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English I Paper Study material Way to Success - 1 -
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K.Chinnappan M.A., M.Sc., B.Ed.

English I Paper Study material Way to Success - 2 -

IX std. English I paper

a) Synonyms (book-5,20,34,50,67,89,104) 5
b) Antonyms (book-5,20,34, 68,89,104) 5
c) Other Vocabulary Exercises
(Any 10 will be asked fromthe list) 10x1=10
1. Prefix & suffix (book-5)
2. Homophones (book-6,49)
3. Phrasal verbs (book-6, 105)
4. Giving plurals (book-7)
5. American English words (book-20)
6. Abbreviations/Acronyms (book-21,69)
7. Idioms (book-21, 68,89)
8. Doctor specialist (Book-69)
9. Antigrams (Book-89)
10. Compound words
11. Syllabification
12. Noun / Verb /Adjective forms - (book-90)
13. Choosing the correct word:

a) One mark Grammar Any 10 fromthe list 10x1=10
1. Prepositions (book-8,9)
2. Sentence pattern (book-23)
3. Tense (book-36,37,38)
4. Modals (book-38,39)
5. Identifying the voice (book-51)
6. Imperatives fill up (book-54)
7. Making Questions (book-55)
8. Question tag (book-57)
9. Infinitive or Gerund (book-71)
10. Degrees of comparison fill up (book-72 )
11. Identify-Simple, compound,complex (book-93)
12. If clause fill up(book-94)
13. Relative pronoun fill up (book-110)
b) Transformation (any 5 fromlist) 5 x 2 =10
1. Active voice , passive voice (book-51)
2. Direct & Indirect speech (book-70)
3. Degrees of comparison (book-72)
4. Combining sentences-conjunctions. (book-38,107)
5. Combining sen. - Relative pronouns (book-110)
6. Combining sentences - If clause (book-94)
7. Simple Compound Complex (book-91-94,108,109)
8. Changing Sentence using given tense(Book-37)
c) Punctuation (book-11) 5x1=5

a) Prose Comprehention Questions. (5/7) 5x3=15
b) Paragraph Questions ( 1/3) 1x5 =5

a) Quote from memory(1/2) 1x5=5
b) Poem Comprehension 5x1=5
c) Appreciation Questions 5x1=5
d) Paragraph (1/ 3 ) 1x5=5

SECTION V (Language Functions 15 Marks)
Any 3 from the list 3x5=15
1. Comprehension (Book-8,9,24,36,40,50,106,110)
2. Error spot (book-11)
3. Picture Comprehension (Book-11)
4. Filling forms (book-75)
5. Writing an email (book-96)

(+a a+a.. am+__+ao am+a,+ + a++_++o+a)
IX std. English I paper

Section I Vocabulary (20 marks )

a) Synonyms (book-5,20,34,50,67,89,104) 5
,__+__o 6++[++n n._+_a 0a+-.
n+++ao _+_a n+++a n_+6++aaqa.

Modal Exercise:
Choose most appropriate synonyms of the italicized words
from the 4 alternatives given (+++q a_+ao _+_a
a6a+_ a+J__+_a __ -++m ,__a 6++-.
a+,__+ +-[n)
1. Do not get disheartened by the challenges along the way.
a) dissatisfied b) excited c) discouraged d) upset
2. Some of you may have set your own convictions.
a) beliefs b) ideas c) priorities d) objectives
3. The king summoned his subjects for mass prayer.
a) dictated b) ordered c) gathered d) called
4. A little suspicion started nagging him.
a) distressing b) pleasing c) stopping d) warning
5. Everyone has an indispensable role to play in this world.
a) short b) essential c) major d) clear

n++0a-+ a+,__+a.
No Words Synonyms 6n+_a
1.1 Disheartened Discouraged
1.2 Convictions Beliefs
1.3 Summoned Called
+ +nn[
1.4 Nagging Distressing
,+_a a++a
1.5 Indispensable Essential
2.1 Concerned Worried
+aon n[
2.2 Canopy Shelter
2.3 Impending Approaching
2.4 Measures Ways
2.5 Bygone Olden
n+ +.+a
3.1 Inquisitive Curious
3.2 Procure Collect
3.3 Approval Consent
3.4 Chores Routine
_m+, n++a
3.5 Plead Request
4.1 Immenent Immediate
4.2 Enforced Compelled
4.3 Broke out
Started suddenly _c6,m 6_+._
4.4 Regretful Feeling guilty
___+++ a_
4.5 Constant Repeated
5.1 Glanced Looked
5.2 Daubed Smeared
5.3 Irritated Annoyed
5.4 Notice Spot
5.5 Exquisite Refined
++m, 0ama++m
6.1 Acquired Obtained
6.2 Accustomed Habituated
6.3 Stared Gazed
6.4 Anxiously Eagerly
6.5 Instinct Intuition
7.1 Grasped Understood
,, 6++-.
7.2 Fluctuated Oscillated
7.3 huddled Curled
+_-. (_)
7.4 Throttle Accelerator
7.5 Survived Outlived _nnnn__
English I Paper Study material Way to Success - 3 -
b) Antonyms (book-5,20,34, 68,89,104) 5
,__+__o 6++[++n n._+_a 0a+-. n+++ao
_+_a n+++a n_+6++aaqa.

Model Exercise:
Choose most appropriate synonyms of the italicized words
from the 4 alternatives given (+++q a_+ao _+_a
a6a+_ a+J__+_a __ a_,+m ,__a 6++-.
a+,__+ +-[n)

1. Always commence your work with faith.
a) conclude b) continue c) complete d) start
2. All the sheep panicked and ran away.
a) cried b) calmed c) scattered d) threatened
3. Take pride in your individual nature.
a) joy b) honour c) humility d) pity
4. A village was affected by drought.
a) summer b) winter c) floods d) famine
5. Remember that you are unique.
a) special b) simple c) different d) common
n++0a-+ a+,__+a.
No Words Antonyms
1.1 Commence (6_+._) Conclude (_)
1.2 Panicked (n+ [_) Calmed (a_+.)
1.3 Pride (+,aa) Humility (_+qama)
1.4 Drought (n_+a) Floods (6aaaa)
1.5 Unique (_m__ma++m) Common (6n+a+m)
2.1 Different (0an..) Similar (0, a+_,++m)
2.2 Melting (___o) Freezing (_o)
2.3 Natural (++++m) Artificial (6+++++m)
2.4 Superior (+,a+m) Inferior (++m)
2.5 Glorious (6n_aa_) Shameful (aa+ma+m)
3.1 Freedom (+__,a) Slavery (a__ma)
3.2 Different (0an..) Indifferent (0an+.)
3.3 Prudence (+ama) Carelessness (+amama)
3.4 Unruly (+.[n+.) Disciplined (++m)
3.5 Success (6a) Failure (0_+oa)
4.1 Rejected (a_ _o) Accepted (j+6++a_o)
4.2 Essential (a++a+m) Inessential (a++a)
4.3 Requested (6+_+0+a) Ordered (-+[)
4.4 Necessary (0_a++m) Unnecessary (0_a+)
4.5 War (0n+,, +-.) Peace (a_)
5.1 Inhale (a ) Exhale (6aa a[)
5.2 Complicated (+++o+m) Simple (aaa++m)
5.3 Discourage (_.[) Encourage (o++nn[_)
5.4 Hastily (a+,a++) Leisurely (++a+++a++)
5.5 Inquisitive (,a_.[a) Incurious (,aaoo+ao)
6.1 Early (+++,a++) Late (_+a_a++)
6.2 Profound (a+m) Shallow (0a0o+..a+m)
6.3 Quickly (a,a++) Slowly (6aa++)
6.4 Quietly (a_+++) Noisily (+o+onn++)
6.5 Serenity (a_++m) Anxiety (n.n.nn+m)
7.1 Lanky (oo&+,a+m) Fat (_-.+m)
7.2 Shouted (+__a0n+[) Whispered (++++__o)
7.3 Cramped (6_++++m) Spacious (a++oa+m)
7.4 Descent (_ a,+) Ascent (ja,+)
7.5 Calm (a_++m) Agitated (+oa,a+m)

c) Other Vocabulary Exercises (Any 10 of the below) 10
++-. _on,+ao j0__a :c 0+.+nn[a
1. Prefix & suffix (book-5)
(a+,__+_ _mm+o + ++a 0+,nn Prefix _a)
Attach suitable prefixes to the highlighted word
(dis, tri, un, bi, in, fore, im)
1. She looked at me in __belief.
2. It is __possible for a dog to fly.
3. She is ___obedient.
4. The patient is still __conscious.
5. Coming late to a meeting is a __honour for the
6. __prove yourself with soft skills.
7. The Scientists ___told the impending danger.
8. As he was a handicapped person, he drove a __cycle.
9. Punishments will be given for ___discipline.
10. We were pained at her __regard
11. __fold the paper in this way.
12. The women rose against the __justice, he has done.
1) Belief disbelief 2) Possible impossible
3) Obedient disobedient 4) Conscious unconscious
5) Honour dishonour 6) Prove improve
7) Told foretold 8) Cycle tricycle
9) Discipline indiscipline 10) Regard disregard
11) Fold unfold 12) J ustice injustice

Attach suitable suffixes to the highlighted words.
a+,__+_ nmm+o +++a 0+,nn Suffix
_a (ly, ful, ment, ion, ous, ise, ity, ness, able)
1. The dogs fought ferocious__.
2. It was potential__ dangerous situation.
3. You gave me a success__ plan.
4. She looks there in astonish__.
5. It is a reason__ price.
6. He saw his reflect__ in the water.
7. It is real__ wonderful.
8. Our teacher insists punctual__.
9. Everyone admired his human__.
10. He is personal__ known to me.
11. Visual__ your dream and work for it.
12. We appreciated his great__.
1) ferocious ferociously 2) potential potentially
3) success successful 4) astonish astonishment
5) reason reasonable 6) reflect reflection
7) real really 8) punctual punctuality
9) human humanity 10) personal personally
11) visual visualize 12) great greatness

2. Homophones (book-6,49)
Homophones Similar sounding words
(Homophones amn 0, ++,nn+6++-. spelling
aa ,__a 0an.. ,-[ 6+++a+_a.)
Know (6_,a) No (oo)
Hear (0+a) Here (0+)
Our (a+_.+) Hour (a-)
Herd (a_) Heard (0+a an n. .)
Meet (+ _n ,) Meat (++)
Some (+o) Sum (+[_o)
Price (ao) Prize (n,+)
New (,_+) Knew (6_,_)
See (n+, ) Sea (+.o)
Two (,-[) Too (qa +.)
Died (0n+m) Dyed (+++a,++)
There (0+) Their (a,+_.+)
Bear (6n+_+6++a) Bare (6aa)
Pair (0_+) Pear (n+, na )
Lone (_m+++) Loan (+.m)
Steel (_a, a._) Steal (__[)
Break (.) Brake (0a+__. +_a)
Role (n_, n+__,a) Roll (+)
Pray (6_na6++) Prey (,)
Weather (_.n6anna) Whether (-n, 6++o)
Hole (a, ..) Whole (_)
English I Paper Study material Way to Success - 4 -
Fill in the blanks with suitable word choosing from the
pairs given in brackets.
1. The driver applied the hand . to stop the car.
(break / brake)
2. The hungry lion went in search of its . (pray / prey)
3. The .. is pleasant today. (whether / weather)
4. Sundar ate the .. cake yesterday. (hole / whole)
5. My uncle a strange sound last night. (herd /
1) Brake (n0,+, _.) z) Prey (,)
3) weather (_.n6anna) |) whole (_)
) heard (0+..+,)

Type-2: Pickout the Homophone pairs to complete the
following sentences.
(Know-no, hour-our, there-their, bear-bare, pair-pear,
died-dyed, lone-loan, steel-steal, break-brake, role-roll)
1. The thief broke open the . Almirah to the
2. The old man couldnt the pain walking .. foot on
the rugged road after the rains.
3. Its very hard to say to a person whom you . very
4. The .. hair of the .. person is gray.
5. They keep bags .
1) steel-steal z) bear bare 3) no-know
|) dyed-died ) Their-there

3. Phrasal verbs (book-6, 105)
Group of words, which is different in meaning, is called
Phrasal Verbs. It can not be interpreted word by word. It
functions as a single word. _ am+6++o_a (verb)
0a _ .+ 6++o_a (preposition or adverb)
- ,_+ ,____+ 6++[__+o +.[
am+6++oo+_a (phrasal verb)
It can be Verb +Adverb. (or) Verb +preposition (or)
Verb +adverb +Preposition
Phrasal verbs
Meaning in
Meaning in tamil
Look up Search 0_[_o
Looked into Examine +q6++_o
Reeled off Recite, repeat n,a__o
Put off postpone __a__o
Take after resemble _____o
Look after Take care of +am__o
Went on Going on 6_+.,+++++
Hit on Discover +-[n__o
Give up Abandon +a[, a.[a[
Get back Return __nn+6++[
Put on Wear -6++a
Call off Cancel ++a 6++_o
Get through Pass 0_,+++._o
Dealt with Managed +a+a__o
Call off Cancel ,_6++
Get back Recover a -[ a+
Get on Make progress _m6m[_+6+o
Keep on Continue 6_+., 6++
Set out Start 6_+._

Model Exercises:
Replace the underlined words with suitable phrasal verbs.
1. The mother raises her 5 children.
a) brings up b) brings in c) brings about
2. The Children must be raised with love and care.
a) brought up b) brought in c) brought about
3. She gets Rs.500 per month.
a) brings up b) brings in c) brings about
4. The south-west monsoon will get lots of rain.
a) bring up b) bring in c) bring about
5. His foolish habits will definitely cause a big loss.
a) bring up b) bring in c) bring about
6. We are trying to make happen a change in politics.
a) bring up b) bring in c) bring about
7. The president distributed the prizes.
a) gave away b) gave up c) give in
8. You must stop your bad habits.
a) give away b) give up c) give in
9. They surrendered when they were outnumbered.
a) give away b) give up c) give in
10. Please see the picture in the blackboard.
a) look at b) look into c) look through
11. The sub inspector will examine the matter soon.
a) look at b) look into c) look through
12. I read quickly the book.
a) look at b) look into c) look through
13. Please hand over the sugar.
a) pass on b) pass by c) pass away
14. The pilgrims passed over the forest without any fear.
a) passed on b) passed by c) passed away
15. His grandmother died last week.
a) passed on b) passed by c) passed away
16. They postponed the match.
a) put off b) put in c) put up
17. Many people applied for the job.
a) put off b) put in c) put up
18. They were lodged in an old building.
a) put off b) put in c) put up
19. He discovers a new idea to solve the problem.
a) make b) hits on c) hits in
20. They started their journey in an early morning.
a) set up b) set in c) set out
1. raises brings up (aa,__o) 11. examine look into (+_o)
2. raised brought up (aa,__o) 12. read quickly look through (0++_)
3. gets brings in (6++-[a__o) 13. hand over pass on (6++[)
4. get bring in (6++-[a__o) 14. pass over passed by (+.)
5. cause bring about (aaa) 15. died passed away (_+,)
6. make happen bring about 16. postponed put off (_aaa)
7. distributed gave away (a__+, )17. applied put in (a--nn)
8. stop give up (a.[a[) 18. lodged put up (_)
9. surrendered give in (a.[6++[) 19. discovers hits on (+-[n)
10. see look at (n+,) 20. started set out (6_+._)

4. Giving plurals (book-7)
_a+o (singular) 6++[++nn.._ nma+o(Plural) a+_o
__ ++-. a_+a nmno+a.
is -o __+o __ n_o++ es am a+ a.
Ex. crisis crises.
um -o __+o __ n_o++ a am a+ a.
Ex. Medium Media.
a -o __+o __ n_o++ ae am a+ a.
Ex. formula formulae.
us -o __+o __ n_o++ i am a+ a.
Ex. locus loci.
oo -a_+o __ n_o++ ee am a+ a
Ex. Tooth teeth
x -a_+o __ n_o++ ces am a+ a
Ex. Matrix matrices
(an 6n+a++ plural-+ a+a 0n+ noun-
.ms, es 0+,++ 0a-[a)

a_ao+ _+a
1. sheep, cattle, deer, , aircraft, , swine ++a+_
singular, plural m0.
2. spectacles, news, means, premises, species, corps
++a+_ singular, plural m0
English I Paper Study material Way to Success - 5 -
3. 0a+o a+,__+_+_ nma_a+ a+o+a. man
men, woman women, child children.
4. 0a_a +o a[_+++.[+a. son in law sons in law,
Commander-in-chief Commanders-in-chief,
Man-of-war Men-of-war, passer-by Passers-by,
Inspecter-general Inspecters-general
Model Exercises:
1. What is the plural of the word nucleus?
a) nuclei b) nucleuss c) nucleuses
2. What is the plural of the word bacillus?
a) bacilluses b) bacillies c) bacilli
3. What is plural form of datum?
a) datas b) data c) datums
4. What is the plural form of crisis?
a) crisise b) crisista c) crises
5. What is the plural form of radius?
a) radiuses b) radii c) radis
6. What is the plural form of tooth.?
a) teeth b) tooths c) toothe
7. Give plural for sheep?
a) sheeps b) sheepes c) sheep
8. Write the plural for medium?.
a) mediums b) medias c) media
9. What is the plural of the word axis?
a) axises b) axes c) axii
10. What is the plural form of analysis?
a) analyses b) analyss c) analyx
11. What is the plural form of thesis?
a) thesi b) theses c) thesises
12. What is the plural form of basis?
a) basises b) basis c) bases
13. What is the plural form of fungus?
a) funguis b) fungi c) fungais
14. What is the plural form of index?
a) indexes b) indices c) indis
15. What is the plural form of vortex?
a) vortices b) vortexes c) vorteses
16. What is the plural form of phenomenon?
a) phenomena b) phenomenea c) phenomenons
17. What is the plural form of formula?
a) formulas b) formulea c) formulae
18. What is the plural form of son-in-law?
a) son-in-laws b) sons-in-law c) sons-in-lawses
19. What is the plural form of man-of-war?
a) mans-of-war b) men-of-war c) man-of-wars
20. What is the plural form of passer-by?
a) passers-by b) passer-bys c) passers-bys
21. What is the plural form of woman?
a) womans b) weman c) women
22. What is the plural form of scenery?
a) sceneries b) scenery c) scenerieses
23. What is the plural form of stationary?
a) stationary b) stationaries c) stationarys
24. What is the plural form of luggage?
a) luggages b) luggage c) luggies
25. What is the plural form of deer?
a) deers b) deerses c) deer
26. What is the plural form of swine?
a) swine b) swines c) swina
27. What is the plural form of information?
a) informations b) information c) informina
28. What is the plural form of news?
a) news b) newses c) newsins
29. What is the plural form of Inspector-General?
a) Inspector-generals b) Inspectors-general c) Inspectors-generals
30. What is the plural form of commander-in chief?
a) commanders-in-chiefs b) commanders-in-chief
c) commander-in-chiefs
1. nucleus - nuclei
2. bacillus bacilli
3. datum data
4. crisis crises
5. radius radii
6. tooth - teeth
7. sheep sheep
8. medium media
9. axis axes
10. analysis analyses
11. thesis theses
12. basis bases
13. fungus - fungi
14. index indices
15. vortex vortices
16. phenomenon phenomena
17. formula formulae
18. son-in-law - sons-in-law
19. man-of-war - men-of-war
20. passer-by - passers-by
21. woman women
22. scenery scenery
23. stationary stationary
24. luggage luggage
25. deer deer
26. swine swine
27. information - information
28. news news
29. Inspector-General - Inspectors-general
30. commander-in chief - commanders-in-chief

5. American English words (book-20)
+o +o a+,__+a 6a,+++ao +
aaa++++nn.[aam oo a++a++nn.[aam.

British English American English
Lift Elevator
Holiday Vacation
Film Movie
Autumn Fall
Petrol gasoline
Flat Apartment
Purse Wallet
Taxi Cab
Tap Faucet
Sweets Candies
Favour Favor
Honour Honor
Centre Center
Theatre Theater
Realise Realize
Visualise Visualize
Offence Offense
Traveller Traveler
Focussed Focused
Peddler Peddlar

Model Exercise:
Replace the underlined word with its equivalent
American English word:6++[+ +n n. . o o
0++.nn.. a+,__+_n 6n+___a+m 6a,++
+o a+,__+ a_ 0a-[a

1. Children like holidays.
2. If you take the lift to the tenth floor you will find the
3. Shall we go for a film.
4. My uncle brought me some sweets.
5. Close the tap when it is not in use.
6. Take a taxi to reach the railway station.
7. Fetch some petrol to wash my hands.
8. Where is your flat?
9. Open my purse and give him one rupee.
10. Give the American word for autumn
11. Give the American spelling for favour
12. Give the American spelling for peddler
13. Give the American spelling for offence
14. Give the American spelling for focussed
15. Give the American spelling for traveller
16. Give the American spelling for visualise
17. Give the American spelling for centre
18. Give the American spelling for metre
19. Give the American spelling for honour
20. Give the American spelling for realise
English I Paper Study material Way to Success - 6 -
1. holidays - vacation, 2. lift elevator, 3. film -movie
4. sweets candies, 5. tap faucet, 6. taxi - cab
7. petrol - gasoline, 8. Flat apartment, 9. Purse - wallet
10. autumn fall, 11. Favour favor, 12. peddler-peddlar
13. offence offense 14. focussed - focused
15. traveller traveler, 16. visualise- visualize 17. centre center,
18. Metre meter, 19. honour- honor, 20. realise- realize.

