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Higher studies categories?

1. Arts
2. Commerce
3. Science
4. Advertising and media
5. IT and computer
6. Defense
7. Civil Services
8. Travel and tourism
9. Fashion technology
10. Banking and insurance
11. Hotel management
12. Railways
13. Law
14. Others

Let’s see each category in detail.

Foreign Languages


With every passing day our world is becoming a smaller place with the breakdown of
geographic and economic barriers. With this changing scenario language specialists
have gained a substantial importance. Language skill is found to be very useful in
some professions like Hotel Industry, Travel and Tourism Industry etc .Expertise in
language is necessary for the jobs of Interpreters, Translators and Language


Language specialists can work in one of the following areas

a) INTERPRETERS: Interpreters changes spoken words from one language to
another. There are various forms of work done by interpreters via Simultaneous
Interpretation, Consecutive Interpretation, and Visioning Interpretation.
b) TRANSLATORS: Translators change the script written in one language to

People wishing to make a career in this field must have the aptitude to grasp the use
of language. They need to have adaptability, good people's skill and an attitude for
reaching out. It takes time to gain proficiency in language hence patience and
perseverance is required.

Language specialist can find ample opportunities in Travel and Tourism industry,
Mass Communication, Embassy and Diplomatic services, Public Relations
UNO also appoints Interpreters and Translators in Six official languages for which an
Entrance Exam is conducted.
Translators are employed by Industries, government departments, international
organizations and research organizations.
Language Teaching is also an area where language specialists can find a good job
Language specialists can also work as free lancers.

Language specialist can start with Rs5000
School Teachers can expect to get anything between Rs 5000-Rs10000
Freelancers receive Rs100-Rs150 for per page of foreign Language.

Fine Arts

Fine Arts/Applied Arts prepare a person to work in area of design work. It has gained
prominence as it uses various techniques for commercial purposes.

This work is highly creative and imaginative. The work of fine artists is a work of self
expression while work of applied arts finds commercial application.

anybody willing to pursue a career in fine arts needs to be creative and imaginative.
Patience, keen observation, eye hand coordination are some of the traits required to
be successful in the field.

Applied artists find employment in advertising agencies, interior design and display,
exhibition work, government undertakings, etc.
Advertising agencies recruit trainee visualisers who are responsible for the
production of layout for advertising campaign. Creative director conceptualizes the
advertisement. Graphic artists prepare graphics.


Q1.What is the Eligibility and Training for the Teacher's profession?

A1. Pre Primary Teacher Primary school teachers should preferably be 12th class
pass with at least 50% marks aggregate. More than the academic records it is the
personal skills and aptitude that is more important. There are a number of vocational
training centers which conduct training for pre school teachers. There are Montessori
Teacher training schools which give training for pre-school education. Primary
Teacher The minimum requirement to be a primary school teacher is a graduate with
a nursery training certificate / diploma or degree. Normally candidates who have
Bachelors in education (B.Ed.) start their career as primary school teachers and
gradually move up. Candidates who are graduates in home science can also be
selected for primary school teachers. The candidate must be a graduate or a post
graduate with at least 55% marks aggregate and holding either a diploma or degree
in education or teaching. The candidate should have at studied least one of the
teaching subjects during graduation.

Secondary and Senior Secondary Teacher The candidate must preferably have a post
graduate degree in the subject and a Bachelors in education (B.Ed.) degree. The
B.Ed. course thoroughly prepares the teachers for secondary schools. Teachers who
have this B.Ed. degree after their graduation are called Trained Graduate Teachers.
Candidate with a previous teaching experience are preferred. There are a number of
teacher's training colleges which give this B.Ed. course of one year duration. Some
universities also offer correspondence courses for training teachers who are already
in service. There are separate institutions for special teachers such as teachers of the
blind, deaf and dumb, mentally retarded, art, craft, music and physical education.
Regional Institutes of Education at Mysore, Bhubaneswar, Cuttack and Ajmer are run
by NCERT. They offer basic Graduate Degree in Art or Science along with a B.Ed.This
is a four year course after school. Shivaji University, Kolhapur conducts a BA, B.Ed
course of four years duration. Barkatullah University, Bhopal conducts a BA, B.Ed
and also B.Com., B.Ed. course of four years duration.

