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100 Salaatus-Salam

With 99 Names of Allah (Asmaaul-Husnaa) and 99 Attributes of Prophet Muhammad - May Allah send His peae and blessin!s him (Al"aabe-
Foreword By The Compiler
Hazrat Shaykhul-Hadith Maulana Yusuf Motala Sahib
Distinguished Khalifah of Hazrat Shaykhul-Hadith Maulana Muhammad Zakariyya Sahib rahmatullahi alai
In the Name of Allah, the most compassionate, the Most Merciful.
All praises be to Allah$ %ord of the #orlds and peae and blessin!s upon the leader of all the prophets$ the leader of the &od fearin!$ the master of those
#hose faes #ill be shinin! on the day of 'ud!ement$ and peae upon all his desendents and ompanions(
)hereafter$ the fer*our and states of indi*iduals arri*in! at the auspiious !ra*e of the leader of both the #orlds$ pride of the uni*erse$ the best bein! to
ha*e #al+ed upon the earth at anytime$ mery of both #orlds Sallallahu alayhi #assalam$ an be #itnessed to be *aryin!( Some$ after presentin! the
reno#ned #ords of Salaat ,o- Salaam (peae and blessin!s) in respet and fear$ remain silent$ stunned(
Silence is a sign of true love. How can speaking in the presence of the beloved be beneficial.
.thers$ #ith diffiulty try to ontrol their tremblin! feet and strin! ouplets full of deep lo*e ulminatin! into strin!s of tears rollin! do#n their hee+s(
Your glance, O Prophet! Your glance. If not constantly at least occasionally.
)he Salaat -o- Salaam narrated from the Sahabah radiallahu anhum are *ery fe#( )hus the hoie of #ords adopted by the sholars follo#in! the Sahabah
radiyallah anhum are mostly reited( )hese olletions omprise of rhymes and rhythmial patterns #hih inrease the desire and the yearnin! of the
reader( /t also beomes a means of fluent reitation and ma+es it easier for memorisation(
)he Salaat -o- Salaam ompiled in this small boo+let are based upon the ninety-nine names of Allah +no#n as Asma-e-Husna re!ardin! #hih the
Prophet Sallallahu alayhi #assalam says$ 0Allah has ninety nine names #hosoe*er memorises them #ill enter paradise1 2Sahi 3u+hari4(
)he blessed attributes and names of the Holy Prophet Sallahu Alayhi Wasallam #hih ha*e been narrated by the sholars$ mashaai+h and authors of
seerah$ ha*e been presented alon!side Asma-e-Husna in this boo+let( More than si5ty blessed attributes of the Holy Prophet Sallahu Alayhi Wasallam
ha*e been ta+en from Allam a Sa+ha#ee-s boo+ Al-6a#lul 3adee and the remainder from other /slami te5ts( Whene*er the blessed name of the Holy
Prophet Sallahu Alayhi Wasallam ould not be mathed in rhyme #ith Allah-s blessed names then an attribute #as not formed by me but rather the
rhythmial pattern #as disontinued(
7or some time / had been reitin! these #ords of Salaat -o- Salaam so #hen some of the pious alaimed them and added #ords of enoura!ement /
thou!ht that if this olletion of Salaat ,o- Salaam #as to be published then it #ould be easier to present as !ift to those interested( )his #as the ause of
this boo+ bein! published((
/ #ould li+e to !i*e a fe# #ords of ad*ie re!ardin! this boo+let8
1( 9ou #ill not only be re#arded for the reitation of Salaat -o- Salaam but there is also a separate re#ard for the reitation of Asma-e-Husna(
:( )hrou!h the fre"uent reitation of this olletion$ Asma-e- Husna an be memorised re!ardin! #hih enoura!ement has been narrated(
;( 7re"uent reitation of the Holy Prophet Sallahu Alyhi Wasallam-s blessed attributes inreases respet and lo*e for the Holy Prophet Sallahu Alayhi
Wasallam$ #hih is an /slami re"uirement(
<( )here are some attributes of the Holy Prophet Sallahu Alayhi Wasallam$ #hih are also found amon! the Asma-e-Husna( No polytheisti assoiation
#ith the attributes of Allah should be suspeted beause$ #here -ompassionate- (=aheem) and >affetionate>(=auf) are from Asmsa-e-Husna they ha*e
also been asribed to the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam in the Holy 6ur-an( Almi!hty Allah says$om!assionate" affetionate to the
belie#ers( 2981:?4
.n the ontrary some attributes of Allah ha*e e*en been used in on@untion #ith others besides Allah in both the 6uran and Hadith( Allah says $#erily"
%e ha#e reated man from &utfah" dro!s of mi'ed semen (disharge of men and %omen)" in order to try him" so *e made him Samee (hearing)" +aseer
/n this *erse$ e*ery human bein! is referred to as ,Samee- and ,3aseer- althou!h these are from amon! the se*en ore attributes of Allah( /t should
beremembered that #hen theses attributes are asribed to Allah the belief should be that these are Allah-s natural attributes$ and #hen these attributes are
used to haraterise the reation then it is neessary to belie*e that these attributes are not innate but are &od !i*en( 7urthermore$ the blessed attributes
mentioned here are solely suppliations for the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam$ #hih ne!ates the assoiation of attributes #ith Allah(
May Almi!hty Allah$ !rae the omplier$ the publisher and the readers #ith fa*ours and blessin!s of Salaat ,o- Salaam and may He ma+e it the means of
inrease nearness and lo*e for the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam(
)here is no speifi time for the reitation of the olletion$ it may be reited before or after 7a@ar or Ma!hrib Sallah$ before the reitation of the 6uran or
before suppliation for any need(
May Allah-s blessin!s be upon our Master Muhamad Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam$ his desendants and his ompanions(

lternative !ranslation

In the Name of Allah, the most compassionate, the Most Merciful.

