Anonymous - Introduction To The Old Religion Lesson 3A Cd6 Id1385612146 Size76

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A. Introduction
1. The deveo!"ent o# $%ricuture h$d $ !ro#ound $nd #$r re$chin%
e##ect u!on the &!iritu$ deveo!"ent o# hu"$nit'.
$. No on%er content to (or&hi! the Godde&& o# the )id Thin%&
$nd the Lord o# the Hunt* e$r' "$n+ind &ou%ht to inter!ret their
deitie& in the !h'&ic$ &urroundin%& o# the !$ce& (here the' &etted
to %ro( their cro!&.
,1- Voc$nic "ount$in&* &uch $& tho&e &urroundin% $ncient
Per&i$* %$ve ri&e to Fire God& (ho&e !rie&t& evoved $ co&"oo%' (hich
!o&tu$ted $ univer&e .$&ed u!on $ &tru%%e .et(een %ood $nd evi.
,$- A Fire Prie&t n$"ed /oro$&ter (oud eventu$' $' the
#ound$tion #or /oro$&teri$ni&"* (hich (oud e$d to Mithr$ici&"* (hich
(oud %re$t' in#uence rei%iou& thin+in% o# the e$r' 0hri&ti$n
,.- Even tod$'* the &!iritu$ center o# the 1$!$ne&e !eo!e
i& the voc$nic "ount$in Fu2i'$"$.
,c- And the "$2or deit' o# the H$($ii$n !eo!e i& the
voc$no Godde&& Pee.
,3- N$tur$ o!enin% into the e$rth (ere &een $& %$te($'& into
the do"$in o# the deitie& $nd &hrine& (ere .uit $round the".
,$- The "o&t #$"ou& o# the&e o!enin%& ($& the &hrine $t
De!hi (here* throu%h $ &ucce&&ion o# %odde&&e& $nd %od& (ho &erved $&
!$tron&* the !rie&te&&e& received vi&ion& o# the #uture #or $ #ee !$id
to the te"!e.
,.- There i& &o"e con2ecture th$t the vi&ion& (ere .rou%ht
$.out .' inh$in% the %$&e& ri&in% #ro" the ch$&"* over (hich the
!rie&te&&e& (ere &u&!ended on $ tri!od &e$t.
,4- In the 5riti&h I&e&* !ro"inent hi& or Tor&* &uch $&
G$&ton.ur' Tor in So"er&et* $nd the )e&h "ount$in& in Sno(doni$*
.ec$"e the #ocu& #or oc$ rite&.
,$- In Ire$nd* e$ch river ($& .eieved to h$ve it& o(n
Godde&&* ($& (e $& the Godde&&e& (hich hod &($' on dr' $nd.
.. The one co""on thre$d runnin% throu%h $ o# thi& ($& th$t
(hie the !eo!e (ere .eco"in% ur.$ni6ed* the' &ti #et $ need to
identi#' (ith the countr'&ide $round the" $nd rei%iou& rite& evoved
$round &o"e n$tur$ !o(er &!ot &o th$t $n'one (i&hin% to !$rt$+e o#
the rei%iou& e7!erience o# the&e rite& h$d to "$+e $ !i%ri"$%e to
th$t rei%iou& &hrine $nd .e initi$ted into tho&e rite& .' the oc$
!rie&te&&e& or !rie&t&.
c. A& the citie& %re( u! it .ec$"e nece&&$r' to &!re$d out into
the countr'&ide $nd the &hrine& (ere &o"eti"e& enco&ed in te"!e
.uidin% $nd &o"eti"e& o!ened 8.r$nch o##ice&8 on the other &ide o#
the cit'* or in nei%h.orin% citie&* #or the !eo!e (ho coud not or
(oud not "$+e the !i%ri"$%e&.
,1- Thi& ed to the e&t$.i&h"ent o# te"!e&* #or !u.ic
(or&hi! $nd o##erin%* in $ the citie& o# the $ncient (ord.
,$- 9&u$'* the&e te"!e& (ere dedic$ted to the oc$
Godde&& or God* th$t the !eo!e o# the cit' (or&hi!!ed $& their
!er&on$ deit'.
:1; An e7$"!e (oud .e Athen&* (hich ($& n$"ed #or it&
!$trone&& P$$& Athen$* (ho i& the Gree+ Godde&& o# )i&do" $nd
,.- Not &ur!ri&in%'* the&e deitie& (ere &o"eti"e& tri.$
deitie&* (hich (ere ur.$ni6ed $& the cit' %re( in &i6e.
:1; And the rite& th$t %re( u! $round the te"!e (ere
&e$&on$ rite& !er#or"ed to in&ure the co""on (e<.ein% o# the cit'
$& $ (hoe.
:$; Rei%iou& rite& #or !er&on$ &!iritu$
deveo!"ent ($& $ #orei%n conce!t to $ .ut $ ver' #e( "e".er& o# the
!rie&t=e&&hood (ho (ere re&!on&i.e #or &eein% $#ter the (e .ein% o#
their #oo(er&.
3. Once the conce!t o# o(ner&hi! o# $nd #or %ro(in% #ood %$ined $
#oothod* the need to de#end the $nd #ro" 8out&ider&8 .ec$"e $
!ri"$r' concern.
$. Thi& ed to the deveo!"ent o# &t$ndin% $r"ie& $nd n$vie&
(ho&e !ur!o&e* (hie initi$' de#en&ive* &oon .ec$"e o##en&ive.
,1- Ti"e $nd $%$in* the 2u&ti#ic$tion #or $tt$c+in% their
nei%h.or& ($& (r$!!ed in rei%iou& ro.e& $nd it .ec$"e $ "$tter o# one
cit'8& Godde&&=God &u!!$ntin% the other in the con>uered cit'.
,$- 9&u$' thi& did not cre$te too "uch o# $n u!he$v$ #or
the co""on citi6en .ec$u&e the $tt$c+er ($& u&u$' $ ne$r.' nei%h.or
$nd throu%h on% 'e$r& o# tr$de (ith e$ch other* the' (ere #$"ii$r
(ith one $nother& rite& $nd .eie#&.
,.- Mo&t !eo!e &$( it $& $ !ro.e" on' #or the
!rie&thood&* (ho o&t contro o# the te"!e "onie& to the con>uerin%
:1; So"eti"e& it ($& &een $& $n i"!rove"ent #or the cit'
coud on' .ene#it #ro" h$vin% $ "ore !o(er#u God=de&& ruin% over it
$nd $& on% $& the !rie&thood +e!t u! the &e$&on$ ritu$& to in&ure
!ro&!erit' the co""on citi6en ($& not too (orried $.out (ho ($& ruin%
the cit'.
4. The #oundin% o# the M'&ter' Rei%ion& c$n .e tent$tive' d$ted
.$c+ to 441 50E* (hen Ae7$nder o# M$cedoni$ co"!eted hi& con>ue&t o#
the (ord $round the Mediterr$ne$n $nd the Ne$r E$&t.
$. To %ive &o"e !er&!ective on ho( thi& .rou%ht $.out &uch $
dr$&tic ch$n%e in the (ord order (e need to oo+ $t $&trono"' $nd &ee
i# (e c$n di&cern $ !$ttern th$t re!e$t& it&e#.
