National & Kapodistrian University of Athens: Curriculum Vitae

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National & Kapodistrian University of Athens

Curriculum Vitae

Personal information

Surnames / First name


Office: Department of Archaeology & History of Art, Faculty of History
& Archaeology, School of Philosophy, 4
floor, University Campus,
Ilisia, GR-157 84, Athens, Greece
Home: 27, Chrysanthemon Street, Palaion Psyhikon, GR-154 52, Athens,


+30 210 7277421
+30 210 6718614


+30 6947434379


Office: +30 210 7248979
Home: +30 210 6718614

E-mail ;


Hellenic (Greek)

Current Position

Professor of Prehistoric & Environmental Archaeology
at the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens

Research Interests

Environmental Archaeology
Greek Prehistory (Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic periods & Bronze
Bioarchaeology (man, animals, mollusks)


Academic Degrees and

1976-1979 3
circle Doctorate of European Protohistory & National
Antiquities (Ph.D.). Subject of thesis: The Use of Mollusks in the
Protohistory of the Aegean, University Panthon -Sorbonne, Paris I.

Seminars , Study & application of Geophysical Methods at archaeological
sites, Garchy: Centre de Recherches Gophysiques ( prof. Albert Hesse)

Modern methods applied in Archaeology at the Department of Social
Archaeology, cole Pratique en Sciences Sociales et Politiques,
Archaeological Drawing & Photography (prof. Paul Courbin).

School of excavating methods, Saint Marcel d Ardche (prof. Paul

Prehistoric Art : Collge de France (prof. Andr Leroi-Gourhan).

Numismatics : cole Normale des tudes Suprieures. (prof.Julien

Prehistory: The Lithic industry: Paris I, Sorbonne, Nanterre, Paris X,
Institute of Anthropology & Palaeopathology (prof.Yvette Taborin, prof
Jacques Tixier)

Comparative Anatomy: Musum dHistoire Naturelle (prof Franois

1979 Phd., 3e cycle Doctorate, University of Panthon-Sorbonne, Paris

1976 D.E.A. (Diplme d tudes Approfondies, D.E.A.) in European
Protohistory, University of Panthon-Sorbonne, Paris I

1974-1975 Master (Matrise) in Protohistory & in the Modern
Archaeological Methods. Subject: The Patterns of the Painted
Pottery in Central Greece, Thessaly and the Peloponnese during the
Middle Neolithic Period, University of Panthon-Sorbonne, Paris I.

1972-1974 Degree (ptychion), in Byzantine & Modern Literature,
National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of Byzantine
& Modern Greek Studies, School of Philosophy.

1968-1972 Degree(ptychion), in History & Archaeology,
National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of
Archaeology & the History of Art, Faculty of History & Archaeology,
School of Philosophy.
Native speaker

English: fluent
French: fluent
German: medium
Italian: medium
Academic Career/
Work Experience

2005 to present: Professor of Prehistoric and Environmental
Archaeology. Department of Archaeology & the History of Art, Faculty

Member of Electorates

Member of Boards

of History & Archaeology, School of Philosophy, at the National &
Kapodistrian University of Athens.
2013: Tytus fellow at Cincinnati University
2011: Visiting Professor at the Graduate University for Advanced Studies
(SOKENDAI) for Advanced Studies in Japan.
2009: Visiting Professor at Harvard University
2007: Invited Scholar at The International Research Center for Japanese
Studies (Nichibunken), Kyoto, Japan
2005: Visiting fellow at Princeton University
1991-2000: Lecturer of Prehistoric Archaeology at the Branch of the
University of Paris X Nanterre-Sorbonne in Athens.
1989 now: Professor of Environmental Archaeology. Department of
Archaeology & History of Art, Faculty of History & Archaeology, School
of Philosophy, at the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens.
1988-1991: Lecturer of Aesthetics at the Moraitis School International
Summer School in Athens.
1988-1991: Lecturer of Prehistoric Archaeology at the Branch of the
University of Paris IV-Sorbonne.
1981 1988: Curator and Lecturer at the Anthropological Museum of the
Medical School of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens.
1972 to this day: Archaeological researches (excavations, laboratory
research & other studies).
1976 1978: Associate Researcher at the University of Paris I-Sorbonne.
1972 1974: Researcher at the Historical Archives of the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs.

I have been a member of electorates for the election or for the promotion of
many fellows at the Department of History & Archaeology of the National
& Kapodistrian University of Athens as well as in corresponding
Departments of other universities in Greece and abroad (University of the
Aegean, Ionian University, University of Peloponnese, Aristotle University
of Thessaloniki, University of Patras, Universities in France, Paris,
Toulouse e.t.c.).