6. Abbreviations/Acronyms (book-21,69)
Abbreviations are shortened forms of a word or phrase.
(Abbreviation amn _ a,am __o a_++a a.[a
6++-. +_++a.) a.++.. SBI (aan_)
Acronym is a word coined from the initial letters of an
expansion. (Acronym amn _ a,am __o a_++a+o
_a+++nn[a a+,__.) a.++. NASA (+a+), AIR (j,)
(_n,. SBI amn_ _m__m a__++ aan_ am
6++o+0+a NASA amn_ +a+ am _
a+,__+++0a 6++o+0+a)

No Abbre
1 CFC Chloro Fluoro Carbon
2 WWF World Wide Fund
3 ZSI Zoological survey of India
4 GPM Green Peace Movement
5 WHO World Health Organisation
6 UNO United Nations Organisation
7 CWG Common Wealth Games
8 WWW World Wide Web
9 RBI Reserve Bank of India
10 SBI State Bank of India
11 NGO Non Governmental Oranisation
12 IAS Indian Administrative Service
13 BBC British Broadcasting Corporation
14 UPSC Union Public Service Commission
15 TNPSC Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission
16 UGC University Grants Commission
17 CBSE Central Board of Secondary Education
18 FAO Food and Agricultural Organisation /
Finance and Accounting Outsourcing
19 NRI Non Resident Indian
20 ISF International Softball Federation
21 CPU Central Processing Unit
22 IPS Indian Police Service
23 MBA Master of Business Administration
24 MLA Member of Legislative Assembly
25 UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund
(Formerly United Nations International
Children's Emergency Fund)
26 etc et cetera
27 Ltd Limited
28 Mt. Mount
29 tsp Teaspoonful
30 pg Page
31 Vs Verses
32 ESP Extra Sensory Perception
33 NASA National Aeronautics and Space Agency
34 ACHOO Autosomal Dominant Compelling
Helio-Ophthalmic Outburst
35 SAARC South Asian Association for Regional
36 AIR All India Radio

Model Exercises
Give the Expansion of 1) BBC. 2) WHO 3) UNO 4) GPM 5) WWW

1) BBC British Broadcasting Corporation
2) WHO World Health Organisation
3) UNO United Nations Organisation
4) GPM Green Peace Movement
5) WWW World Wide Web
7. Idioms (book-21, 68,89)
_ +___m _nn+o -,_a 6++6+.,+a
Idioms amnn[a. a[_+++..++ a, ,_+ a++++_
6_+._++, amn_ He turns over a new leaf in his life
am+0+a. a, a..+, amn_ He kicked his bucket
+o Idiom-+_a am ,__+_a.
No Idioms Meanings
1 Nip in the bud Stop at the very beginning
(_a+0o0+ +aa a)
2 Fools errand A fruitless undertaking (n+m _..a)
3 Raining cats and dogs Raining heavily (+[a a)
4 Turn over a new leaf Make a new beginning
(,_+ __+++__ 6_+._)
5 Make a mountain
out of molehill
Exaggerate a problem / make a big
deal out of nothing
(++ a++ +a o_ 6n,_++_)
6 Not let the grass
grow under ones
Not to waste time by delaying /doing
something (_+a_nn_m_oa 0,__
a-++++ao j0__a 6++)
7 Under the sun Anywhere on earth
(,a+o a _ ._ __a)
8 Move heaven and
Do everything possible
(_+m+o _++_ oo)
9 In deep waters In big trouble. (a__ +,__o)
10 Thank ones luck
To be thankful for ones luck
(_,._+_ m6++o)
11 See eye to eye Agree (a+6++a)
12 Put ones foot in
ones mouth
To say something embarrassing and
then realize it was bad (a+_n++++
6++o oa.[ n_ _a am -, _o)
13 Stay on ones toes Be ready or prepared for something
(_++,++ ___o)
14 Keep an eye on Watch something to make sure it is
okay(+,+++ _++_+am +am__o)
15 Lend/give someone a
To help with something
16 Be in over ones
Be in a situation that is very difficult
(_o+ _ 0a0o 6+m +,.++oa)
17 Keep ones fingers
To hope that something good will
happen (an++0++[ ++___)
18 Get cold feet Get nervous ([__o)
19 Have ones heart set
on something
Really want something (am_+,
j0__a m a_a,_o)
20 On account of Owing to (++,-a++)
21 To bear with To put up with (_+++6++a__o)
22 In the midst of In the middle of ([0a)
23 To be accustomed to To get used (n++ a++nn)
24 To take a new turn To begin a new course (,_+ __nna)
25 Bereft of Deprived of (6aa++++nn..)

Model Exercises:
Choose the correct ideam for the words that underlined:
1. They wanted to stop his development at the very beginning.
a) fools errand b) in deep waters c) nip in the bud
2. He came to know that it is a fruitless undertaking.
a) fools errand b) move heaven and earth c) nip in the bud
3. It is raining heavily now.
a) under the sun b) in deep waters c) raining cats and dogs
4. He makes a new beginning in his life.
a) fools errand b) Turns over a new leaf c) nip in the bud
5. We can do nothing. She exaggerates the problem.
a) make a mountain out of a molehill b) under the sun
c) in deep waters
6. Dont waste time by delaying. Try to do some thing.
a) nib in the bud b) not let the grass grow under your feet
c) fools errand
7. She might live anywhere in the earth.
a) move heaven and earth b) under the sun c) all over
8. Do everything possible to solve this problem.
a) move heaven and earth b) It is impossible c) Dont give up
9. She is in big trouble.
a) fools errand b) in deep waters c) in tears
10. It is not for your talent. You have to be thankful for your luck.
a) thanks to god b) Well done c) thank ones lucky stars.
English I Paper Study material Way to Success - 7 -
11. Firefighters have to be prepared as they have to fight a fire at
a) Stay on ones toes b) Get cold feet c) See eye to eye.
12. Could you take care of my bike while I go to the store.
a) Stay on ones toes b) Keep an eye on t c) See eye to eye.
13. Kumar was in a very difficult situation when he missed his
flight to London.
a) Bereft of b) Be in over ones head c) To bear with
14. I hope that Ill get first rank this time.
a) Keep ones fingers crossed b) Get cold feet c) To bear with
15. My son Theo really wants that bike May be I will buy it for
his next birthday.
a) Keep an eye on b) Have ones heart set on something
c) Stay on ones toes
16. Ragu wants to help his friend some.
a) Lend him a hand b) Keep an eye on c) Stay on ones toes
17. Parents should watch their wards if they are okey.
a) Lend him a hand b) Keep an eye on c) Stay on ones toes
18. Agree with us in this point.
a) Lend him a hand b) Keep an eye on c) See eye to eye
19. She said the embaracing words and felt later it was wrong.
a) Lend him a hand b) Put her foot in her mouth c) bad
20. She is in the middle of mysteries
a) in the middle of b) in the midst of c) Fools errand
1-c, 2-a, 3-c, 4-b, 5-a, 6-b, 7-b, 8-a, 9-b, 10-c, 11-a,
12-b, 13-a, 14-a, 15-b, 16-a, 17-b, 18-c, 19-b, 20-b.

8. Doctor specialist (Book-69)

No Ailments Doctors
1 Heart ailments Cardialogist
2 Nervous disorder Neurologist
3 Skin problems Dermatologist
4 Mental disorders Psychiatrist
5 Bones Orthopedist
6 Kidneys Nephrologist
7 Dental problems Dentist

Model Exercises:
1. The Doctor for Nervous disorder is called as .
a) Cardialogist b) Neurologist c) Psychiatrist
2. The Doctor for Dental problems is called as .
a) Dentist b) Neurologist c) Psychiatrist
3. The Doctor for Heart ailments is called as .
a) Cardialogist b) Orthopedist c) Dermatologist
4. The Doctor for Bones and muscles is called as .
a) Cardialogist b) Neurologist c) Orthopedist
5. The Doctor for Kidney disorders is called as .
a) Orthopedist b) Neurologist c) Psychiatrist
6. The Doctor for Mental disorders is called as .
a) Nephrologist b) Neurologist c) Psychiatrist
7. The Doctor for Skin problems is called as .
a) Dermatologist b) Neurologist c) Psychiatrist
8. The Doctor for female reproductive system is called as
a) Cardialogist b) gynecologist c) Psychiatrist
9. The Doctor for children is called as .
a) Pediatrician b) Neurologist c) Psychiatrist
10. The Doctor for stomach problems is called as .
a) Cardialogist b) Neurologist c) Gastroenterologist
Answers:1-b, 2-a, 3-a, 4-c, 5-b, 6-c, 7-a, 8-b, 9-a, 10-c

9. Antigrams (Book-89)
_ a+,__+o aa a_++a n+mn[__
_ a+,__+_ a_,+m ,__a 6++-. a+,__+
+-[n++ __+o __ -+,+a am 6n+,.
a.++. Satan =>Santa
Model Exercise:
1. Find out an antigram in the word funeral
2. Find out an antigram in the word festival
3. Find out an antigram in the word infection
4. Find out an antigram in the word enormity
5. Find out an antigram in the word semolina
Answers: 1. Real fun 2. Evil fast 3. Fine tonic
4. more tiny 5. Is no meal

10. Compound words

_ 0a 6+++a - ,_+ ,____
6++[__+o compound word _a
a.++: play - aa++[ ground _,
playground aa++.[ a_+ma
Model Exercises:
1. Which of the words given below can be placed after the
word car to form a compound word?
a)street b)park c)house d)top
2. Which of the words given below can be placed after the
word river to form a compound word?
a) star b) bed c) rest d) free
3. Which of the given word below can be placed after the
word bath to form a compound word?
a) soap b) chair, c) plane d) home
4. Which of the given word below can be placed after the
word work to form a compound word?
a) chair b) way, c) shop d) van
5. Which of the words given below can be placed after
cricket to form a compound word?
a) field b) court c)ground d) area
6. Which of the words given below can be placed before
light to form a compound word?
a) face b) hand c) head d) back
7. Which of the words given below can be placed before the
word brow to form a compound word?
a) brown b) eye c) hair d) thick
8. Which of the words given below can be placed before the
word gazing to form a compound word?
a) goat b) star c) boy d) land
9. Which of the words given below can be placed
before screen to form a compound word?
a) road b) car c) wind d) main
10. Which of the words given below can be placed
before worm to form a compound word?
a) note b) book c) pencil d) pen
1. Car park 2. river bed 3. bath soap, 4. work shop
5. Cricket ground, 6. Face light 7. eye brow,
8. Star gazing, 9. Wind screen 10. book worm.

11. Syllabification

6++[++nn.. 6+++ao mm ++a++ n,++ 0a-[a
1. 6n_an+_a a,e,i,o,u,(y) am vowel a_++a
a__m _ _m__m+++ aaa0_+ _+
6++-[ _ a+,__+o a__m Syllable +a _+_a
amn_ +o+a.
Ex: permanent am _ a+,__+o e, a, e, am
1 vowel a_++a _m__m0+ aaa. am0a
1 syllable-+a 6++-. a+,__.
Permanent Per man ent 3 syllables
1 2 3
2. _ a+,__+o z vowel a_++a 0+, a_+o
(a dipthongs amn_+o -a.++ ai,ea,ua,oi,ae) _
_ syllable am+ 6++aaqa
Ex: entertainment am _ a+,__+o e, e, e
am 1 vowel a_++a _m__m+++qa ai am z
vowel a_++a m+6++m _+o aaa.
0n+o z vowel a_++a m+6++m
_+o a_+o _ _ : syllable+ +-++o
6++aa 0a-[a.
Education - En ter - tain ment 4 syllables.
1 2 3 4
English I Paper Study material Way to Success - 8 -
3. _ a+,__+m +.++o y am a_ a_+o
_ _ syllable++ 6++aaqa
Ex: cruelty _ a+,__+m +.++o y am
a_ aaa. am0a z syllable
6++-. a+,__.
cruelty cruel-ty 2 syllables
1 2
4. _ a+,__+m +.++o e am vowel a_
a_+o _ syllable oo.
Ex: prepare _ a+,__+m +.++o e am
a_ aaa. am0a 1 syllable
6++-. a+,__ oo.
prepare pre-pare 2 syllables
1 2
5. _ a+,__+m +.++o ly,ness,ment,ion am
suffix a_++a a _m _m eam vowel
a_ a_+o _eam vowel_ _ syllable +
a--+ +.+.
Ex: barely _ a+,__+m +.++o ly am
a_ a _m _m e am vowel a_
aaa. am0a _ e am vowel_ _
syllable + a--aoo. ++,nn_a
a_a_oo am0a 1 syllable 6++-.
a+,__ oo.
barely bare - ly 2 syllables
1 2
6. _ a+,__+m +.++o ed am a_ a_+o
6n+a++ _ syllable o o.
Ex: dropped _ a+,__+m +.++o ed am
a_ aaa. am0a z syllable
6++-. a+,__ oo.
dropped dropped 1 syllable.
*(m+o ded,ted am _a a+,__+_+_ 6n+__+.
Ex at ten ded - 3 syllables ; sup por- ted - 3 syllables )
7. 6n+a++ m_ +o a+,__+_+_a
++,n, _+ Phoneticsound_ nn.+++
a_0_ syllable n,++ 0a-[a.
0a _nn.. a _+a m_a +a
_a++++ a.[0a.
Ex. People (pi:pl) Pupil (pju:pl)
_ _ syllable a.[0a aa_ +am++qa

Model Exercise: Separate the syllables of the following
6++[++nn.. 6+++a ++a++ n,

1. agriculture 2. monument 3. duties
4. articulate 5. barely. 6. environment
7. diminish 8. dispute 9. fanatic, 10. music

Ans: 1. ag-ri-cul-ture 2. mo-nu-ment 3. du-ties
4. ar-ti-cu-late 5. bare-ly 6. en-vi-ron-ment
7. di-mi-nish 8. dis-pute. 9. fa-na-tic 10. mu-sic
*n,++nn.. a6a+_ ++_a a++a
_ +, o (vowel sound) _++ 0a-[a

12. Noun / Verb /Adjective forms - (book-90)
Noun am n 6n+, + 6++o .
Verb amn am+6++o.
Adjective amn 6n+, +nn+_a 6++o.
(oo 6n+, ,+6++o)
a.++ Beauty _ amn 6n+,+6++o.
beautify +++ _ am n am+ 6++o .
beautiful ++ amn 6n+, +nn+_a 6++o.
(Beautiful girl-++ 6n- am 6n- am 6n+,
6++oo + +nn_ 6++ooo+a ooa+?)

0a_n..a+ 0, 6++oom + a+
6n+, 6++oo++qa am+6++oo++qa 6n+,
,+6++oo++qa am ,+6++oo++qa a+
_a. aa+ 6++a_+++0a nn++.
+++_a a+,__+ao jn[a a++a +am.
no Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
1 Enjoyment Enjoy J oyful J oyfully
2 Thought Think Thoughtful Thoughtfully
3 Falling Fall
4 Knowledge Know Knowlegable
5 Wonder Wonderful Wonderfully
6 Honour Honour Honest Honesty
7 Truth Truthful Truly
8 Bravary Brave Bravely
9 Love Love Lovely Lovable
10 Entertainment Entertain

Example Sentences:
1. (a) He took earnest effort to pass the exam. (Adjective)
(b) He studied earnestly to pass the exam (Adverb)
(c) He has no earnestness in his studies. (Noun)
2. a) The garden is a beauty to this house. (Noun)
b) Please beautify the room with roses. (Verb)
c) She is very beautiful (Adjective)
d) The room was beautifully decorated. (Adverb)
3. a) He is a fortune to his company. (Noun)
b) He was fortunate to get job in US. (Adjective)
c) Fortunately he got a job in US. (Adverb)
4. a) He took pity on him. (Noun)
b) She was in a piteous condition. (Adjective)
c) She wept piteously. (Adverb)
5. a) Ragu shows sympathy on a poor man (noun)
b) She was sympathetic on seeing him (Adjective)
c) She enquired him sympathetically. (Adverb)
6. a) Please read the passage. (Verb)
b) Reading books is a good habit. (Noun)
c) His handwriting is not a readable one. (Adjective)
7. a) Be calm for some time. (Verb)
b) Observe it calmly. (Adverb)
c) I feel calmness in the hall. (Noun)
8. a) His intelligence was appreciated. (Noun)
b) He is an intelligent boy. (Adjective)
c) She talks intelligently. (Adverb)
9. a) He is a free man. (Adjective)
b) We got freedom in1947. (Noun)
c) He talks freely with others. (Adverb)
10. a) He always makes right decision. (Noun)
b) He decides to buy a car. (Verb)
c) He is very decisive. (Adjective)

13. Choosing the correct word:
+,++m ,__a 6++-. a+,__+ +-[n_ a_
Choose the appropriate word to make a meaningful sentence:
1. Raja will a letter next week.
a) receive b) get
2. He likes to . his favourite TV serial the whole hour.
a) see b) watch
3. Many people want to .. a flat. a) buy, b) purchase.
4. Overeating .. his health. a) affected b) effected
5. His Father to send him to the tour organized by his school
a) accepted, b) expected.
6. They clean drinking water for the party.
a) prepare b)provide
7. Ragu is very . a) beautiful b) handsome
8. Cherrapunji people . water. a) waste b) save
9. As the car passed, it . the rainwater.
a) shook b) spattered
10. People .. monsoon. a) welcome b) envy

Ans: 1. Receive 2. Watch (+a ++.++a n+,nn)
3. purchase (++++ 6++_+a a+__o)
4. affected, 5. accepted 6. provide. 7. Handsome
8. Waste 9. Spattered 10. Welcome.