,1- Ancient hu"$nit' u&ed $&trono"' $nd $&troo%' to %uide
their ive&.
,$- The 6odi$c ($& &een $& $ "e$&ure"ent &'&te" (hich
$o(ed hu"$n+ind to divide the &o$r 'e$r u! into 13 e>u$ !$rt&*
$thou%h &o"e .eieve th$t the ori%in$ 6odi$c h$d on' 1? &i%n&.
,.- The &i%n o# Vir%o<Scor!io ($& .ro+en into t(o !$rt& .'
in&ertin% Li.r$ ,the 5$$nce- in .et(een the". Thi& cre$ted eeven
&i%n& !u& Li.r$* e&t$.i&hin% the 8.$$nce8 $t the !oint o#
e>uii.riu" .et(een the $&cendin% northern $nd de&cendin% &outhern
,c- E$ch 'e$r the &un !$&&e& entire' $round the 6odi$c $nd
return to the !oint #ro" (hich it &t$rted* the vern$ e>uino7* $nd
e$ch 'e$r it #$& 2u&t $ itte &hort o# "$+in% the co"!ete circe
o# the he$ven& in the $otted &!$ce o# ti"e.
:1; A& $ re&ut* it cro&&e& the e>u$tor 2u&t $ itte
.ehind the &!ot in the 6odi$c$ &i%n (here it cro&&e& the !reviou&
:$; E$ch &i%n o# the 6odi$c con&i&t& o# 4? de%ree&*
$nd $& the &un o&e& $.out one de%ree ever' @3 'e$r&* it re%re&&e&
throu%h one entire con&te$tion or &i%n in $!!ro7i"$te' 3*1A? 'e$r&*
$nd throu%h the entire 6odi$c in $.out 3B*C3? 'e$r&.
,3- A"on% the $ncient&* the &un ($& $($'& &'".oi6ed .' the
#i%ure $nd n$ture o# the con&te$tion throu%h (hich it !$&&ed $t the
vern$ e>uino7.
,$- For ne$r' the !$&t 3*??? 'e$r& the &un h$& cro&&ed the
e>u$tor $t the vern$ e>uino7 in the con&te$tion o# Pi&ce& ,the t(o
:1; 0hri&ti$nit' deveo!ed $.out the .e%innin% o# the
Pi&ce$n A%e $nd the #i&h ($& $n e$r' &'".o #or the".
:$; 0hri&ti$nit' ($& on' one o# t(o ne( rei%ion&
th$t (ere .$&ed* in !$rt* on the te$chin%& o# 1ud$i&".
:3; A.out A4? 'e$r& $#ter the #oundin% o# 0hri&ti$nit'*
Moh$""ed #ounded the rei%ion o# I&$"* $nd hi& #oo(er& $re +no(n $&
Mu&i"& or Mo&e"&.
,.- For the 3*1A? 'e$r& !rior to then* it h$d cro&&ed
throu%h the con&te$tion o# Arie& ,the r$"-.
:1; 1u&t $& the A%e o# Arie& .e%$n* $ ne( rei%ion
deveo!ed (hich (oud !rove to .e one o# the "o&t endurin%
Monothei&tic rei%ion& on E$rth.
:$; 1ud$i&" ($& #ounded .' A.r$h$" o# 0h$de$* (ho
"$de $n $%ree"ent (ith 1ehov$h th$t he $nd hi& o##&!rin% (oud &!re$d
the doctrine th$t there ($& on' one God.
:.; In return 1ehov$h !ro"i&ed A.r$h$" the $nd o#
0$n$$n ,I&r$e- #or hi& de&cend$nt&. The on' !ro.e" i& th$t the 1e(&
$nd the Ar$.& .oth tr$ce their .e%innin%& .$c+ to &on& o# A.r$h$"* $nd
no( .oth c$i" I&r$e $& o##&!rin% o# A.r$h$".
:3; A.out A?? 'e$r& $ter Hindui&" deveo!ed in Indi$.
:$; Fro" A??<4?? 'e$r& .e#ore the A%e o# Arie& %$ve
($' to the A%e o# Pi&ce&* 5uddhi&"* T$oi&"* 0on#u&ci$ni&"*
/oro$&tri$ni&" $nd Mithr$ici&" deveo!ed.
,c- Prior to the A%e o# Arie&* the vern$ e>uino7 ($& i& the
&i%n o# T$uru& ,the .u-.
:1; In $ncient E%'!t* it ($& durin% thi& !eriod th$t the
5u* A!i&* ($& &$cred to the Sun God.
:$; And the )in%ed 5u ($& the &!iritu$ &'".o o#
the A&&'ri$n& .$c+ (hen the' h$d cit'<&t$te& dedic$ted to Godde&&e&.
:.; Ho( intere&tin% < th$t 2u&t $& hu"$nit' ($&
di&coverin% $%ricuture durin% the A%e o# T$uru&* the .u ($&
do"e&tic$ted &o th$t it coud !u $ !o(.
,d- )e $re $.out to enter $ ne( $%e. The A%e o# A>u$riu&
(hich !ro"i&e& to turn the (ord u!&ide do(n.
.. Gettin% .$c+ to %$inin% $ !er&!ective on ho( Ae7$nder the
Gre$t ch$n%ed the (ord order* (e need to under&t$nd th$t there i& $
!$ttern (here the (ord order ch$n%e& $.out ever' 3*??? 'e$r& <
"iit$ri'* econo"ic$' $nd rei%iou&'.
,1- At $n' %iven ti"e throu%h hi&tor' one or t(o o# the&e
condition& "$' ch$n%e* .ut it i& r$re th$t $ three ch$n%e $round the
&$"e ti"e. )hen the' do !eo!e ive in (h$t the chine&e !hio&o!her&
c$ed 8intere&tin% ti"e&8.
c. The D?? 'e$r& !recedin% the A%e o# Pi&ce& c$n .e co"!$red
(ith the &$"e !eriod o# our ti"e* (hich i& .rin%in% in the A%e o#
,1- A.out 441 50E $n u!&t$rt "iit$r' e$der n$"ed Ae7$nder
o# M$cedoni$ ed $n $r"' into the ver' de!th o# (h$t ($& then +no(n $&
the Per&i$n E"!ire $#ter de#e$tin% the troo!& o# Per&i$ (ho (ere
tr'in% to "$int$in contro o# Gree+ citie& in A&i$ Minor.
,$- Once he h$d e##ective' (re&ted contro o# the e"!ire
#ro" the Per&i$n&* he !roceeded to t$+e the .e&t o# (h$t the e"!ire
$nd hi& n$tive $nd h$d to o##er $nd he cre$ted $ ne( (ord order .'
(hich he $nd hi& %ener$& divided u! the +no(n (ord $nd !$nned to
,.- A#ter Ae7$nder8& de$th the %ener$& rued $& .e&t the'
coud* .ut the' &o(' o&t contro o# the %re$t e"!ire unti $ ne(
"iit$r' !o(er* Ro"e* c$"e $on% $nd too+ over.
:1; It i& i"!ort$nt to +ee! in "ind th$t the Ro"$n e"!ire
did not &!rin% u! over ni%ht. 9nder the in&!ir$tion $nd !rotection o#
the M$cedoni$n E"!ire #ro" #orei%n intervention the Ro"$n& (ere $.e
to de#e$t the Etru&c$n& (ho h$d rued "o&t o# It$' unti th$t ti"e.