I have been and I am a member of boards at the Department of History
& Archaeology at the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, e.g.:
Director of the Laboratory of Environmental Archaeology at the National &
Kapodistrian University of Athens
Board of the Museum of Didactic Collections of the Department of History
& Archaeology of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens.
Delegate of the sub-field of Prehistory at the Coordinating Committee of
Post-Graduate Studies ().
Member of the examining committee of the sub-field of Prehistory for the
admission to the Postgraduate Studies, assessment of exams e.t.c.
Member of examining committees of the Department of Archaeology &
History of Art of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens for
awards, grading exams and endowments.
1996 2004: Co-ordination & examination of the candidates for the
scholarship of the State Scholarships Foundation (I.K.Y.) for the domain of
Environmental Archaeology, supervision of the students who achieved
postgraduate studies at Universities at home and abroad.
1980-1985: Examination of the French language of the candidate scholars of
2004-2009: Board Member of the Temporary Administrative Committee of
the University of Peloponnese.
2004-2008: Board Member of DOATAP(Greek NARIC), responsible for
the degrees obtained abroad in the field of Humanitarian studies.

Academic Teaching

Tutorials & Seminars

Supervision / internships
master, doctoral and post
doctoral theses

2008- 2010 Member of the Supreme Executive Archaeological Committee
(KA ministry of Culture)

1988 to this day: Lecturing at the Undergraduate and at the Graduate
Program of Studies at the Department of History & Archaeology (National
& Kapodistrian University of Athens). Laboratory training with obligatory
participation at the annual seminars of Environmental Archaeology.
Lectures and speeches (collaborations, lectures and speeches with Greek and
world eminent archaeologists and specialists). More specifically:
2000-2005: Lecturing at the core course of Neolithic Civilization and
Environment. Pilot study/course (in the context of the enriched, reformed
Program of Undergraduate Studies [European Operational Program for
Education and Initial Vocational Training ,O.P. "Education"), enriched with
tutorials, lectures by Professors from the Department of Geology & Civil
Engineers of Patras University, as well as of the Agricultural University of
Athens and postdoc students. It also included an intensive-reinforcing 30
hours seminar on Geoarchaeology.
1992-2000: Lecturing at the core introductory course of Prehistoric
Archaeology A Prehistoric Aegean. Lecturing in auditorium and visits to
archaeological sites, museums and laboratories (Laboratory of
Archaeometry, Anthropology, Environmental Archaeology, the Fitch Lab of
the British Archaeological School and the Wiener Lab of the American
Archaeological School), supplementary lessons with lectures by Greek and
foreign eminent archaeologists and specialists on most
archaeoenvironmental fields.
1988-2000: Lecturing at the course of Environmental Archaeology (an
optional course for the 1
semester and a seminar for the 8
1981-1985: Participation in the lecturing group for the introductory course
of Biology (Medical School) at the chapter of the Evolution of man:
Evolution of the species HOMO and his presence in the first human
1990- present Post-graduate courses and seminars to students of the
Department of Archaeology and History of Art in relation to the importance
of the environmental research, the ways of re-establishment of
palaeoenvironments, the Greek, English and French terminology of the
related sciences, the palaeoenvironment of various geographical areas of
Greece e.t.c
At excavations: at Akrotiri of Santorini, at Tharrounia of Euboea, at
Kamenitsa of Achaia (Group of Landscape Archaeology), at Kovaevo of
Bulgaria e.t.c. (Study and practice of students depending on the case- on
shells, bones e.t.c.).
At the Museum of Didactic Collections of the Department of Archaeology
and History of Art: Practice of the students on shells and bones from
At the Museum of Anthropology: Practice of the students on
anthropological material.
Supervision of graduate students and member of the advisory board of
master and Doctoral Theses in Greek and European Universities.
Participation in many Doctoral Dissertation Defenses (supervisor, member
of three-member, seven-member advisory-examining committees) at the
National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, the Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki, the Aegen University, the University of the Peloponnese, the
Faculty of Geology of both the Universities of Athens and Patras as well as
in France at the Institut de Palontologie Humaine, the University of
Toulouse e.t.c.


Museum-related Work &
Archaeology-related Work

GREECE (1974 to Present)

Director of the Leontari Cave Excavation
As a specialized member of the excavating team:
Thrace: Porto Lagos
Macedonia: Promahonas, Kavala, Thasos (Skala Sotiros, Kastri), Dikili
Tash, Dimitra, Pentapolis, Ag. Lydia, Vasilika, Stauroupoli, Mesimeriani,
Central Greece: Halae of Lokris, Thebes, Delphi, Kitsos Cave, Athens
Agora, Roman Agora, Leontari Cave, Thorikos
Euboea: Tharrounia, Kalogerovrisi, Helike
Southern Greece: Lakes Cave, Elike, Niokastro (Pylos), Vasilitsi (Koroni),
Alepotrypa, Kythera
Aegean: Poliochni (Lemnos), Akrotiri (Santorini), Ftelia (Myconos),
Maroulas (Kythnos), Kastro (Andros), Markiani (Amorgos), Skarkos (Ios),
Cave of the Cyclops (Gioura, Alonnisos), Faistos, Malia, Gournes (Crete),
Kalythies and Ag. Georgios (Rhodes), Keros

