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Does Quantum Magic Impinge on

Polymer Physics?

Department of Textiles

Penrose states that quantum effects can occur even in relatively large systems
when energy differences remain small. This is just the situation with polymer
materials. A quantum description by Penrose of the formation of quasi-crystals
can be rewritten to apply to polymer crystallization. The implications of the need to
take account of quantum effects are discussed. Another approach based on the
quantization of energy levels in clusters of atoms offers a possible explanation of
heat setting in nylon and polyester fibers. Finally some problems of the interpreta-
tion of quantum theory are discussed.

INTRODUCTION that it was basically relevant but impossible to apply

in an informative way, and a 10%chance that it was
n a paper celebrating the achievements of Paul
I Lindenmeyer, it seems appropriate to venture into
a field of speculation that is really out of one’s depth!
all wrong. A few years later, I obtained a Royal Society
Senior Visiting Fellowship for Paul at UMIST, so that
he could follow his ideas further. Unfortunately, we
I know little of Paul’s early work on cellulose, but I
did not manage to bridge the gap between the vision
believe it was definitive, practical, and useful. I first in Paul’s mind and any practical calculations or s u p
met him in 1963when he introduced P. J. Stevenson portive experiments. He thought that the structural
and me to present our work on the mechanics of
response of fibers to thermomechanical treatments
nonwoven fabrics. In many visits to the Chemstrand would be different with oscillating parameters, which
Research Center over the next seven years, I came to seemed a reasonable suggestion on other grounds,
admire the work of Paul and his group on polymer but he was unable to give any clue as to what fre-
crystallization. I recently read a comment-I think by quency or amplitude might be necessary. The subse-
Gell-Mann-to the effect, “never believe an experi- quent support by Boeing of more theoretical research
mental result until it is confirmed by theory.” Linden-
by Bullough did not yield any way of reducing Linden-
meyer’s simple theoretical treatment of the energies
meyer’s ideas to practice (2).
of single polymer molecules with varying numbers of Subsequently, in general reading, I have found pri-
folds convinced me of the reality of chain folding, and, gogine’s theories mentioned along with other new
in my view, is still the best way to present the subject ideas. on the science of complexity: chaos, fractals,
to students. Many others (McCullough, Holland, Pe- nonlinear systems, and kinetics of nonhomogeneous
tersen, Zaukelies, Bell, Dumbleton, . ..) from the
processes. All of these seem relevant in principle to
Chemstrand group made great contributions in that polymer physics, but one cannot see how to apply
golden age of polymer physics, but Lindenmeyer was them in practice (3): What one might term the Lin-
a source of ideas and inspiration and Buchdahl saw denmeyer syndrome defeats us. The above concepts
that the research was supported. are applicable to classical physics, but, in the same
I met Paul Lindenmeyer again towards the end of
contexts, interpretations of quantum physics are d i s
the 1970s. when we both lectured at a small meeting cussed, and it is the impact of a particular sentence
on fibers organized by the U S . Army Research Office. that has led me to this paper.
This was when I first heard his account of the appli-
cation of Prigogine’s nonlinear irreversible thermody- QUANTUM MAGIC AND QUANTUM MYSTERY
namics to melt spinning of fibers (1). I was out of my
depth with the detail of the mathematics, but my Many Energy Levels
reaction was that there was a 45% chance that this “Quantum Magic and Quantum Mystery” is the
was of major importance and utility, a 45% chance title of Chapter 6 of Penrose’s book The Emperor’s