He is Allah, apart from whom there is no deity.

O Compassionate !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, who is clear
proof of your mercy.

O Merciful !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, para#on of character
and form.

O !o$erei#n !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, pious and chaste.

O Holy !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, purified and sanctified.

O %i$er of "eace !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, calm and

O Bestower of Faith !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, dedicated
proclaimer of truth.

O %uardian !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, who made the
practisin# of reli#ion easy.

O Mi#hty !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, elo&uent in address.

O O$erpowerin# !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, elite #uide and

O !elf'%lorious !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, e(pression of
deep humility.

O Creator !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, first in creation,
foremost in ran).

O *$ol$er !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, most e(cellent.

O Bestower of Forms !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, essence of
wise counsel.

O Most For#i$in# !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, who remains
e$er so #rateful.

O +ominant !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, fer$ent in your

O Bestower !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, o$er awed ,y his

O "ro$ider !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, surpassin# in

O .emo$er of +ifficulties !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, humane
and sensiti$e.

O Allah /nowin# !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, stron# pillar of

O Constrainin# !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, sincere
distri,utor of +i$ine fa$ours.

O *(tender of "ro$isions !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet,
!ummoned witness on 0ud#ement +ay.

O A,aser !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, honoured with

O *(alter !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, eradicator of wron#
and e$il.

O Honourer !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, aid and assistance for

O %i$er of +is#race !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, eradicator of
wron# and e$il.

O Allah Hearin# !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, sole interceder
for man)ind.

O All seein# !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, imparter of #lad

O Ma)er of Immuta,le 0ud#ements !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the
"rophet, profoundly no,le.

O 0ust !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, reful#ent moon.

O /nower of innermost !ecrets !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet,
steadfast on truth, aloof from falsehood.

O All Aware !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, forewarner of

O Clement !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, a cascade of wisdom.

O %rand !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, open hand of
,ene$olence and charity.

O For#i$in# !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, $ictorious in aim.

O Appreciati$e !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, sym,ol of purity
and chastity.

O Most Hi#h1 !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, intensely fearful.

O %reat !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, a,undantly remunerated.

O "rotector !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, most ,elo$ed.

O !ustainer !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, principle founder of

O .ec)oner !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, spiritually attached
to his -ord.

O Ma2estic !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, intimate ,efriender of
the +i$ine.

O Bene$olent !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, #lowin# with
compassion and warmth.

O 3atchful !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, treasured 2ewel.

O Answerer of "rayer !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, who
earnestly turns to his -ord.

O All'*m,racin# !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, deeply fearful of
his Master.

O 3ise !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, at the helm of all
prophetic responsi,ility.

O Most -o$in# !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, o,ser$er of
de$oted $i#il.

O Most 4enera,le !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, heir of all

O .esurrector the +ead !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, inclined
towards ri#hteousness.

O Omnipresent !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, #uidin# li#ht.

O the Truth !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, distinction of

O "ro$ident !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, most eminent.

O Almi#hty !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, earnest companion.

O In$inci,le !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, mar)ed in loyalty.

O "atron !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, most de$oted.

O "raiseworthy !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, incessantly
stri$in# for 2ustice.

O .ecorder !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, summit of e(altation.

O Ori#inator !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, illustrious teacher of
the 5uran.

O .ecreator !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, distin#uished of men.

O %i$er of -ife !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, unlettered tutor of

O %i$er of +eath !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, illuminator of
dar)ened hearts.

O *$er -i$in# !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, upholder of

O !ustainer !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, di$inely aided.

O All "erfect !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, fair warner of
success and failure.

O Ma#nificent !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, ardently en#a#ed
in worship.

O 6ni&ue !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, leader in $irtue.

O One !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, resplendent moon.

O Independent !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, a)in to man)ind.

O All "owerful !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, soulfully than)ful.

O All +eterminer !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, the moderate

O Cause of Ad$ancement !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, at the
forefront in e$ery no,le field.

O Ad2ourner7 !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, con$eyer of #lad

O First !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, unparalleled in ,eauty.

O -ast !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, en$eloped in

O Manifest !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, possessor of lustrous

O Hidden !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, esta,lisher of peace and

O *(erciser of "ower !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, fer$ent in
hope from his -ord.

O *(alted !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, supporter of the needy.

O %ood -ord !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, an ocean of

O Acceptor of .epentance !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet,
educator of true praise.

O %racious Ta)er of .etri,ution !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet,
solemnly weepin# in fear.

O "ardoner !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, remem,ered ,y all.

O Affectionate !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, )indly ,enefactor.

O "ossessor of All !o$erei#nty !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet,
torch,earer of praise and #lory.

O Ma2estic and Bene$olent !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, #uide
and counsel.

O *&uita,le !hower "eace and Blessin# upon the "rophet, sin#le reformer of the
unwieldy world.

O Assem,ler !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, mee) and resi#ned
in prostration.

O Independent !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, open handed and

O *nricher !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, shepherdin# towards
the truth.

O Hinder !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, the instructor of -aw.

O Causer of +istress and !orrow !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet,
sufficient for his people.

O Benefactor !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, mentor of $irtue.

O -i#ht !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, soul of piety and truth.

O %uide !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, man of remedy.
O Ori#inator !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, ray of li#ht.

O *ternal !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, a,olisher of wron# and

O Inheritor !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, the supreme and

O %uider Towards 4irtue !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, aide in

O For,earin# !hower "eace and Blessin#s upon the "rophet, realm of #ratitude.
And our last call is that all praises ,e to the -ord of the worlds a nd peace and ,lessin#s ,e upon the Master of the Messen#ers, his descendants
and his companions.

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