English I Paper Study material Way to Success - 9 -

a) One mark Grammar Any 10 fromthe list 10x1=10
1. Prepositions (book-8,9)
No Prepositions Example sentence
1 In (a0a) The ball is in the box
2 To (+_) I went to trichy last night
3 On (0a0o) The book is on the table
4 At (+_a) Our head office is at Madurai
5 Up (0a0o) Balu went up the hill
6 By (o) This chair is made by our carpenter
7 For (++++) This pencil is for my sister
8 Near (_+o) Our house is very near to our school.
9 Over (0a0o) Birds fly over the tree
10 Upon (a) The tree fell upon me
11 Under (+) The ball is under the table
12 Above (0a0o) God is above to all
13 Along (a+++) Ram walked along the railway track
14 Across (_+0+) The govt built a bridge across the river
15 Of (-+++m, .+) This is a school of fine arts
16 Off (_) The teacher switched off the light
17 About (n) Nobody knows about Gandhiji.
18 Among(a,+_++.0+) They discussed among themselves.
19 Between ([ao) Seenu is standing between Ramu and Somu
20 Before (_m) You should enter the class before the bell
21 Behind (nmm+o) The boy always stands behind his mother
22 Back (nmm+o) Go back
23 In front of (_mm+o) He stands in front of me
24 Since (o_) We are studying in this school since 1999
25 Down (+0) Get down from the stairs
26 Below (+o) Answer the questions below
27 After (n_) Meet me after your meals
28 Into (a _+ _a) The Tiger fell into the well.
29 From (_)
These questions were asked from
your book
30 Through (o.++) The car went through a narrow street
**(at-_n.. .a, in-6n,+ ._+_a _nn
Ex. The school is at Woraiyur in Trichy)
Choose the appropriate preposition to complete the
sentence (+,++m Preposition_ a[_ ,nn 0a-[a).

1. Students should try to get up 6 o clock
a) after b) before c) in
2. .. an hour you must study your lessons.
a) in b) of c) for
3. Your school starts .. 8 o clock.
a) in b) on c) at
4. You should reach your school .. time and not .time
a) in, on b) on, in c) at, in
5. It will be appreciated if you are attentive.. the classes get
over. a) in b) after c) till
6. It will be appreciated if you are attentive.. the classes get
over. a) until b) before c) after
7. You can always clarify your doubts .. the class hours.
a) in b) during c) on
8. You can also clarify your doubts . the class hours.
a) after b) above c) behind
9. .. you get back home you have to wash your face.
a) before b) as soon as c) by
10. As you have been working . morning you should relax
for some time. a) before b) after c) since
11. A.P.J .Abdul Kalam was born .. 15
October 1931
. the island town Rameshwaram . India
a) at, in, on b) in, at, on c) on, at, in d) in, on, at
12. He always got up early . the morning.
a) on b) before c) in
13. Sometimes he got up .. 4 a.m and 5 a.m.
a) before b) between c) among
14. You should get up . Sunrise.
a) on b) under c) before
15. Abdul Kalam conducted nuclear test Pokhran
Rajestan. a) in, at b) on, at c) at, in
16. Sharad has been living . New York . 1990.
a) in, since b) at, before c) on, after
17. .. 1990 he was studying in the Punjab University.
a) since b) before c) under
18. He lives . an apartment with his wife and children
a) on b) above c) in
19. His apartment is the third floor.
a) on b) below c) at
20. He does not work a farm, but is employed a
business firm. a) at, at b) on, on c) to, to
21. His business firm is located . a short distance from his
house a) at b) for c) to
22. Sharads friends also stay . the same building.
a) in b) under c) on
23. Suriya stays . Sharads apartment.
a) in b) on c) above
24. Vikrams apartment is . Sharads apartment.
a) over b) below c) on
25. Sharad misses his parents who live Chandigarh
India a) at, in b) in, at c) by, in
26. He visits his parents the season of spring.
a) among b) during c) since
27. He has no plans to return to India .he retires service.
a) when, on b) till, of c) until, from
28. Meet me ..your meals.
a) after b) on c) in
29. The boy always stands his mother.
a) above b) under c) behind
30. This table is made . our carpenter.
a) of b) by c) before
1. before
2. for
3. at
4. in, on
5. till
6. until
7. during
8. after
9. as soon as
10. since
11. on, at, in
12. in
13. between
14. before
15. at, in
16. in, since
17. before
18. in
19. on
20. on, on
21. at
22. in
23. above
24. below
25. at, in
26. during
27. until, from
28. after
29. behind
30. by

2. Sentence pattern (book-23)
6++[++nn.. a++++__ n,_ _m a++++
ann+ ++- 0a-[a
+a ma_:-
Subject (aa++) ++,? a? (verb-+_ _mm+o a_a)
Verb (n+mo) amm 6++o? (6++o+_nn)
Object ++,? a_? (6++nn[6n+_a)
Indirect Object (IO) ++_+_? a__? (me, us, her, him, them)
Direct Object (DO) ++,? a_? (things, persons)
Complement (C) Explains the subject. It only completes the
sentence. Ex: He is a doctor.
(aa++ oo 6++nn[6n+_a
am, is, are, was, were, have, has, had,
become, look, feel, grow, seem, taste,
smell, appear, 0n+m be form verb-+_
n_ a_a noun/adjective
make, name, call, think, elect, find,
choose, appoint, consider, keep, prove,
struck 0n+m Main Verb a
_m_ 6_+., Object a_+o
_m_ 6_+., a_a
a+,__+0a Object Complement (C)
Ex: We elected Ravi a leader.
or Adjunct (A)
ann? a0+? an6n+?
(o o Preposition __+o)

English I Paper Study material Way to Success - 10 -
1. He / is / a good player.
S +V + C
2. The cat / slept / under the table.
S + V + A
3. He / wrote / the examination / in this room.
S +V + O + A
4. My father / gave / me / some books.
S + V +IO + DO
5. They / elected / J ayalalitha / chief Minister.
S +V + O + C
6. Birds / fly.
S + V
7. My friend / bought / a book.
S + V + O
8. It / is / there.
S +V +C
9. Our teacher/teaches / us / grammar / every day.
S + V + IO + DO + A
10. She / looks / pretty / in this dress.
S + V + C + A

Sample Exercises: Pick out the correct sentence pattern.
1. The stars twinkle in the sky at night.
2. Man hunts animals mercilessly.
3. The Earth is a ball in the space.
4. Trees give us fruits year after year.
5. Science has made mans life comfortable these days.
6. Due to gravity, the earth could hold everything.
7. In this lesson, Gaia tells man her tale.
8. Now a days, life has become hectic.
9. We always work hard.
10. Aruns answer is almost right.
11. The Americans have sent a rocket to Mars.
12. That day, Priya quickly finished her dinner.
13. Plant saplings to commemorate any celebration.

Type 2: Make your own sentence for the given pattern.
14. SVOA 15. ASV 16. SVCA 17. ASVIODO
18. SVOCA 19. SAVC 20. ASVO

11. SVOA 12. ASAVO 13. VOAA
14. We played football yesterday. 15. There he is.
16. She is a student of this school.
17. Yesterday she gave me a pen.
18. We elected him as class leader yesterday.
19. Ramu once was SPL. 20. There, he is playing foot ball.

3. Tense (book-36,37,38)
am+ 6++oom ++oa, 6++am 6++n+.[ am ++a
+___o 6++-[ _ n+++m 6+++0a-[a.
1. I ____ a glass of milk every morning.
a) drink, b) drank, c) drinking, d)drinks
2. These villagers _____ the folk songs in their pure form
a) preserves b) preserving c) have preserved
3. We ____ Delhi last summer.
a) visit b) visited c) visits d) visiting
4. These pictures ______ by our drawing master.
a) draw b) are drawing c) were drawn
Ans:1.drink 2.have preserved 3.visited 4.were drawn

Points to learn:
Verb forms:
Present Past
am / is
English I Paper Study material Way to Success - 11 -
There are three tenses in English.

English Tenses

1. Present Tense 2. Past Tense 3. Future Tense
(+ ++oa ) ( _++oa ) (a_, ++oa )

_n,. +o o++-__o Future tense amn oo.
Future tense-_ Modals 6++-[ a_+6++aa0a-[a. a
a+_++++ Future tense _nn_++0a a_+6++a0a+a.

Each tense has 4 sub divisions (-nn,q+a).
Present Past Future
Simple Present Simple past Simple future
PresentContinuous Past continuous FutureContinuous
Present perfect Past perfect Future perfect
Present Perfect
Past perfect
Future perfect

Tense ++6++aa Pronouns 0_ann[a_+o _ma
mqn[__+ 6++a0a+0a:
First Person
S I +m
P We - ++a
Second Person S / p You - / +a
Third Person
He - am , She -aa
It -
P They - a,+a
[S-singular (_a), P-Plural (_a)]

Simple Tenses*
Present(+) Past(_) Future(a_,)
I go
We go
You go
You go
He goes*
She goes*
It goes*
They go
I went
We went
You went
You went
He went
She went
It went
They went
I shall go
We shall go
You will go
You will go
He will go
She will go
It will go
They will go
+m 0n++0m
++a 0n++0+a
+a 0n++,+a
am 0n+++m
aa 0n+++a
a,+a 0n+++,+a
+m 0n+0mm
++a 0n+0m+a
+a 0n+m,+a
am 0n+m+m
aa 0n+m+a
a,+a 0n+m+,+a
+m 0n+0am
++a 0n+0a+a
+a 0n+a,+a
am 0n+a+m
aa 0n+a+a
a,+a 0n+a+,+a
Note:1.s should be added to III person singular(for Pr.Tense).*
(He, She, It, or Name - a_ s 0+,++ 0a-[a)
2. shall for I and We. Will for others (Future)
(I-+_a we-+ _a a.[a shall a__+6+oo+a will)
3. _ ..a-+ nn0+ amnn+.a 6++6++a+

a6a+_ Tensea a6+_ a_a amn_ 6++a0a+a:
Simple Present - Examples Key words
I play cricket daily.
We go to school regularly.
You sing song rarely.
He brushes his teeth every morning.
She brushes her teeth every week.
It never take bath
They like mangoes.
The earth goes round the sun
We go to Chennai next Friday.
She has a sleek computer.
Always (an0n+a),
often (+ +),
frequently (a++a++),
generally (++_+,-a++),
never (_0n+a), some
times (+o 0,+ao),
everyday(_m_a), once a
week (a+,a _+a)
Usage: 1. For habitual actions. 2. For Universal truth. 3.
Programs already fixed. 4. For possessions
a++a+m ._+a / 0a+nn.. keywords a_+o
Simple Present tense -o a_ 0a-[a

Simple Past - Examples Key words
I woke up this morning at 7.00 a.m
We went Madurai last week.
You played the match last month.
He ran a race last Sunday.
She cooked fried rice yesterday
They sang a song last annual day.
If you worked hard, you would get good marks.
He said that he was tired.

last week
last month
Usage: 1. For past action. 2. For conditional clause2.
3. For reported speech.
_0n+m +q+a / 0a+nn.. keywords a_+o
Simple Past tense -o a_ 0a-[a

Simple Future Examples Key words
I shall do my home work in future.
You will bring that book tomorrow.
He will come to my house soon.
She will go to school early in future
It will laugh the next week Sunday.
They will beat you shortly.
I will crash the course next year.
The meeting will begin at 5.00 p.m.
Tomorrow (+a),
next week
in future
Soon (a,ao ),
shortly (a+a,ao)
Usage: 1. For future events with certainty.
m .++ _+_a +q+a / 0a+nn.. keywords a_+o
Simple Futue tense -o a_ 0a-[a

Continuous Tenses * (6_+., .6na 6++o+a)
Present Continuous Past Continuous Future Continuous
I am going
We are going
You are going
You are going
He is going
She is going
It is going
They are going
I was going
We were going
You were going
You were going
He was going
She was going
It was going
They were going
I shall be going
We shall be going
You will be going
You will be going
He will be going
She will be going
It will be going
They will be going
+m 0n++
++a 0n++
+a 0n++
6++- _+ +, +a
am 0n++
aa 0n++
a,+a 0n++
+m 0n++
++a 0n++
+a 0n++
am 0n++
aa 0n++
a,+a 0n++
+m 0n++
++a 0n++
+a 0n++
am 0n++
aa 0n++
a,+a 0n++
_n,. Continuous Tense-+_ +,++m be formverb a_a.[ n_
verb.m ing 0+,_6__ 0a-[a.
Be verbs: am/is/are (present), was/were (past),
shall be/will bee (Future)
present continuous-o singular-+_ is (I-+_ a.[a am)
Plural-+_ are (we, you, they -+_)
Past Countinuous-o singular-+_ was (I, he, she, it -+_)
Plural-+_ were (we, you, they -+_)
Future Countinuous-o I-+_a we-+ _a a.[a shall be
a__+6+oo+a will be.

a6a+_ Tensea a6+_ a_a amn_ 6++a0a+a:
Present Continuous- Examples Key words
I am reading English now.
We are studying in VHSS at present
You are reading a novel now.
He is browsing the web now.
I go there while she is sleeping
It is jumping here and there now.
He is writing novels in Kumudam.
We are going for a picnic tomorrow

now (n0n+), at
present (_0n+),
at the moment
(0_0,a ),
Usage: 1. For actions in progress now. 2. With always to
express anger or irritation. 3. For the periodically repeated
actions. 4. For an action in the near future.
_0n+ .6n+6++-_+_a 6++o+a _ tenseo
English I Paper Study material Way to Success - 12 -

Past Continuous Examples Key words
I was playing yesterday this time.
We were studying then.
You were working hard that time.
He was fighting when the teacher came in.
While she was singing, I entered.
When bell rang, the teacher was speaking to HM.
We were studying 9
std last year this time
yesterday this
time (0
0_ 0,a),
Usage: 1. For action in progress in the past. 2. For the action
which started before a past action.
_mm+o _ ++o__o .6n+6++-__ 6++o+a _
tenseo a_0a-[a

Future Continuous Examples Key words
We shall be studying 11
std next year by
this time.
He will be playing tomorrow this time
She will be cooking in her house
tomorrow by this time.
They will be reading novel next Sunday
this time.
tomorrow this
time (+a 0_
0,a), next month
this time ([__
a+_a 0_ 0,a)
next year this time
([__-[ 0_
Usage: 1. For action which will be going on some
time in future.
m _ ++o__o .6n+6++-_++n 0n_a 6++o+a
_ tenseo a_0a-[a

Perfect Tenses* (. _+_a 6++o+a)
Present Perfect Past Perfect Future Perfect
I have gone.
We have gone.
You have gone.
He has gone.
She has gone.
It has gone.
They have gone
I had gone.
We had gone.
You had gone.
He had gone.
She had gone.
It had gone.
They had gone
I shall have gone.
We shall have gone
You will have gone
He will have gone.
She will have gone.
It will have gone.
They will have gone.
+m 0n++_++0m
++a 0n++_++0+a
+a 0n++_++ ,+a
am 0n++_+++m
aa 0n++_+++a
0n++_+ +
+m 0n++_0_m
++a 0n++_0_+a
+a 0n++__,+a
am 0n++__+m
aa 0n++__+a
+m 0n++_n0nm
++a 0n++_n0n+a
+a 0n++_nn,+a
am 0n++_nn+m
aa 0n++_nn+a
_n,. Perfect tense-o a_ have formverb+a n+mn[__
0a-[a . (present+_ have/has: Past+_ had: Future+_ shall
have / will have) Present Perfect tenseo third person
singular(he,she,it)+_ a.[a has 0n+. 0a-[a. Verb aa
0n+ past participle form-_ n+m n[__ 0a-[a.

Present Perfect Examples Key words
I have just finished my home work.
I think I have seen you before.
You have made the same request earliar.
The children have not returned fromthe school yet.
I have read this book already.
I have never visited a foreign country.
Have you ever seen a cinema shooting?
We havent heard of the doctors visit till now.
Our train has just arrived.
He has never seen a tiger.
She recently has gone to Delhi.
It has just finished the chick.
I have read all the poems of Barathi
just (.0m),
just now
never (_0n+a),
ever (an0n+_+a),
lately(+a na++),
till now
recently(+a n__o),
Usage: 1. For actions completed just now. 2. For actions that occur
sometime ago but the effects are still going on. 3. Used with the
above key words.
.__+_a oo n0n+_+m . __, aaq+a
m_a 6_+.,+++ 6++o+a _ tenseo a_0a-[a

Present perfect tense tells you the result/effect of the past action.
The action is over perfect/complete. But the result of the action is
still present. So we express such results using Present Perfect tense.
e.g Who has switched off the fan? (gives importance for result/effect)
(ama++ __+_m aaam m_a _na++0+a)
Who switched off the fan? (gives importance for the person)

The train has left at 7.30 p.m (_a)
The Train left at 7.30 p.m (+,)
The train has left (+,)
0,__ _nn.[ 6++o_a 0n+ +_+,- Past tenseo
_nn[a0_ +,++m.
Book Exercise (page-36):
Complete the dialogue using the present perfect tense:
Teacher: What have you done (do)?
Havent you drawn (draw) anything?
Boy : Sir, I have drawn (draw)the picture of a cow grazing.
Teacher: Dont try to fool me! Where is the grass?
Boy : The cow has eaten (eat) all the grass.
Teacher: OK! Where is the cow then?
Boy : As it has eaten (eat) all the grass, it has gone (go) home sir!

Past Perfect Examples Key words
Before Leela returned home, the parrot had
flown away. (oo+ a[ __a,a__
_mm0, +a n 6+ma.__)
After the parrot had flown away, Leela
returned home.
When Leela returned home, the parrot had
already flown away.
When I reached the station, the train had left.
I wish I had worked hard.
We had already taken our breakfast.
When they went to the theatre, the tickets
had all been sold.

Till(m _a ),
when (6n+)
Usage: 1. For the action earlier of two actions. 2.For unfulfilled wish relatin
to the past. 3. Used with words like till, before, since, already.
. __ oo _mm, . __ 6++om
_+++a /aaq _ _nn.. ++oa a, 6_+.,___ 6++o+a
_ tenseo a_0a-[a. (6++o _mm6, _ a...
m+o _m _+++a _mm, _ ++oa a, 6_+., __.)

While the present perfect relates the present effect of a past action,
the past perfect relates the presence of the effect of a past action at
another past point of time.

. __ ,-[ 6++o+a+ _nn[a0n+ __oo .__
past perfect_a ,-.+a_++ .__ simple past_a

Ex. When we reached the station, the train had left.
The bell had rung before we entered the class.

Exercise: Change the following using the past perfect tense:
1. Only after reaching the railway station, I realized that I did not
bring the ticket.
2. The accused was in jail for five years before he had been
3. The monkeys ate all the bananas in the tree and so there were no
bananas left for us.

1. when I reached the railway station I realized that I had not
brought the ticket.
2. The accused had been in jail for five years when he was released.
3. As the monkeys had eaten all the bananas in the tree there were
no bananas left for us.

Future Perfect Examples Key words
By the end of march, we will have learnt
all the lessons in our books.
It is already late. By the time we reach the
stadium, the match will have started.
We shall have completed our practicals by
J anuary.
By next month, she will have learnt Hindi.
I shall have completed my work, by this
time tomorrow.
They will have invited him to the party.

By next month
([_ _ a+__ _o),
by next year
-o), by
this week end
([__ a+,+
+.++o )
Usage: Actions that will be done in a short span of time
. _++n0n+_a oo n_ _ 0,___o .
_+n0n+_a 6++o+a _ tenseo a_0a-[a

English I Paper Study material Way to Success - 13 -
Perfect Continuous Tenses:
Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous
I have been going.
We have been going.
You have been going.
He has been going.
She has been going.
It has been going.
They have been going
I had been going.
We had been going.
You had been going.
He had been going.
She had been going.
It had been going.
They had been going
+m 0n++6++-___++0m
++a 0n++6++-___++0+a
+a 0n++6++-___++,+a
am 0n++ 6++- _ __+ ++m
aa 0n++ 6++- _ __+ ++a
0n++ 6++- _ __+ +
a,+a 0n++6++-___+++,+a
+m 0n++6++-___0_m
++a 0n++6++-___0_+a
+a 0n++6++-____,+a
am 0n++ 6++- _ ___+m
aa 0n++ 6++- _ ___+a
0n++ 6++- _ ___
a,+a 0n++6++-____+,+a
_n,. Perfect Continuous tense-o a_ have/has/had been verb+ing
am anno a_ 0a-[a.