:$; It ($& the !e$ce .rou%ht $.out .' the Greci$n
e"!ire th$t $o(ed the Ro"$n re!u.ic to $&t #or 3?? 'e$r& $nd
e".r$ce "$n' o# the o#tier ide$& o# Gree+ cuture.
,3- In the "id 1@??8&* $ coone in $ r$% t$% .$nd o#
irre%u$r& $tt$ched to re%u$r troo!& o# the 5riti&h E"!ire* &t$rted
to "$+e $ n$"e #or hi"&e# $"on% the cooni&t& o# $ 5riti&h
,$- The 5riti&h* (ho (ere the ruin% eite 2u&t under 4??
'e$r& $%o* thou%ht o# the cooni$ coone $& $n uneduc$ted .$r.$ri$n
$nd did not t$+e hi" &eriou&' (hen the cooni$& dec$red their
inde!endence $nd n$"ed $& their &u!re"e "iit$r' e$der the .$r.$ri$n
#ro" Vir%ini$.
,.- Hi&tor' h$& recorded ho( Geor%e )$&hin%ton h$d hi& d$'
in the &un (hen* $#ter de#e$tin% the "ercen$r' troo!& o# 5rit$in $t
V$e' For%e* Gener$ 0orn($i& &urrendered to hi" $t Yor+to(n.
:1; A%$in the (ord ($& turned u! &ide do(n* $nd the
e"!ire o# od ($& &u!!$nted .' $ ne( order* on' on $ &"$er &c$e.
:$; )hie it i& true th$t the 5riti&h E"!ire did not
co$!&e (ith the o&& o# the A"eric$n Revoution$r' )$r* it "$r+ed
the .e%innin% o# the .re$+in% u! o# the E"!ire.
:.; And de&!ite recurrin% c$&he&* i+e the )$r o#
1E13* the ne( countr' ($& $o(ed to %ro( $nd deveo! $& $ Re!u.ic
#or 3?? 'e$r& unti no( it i& ver' co""on to re#er to A"eric$ $& the
ne( Ro"e.
,4- Li+e Ae7$nder .e#ore hi"* )$&hin%ton $nd hi& &u!!orter&
too+ the .e&t o# (h$t the' i+ed in 5rit$in $nd co".ined it (ith the
.e&t thou%ht& $nd ide$& o# the 0oonie&.
,$- )$&hin%ton re#u&ed to .e "$de the +in% o# A"eric$*
$nd the' h$""ered out $ ne( #or" o# %overn"ent* ne( $(& o# co""erce*
$nd $&&ur$nce& th$t the od rei%iou& order (oud not hod &($' in the
ne( countr'.
:1; Not on% $#ter the A"eric$n Revoution* the French
Revoution* .$&ed on A"eric$n ide$&* roc+ed Euro!e (ith it&$te &h$+in% o## o# $ri&tocr$tic rue.
:$; Even the Ru&&i$n Revoution ($& ori%in$' $
revot o# the !eo!e $%$in&t their $ri&tocr$c'. It ($& on' $#ter the
revoution e#t $ v$cuu" o# e$der&hi! th$t the 0o""uni&t& &te!!ed in
$nd $&&u"ed !o(er.
d. I# 'ou oo+ $round $t our c$!ito* 'ou (i &ee th$t the
$rchitecture i& re"ini&cent o# Greci$n $nd Ro"$n Te"!e&* $nd the
!rinci!e& th$t our countr' ($& #ounded u!on* !rinci!e& i+e #reedo"
$nd de"ocr$c'* $re Greci$n Ide$&.
,1- Thi& i& not $ coincidence. The Foundin% F$ther& (ere
&cho$r& o# Greece $nd Ro"e* #or +no(ed%e o# the hi&tor' o# the&e t(o
countrie& ($& con&idered $n inte%r$ !$rt o# $ c$&&ic$ educ$tion.
,$- It (i .e intere&tin% to &ee i# A"eric$* i+e Ro"e*
#$& into the tr$! o# .ein% #orced into .eco"in% $n I"!eri$ !o(er in
order to &u!!ort the (e#$re &t$te $t ho"e.
:1; One o# "' #$vorite &$'in%& i& FA !eo!e (ho re#u&e
to e$rn #ro" hi&tor'* $re doo"ed to re!e$t it.F
5. The Soci$ Si%ni#ic$nce o# the M'&ter' Rei%ion&
1. In order to under&t$nd the need& $nd de&ire& (hich #ound
&$ti&#$ction in "'&ter' rei%ion&* it i& nece&&$r' to t$+e $ .ro$d
vie( o# the %ener$ &oci$ &itu$tion in the Greco<Ro"$n (ord.
$. And to de#ine* i# !o&&i.e* the out&t$ndin% rei%iou&
intere&t& o# the Mediterr$ne$n !eo!e in the 1&t centur' o# the
Pi&ce$n A%e.
,1- Greco<Ro"$n &ociet' (ith $ o# it& co"!e7it' ($&* even
&o* $ co&e' +nit &oci$ #$.ric uni#ied in $r%e $nd &i%ni#ic$nt
,$- Poitic$'* the Mediterr$ne$n (ord o# the Au%u&t$n
A%e ($& $ unit #or the 1&t ti"e in hi&tor'* (eded to%ether .' 4??
'e$r& o# "iit$r' con>ue&t& !recedin% the .e%innin% o# our er$.
:1; To hod thi& Mediterr$ne$n (ord to%ether in $n
i"!eri$ unit'* Ro"e h$d thro(n over it $ %re$t net(or+ o# "iit$r'
hi%h($'& re$chin% to the #$rthe&t !rovince& $nd centerin% on Ro"e
,.- 0utur$ $nd co""erci$ !roce&&e& o!er$ted even "ore
e##ective' th$n "iit$r' con>ue&t& $nd !oitic$ or%$ni6$tion to
uni#' the !eo!e& o# the Mediterr$ne$n $re$.
:1; Societ' under the e$r' E"!ire continued to .e $&
hi%h' Heeni6ed $& it h$d .een durin% the 4?? 'e$r& !reviou&.
:$; Gree+ continued to .e the $n%u$%e o# cuture $nd
co""erce* (ith L$tin $& the in%u$ Fr$nc$ o# di!o"$c'.
:3; The &e$* ce$red o# !ir$te&* ($& $ %re$t ch$nne o#
co""erce th$t ed to $ the Ro"$n (ord* $nd the "iit$r' hi%h($'&
!rovided the nece&&$r' $nd route&.
:$; 5ec$u&e o# the e$&' "e$n& o# co""unic$tion*
there ($& $ #ree "in%in% o# r$ce& $nd c$&&e& in the center& o#
,c- Free co"!etition on $ (ord &c$e %$ve the individu$&
their o!!ortunitie&.
:1; 5e#ore the d$'& o# Ae7$nder* the intere&t& o# the
individu$ (ere >uite &u."er%ed in co"!$ri&on (ith tho&e o# the tri.e
or &t$te.
:$; The $r%er &oci$ %rou! ($& the end<$ o#
e7i&tence $nd !er&on$ concern& (ere !ro!er' &u.ordin$ted thereto.