Bulgaria: Kovaevo, French-Bulgarian excavation
Cyprus: Kantou-Koufovounos, Audemos
Turkey: Ullucak
Tunisia: Carthage
France: Etiolles, Saint Marcel dArdche, Museum dHistoire Naturelle

Organization and presentation of comparative collection of human remains,
animal bones and shells at the Museum of the National & Kapodistrian
Museum of Athens.
Organization of a new exhibition at the Museum of the National &
Kapodistrian University of Athens (exploitation of the natural environment).
Organization of comparative collections of animal, plant remains e.t.c. at the
Museum of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens.
Foundation and Organization of the Group of Environmental
Archaeology of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens.
Foundation and activation of the Laboratory of Environmental
Archaeology of the Department of Archaeology and History of Art of the
National & Kapodistrian University of Athens (lab analysis and education).

Seminars & Conferences
Participation with oral

Organisation of
Conferences (in Green)

Implantations Humaines en milieu Littoral Mediterraneen :facteurs
dinstallation et processus dappropriation de lespace, de la Prhistoire
au Moyen ge . XXXIV
Rencontres internationales d'archologie et
d'histoire dAntibes 14-17/10/ 2013.
XIII International World Congress of Philosophy, FISP Athens,
Communities in transition: The Circum-Aegean later Neolithic
stages, International Conference, Athens, 7-9/06/2013
.Theoretical Foundations of Arts, Sciences and Technology
in the Greco-Roman World, The Center for Ancient Philosophy
ND THE Classical Tradition, Novosibirsk State University,
Akademgorodok, 29/05-07/06/ 2013
Keeping our past alive, 15th workshop of Environmental
Archaeology, The UOA Laboratory of Environmental Archaeology and the
ASCSA Wiener Laboratory of Environmental Archaeology, Athens

Excavation and Research IX: The research of the Department
of Archaeology and the History of Art UOA, Athens, 05-
Archeomalacologia de la Peninsula Iberica, III Reunion
cientifica, Cadiz, 03-04/12/2012
Archaeological Research and New Technologies, 3

International Symposium ARCH_RNT, University of Peloponnese,
Kalamata, Greece, 3-6/10/2012
Local history and Archaeology of Trichonis, International
Congress Thermos, Greece 9-11/06/2012
Democratic Culture: Historical Reflections and Modern
Transformations, 9
ISUD World Congress Olympia, Greece, 22 -
The Work of the UOAs Laboratory of Environmental Archaeology
and the Wiener Laboratory, Workshop, The UOA Laboratory of
Environmental Archaeology and the ASCSA Wiener Laboratory of
Environmental Archaeology, Gennadius Library, Athens, 14/05/2012
Digital Museum Collections: Collectors and collections, 3
cycle of
invited speaches, Theocharakis Museum, Athens,Greece,20/02/2012
Seminario de estudios de la mujer en la Antigedad , SEMA XII,
Universitat de Valncia (Projecto DRESS ID), Valencia, 11-12/11/2011
14th Archaeological Scientific Meeting of S.E.Attika, Kalyvia
Thorikos, Greece 6-9/10/2011
Man, Animal and Soils , Workshop, The UOA Laboratory of
Environmental Archaeology and the ASCSA Wiener Laboratory of
Environmental Archaeology, 10/12/2010
Dialog among cultures, 8
ISUD World Congress, Beijing, 2-7/7/2010
Kosmos: Jewellery, Adornment and textiles in the Aegean Bronze
Age, 13
International Aegean Conference, Danish National Research
Foundation;s Centre for Textile Research, 21-26/4/2010.
Towards the definition of a measurable environmentally sustainable
transport, Indicators of environmental sustainability in transport: An
interdisciplinary approach, Final conference of COST 356 EST Paris,
Anthropogenic Environment and Culture, Workshop, , The common
office of The Laboratory of Environmental Archaeology and Olympic
Center of Philosophy and Culture in Ancient Olympia, 12/02/2010
Geosciences and Archaeology: Reading the Landscape, 2

Conference, Netherlands Institute at Athens organization and speech on
Geosciences and Archaeology at Athens University, 07/12/2009
Ancient Greece in Contemporary Japan by Mariko Sakurai,
Emeritus Professor at the University of Tokyo. Organization of the
Lecture at the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, 27/03/2008.
Mythology and Archaeology in Modern Japan: The Timelessness of
Nostalgia by JunIchi Isomae, Associate Professor of the International
Research Center of Japanese Studies Nichibunken. Organization of
the Lecture, at the Cultural Centre of the National & Kapodistrian
University of Athens, 08/03/2008.
The Management and the Protection of the Environment through
Research and Teaching at the University of Athens Seminar of the
National & Kapodistrian University of Athens and speech on the
Environmental Archaeology at the University of Athens, 13-
Research and Digital Re-establishment of the Palaeo-environment of
Greece. Organization of the 8
Meeting of Environmental Archaeology at


