Primary Setup at Machine

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Primary Setup at machine:

1. Your domain is & network is

Important: !irst c"eck #our $irtual mac"ine I% and &et it inside $irtual m/c 's &tatic I% address(
2. &er$er is & It)s ip address is*
+. Your ,aseurl -or Y./ is -tp://,/r"el6/d$d
*. 0t"er domain name is remote1.remote.test
5. 0t"er network I% is
6. !ollowin1 are t"e ,asic re2uirement o- #our s#stem :
3. 4"e examiner can lo1in into #our s#stem as root usin1 t"e password red"
8. Your s#stem ip address is 7"ere 6 is #our I% 'ddress (
9. 8etmask o- #our s#stem is
10. 9atewa# o- #our s#stem is*.
11. 8ameser$er is*.
12. !irewall must ,e switc":o-- in #our s#stem; and s#stem must ,e in en-orcin1 mode.
401: <reate user l#ne; ,o, and alice wit" -ollowin1 criteria.
='> <reate ,o,; l#ne users password s"ould ,e password and w"ose secondar# 1roup
will ,e s#susers.
=?> <reate alice user w"o s"ould not 1et interacti$e s"ell and password s"ould ,e password.
402: =a> <reate a %"#sical @olume=%@> o- +00/?; t"en create a @olume 9roup=@9> named as m#$11
%"#sical Axtent=%A> &iBe must ,e */i? .
4"en a-ter create a Co1cal @olume=C@> named as m#l$1 -rom @9; 4"at "a$e -ixed C@ &iBe :::D +0CA
=,> 8ow resiBe #our C@ up to 50/?.
=<> reduce #our $irtual s#stem)s "ome partition up to 120/?
40+: Your s#stem "as a new partition mounted under /mnt/new o- ext* -ile s#stem
and 100 /? in siBe. =<ompulsor#>
8ote: : ,ecause partition siBes are seldom exactl# w"at are speci-ied w"en t"e#
are created; an# siBe ,etween ran1es o- 90 to 110 /? is ok.
406: <reate a swap partition. =I8 main A6'/ it must ,e Eust twice siBe o- #our F'/ means 2GF'/ ; ?ut
classroom #ou ma# create swap o- 100/? onl#>
403: ='> <reate director# s#susers in /common. 4"e -iles created in t"is director#
7ill ,e altered ,# users o- s#susers 1roup ,ut not ,# ot"er users includin1 root.
=Femem,er e$en i- #ou denied permission to root can access ,# root>.
=?> 0t"er users can)t read; write and delete t"e -iles in t"is director#.
=<> 'lso -iles created in t"is director# w"ose 1roup automaticall# set to
s#susers 1roup.
408 <on-i1ure t"e <.%& printer wit" ser$er and 2ueue name
as ser$er6 and take printer model as 9A8FI< text onl# print 2ueue. 7"ere 6 is #our I%
'ddress (
409 Heplo# $s-tpd.
(A) 'non#mous user can access #our !4%.
410 <"an1e user name ,o,=rename user name ,o, to maninder> and &et .IH o- maninder 699
411 <reate two 1roups so-tware; "ardware; 8ow add a user "ari; w"ose ,elon1s to ,ot" 1roups.
&econdar# (
412 &et t"e Axpire Hate 2015:12:+1 ;-or t"e user account o- /aninder
41+<reate user ton# and create 1roup de$eloper now add de$eloper as a primar# 1roup o- ton# user
41* <reate a supplementar# 1roup called p1roup wit" a 1roup IH o- +000
415 <reate a user account wit" t"e -ollowin1 attri,utes
.&AF 8'/A :: D tom
!ull 8ame :: D tom Eerr#
%assword :: D practice
804A: 8ow add t"e tom user to t"e p1roup as a supplementar# 1roup.
416 /odi-# tom user account)s so t"e password expires a-ter 20 da#s.
413 Cock t"e tom user account so "e can cannot lo1 in.
418 Hownload t"e I&0 Ima1e -rom -tp://,/materials/isoima1e and sa$e it to /
root/Hownloads .
8ow mo$e t"is ima1e -rom its location to /$ar/tmp/
'nd also c"an1e permission set as ::D rwx onl# -or root user. Femem,er rwx:::::: permission $iew
like t"is o- ima1e -ile (
419 <reate a direcotr# s"areddata on #our s#stem /
now c"eck classroom ser$er w"ic" contains 8!& directories;,# t"e use o- I% address*
now #ou "a$e to permanentl# mount one director# on #our s#stem.
&er$er &"ared Hirector# named as ::D /$ar/n-s
420 C#ne s"ould 1et a messa1e Iello at 01:05 '/ e$er#da# .
/,in/ec"o Iello

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