Litratrue Review

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Literature Review

The issue of work ethics and value arrangements related with work has apprehended the
responsiveness of researchers for the previous seven decades. Most dialogues about these
topics have been concerned with Judeo-Christian aids and, to a large range, have been
supported out in Western cultures. Regardless of the fact that many other beliefs and cultural
groups have attained fortune and marvelous monetary progression during part of their history,
their contributions have been virtually totally ignored in management literature and in the
dialogue on work ethics. The Islamic view of work and ethical thoughts have either been
misinterpreted or not extensively studied in the field of culture studies.
Islamic work ethics and job satisfaction are completely linked to each other. (Hussain et al)
Saudi managers works with high obligation and owed to their keen concern they do their
work better (Abbas and Mohammed; 1989). Job involvement committed to a solid work
ethics and people who place work as essential part of their lives. The theory of work ethics is
part of the Islamic ritual when accurately examined particularly through the hadith customs
and it can assist its purpose in the work places as it case in the judeo Christian traditions
(Ahmed & Owoyema, 2012). It discovers the environment of Islamic work ethics in the
perspective of cultural and political growth and proposals a cultural and religious perception
relating to organization and administration. Islamic work ethics has monetary as well as
honorable and public scopes.
These alongside through simple elements of Islamic work ethics appear to deliver the realistic
with an intelligence of value and support organizational obligation and permanency. That is,
work is observed not as an end in itself, but as a means to nurture personal growth and social
relations (Ali & Owaihan, 2008).
Formerly, the majority of the text on work ethic in Islam had been suggestive and common in
nature. From its commencement, though, Islam highlighted the supremacy of vocation and
trade. Without an uncertainty, it was not practical to predict the upheaval of Islam over its
dreadful foe in Mecca, the Quraeshis, without distinguishing the centrality of trade in
intensification the Muslim position. The privileged in Mecca, at the time, saying Islam as a
peril. Mohamed confront not only their divinity, but also their supremacy support; the cartel
over trade in Arab and adjacent expanse.
According to (Soleimani & Niazazari) the multiple regression analysis indicate that all four
dimensions of work ethic are significant predictors of job satisfaction and two dimensions of
work ethic (attachment, seriousness) are significant predictors of job stress. Islamic Work
Ethics is constructed on four main ideas: endeavor, dislike, rationality, and ethically liable
behavior. These risks, taken together, enthuse poise in the marketplace and reinforce
collective bond, ethical permissive, and encourage market persons to effort on meeting their
main business.
The result of this research supported the dimensions of Islamic work ethics in any
organization enhance learning, innovation and eventually organizational performance. The
results of this study show ways forward to other Pakistani organization to implement Islamic
work ethics in to their own culture for better result of organization. It also shows that the
Islamic work ethics enhance the working capabilities of organizational people (abbasi, Mir, &
The empirical testing result shows that Islamic work ethic has affirmative effects on both job
satisfaction and organizational commitment; the study also shows there is no significant
effect of Islamic work ethics on turnover (Wahibur & Rokhman, 2010). Work ethics and
work effect like job involvement, and employee motivation are interconnected like if an
employee is happy with the ethics of the company then he will be satisfied with his job and
when an employee is satisfied then he will be appropriately involved to do a job with full
assurance so all these work outcomes are interconnected with each other and with work
According to (Marri & all, 2012) The empirical testing indicates that Islamic work ethics
has positive impact on both job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Results also
indicate strong positive relationship between job satisfaction and organizational
commitment. Job satisfaction is a anthology of stance that person grasp towards his or her
job which simply means that the person who is satisfied with his job is more loyal towards
his organization. (Robbins; 2005).Islamic work ethics sweetener up organizational guarantee,
rank of enthusiasm and as a result is likely to reduce the aims of the control to quit.
The research founds that the Islamic work ethics in educational institutes environments is
connected to individuals approaches towards computers use ethics , job satisfaction and
organizational commitments (Mohammad & all). Islam has given a complete program for
life, as for as the work ethics are apprehensive a clear recommendation is provided in Holy
Quran and in the life of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Respectability and impartiality at
the workstation and in employment are the simple attitudes of the Islamic Work Ethics.
According to this research (Rizwan, Fawad, & saboor) It is hypothesized that involved
employees exert considerable efforts for achieving the goals and objectives of the
organization. These kinds of employees are highly productive and produce better results as
compare to the employees who are not involved with their job. These employees work for the
organization with their hand, head and heart. Several studies examined the relationship of job
involvement with employee performance and claimed that there is a positive relationship
between these two variables. In this paper we try to further explain the construct of job
involvement and combined the results of different studies in this context. This paper also tries
to explain the controversies between the results of different studies and propose to make more
construct valid measure for job involvement. Further we also conceptualize the relationship
of employee attitude in this connection.
Results of the study appeared the fact that organizational learning and origination are strong
prognosticators of organizational enactment. In Service Industry culture and innovation are
the crucial drivers of good enactment. Also Islamic work ethics have demonstrated their
prospective and underwrite in executive education and improvement. (Abdus, Ghulam, &
Muzammil, 2004)
By going throuh of above reserch it shows that the islamic work ethics have a strong impact
on employees job satisfication and job involvment.
Work ethics have three dimensions i.e. dedication, meaningfulness of work and value of work
these dimensions have a strong impact on employees job satisfaction and involvement.
Theoretical frame work

Islamic Work Ethics
Independent Variable
Dependent Variables
Employee Satisfaction
Job Involvement
fullness of work
Value of work

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