The Hellenic Society for the Protection of the Environment and the
Cultural Heritage with two speeches of the Responsible Scientist on
Research and Digital Re-establishment, 24/01/2007.
Prehistoric Halae in Lokris- Preliminary studies, CHELP, The Halae
archaeological project, directed by prof. J.Colman,Vivos,07/06/2006.
New Technologies and Culinary Practices in Ancient Greece.. Topic
of Round Table, organized in co-operation with the Group of
Environmental Archaeology and a paper on: The Kingdom of Neptune
on a plate: Oysters, Clams and Fish in ancient Greek Diet, 31/12/2005
The Present and the Future of the Archaeoenvironmental Research in
Greece. Organization of the 7
One-day Seminar of the Environmental
Archaeology in co-operation with The Hellenic Society for the Protection
of the Environment and the Cultural Heritage, 14/04/2005.
Pilot Study for Isolation and Reinforcement of Ancient DNA Samples of
Human Bones from the Area of Delphi, at the 4
Symposium of the
Hellenic Society for Archaeometry, +Koniavitou K., Karali L., Kroupis H.,
Kapsalis A., Petridis PL. & Mauridis F., Athens, 28-31/05/2003.
Homo Sapiens: Past, Present and Future. Paleoanthropology and
Modern Human Populations of Eastern Medidetranean International
Congress of Anthropology, Athens, 21-23/01/2003
Geosciences and Archaeology Organization and speech , Scientific
Meeting at the Dutch Institute of Athens, 19/03/2003.
Law, Archaeology and Environment Scientific Meeting for the
Protection of the Cultural and Environmental, Law School of the National &
Kapodistrian University of Athens. Organization by L. Karali, I. Karakosta
& V. Lezine 11/12/2002.
ASOR (American School of Oriental Research), Annual Meeting,
Vavouranakis G, Karali L., Manginis G., Tsaliki A., Toronto, 20-
"Petits animaux et socits humaines: du complment alimentaire aux
ressources utilitaires",XXIVmes Rencontres Internationales
d'Archologie et d'Histoire d'Antibes, 23-25/10/2002.
Archaeology as History, International Conference of the teaching of
History, Il presente del passato. Una conferenza europea su: La Storia nelle
Universita europee: comparazione, armonizzazione, innovazione,
Universita de Pisa, Rete ECTS Storia, Pisa 28-29/05/1999.
Conference on Archaeozoology of S.W. Asia and the Adjacent Areas,
International ASWA Conference, (ASWA : Working group of
International Council for Archaezoology), Museum National d Histoire
Naturelle, Paris, 29/06 - 03/07/1998
Application of archaeoenvironmental methods and scientific
approaches Scientific Meeting and speech on the subject: Definition of
Environmental Archaeology, new Scientific methods in the study of
malacological material
, Athens,31/3/1998.
Man and environment on the Greek territory, Anthropological
Symposium, Greek Anthropological Society Athens, 11-13/12/1987.
Byzantine Thrace: Face and Character, 1
International Symposium of
Thracian Studies, 05-28/05/1987.
Anthropology of the Greek territory, 1
Anthropological Conference,
Athens, 20-30/11/1986.
Problems of the inhabited caves, International Symposium, Greek
Speleological Society, Athens, 01-04/09/1983.
Pan-Hellenic Symposium, Greek Speleological Society Athens, 11-