:.; 5ut in the ch$n%ed condition& o# the i"!eri$
!eriod* $ ($& di##erent.
:3; Individu$ intere&t& c$"e to the #ore $nd tho&e o#
the &t$te receded to the .$c+%round.
:$; The Ro"$n E"!ire "e$nt #$r e&& to the citi6en
th$n the Gree+ !oi& h$d "e$nt.
:.; Ro"e ($& too $r%e $nd too #$r $($' to .e ver'
de!endent on e$ch citi6en& &u!!ort or to contri.ute to their
,d- In the ruthe&&ne&& o# con>ue&t $nd the &tre&& o#
co"!etition* oc$ cu&to"& (ere i%nored* tr$dition& (ere &(e!t $&ide*
$nd the un&u!!orted individu$& (ere thro(n .$c+ u!on their o(n
:1; H$!!ine&& $nd (e<.ein%* i# (on $t $* "u&t .e
(on .' the individu$* $nd #or the individu$ $one.
3. Rei%ion* i+e the other !h$&e& o# Greco<Ro"$n i#e* #et the
e##ect o# the&e ch$n%ed &oci$ condition&.
$. For the "$&&e&* the #or"er rei%iou& &$nction& $nd %u$r$ntie&
no on%er #unctioned.
,1- In the od* !re<i"eri$ d$'&* the individu$ ($& (e
&$ti&#ied (ith %rou! %u$r$ntie& th$t (ere o##ered .' oc$ $nd
n$tion$i&tic rei%ion&.
,$- Gr$nted* the re$tion&hi! to the &t$te deit' ($& on'
$n indirect one < throu%h the %rou! to (hich the' .eon%ed.
,.- A&o %r$nted* the %ood& &ou%ht (ere chie#' &oci$
.ene#it&* (hich (ere &h$red (ith their #eo( citi6en&.
:1; 5ut &o on% $& the God=de&&e& !rotected the &t$te
$nd the &t$te !rotected the citi6en* the' (ere (e content.
,3- Succe&&ive con>ue&t& .' #orei%n !o(er&* ho(ever* rude'
de&tro'ed thi& co"!$cenc'* $nd the victor' o# M$cedoni$n $nd Ro"$n
$r"& (rec+ed the !re&ti%e o# "ere' oc$ $nd n$tion$ deitie&.
,$- A& r$ci$ .$rrier& (ere .ro+en do(n $nd the individu$&
#et #ree to tr$ve $nd tr$de* the' .ec$"e con&ciou& o# need& $nd
de&ire& the' h$d never +no(n .e#ore.
4. A& $ !r$ctic$ "$tter* the ti"e honored cu&to"& o# $n
individu$& !$rent $nd %r$nd!$rent coud not .e "$int$ined in #orei%n
$nd&. Ne( &$nction& $nd $&&ur$nce& o# $ "ore !er&on$ &ort (ere
$. In ine (ith the %ener$ &oci$ "ove"ent& o# the ti"e&* there
($& $ di&tinct .re$+do(n o# tr$dition$ rei%ion* $nd n$tion$ cut&*
!o!u$r in the Heenic !eriod* #e into di&u&e.
,1- 5ut the "$&&e& o# !eo!e did not .eco"e irrei%iou& .' $n'
"e$n&* the' in&te$d turned to rei%ion& o# $nother t'!e $nd &ou%ht
&$ti&#$ction& o# $ di##erent v$riet'.
,$- Their >ue&t ($& no on%er #or $ %od=de&& !o(er#u
enou%h to &$ve the &t$te .ut r$ther #or one (ho ($& .enevoent enou%h
to &$ve the individu$.
:1; Or$ce& (ere con&uted* not &o o#ten in the intere&t
o# the co""unit' .ut "ore #re>uent' #or the %uid$nce o# individu$&
in their !er&on$ $##$ir&.
:$; More th$n ever .e#ore the ho"e .ec$"e $ te"!e
$nd the d$i' i#e o# the #$"i' ($& #ied (ith the tr$!!in%& o#
:.; The &hrine& o# the he$in% %od&=e&&e& (ere
overcro(ded* $nd "$%ici$n&* (ho (ere con&idered the chie# "edi$tor& o#
divine !o(er* c$rried on $ thrivin% .u&ine&&.
D. In !$rticu$r* !eo!e turned #or the &$ti&#$ction o# !er&on$
de&ire& to the %rou! o# "'&ter' rei%ion&* (hich (ere ver' $ncient
cut& th$t h$d hitherto .een co"!$r$tive' in&i%ni#ic$nt.
$. Mo&t o# the" c$"e to the Greco<Ro"$n (ord #ro" the Orient*
(ith the $uthorit' o# $ vener$.e !$&t* (ith $n $ir o# dee! "'&ter'*
$nd (ith rite& th$t (ere "o&t i"!re&&ive.
.. 5ut the chie# re$&on #or their !o!u$rit' $t thi& ti"e ($&
the &$ti&#$ctor' ($' in (hich the' "ini&tered to the need& o# the
,1- 0o"!ete' den$tion$i6ed $nd$ted #ro" r$ci$
!re2udice&* the' coud .e !r$cticed $n'(here (ithin or (ithout the
,$- The' no on%er de!ended u!on $ n$tur$ #ocu& &uch $& $
c$ve or &!rin% or "ount$in* &o it ($& !o&&i.e to (or&hi! $n'(here
the' #ound the"&eve&.
:1; Thi& $o(ed !o!u$r cut& i+e th$t o# I&i& to
&!re$d thou%hout the Ro"$n e"!ire (ith itte or no re&i&t$nce
,.- 5ein% %enuine' de"ocr$tic .rotherhood& in (hich rich
$nd !oor* &$ve $nd "$&ter* Gree+ $nd .$r.$ri$n "et on $ !$rit'* the'
(eco"ed "en o# $ r$ce& to their "e".er&hi!.
0. )h$t the M'&ter' Rei%ion& h$d to o##er Hu"$nit'
1. A ne( .irth #or the individu$
$. )hen the neo!h'te ($& initi$ted into the cut he .ec$"e $ ne(
,1- In e$rier centurie&* (hen the e"!h$&i& in rei%ion ($&
tri.$ or n$tion$* thi& h$d no &!eci$ $dv$nt$%e.
,$- Then the individu$ #et cert$in o# hi& &$v$tion
.ec$u&e o# hi& .irth into $ !$rticu$r tri.e or r$ce. Thi& &ti hod&
true #or tri.$ rei%ion& i+e 1ud$i&"* (here it i& not enou%h to .e $
%ood 1e(. A 1e(& "u&t .e %ood .ec$u&e the' $re the cho&en !eo!e $nd
their God (i not "$+e %ood on Hi& !ro"i&e& unti the (hoe tri.e
"eet& hi& re>uire"ent&.
,3- Men in the Ro"$n (ord h$d con#idence in neither r$ci$
connection& nor in the !otenti$it' o# hu"$n n$ture.
,$- The #ir&t centur' Ro"$n ($nted $ &$v$tion th$t
incuded the i""ort$it' o# the &ou $& (e $& the !re&ent (e#$re o#
the .od'.
,.- An e&&enti$ ch$n%e o# .ein% ($& #et to .e nece&&$r'*
$nd the "'&ter' rei%ion& %u$r$nteed thi& .' "e$n& o# the initi$tor'
.. The "'&ter' initi$tion "et the .$&ic rei%iou& need #or
individu$ $& o!!o&ed to r$ci$ %u$r$ntee&.