Does QuantumMagic Impinge on Polymer Physics?
New M i n d (4).On page 296,we read: lar example of crystallization, which can be adapted
Recall, first of all, that the descriptions of quan- to the realities of polymer crystallization.Severalyears
tum theory appear to apply sensibly (usefuily?) earlier, Penrose had made some mathematical stud-
[not] only at the so-called quantum level ies of aperiodic tiling, in which a quasi-periodic struc-
-of molecules, a t o m s , or subatomic ture had a five-fold symmetry. In classical crystalle
particles-but also at larger dimensions, so long graphic terms, such a form would be forbidden. Sub
as ener@ differences between alternative possi- sequently, “crystalline” alloys of aluminum-
bilities remain very small. manganese and aluminum-lithium-copperwith five-
But that is just the situation with the many ways in fold symmetry were discovered. In three dimensions,
which polymer molecules can pack together. For this is a forbidden icosahedral symmetry. These are
amorphous polymers, the different arrangements will now called quasi-crystals, and can grow up to 1 mm
tend to have the same properties. But, in semicrys across.
tallhe polymers, such as nylon and polyester fibers, Penrose’s account of how he thinks these quasi-
the many possible structures with a density midway crystals form can be rewritten to apply to the forma-
between crystal and amorphous may behave very tion of the fine structure of semicrystalline polymers,
differently. There will be subtle differences in m e especially under the rapid quenching found in melt-
chanical properties, probably greater differences in spinning of fibers. As discussed later, it fits In with
the poorly understood behavior in heat setting, and indications that a super-lattice may be present. In
differences of major technological importance in dye the extracts following, words in bold are my changes,
diffusion. Do we need to consider how the develop and those in [italics1 complete the original Penrose
ment of structure, and the changes in heat treat- text.
ments, differ if they are viewed as a quantum process Now, a remarkable feature of the quasicrys-
and not a classical one? talline polymer W e structures [tiling patterns]
In Chapter 8, “In Search of Quantum Gravity”(page that I have been describing is that their assembly
367h Penrose goes on to speculate that the reduction is necessarily non-local. That is to say in assem-
[Rl of the state vector, from the linear superposition bling the structures [patterns],it is necessary,
[Ul of many quantum states to a single classical state, from time to time, to examine the state of the
might be a gravitational phenomenon. Penrose ad- structure [pattern]many, many “atoms” away
mits the technical dmculties of quantum gravity the- from the point of assembly, if one is to be sure of
ory, but suggests that the reduction might occur if not making a serious error when putting the
the linear rules of quantum superposition break down pieces together.. . Thls kind of feature is an in-
when the masses involved are large enough to cause gredient of a considerable controversy that sur-
appreciable space-time curvature. This would happen rounds the question of quasi-crystal structure
when the measure of curvature was of the order of and growth at the present time, and it would be
one graviton. Penrose comments: unwise to attempt to draw deftnitive conclusions
The idea is that the “one-graviton”level should until some of the outstanding issues are resolved.
lie comfortably between the “quantum level,” of Nevertheless, one may speculate: and I shall ven-
atoms, molecules, etc., where the linear rules (U) ture my own opinion. First, I believe that some of
of ordinary quantum theory hold good, and the these quasicrystaIline substances are indeed
“classicallevel” of our everyday experiences. highly organized, [and their atomic arrangements
He states that the controlling factor is not just physi- are rather close in structure to the tiling patterns
cal size but is really the mass and energy distribu- that I haw been considering].Second, I a m of the
tion. However, as a f i s t crude estimate, he takes the (more tentative) opinion that their assembly can-
Planck mass of lop5gram,adding that this is larger not reasonably be achieved by the local adding of
than one would wish. Despite the many obscurities polymer segments [atoms] one at a time, in
and ambiguities, Penrose tries to be more explicit, accordance with the classical picture of crystal
and a very rough calculation leads to a value of growth, but instead there must be a non-local
gram as appropriate to a cloud-chamber experiment. essentially quantum-mechanical ingredient to
Even this figure of gram seems extraordinarily their assembly.
large: At a typical polymer density of 1 g/cm3, it The way I picture this growth as taking place is
corresponds to lo5 (pmI3, which is a linear dimen- that, instead of having polymer stgments
sion of about 50 pm, greater than most fiber diame- [atoms] coming individually and attaching them-
ters and about 5000 times larger than the typical selves a t a continually moving growth line (classi-
scale of fine structure of crystalline and amorphous cal crystal growth), one must consider an evolv-
regions. There is ample scope to reduce the estimate ing quantum linear superposition of many differ-
of size and still leave quantum effects as relevant to ent alternative arrangements of attaching seg
polymer crystallization and related phenomena. ments {atoms] by the quantum procedure (U).
Indeed this is what quantum mechanics tells us
Quantum-Mechanical Crystallization must (almost always) be occurring! There is not
Later in the book (page 4341,Penrose introduces, just one thing that happens: many alternative
as part of an argument in another context, a particu- molecular [ atomic] arrangements must coexist