Lecturers Lecturers in Arts, Commerce, Sciences, Social Sciences, Law, Foreign

Languages and Physical Education require a post graduate degree in the relevant
subject from an Indian University University or an equivalent degree from a foreign
University, with at least 55% marks. Eligibility test for lecturers (NET) are conducted
by UGC, CSIR or similar tests accredited by the UGC. Lecturers who have completed
8 years of service after regular appointment and participated in at least two
refresher courses of approved duration are appointed in the senior scale. They
should also have a consistently satisfactory performance appraisal report. Senior
scale lecturers who do not have a Ph.D. degree or equivalent published work and
who do not meet the scholarship and research standards, but fulfill the other criteria
and have a good record in teaching, get the Selection Grade.

Professors Eminent scholars who are actively engaged in research, whose work has
been published and appreciated, and also have at least 10 years of experience in
postgraduate teaching can be selected as professors. Those who have done research
at University or National level institutions and also have the experience of assisting
students in research work at doctoral level could also take up teaching jobs as

Q2.What is the remuneration ?

A2. Primary school teachers Government Schools : Rs. 4,500 - Rs. 9,000 Junior
school teachers Government Schools : Rs. 5,500 - Rs. 12,000 Secondary school
teachers Government Schools : Rs. 2,000 - Rs. 3,500 College lecturers Rs. 6,500 -
Rs. 10,500 College readers Rs. 8,000 - Rs. 13,500 College professors Rs. 12,400 -
Rs. 22,400

Q3.What is the Career Structure?

A4.There is no rigid promotion structure in the teaching profession. Some teachers

with good track records and who have been actively involved in handling additional
administrative assignments in school could become Vice Principal or Principal.
Designations and functions are not consistent and vary according to the rules of the
institute. Colleges have a stricter career structure.

Q4. What are the Future Prospects?

A4. Teaching is especially suitable for those who prefer flexible schedules. The
profession welcomes late entries and those who are changing careers. Many married
women find it suitable as it allows them to work again after they have started a
family. It should be noted that teachers who do return after a break are entitled to
nothing less than their old salary. In most professions, once a person leaves, it is
difficult to catch up since new things are always being learned and discovered, but
teaching is one of those professions where someone is always needed. Another
avenue for teachers is giving tutorial classes. With the increase in classroom size and
lack of sufficient attention given to the students, most students and parents feel the
need for extra classes. As the school is unable to provide such classes, tutorial
batches have become fairly common in big cities and towns. Tutors can provide
coaching for not only the class subjects but also for competitive examinations, such
as the Civil Services entrance exams, MBA, TOEFL etc.

Public Relations


Public Relation is a management function that involves monitoring and evaluating

public attitudes and maintaining mutual relations and understanding between an
organization and its public. Public could include shareholders, government,
consumers, employees and the media. It is the act of getting along with people we
constantly come in touch with. PROs ensure internal cohesion in the company by
maintaining a clear communications network between the management and
employees. Its first objective is to improve channels of communication and to
establish new ways of setting up a two-way flow of information and understanding.

Public relations as a separate career option has came into existence when lots of
private or government companies and institution felt the need to market their
product, service and facilities. Public image is important to all organizations and
prominent personalities. The role of public relation specialist becomes pertinent in
crisis situations when the correct and timely transmission of information can help
save the face of the organization.

In terms of career opportunities, Public relations is broadly practiced for product

publicity, corporate publicity, to have better relations with the government, to
publish corporate publications like newsletter, bulletins, magazines for employees

Eligibility & Course Area

Educational: Bachelors degree in any discipline preferably with social sciences,

liberal arts and humanities is required to take up a course in this field. There is
diploma as well as post graduate diploma courses in Public relations. Duration of
most the courses is of one year. Apart from this there are also short term certificate
courses. Most training programmers in Advertising also include public relations.
Some institutes have entrance exams while others prefer admission on merit basis.
These courses mainly cover areas like public relations principles and techniques,
public relations management and administration, including organizational
development, writing, emphasizing news releases, proposals, annual reports, scripts,
speeches, and related items, visual communications, including desktop publishing
and computer graphics, and research, emphasizing social science research and
survey design and implementation.