,1- M'&tic$ e7!erience ($& $ co""on deno"in$tor o# $ the
Greco<Orient$ cut& o# the "'&ter' t'!e.
,$- The i"!eri$ $%e ($& $ ti"e (hen rei%ion ($& turnin%
in($rd $nd .eco"in% "ore e"otion$* (hie !hio&o!h'* converted to
rei%ion* ($& #oo(in% the &$"e trend.
:1; There ($& $ cutiv$ted $nt$%oni&" .et(een &!irit $nd
"$tter $nd $ con&ciou& ende$vor to det$ch one #ro" the other .' "e$n&
o# $&cetic !r$ctice&.
:$; It ($& $ !eriod o# (ord<(e$rine&& $nd other
:3; There ($& $ de"$nd #or #re&h e"otion$ e7!erience&*
$nd the cu"in$tin% e##ort ($& to overe$! the .ound& o# n$ture $nd to
$tt$in union (ith the divine in the re%ion o# the occut.
:$; The&e e7!erience& #ound e7!re&&ion in the !o!u$r
rei%ion& o# rede"!tion* in the "'&terie& o# Eeu&i& $nd Atti& $nd
I&i& $nd the re&t.
3. Fu#iin% the 'e$rnin% #or the "'&tic$ t'!e o# rei%iou&
$. T(o con&ider$tion& th$t h$ve $ direct .e$rin% on (h' the
'e$rnin% #or "'&tic$ rei%iou& e7!erience $ro&e $t thi& ti"e $reG
,1- The thou%ht (ord o# the $ver$%e !er&on h$d &udden'
en$r%ed to !ro!ortion& th$t (ere #ri%htenin%. The hori6on o# $ S'ri$n
tr$der in Nero8& ti"e ($& v$&t' "ore incu&ive th$n th$t o# $ #e(
hundred 'e$r& .e#ore. And thi& ne( hori6on incuded $ #$r %re$ter
nu".er o# #$ct& to .e c$&&i#ied $nd $ccounted #or* $nd $ con&t$nt'
en$r%in% %rou! o# !ro.e"& $nd di##icutie& to .e &etted. Thi&
e7!$nded thou%ht<(ord o# the "idde o# the 1&t centur' ($& in $ ver'
ch$otic &t$te. The &oci$ &tructure o# $n e$rier $%e h$d .een
co"!ete' (rec+ed. Gree+ de"ocr$c' $nd Orient$ de&!oti&" $i+e h$d
.een cru&hed .' i"!eri$ !o(er. N$tion$ $nd r$ci$ di&tinction&* once
con&idered ver' i"!ort$nt* h$d .een $ .ut #or%otten. )hoe c$&&e&
in &ociet' h$d .een (i!ed out. Od thin%& h$d !$&&ed $($' $nd (h$t
chie#' i"!re&&ed the ordin$r' "$n $.out the ne( order o# thin%&
i"!o&ed .' Ro"e* ($& not &o "uch it& orderine&& $& it& ne(ne&&. The
citi6en o# the Gree+ Poi& h$d ived in $ #riend' to(n th$t ($& hi&
o(nH .ut the Ro"$n citi6en #ound hi"&e# .e(idered in the cro(ded
&treet& o# $ &tr$n%e cit' th$t ($& ever'"$n8& (ord.
,3- The "$n o# the e$r' e"!ire #et th$t the uti"$te contro
o# hi& di&ordered univer&e ($& not $t $ in hi& o(n h$nd&* .ut th$t
it re&ted (ith &u!ern$tur$ !o(er& on the out&ide. Accordin% to the
1&t centur' !oint o# vie(* the "ore i"!ort$nt re$tion&hi!& o# i#e
(ere (ith the controin% !o(er& in the &u!ern$tur$ re$". )hether
the&e !o(er& (ere #riend' or un#riend' or .oth or neither $ccordin%
to circu"&t$nce&* there ($& $ %re$t v$riet' o# o!inionH .ut %ener$'
&!e$+in% there ($& no dou.t o# their !o(er.
,c- One ($' the co""on "$n h$d o# e&t$.i&hin% &$#e
re$tion& (ith the occut !o(er& ($& the ($' o# "'&tici&". He either
!ro2ected hi"&e# e"otion$' into the &u!ern$tur$ re$" $nd &o c$"e
into cont$ct (ith deit'* or e&e .' "$%ic $nd &$cr$"ent dre( the God
do(n into the hu"$n &!here $nd in thi& #$&hion re$i6ed the de&ired
$i$nce. Not unti thi& 8unio "'&tic$8 ($& $cco"!i&hed did "$n' "en
#ee co"!ete' &ecure in the #$ce o# the uncert$intie& o# i#e. The
"'&ter' rei%ion& o##ered thi& #or" o# &$v$tion throu%h union (ith
the ord o# the cut. Thi& $i$nce (ith the ord o# the cut ro..ed
the un+no(n &!iritu$ (ord o# it& terror& $nd %$ve the initi$te the
$&&ur$nce o# &!eci$ !rivie%e in re$tion to the !otent .ein%& (ho
controed the de&tinie& o# "en. In the .$c+%round o# e$ch o# the
"'&terie& hovered the v$%ue #or" o# the &u!re"e !o(er it&e#. The
An$toi$n M$%n$ M$ter Deu". Or the Ahur$ M$6d$ o# the Per&i$n&. In the
#ore%round* re$d' #or $ction* &tood the "edi$tor (ho chie#' "$d the
divine !o(er "$ni#e&t in i#e $nd n$ture. The 'outh#u Atti&* or the
invinci.e Mithr$. The "'&ter' God& $nd Godde&&e& (ere $&o !otent $&
nether(ord divinitie&. Per&e!hone rei%ned $& >ueen o# the de$d $nd
O&iri& !re&ided $& 2ud%e o# the &ou& o# the de!$rted. 5' "e$n& o#
initi$tion into their cut&* the devotee ($& en$.ed to &h$re vivid'
in the e7!erience& o# the&e divinitie& $nd even to $tt$in re$i&tic
union (ith the".
,d- 9nited (ith the God& the"&eve&* the initi$te ($& in
touch (ith current& o# &u!ern$tur$ !o(er (hich not on' o!er$ted to
tr$n&#or" hi& ver' .ein% .ut rendered hi" i""une #ro" evi .oth in
thi& i#e $nd in the ne7t.
4. Providin% e"otion$ &ti"u$tion throu%h the "'&tic$ e7!erience
o# cont$ct (ith $ &'"!$thetic &$vior.
$. The "'&tici&" o# the cut& ($& not o# the inteec< tu$i6ed
t'!e .ut r$ther o# $ "ore re$i&tic* o.2ective* ec&t$tic $nd hi%h'
e"otion$ v$riet'.
,1- Thi& e"otion$ ch$r$cter o# cut "'&tici&" $n&(ered
direct' to $n inordin$te $!!etite #or e"otion$ &ti"u$tion $"on% the
,$- Thi& $.nor"$ cr$vin%* direct' or indirect'* ($& due
to the terri.' de!re&&in% e7!erience& throu%h (hich &ociet' h$d
!$&&ed durin% the ($r& th$t #ied the 'e$r& i""edi$te' !recedin% the
Pi&ce$n A%e.