John W. S. Hearle
in complex linear superposition. A few of these order to get realistic estimates of minimum energy
superposed alternatives will grow to very much levels? One would estimate that this would have to
bigger conglomerations and, at a certain point, contain at least 100 crystallites, so that if the total
the difference between the gravitational fields of structure was built up by repetition of a single cell,
some of the alternatives will reach the one-gravi- any crystallite was about 5 crystallites away from its
ton level (or whatever is appropriate: see Chapter repetition (without any freedom for independent
8, p. 367). At this stage one of the alternative structural adjustment). Changes within such a cell
arrangements-or more likely, still a superposi- would certainly have an effect over the whole cell, so
tion, but a somewhat reduced superposition-will that Penrose’s arguments would apply. This is a scale
become singled out as the “actual” arrangement of about 50 nm, but even this may well be too small
(quantum procedure R). This superposed assem- for sufficiently accurate calculations of energy levels.
bly, together with reductions to more definite There thus appear to be convincing arguments that
arrangements, would continue at a larger and the formation of the semicrystalline polymer fine
larger scale until a reasonable-sized fine struc- structure should be treated in quantum terms. This
ture [ quasi-crystal] is formed. implies a superposition of quantum states, until one
Normally, when Nature seeks out a crystalline state has achieved a dominant position and reduc-
configuration, she is searching for a configura- tion of the state vector occurs. There is also the
tion of lowest energy (taking the background tem- possibility that the quantum situation is reactivated
perature to be zero). I am envisaging a similar when a rise in temperature alters the distribution of
thing with quasi-crystal growth, the difference energy levels.
being that this state of lowest energy is much What would be the consequences of treating the
more difficult to find, and the “best” arrangement problem in quantum terms? This is a difficult ques-
of the polymer segments [atoms] cannot be d i s tion to answer. The Lindenmeyer syndrome comes in,
covered simply by adding segments [atoms] one because of the difficulty of giving a mathematically or
at a time in the hope that each individual seg- computationally adequate description of the state of a
ment [atom] can get away with just solving its piece of polymer fine structure containing millions of
own minimizing problem. Instead, we have a atoms-not to mention solving the wave equation for
global problem to solve. I t must be a cooperative such a system! Some clever conceptual and theoreti-
effort among a large number of segments [atoms] cal approaches are needed. However, one can hazard
all at once. Such a cooperation, I a m maintain- a few suggestions.
ing, must be achieved quantum mechanically: The coexistence of many states opens up the vari-
and the way that this is done is by many different ety of forms of fine structure to be considered. Almost
combined arrangements of segments [ atoms] be- all of the states will really be in transition between
ing “tried” simultaneously in linear superposi- the clearly defined structures, which we try, not very
tion.. . The selection of an appropriate (though successfully, to describe. The transitions between
probably not the best) solution to the minimizing states will be easier. They will not be blocked by high
problem must be achieved as the one-graviton energy barriers, because, to use an older terminology,
criterion (or appropriate alternative) is quantum tunneling can occur. Movement of defects
reached-which would presumably occur when and other structural changes, which would be forbid-
the physical conditions are just right. den in a classical system, could thus occur.
The freedom given in this way removes what has
Polymer Fine Structure
always seemed to me to be a difficulty. In classical
If the validity-in general terms, even if not in every terms, it is not easy to envisage how the structure
detail-of Penrose’s views is accepted, the following can evolve, except in minor ways, once some crystal-
comments can be made in regard to polymer crystal- lization has taken place. With atoms or small
lization and the formation of fine structure. In- molecules, or even with small polymer repeat units as
evitably, it is necessary to start by presenting the in polyethylene, changes can occur owing to the ther-
discussion in current terms, although in reality the mal movement of localized defects over small energy
proper concepts might be quite different. barriers; but with longer repeats, as in nylon and
The multiplicity of close energy levels is not in PET, change would involve a major disturbance and
question: and it is also certain that the determination have to pass a very unfavorable energy state. Two
of energy levels is non-local. In contrast to the drop particular illustrations can be given.
ping of a small molecule into a crystal lattice from a Crystal nucleation should be randomly located and
neighboring disordered state, which has little effect at lead to growth of randomly distributed crystallites
a distance greater than a few atoms, the incorpora- with sizes determined by crystal growth rates. How-
tion of a polymer segment tightens the associated ever, with those restrictions, the degree of crys-
length of tie-molecule, puts stresses on the next crys- tallinity is limited by the problems of packing in such
talline entity, changes its energy level, and so on for a a random way. In order to get to 50% crystallinity, we
considerable distance. are led into proposing structures in which crystallites
The same point can be expressed in another way. are regularly stacked in fibrillar arrays in a form
HOWlarge a volume of polymer must be considered in approximating to a super-lattice. In classical terms,