Personal Attributes: One must have excellent communication skills, both spoken
and written so has to express thoughts clearly and simply. An effective personality
and the ability to get along with a wide range of people both inside and outside an
organization are necessary. Must, be polite always as he has to work under pressure
or provocation. An organizing ability is required too, as one may have to organized
press conferences, lectures, exhibitions and events. Must, have self-confidence and
far sightedness. He must be able to understand human psychology and take
decisions apt to the situation. Analytical skills are required to interpret research
information and plan activity.

Career Prospects

Public relations officers have to work within and outside the organization. Within the
concern they have to conduct management-employee meets, to inform organizations
policies, activities and accomplishments. Outside he has to liaison with government
departments, trade unions, press etc whose cooperation is required for the smooth
functioning, and also have to manage complaints from the consumers, organized
events like fairs, exhibitions etc.
The work involves keeping management aware of public attitudes and concerns of
the many groups and organizations with which they must deal.

In addition, public relations departments employ public relations specialists to write,

research, prepare materials, maintain contacts, and respond to inquiries.

Another important area of work in this field is to create public identity or an image
for public figures like political parties, models and film stars. It include advising them
on every aspect of personality, including dress code, behavior, statement given in
press, public appearances etc.

Lobbying, a new field in this career, involves bringing about the passage of laws
favorable to the special interest group they represent like a company, industries,
government etc. It is a strategy used to raise public consciousness and influence
policy makers in areas like environment, human rights, education etc. This is an
interesting area of work in public relation.

Future Prospects

Job Prospects
Public relation officers can find employment in the corporate sector, public sector,
government agencies, tourist agencies, hotels, banks and other financial institutions,
private consultancy firms etc. Nowadays they can find work even with individuals like
political figures, models and film stars who want their pictures, profiles and
interviews published in magazines and need agents who can do the work for them so
as to have an image in front of general public.

Social Workers

Social and Welfare work means to help the people to tackle their day to day
problems. These problems may be physical or mental, age old problem, due to
unemployment, destitution etc. These workers try to alleviate such social problems.

Social Workers can work individually or in a group or may undertake community
work. They generally do the work undertaken by the agencies /NGO, they are
associated to.

aspiring social workers must like people. They should have a concern to work for
their welfare. They should respect people and their feelings and should be eager to
work with them to improve their social conditions.

Career opportunities exist in the specific area of specialization which is generally
offered at P.G. level. People trained in social work may find jobs with the Voluntary
Organizations, NGOs, several government departments or they may work on their

Salaries offered at initial level are low, but it increases with experience. A person can
expect to start with Rs 3500 working with a reputed organization, while in a smaller
organization person can get anything between Rs1800-Rs2000.

a) A 3 year Bachelors Degree course in Social work.
b) A 2 year Masters course in social work.
Specializations available
1. Community Social work.
2. Medical and Psychiatric Social Work.
3. Criminology and Correctional Administration.
4. Labor Welfare and Industrial Relations.
5. Child Care and Family Services.
c) Various Diploma / certificate courses of 1 / 2 year duration.

1. For B.S.W. / B.A. course: Students who has passed +2 examination of any Board
are eligible, but students with Psychology, social science background gets
2. For M.S.W.: Graduate students of any stream, but premier institutes prefer B.S.W.

Generally an All India level test is conducted by Universities followed by Interview,
though some Institutes offer admissions on the basis of marks obtained in last
qualified exam.



During last few years the career in Beautician has acquired much popularity and has
spread its root all over the world. In the past 20th century many national /
international beauty competitions was held all over the world. Consequently the
demand for beauty professionals who could help beauty conscious people to gain
good look has increased.


For becoming a beautician one should have a quality of good judgment, friendly
nature, patience, scrupulous work habits and good fitness. There are so many career
options in this profession which includes some specialization area of work such as
hair cutting and styling, skin treatments, hair treatments, cosmetology, make up of
Drama/Film/TV performers etc.

As a Beauty Therapist one can start the career. Beauty therapy is another specialized
area of work in the field of beauticians. Beauty therapist plays a vital role in their
concerned areas. Facials threading, skin treatments manicuring and pedicuring,
massages, treatment for face, skin and hair all are involves in the profession of
Beauty Therapist.

Beauty consultant / advice are also another option in this field. It has a lot of scope
in marketing area because the marketing of the cosmetic products need beauticians
who can guide buyer to identify the hair or skin types and give them proper

Apart from this, one can start their own business or work with cosmetic firms as
sales consultant, in beauty parlors, hotels, film industries etc.

