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Major Products


The Mac Mini (trademarked as Mac mini) is a small form factor desktop computer manufacturedby
Apple Inc. Like earlier Mini-ITX PC designs, it is uncommonly small for a desktop computer:7.7 inches
(19.7 cm) square and 1.4 inches (3.6 cm) tall. It weighs 2.7 pounds (1.22 kg). Modelsprior to July
2011 included a built in optical disc drive. Models prior to 2010 used anexternal power supply and
were smaller at 2 6.5 6.5 inches). The Mac Mini is currently oneof three desktop computers in
the current Macintosh lineup, the other two beingthe iMac and Mac Pro.

The iMac is a range of all-in-one Macintosh desktop computers designed and built by AppleInc. It has
been the primary part of Apple's consumer desktop offerings since its introduction in1998, and has
evolved through five distinct forms.In its original form, the iMac G3 had a gum-drop or egg-shaped
look, with a CRT monitor,mainly enclosed by a colored, translucent plastic case, which was refreshed
early on with asleeker design notable for its slot-loaded optical drive. The second major revision, the
iMac G4,moved the design to a hemispherical base containing all the main components andan LCD
monitor on a freely moving arm attached to it. The third/fourth major revision, the iMacG5 and the
Intel iMac placed all the components immediately behind the display, creating a slimunified design
that tilts only up and down on a simple metal base. The current iMac shares thesame form as the
previous model, but is thinner and uses anodized aluminum and a glass panelover the entire front. In
addition it also added a SDXC slot directly under the Slot-Loading SuperDrive. Newer versions are
available with a solid state drive instead of a harddrive. The newest version features quad-core Intel
processors across the line, 1 (on 21.5") or 2(on 27") Thunderbolt ports, and a Face Time HD camera,
features introduced on the early2011 MacBook Pro updates.

MacBook Air
The MacBook Air family is a line of Apple ultraportable Macintosh notebook computers.The first
MacBook Air was a 13.3" model, promoted as the 'World's Thinnest Notebook', thatwas introduced
at the Macworld Conference & Expo on January 15, 2008. The originalMacBook Air featured a
custom. IntelMeromCPU plus Intel GMA graphics that was updated tofaster non-customPenrynCPU
andNvidiaGeForcegraphics in late 2008. In addition, the harddrive capacity was increased and the
micro-DVI video port was replaced with a MiniDisplayPort. A mid-2009 refresh, introduced alongside
theMacBook Profamily, featured aslightly higher-capacity battery, and a faster Penryn CPU option

On October 23, 2001, Apple introduced the iPod digital music player. It has evolved to includevarious
models targeting the wants of different users. The iPod is the market leader in portablemusic players
by a significant margin, with more than 220 million units shipped as of September2009. Apple has
partnered with Nike to offer the Nike+iPod Sports Kit enabling runners tosynchronize and monitor
their runs with iTunes and theNike+ website.Apple currently sells fourvariants of the iPod.
iPod Classic (previously named iPod from 2001 to 2007), portable media player
firstintroduced in 2001, currently available in a 160 GB model.
iPod Nano,portable media player first introduced in 2005, currently available in 8 and16 GB
models. The newest generation has a FM radio, a pedometer, and a new multi-touch
interface that replaced
iPod Shuffle, digital audio player first introduced in 2005, currently available in 2 and4 GB
iPod Touch, portable media player that runs iOS, first introduced in September 2007
aftertheiPhonewent on sale. Currently available in 8, 32, and 64 GB models. The
latestgeneration features the Apple A4 processor, aRetina Display,and dual cameras on the
frontand back. The back camera allows video recording at720p

At the Macworld Conference & Expo in January 2007, Steve Jobs revealed the
longanticipatediPhone,a convergence of an Internet-enabledsmartphoneand iPod. The
originaliPhone combined a 2.5G quad band GSM and EDGE cellular phone with features found in
handheld devices, running scaled-down versions of Apple's Mac OS X (dubbed iOS, formerly
iPhoneOS), with various Mac OS X applications such as Safari and Mail. It also includes web-
basedand Dashboard apps such as Google Maps and Weather. The iPhone features a 3.5-inch (89
mm)touch screen display, 4, 8, or 16 GB of memory, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi (both "b" and "g").
TheiPhone first became available on June 29, 2007 for $499 (4 GB) and $599 (8 GB) withan AT&T
contract. On February 5, 2008, Apple updated the original iPhone to have 16 GB of memory, in
addition to the 8 GB and 4 GB models. On June 9, 2008, at WWDC 2008, SteveJobs announced that
the iPhone 3G would be available on July 11, 2008. This version addedsupport for 3G networking,
assisted-GPS navigation, and a price cut to $199 for the 8 GBversion, and $299 for the 16 GB version,
which was available in both black and white. The newversion was visually different from its
predecessor in that it eliminated the flat silver back, andlarge antenna square for a curved glossy
black or white back. Following complaints from manypeople, the headphone jack was changed from
a recessed jack to a flush jack to be compatiblewith more styles of headphones. The software
capabilities changed as well, with the release of the new iPhone came the release of Apple's App
Store; the store provided applications fordownload that were compatible with the iPhone. On April
24, 2009, the App Store surpassed onebillion downloads. On June 8, 2009, at Apple's annual
worldwide developers conference,the iPhone 3GS was announced, providing an incremental update
to the device including fasterinternal components, support for faster 3G speeds, video recording
capability, and voice control.On June 7, 2010, at WWDC 2010, theiPhone 4was announced, which
Apple says is its "'biggestleap we've taken" since the original iPhone. The phone includes an all-new
design, 960x640display, Apple's A4 processor used in the iPad, a gyroscope for enhanced gaming,
5MP camerawith LED flash, front-facing VGA camera andFaceTimevideo calling. Shortly after the
releaseof the iPhone 4, it was realized by consumers that the new iPhone had reception issues. This
isdue to the stainless steel band around the edge of the device, which also serves as the
phonescellular signal and Wi-Fi antenna. The current fix for this issue was a "Bumper Case" for
thephone distributed for free to all iPhone 4 owners for a few months. The music of Mihalis
Safraswas used in one of the iPhone marketing campaigns. In June 2011, Appleovertook Nokia to
become the world's biggest smartphone maker by volume.

