8477 There Is No Coincidence .... Nothing Happens Arbitrarily ....

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... through Bertha Dudde

There is no coincidence ....
Nothing happens arbitrarily ....
Beliee !e" there is no coincidence" instead eerything is diine
proidence and eery hu#an being$s course o% li%e proceeds in
accordance &ith diine &ill .... For &hateer does not correspond
to !y &ill neertheless has !y per#ission so that you may
derive spiritual benefit from it i% you #a'e the right use o%
eerything ....
(o&eer" you are not at the #ercy o% a blind po&er" eery
e)perience during the course o% your li%e has its reason and
seres a purpose ....
But ho& you use it is up to yourseles" because &hat #atters in
earthly li%e is the test o% your &ill. *nd in order to ealuate eery
happening properly you should al&ays re+uest !y support" and
truly, you will think and act in the right way" because , &ill
not guide you the &rong &ay i% you entrust yourseles to !e
oluntarily ....
And thus everything confronting you is determined by Me
or permitted for the purpose of your perfection ....
When you are in constant contact &ith !e through &or's o% loe"
sincere prayer or in thoughts &hich relate to !e" you can also
be certain that you will not think and act in opposition to
My will" because then , &ill bless your eery action and your
souls &ill #ature ....
(ence you should ie& &hateer con%ronts you eery day as !y
direct action on you" because , direct all threads" I start
relationships, I bring those together &ho shall sere !e and
sei-e eery opportunity to guide you hu#ans into truth" &ho
sincerely desire it ....
This is #ost i#portant in the last days" because passing the test
o% olition" &hich &ill deter#ine your %uture %ate" entirely
depends on the truth.
.par's o% light &ill %lash on earth and tear the dar' night apart"
yet only %e& people &ill eer strie %or the#" the #a/ority &ill be
content &ith the night and %lee the light ....
But there &ill also be deceptie lights causing con%usion as their
light is short lied and plunges people into een deeper dar'ness
than be%ore ....
But &here there is desire %or light the dar'ness &ill li%t and
people &ill %ind their &ay into the light o% day ....
0ou" &ho as' %or it" shall all beco#e enlightened" and need only
eer ta'e notice o% &here the light is co#ing %ro# .... If its
radiance is bright it will make you feel good" you &ill be
able to penetrate the dar'ness and be happy &ith the light &hich
shines %or you ....
Deceptive lights, however, will confuse you, you will not
be able to find complete understanding and therefore feel
uneasy, if you are interested in the pure truth .... if you
genuinely just want the pure truth ....
But , 'no& !y O&n" and thus , can spea' to the#" and they &ill
recognise the Father$s oice" and as soon as , can spea' to the#
!ysel% they &ill be saed %or ti#e and eternity .... *nd thus it is
only i#portant that you humans do not walk any path alone
without first praying for My guidance. Because this prayer
guarantees !y protection and !y help &hen you are still too
&ea' and ine)perienced to di%%erentiate bet&een true and
deceptie light by yourseles.
But I will place the right thoughts in your heart and then
you will always live in truth, because you are seeking it ....
, can prepare essels %or !ysel% any&here" &hich %ul%il all
conditions and thus allo& the 1&or'ing o% !y spirit$ &ithin
the# .... And anyone with an awakened spirit also knows
whether and when I speak Myself, because My sheep
know My voice ....
*nd &hen , *# able to send reelations to earth , &ill also ta'e
care o% their distribution .... But !y adersary &ill do the sa#e
by also trying to co##unicate &ith people &ho are gullible and
%acilitate his actions" and he &ill also try to spread error and %ind
people to help hi# ....
Neertheless" the truth &ill shine li'e a brightly radiating light"
&hereas the adersary &ill only be able to ignite deceptie lights
&hich &ill #erely increase but not disperse the dar'ness .... But
people$s %ree &ill has to be upheld" and this %ree &ill #ust
sincerely &ant the truth and re+uest it %ro# !e !ysel% ....
2ublished by %riends o% ne& reelations o% God 3,n%or#ation"
do&nload o% all translated reelations" the#e4boo'lets at5


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