#0068 BC Code

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#0068 BC Code

A bulk cargo which is classified, as Class 5,1 dangerous good must be separated from a bulk
cargo classified as Class 6,2 by at last 3 metres.
A bulk carrier loaded with a high " density cargo such as iron ore will usually ha#e a$
%igh &' and fast roll period.
A bulk carrier that is hea#ily loaded in the midsection of the #essel and lightly loaded at ends
will be$
A cargo with low angle of repose has a high likelihood of shifting.
Appendi* C contains a list of materials which are neither liable to li+uefy nor to possess
chemical ha,ards.
Appendi* C contains the procedure for enclosed space entry permit.
A #essel carring a coal cargo is ad#ised to monitor$
)emperature, Carbon 'ono*ide and 'ethane le#els.
-ulk cargo should be trimmed le#el or nearly le#el to a#oid$
.angers of shifting.
Cargoes, which may be sub/ect to li+uefying, should0
1nly be loaded and carried if the transportable moisture limit is less then 234 of the flow
moisture point.
.oes this image illustrate the %og or (ag conditions of the 5essel$
buoyancy buoyancy
(agging. weight
'oisture migration in a bulk cargo can result in$
A flow state e*isting on the cargo6s surface.
)he cargoes most likely to be sub/ect to li+uefaction are$
ore concentrates.
)he main danger of a sea water leakage into cargo space is that the cargo may$
-e more likely to li+uefy.
)he main gasses that may be produced by a coal cargo are$
Carbon 'ono*ide and 'ethane.
7hat does abbre#iation 8'%-9 stand for$
'aterials %a,ardous in -ulk.
7hat does abbre#iation 8)':9 stand for$
)ransportation 'oisture :imit.
7hat is the function of the segregation table in the -C Code$
;t pro#ides the spacing re+uirements for non " compatible cargoes.
7hat should a #essel carring a coal cargo monitor$
)emperature, Carbon 'ono*ide and 'ethane le#els.
7hen may personnel enter a cargo hold that contains timber and forest products$
7hen it is established that the o*ygen le#el is at the normal le#el and that no to*ic gases
are present.
7here do you find information about the ma*imum loading weight of each cargo hold$
;n the ship6s loading manual and on the ship6s capacity plan.
7here do you find the two common methods of determining the angle of response$
;n the -ulk Cargo Code appendi* ..

7hich of the three following categories are the general ha,ards associated with of materials
di#ided into$
.amages, (tability < =eactions.
7hich one of following answers is the correct definition of the (towage factor$
;t is the factor, witch e*presses the number of cubic metres which one tone of material
will occupy.
7hy is it important that water is ne#er used to e*tinguish fire in the cargo hold white at sea$
;t may bring the moisture content of the cargo material to a flow state.
7hy must samples and tests of a stockpile of the cargo be taken within > days prior loading$
)o measure the correct moisture content.
7hy should high " density cargoes not be stowed to e*cessi#e high$
)he bulkhead may become o#er " stressed and the tank top o#erloaded in part of the hold.

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