Present Perfect Continuous:
Since when has the child been suffering from colour blindness?
How long has the child been suffering from colour blindness?
He has been suffering from colour blindness since his birth.
am nnno_0_ +__.+o +,ann.[+ 6++-[ a_++m
We have been using computers in our school since 2008.
We have been living in this house for ten years.
Kannan has been working on his PC since last night.
I have been writing this essay since this morning.
I have been writing this essay for two hours.
He has been living here since 1980
Usage: Action that started in the past and extended in the present.
Key Words: since, ever since, for (Use since to a past point of
time. Use ever since to a past incident. Use for
for the total period of time.

Past Perfect Continuous:
I had been waiting for a long time before my bus came.
People had been travelling on foot and by bullock carts for
hundreds of years before other kinds of transport arrived.
The building had been standing here for more than sixty years
before it was demolished.
Usage: Action that started in the past and extended to a particular
past action(time).
Key Words: since, ever since, for (Use since to a past point of
time. Use ever since to a past incident. Use for
for the total period of time.
1. Raju .. (watch) TV for an hour before the
power (go) off.
2. The police (try) to catch the thief several
times when he (catch) finally last week.
Answer: 1. Had been watching, went
2. had been trying, was caught

J oin the pairs of sentences using suitable time conjunctions
(when/after/ before) and write single past perfect continuous
1. a) The ONGC men were drilling for several months.
b) Finally they struck oil.
z. a) The British were ruling us for more than a hundred years.
b) Then we got freedom.
3. a) Mr. Abdul Kalam was working as a space scientist for several
years. b) Then he was elected as the president of India.
4. a) The Negroes in America were suffering as slaves for many decades.
b) They were made free during Abraham Lincolns presidency.
1. The ONGC men struck oil after they had been drilling for
several months.
2. The British had been ruling us for more than a hundred years
before we got freedom.
3. Mr. Abdul Kalam had been working as a space scientist for
several years before he was elected as the president of India.
4. The Negroes in America had been suffering as slaves for many
decades when they were made free during Abraham Lincolns
Past Perfect Continuous:
I shall have been going
We shall have been going
You will have been going
You will have been going
He will have been going
She will have been going
It will have been going
They will have been going

+m 0n++6++-___n0nm
++a 0n++6++-___n0n+a
+a 0n++6++-___nn,+a
am 0n++6++-___nn+m
aa 0n++6++-___nn+a
a,+a 0n++6++-___nn+,+a

+a ma_.
Verb Patterns
Simple -Present - Present verb (He/She/It V+s)
S + Past - Past verb
Future - shall/will +Present verb
Conti. Present - am/is/are +V +ing
S + Past - was/were +V +ing
Future - will be/shall be +V +ing
Perfect Present - have/has +PP
S + Past had +PP
Future shall have/will have+PP
Perfect Continuous S +
Present - have/has +been +verb +ing
Past had +been +verb +ing
Future shall/will+have+been+verb+ing

Rules for doing Exercise:
1. Look for the key words and identify the tense
2. Find out the meaning and find out the tense.
3. According to the tense, choose the verb

Exercises for all tenses:
1. Ramu .. (play) foot ball regularly.
2. Ravi . (play) Cricket yesterday.
3. Now, he (watch) TV.
4. Prema . (study) hard from tomorrow.
5. A wood cutter (cut) wood, when I saw him.
6. We .. (study) 10
std next year by this time.
7. Who . (switch) off the fan?
8. The train . (leave) at 7.30 pm.
9. Our train .. just (arrive).
10. I think I (see) you before.
11. You .. (make) the same request earlier.
12. The children . not .. (return) from school yet.
13. I . (read) this book already.
14. He (suffer) from colour blindness for nearly 6 years.
15. Before Leela returned home, the parrot . (fly) away.
16. When I reached the railway station I realized that I .
not .. (bring) the ticket.
17. The accused .. (be) in jail for five years when he was
18. I never .. (visited) a foreign country.
19. . you ever .. (see) a cinema shooting?
20. We .. (not hear) of the doctors visit till now.
21. As the monkeys (eat) all the bananas in the tree
there were no bananas left for us.
22. I had been waiting for a long time before my bus came.
23. Raju .. (watch) TV for an hour before
the power went off.
24. The police (try) to catch the thief
several times when he was caught finally last week.
25. People (travel) on foot and by bullock carts for
hundreds of years before other kinds of transport arrived.
26. The building . (stand) here for more than sixty years
before it was demolished.
27. The British (rule) us for more than a hundred years
before we got freedom.
English I Paper Study material Way to Success - 14 -
28. The ONGC men struck oil after they . (drill) for
several months.
29. By the end of March, we .. (learn) all the lessons in
our books.
30. It is already late. By the time we reach the stadium, the
match . (start).

1. plays 2. played 3. is watching
4. will study 5. was cutting 6. will be studying
7. has switched 8. left 9. has, arrived
10. have seen 11. have made 12. have, returned
13. have read 14. has been suffering 15. had flown
16. had, brought 17. had been 18. have, visited
19. Have, seen 20. havent heard 21. had eaten
22. had been waiting 23. had been watching
24. had been trying 25. had been traveling
26. had been standing 27. had been ruling
28. had been drilling 29. will have learnt
30. will have started

4. Modals (book-38,39)
Be, do, have verb-+a - am+ 6++ +a
amnn[+mm. a__a, +o +nn+m -
am+6+++_a n+mn[__nn[+mm. aa+o 6+++
+_a 6++o/_a, 0_a, _a_, a+_
++a 6aann[_a 6+++a Models
amn n[+m m

Can and could:
I can drive a car (ability)
You can go now (permission)
Could it be my uncle? (Likelihood)
Could you please lend your book (request)
Will and would:
I will take this suitcase for you (willingness)
Will you give me a hand? (Request)
They would like to go home (willingness)
Would you mind moving a bit (request)
Shall and should:
Shall I close the door? (asking permission)
You should come in your uniform. (duty)
Children should obey their parents (obligation)
You should not go there (prohibition)
May and might:
It may rain. (possibility)
May I go home how? (permission)
May God bless you! (wish)
Might I borrow your calculator (request)
It might rain tonight (possibility)
You must recite this poem (necessity)
I must help him (obligation)
He is very tall. He must be a soldier.
Ought to:
You ought to convey this message.
You ought to listen to the teacher.
Do we need to attend the program (necessity)
You neednt meet him (lack of necessity)
How dare you ask me for more money?
She didnt dare to face him. (challenge)

1. How much oil .. this container hold?
a) should b) can c) might
2. you give me your umbrella?
a) will b) would c) might
3. we try another method to solve this problem?
a) should b) would c) shall
4. his soul rest in peace!
a) should b) may c) might
5. Do you see these foot prints? I think a tiger
have crossed this place.
a) must b) would c) might
6. You .. do any job but you . not steal.
a) should b) may c) might
7. The school assembly starts at 8.30. You be
here before that.
a) should b) would c) might
8. 1 have written a letter to my father. I .. get a reply.
a) may b) would c) might
9. 1 get a money order.
a) should b) would c) might
10. You .. not waste your time.
a) should b) would c) might
11. You . respect elders.
a) should b) will c) ought to
12. Gandhi walk long distances.
a) ought to b) used to c) dare to
13. How you oppose me?
a) could b) will c) dare.
14. I close the door?
a) should b) shall c) might
15 Children . obey their parents
a) should b) would c) might
Ans: 1. Can, 2. Will, 3. Shall 4. May, 5. Must,
6. May, must, 7. May, 8. May, 9. Might,
10. should 11. ought to 12. Used to,
13. Dare, 14. Shall, 15. Should.

5. Identifying the voice (book-51):
Active voice - 6++am
(am _m+ 6++_+m)
Passive voice - 6++nn+.[am
( am+o 6+++nn..)
Example : Rama killed Ravana
,+am 6++m+m ,+a-m
Ravana was killed by Rama.
,+a-m 6++oonn..+m ,+am+o
6n+a++ Active voiceo 6++o 6++_ _+_
_+a Subject-+_ _+++_aa 6++[++n n[+.
m+o Passive voiceo 6+++nn.. 6++_+_ oo
6++nn[6n+__+_ _+a Object+ _ _+ ++_ aa
a++n n[+.

English I Paper Study material Way to Success - 15 -

Active & Passive voice-nn__+m _++0a-[a:
Active Voice Passive Voice
Simple S +
Present Pr.V / Pr.V+s
Past - Past verb
Future - shall/will Pr.V

Am/is/are +PP
Was/were +PP
Shall be/ will be +PP
Continuous S +
Pre - am/is/are +V+ing
Past-was/were +V+ing

Am/is/are +being+PP
Was/were +being+PP
-------(no passive)----
Perfect S +
Pr- have/has +PP
Past had +PP
Fu- shall /will have +pp

have/has +been +PP
had +been +PP
shall/will have+been+PP
Perfect Continuous S +
Pr- have/has been V+ing
Past had been V+ing
Fu- shall /will have been

-------(no passive)----
**PP amn Verb-m Past Participle form-_+

Simple Present Tense (Active & Passive):
I write a letter
We write a letter
You write a letter
He writes a letter
She writes a letter
It writes a letter
They write a letter
A letter is written by me
A letter is written by us
A letter is written by you
A letter is written by him
A letter is written by her
A letter is written by it
A letter is written by them
I write letters
We write letters
You write letters
He writes letters
She writes letters
It writes letters
They write letters
Letters are written by me
Letter are written by us
Letters are written by you
Letters are written by him
Letters are written by her
Letters are written by it
Letters are written by them

Simple Past tense
I ate an apple
We ate an apple
You ate an apple
He ate an apple
She ate an apple
It ate an apple
They ate an apple
An apple was eaten by me
An apple was eaten by us
An apple was eaten by you
An apple was eaten by him
An apple was eaten by her
An apple was eaten by it
An apple was eaten by them
I ate apples
We ate apples
You ate apples
He ate apples
She ate apples
It ate apples
They ate apples
Apples were eaten by me
Apples were eaten by us
Apples were eaten by you
Apples were eaten by him
Apples were eaten by her
Apples were eaten by it
Apples were eaten by them

Simple Future tense
I shall play cricket
We shall play cricket
You will play cricket
He will play cricket
She will play cricket
It will play cricket
They will play cricket
Cricket will be played by me
Cricket will be played by us
Cricket will be played by you
Cricket will be played by him
Cricket will be played by her
Cricket will be played by it
Cricket will be played by them

Present Continues tense
I am painting this picture now
This picture is being painted by me now
We are painting this picture now
This picture is being painted by us now
You are painting this picture now
This picture is being painted by you now
He is painting this picture now
This picture is being painted by him now
She is painting this picture now
This picture is being painted by her now
It is painting this picture now
This picture is being painted by it now
They are painting this picture now
This picture is being painted by them now
I am painting these pictures now
These pictures are being painted by me now
We are painting these pictures now
These pictures are being painted by us now
You are painting these pictures now
These pictures are being painted by you now
He is painting these pictures now
These pictures are being painted by him now
She is painting these pictures now
These pictures are being painted by her now
It is painting these pictures now
These pictures are being painted by it now
They are painting these pictures now
These pictures are being painted by them now

Past Continuous Tense:
I was wasting time then.
Time was being wasted by me then
We were wasting time then
Time was being wasted by us then
You were wasting time then
Time was being wasted by you then
He was wasting time then
Time was being wasted by him then
She was wasting time then
Time was being wasted by her then
It was wasting time then.
Time was being wasted by it then
They were wasting time then
Time was being wasted by them then.
There is no Passive form for Future continuous tense.

Present Perfect tense:
I have done my home work.
My home work has been done by me
We have done our home work
Our home work has been done by us
You have done your home work
Your home work has been done by you
He has done his home work
His home work has been done by him.
She has done her home work.
Her home work has been done by her
It has done its home work
Its home work has been done by it
The have done their home work
Their home work has been done by them

Past Perfect tense:
Tsunami had washed away their houses
Their houses had been washed away by Tsunami

English I Paper Study material Way to Success - 16 -

Future Perfect tense:
I shall have written a letter to him
A letter will have been written by me to him.
There is no passive form for all Perfect Continuous tense.

For Commands
Open the door Let the door be opened
Shut the door Let the door be shut
Say the prayers Let the prayers be said
Speak the truth Let the truth be spoken.
Select the flowers Let the flowers be selected
Never say a lie Never a lie is to be said
give me water Let me be given water
Do this at once Let this be done at once
Don't do this Let not this be done
Don't insult the poor Let not the poor be insulted
Underline the verbs in the following sentences. In the
blank on the right, write whether the verb is in the active
voice or in the passive voice.
1. Lots of things can be done on the internet.
2. Some people send more e-mail than paper mail.
3. Free online editions have been offered by many
4. Chess and card games are played across the net by people
who live on opposite sides of the world.
5. Radio station and recording clubs are playing music on
the internet.
6. The website is used for official government postings,
information and forms.-
7. Manufacturers offer their products to their customers
through the net.

1. Lots of things can be done on the internet. (Passive)
2. Some people send more e-mail than paper mail. (Active)
3. Free online editions have been offered by many newspapers.
4. Chess and card games are played across the net by people who
live on opposite sides of the world. (Passive)
5. Radio station and recording clubs are playing music on the
internet. (Active)
6. The website is used for official government postings,
information and forms. (Passive)
7. Manufacturers offer their products to their customers through
the net. (Active)

6. Imperatives fill up (book-54)
Come here, go ahead, get up, sit down am n
0n+m + + +..a+a, 0a-[_o+a 0n+ma
Imperatives am ++nn[+mm.
Choose the correct verbs from the given list and complete
the imperative sentences: 6++[++nn.[aa am+6++o
6_+_n no_ +,++m am+ 6++o o 0++. .
.__o a_ +..a a++++__ ,,__ 6+++qa
Explain, Dial, Answer, Find, Follow,
Give, Listen, Speak, State, Wait

1. .. a phone.
2. 108.
3. clearly.
4. . your name.
5. .the address.
6. the problem.
7. .. any question.
8. carefully.
9. any instruction.
10. . for help.

7. Making Questions (book-55)
Question amn am+a+_+_a.
__ Interrogative am a6+_ 6n+_a -[.

,-[ a+++m am+++a -[.
1) Yes or No Questions (a oo n__+++m am+)
2) Wh Questions. (Wh-am++6+++ao 6_+._a am+)

1) Yes or No Type:
_ a+ am+++_+_ a. a /oo
amn_+m. 6++[++nn._+_a a.+_ am+
an,a a+qa +ona.
6++[++nn.. a++++__o - am+
6++oo +-[ n_ _m _mm+o a_m+o
Yes/No Question.
Ex. I shall go. -- Shall I go? (or) Will you go?
He is going. Is he going?
They are playing Are they playing?
6++[++nn.. a++++a simple Present / Past +
__+o nm a_a+ n,_ n_ _mm+o a_
go =do +go
goes =does +go
went =did +go
*simple present-+ _ do a_a)
*He,She,It-+ _ s 0+,a_+o does a_a)
*simple past -+ _ did 0n+.0a-[a

Ex. You go - Do you go?
I went - Did I go? (or) Did you go?
He played -- Did he play?
They played -- Did they play?

2) Wh Questions:
Yes/No Question-+_ _mm+o nma_a am++
6+++ao 6n+___a+m m a_m+o
am++6++o am+a+_a
Ex. I shall go -- Shall I go? -- Where shall I go?
He played -- Did he play? -- Where did he play?

Question words:
What (for things) amm?
When (for time) an0n+?
Where (for place) a 0+?
Which (for things or people) a?
Who (for people) ++,?
Whom ++,?
Whose (for possession) ++_.+?
Why (for reason, cause) jm?
How (for method, manner) ann?
How long (distance/time) aaaaq t,a /0,a ?
How many (countable quantity)a_ _m?
How much (uncountable quantity) aaaaq?
How far (distance) aa aaq t,a ?
With whom ++0,+[?
To Whom ++_+ _?

Structure of the question:
Question word+aux.verb+Sub+MainVerb+Extention?
am++6++o +.a.6++o +aa+++a.6++o+aa

Example: When shall we meet again?
QW +AV+S+MV +Ext

Then you have to change the pronouns
I->You, my->your, me->you, we->you,
our->your, us->you like that

a.+++ a_a 6++oo a.[a.[ am+ a_0a-[a

Mr.Suresh is my father(who)
Qn: Who is your father?
My am n your + a+aa_a a.++m
Mr.Suresh amn am+ao a.nn.[aa_a +am
1. Find a phone.
2. Dial 108.
3. Speak clearly.
4. Give your name.
5. Find the address.
6. State the problem.
7. Answer any question.
8. Listen carefully.
9. Follow any instruction.
10. Wait for help.
English I Paper Study material Way to Success - 17 -

More Examples:
Rash driving caused the accident.(what)
Qn: what caused the accident?
I like the green pen.(which)
Qn: Which pen do you like?
He met me yesterday.(when)
Qn: When did he meet you?
I live in Chennai.(where)
Qn: Where do you live?
I am late because I missed the bus.(why)
Qn: Why are you late?
I have been here for three years. (how long)
Qn: How long have you been here?

Frame Questions from the following sentences:
1. The students can wait for ten minutes.
2. We shall meet again on Tuesday.
3. We met last week.
4. We meet twice a week.
5. J agan broke the window.
6. The British gave us English.
7. I am in 9
8. I go to school by bicycle.
9. I have got a dictionary.
10. It is handy.
11. I can find out the meaning of any difficult word.
12. I will help my friend to use the dictionary.
13. Trees give us fresh air.
14. Edition invented electric bulb.
15. We have been using computers since 1996.
1. How long can the students wait?
2. When shall we meet again?
3. When did we meet?
4. How often do we meet?
5. Who broke the window? Or What did J agan break?
6. Who gave us English? Or What did the British give us?
7. Are you in 9
8. How do you go to school?
Or Do you go to school by bicycle?
9. Have you got a dictionary?
10. Is it handy?
11. Can you find out the meaning of any difficult word?
12. Will you help your friend to use the dictionary?
13. Who give us fresh air? Or What do the trees give us?
14. Who invented electric bulb? Or What did Edition invent?
15. How long have you been using computers?

Test Yourself:
Frame questions for the following statements:
1. I live in Mumbai. (where)
2. We are talking about an English movie (what)
3. J awahar was born on 14
November 1889 (when)
4. The train is late owing to the rains (why)
5. These people are going to Samayapuram (where)
6. I am writing a novel at present (what)
7. People go to Ceylon by air (how)
8. We are talking about Mani (who)
9. The elephant is the heaviest animal on land (which)
10. I go to the library once a month. (how often) //
11. My school is about 2 km from here. (how far)
12. I am in a hurry to catch the train (why)
13. This is Umas school bag (whose)
14. The police shot the criminal dead (whom)
15. I paid Rs.250 for this shirt (how much)
16. I took three hours to memorise this poem (how long)
17. The terrorist kidnapped an American (whom)
18. The boy stole a loaf of bread (what)
19. This is my pen (whose)
20. Mani drew a picture on the blackboard (who)//

8. Question tag (book-57)
Question tags are used to confirm the statement.
a_,+a+ +a 6++o_a +__+_ a+a 6++oo
a+_a __,0a .

6,+an ooam, oo++?
a+a. +m 6,+an ooam
am na a+ _ _+a_a++ a _+m , o o++?
a+a. _+a_a++_+m a_+m
,_ +++ nnn_oo, n+++m+?
a. am +++ nnn_oo

A) Positive sentences take negative tags
a++++a 0,a+++ __+o Question Tag
a_, a+++ _+ + 0a- [a

Step 1. Find out the helping verb
2. Add not to that and short it (nt).
3. Then write the Pronoun (Subject)

- am+6++oo __oo a_ not
a_ (_m +_++ nt am a_+6++-[)
pronoun a_ 0a-[a

Ex. You are good are not you? arent you?
ooam oo++?

i. He is good, isn't he?
ii. They are good, aren't they?
iii. He has money, hasn't he?
iv. She is a teacher, isnt she?
v. I am good, aren't I?
(am a_a 0n+ a. [a aren't I? n+mn[_+)
Verbs Tags
Be form Verbs

Is isnt
are arent
Was wasnt
Were werent
Do form verbs

Does doesnt
Did didnt
Have form verbs

Has hasnt
Had hadnt
Other Primary verbs
Ex: go *dont
Goes *doesnt
Went *didnt
Play *dont
Plays *doesnt
Played *didnt
Modal Auxilary verbs

Shall shant
Can cant
Would wouldnt
should shouldnt
Could couldnt
need neednt
Ought to wont
Aux.verb +(nt) +Pronoun?
English I Paper Study material Way to Success - 18 -
a++++__o 0, _ verb a_+o nma_a+ n,++
1) Verb(present form) =do +verb(present form)
Ex: go = do + go, play = do + play

2) Verb+s/es/ies =does +verb(present form)
Ex: goes = does + go, plays = does + play
3) Verb(past form) =did +verb(present form)
Ex: Went = did + go, played = did + play

i. They come late, don't they?
ii. He goes late, doesn't he?
iii. She went late, didn't she?