Does QuantumMagic Impinge OR Polymer Physics?
there would seem to be great difficulty in proposing a dered polymer segments trapped between zones of
route from the initial random arrangement to the amorphous entanglement, as illustrated schemati-
h a l more ordered one; but this would be a natural cally in Rg. 1. At low temperatures the chains would
consequence of a quantum mechanism. be packed in a crystalline lattice. At hgh tempera-
Annealing poses similar problems in classicalterms. tures, they would show liquid-like motion between a
How can an assembly of small crystals transform variety of arrangements, but, for short times the or-
itself into an assembly of larger crystals without com- dered set would still be constrained to act as a cluster
plete melting and reorganization? Yet we know that trapped by the entanglements. Over long times, the
this sort of change does take place. relative movement of molecules, by reptation or in
other ways, would allow flow and self-dinusion of the
AN APPLICATION OF “CLASSICAC” total system as a liquid.
QUANTUM THEORY The quantization of energy levels would be similar
Atomic Cfarters to that described by Berry: very few in the crystal
form and very many in the liquid form. Consequently,
The above discussion brings in the difficult p h i b it is possible that there will be a range of temperature
sophical questions of the interpretation of quantum below the observed melting point at which the or-
theory, on which I give a few general comments later. dered sets are flipping between crystalline and liquid
However, another piece of general reading shows the states. In this range, the material as a whole will be
possible relevance of what one might call “classical” solid because it will be held together by the sets that
quantum theory, namely the consequences in statis are crystalline, which will always be present though
tical mechanics of a quantization of energy levels, as their identity will be changing. Other sets, also
introduced by Planck. In an article in ScientiiArnerC changing in identity, will be liquid. If there are stresses
can (5). Berry discusses the behavior of small clus- present, it will be possible for these to be relieved by
ters of atoms, which show a transition from solid to localized movements of segments associated with liq-
liquid not at a sharp melting point, but over a range uid clusters. For example, a chain could move through
of temperature. This is confirmed by computations of the cluster with a segment leaving one end and a
theoretical models and by experiments on collections replacement entering at the other end.
of between about 5 and 100 argon atoms. The above description offers a possible mechanism
The classical argument for melting is as follows. At for the heat-setting of nylon, polyester, and similar
absolute zero temperature, the crystalline solid is a fibers, which has never been adequately explained. It
lower energy state than the disordered state, and is is known that temporary setting is associated with
thus the preferred form.As the temperature rises, the
addition of the (negative) entropy term to the free
energy lowers the value for the disordered state more
than for the crystalline state. Eventually the disor-
dered liquid state has a lower free energy and is
preferred. The melting point is the temperature at
which the free energies of the two forms are equal.
Quantum effects come in because of the difference
in the number of available energy levels in the two
states. The crystal is a deep trough with few energy
levels: the liquid is shallow with many energy levels.
This increases the chances of the cluster being in the
liquid state, even at a hlgher energy level. The results
of Berry’s computations, which are confirmed by ex-
periments with a probe atom present, are that over a
substantial range of temperature the cluster will flip
between one state and the other. For a period, it will
appear as a crystal, then it will change to a period as
a liquid, then back to a crystal, and so on. Below a
certain temperature, the crystal is a stable form:
then, for a range of perhaps 10K at about 25K, the
two forms will coexist; and fmally above a certain
temperature, the liquid will be stable. The effect
depends, of course, on being able to isolate small
clusters of atoms.