:1; For D?? 'e$r& the ($r& h$d .een unce$&in%. The
Mediterr$ne$n (ord h$d +no(n ($r $t it& (or&t* $nd thi& on% &erie&
o# con>ue&t&* civi ($r&* !ro&cri!tion&* $nd in&urrection& h$d
!roduced $n untod $"ount o# $%on'.
:3; A the&e "iit$r' o!er$tion& h$d ent$ied terri.e
&u##erin% #or $ c$&&e&. There ($&* o# cour&e* the +iin% $nd
"$i"in% o# the co".$t$nt& the"&eve&. 5re$d< (inner& h$d .een dr$#ted
into &ervice* e$vin% their #$"iie& to #end #or the"&eve&. 0ro!&
over $r%e $re$& h$d .een de&tro'ed to !revent the ene"' #ro" ivin%
o## the $nd (hen the $r"ie& retre$ted. Le$vin% the oc$ #$r"er& $&
(e $& the inv$din% $r"' to &t$rve. 0on>uered $nd& h$d .een !un%ed
into de.t $nd .$n+ru!tc'* (hie thou&$nd& o# "en* (o"en* $nd chidren*
#or"er' #ree* h$d .een &od $& &$ve&.
:4; The indirect con&e>uence& o# the&e "iit$r'
o!er$tion& (ere >uite $& di&$&trou& #or the h$!!ine&& o# $r%e nu".er&
o# !eo!e $& (ere the direct re&ut&. One o# the "o&t de!or$.e
e##ect& ($& the !r$ctic$ de&truction o# the "idde c$&&e&* (hich h$d
.een the .$ o# the &ociet'. Thi& e#t $ .$d &oci$ ce$v$%e
.et(een the (e$th' $ri&tocr$tic c$&& on the one h$nd* $nd the
"$&&e&* incudin% the &$ve&* on the other. 0ondition& (ere &uch th$t
the u!!er c$&&e& h$d the o!!ortunit' o# .eco"in% "ore (e$th' $nd
!ro&!erou&* (hie the !roet$ri$t corre&!ondin%' .ec$"e "ore
de&titute $nd (retched. Enor"ou& &u"& o# %od $nd &iver* the
$ccu"u$ted (e$th o# the e$&t* ($& di&%or%ed on the e"!ire. Thi&
cre$ted $ de"$nd #or "ore u7urie&* r$i&ed the &t$nd$rd o# ivin% #or
the rich* $nd "uti!ied the "i&erie& o# the !oor. Throu%hout the
!eriod* the nu".er o# &$ve& ($& con&t$nt' .ein% $u%"ented. Thi&
o(ered the ($%e& $nd drove #ree $.orer& to the idene&& o# citie&
(here the' (ere $to%ether too (iin% to .e enroed on (h$t (e (oud
c$ (e#$re. The #ir&t e&&on ne( E"!eror& e$rned* i# the' (ere to
+ee! their cro(n&* ($& to #eed $nd entert$in thi& hu%e nu".er o# ide
(or+er& &o th$t the' (oud not decide to overthro( the %overn"ent.
Thi& i& (here the !hr$&e F%ive the" .re$d $nd circu&e&F c$"e #ro".
:D; )ith &uch $n une>u$ di&tri.ution o# the %ood& o#
i#e* it ($& inevit$.e th$t .oth e7tre"e& in Ro"$n &ociet' &houd
#ee the need o# &!eci$ e"otion$ u!i#t $nd &ti"u$tion. The
$ri&tocr$t #et the need o# it .ec$u&e he h$d !e$&ure& too "$n'.
There ($& $ di&%u&t (ith i#e* .red o# &e#<indu%ence $nd .rou%ht to
.irth .' &$tiet'. It ($& the (e$rine&& th$t co"e& (hen $"u&e"ent& co'
$nd the "e$n& o# diver&ion &ee" e7h$u&ted. And the !oor #ree"$n
.ec$u&e he h$d !e$&ure& too #e(. There ($& $ %enuine &en&itivene&& to
&u##erin% in thi& $%e .orn o# $ &'"!$thetic under&t$ndin% o# it& !$in
$nd $n e$rne&t $tte"!t to !rovide $evi$tion. It ($& $ !eriod (hen
$ c$&&e& (ere &en&itive to e"otion$ need&* .ut chie#' the
in$rticu$te "$&&e& (ho (ere "o&t "i&er$.e $nd +ne( not ho( to
e7!re&& their "i&er'.
.. Gener$' &!e$+in%* the o##ici$& o# the &t$te rei%ion
re"$ined unre&!on&ive to thi& need $nd the "$r.e God& o# Greece $nd
Ro"e h$d no (ord #or "en in $%on'.
,1- 1ud$i&"* (hich h$d it&e# %one throu%h $ !roon%ed
"$rt'rdo"* &houd h$ve e$rned #ro" &u##erin% to "ini&ter to !er&on$
need* .ut it h$d not* #or it& ho!e ($& &ti $ n$tion$ one* not
c. The rei%ion& o# rede"!tion th$t c$"e #ro" the e$&t #urni&hed
e7$ct' the e"otion$ &$ti&#$ction th$t the $%e de"$nded.
,1- The' tod "en o# &$vior<%od& th$t (ere ver' hu"$n* (ho h$d
co"e to e$rth $nd toied $nd &u##ered (ith "en* e7!eriencin% to $n
inten&i#ied de%ree the &u##erin%& to (hich #e&h i& heir.
,$- The&e &$vior<%od& h$d +no(n the $%on' o# !$rtin% #ro"
oved one&* o# !er&ecution* o# "uti$tion* o# de$th it&e#. In thi&
h$rd ($' the' h$d (on &$v$tion #or their devotee& $nd no( the' &tood
re$d' to he! $ "en (ho h$d need.
,3- The rite& o# the&e "'&ter' rei%ion& (ere i"!re&&ive'
$rr$n%ed to re!re&ent the &u##erin%& $nd triu"!h& o# the &$vior<%od&.
,$- In thi& ($' it ($& !o&&i.e #or the initi$te to #ee $&
hi& God h$d #et* $nd &o"eti"e& "ore re$i&tic$'* to re!e$t the
$rchet'!$ e7!erience& o# hi& ord. Hi& initi$tion ($& $ ti"e o# %re$t
u!i#t* th$t eev$ted hi" $.ove co""on!$ce (orrie& $nd %$ve hi" $n
e7$ted &en&e o# &ecurit'. In $#ter d$'& the "e"or' o# th$t %re$t
event re"$ined (ith hi" to .ou' hi" u! $"id the h$rd&hi!& o# hi& d$i'
ot* or in &uch &!eci$ cri&e& $& "i%ht co"e to hi".
D. 5' "e$n& o# initi$tor' rite& o# %re$t i"!re&&ivene&&* the
"'&ter' cut& (ere $.e to &$ti&#' the de&ire #or re$i&tic %u$r$ntee&
in rei%ion.
$. The "$2orit' o# !eo!e (ere not &$ti&#ied (ith $ "ere'
e"otion$ $&&ur$nce th$t the de&ired "'&tic$ union h$d t$+en !$ce.