Speech on: New methodological approaches in the Archaeo-
environmental Research, 3rd Symposium on Archaeological Research and
New technologies ARCH_RNT, Department of History, Archaeology and
Cultural Resources Management, University of Peloponnese, Kalamata, 3-
Speech on: Who needs the Greeks, 9
ISUD International Conference,
Democratic Culture: Historical Reflections and modern transformations,
Olympia, 22-27/06/2012
Speech on: Natural and anthropogenic landscape of Aitoloakarnania:
Scientific documentation and protection, International Conference on
Local History and Archaeology of Trichonia, Thermo, 9-11/06/2012
Speech on: Identifying floral species on Hellenistic crowns, SEMA XII:
Seminario de estudios de la mujer en la Antigedad, Universitat de Valncia
(Proyecto DRESS ID), Valencia, 11-12/11/2011
Speech on: Palaeoenvironmental alterations of Southeastern Attica,
14th Scientific meeting of Southeast Attica, Kalyvia, 6-9/10/2011
Speech on: East-West, 8
ISUD World Congress, Dialog among cultures:
Peace, Justice and Harmony, Beijing, 02-07/2010
Speech on The archaeological studies at the Aegean University,
Celebration for the 10 years of the University of Aegean, Department of
Mediterranean Studies Rhodes, 09/12/2009
Speeches on: Archaeology, Prehistory and Environment in Greece,
Novosibirsk University, Siberia, Teaching classics 20/07-03/08/2009
Speech on Excavating Neolithic Caves in Attica: Rituals to Plan and the
Origins of Agriculture in Greek Prehistory University of Santa Barbara,
USA, 07/05/2009
Speeches on: Archaeology, Prehistory and Environment in Greece,
Novosibirsk University, Siberia, Teaching classics, 26/08- 03/09/2008,
Speeches on: Archaeology, Prehistory and Environment in Greece,
Novosibirsk University, Siberia, Teaching classics, 26/08- 03/09/2008
Speech on: Alepotrypa: The Malacological Material in the context of
the One-day Meeting Alepotrypa, 50 years (1958 - 2008). The
Archaeological Value and the Developmental Aspect of the Neolithic
Diros, Center of Neolithic Studies of Diros, Pan-Laconic Society, Athens,
War Museum, 31/03/2008.
Speech on: The Archaeological Work of the University of Athens at the
Leontari Cave on Hymettus. in the context of the Meeting The
Archaeological Work of the Universities in Greece: from the Palaeolithic
Period to the Later Antiquity., 6
& 7
of December 2007, Ministry of
Civilization, Directorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities,
Department of Greek and Foreign Scientific Institutions, Organizations and
International Issues, 06 & 07/12/2007.
Speeches about Greek Archaeology for children, invited by the Mdecins
du Monde, Greek section, Amman 15-22/11/2007.
Speech on The use of Murex in Greece with emphasis on the Prehistoric
Period, as a specialist on topics of production of Murex in Greece, at the
Centre of Fabric Production, University of Copenhagen, 01-06/11/2007.
Speeches on Shells in prehistoric times, at the University of Kyoto as
well as at the International Research Center of Japanese Studies of
Nichibungen, 01/01/2007 01/08/2007.
Speech on: Environmental Archaeology and Natural Catastrophes, at
the International Workshop: The Impact of Natural Catastrophes of
Ancient Mediterranean Civilization organized by the University of the
Aegean at Rhodes, 28-30/10/2006.
Speech on Land Snails at Lisbon University, 01/07/2006.
Speech on Caves and rock-shelters in Prehistoric Greece with

emphasis on the Leontari excavation cave at Harvard University,
Speech on Reconstruction of Past Environments: Leontari cave a case
study, at Princeton University, 14/4/2006.
Speech on The Contribution of the Palaeo-environmental Material at
the Archaeological Research of Boeotia, Thebes, 16-19/09/2005.
Speech on: Problems and Requests of the Environmental Education
Pyrgos, Olympic Centre of Philosophy and Education, () Education
and Language, 28/03/2005.
Speech on: Biodiversity in Greece Habitats of the Aegean and
Biodiversity of the Past, The Hellenic Society for the Protection of the
Environment and the Cultural Heritage, Olympia, 03/11/2004.
Speech on: Prehistoric caves in Greece: recent research. Karali
L.and Ghioni, M., Xth Annual Meeting of the European Association
of Archaeologists, Lyon 2004.
Lagia A., Gregoropoulou I., Kontogiannes N., Karali L. & Manolis S., A
Case of Syphilis from the Greek Territory, International Congress of
Anthropology Homo Sapiens: Past, Present and Future. Paleoanthropology
and Modern Human Populations of Eastern Medidetranean, Athens, 21-
Speech on: Relations between the University of Amsterdam and the
University of Athens on Paleoenvironmental Matters, msterdams
Archeologisch Centrum, 18/12/2003.
Speech on: The Environmental Archaeology and its Teaching at the
University of Athens, at the University of the Aegean, Department of
Mediterranean Studies. Direction: Archaeology, March of 2003.
Speech on: Man and the Environmental Heritage of Ilida at the The
Cultural Heritage of Ilia and its Effects. The Need for Developing and
Bringing it to Prominence , Pyrgos, Olympic Centre of Philosophy and
Education, (), a series of lectures on Education and Language,
01/02/ 2003
Speech on: Caves, rockshelters and their environment: a
theoretical approach of the archaeological perspectiveKarali L.,
Ghioni M., VIIIth Annual Meeting of European Association of
Archaeologists, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. 24-29/9/2002
Vavouranakis G., Karali L., Manginis G., Tsaliki A.: The funerary rites
of passage in preBA2 Cyprus:The evidence from Avdemou-Kamares,
Annual Meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research, Toronto,
Speech on: Molluscs and the Use of Molluscs in Archaeology,
Amsterdam, Aula Allard Pierson Museum, 01/11/2002.
Speech on: Teaching Environmental Archaeology in Greece, at the
University of Glasgow, Department of Archaeology, 13/02/ 2002.
Speech on: Studying the Paleoenvironment at the Site of Akrotiri, at
the University of Glasgow, Department of Archaeology, 13/02/ 2002.
Speech on: Aspects of Prehistoric Palaeo-Environment in Greece at
the Dutch Institute of Athens, 20/03/ 2001.
Vavouranakis G., Karali L., Manginis G., Tsaliki A.: An integrative
approach towards burial practices in prehistoric Bronze Age Cyprus;
Atrtifactual and Osteological Material from Avdemou Kamares,
BABAO, Durham, 14-15/7/2001(poster presentation)
Speech on: Archaeology as History, International Conference of
the teaching of History, Il presente del passato. Una conferenza
europea su: La Storia nelle Universita europee: comparazione,
armonizzazione, innovazione, Universita de Pisa, Rete ECTS
Storia, Pisa 28-29/5/1999.