A posemillty of Heat-Setting of Polymeric Fibers

(a) (b)
What is the possible relevance of this to polymers? F@. 1 . Schematic illustration of polymer segments trapped
In a rapidly quenched fiber, say of nylon or PET, a between amorphous entanglements. (a) In crystallographic
small “crystallite” could be regarded as a set of or- register. (b)In a less ordered liquid state.


John W. S . Hearle

the glass transition in amorphous regions at around Squires summarizes the arguments by presenting
100°C. Above this there is a plateau without setting, a Table on the interpretation problems of quantum
until the more permanent setting effects start at theory. None of the end-results is satisfactory. If the
about 180°C in dry nylon 66 and in PET. Industrial wave function is not real, then interference cannot
heat-setting can then be carried on up to about 240°C. occur, but it does. If the wave function is real, but
when the fibers become so soft that they stick to- does not reduce, then our observation of one result is
gether. Real melting does not happen until about explained either by hidden variables, which are be-
265°C. If Berry’s quantum cluster theory applies in lieved to be impossible, or by the existence of many
this situation, then the transitory liquidization of worlds, which is implausible to say the least. If the
crystallites would allow annealing, which stabilizes or wave function reduces, then we need to explain how
heat-sets a deformed fiber, to take place. and why. One explanation has been that it is a conse-
quence of conscious observation, but this also seems
A BROADER VIEW implausible.The final possibility listed by Squires is
that reduction occurs in macroscopic systems. How
Quantum Philosophy this happens has not been explained: it is not a
As a physics student in the 1940% I was intro- consequence of an obvious solution of the wave equa-
duced to quantum theory in different courses, where tion and must involve some other effect. We have
it impinged on the particular topic. Subsequently in seen above that Penrose thinks it would result from
my research and teaching career, I assumed that I an amalgamation of general relativity and quantum
was always working in the realm of classical physics, theory that has not yet been worked out.
even when I was considering the behavior of polymer My own view would be that physics has demon-
molecules. In a pragmatic way, I accepted the Copen- strated the existence of two realities: the macroscopic
hagen hypothesis, that problems could be treated world of classical physics and the microscopic world
either as classical physics or quantum physics, of quantum physics. Because our everyday experi-
though at a deeper level I took the (incomect) view ence of the macroscopic world has been progressively
that if one could solve Schrodinger’s wave equation explained by going into ever finer detail of the physics,
for a large enough collection of atoms all the observed and this has convinced us of the reality of atomic and
results would come out. Later, when I became aware nuclear physics and of fundamental particles, there
of molecular modeling I accepted that ab initio quan- has been a tendency to put quantum theory on a
tum calculations would give the potentials between higher level of reality than classical physics. But, if
atoms, which could then be used for classical calcu- we had been living in a microscopic quantum world,
lations of the behavior of collections of atoms. the exploration to ever-larger sizes would have re-
It was only after reading Penrose’s book that I read solved many problems and classical physics would
more widely on the philosophical problems of the seem to be the higher reality. I believe that both
interpretation of quantum physics, which had been realities are of equal validity and that some form of
discussed extensively from the time of the Bohr/Ein- the macroscopic reduction hypothesis must link
stein controversies. I found The Mystery of the @an- them. But this raises some neglected issues that
turn World by Squires (6) to be most helpful, though impinge strongly on polymer physics.
an article by Bell (7) entitled “Against ‘Measurement’”
The Transition From Quantum to Classical
was also stimulating. The essence of the difficulty is
that the interference effects in the two-slit experi- A weakness in all the discussions of the subject is
ments typically used in discussions of quantum that for understandable reasons, both theory and
physics lead, apparently inescapably, to the conclu- experiment are treated in terms of systems that are
sion that multiple states are coexisting, and that they as simple as possible. For example, a particle, two
only reduce to one when the particle is observed with slits, and a measuring device are isolated from any-
macroscopic apparatus. This is shown to be an in- thing else. In these circumstances, there can be a
evitable consequence of solving the wave equation, clear-cut reduction at the instant of measurement
which only deals in a probability density function, from the coexisting quantum states to the single
and, accepting the reality of quantum theory, is taken classical state. But this would not be so in the messy
to apply not only to simple cases of one or a few world of real large systems. The boundaries of inter-
particles, but to large systems. action cannot be defined. Quantum effects will be
This then leads, for example, to the paradox of taking place within large pieces of classical material.
Schrodinger’s cat. The postulate is that, within an The distinction between quantum and classical can-
enclosed system, a two-slit experiment is performed. not be as sharp as the philosophical discussions
If the particle passes through one slit, it triggers an assume.
event that kills the cat: if through the other the cat I believe that this is a subject that should be ad-
lives. But, since there is no observer, both states dressed by theoretical and experimental physicists.
must coexist and the cat is both alive and dead. When dealing with particles, atoms and small
Reduction to a single state of life or death only h a p molecules, the separation can be usefully handled in
pens when the box is opened and the system is approximate ways. Localized quantum effects can be
observed. regarded as occurring within a generalized classical