B) Negative sentences take positive tags
a++++a a_,a+++ __+o Question
Tag 0,a+++ _++ 0a-[a.
Verbs Tags
Be form Verbs
Am not / Amnt

Is not / Isnt is
Are not / Arent are
Was not / Wasnt was
Were not / Werent were
Do form verbs
Do not / Dont

Does not / Doesnt does
Did not / Didnt did
Have form verbs
Have not / Havent

Has not / Hasnt has
Had not / Hadnt had
Other Primary verbs
Do not go / Dont go go
Does not go / Doesnt go goes
Did not go / Didnt go went
Do not play /Dont play play
Does not play / Doesnt play plays
Did not play / Didnt play played
Modal Auxiliary Verbs
Will not / Wont

Shall not / Shant shall
Can not / Cant can
Will not / Wouldnt would
Shall not / Shouldnt should
Can not / Couldnt could
Need not / Neednt need

- am+6++oo a_ not _ ++ pronoun
Ex. i) They don't tell lies, do they?
a,+a 6n++6++o_a_oo,n n_ _+0m?
ii) She didn't get bail, did she?
iii) You have no cars, have you?

no, none, little, few, rarely, hardly, barely,
scarcely, neither, never, seldom ++a a_+o
_ a++++a negative a++++a _a.

i. She rarely goes to films, does she?
ii. I seldom talk with him, do I?
iii. Very few boys go to temples, do they?
iv. He hardly helps his wife, does he?
C) Commands and requests
Imperative Sentences Tags
Let us go. / Let us move. shall we?
Come with me.
Please ,Get me some water
will you?

Send the mail / Call the police
Catch the bus / Pass the mesage
wont you?

Keep quiet
Listen to me
Be attentive
cant you?
i. Give me some place, Will you?
ii. Please show me the way, Will you?
iii. Lets start, Shall we?
iv. Let us go for a film, Shall we?

+..a a++++a a_a0n+ will you? oo
wont you? a_qa. Let am 6_+.+m+o
Shall we? am a_qa
1. is/was/are/were/have/has/had a_+o 0_+[ not
(nt) 0+,aa_ 0_,q 6++.
z. 0+aa+o not __+o not oo+_ is, was,
are_ 0_,q 6++.
1. Verb-o s 0+,___+o doesnt _ 0_,q 6+++.
|. Verb-o ed 0+,___+o didnt _ 0_,q 6+++.
5. Come, go, clean am +..a a++++a++
a_a0n+ will you? 0_,q 6++
6. Let us am 6_+.+m+o Shall we? 0_,q 6++

Choose the correct question tag for the following
1. Children like ice cream, ..?
a) do they? b) dont they c) shouldnt you
2. Children dont like ice cream, ?
a) should they b) dont they c) do they
3. We get uninterrupted power supply .?
a) getnt we? b) didnt we? c) dont we?
4. We cant live without water, ?
a) can we?, b) cant we?, c) do we?
5. You will come in time, ?
a) will you? b) wont you? c) shouldnt you?
6. I am not your enemy, ?
a) am I?, b) aint I?, c) amnt I?
7. Let us go for a picnic, .?
a) will you?, b) shall we?, c) should we?
8. Stop crying, ?
a) Shall I? b) will you? c) do you?
9. The flag has four colours on it ?
a) has it? b) hasnt it? c) do they?
10. Walk faster, ..?
a) wont you? b) shall you? c) do you?
1. dont they 2. do they 3. dont we
4. can we 5. wont you 6. am I
7. shall we 8. will you 9. hasnt it
10. wont you

9. Infinitive or Gerund (book-71)
Infinitive amn (to +Present Verb) _a. Noun
a,0a-+ .__o 6n+a++ a_a.
To walk .nn, To eat - -_a
Present verb .m ing 0+, Noun-+_ n_o++
n+mn[__nn..+o Gerund _a .
Walking .nn, Eating - -_a
English I Paper Study material Way to Success - 19 -

Read the following sentences. Identify the gerunds and
infinitives and write them in the space provided.
1. The time to think is now. to think
2. I regret missing the first scene.
3. The class wanted to paint.
4. Grammar is easy to understand.
5. Repairing the remote should not be difficult.
6. Ram has an interest in reading.
7. Indira's hobby was growing roses.
8. To sing was Sheeba's hobby.
9. Jackson came to help J erry.
10. I do not like eating mangoes.

1. The time to think is now. to think to think (inf)
2. I regret missing the first scene. Missing (ger)
3. The class wanted to paint. to paint. (inf)
4. Grammar is easy to understand. to understand (inf)
5. Repairing the remote should not be difficult. Repairing (ger)
6. Ramhas an interest in reading. Reading (ger)
7. Indira's hobby was growing roses. Growing (ger)
8. To sing was Sheeba's hobby. To sing (inf)
9. J ackson came to help J erry. to help (inf)
10. I do not like eating mangoes. Eating (ger)

Gerund, Infinitive +a +,++m .__o ,n,a
0n+ma n+++a a,o+a. am0a nma_a
_n,+a mao 6++a+.
Like, dislike, hates, enjoy, about, on, ed 0+,_ verb
a_+o Gerund (ing 0+,__) 0_, q 6+++
Agreed, decided, too, let a_+o
Infinitive (to 0+,__) 0_,q 6+++

1. I enjoy .. stories for children. (writing)
2. I dream about a big house. (building)
3. He avoided .. much time on the computer. (spending)
4. He prevented me from. the contract. (signing)
5. Maran is too tired ..the work (to finish)
6. He agreed .. me a computer. (to buy)

1. Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentence:
Maran is too tired ..the work
a) finish b) finishing c) to finish
2. He agreed ___________ me a computer.
a) buy b) buying c) to buy
3. My mother is fond of ____ a) cooking b) cook
4. I do not like ____ mangoes. a) eat, b) eating c) to eat.
5. Ravi liked ____ songs. a) sing, b) sang, c) to sing
6. She decided _____ a watch. a) buy, b) buying, c) to buy
7. The society has nothing ____ with entertainment.
a) doing b) to do c)done
8. We always enjoy ____ poems a) read b) reading
9. ____ is human. a) err b)erring c) to err.
10. This dish is tasty _____ a) eating b) to eat c) eat.

Ans: 1 c, 2 c, 3 a, 4 b, 5 c,
6 c, 7 b, 8 b, 9 c, 10 b.

10. Degrees of comparison fill up (book-72 )
There are three degrees for comparison. (nn[)
1. Positive degree Ramu is as tall as Ravi
,+_ ,a+n 0n+o0a +,a++ _+++m
2. Comparative degree Ramu is taller than others.
,+_ aa,+a a. +,a++ _+++m
3. Superlative degree Ramu is the tallest of all.
,+__+m ma,_a +,a+mam

Forms of adjectives:
Positive Comparative Superlative
One syllable


Two syllables


Multi syllabic

More useful
More beautiful
More wonderful

Most useful



Degrees-an, nn__+m _++0a-[a
Type Superlative Comparative Positive
Type 1
(2 things)

er than..(or)
more than
not so ...
Noter than (or)
not more.. than
Type 2
the est
(or) the
er than any
other (or) more
than any other
No other....
Type 3
(one of
the type)
one of the
(or) one of
the most . than many/most
other (or)
more than
many/most other
Very few

Type 1. (_ 6n+_.+a nn[a)
-----(no superlative)------
Ravi is taller than Raju.
Raju is not so tall as Ravi.
Type2. (nn[ a+ +,_)
Ravi is the tallest boy in the class.
Ravi is taller than any other boy in the class.
No other boy in the class is as tall as Ravi.
Type3. (a+ +,_ao qa m)
Ravi is one of the tallest boys in the class.
Ravi is taller than many other boys in the class.
Very few boys are as tall as Ravi.

:. a++++a No other / Very few -o 6_+. +m+o
as/soas am a_a Positive degree-_ 0_, q
z. a++++__o than a _+o more./ am a_a
Comparative degree-_ 0_,q 6+++.
1. a++++__o the a_+o most./ ..est am a_a
Superlative degree-_ 0_,q 6+++.
|. a++++__o __+ _n nm plural (s-o _a
a+,__) a_+o than many/most other oo one
of the 0_, q 6++ +.
English I Paper Study material Way to Success - 20 -
1. Complete the sentence:
No other girl in the class is ______ Kamala.
a) most clever as b) more cleverer as
c) as clever as
2. Very few boys in the class are ___ Sathish.
a) more brilliant than, b) most brilliant,
c) as brilliant as
3. Rose is one of the ___ flowers
a) more fragrant, b) most fragrant,
c) as fragrant as
4. Lotus is ______ than many other flowers.
a) more beautiful b) as beautiful as
c) the most beautiful
5. No other ocean is ____ the Pacific.
a) so large as, b) larger than, c) as large as
6. Mt. Everest is _____ peak in the world
a)one of the highest, b) the highest, c)higher
7. The Earth is _____ the moon.
a) as big as, b) bigger than, c) the biggest
8. Shiela is the _____ girl in the class
a) cleverest b) cleverer c) clever
9. Taj is _____ buildings in India.
a) the most wonderful b) more wonderful
c) one of the most wonderful
10. David is _________ boy in the class.
a) taller than any other b) tallest
c) taller than many other
Ans: 1 c, 2 c, 3 b, 4 a, 5 c.
6 b, 7 b, 8 a, 9 c, 10 a.

11. Identify-Simple, compound,complex (book-93)
Phrase verb oo+_ 6++6+.,
Clause verb aa _6n oo
_ 6n+_ 6++ 6+.,
_6n - Main Clause (MC)
_6n+_ - Subordinate Clause (SC)

Simple Sentences : Phrase +MC or MC
Compound Sentences : MC +Conjunction +MC
Complex Sentences : MC +SC

Incase of your working hard
you will get good marks.
Phrase MC

You work hard and you will get good marks.

If you work hard, you will get good marks.

Identify the type of each of the following sentences:
1. The villagers moved out of their village.
2. The sky was darker and the cold was more intense.
3. He sat down under a tree and wept bitterly.
4. In spite of being hot, we managed to work.
5. No one had any sympathy for him, but all were curious
about his absence.
6. Miriam married and left her father.

1. The villagers moved out of their village.
Single MC + _nn_+o Simple sentence
2. The sky was darker and the cold was more intense.
MC+conj+MC am a_a_+o Compound Sentence
3. He sat down under a tree and wept bitterly.
MC+conj+MC am a_a_+o Compound Sentence
4. In spite of being hot, we managed to work.
Phrase+MC + _nn_+o Simple sentence
5. No one had any sympathy for him, but all were curious
about his absence.
MC+conj+MC am a_a_+o Compound Sentence
6. Miriam married and left her father.
MC+conj+MC am a_a_+o Compound Sentence

12. If clause fill up(book-94)
_6++o ._+o m6m+_ 6++o .+_a am
6++o _a If clause o o Conditional clause _a.
_o _m a++a -[
1. Probable / Possible Conditions:
an+++ oo .6n+++ 6++o+a
_6++o ._+o m6m+_ 6++o (m) .+_a
am 6++o _a
1. If Sachin hits a century, India will win the match.
+++m 6+m+, __+o _++ 6ao_a
2. If you ring the bell, the door will be opened.
a++ ++_ _m __o n__ Present + __+o
,-.+a n__+o will _+_a
3. If I am a teacher, I will teach you.
4. You will be happy, if your family is small
5. If you are attentive, you will not miss any point.
6. If you do not study well, you will fail in exam.
7. Unless you study well, you will not pass.
8. If you do not play well, you will not win match.
9. If I have a piece of chalk, I can write in board.
10. If you eat too much, you will be ill.

2. Improbable / Imaginary Conditions:
.+++_ +nm++m 6++o
1. If I dropped this glass, it would break.
+m _ +--+ .aa, +0 0n+.__+o
(+m 0n+.+__+o .+aoo - m _
0n+..+_a .a)
2. If I met him, I would tell him.
3. If I were a bird, I would fly.
4. If I were the HM of this school I would abolish the

3. Unfulfilled Conditions(0a+_ 6++o+a :
1. If you had played well, you would have won the match.
m_ aa+++____+o 0a.+o
6a6n_nn++ (m_ aa++.+__+o
0_+a..++ -- m m_ aa++m+_a
6aoo_++ j6mmo match _a..)
2. If you had worked hard, you would have
succeeded. ( m_ ______+o
3. If they had left early, they could have caught the
bus. (a,+a +++,a a.. a.[+
6+m____+o 0n__ n___nn+,+a)

:. am+6++o Present (oo is/are/v+s) +
__+o will/can aa_n 6n+__+
z. am+6++o Past (ed-0+, oo was/were)
+ __+o would/could, a a_n
3. have / had +am+6++o am __+o
would have/could have a a_n 6n+__ +

English I Paper Study material Way to Success - 21 -

1. Which of the options given below will suit the following
If the driver had been alert ____________
a) the accident can be avoided
b) the accident could be avoided
c) the accident could have been avoided
2. If Rani hadnt started early ___
a) She will be late to school,
b) She would be late to school,
c) She would have been late to school.
3. If I were your employer, _________
a) I will hike your salary
b) I would hike your salary
c) I would have hiked your salary.
4. If you waste water, _________
a) you would have suffered.
b) you would suffer c) you will suffer
5. If I won lottery ________
a) I would buy a BMW car.
b) I will buy a BMW car.
c) I would have buy a BMW car.
6. If I met him
a) I would have spoken to him
b) I would speak to him c) I will speak to him
7. If I had studied diligently . the examination.
a) I would pass b) I will pass c) I would have passed
8. If he were patient __________ .
a) he would have won the argument
b) he will win the argument
c) he would win the argument
9. If you called me ..
a) I would have come. b) I would come.
c) I will come
10. If you study well, ______________.
a) You would surely get good marks.
b) You will surely get good marks.
c) You would have got good marks.

Ans 1 - c, 2 c, 3 b, 4 c, 5 a,
6 b, 7 c, 8 c, 9 b, 10 b.

Type 2
1. Which of the option given below will suit the following
_______she would have completed her work.
a) If she had started in time
b) If she started in time
c) If she starts in time
2. ______ it floats.
a) If we dropped a piece of wood in water
b) If we drop a piece of wood in water
c) If we had dropped a piece of wood in water

Ans: 1 a, 2 b,

13. Relative pronoun fill up (book-110)

am++6+++a n+mn[__ (6n+,6++oo
_nn[a_+++) _ a+++++a -nn
Relative Pronouns: Who, whose, whom, which, that.
Relative adverbs: When, where, how, why.
These words join two parts of a sentence. They refer
nouns stands before.
For Example
1. This is the Man who taught us before.
2. The book which you gave me is lost.
3. You are the man whom I wanted to see.
4. My sister, who is in Mumbai, is arriving now.
5. Bring me the book that is on the table.

Read the following and find out the relative pronouns.
1. Do not put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
2. The present moment is a gift that has been bestowed upon you.
3. This is the planet which belongs to you.
4. Those who utilise their time wisely will succeed in life.
5. Most of the friends whom Geetha had invited, came for
her wedding.
6. Chandra whose house I live in, is a good friend of mine.
Answers: 1.What, 2.That, 3.Which, 4.Who, 5.Whom 6.Whose

Read the following sentences and fill in the blanks with
the appropriate relative pronouns.
(who, whose, whom, that, which, what)
1. We met the lady .. child won the chess championship.
2. Time is lost is lost forever.
3. Where is the book I gave you?
4. We are all leaves of a majestic tree trunk cannot be
shaken off its roots.
5. Children . are hard working by nature will come out
with flying colours.
6. The lady car was stolen is my relative.
7. We love those .. are kind to others.
8. The snake . we captured was handed over to the
wildlife warden.
9. Listen to . I say carefully.
10. Robin is the famous player .. my son likes very much.

1.whose, 2.which, 3.that, 4.whose, 5.who,
6.whose, 7.who, 8.which, 9.what, 10.whom.

Extra Exercises:
1. Find the sentence which convey same meaning
6++[++nn.. a++++___ +aa+m ,__a 6++-.
a++++__ +-[n_ a_ 0a-[a.
Nobody ++_aoo, somebody +o,,
Eveyone a6+_a_a No one - ++_aoo
1. Choose the sentence which correctly conveys
the meaning of the sentence given below:
Nobody can forget how India won her freedom.
a) Everyone cannot forget how India won her freedom.
b) Everyone can remember how India won her freedom.
c) Everyone cannot remember how India won her
2. Anyone can easily learn English.
a) No one can easily learn English.
b) Everyone can easily learn English.
c) No one cant easily learn English.
3. No one can solve this problem.
a) Everyone can solve this problem.
b) Everyone can not solve this problem.
4. No one hates to become a millionaire
a)Every one hates to become a millionaire
b)Every one wants to become a millionaire
c)Every one doesnt want to become a millionaire
5. Little did we expect such a reception?
a) We did not expect such a reception.
b) We expected such a reception.
c) Our reception was little lower than our expectation.
6. As soon as I saw the red car I liked it.
a) Because I saw the car I liked it.
b) I like the care because I saw it.
c) No sooner did I see the car than I liked it.
English I Paper Study material Way to Success - 22 -
7. Nowhere could I find my lost purse.
a) I could not find my lost purse nowhere.
b) I could find my lost purse somewhere.
c) I could not find my lost purse anywhere.
8. Nobody could I contact after the accident.
a) I could not contact anybody after the accident.
b) I could contact someone after the accident
c) I could not contact no one after the accident.
9. Seldom do I get any sleep.
a) I sleep always b) I never get sleep
c) I get sleep some time.
10. Everyone told the truth.
a) Anybody did not tell the truth.
b) No one told the truth.
c) No one told a lie.
Ans 1 b, 2 b, 3 b, 4 b, 5 a,
6 c, 7 c, 8 a, 9 c, 10 c.