Rather than high academic support, this profession requires highly skill training.
Normally the beautician courses are of short duration and training can pursue after
standard Xth or XIIth.

Interior Decoration

Q1.What is career of Interior decorator?

A1.This is very true of places that we visit. First impressions of rooms, which please
our aesthetic senses, tend to stay with us for a long time, long after we’ve physically
left the place. Some people have an inborn talent to bring out the best in whatever is
available and arrange things around to make a place beautiful. And others who
appreciate this aspect of decorating a place to achieve a desired effect can go in for
training and become experts in the field. In fact, the field of beautiful interiors has
made so much progress today that there are now two distinct field’s viz., interior
decoration and interior designing. As compared to interior decoration, interior
designing is a more specialized field and a lot of training and hard work goes into the
making of a successful interior designer. An interior decorator advises, chooses and
then assembles furniture, furnishings, color schemes, artifacts, etc. to do up a place.
While on the other hand, an interior designer would actually design exclusive and
unique furniture, fittings and artifacts, keeping in mind a client's tastes, personality,
lifestyle and his budget.

Q2. Do you have it in you?

A2. A natural aptitude for working with colors, an artistic leaning, dexterity with
hands, creativity, imagination, being able to visualize one's thoughts and an ability to
translate one’s thoughts effectively, patience and above all the ability to get along
with people are some of the qualities a person requires for entry into this field. As an
interior designer or decorator will be required to create an atmosphere as per the
client's tastes, it is essential that he or she is able to understand, visualize and
create something that will fulfill the client's needs, be aesthetically pleasing and keep
to a budget too. An interior designer/decorator should be good at communicating his
or her ideas to others. Good communication skills will be needed very often during
the course of work. A good working knowledge of architecture helps too.

Q3.What do you need in order to become an interior decorator or interior


A3 Well, there are many institutes offering courses in this field. The minimum
academic qualification required for admission to such courses is 10+2 or its
equivalent. Many polytechnics and vocational colleges offer courses in interior
designing and decoration. The duration of these courses ranges from two to four
years, depending upon the type of course and the institute identified for the pursuit
of study. The course of study covers subjects like Art & Basic Design, Furniture
Design, Furnishings & Fittings, Design, Construction & Materials, History of Interior
Design, Services, Professional Management-Estimating & Budgeting, Display, and
Computer Aided Designing. Other areas covered included lettering, properties of
materials and paint technology, exhibition design etc.
Q4.What is the procedure for admission ?

A4.For interior designing, professional training can begin immediately after

successfully completing the plus two examinations. Admission is usually based on
performance at an aptitude test conducted to evaluate one’s sensibility, drawing
skills, especially technical drawing, spatial apperception and so on. There is a centre
in Ahmedabad that offers a five year professional programmer in interior design for
students who have cleared the plus two exam with science subjects. Here the
requirement is sixty per cent at the tenth standard level and fifty at the plus two or
equivalent level. The course content is a good mixture of arts and technical subjects.
Students are trained to look for optimum use in various types of materials. Some
companies have their own specialized courses in interior design. In collaboration with
Jenson & Nicholson, Exteriors Interiors offers a one-year programmer in interior
design. This course is open to all graduates and pre-graduates in any discipline.

Q5.What is the Job prospects?

A5.With the demand to create more working space increasing and with more and
more people realizing the need and importance of professional designers, interior
designing as a profession has come to be recognized in our country. Opportunities
are aplenty in architects’ firms or in consultancy companies. Private business is a
very lucrative option. One, however, has to be up to date on what’s new, what’s in,
what’s got maximum utility, pricing, etc. and bring about a good blend depending
upon the client’s requirements, budget and tastes. One also needs to be extremely
dedicated about keeping commitments. To be successful in private practice, one also
needs to have a native business sense.

Library and Information Sciences

Libraries are the store house of information. They contain a large number of Books,
Periodicals, and CDROMS from which information can be retrieved.

Library work can be divided into three basic categories which are
a) User Services: Librarians working in this department helps the user to find the
information they need.
b) Technical services: This department gathers information and prepares the
material to be used by visitors.
c) Administrative Services: Librarians in this department oversee the management
of library, supervise the library staff and ensure that
all sections of library are functioning well.

Aspiring Librarians should have good communication skills, patience and an outgoing
personality. They should have tact to deal with different kind of people visiting
library. Good memory proves to be helpful.

