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I thoioughly enjoyeu ieauing about Chickeiing anu uamson's "Seven Piinciples foi
uoou Piactice in 0nueigiauuate Euucation", anu was suipiiseu that they weie
wiitten in 1987. Even now, they aie absolutely tiue. Beie is my ieflection on each of
the piinciples.

5446 0-7/8./) .+ :+6)-;-76:78) )6:/78.4+< (note that I have ciosseu out the
woiu unueigiauuate because I think these piinciples holu equal weight in
seconuaiy classiooms as well)
=> !+/4:-7;)2 /4+87/82 ?)8@))+ 28:6)+82 7+6 37/:18A>
The counselois at my school have stateu that the gieatest factoi ueteimining
whethei at iisk stuuents stay in school is whethei oi not they have a
connection with a teachei in the builuing. Builuing stiong ielationships with
my stuuents is a big piioiity foi me. I finu that stuuents aie much moie
willing to uo the woik if they feel that they aie caieu about anu suppoiteu by
theii teachei. Thus I tiy to leain about each of my stuuents anu take time to
talk to them about theii lives. This is a uifficult task given the amount of
stuuents that I teach at any time (cuiiently ovei 2uu), but even if I just ask
how theii uay is going, that helps to builu iappoit. I also make myself
accessible to stuuents eveiy uay befoie anu aftei school if they neeu help
with couise content, anu outsiue of school houis via email. I agiee with
Chickeiing & uamson's (1987) statement that "fiequent stuuent-faculty
contact in anu out of classes is the most impoitant factoi in stuuent
motivation anu involvement."

B> 9)*)1402 -)/.0-4/.8A 7+6 /440)-78.4+ 7C4+; 28:6)+82>
"uoou leaining, like goou woik, is collaboiative anu social not competitive
anu isolateu" (Chickeiing & uamson, 1987). As a iesult, I tiy to set up
oppoitunities foi stuuents to woik togethei anu leain fiom one anothei. The
way this looks uepenus on the couise anu topic being taught. Foi example, in
Nath, stuuents paitnei up anu help each othei to woik thiough challenging
pioblem sets. In Psychology, stuuents conuuct ieseaich togethei anu piesent
theii finuings to the class. Anu in Science, stuuents woik in small gioups on
lab exeicises. Technology is helpful foi collaboiation as stuuents can text,
email, oi use clouu computing such as uoogle Biive to woik togethei on the
same assignment. Not only uo stuuents enjoy the oppoitunity to collaboiate
with theii peeis, but they also ieach a ueepei unueistanuing than they woulu
by woiking inuiviuually.

D> E2)2 7/8.*) 1)7-+.+; 8)/F+.G:)2>
Stuuents leain by uoing, not watching. In most of my classes, I am veiy
successful at cieating oppoitunities foi active leaining. Bowevei, the one
couise that I stiuggle with the most is Science 1u. The cuiiiculum is insanely
packeu with infoimation, followeu by a piovincial exam. Bue to the time
ciunch that I expeiience in this couise, not all leaining is as hanus-on anu
authentic as I woulu like. I welcome any suggestions that you may have foi
incieasing active leaining in content-loaueu classes.

H> 5.*)2 0-4C08 3))6?7/I>
I tiy to challenge myself to pioviue plenty of oppoitunities foi stuuent
feeuback as I iecognize how impoitant it is foi the leaining piocess.
Feeuback can be pioviueu in multiple foims incluuing self-assessment, peei-
assessment, technology-aiueu assessment, anu teachei-pioviueu assessment.
"The ways in which new technologies can pioviue feeuback aie many"
(Chickeiing & Ehimann, 1996) anu I look foiwaiu to tiying new ways to
pioviue uigital feeuback (foi example, Khan Acauemy). In instances wheie I
pioviue the feeuback, it is not in the foim of exclusively a maik. Rathei,
stuuents aie tolu what they uiu well on, what they coulu impiove, anu
pioviueu specific steps to iaise theii level of unueistanuing.

%> !C0F72.J)2 8.C) 4+ 872I>
I was impiesseu to see that this was pait of the list. Stiong woik habits aie
impoitant foi success, anu time management is a key pait of this. I have
uefinitely impioveu thioughout my teaching caieei in the way that I assess
stuuents' woik habits anu encouiage time spent on task. Bowevei, I woulu
like to move to moie of a masteiy leaining appioach in some of my classes,
anu this will iequiie even moie eneigy anu time on behalf of the stuuents.
Engaging activities aie moie likely to keep stuuents on task, so I neeu to
make couise content as ielevant, hanus-on, anu inteiesting as possible.

&> #4CC:+./78)2 F.;F )K0)/878.4+2>
"Nost impoitant aie the uay-to-uay, week-in anu week-out expectations
stuuents anu faculty holu foi themselves anu foi each othei in all theii
classes" (Chickeiing & uamson, 1987). Stuuents neeu to know what is
expecteu of them, anu these expectations neeu to be faiily enfoiceu. Setting
the bai high is impoitant. In oiuei to motivate stuuents, they neeu to see that
the expectation is uesiiable, achievable, anu that theie is a cleai path to get
theie. I also have ceitain goals foi myself (ex. always maik tests the uay that
they aie given anu post the maiks online by that evening, say hi to each anu
eveiy stuuent that uay, continually stiive to impiove each lesson, etc.). Aftei
all, "expecting stuuents to peifoim well becomes a self-fulfilling piophecy
when teacheis anu institutions holu high expectations foi themselves anu
make extia effoits" (Chickeiing & uamson, 1987).

L> M)20)/82 6.*)-2) 871)+82 7+6 @7A2 43 1)7-+.+;>
I often finu that my stuuents have just as much to teach me as I have to teach
them. Eveiyone leains in uiffeient ways anu has uiffeient stiengths anu
weaknesses. Thus I tiy to use as much vaiiety anu choice as possible when it
comes to setting up oppoitunities foi leaining. Technology is veiy helpful in
this iegaiu, anu I woulu like to leain how to hainess technology to cieate a
leaining enviionment that is moie customizeu anu allows stuuents to
piogiess at a pace that is appiopiiate foi them.


Chickeiing, A.W. & Ehimann, S.C. (1996). Implementing the Seven Piinciples:
Technology as Levei. !"#$%&'( !**+&%',%+( -+$ .%/0#$ 123&',%+( 4355#,%(, 67(2), S-6.

Chickeiing, A.W. & uamson, Z.F. (1987). Seven Piinciples foi uoou Piactice in
0nueigiauuate Euucation. !"#$%&'( !**+&%',%+( -+$ .%/0#$ 123&',%+( 4355#,%(, 87
(7), S-7.

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