Invited Lectures


Speech on: Akrotiri of Thera: Diet and Fishing at Akrotiri,
participation at the program of the 9
Period of Teaching History of Art at
the Archaeological Society, Athens, 17/02/1997.
Speech on: Archaeology and Environment, Athens, 6
Congress of the Soroptimistic Society of Greece, , 28/05/1995.
Speech on: Environment: From the Past to the Present, Athens, One-
day Meeting for the Environment, Help Save Marine Mammals,
Goulandri-Horn Institute, United Nations, Environment Programme,
Speech on: Preliminary Research: the Malacological Material of the
Apidima Cave in Lakonia at the One-day Scientific Meeting for the 100
years of the Anthropological Museum of the University of Athens.

United States of America
Harvard University
Princeton University
Santa Barbara University
University of Kyoto
University of Tokyo
Nagoya University
International Research Center of Japanese Studies Nichibunken
The Netherlands:
Allard Pierson Museum Amsterdam
Amsterdams Archeologisch Centrum Amsterdam
University of Groningen
Lisbon University
Valencia University
United Kingdom:
University of Glasgow (Department of Archaeology)
British Museum


Karali, L. 2011. Neolithic culture. In pursue of the human traces in the
neolithic Environment of the East and the West. Athens: Book Institute
A. Kardamitsa (in Greek)
C. Alfaro, L.Karali. 2008. PURPUREAE VESTES. II. Symposium
Internacional sobre Textiles y Tintes del Mediterrneo en el mundo
antiguo. University of Valencia
Karali, L. 2005. Environmental Archaeology. Athens: Institute of book
A. Kardamitsa (in Greek)
Karali, L. 2002. The book of Archaeology. A guide for the explorers of
time. Translation from Francis Dieulafait: Copain de l Arcologie).
Athens, Foundation of the Hellenic World.(in greek)
Karali, L. 2001. Archaeology. Theories, Methods and Practice.
Translation from C. Renfrew & P. Bahn, 1991, Athens: Kardamitsa
publications(in greek).
Karali, L. 1999. Shells in Aegean Prehistory. In BAR Int. Ser. 761,
Archaeopress, England (Translation: Alex Doumas).

Karali, L. 1998. Dictionary of Archaeological Environmental Terms,
edition, Athens: Hellinika Grammata. (in greek and english).
Karali, L. 1998. Young Archaeologists: In search of the Human Traces
in the Environment. Illustration: Katerina Gouma,2
edition. Akritas,
Athens (in greek).
Karali, L., 1979. L utilisation des mollusques dans la Protohistoire de
l ge (The use of mollusks in the Protohistory of the Aegean.
Unpublished Thesis), Universit Paris 1, Sorbonne, Paris.


Karali L.,(2013), The Shells: the Marine Palaeoenvironment and the
use of the Molluscan Remains., Renfrew, C. (eds.) The
settlement at Dhaskalio: The sanctuary on Keros and the origins of
Aegean ritual practice, Vol. 1, McDonald Institute for Archaeological
Research, University of Cambridge, pp.443-450
Karali L.,(2013), Culture and Universal Dialogue., Journal of the
International Society for Universal Dialogue, Vol. XXIII, No.4/2013,
Karali L.(2012), Environmental Archaeology in Greece : the recent
research / :
, Proceedings of the 2
ARCH-RNT, Kalamata, (in Greek)
Karali L., Saliari C. Spyropoulou E.,(2012), Application of Archaeo-
environmental Methods for the Detection of Natural & Anthropo-
genic Changes in Messenia, Proceedings of the 2
Kalamata, pp.85-91
Constantinidis D., Karali L.,(2012) Floral or Faunal? Determining
Forces on Minoan and Mycenaean Jewellery. Motif Selection with a
GIS, Nosch M.L., Laffineur R. (ed), Kosmos: Jewellery,
Adornment and textiles in the Aegean Bronze Age, 13
Aegean Conference, Danish National Research Foundations Centre
for Textile Research, 21-26/4/2010, pp 483-493
Constantinidis D., Karali L.,(2011) A Proposed survey of East
Mediterrranean Murex heaps from the Bronze Age to Roman Times:
A GIS Analysis of possible Trade Networks, Alfaro C., Brun J.-P.,
Borgard Ph., Pierobon B. (ed) in Purpurae Vestes III. Textiles y
tintes en la ciudad Antigua. PUV CJB, Valencia, 2008, pp. 151-155
Karali L., (2011) The molluscan remains from Prehistoric Helike,
Dora Katsonopoulou (ed.), HelikeIV, Athens, pp157-168.
Karali L., (2011) Malacological Material, Adamantios Sampson
(ed.), The Cave of the Cyclops: Mesolithic and Neolithic Networks
in the Northern Aegean, Greece. Vol. II: Bone Tool Industries,
Dietary Resources and the Paleoenvironment, and Archeometrical
Studies. Prehistory monographs, 31. Philadelphia: INSTAP
Academic Press, pp. 267-288
Karali L. and Tsaliki A. (2011) Les supplicis de Palon Phaliron:
un cas dexcution par apotympanismos dans lAthnes Classique.
Proceedings of the 3e Colloque de Pathographie, Bourges, France 3 -
5 Avril 2009. Paris : De Boccard, pp
Karali L.(2010) Comments on: Indicator Assesment for Cultural Heritage
by K. Karkalis, Final Conference of COST356-EST,Towards the
Definition of a measurable sustainability in transport, pp. 166-169 & pp.