Librarians can find job with libraries of government agencies, special libraries of
government undertakings, public libraries and school libraries.
Various Institutes offer graduate courses in Library and Information Sciences (B.Lib),
a 1year course which can be pursued after graduation in any stream. Masters course
in library science (M.LIB) can be done after doing B.LIB.Some Institutes also offer
Diploma and Certificate courses in Library science after 10+2.

For B.LIB: Graduates of any stream
For Diploma/Certificate courses: 10+2 with any stream



Gemology is a precise science and wannabe gemologists are expected to have acute
powers of observation and the ability to concentrate.

Gems have been the object of man's fascination ever since their discovery. Today
modern scientific Gemology is giving an insight into the character and the behavior
of gems. The study of Gemology is relevant to the trader, the dealer, the artisan or
anyone fascinated by gemstones, especially the lady in the house for it is she who
appreciates the gems for their beauty and ornamental value.

From trade point of view Gems & Jewellery has been one of the biggest foreign
exchange earner for India and substantial potential needs to be tapped at home. It is
therefore, highly necessary that people associated with the trade, receive training
and carry out the operations scientifically and professionally so as to achieve greater
success. In today's world of modern synthetic gems is no longer safe to rely upon
one's senses for identification but to learn scientific methods for a positive
identification of a wide variety of gems.

Traditionally, the art of making Jewelry has been passed down through generations,
kaarigars having inherited the expertise and skill from their ancestors, the art being
handed down through the generations from father to son. Today it is no longer
necessary to have a family background in the profession since there are training
schools to teach jewelry design and manufacture. And with the boom in the fashion
and accessories arena, especially with well known foreign jewelers eyeing the Indian
market, this field is slowly holding out promise for a lucrative career option.
Moreover, Jaipur is among the world’s largest gem cutting center and the numerous
Jewelry export houses there offer good positions to those with training in the latest
trends and developments in this emerging field.

Gemology is the science dealing with the study of gemstones. Jewellery designers
craft a wide variety of items either by hand or using the methods of large-scale
production. Among the various fields of design, jewelry design is, perhaps, the only
one that requires such an extremely high degree of skill and attention to detail.
Accounting for one-fifth of the country’s total exports, the gems and jewelry sector is
the frontrunner in India’s export trade, earning valuable foreign exchange.
Nature of Work

Gemologists are involved in the identification, sorting and grading of gemstones.

They also advise jewelers/jewelry designers on various properties regarding the
suitability of particular gemstones in different metals and types of settings.

Physical and Psychological Requirements

Gemologists need excellent powers of observation; attention to details; precision;

the ability to concentrate; ability to work on one's own; an objective approach and a
great sense of responsibility.

Study / Training

The main objective of the courses in gemology is to impart the latest technical know-
how with respect to gem cutting, sorting, grading, valuation and identification of
gemstones. These courses, which are usually of short duration of three to eight
months, provide up-to-date knowledge of scientific developments in the field to
students who can become skilled artisans. To join such courses what is required is a
pass in the Secondary School Examination.

Employment Prospects

In recent times the entry of branded jewelry has infused new impetus in the
profession. And when it comes to gems and jewelry exports, India accounts for 70%
(approx.) exports worldwide. There is also a demand for traditional gold jewelry in
the international market.

The Indian Gem & Jewelry industry is poised to enter the new millennium with great
confidence. Indian gem cutters and craftsmen are held in high regard the world over.
The opening up of the market will help India to acquire a sizeable share of the world

Job openings have shown an increase with entry of branded jewelry and increased
interest in newer and westernized styles. Self-employed jewelry designers can carve
a niche for themselves provided they could satisfy market needs and continue to be
creative at the same time.

Within manufacturing, increasing automation will take some time to adversely affect
employment of low-skilled occupations, such as assembler and polisher when
replacement benefits and costs outweigh the productivity of manpower. Automation
will have a lesser impact on more creative, highly skilled positions, such as mould
and model maker.