On January 27, 2010, Apple introduced their much-anticipated media tablet, the iPad running
amodified version of iOS. It offers multi-touch interaction with multimedia formats
includingnewspapers, magazines, ebooks, textbooks, photos, movies, TV shows videos, music,
wordprocessing documents, spreadsheets, video games, and most existing iPhone apps. It
alsoincludes a mobile version of Safari for web browsing, as well as access to the App Store,
iTunesLibrary, iBooks Store, contacts, and notepad. Content is downloadable via Wi-Fi andoptional
3G service or synced through the user's computer. AT&T is currently the sole USprovider of 3G
wireless access for the iPad.On March 2, 2011, Apple introduced an updated iPad model which had a
faster processor andtwo cameras on the front and back respectively. The iPad 2 also added support
for optional 3Gservice provided by Verizon in addition to the existing offering by AT&T. However,
theavailability of the iPad 2 has been limited as a result of the devastating tsunami and
ensuingearthquake in Japan in March 2011.

Apple TV
At the 2007 Macworld conference, Jobs demonstrated the Apple TV, (previously known as theiTV), a
set-top video device intended to bridge the sale of content from iTunes with high-definition
televisions. The device links up to a user's TV and syncs, either via Wi-Fi or a wirednetwork, with one
computer's iTunes library and streams from an additional four. The Apple TVoriginally incorporated a
40 GB hard drive for storage, includes outputsfor HDMI and component video, and plays video at a
maximum resolution of 720p. On May 31,2007 a 160 GB drive was released alongside the existing 40
GB model and on January 15, 2008a software update was released, which allowed media to be
purchased directly from the AppleTV. In September 2009, Apple discontinued the original 40 GB
Apple TV and now continues toproduce and sell the 160 GB Apple TV. On September 1, 2010,
alongside the release of the newline of iPod devices for the year, Apple released a completely
redesigned Apple TV. The newdevice is 1/4 the size, runs quieter, and replaces the need for a hard
drive with media streamingfrom any iTunes library on the network along with 8 GB of flash memory
to cache mediadownloaded. Apple with the Apple TV has added another device to its portfolio that
runs on itsA4 processor along with the iPad and the iPhone. The memory included in the device is
the half of theiPhone 4at 256 MB; the same as the iPad, iPhone 3GS, iPod touch 3G, and iPodtouch
4G. It has HDMI out as the only video out source. Features include access to the iTunesStore to rent
movies and TV shows (purchasing has been discontinued), streaming from internet video sources,
including YouTube and Netflix, and media streaming from an iTunes library. Apple also reduced the
price of the device to $99.


Apple develops its own operating system to run on Macs, Mac OS X, the latest versionbeing Mac OS
X Lion (version 10.7). Apple also independently develops computer softwaretitles for its Mac OS X
operating system. Much of the software Apple develops is bundled withits computers. An example
of this is the consumer-oriented iLife software package that
bundlesiDVD,iMovie,iPhoto,iTunes,GarageBand,andiWeb.For presentation, page layout and
wordprocessing,iWork is available, which includes Keynote, Pages, and
Numbers.iTunes,QuickTimemedia player, Safari web browser, and Software Update are available as
freedownloads for both Mac OS X and Windows.Apple also offers a range of professional software
titles. Their range of server software includesthe operating system Mac OS X Server; Apple Remote
Desktop, a remote systems managementapplication; WebObjects, Java EE Web application server;
andXsan,a Storage AreaNetwork file system. For the professional creative market, there is Aperture
forprofessional RAW-format photo processing; Final Cut Studio, a video production suite; Logic,
acomprehensive music toolkit and Shake, an advanced effects composition program.
Apple also offers online services with MobileMe (formerly .Mac) that bundles personal webpages,
email, Groups,iDisk,backup,iSync,and Learning Center online tutorials. MobileMe is asubscription-
based internet suite that capitalizes on the ability to store personal data on an onlineserver and
thereby keep all web-connected devices in sync. Announced at MacWorld Expo2009,
allows iWork users to upload documents for sharing and collaboration.

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