Karali L.(2010) The seashells of Maroulas, Kythnos, Sampson
A., Kaczanowska M.& Kozlowski J.K.(ed.), The Prehistory of
the Island of Kythnos (Cyclades, Greece) and the Mesolithic
settlement at Maroulas. Krakow:The Polish Academy of Arts and
Sciences - The University of the Aegean,pp 147-150
Karali, L. (2009) Archaeomalacological Research in Greece (The
project is co-funded by the European Social Fund and National
Resources), in Adamopoulos, A. (ed.) Ecological Crisis and
Education/ Oikologiki Krisi kai Paideia, O.K.F.P., Pyrgos, pp. 128-
Karali, L. and Megaloudi, F. (2008) I Mageia kai I Iatriki stin
Archaia Ellada/ Magic and Medicine in Ancient Greece in
Celestia vol.1. November 2008, pp. 57-58.
Karali, L., (2008) LAlimentation: Appendice A. Mollusques
marins dans les sdiments archologiques ; Appendice B. Les
chinoides ; Le paysage actuel , in. Luce J.-M. et al. (ed) Laire du
pilier des Rhodiens (fouille 1990-1992) la frontire du profane et
du sacr. Athnes, Ecole Franaise dAthnes. pp. 285-286, pp. 293-
Karali, L., (2008) Osteological Report, in Kontogiannis N.
Excavations of a13nth Century Church near Vasilitsi, Southern
Messenia, Hesperia, vol.77, pp. 531-537
Karali, L. (2008) Les apports de la malacologie la
palopathologie , in Charlier, Ph. (ed.), Osto-archologie et
techniques mdicolgales, tendances et perspectives pour un
manuel pratique de paleopathologie humaine, Collection
Pathographie-2, De Boccard, Paris, 2008, pp. 77-80
Karali, L. and Megaloudi F. (2008) Purple Dyes in the
Environment and History of the Aegean: A short review in Alfaro
C., Karali L. (eds.) Purpurae Vestes II. Vestidos, textiles y tintes.
Estudios sobre la producion de bienes de consumo en la Antiguedad
PUV, Valencia, pp. 181-184.
Karali, L. (2007) The malacological material in Marangou L.,
Renfrew C., Doumas C. Markiani Amorgos , Brown D. 2007, pp.
Karali L., Mavridis F., Yamaguchi D.(2005) Excavations at
Leontari Cave, Hymmetus, Attica Bulletin of the Aegean Society of
Japan, 19, , pp. 1-10
Karali L., Vavouranakis G., Manginis G., and Tsaliki A. (2005)
The contribution of salvage excavations in the comprehension of
material culture and historic-cultural process in prehistoric Cyprus:
The graves at Avdimou- Kamares /