The demand for jewelry is largely affected by the amount of disposable income
people have. Therefore, the increasing number of affluent individuals,
workingwomen, double-income households and fashion conscious men are expected
to keep jewelry sales strong.
Related occupations could be of gem-cutters, hand engravers, and watchmakers and

Career Progression

Advancement opportunities are limited and greatly dependent on an individual's skill

and initiative. Designers working for small concerns may acquire experience, gain
prominence through success in competitions and move on to larger concerns.
Jewelry designers can supply to bigger stores and move on to prominent companies.
Some decide to work on their own line but this could take time. Because the jewelry
business is highly competitive, jewelers who plan to open their own store should
have experience in selling, as well as knowledge of marketing and business

Home Science

Q1.What are the job prospects after doing Home Science ?

A1 The Home Science offers tremendous amount of opportunities and provides a

treasure of knowledge on various fields. Undergraduate Level : Although it can be
taken at the +2/PUC/Intermediate level (approved by many State Boards and
CBSE), the student only begins to really learn about Home Science at the
undergraduate level. This is because the practical training begins in printing, basic
tailoring, interior design, cooking, dyeing etc. Students can chose to branch out into
other fields, like fashion designing, interior decoration etc. or go on for a Masters in
Home Science. There are more detailed courses in nutrition and dietetics, rural
community extension, child development, family relations, textiles/clothing and so
on. Those with creative minds as well as those with the hard-core scientific views can
benefit from a Home Science degree. There are degrees such as the M.Sc in
Dietetics/Food and Nutrition, which is designed for the applied scientist, while the
'creative' group can chose a career in textile designing or child-care or rural work.
Most of the Masters' programmes require that the candidate has a B.Sc. degree in
Home Science.

Q2.What are the Career Prospects and Future Projections?

A2. the various jobs that Home Science can entail are:

• Production jobs - this covers food preservation, dress-making, specialized

cooking. Graduates of Home Science can go on to enter the textile business,
fashion designing etc. or even work in hotels, the food industry etc.
• Research jobs - these projects involve educating specific segments of the
population such as mothers, farmers, villagers on the food value of certain
food items.
• Sales jobs - sales promotion of food items (baby foods) are given to home
science graduates granted they have relevant information and experience.
• Service jobs - maintenance and supervision of house keeping departments at
tourist resorts, hotels, catering facilities, restaurants etc.
• Teaching jobs - The recognized qualification for a primary school teacher is a
Bachelors degree in Home Science and many postgraduates also are taken on
as senior secondary school teachers and college professors.
• Technical jobs - manufacturing industries do require home science graduates
to serve as research assistants, food analysts, food scientists etc. Home
Science students have a wide range of fields that they can enter, as the
above list illustrates. Attention to customer services and nutrition is
increasing at a tremendous rate, since numerous multinational firms are
getting involved in these ventures. This makes a career in Home Economics
very promising.

Spatial Design


Spatial design includes interior and exterior design. Nowadays people hire
professionals to design farm houses, restaurants, homes, offices, shopping
complexes etc. Spatial designer are in great demand because of growing
consciousness for style and decor. They are not only creative but technically sound
professionals who work as a part of a team which includes architects, furnishers,
craft designers etc. They plan the entire structure of homes, offices in such a way
that along with style their planning does not ignore the practical aspects involved like
proper ventilation , drainage system, water supply , safety etc. Interior designers
have to keep in mind the latest schemes, light effects, directions of different rooms

Set Design

Set designers design sets of films, T.V. programmes ( talk shows, serials, plays) and
some also work as theatre or stage designer. They are generally guided by Directors
of the film or Programmer who explain the entire script and its demands in great

Personal Attributes

Interior designer should have an analytical mind and the ability to understand the
technicalities involved, the power to imagine, create and even draw your ideas in
such a way that they express clearly every single thought. They should also possess
excellent communication skills, patients and team spirit.

Employment Opportunities

The best way is to join any established designer as an assistant. Later on designers
generally start their own business or work as free lancers.



Photography is an artistic means of presenting things which are best expressed

visually. Sometime back the idea of being a professional photographer might not
have sounded very appealing. But with the upsurge of mass communication and
media photography has become an important part of communication. If you have
visual imagination, aesthetic sense, an eye for detail and composition and creativity
then you should better opt for a course & career in photography.


Photographers specialize in different fields and therefore there are plenty of

opportunities in this field. The various specialization options are tabletop, portrait,
food, news (press photography), industrial photography, nature, wildlife, sports and
fashion or ad photography. The job of a photographer is a well-paid one. You can
either do freelancing work or work for private newspapers, magazines or ad
agencies. There are certain jobs available in the government section also.