,1- So"ethin% "ore t$n%i.e $nd o.2ective ($& re>uired to
&u!!e"ent the evidence #urni&hed .' &u.2ective e7!erience.
,$- 5oth the Gree+ $nd Ro"$n& conceived o# their God& $&
.ein% ver' re$ $nd hu"$ni&tic.
,.- The' %$ve the" $d"ir$.e re!re&ent$tion in !$intin% $nd
&cu!ture $nd &ou%ht to &ecure their #$vor .' rite& th$t (ere
corre&!ondin%' re$i&tic.
:1; At the .e%innin% o# the i"!eri$ !eriod* (hen the
uncert$intie& o# i#e "$de "$n #ee "ore de!endent th$n ever on
&u!ern$tur$ $&&i&t$nce* the o!er$tion& (here.' the' &trove to $&&ure
the"&eve& o# the de&ired $id .ec$"e* i# $n'thin%* "ore re$i&tic th$n
ever. In &uch $n $%e $nd $"id !eo!e (ho thou%ht in the&e vivid ter"&*
the rite& o# rei%ion* in order to &$ti&#'* h$d to %ive $ctu$ $nd
dr$"$tic re!re&ent$tion o# the !roce&&e& the' (ere intended to t'!i#'
$nd induce. Thi& ($& (h$t the cere"onie& o# the "'&ter' cut& did* $nd
thi& ($& $nother re$&on #or the %re$t $ttr$ctive !o(er o# the cut&.
.. Mo&t o# the rite& o# the "'&ter' rei%ion& h$d co"e do(n in
tr$dition$ #or"& #ro" $n i""e"ori$ $nti>uit'.
,1- Ori%in$' !er#or"ed $"on% !ri"itive !eo!e in order to
$&&ure the reviv$ o# ve%et$.e i#e in &!rin%ti"e* the' (ere en$cted
in the&e $ter i"!eri$ d$'& #or the hi%her !ur!o&e o# $&&urin% the
re.irth o# the hu"$n &!irit.
,$- Yet* $"on% the "$&&e& $t e$&t* the e##ic$c' o# the&e
cere"oni$& ($& $& itte >ue&tioned $& it h$d .een in their ori%in$
!ri"itive &ettin%&.
,3- The .$!ti&"$ rite* in !$rticu$r* (hether .' ($ter or
.ood* ($& re%$rded $& "$r+in% the cruci$ "o"ent in $ %enuine'
re%ener$tive !roce&&.
,$- Once re.orn the initi$te& (ere tre$ted $& &uch* their
.irthd$' ($& cee.r$ted $nd the' (ere nouri&hed in $ "$nner
$!!ro!ri$te #or in#$nt&.
,.- 0hidi&h thou%h tho&e rite& "$' &ee"* 'et the' (ere
#rou%ht (ith &!iritu$ &i%ni#ic$nce #or the initi$te.
,4- The &e".$nce o# "'&tic "$rri$%e $nd the !$rt$+in% o#
con&ecr$ted #ood& (ere other re$i&tic &$cr$"ent& in (hich the
neo!h'te #ound $&&ur$nce th$t he ($& re$' $nd vit$' united (ith
hi& ord $nd endo(ed (ith the divine &!irit.
,$- )h$t u&u$' %ive& the "odern &tudent !$u&e i& the ver'
&incere conviction o# !$%$n initi$te& th$t their &!iritu$
tr$n&#or"$tion ($& not on' &'".oic* .ut ($& $&o re$' $cco"!i&hed
.' the&e dr$"$tic cere"onie&.
B. The !er&on$ tr$n&#or"$tion (hich ($& the initi$ #e$ture o#
cut "'&tici&" h$d it& ethic$ $& (e $& it& rei%iou& $&!ect* thu&
!roducin% $ .end o# ethic& $nd rei%ion.
$. The e$r' i"!eri$ !eriod ($& $ ti"e o# %re$t "or$ di&order
$nd con#u&ion* !$r$ein% the &tre&& $nd &tr$in in other $re$& o#
.. The continuou& &oci$ u!he$v$& o# the Heeni&tic $nd
re!u.ic$n ti"e&* the #ree "in%in% o# !o!u$tion& in co""erce $nd
con>ue&t* $nd the enor"ou& incre$&e o# &$ve& #urthered the !roce&& o#
cuttin% thou&$nd& o# hu"$n .ein%& oo&e #ro" "or$ re&tr$int&.
c. Ho(ever* the %ener$ trend in &ociet' $& $ (hoe ($& not on'
$ !eriod o# "or$ $n$rch' .ut o# ethic$ $($+enin% $& (e.
,1- Intere&t ($& $ive on "or$ >ue&tion&.
,$- A"o&t ever' ch$r$cteri&tic vice in Ro"$n &ociet' ($&
.ein% "et (ith the "o&t vi%orou& !rote&t& $nd &o"eti"e& .' $ctive
"e$&ure& to correct the".
,3- There ($& $t thi& ti"e $ !$rticu$r de"$nd #or $ %re$ter
correctne&& in ethic$ te$chin%.
,$- Te$cher& o# the ti"e &tudied the (ritin%& o#
!hio&o!her& $nd "or$i&t& to #ind te7t& $nd "$7i"& to u&e (ith their
,.- 0$t$o%ue& (ere "$de o# virtue& $nd vice& $nd the
#or"er (ere &u""$ri6ed $& cert$in c$rdin$ >u$itie& e&!eci$' to .e
,c- There ($& $ c$ #or ivin% e7$"!e&* (hich coud .e
re#erred to $& de"on&tr$tion& o# the !r$ctic$it' o# the&e ide$&.
,4- The condition& o# i#e (ere &uch th$t "o&t "en did not
h$ve con#idence in their o(n un$ided $.iit' to $chieve ch$r$cter.
,$- The' oo+ed to the &u!ern$tur$ re$" #or the !o(er&
th$t controed !er&on$ conduct $& (e $& the "ore uti"$te
de&tinie& o# hu"$nit'.
:1; )h$t the "en o# the 1&t centur' ($nted ($& not &o
"uch ide$&* .ut the !o(er to re$i6e tho&e ide$&H not $ code o#
"or$&* .ut &u!ern$tur$ &$nction& #or "or$it'. In the $&t $n$'&i&*
it ($& divine (i* $nd not hu"$n (e#$re* th$t ($& the %ener$'
$cce!ted criterion (here.' the v$idit' o# $n' ethic$ &'&te" ($&
te&ted. Accordin%'* the rei%ion (hich coud #urni&h &u!ern$tur$
%u$r$ntee& $on% (ith it& ethic$ ide$& h$d $ !re#erred c$i" to 1&t
centur' o'$t'.
,.- The &tern "or$it' o# 1ud$i&" ($& ver' $ttr$ctive. The
ee"ent th$t #$&cin$ted ($& not the inherent e7ceence o# 1e(i&h
rue& #or ivin%* .ut the #$ct th$t there (ere vener$.e &$nction&
.e$rin% the i"!re&& o# divine $uthorit'.
:1; The L$( o# the 1e(& ($& >uoted $& the i!&e di7it o#
Y$h(eh hi"&e# $nd the &cri!ture& (ere re#erred to $& $uthentic
docu"ent& !rovin% the %enuinene&& o# the re!re&ent$tion. Such
con#ir"$tion ($& i"!re&&ive to "en (ho (ere &ee+in% #or divine
$uthorit' to "$+e "or$ conduct o.i%$tor'.