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Karali, L. (2004) Testimonianze della produzione della porpora
nell Egeo nell antiquit. Preistoria Alpina v. 40 (2004) pp. 3-9,
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Karali, L. (2004) First evidence of the archaeological context of
burials from Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Greece. Karali, L., Gkioni,
M., in Smejda, L. and Turek, J. (eds.) Spatial analysis of funeral
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Karali, L. (2004) Alexandre Le Grand et lenvironnement: Une
proposition sur les moyens de reconstitution, in SKEPSIS/
, Journal of philosophy and interdisciplinary research.
Special edition on honour of prof. L.Bartzeliotis, Athens, XV/ii-iii,
pp. 75-82.
Karali, L.and Gkioni M. (2004) The archaeological approach of
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CORPUS 48, April 2004, (in Greek), pp.72-81.
Karali, L., Gkioni, M. (2004) First evidence of the archaeological
context of burials from Paleolithic and Mesolithic Greece, in
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pp. 9-14
Karali, L. (2004) Archeozoological material from Apollo s
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Karali, L. (2004) Excavation at Stavroupolis (Part ii):
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Karali, L. (2003) Molluscs in the Prehistoric Dodecanese
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Karali, L. (2003) Law and Archaeology: Protection of the cultural
Environment/ .:
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Karali, L. (2003) La porpora prima dei Fenici, Dentro la
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O. Negra e G. Zobele Lipparini, Museo Tridentino di Scienze
Naturali, Trento Italy, . 410-413.
Karali, L. (2003) The human skeleton from Trench /
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Karali L., and Tsaliki A. (2001) Paleoanthropological Remarks on
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Capasso (eds.), Proceedings of the XIII European Meeting of the
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Karali, L. (2000) Paleoenvironmental material from the Neolithic
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Karali, L. (1997) Significance of the shell material of prehistoric
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Karali, L. (1997) Significance of the sea shells in prehistoric
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Karali, L. (1997) Dimitra-Matriel Malacologique,
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Karali, L. (1997) Malacological material from the cave of the
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Karali, L. (1996) Ornaments from bone, shell and stone in
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Karali, L. (1996) Marine Invertebrates and Minoan Art, in
Pleistocene and Holocene Fauna of Crete and its First Settlers,
Monographs in World Archaeology no. 28, Prehistory Press, D.S.
Reese, (ed.) University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, pp.413-422.
Karali, L. (1996) Paleoenvironmetal material from the Neolithic
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Karali, L. (1996) Shells during the Paleolithic period/
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Palli, O., Papadea, A., Papakosta, M.S., Salagianni, E., Tsaliki, A.
And Psathi, E. (1995) The Neolithic site of Pousi-Kalogeri. An
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Karali, L., Laoupi, A., Makri, E., Kavoura, I. And Tsota, E. (1995)
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Karali, L. (1993) Seashells and Landsnails from Skoteini cave in
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Karali, L. (1992) Les mollusques au site de Dikili-Tash, Village
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Karali, L. (1992) Malacological material from Santorini/
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Karali, L. (1992) The malacological material from the cemeteries
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E. Aloupi, Y. Maniatis, T. Papadellis, L. Karali (1990) Analysis of
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Karali, L. (1990) Sea Shells. Land Snails and other marine Remains
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grotte prhistorique de Kitsos, ed. ADPF, Paris, vol.1, p.29-34.

Major recent
research projects

Membership in
Scientific Boards
(in the past and/or now)

Enrichment of the database of the Palaeo-environment of Greece.
Equipment and development of the Laboratory of Environmental
Study of human and animal remains (bones, shells) from various
excavations: Akrotiri of Thera, Halae, Keros, Kantou Koufovounos,
Karthage, Kovaevo, Athens Agora, Thasos, Kos, Delfi, Helike,
Thorikos e.t.c.
Organizing workshops and other activities with The UOA Group of
Environmental Archaeology.
Organizing the final stages of study and analysis of the Excavation at
Leontari Cave, Hymettus.

Member of The Hellenic Society for the Protection of the Environment and
the Cultural Heritage. Member of the Board of Directors of the Board for
the Protection of the Natural Environment ()
Member of the Museum Committee and in charge for the organization of the
didactic collections of the Environmental Department at the Museum of
Didactic Collections of the Department of Archaeology and History of Art.
Member of the Board of Directors of the Laboratory of Environmental
Archaeology of the British School of Archaeology at Athens.
Member of the Acadmie de Paris, Attache du centre de Recherches no12,
C.N.R.S. of the laboratory of the Protohistory of Central Europe.
Member of the Laboratory of Archaeozoology of the Muse de
Palontologie Humaine.
ISUD, General Secretary
Olympic Center for Philosophy and Culture ,General Secretary

Web-sites &
Web Documents


L.Karali (2013), Environment and mollusks, Journal for the prehistory of
Macedonia , (in Greek)
L. Karali, F. Mavridis, L. Kormazopoulou, (2005) Cultural
landscapes during the Late and Final Neolithic of the Aegean: A
case study from Leontari cave, Mt Hymettus, Athens, Greece.
Antiquity, 79,303, March (Project Gallery).
Karali, L. and Tsaliki, A. (2001) Four Chamber Tombs at Audemou-
Kamares, Cyprus (ca 2000-1700 BC) Preliminary Osteological
Analysis. Ancient Cyprus Web Project, (date of
access: 29/12/2002)
Karali, L. and Tsaliki, A. (2001) Paleoanthropological Remarks on
Skeletons from Neolithic Cyprus. In M. La Verghetta and L.
Capasso (eds.), Proceedings of the XIII European Meeting of the
Paleopathology Association, Chieti, Italy, 18-23 Sept. 2000,
Edigrafital S.p.A.: Teramo-Italy, 135-138 (Also re-published online
at the Ancient Cyprus Web Project site, (date of
access: 23/12/2002)
Karali, L. and Tsaliki, A. (2000) The Team for Environmental
Archaeology at the University of Athens, Greece.
(date of access: 21/8/2000) (database of Environmental

Lilian Karali - Giannakopoulou
Professor of Prehistoric & Environmental Archaeology
National & Kapodistrian University of Athens
Director of the Laboratory of Environmental Archaeology
Phone: +30 210-72.77.421
Fax: +30 210-72.48.979

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