2. Articles

The articles are a, an, the.
(a&an Indefinite articles.
the - definite article.)
a - _
an - ,
the _

_ o, amn _a. , o, amn0_ +,
( (, +) + o, amn_o ,-[ +6,_++a
[__[_ a_a_ +am _a)

1. a & an - before singular, countable nouns
(_a aa a--++ 6n+__+_ a.[a )
Ex. An apple, a pencil (a milk _a)
2. a & an - for the first time. (__o_)
the - for repeated noun. (z,1a _)
Ex. I saw a man and his son. The man was blind
3. a- before consonant sound (6a+0++o+_ _m)
Ex. A pencil, a one rupee note, a unit
(am _n 0+., m. - 6a+6++o+a_+m)
4. an - before vowel sound. (+, o+_ _m)
Ex. An apple, an umbrella, an hour
(a ,o o+, , +, o+a )
5 the - before a particular, repeated nouns and
general group (_n.. or __an___an
a_a 6n+,+a aa 6n+n 6n+,+a)
Ex. The school, the poor, the rich
6. the - for only one of its kind(o+o m0 m)
Ex. The sun, the Tajmahal,
7. the - superlative degrees +_ _mm+o
Ex. The best player, the tallest boy

1. Choose the appropriate article to complete
the sentence:
I have brought you a collection of _____
award winning books of this year.
a) a b) an c) the
2. J ack is ___ one eyed man.
a) a b) an c) the
3. This is ___ book that I wanted to read it.
a) a b) an c) the
4. ___ educated man is always respected by all.
a) a b) an c) the
5. Education is ___ essential thing for life.
a) a b) an c) the
6. Ravi Shankar is_____famous pianist.
a) a b) an c) the
7. Kala was half __ hour late for her class.
a) a b)an c)the
8. Last week I saw ___ European in our area.
a) a b)an c)the
9. My neighbor has ___ flock of sheep.
a) a b)an c)the
10. There is a tiger in the forest ____tiger was hungry.
a) a b)an c)the
Ans: 1 c, 2 a, 3 c, 4 b, 5 b,
6 a, 7 b, 8 a, 9 a, 10 c.
Dash-+ _ n_ vowel(aeiou) sound a_+o an 0n+[
Dash-+_ n_ consonant sound (6a+ o) a_+o a 0n+[
Dash-+_ n_ superlative (est) a_+o the 0n+[
Dash-+_ n_ plural(s) a_+o the 0n+[
+nn+ma _nn. the n+mn[__o+a

b) Transformation (any 5 from list) 5 x 2 =10

1. Active voice , passive voice (book-51)
Active voice - 6++am (am _m+ 6++_+m)
Passive voice - 6++nn+.[am
( am+o 6+++nn..)
6n+a++ 6++am 6++[_ 6++nn+.[am+++
a+a+ 0+._nn+,+a

6++nn+.[am+++ a+a _.
Active Voice to Passive Voice:
Ravi Plays football

Subject + Verb + Object

Object Verb change by Subject

Football is played by Ravi

Step 1: Interchange the subject and Object.
(aa++a 6++n[6n+_aa .a a++)
Step 2 :Verb should be changed. (am+6++oo a+)
Step 3 : add by after the changed verb. (by 0+,)
Step 4 : Write the Subject at last. (__oo __
aa++ +.++o a+)

For Verb Change (am+6++oo a+a _):
:. If it is in Simple Tense add suitable be form verb
(am/is/are/was/were/shall be/will be) and write the
Past Participle form of verb (PP). (Simple tense-+
__+o ___ be verb 0+,_ verb-_ PP+ a+ )
2. If it is in Continuous tense insert being and write
past participle form of the verb(PP). (countinous-
+ __+o being .+o 0+,_ verb-_
PP+ a+ )
3. If it is in Perfect Tense insert been between the
have/has/had/shall have/will have and the main verb.
(Perfect(have,had)-+ __+o been 0+,_ a[)

+ona++ mao a_+6++aa.
Simple Tenses
Present is / are
Past - was / were +PP
Future will be
Continuous Tenses Insert being then PP
Perfect Tenses Insert been

English I Paper Study material Way to Success - 23 -
If the subject is pronouns then it must be changed as follows
I =>by me, We =>by us You=>by you
He =>by him She =>by her It =>by it.
They =>by them Who =>by whom
Ravi =>Ravi (6n+,+a a++)
Example1: Rama killed Ravana
,+am 6++m+m ,+a-m
Ravana was killed by Rama.
,+a-m 6++oonn..+m ,+am+o

Example2: I am writing a letter.
+m a_+6++-_++0m _ +_a
A letter is being written by me.
_ +_a a_nn.[+6++-_++ amm+o

Example3: We had written the exam.
++a a_+_++0+a 0_,a.
The exam had been written by us.
0_,q a_nn.. a+a+o.

aa+ _.
1) Subject - Object .a a++
2) verb-_ PP + a+ __n n_ by 0n+[+.
1) 0+aa+o have/has/had a_+o _+[_ been
|) 0+aa+o is/am/are/was/were a_+o _+[_
being 0+,
) 0+aa+o shall/will a_+o _+[_ be 0+,++

Tenses Active voice Passive voice
Rani eats a mango.
A mango is eaten
by Rani.
Simple past Ravi played cricket.
Cricket was played
by Ravi.
Ram will drink
Coffee will be
drunk by Ram.
Rani is eating a
A mango is being
eaten by Rani.
Ravi was playing
Cricket was being
played by Ravi.
Ram will be drinking
---no passive---
Rani has eaten a
A mango has been
eaten by Rani.
Past Perfect
Ravi had played
Cricket had been
played by Ravi.
Ravi will have played
Cricket will have
been played

Active and Passive voice-nn__+m _++0a-[a:
Active Voice Passive Voice
Simple S +
Present Pr.V / Pr.V+s
Past - Past verb
Future - shall/will Pr.V

Am/is/are +PP
Was/were +PP
Shall be/ will be +PP
Continuous S +
Pre - am/is/are +V+ing
Past-was/were +V+ing

Am/is/are +being+PP
Was/were +being+PP
-------(no passive)----
Perfect S +
Pr- have/has +PP
Past had +PP
Fu- shall /will have +pp

have/has +been +PP
had +been +PP
shall/will have+been+PP
Perfect Continuous S +
Pr- have/has been V+ing
Past had been V+ing
Fu- shall /will have been V+ing

-------(no passive)----

For Commands (+..a+_+_)
Active Voice Passive Voice
Open the door Let the door be opened
Shut the door Let the door be shut
Say the prayers Let the prayers be said
Speak the truth Let the truth be spoken.
Select the flowers Let the flowers be selected
Never say a lie Never a lie is to be said
give me water Let me be given water
Do this at once Let this be done at once
Don't do this Let not this be done
Don't insult the poor Let not the poor be insulted
_n,. a++++a verb-o 6_.+m+o Let-am_6_+._
Dont am_6_+.+m+o Let not am_6_+._

Examples for Changing Active to Passive:
1. The children painted these pictures.
These pictures were painted by the children.
2. Who broke the windowpanes?
The windowpanes were broken by whom?
By whom the windowpanes were broken?
3. They were constructing a dam.
A dam was being constructed by them.
4. We must help the poor.
The poor must be helped by us.

Changing into active voice: (_o+ a+a)
1. Write subject first (+.++o a a_ __oo
2. Change the tense. (past =>Present, PP=>Past)
3. Remove by (by 0+,)
4. Write the object last.(__oo ___ +.++o)
1. The problem was solved by me.
I solved the problem
2. The results will be published tomorrow.
They will publish the results tomorrow.
3. Hamlet was written by Shakespeare.
Shakespeare wrote Hamlet
4. The electric bulb was invented by Edison.
Edison invented the electric bulb.

1. Rewrite this sentence using the passive voice:
I had sharpened my pencil and I had
used it to sketch the diagram.
2. Open the door.
3. Marconi invented the radio.
4. I have answered four problems. Now I am answering the
fifth problem.
5. I spent a day at Ooty. I have enjoyed the visit.
6. Ragu speaks English fluently. They will select him for the post
7. The boys broke the window while playing
8. Careless driving has caused many accidents.
9. My grandmother had told me a story before I went to bed
10. The teacher will give us the answer papers next week.

Ans: 1. My pencil had been sharpened and it had been used
to sketch the diagram by me
2. Let the door be opened.
3. The radio was invented by Marconi.
4. Four problems have been answered and now the fifth
problem is being answered by me.
5. A day was spent at Ooty and the visit has been
enjoyed by me.
6. English is spoken fluently by Ragu and he will be
selected for the post (by them).
7. The window was broken by the boys while playing.
English I Paper Study material Way to Success - 24 -
8. Many accidents have been caused by careless driving.
9. A story had been told to me by my
grandmother, before I went to bed.
10. The answer papers will be given to us by the
teacher next week.

2. Direct & Indirect speech (book-70)
_a, +a_ a, 6++o_a 0n+o0a __nn+
6++mm+o Direct speech - 0,+
a, +a_ a+ +a +a 0n+o +m+o
Indirect speech - + +

am+__+ao 0,+(direct) 6++[_
++++(Indirect) a+0a+ oo
+ + (Indirect) 6++[_ 0, + ++(direct)
a+0a+ 0+._nn+,+a.

Direct to Indirect Rules (a__+a):
Step 1 Remove
0a0++a_+ +_
Step 2 Reporting verb Change:
said to a _+o; told, asked, exclaimed

++_+,- a++++a am+-+..a -,++
Step 3 Conjunction 0n+[_o.
.6++o conjunction 0+, ++qa
Statements/Exclamations(++_+,-, -, + +
a++ ++ +a ) that
Yes/no Questions(am+) if
Wh Questions the same question word
Command & request (+..a) to
Step 4 Pronoun Change:
Pronoun-_ ( I, we, you ++a)
0n+na, 0+.na_+__ _++a+
6n+a++ I & II persons III persons.

Examples: I / you He/She/it
We / you they
Step 5 Tense Change:
(Verb-m Tense-_ reporting verb-+_
_++a+ a++ (Imperative +..a
a++++___ a+aoo)

Reporting verb present or future or universal
truth + __+o a0a a+a

Reporting verb
past tense + __+o a0a
Present verb => Past +qa
Past verb => Past perfect +qa
Step 6 Structure Change:
Question, Exclamatory Format-+a
Answer oo Normal format+
a++ are you? you are.
is he? he is.
Step 7 Time adverbials change :
(+++_a a+,__+a a++)
now then , today that day
here there, thus so
this that these those
tomorrow the next day
yesterday the previous day /the day before
last night the night before, ago before

Reporting Speech Reported Speech

Raja said to Kannan, I am talking with her now.

Speaker. Pronoun Pronoun
Reporting verb Reported verb
Time adv.

Raja told Kannan that he was talking with her then.

Reporting verb a+ a & Conjunction 0+,nn 2 & 3
Change in Reporting verb Conjunction

Say say, Will say say
Says to tells
Said said, Said to told

Said asked/ inquired
Said to asked
Asked asked
(i) Wh Qns
- same Qn. Word

(ii) Yes or no
- if or whether

Said, said to
Commanded, Ordered
Advised, Warned
Asked, requested

not to
(for Dont)

Said, said to Exclaimed
Exclaimed joyfully
Alas! Oh!
Exclaimed sorrowfully

Pronoun Change (for step 4):
a) Reporting speech-y; Speaker (0n+na,)Iam a
Reported Speecho I / My / me / We / Our / us am
Pronoun+a a_+o _m a+a 6++++ao
nn0+ a_qa.
b) Reporting speech-y; Speaker (0n+na,)Weam a
Reported Speecho We / Our / us am Pronoun+a
a_+o _m a+a 6++++ao nn0+ a_qa.
c)Reporting speech-y; Speaker(0n+na,)III person+
a Reported Speecho I/My/me/We/Our/us am
Pronoun+a a_+o speaker(0+.na_)+__
___+0n+o nm a_a+ a+ qa .
I My me We Our us

He/She his/her him/her they their them
d) Reporting speech-y; Listener (,) me am
a Reported Speecho You / Your / you am
Pronoun+a a_+o _m nma_a+ a+qa .
You =>I Your =>my you =>me
e) Reporting speech-y; Listener (,)us am a
Reported Speecho You / Your / you am Pronoun+a
a_+o _m nm a_a+ a+ qa.
You =>we Your =>our you =>us
f)Reporting speech-y; Listener (,)III person+
a Reported Speecho You/Your/you a_+o
Listener(0+.na_)+__ ___+0n+o 0a+-.
Pronoun+a nm a_a+ a+ qa .
You=>He/She/They, Your=>his/her/their, you=>him/her/them
g)Reported Speecho He / She / It / They / his / her / its /
their / him / them am Pronoun+a a_+o _m
a+a 6++++ao nn0+ a_qa.
English I Paper Study material Way to Success - 25 -

Tense change(for step 5):
1. Present Tense Past Tense
(am,is,are was,were)
(have,has had)
2. Past Tense had +PP

3. will would
4. shall should
5. can could
6. may might
7. must had to
*Imperative(+..a) a++++___ a.[a Tense
change 6+++++.+

Format Change (for step 6):
Question format => Answer format
0+aa+am ann nma_a+ a+ 0a-[a
She said to him, Is he mad?
She asked him if he is mad
He said to her, Have you done the homework?
He asked her if she had done the homework.
He said to her, Who is your father?
=>He asked her who her father is.

Exclamatory format => Normal format
-,++ a+++++am anna a+ 0a-[a
He said, How beautiful the Taj Mahal is!
=>He exclaimed that the Taj Mahal is very beautiful.
She said, What a beautiful picture it is!
=>She exclaimed that it is a very beautiful picture.

Time Adverbials Change (for step 7):
1. This () that() 2.these those
3. now (n0n+) then (n0n+) 4. here there
5. thus so 6.ago before
7. today that day 8.tonight that night
9. yesterday - the previous day/ the day before
10. last week - the previous week/ the week before
11. last month - the previous month / the month before
12. Last year - the previous year/ the year before
13. tomorrow - the next day / the day after
14. next week - the week after
15. next month - the month after
16. next year - the year after

0,+m ++o_a ++m ++o_a 0an[a_+o_+m
0a+-. a+,__+a a++0+a

1. He said, I will be in New York on Sunday
He said that he would be in New York on Sunday.
2. The teacher said to Mohan, Why were you absent to
school yesterday?
The teacher asked Mohan why he had been absent to
school the previous day.
3. All the visitors said, What an excellent sculpture it is!
All the visitors exclaimed that it was an excellent
4. The headmaster said to Mohan, Bring your father to
school tomorrow.
The headmaster asked Mohan to bring his father to
school the next day.

Indirect to Direct:
(the reverse process-_o+ a+ a)
Step 1 Told, asked +_ n_o++ said to 0n+[+.
Step 2 Remove conjunction .+6++o +_
Step 3 Put 0a0++a _ 0n+[+.
(conjuction a[__.__o 0a0++a_+ 6_+._)
Step 4 Change pronouns (normally to I&II persons)
He/she =>I, you they =>we/you
0n+na,, 0+.na_+_+ ___a+ He/she/it/
they/ you 0n+ma a+ 0a-[a
Step 5 Change tense (++oa)(normally to present tense)
(6n+a++ _ ++o__ +++oa++ a+)
Step 7 Answer format Question format
If it is exclamatory Exclamatory format
0+aa/o-,++ a+++++am ann a+
Step 8 Time adverbials change (reverse of the above)
(__oo a++ m__a a-[a n+
_+o a+a. 0a-[a
- m_a _o+ a+a
1. She said that she had written to her the previous day.
She said, I wrote to her yesterday.
2. She told Rama that she would come with him to the forests.
She said to Rama, I will (shall) come with you to the forest.
3. The doctor asked the patient if he slept well the day before.
The doctor said to the patient, Did you sleep well yesterday.
4. The teacher advised the boys not to waste their precious time.
The teacher said to the boys, Dont waste your precious time.
5. Leela requested Meena to lend her, her bicycle.
Leela said to Meena, Please, lend me your bicycle.
6. Ravi asked Rani when she would return his book.
Ravi said to Rani, When will you return my book?

Book Exercise:
Rewrite the given sentences in the reported form. Use
appropriate subjects.
1. "Hurrah! We have won the match!"
2. "Where did you get this interesting novel from?"
3. "Were you in town yesterday?"
4. "What a pity you didn't come for the field trip!"
5. "When do you intend paying me back?"

1. He exclaimed with joy that they had won the match.
2. He asked me where I got that interesting novel from
3. She asked me if I was in town the previous day.
4. My friend exclaimed with sorrow that I didnt come for
the field trip.
5. I asked him when he intended paying me back.

Exercise (Type 1):
1. Rewrite this sentence in direct speech:
Pritam asked the shopkeeper whether he would
exchange the defective torch which he had bought from
him the previous day.
2. The teacher asked the boys not to speak ill of others
3. My friend said that it was a very beautiful view
4. The teacher asked the students if they had done the problem
which he had given to them the previous day.
5. Praveen told me that he did not go to movies often.
6. Bhalaji exclaimed that I had rendered him a good deed.
7. Naveen asked his brother if he would accompany him to
the provision store.
8. The Headmaster advised us to switch off the fans when
we left the class.
9. Selvan wondered if he could climb that hill.
10. The teacher told Rangan that she was happy to see that
he had done the exercises correctly.
English I Paper Study material Way to Success - 26 -
Ans: 1. Pritam said to the shopkeeper, Will you exchange
the defective torch which I bought from you
2. The teacher said to the boys, Dont speak ill of others.
3. My friend said, It is a very beautiful view.
4. The teacher said to the students, Have you done the
problem which I have given to you yesterday?
5. Praveen said to me, I do not go to movies often.
6. Bhalaji said, What a good deed you have rendered!
7. Naveen said to his brother, Will you accompany me to
the provision store?
8. The Headmaster said to us, Switch off the fans when you
left the class.
9. Selvan said, Can you climb this hill?
10. The teacher said to Ranfan, I am happy to see that you
have done the exercises correctly.

Type 2:
Rewrite this sentence in indirect speech:
1. The old woman said to the student, Please help me to
cross the street.
2. Mr. Cheri said to his driver, Drop me at my office and
pick me up at 3 pm.
3. Nagaraj said to his father, Will you allow me to go on an
excursion to Kerala?
4. The teacher said to boys, Where do you want to go?
5. The tourist exclaimed that the Taj Mahal was very

1. The old woman requested the student to help her to
cross the street.
2. Mr.Cheri asked his driver to drop him at his office
and to pick him up at 3 pm.
3. Nagaraj asked his father if he would allow him to go
on excursion to Kerala.
4. The teacher asked the boys where they wanted to go.
5. The tourist said, How beautiful the Taj Mahal is!

3. Degrees of comparison (book-72)
no_.+ +,+a 6++[+ +n n. _+ _a . _m
n+mn[__+ 6++-[ j0__a _ degree a_0a-[a.
++++_a _+o Superlative&Comparative degree-_
aa_++ a_o+a.
a0,/0a a+qa +,_/a, am _nn.
Subject + verb + the + adj + est +(other part of
most + adj sentence)

Ram is the tallest boy in the class.

_ n+ oo _ 6n+_a+a nn.
n+ / + verb+ adj + er + than + a6+_
6n+_am more + adj n+ /
6n++ / 6n+_am
eg: Ram is taller than Ravi
or Ram is taller than any other any other
boy in the class

a,n 0n+o 0a ++_a oo am _nn.

No other + verb+ as adj as + Subject
Very few

Eg. No other boy in the class is as tall as Ram.

Model I (the model):
1. a. Our body is the most marvellous machine ever built by
God. (Superlative)
b. Our body is more marvellous than any other machine
ever built by God .(Comparative)
c. No other machine ever built by God is as marvellous as
our body.(Positive)

2. a. Asia is the largestcontinent in the world. (Superlative)
b. Asia is larger than anyother continent in the world.(Cm)
c. No other continent in the world is as large as Asia (Pos)

Model - II(one of the model):
1. a. Nail biting is one of the most disgusting habits. (Sup)
b. Nail biting is more disgusting than many other habits. (Cm)
c. Very few habits are as disgusting as nail biting. (Pos)
2. a. Wordsworth is one of the greatest English poets. (Sup)
b. Wordsworth is greater than many other English poets(Cm)
c. Veryfew English poets are as great as Wordsworth. (Ps)

Model - III(two things only model):
1. a. Kaushik is more inquisitive than Kavya.(Comparative)
b. Kavya is not so/as inquisitive as Kaushik. (Positive)
2. a. The chimpanzee is cleverer than the gorilla. (com)
b. The gorilla is not so/as clever as the chimpanzee.(ps)

Transform the following sentences into other degrees of
1. The cat is sweeter than any other pet animal.
2. Very few inventions are as amazing as the computer.
3. Iron is the most useful metal.
4. Coffee is not so good as tea.
5. The peacock is more colourful than many other birds.
6. Vellore is hotter than Coimbatore.