Does QuantumMagic Impinge on Polymer Physics?

system. For example, individual electrons can be con- raised pose both a particular worry and an opportu-
sidered to tunnel through energy barriers established nity.
by the neighboring environment. The worry relates to dynamic molecular modeling,
But, for polymers, the distinction between micre which is now being used to predict polymer behavior.
scopic and macroscopic is not sharp. Localized inter- This assumes that an assembly of molecules can be
actions between neighboring segments in different treated as a classical system obeying Newton’s Laws.
molecules have effects over large distances through Modem computing enables the evolution of such a
forces along the individual chains. Energy levels will many-body system to be followed for limited, but
depend on structural arrangements over large vol- significant, times in limited amounts of material,
umes. which are adequate for collections of small molecules
If we accept, with Penrose, the orthodox view that though somewhat restricted for polymers. But what
at the quantum level there is an existence of many differences would there be if the system followed the
worlds of coexisting states, we are forced to define rules of quantum dynamics instead of Newton’s Laws.
more particularly what aspects of the system are in The opportunity is that the application would lead
the quantum condition. Presumably, at appropriate to a more realistic understanding of polymer materi-
temperatures in poorly annealed samples, the pack- als. In turn, this might enable engineers to manipu-
ing of the molecules must be treated by the quantum late temperatures, stresses, and other factors to p r e
rules, but the chain molecules themselves will be duce new effects and generate polymer structures
defined classical entities. This is a complex no man’s with new and useful properties. This was Linden-
land of unexplored territory. There is no level lying meyer’s vision of what might come from the ideas
“comfortably” between the quantum and classical that he propagated and which also lie in the science
levels. of complexity.
It seems difficult to avoid the conclusion that we 1. P. H. Lindenmeyer, TextileRes. J., 50, 395 (1980).
must consider the possibility that the multiplicity of 2. R K. Bullough, private communication (1990).
energy levels of structural arrangements within crys- 3. J. W. S. Hearle. J. AppL PoZyrn Sct: AppL Polyrn Symp.,
tallizing polymer systems-and perhaps polymers in 47. l(1991).
other forms-means that quantum effects must be 4. R Penrose, The Emperor’s New Mind, Oxford Univ. Press,
London (1989).
considered.The difficulty is to know how to do this in 5. R S. Beny, scientijk American, 263 ( 2 ) (Aug. 1990). 68.
a useful way. A full quantitative solution is impossi- 6. E. Squires, The Mystery of the Quantum World, Adam
ble. What approximate treatments or qualitative a p Hilger, Bristol(1986).
proaches might help our understanding? The issues 7.J. S. Bell, Physics World, 3 (8) (Aug. 1990). 33.

POLYMER €NOfN€€RlNG AND SCI€NCE, FEBRUARY 1994, Vol. 34,No. 4 265

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