,c- The rei%ion o# the E%'!ti$n Her"e& ($& one th$t o##ered
&u!ern$tur$ %u$r$ntee& #or it& ethic$ ide$&.
:1; In the !roce&& o# Her"etic re.irth* the !o(er& o# the
God drove out horde& o# vice& $nd e#t the re%ener$ted individu$
divine' e"!o(ered #or ri%ht ivin%.
,d- Th$t ($& Mithr$i&"8& !oint o# &tren%th $&o* $nd $ccounted
not $ itte #or the vo%ue it continued to en2o' #or &o"e ti"e $#ter
the .e%innin% o# the 0hri&ti$n Er$.
:1; The Fco""$nd"ent&F o# Mithr$i&" (ere .eieved to .e
divine' $ccredited. The M$%i c$i"ed th$t Mithr$ hi"&e# reve$ed
the" to their order.
:3; One o# the chie# re$&on& (h' the hi%h Mithr$ic ide$&
o# !urit'* truth* $nd ri%hteou&ne&& h$d re$ $ttr$ction* ($& .ec$u&e
Mithr$ hi"&e# ($& the uncon>uer$.e ch$"!ion o# the&e ide$& $nd the
re$d' he!er o# "en (ho (ere (iin% to 2oin (ith hi" in the etern$
#i%ht o# ri%ht $%$in&t (ron% $nd %ood $%$in&t evi. Mithr$i&" ($& the
out&t$ndin% e7$"!e o# $ "'&ter' rei%ion (hich %$ve &u!ern$tur$
&$nction& to the de"$nd& o# !$in "or$it'.
d. The "'&tici&" o# the "'&terie& c$"e in e##ective' $t 2u&t
thi& !oint to %ive .oth re$i&tic content $nd divine $uthori6$tion to
the ethic o# .rotherhood.
,1- The ide$& o# the %rou! #ound !er&oni#ic$tion $nd
e".odi"ent in the divine Lord or L$d' (ho ($& the o.2ect o# the cut
,$- O&iri& ($& the "ode ri%hteou& "$n (ho #unctioned in
the divine &t$te $& the 2ud%e o# the de!$rted. Hence the I&i$n
initi$te* re.orn $& the ne( O&iri&* ($& &u!!o&ed to the
O&iri$n t'!e o# ri%hteou&ne&&.
,3- So* too* in the other "'&ter' &'&te"&* the initi$te
re$i&tic$' united (ith hi& Lord* $nd $ctu$' tr$n&#or"ed .' the
virtue o# the union* h$d hi& ide$ incor!or$ted (ithin hi"&e# $& $
!$rt o# hi& ver' .ein%.
,$- In the end* "'&tic$ e7!erience .ec$"e the theoretic$
.$&i& $nd !r$ctic$ incite"ent to %ood conduct.
,.- In thi& co&e $rticu$tion o# "'&tici&" $nd "or$it'*
the cut& "$de $n i"!ort$nt $nd di&tinctive contri.ution to the
ethic$ i#e o# the $%e.
A. The "'&terie& (ere unu&u$' (e e>ui!!ed to "eet the need #or
$&&ur$nce& re%$rdin% the #uture.
$. The uti"$te !ed%e th$t the "'&ter' rei%ion& "$de !ert$ined
not to the !re&ent .ut to the #uture.
,1- It ($& the $&&ur$nce o# $ h$!!' i""ort$it'.
,$- )h$tever $ttitude $ "$n "i%ht $do!t on the continued
e7i&tence $#ter de$th* he coud not (e $void the i&&ue.
.. The "'&ter' cut& #ro" Greece $nd the Orient &!eci$i6ed in
#uture %u$r$ntee&.
,1- Ori%in$' intended to $&&ure the "ir$ce o# revivin%
ve%et$tion in the &!rin%ti"e* the' (ere !er#ect' $d$!ted to %u$r$ntee
the "ir$ce o# the &!irit8& i""ort$it' $#ter !h'&ic$ de$th.
,$- The&e (ere the cut& (hich in the #or" o# Dion'&i$n $nd
Or!hi$n .rotherhood& h$d #ir&t .rou%ht the !ro"i&e o# $ h$!!' #uture
i#e to Greece in the rei%iou& reviv$ o# the Ath centur' 50E.
,.- In Heeni&tic ti"e& the Gree+ cut& "er%ed (ith
&i"i$r rei%ion& #ro" the e$&t (hich o##ered e>uiv$ent %u$r$ntee&*
$nd in thi& &'ncreti6ed #or" c$"e into their o(n.
,3- In the e$r' i"!eri$ !eriod o# Ro"e* the' (ere "ore
!o!u$r th$n ever* #or the' %$ve !o&itive $nd de#inite $n&(er& to the
>ue&tionin% o# the co""on "$n $.out the #uture.
,$- Their $n&(er h$d the $uthorit' o# reve$tion $nd it
incuded the %u$r$ntee o# divine $id in the re$i6$tion o# th$t
.e&&ed $#ter<i#e (hich the' vivid' de!icted to their devotee&.
0. Su""$r'
1. )hen con&ider$tion i& %iven to the #und$"ent$ ch$r$cter o# the
intere&t& re!re&ented .' the "'&ter' rei%ion&* one c$n (e
under&t$nd their !o!u$rit' in the Greco<Ro"$n (ord.
$. In $n er$ o# individu$i&"* (hen "en (ere no on%er oo+in%
to rei%ion #or %u$r$ntee o# $ r$ci$ or n$tion$ order* the "'&ter'
cut& o##ered the .oon o# !er&on$ tr$n&#or"$tion throu%h
!$rtici!$tin% in rite& o# initi$tion.
.. At $ ti"e (hen "en (ere &ee+in% $ $r%er i#e throu%h
cont$ct (ith &u!ern$tur$ !o(er&* the "'&terie& %u$r$nteed $.&oute
union (ith the divine .ein%& (ho controed the univer&e.

c. In $n $%e (hen "en (ere cr$vin% e"otion$ u!i#t* "'&ter'
initi$tion %$ve the" &uch encour$%e"ent $& the' coud &c$rce' #ind
d. At $ !eriod (here re$i&" ch$r$cteri6ed thou%ht in $
de!$rt"ent& o# i#e* the rei%ion& o# rede"!tion o##ered "en re$i&tic
rite& to %u$r$ntee the $ctu$it' o# &!iritu$ !roce&&e&.
e. The &u!ern$tur$ &$nction& (ere &ou%ht to v$id$te ethic$
ide$&* the "'&ter' cut& !rovided $ uni>ue co".in$tion o# "'&tici&"
$nd "or$it' th$t ($& e##ective.
#. )hen* $& never .e#ore* !eo!e (ere >ue&tionin% $.out the
#uture #$te o# the individu$ &ou* the "'&terie&* throu%h initi$tion*
%$ve %u$r$ntee o# $ h$!!' i""ort$it'.
3. At ever' one o# the&e !oint& the "'&ter' rei%ion& o#
rede"!tion (ere e##ective' "eetin% the need& o# $r%e nu".er& o#
!eo!e in Greco<Ro"$n &ociet'.
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