1. The cat is the sweetest pet animal. (sup)
No other animal is as sweet as the cat. (pos)
2. Computer is one of the most amazing invention (sup)
Computer is more amazing than many other inventions
3. Iron is more useful than any other metals. (com)
No other metal is as useful as the Iron. (pos)
4. Tea is better than coffee. (com) -(no superlative)
5. The peacock is one of the most colourful birds. (sup)
Very few birds are as colourful as the peacock. (pos)
6. Coimbatore is not so hot as Vellore. (pos)
-(no superlative)

4. Combining sentences-conjunctions. (book-38,107)
6++[++nn.. ,-[ a++ ++ +a -_ 0,
a++++a++ a_ 0a-[a. a+++++_+_ .0+
and, or, but, so, when, after, before a_ -+ +o+a
and a a or-o o but- m+o so- +++o
when- 6n+ after- n_ before- _m m+o

J oin the pairs of sentences using suitable time conjunctions
(when / after / before) and write single past perfect
continuous sentences.
1. a. The ONGC men were drilling for several months.
b. Finally they struck oil.
2. a. The British were ruling us for more than a hundred
b. Then we got freedom.
3. a. Mr. Abdul Kalam was working as a space scientist for
several years.
b. Then he was elected as the President of India.
English I Paper Study material Way to Success - 27 -
4. a. The Negroes in America were suffering as slavesfor
many decades.
b. They were made free during Abraham Lincoln's

1. The ONGC men had been drilling for several
months before they struck oil. (or) The ONGC men
struck oil after they had been drilling for several
2. The British had been rulling us for more than a
hundred years before we got freedom.
3. Mr.Abdul Kalam had been working as a space
scientist for several years before he was elected as
the president of India.
4. The Negroes in America had been suffering as
slaves for many decades when they wer made free
during Abraham Lincolns presidency.

1. From the context of the two sentences
given below form a single sentence.
Anand heard that he had won the first prize.
Anand jumped with joy .
2. She worked hard. She could not get the state rank
3. Sheela is a clever girl. Sheela is the best singer.
4. You must walk daily. You will be healthy.
5. He had finished his meals. He watched TV.
6. It rained heavily. All trains are stopped.
7. She opened the door. She came in.
8. Kannan was not intelligent. He was not diligent.
9. It may rain. We shall stay at home.
10. Prem completes his home work.
Then he goes to bed.

Ans: 1. When Anand heard that he had won the first
prize, he jumped with joy. (m_ _+m
__o n,+6n_+ 0+.. 6n+
a++++o aa+ ____+m)
2. Though she worked hard, she could not get state rank.
aa +ma++ __0n+a aa+o a+o
aao _,a (state rank) 6n_+ao o.
3. Sheela is a cleaver girl and she is the best singer.
,o+ _ ,__++on6n- aa aa +_ n+.+
4. If you walk daily, you will be healthy.
_m_a . _+o oa++ _nn++
5. Having finished his meals, he watched TV
_m -a __+6++-[ am TV n+,__+m
6. Since it rained heavily, all trains are stopped.
+ma 6n+__+o m_ ,+o+_a
7. Opening the door, she came in.
+_a_ _6++-[ aa a0a a_+a.
8. Kannan was neither intelligent not diligent
+--m ,__++oaoo: +m nn+aaoo.
9. As it may rain we shall stay at home. (a
6n++o+a amn_+o +a a.o _a[0a+a)
10. After completing his home work Prem goes to bed
a .[nn+.__ ___n_ n0,a n[++ 6+o++m
(or)Prem completes his home work before going to bed
n0,a a.[nn+.__ _+ ++m n[+++ 6+o_a _m
when-6n+, though-__0n+__a if-o
as-_nn_+o before-_mm+o after-n_

5. Combining sen. - Relative pronouns (book-110)
_mm, n___ mao 6++aaqa.
Combining of sentences with relative pronouns
1. I bought some apples in the market. They were costly.
I bought some apples in the market, which were costly.
2. The old man lost his purse. He is crying.
The old man who lost his purse, is crying.
3. This is the hotel. We meet here often.
This is the hotel where we meet often.
4. I like the boy. His temper is good.
I like the boy whose temper is good.
5. I saw a man. He had a wooden leg.
I saw a man who had a wooden leg.
6. This is the book. I wanted to read it.
This is the book which I wanted to read.
7. This is the place. We meet here often.
This is the place where we meet often.
8. I like Sujatha. His novels are very interesting.
I like Sujatha whose novels are very interesting.
9. This is the boy. I saved him last month.
This is the boy whom I saved last month.
10. A man is honest. He succeeds in life.
A man who is honest, succeeds in life.

1.This is Ram. He is the leader of our class. (who)
2. He suggested many ideas.
They were not practical. (which)
3. The performance of these students has been out standing.
They will be given special prizes (whose)
4. Did you buy the shirt? You saw it in the shop (which)
5. I know the girl. She is a famous sportsperson. (who)
6. My book was missing. I found it (which)

1. This is Ram, who is the leader of our class.
2. He suggested many ideas which were not practical.
3. These students, whose performance has been out
standing, will be given special prizes.
4. Did you buy the shirt which you saw in the shop.
5. I know the girl, who is a famous sportsperson.
I found my book which was missing.

6. Combining sentences - If clause (book-94)

6++[++nn.. ,-[ a+++++a if
n+mn[__ ,-.a 0, a++++a++ a_
You work hard. You will pass in the exam.
If you work had, you will pass in the exam.


0+aa+o 6++[++nn.. ,-[
a+++++ao __o a++++__m
6_+.+ +_ _o If
__o a++++__o verb-m tense-_
___ ___+0n+o ,-.+a
a++++___.+ verb-_
nma_a+ a+qa.

j+m0a am+ a- :-o 6++[++nn..
aa,+a mq n[__+6++aaqa
English I Paper Study material Way to Success - 28 -
Type :. am+6++o Present (oo am/is/are)
+ __+o will/shall/can _+_a+

Type z.. am+6++o Past (oo was/were) +
__+o would/could _+_a+ a.

Type 1. had +am+6++o __+o
would have/could have _+_a+ a.

From the context of the two sentences given below
form a single sentence using the If clause:
1. It rains. I shall get wet.
2. The glass falls. The glass breaks.
3. You waste water. You suffer.
4. Run fast. You can catch the bus.
5. You are tired. You take rest.
6. The mother prepares the food. The daughter lays the
table ready.
7. Raju did not study well. He did not pass.
8. Heat the ice. It will melt.
9. Work hard. You will pass in the exam.
10. I won a lottery. I buy a BMW car.

1. If it rains, I shall(will) get wet
2. If the glass falls, it will break.
3. If you waste water, you will suffer.
4. If you run fast, you will catch the bus.
5. If you are tired, you can take rest.
6. If the mother prepares the food, the daughter will lay
the table ready.
7. If Raju did not study well, he would not pass.
(If Raju had studied well, he would have passed in
the exam)
8. If you heat the ice, it will melt.
(If you heat the ice, it melts)
9. If you work had, you will pass in the exam.
10. If I won a lottery, I would buy a BMW car.
(If I had not won a lottery, I would not have bought
a BMW car.)

7. Simple Compound Complex (book-91-94,108,109)
j+m0a n___ mao 6++a. ++-. simple-
compound-complex a++a n_+6++a+. ao
j0__a _ a++o -_ a.

Type1 (time)
As soon as I saw the snake, I searched for a stick.
(when, while, after, before) complex
I saw the snake and I searched for a stick.
(and at once, immediately, and soon) compound
On seeing the snake, I searched for a stick. (having
seen, Immediately after seeing) simple
Type 2 (reason)
She was absent because she was sick. / As she was
sick, she was absent. (since) complex
She was sick so she was absent
(and so, therefore) - compound
Because of her being sick, she was absent. (owing to
her sickness, Due to her sickness, On the account of
her being sick - simple
As the examinations were over, the students left the
hostel. complex
The examinations were over and the students left the
hostel. compound
The examinations being over, the students left the
hostel. - simple
Type 3 (Result)
He is so weak, that he cannot walk. (suchthat) cmplx
He is very weak and so he can not walk. (so) -cmpd
He is too weak to walk. / As a result of his weakness,
he can not walk.(in the consequence of) - simple
We eat so that we may live. complex
We eat and so we live - compound
We eat to live. - simple
Type 4 (Inability)
Though they run very fast, they missed the train.
(although, even though, even if) complex
They run very fast but they missed the train. (yet,
still) - compound
In spite of their running very fast, they missed the
train. (despite, notwithstanding) - simple
Type 5 (Condition)
If you work hard you will succeed. complex
(You) work hard and you will succeed / You work
hard only then you will succeed - cmpound
In the event of your working hard you will succeed.
(In case of your working hard) /You will succeed
with hard working - simple
Type 5.1 (Negative Condition)
Unless you work hard you will fail./ If you do not
work hard you will fail complex
You work hard or (or else, otherwise)you will fail -cpnd
In case of your not working hard, you will fail./
You will fail without hard working - simple
Type 6 (Relative Pronoun)
The moment which is lost is lost for ever complex
The moment is lost and it is lost for ever. compnd
The lost moment is lost for ever. - simple
The law will punish whoever is guilty. - complex
The guilty will be punished and the law will do it - cmpd
The law will punish the guilty. - simple
she hopes that she will get the job - complex
She will get this job and she hopes it. -compound
She hopes to get this job. - simple
English I Paper Study material Way to Success - 29 -

Book Examples:
1. a) lnspite of / Despite her poverty, Anuja stood first in
the examination. (Simple)
b) Although / Even though / Though Anuja was poor,
she stood first in the examination. (Complex)
c)Anuja was poor, yet / but /still she stood first in the
examination. (Compound)
2. a) On hearing the good news, Agnel felt happy. (Simple)
b) When Agnel heard the good news, he felt happy. (Cpx)
c)Agnel heard the good news and he felt happy. (Cmpnd)
3. a) In the event of running first, you will win the race. (sm)
b) If you run fast, you will win the race. (complex)
c) Unless you run fast, you will not win the race. (cmplx)
d) Run fast or you will not win the race. (compound)
4. a) On account of / Because of / Due to / Owing to / As a
result of bad weather, the match was postponed. (smp)
b) As/Since the weatherwas bad, the match was
postponed. (complex)
c) The weather was bad and so the match was postponed.
5. a) Being busy, J eba could not attend the wedding. (smple)
b) As 1 Since J eba was busy she could not attend the
wedding. (complex)
c) J eba was busy and so she could not attend the
6. a) The coffee is too hot to drink (simple)
b)The coffee is so hot that I cannot drink it. (complex)
c)The coffee is very hot and so I cannot drink it. (cmpnd)

Book Exercise:
1.The box is too heavy to carry. (change into complex)
2. Eventhough he is poor, he donates generously.
(change into compound)
3. Rahul did not know German, so he was disqualified.
(change into complex sentence)
4. Owing to his illness, Rajan did not appear for the exam.
(change into compound sentence)
5. As soon as I heard the good news, I congratulated her.
(change into simple sentence)
1. The box is very heavy that he can not carry.
2. He is poor, but he donates generously.
3. Since Rahul did not know German, he was disqualified.
4. Rajan was ill and so he did not appear for the exam.
5. Hearing the good news, I congratulated her.

8. Changing Sentence using given tense(Book-37)
j+m0a n__ tense n__+ mao 6++a. tense
n__+ a-[a _ _ n_+6++a. ++-.
0n+m n+++a 0_,ao a,o+a.
Change the following using the past perfect tense:
1. Only after reaching the railway station, I realized that I
did not bring the ticket.
2. The accused was in jail for five years before he had been
3. The monkeys ate all the bananas in the tree and so there
were no bananas left for us.

1. when I reached the railway station I realized that I had not
brought the ticket.
2. The accused had been in jail for five years when he was
3. As the monkeys had eaten all the bananas in the tree there
were no bananas left for us.

c) Punctuation (book-11) 5x1= 5
6n,+ a_, _n,aa, ++ ,a a, ,n ,a a,
0+aa+_, ++,++._ - a 0_a++m
. +ao [a0_ n n++.
1 Start with capital letter
__o a__ capital a__++_.
2 Names start with capital letter.
6n+,+_+_ __o a__ 0+nn.o++_
3 i _m+++ a_+o 0+nn.o++_(I)
im a_+o Im am a+.
4 Comma ( , ) for list of things. _+
a--+++o 6n+_.+a a_+o +a+ , 0n+[.
-++++a_ 6_+a+_a a+++++a
a+,__+am _+o a+n,+_ (:) [+.
O! Ah! Oh! Hurrah! Alas!
6 Direct speech a_a0n+, +++_a a++o
aa He Said, ..
Ram asked, ..
Ram exclaimed,
Ram regretted, .
+nn[a 6++_++m ..-o aa .
7 Apostrophe ()0a_
a[n.. a_++a+ a-+a,
a_++am nma Noun-m
.a+ _++qa 0a_ n+mn[+.
(a.++). Add two 3s and five 4s
Anithas bicycle. Dont. Doesnt
8 Declarative sentence (6++_ a+++++a)
Imperative sentence (+..a a+++++a)
++am _+o (.) _ n,aa [+.
(a.++) 1.Vivek writes well. 2.Shut the door.
0+aa a+++++am _+o 0+aa+_ ?
. 0a-[a. (Wh qns/Yes or No Qns.)
(a.++)What is your name? Have you finished your work?

Punctuate the following sentence:
1. anand said sarathy you have done a good job
2. children enjoyed watching the film didnt they
3. unless john learns driving he cannot impress his boss
4. how pleasant the weather is today
5. congratulations i heard you ve got a job in singapore
6. nagaraj said to his father will you allow me to go on an
excursion to kerala
7. help i m drowning
8. the teacher said be sure to turn off the lights when you
leave the room
9. gee what happened to you
10. what you told that old beggar all my private affairs cried
hughie looking very red and angry

1. Anand said Sarathy, You have done a good job!
2. Children enjoyed watching the film, didnt they?
3. Unless John learns driving, he cannot impress his boss.
4. How pleasant the weather is today!
5. Congratulations! I heard youve got a job in Singapore.
6. Nagaraj said to his father, Will you allow me to go on an
excursion to Kerala?
7. Help! Im drowning!
8. The teacher said, Be sure to turn off the lights when you
leave the room.
9. Gee! What happened to you?
10. What! You told that old beggar all my private affairs?
cried Hughie looking very red and angry.

English I Paper Study material Way to Success - 30 -

a) Prose Comprehention Qns. (5/7) 5x3=15

Answer briefly any five of the following
questions: (Your answer should not exceed 30 words)

am+__+ao am+++a 6++[++nn._+_a.
ao am+++_+_ a.+a++ 0a-[a.

Important Questions (_+++ am+++a):

1. How did the lion cub join the sheep?
The lion cub became tired and fell asleep on
chasing a butterflly one day. When he woke up, he
found himself among the sheep.

2. Why did the old lion take the young lion to the
The old lion wanted the young lion to
recognise its identity.

3. How did the young lion react on seeing his image
in the water?
The young lion was surprised.

4. Why did the girl bring an umbrella?
The girl had a strong faith on prayer for the
rain and wanted to return home without wet.

5. How are you unique?
I am unique by having individual talent,
thought and humility.

1. Who is Gaia?
Gaia is the ancient name for mother Earth.

2. What are the other names given to her?
Indians-Bhoomi Matha,

3. What is Pangea and Panthalassa?
Pangea is the land mass. Panthalassa is the
water mass.

4. What is the result of global warming?
The day is getting hotter, glaciers are melting
and rivers are drying up.

1. Who helped Anita to win her parent's approval?
Anitha's school teacher helped her to win her
parents' approval.

2. What was her goal in school?
Getting education was her goal in school.

3. Which is the turning point in Anita's life?
The sight of honey bees lingering around litchi
flowers was the turning point in her life.

4. Who are the winged visitors?
The honey bees are the winged visitors.

1. Who was Abraham Lincoln?
Abraham Lincoln was the former president of

2. Why did Colonel Scott ask for leave?
Scott asked leave to attend his wife's funeral.

3. Why was Scott's appeal rejected?
The battle was nearing. So, his appeal was

4. Why did Lincoln spend a regretful night?
Lincoln behaved like a brute to Colonel Scott.
So, he spent a regretful night.

1. What does 'sternutation' mean?
It means sneezing.

2. What is photic sneezing?
Sneezing caused by bright light is photic

3. What are some people allergic to?
Some people are allergic to pollen and animal

4. What causes a person to hiccup?
Eating too fast can cause hiccup.

1. What was coachman Ali's favourite sport?
Hunting was coachman Ali's favourite sport.

2. Why did he give up hunting?
Ali did not want to make the birds and animals
suffer from seperation.

3. Why did the post master call Ali a pest?
Ali pestered the post master for a letter daily.
So, he called him a pest.

4. What made the post master understand the
feelings of Ali?
Not receiving any news about his ailing
daughter made him understood the feelings of Ali.

1. What happened to Cabuk?
Cabuk died on heart attack suddenly.

2. Howw did Terri motivate White?
Terri motivated White by kissing and saying
"You can do this".

3. Who was the lifeline for the Whites?
Lisa Grimm was the lifeline for the whites.

4. What should White do after the touch down?
White should kill the throttle after the touch

English I Paper Study material Way to Success - 31 -

b) Paragraph Questions ( 1/3) 1x5 = 5
(38) Answer in a paragraph any one of the following
questions: (Your paragraph should not exceed 120 words)

am+__+ao _m paragraph 6++[++n n._+_a.
m_+_ a.[a a_0a-[a +0 6++[++nn.[aa
__o 1 _m n+. paragraph-+a m_ n_+ 6++a+

1. What message do you get from the story of the
young lion? (lesson-1)
The message I get from the story:
Some time we do not realise our potential
owing to faulty conditions.
We must realise our true nature and our
Our potentials should not be bounded by
the surroundings.
We should break free from such
limitations and prove what we are.
We have unique personality and we must
achieve something.

2. Are you conditioned by your circumstances?
Justify your response. (lesson-1)
Yes, I am conditioned by my circumstances. I
come from a village. My parents are illiterates.
They have to go for work early in the morning. I
have to prepare myself to school. So I couldnt
study well. After learning this lesson I found that I
can overcome these circumstances. I will use the
time usefully. I will study my lessons regularly. I
will achieve something in my life.

3. List out the steps that you should follow to
reach your goal. (lesson-1)
We have 24 hours a day.
I will use the time usefully.
I will not care for the past and future.
The present moment is blessing.
I will not postpone my duties.
I will dream big and will work for it.

4. Highlight the importance of forest
conservation? (lesson-2)
Forests are important for our survival.
They bring rain. They give fresh air.
But man goes on cutting the trees.
Forest area is reduced day by day.
Animals in the forest become homeless.
To set things right we should conserve
We should plant more and more trees.
5. List the measures you can implement in your daily
life to protect your environment. (lesson-2)
We must use eco-friendly vehicles such as
bicycles and solar cars.
We should use public transport to private
We should plant saplings to commemorate
any celebration.
We should use bio-degradable products.
We should save power by switching of
electrical and electronic appliances when
not in use.
We should harvest rain water.
We should not waste water. Waste water
can be used for kitchen garden.
6. How did Anita succeed in her life? (lesson-3)
Anita lives in Bochacha village in Bihar. She
was minding goats. She wanted to go to school.
With the help of a school teacher, she got her
parents approval. She started schooling and
successfully completed it. She entered college. She
took evening classes for the village children. Once
she saw bees hovering around litchi flowers. She
decided to do bee-keeping. She bought two boxes.
She faced many obstacles. Overcoming all the
obstacles, she became wholesale trader for honey.
This is the success story of Anita.
a) Quote from memory 1x5= 5
Quote from memory one of the following extracts:
n+.o+am a++_a _qa 6++[++nn._+_a.
_ n+.o a,+a a_0a-[a. _m
n+.o+aa m_ n_+ 6++a+. __o ,-[
n+.o+a m_ n_+6++a+.
1. Laugh and be merry Page-12
2. The Apology Page-60
3. A sonnet for my incomparable mother Page-98

b) Poem Comprehension 5x1= 5
Read the following sets of poetic lines and
answer the questions given below each set :
6++a a,+a n_ 6++[++nn.[aa
am+++_+_ a.+a.
Important Poem Comprehension Questions:
_ +o _+++ 6++a a,+_a _++m am+
a.+_a n+.a+,+++ 6++[++nn.[aa.
a m_ n_+ 6++aaqa.

