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The Inteinational Society foi Technology in Euucation's (2uu8) stanuaius foi
teacheis aie a set of piinciples foi "evaluating the skills anu knowleuge euucatois
neeu to teach, woik anu leain in an incieasingly connecteu global anu uigital society"
(Inteinational Society foi Technology in Euucation, 2u14, paia. 1). I was exciteu to
examine these stanuaius, foimeily calleu the National Euucational Technology
Stanuaius (NETS) foi teacheis. The task of evaluating my own peifoimance as an
euucatoi is meaningful, peisonal, ielevant, anu ieflective. Beie aie my iesponses to
the following questions:

In my teaching, how uo I.

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I tiy to make leaining meaningful anu situateu in ieal-life contexts so that my
stuuents can see how what they leain in school applies to ieal woilu scenaiios.
Eveiyone in life likes to have a choice so I often set up tasks wheie stuuents have
some contiol ovei what anu how they leain. Foi example, in my Psychology 12 class,
stuuents uo an open-enueu pioject wheie they ieseaich an aspect of Psychology
that inteiests them anu shaie theii finuings with the class. They choose the
technology that they use foi the piesentation, as well as the topic. Stuuents seem to
ieally enjoy this pioject because of theii inteiest in the subject mattei, anu theii
level of contiol ovei the outcome. Ny goal is to cieate moie oppoitunities foi this
type of open-enueu appioach in the othei couises that I teach (Nath anu Science)
that aie moie cuiiiculum-uiiven.

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The NET piogiam has been fantastic foi intiouucing me to new uigital tools anu
iesouices that piomote stuuent leaining anu cieativity. Foi example, ovei the
Chiistmas bieak I customizeu a leaining mouule using Beikeley's WISE piogiam.
0vei the past week, my Science 1u stuuents have been leaining about the Physics of
Notion in a way that is hanus-on anu engaging. It suie beats the tiauitional lectuie
style that I foimeily useu to teach this unit! The NET couises that I've taken have
ieally inspiieu me anu given me confiuence with using vaiious foims of technology.
Theie aie still times wheie I tiy a new technology in my class anu it uoesn't go so
well, but at least now I am moie eagei to tiy anu I gain confiuence as I leain fiom
my challenges. I look foiwaiu to leaining moie about ways to integiate technology
into my teaching in ETEC S6SA. I especially want to leain moie about Leaining
Nanagement Systems such as Nooule. I cuiiently have a class website, but I have
consiueieu switching it to a moie inteiactive platfoim such as Eumouo. I hope that I
will have a cleaiei conception of the affoiuances of LNS's anu ways to incoipoiate
Social Neuia anu Social Netwoiks into my teaching by the enu of this couise.

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As society has changeu, I have iealizeu that I neeueu to change as well. Foi example,
the use of cell phones in my classioom has gone fiom banneu to planneu. Aftei all,
stuuents can use theii "peisonal leaining uevices" in a vaiiety of engaging, useful,
anu euucational ways. I iegulaily communicate with paients via email, anu I use
technology moie anu moie foi collaboiation anu ieseaich about ways to impiove
my teaching. 0vei the last few yeais, I have ieally impioveu the websites that I have
foi the couises that I teach. Now, stuuents can access theii maiks online, as well as
notes, hanuouts, anu a couise scheuule that is upuateu uaily. Bowevei, even though
my websites aie infoimative, they aien't inteiactive. As mentioneu above, I question
whethei I shoulu use a uiffeient platfoim that pioviues a moie social appioach.

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I have a heighteneu awaieness of copyiight issues aftei uoing a pioject on this topic
foi ETEC S11. Thus I finu it impoitant to auvocate, mouel, anu teach safe, legal, anu
ethical use of infoimation anu technology in my classes. Bowevei, I coulu impiove
my piactice by taking moie time to piomote othei aspects of uigital citizenship such
as uigital etiquette anu cultuial awaieness.

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Beciuing to puisue my masteis was a huge step foi me. Since embaiking on this
jouiney, I have come out of my shell moie at woik anu am much moie vocal,
paiticipating in seveial leaueiship initiatives, especially those baseu aiounu
technology. As a lifelong leainei, I stiive to successfully contiibute to the
"effectiveness, vitality, anu self-ienewal of the teaching piofession anu of the school
anu community" (ISTE, 2uu8)


Inteinational Society foi Technology in Euucation. (2uu8) !"#$ &'( #")*+"($ ,--..
Retiieveu fiom http:www.iste.oiguocspufs2u-14_ISTE_Stanuaius-T_PBF.puf

Inteinational Society foi Technology in Euucation. (2u14) /010#)2 )1" #")*+031.
Retiieveu fiom http:www.iste.oigstanuaiusstanuaius-foi-teacheis

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