a
Welcome to Family
Toincreasethenumber of machines per homeand
reachout tonewcustomers
Apart fromputtingmoremachines per home, the
Colour Play rangewas alsoadistributionexpansion
initiativefor GoodKnight machines. Thecampaign
helpedthebrandaddover 1 lakhoutlets
Theliquidvapouriser was availableonly inred
earlier. Basedontheinsight that peoplemight want
thevapouriser dispenser tomatchtheoverall lookof
aroom, westartedmanufacturingit indifferent
colours suchas blue, green, purpleandintroduced
themas theColour Play range
Theseedingor sales of newmachines roseby
22 per cent duringthepromotion period
(July-August 2012)
GoodKnight AdvancedActiv+Colour Play
machines at aretail store

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