1. Laugh and be merry, remember,
better the world with a song
Better the world with a blow
in the teeth of a wrong.
a) How should we deal with a wrong?
We should fight against the wrong.

2. Laugh, for the time is brief,
a thread the length of span
Laugh and be proud to belong
to the old proud pegeant of man.
a) What does the poet say about our life time?
Our life time is brief on earth.
b) Why should we be proud?
We belong to the ancient human race. So
we are to be proud.
English I Paper Study material Way to Success - 32 -
3. God made Heaven and Earth for joy
He took in a rhyme.
Made them, and filled them with
the strong red wine of His mirth.
a) Who made Heaven and Earth?
God made Heaven and Earth.
b) What did he fill the Heaven and Earth with?
He filled the Heaven and Earth with joy.

1. How beautiful you are, Earth and how sublime!
How perfect your obedience to the light.
a) What does the poet say about the Earth?
The Earth is beautiful and grand.
b) What is the light referred to?
It is the light of the sun at dawn.

2. You are the mouth and lips of Eternity
The strings and fingers of Time.
a) Whaat is the Earth identified with?
It is identified with Eternity and Time.
b) What do strings and fingers stand for?
They stand for music.

3. Our threshing floors with wheat sheaves,
And our winepresses with grapes.
a) What do people do to the Earth?
People throw away their waste on Earth.
b) How does the Earth react?
The Earth gives them wheat and grapes.

1. When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you are trudging seems all uphill.
a) Do things right always?
No, sometimes things go wrong.
b) Describe the road we travel.
It is uphill road.

2. When he might have won had he stuck it out
Don't give up, though pace seems slow,
a) What should we do when the pace is slow?
We should not give up.

3. And you can never tell how close you are;
It may be near when it seems afar.
a) What are we close to?
We are close to success.
b) What seems afar?
Success seems afar.

1. I go the God of the wood
To fetch his word to men.
a) To whom does the poet go?
The poet goes to the God of wood.
b) Why does he go there?
He goes there to get his message to men.

2. Tax not my sloth that I
fold my arms beside the brook;
a) Who taxes whom?
The labourers tax the poet.
b) What does the poet do?
The prays.

3. Was never secret history
But birds tell it in the bowers.
a) What do the birds tell?
The birds tell secret history.
b) Where are the birds?
They are in the bowers.

1. Be glad your nose is on your face
not pasted on some other place.
a) Why should we be glad?
We should be glad for our nose is on our face.
b) Which is not pasted on some other place?
The nose is not pasted on some other place.
2. it soon drive you to despair,
forever tickled by your hair.
a) What would drive us to despair?
The nose would drive us to despair.
3. Within your ear, your nose would be
an absolute catastrophe.
a) What is meant by 'catastrophe'?
It means a sudden disaster.
b) When would the nose be a catastrophe?
If it was within the ear.

1. I often contemplate my childhood, mom
I am a mother now, and so I know
a) Who contemplates?
The daughter contemplates.
b) Is the speaker still a child?
No, the speaker is not a child.
2. You loved me with a never-failing love.
You gave me strength and sweet security.
a) What kind of love did the mother give?
The mother gave true love.
b) What else did the mother give?
The mother gave her child strength and
3. Every day I try my best to be
A mother like the mom you were to me.
a) What does the daughter try to do?
The daughter tries to be a mother like her

1. That much I freely grant
But must that stop us, W?
a) What does he grant?
He grants feathers to fly.
b) Who does 'W' refer to?
It refers to Wilbur Wright.
2. There never were two brothers more
Devoted to each other.
a) Who were the two brothers?
Wilbur Wright and Orville Wright.
b) How did the two brothers treat each other?
Both of them were devoted to each other.
3. For learning how to rule the air
Was not bed of roses.
a) What is meant by 'to rule the air'?
It means overcoming all obstacles while flying.
b) What is meant by 'not a bed of roses'?
It means it is not an easy task.
English I Paper Study material Way to Success - 33 -

c) Appreciation Questions 5x1= 5
_ n__+o Rhyming words, Rhyming
scheme, Figure of speech, alliterated words
+-[n+_a am+++a .a6na

Rhyming words:
1. Laugh and be merry, remember,
better the world with a song.
Better the world with a blow
in the teeth of a wrong
Laugh for the time is brief
a thread the length of a span
Laugh and be proud to belong
to the old proud pageant of man
a) Pick out the rhyming words?
Song wrong, span man.
b) What is the rhyming scheme used here?
aabb is the rhyming scheme

Rhyming words +-[nnn ann?

n+.o a,+am +.+ a+,__+a

0, a+_,++m ++,nn+ 6++-[aa
a+,__+a a[_ a+a.
a[_+++..++ __o +o aa
songa ,-.+a +o aa wrong-a
0, a+_,++m ++,nn+ 6++-[aam.
[_ _m+a +o aa span-a
+m++a +o aa man-a 0,
a+_,++m ++,nn+ 6++-[aam

am0a _ n+.o a,+ao Rhyming
words: song-wrong aa span-man _a.

Rhyming scheme +-[nnn ann?

n+.o a,+am +.+ a+,__+a

__o +o a_a song-_ a am+ 6++a+.

,-.+a +o a_a wrong __o +o
aa song 0n+m0 aa. am0a
_ma a am+ 6++a+

_m+a +o a_a span-_ b am+

+m++a +o a_a man _m+a +o
aa span 0n+m0 aa. am0a
_ma b am+ 6++a+.

m__a 0+,_ a_ aabb am
a_+. 0a Rhyming scheme _a.

Figure of Speeches:
_ao aa - _a+ - am
_nn[a 0n+o +o___a -[.
6++[++nn.. n+.o a_+ -+a a_
a+ am +-[nnn0_ _ n+++m
1. Simile : A simile is a direct comparison. It is
introduced by words like and as. A
comparison is made between two objects of
different kinds but have at least one point in
common. (Simile amn ,-[ a+n..
6n+_.+a 0,+++ nn[a. m+o
a ,-_a .0+ j0__a _
a _+_a. _o nn.n n+mn[a
a+,__+a like aa as _a)
Ex. (1) He is like a Lion in battle. - 0n+,o
am _ ++__n 0n+mam.
(2) The reddest flower would look as pale as
snow. +a_ ,++_a +. nm++. 0n+m
6aan0n++ ++-nn[+mm. (0n+m
am a+,__ _ n+mn[__nn.[aa)
2. Metaphor : A Metaphor is an indirect
comparison. In this comparison only one side is
mentioned. (Metaphor amn ,-[
a+n.. 6n+_.+a a_+a++
nn[a. m+o a ,-_a
.0+ j0__a _ a _+_a.
nn.nn[a 6n+_.+ao j0__a mm
a.[a a+nn[__ 6++oa_+_a)
Ex. (1) He is a Lion in battle.
0n+,o am _ ++a.
(2) She is coal dark.
aa o++, +_n,.
(0n+m am a+,__ oo+a0o0+
3. Personification : Personification is investing
non-living things with human qualities.
(am_n n-,+a +, 6n+_.+a a
j+ 6++oa.)
Ex. (1) The world is happy. o+a a+_.
(a+++ am am_ n-, o+__m
a j+ 6++oonn._++.)
(z)The clouds my kin. 0a+a am 6++_a
(6++_a amn am_ n-,.
0a+___ 6++_ n_a +.++.
6++_a am am_nn-, 0a+__m a
j+ 6++oonn._++.)
4. Alliteration It is the repetition of the initial
consonant sounds in a single line.
0, 6a+6++o+o 6_+._+m
a+,__+a 0, a,+o a_a.
Ex. Old and young alike mistaught and misfed

2. the time is brief a thread the length of a span
What is the figure of speech used here?
3. Laugh till the game is played- Metaphor
4. Life is like a game Simile
5. joy of the stars/ joy of the earth personification
6. Deep blue cup of the sky Metaphor
7. Merry together like brothers akin Simile
8. Guesting rooms of a beautiful inn Metaphor
9. So we must laugh and drink from the deep blue
cup of the sky Find out the words that are
Drink - Deep
10. J oin the jubilant song of the great stars sweeping
by Find out the words that are alliterated.
J oin J ubilant
English I Paper Study material Way to Success - 34 -
11. Laugh and be proud to belong to the old proud
pageant of man Find out the words that are
Proud Pageant
12. Laugh till the game is played, and be you merry,
my friends Find out the words that are alliterated.
Merry My

1. How beautiful you are Earth,
and how sublime How perfect your obedience
- Personification
2. You are the mouth and lips of Eternity
- Personification
3. How strong is your yearning for your children-
- Personification
4. We pierce your bosom- Personification
5. I have walked over your plains
I have climbed over you stony mountains
Find out the rhyming words.
6. How patient you are Earth- Personification
7. We pierce your bosom with swords and spears
Find out the words that are alliterated.
Swords Spears
8. On the plains I have discovered your dreams
Find out the words that are alliterated.
Discovered - Dreams

1. The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
clouds of doubt - metaphor

1. To fetch his word to men- Personification

d) Paragraph (1/ 3 ) 1x5= 5
+0 6++[++nn.[aa 1 n__ am+++a
a.[a+a m_ n_+6++a+.

1. Write an appreciation of the poem Laugh
and be Merry in about 100 words. (poem1)
The poet asks us to live a happy life through
this poem. Our life on the earth is brief. It is like a
short thread. So we must sing happily, fight against
the injustice, laugh and be merry. We belong to the
old proud human race. So we must be proud. God
created Heaven and Earth for joy. He poured the
wine of his joy on them. We must drink the wine
and be happy. The world is like a beautiful inn. We
are the travelers. So we should live together like
brothers and live a happy life.
2. Write the substance of the poem The Earth
in about 100 words. (poem2)
The earth is beautiful and sublime to the sun.
Man discovers dreams on its plains. He admires its
beauty in mountains. He sees peace in the valleys
and mysteries in the caves. The earth is speech of
Eternity and the music of Time. Man pierces the
Earth with various tools. But Earth gives him
medicines. Man empties his wastes and skulls in the
Earth. But Earth grows trees and wheat from them.
Man makes Cannons and bombs from the elements
of Earth. But Earth grows lilies and roses from the
elements of man. Thus Earth is patient and
merciful. The poet concludes that Man and the
Earth are one and the same.

3. How does the poet insist on persistence in his
poem Dont Quit?
The poet says that things may go wrong at
times. It is natural. The road we travel along
may be uphill. We may be pressed down by
worries. At such times we may have a rest. But
we should not give up our efforts. Life is
strange. It has many ups and downs. When the
pace is slow we must not give up. We may
think that success is far away. In fact it may be
very close to us. If we persevere we will

SECTION V (Language Functions 15 Marks)

1. Comprehension (Book-8,9,24,36,40,50,106,110)

(6++[++nn.. n__+o_ am+++a 0+.+nn[a.
am+am m_ n_ ,, a.+a++
_++++qa. ,,+aoo6+mo am+ao aa
a+,__+a n__+o a_a+m+o _ a+++++a
a.+++ a_qa )
Read the passage given below and answer the
questions that follow : 5x1=5
Discipline is the most essential virtue you should
acquire when you are young. It is a complex quality. It
shapes your mind to religious, social and economic
patterns when you grow up to be an active citizen. At a
young age, we do not realize the value of discipline, as
children, we merely long for unlimited freedom, without
understanding the meaning of discipline. An athlete
disciplines himself and keeps himself fit. He refrains
from smoking, observes good food habits and keeps good
health. Discipline increases the human energy and
implies control, resistance and adjustment. Our energy is
saved and made vital for a good output.
1. The word essential means:
(a)necessary (b)important (c)compulsory
2. How does discipline aid a citizen?
3. Why dont children want discipline?
4. Mention some ways in which an athlete
maintains discipline.
5. How is discipline beneficial to human beings?

Ans: 1. Necessary
2. It shapes our mind to religious, social and economic
patterns. This makes a man an active citizen
3. They do not want discipline. They want only
freedom. They dont understand the meaning of
4. An athlete disciplines himself and keeps himself fit.
He refrains from smoking, observes good food
habits and keeps good health.
5. Discipline increases the human energy and implies
control, resistance and adjustment.
English I Paper Study material Way to Success - 35 -
Exercise 2:
The Water Arithmetic
We stare at the dregs of our ingenuity, at a
resource scientifically misused. We are cawing
alarmed. But we only keep cawing raucously at that.
Lets get on, like the crow and fashion pebble by
pebble to meet our needs.
The source of all water on earth is not the
river, is not the underground aquifer, is not the lake,
well or stream. Rain is the source of all water.
In India the monsoon is a deluge. Rain spatters
the earth, fills ponds. Lakes brim. Rivers heave. But
the monsoon is also brief. We receive most of its
rainfall in just 100 hours out of 8,760 hours in a year.
But this is enough to meet our water needs, provide
food security and eradicate rural poverty. Why is
Cherrapunji today short of drinking water, when it gets
more than eleven meters of rainfall annually? Simply
because it does not capture the rain that falls over it.

1. What is the effect of rain on earth?
2. What do you think can eradicate rural poverty?
3. Why is Cherrapunji today short of drinking water?
4 .The meaning of the word eradicate
a) grow b)develop c) wipe out
5. Mention some ways to meet our water needs.

Ans 1. Rain is the source of all water on earth. It fills
ponds, lakes and rivers.
2. Rain in the monsoon can eradicate rural poverty.
3. It doesnt capture the rain. So there is today
short of drinking water.
4. wipe out.
5. We have to save the water in the ground during
the monsoon season.

Answers for book Exercises:

1. What did the carpenter tell his employer and how
did his employer feel about it?
He told his employer that he wanted to retire.
They felt very sorry about it.
2. What was the attitude of the carpenter to his work?
His heart was not in his work.
3.Why was the carpenter shocked to receive the house
as a gift?
The house was not constructed properly.
4. What message do you get from this story?
Our attitude design our life.
5. Give a suitable title to this passage.
Our attitude-our life.

1. What were the father and son doing?
They were trekking on the mountains.
2. Why did the son scream?
He suddenly fell down and hurt himself. So, he
3. What made the son get angry?
The echo(voice) of the mountain made him

4. Does this story deliver any message? If yes, what is
Yes. Life gives us back what we give it.
5. Supply a suitable title for the passage.
Life is a Mirror.

1. Why are maps made?
Maps are made to get information about an
2. Who made the first map?
The ancient Babylonians made the first map.
3. Name the father of modern map making.
Gerhard Mercator is the father of modern map
4. How are maps created?
Fix the latitudes and longitudes of the area to
be maped. Surveying the area, measuring heights
and filling the details.
5. How are modern maps made accurate and detailed?
Sophisticated methods of surveying, aerial
photography, satellite technology and computers
make maps accurate and detailed today.

1. Have you ever come across an elderly woman
serving the people in your village/town? Share your
experience with the class.
Yes. I know a woman. She retired from service
as a teacher. Now she is taking free spoken English
classes for kids.
2. What is an NGO and what does it normally do?
NGO means Non-Governmental Organization.
It independentally takes up many voluntary projects
and help the needy.
3. How does Ms. Chinna Pillai help people in rural
She started community banking movement and
enlisted rural poor.
4. Do you think can be of a little help to her? In what
Yes. I enlist the people in my village by
conducting awareness programmes.
5. Which of these choices should lead people?
b) Love for the poor

2. Error spot (book-11)
1. esto _a a+,__+_+_ _mm+o the
0+,_ a+.
Ex. Kala is tallest girl in the class
Answer: Kala is the tallest girl in the class.
2. isa_+o areamqa are a_+ois amqa
3. wasa_+o wereamqa were a_+o was
amqa a++
Ex. Students was late.
Students were late.
4. aa_+o anamqaan a_+oa amqa a++
Ex. Ramuisahonestman.Ans:Ramuisanhonestman.
English I Paper Study material Way to Success - 36 -
5. verb,nounso ____+o _ +_+. s
oo6+m+o 0+,_a[+.
6. thana_+o _ a[_ a.[
Ex. I like coffee than tea.
Ans: I like coffee to tea.
7. oneoftheoooneoftheseooeachof
thea_+o __n nmm+o aa
a+,__.m s0+,_ plural+ a+.
thea __n nmm+o aa
a+,__.m s0+, a __nn_ are
a_+o isamqa, werea_+o wasamqa
a+ a+.
Ex. One of these books are damaged.
One of these books is damaged.

1. I met an European.
2. Geethas father is a M.L.A
3. They are going to Himalayas.
4. Ragu prefers milk than tea.
5. A bunch of keys were found in my car.
6. One of the boy looks happy.
7. We bought office furnitures.
8. My father is a honest man.
9. Mathematics are my favourite subject.
10. Ramu wanted an one rupee coin.

3. Picture Comprehension (Book-11)
n.a m 6++[++nn._+_a.
n.__m m_ +am_ _mnn
m+__ 0_+ma +__+a __
a+++++ao a_ 0a-[a oo + 0
am+++a 6++[++nn.__+o a+_
a.+a++ 0a-[a.
Look at the picture and describe it in a parargraph.


Exercise - 2:

1. What do you see in the picture?
2. How many children are there?
3. Do you think what their doing is correct? Give a reason
for your answer.
4. What would be the danger the children face in their
5. What would you do if you saw your area children doing
menial works?

Ans: 1. Children are working in a bricks factory.
2. There are five children.
3. No, it is wrong.
They must go to school at this age.
4. Their future life will be spoiled.
5. I would advise them to go to school.


1. What do you see in the picture?
2. How many persons are on the bike?
3. Do you think a bike should carry more than two persons?
Give a reason for your answer.
4. What would be the danger of riding triples on a bike?
5. What would you do if you saw your friend riding a bike
in this manner?
1. ImetaEuropean(ju: am 6a+6++o+o
2. GeethasfatherisanM.L.A.(aa amn
3. TheyaregoingtotheHimalayas.(+n,n
6n+_+_ _mm+othe)
4. Raguprefersmilktotea.(n+_+_ c am0a
to )
5. Abunchofkeyswasfoundinmycar.
(+a+6++_ _a)
6. Oneoftheboyslookshappy.(n+m+ao
7. Weboughtofficefurniture.(furniture+_
nmaa 0a)
8. Myfatherisanhonestman.(ma. -
+6,+o 6_+.++a)
9. Mathematicsismyfavouritesubject.
10. Ramuwantedaonerupeecoin.(am-
6a+6++o 6_+.++a)
English I Paper Study material Way to Success - 37 -

Ans: 1. People are riding on a motorbike.
2. There are three persons on the motorbike.
3. No, It should not carry more than two persons,
because it is designed only for two.
4. The driver may lose the balance. It may lead to
5. I would advise him not to do so.

4. Filling forms (book-75)
6++[++nn[a na__ ,,__6+++ 0a-[a
One of your friends needs your help to fill in this
hospital admission form. Please do the needful
Patients Name:

Contact No. Phone: mobile:
Admitted on:
Name of the patients caretaker and relationship:

Patients Name: SENTHIL VELAN. R
Age : 14
Sex : MALE
45, Anna nagar west, Trichy-2
Contact No. Phone: 2614106 mobile: 9943155333
Ailment: : Fever
Admitted on : 12-01-2013
Name of the patients caretaker and relationship:
SOWNDHARAVALLI, Mother of the patient.

5. Writing an email (book-96)
6++[++nn.. _+aonn_ __
amm_+o m _++,++ 0a-[a.

Memory Poems



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always welcome to my mail id Ph. 9943020038

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