Photography is one field where educational qualification doesn't actually matter. All
one requires is an observant and keen eye for details. The artistic sensitivity is a
must. And the more one practices the better his skills get. Some kind of training is
required to get an idea of the basic know-how of photography. The courses in
photography are offered in many schools at 10+2 level. 'Those who have cleared the
photography exam in the 12th boards are eligible for a diploma / certificate course in
photography. Photography is also a subject taught for the Applied Art/ Commercial
Art degree programmes. There are many short term courses also which last for three
to six months

Physical Education
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Certified Risk & Insurance Manager

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Certified Treasury Manager


With the significant developments that have taken place in the Capital, Money, and
Foreign Exchange Markets in the recent years affecting volatility in exchange rates
and accentuating liquidity constraints, corporates and banks have started paying
closer attention to the treasury and forex management function. The globalization of
the economy with mobilization and deployment of funds from/in other countries is
also necessitating growing attention in the area of treasury and forex management.

Treasury Management

Treasury Management is fast emerging as a specialization in many companies and

the accounting function is being delinked from the finance function. Highly focused
knowledge of capital markets, money markets, instruments and investment avenues,
treasury and risk management and related areas, has become essential for
managing the treasury profit center successfully.

Forex Management

In the field of Forex Management, the opportunities to raise money outside India,
and the factors which influence the evaluation of overseas capital investment
projects, are not completely understood. The network of payments and the
international investments have elevated the study of finance to a multinational scale.
Events in distant lands, whether they involve changes in the prices of oil and gold,
election results, the outbreak of war, or the establishment of peace, have effects
which instantly reverberate around the globe. In this increasingly integrated and
interdependent financial environment, the links between money and capital markets
have become extremely close.

In the wake of these interesting developments in the field of Treasury and Forex
Management, ACTM (India) in collaboration with the Association of Chartered
Treasury Managers (ACTM), USA has developed a unique Professional Certification
Program in Treasury and Forex Management titled "The Certified Treasury Manager"
Program for the benefit of postgraduate students in management and
professionals/working executives engaged or interested in the area of treasury and
forex management. Successful completion of the CTM Program leads to the
Membership in Association of Certified Treasury Managers, India. The members are
entitled to use the "CTM" in short. The members are also entitled to become affiliate
members in the Association of Chartered Treasury Managers, USA.


The Certified Treasury Manager Program is a highly specialized course imparting

focused knowledge in the areas of treasury, forex and risk management.

The CTM Program has the following objectives :

• To develop a new body of knowledge and skills and make it available for
those seeking challenging careers in the new era of liberalization and
• To provide a conceptual framework for understanding the Money Markets and
the Foreign Exchange Markets.
• To cultivate appreciation of the inter-linkages between the Money Markets
and Foreign Exchange Markets and the practical implications of these
• To improve the ability for measuring and managing financial risks in
corporates and banks.
• To impart skills in treasury and foreign exchange management which are
relevant in the electronic age, where managers will be operating in a web
enabled environment.

For Whom

Keeping in mind the avenues open to candidates who take up the CTM Program, this
course would be useful for : Finance and Accounting Professionals like CFAs, CAs,
CWAs, CSs, MBAs who seek careers in treasury/forex departments of

• Professionals employed in the forex departments of banks or with forex

• Professionals working in the treasury/investments departments of
• Entrepreneurs and managers controlling export businesses.
• Candidates pursuing professional courses like CFA, CA, CWA, CS, CAIIB etc.
• Candidates pursuing full-time postgraduate programs in commerce,
economics, mathematics, statistics and management.
• Other individuals associated with international business and funds.

Skills to Succeed

The surge of activity in the money and forex markets require constant monitoring
and managing. To succeed in these areas, candidates should possess the following

• Mathematical Aptitude
• Computer Skills
• Ability to withstand pressure


The following categories of candidates are eligible to enroll into the CTM Program

• CFAs/CAs/CWAs/CSs.
• Candidates with PG qualifications like PGDBA/MBA/MMS/MFC/MIB/
MBE/MCom/ MA (Eco)/MSc (Maths)/MSc (Stats), etc.
• The following categories of candidates are also eligible to enroll into the CTM
Program, provided they are graduates.
• Candidates who passed CFA (Level I), CA (Inter), CWA (Inter), CS (Inter) or
CAIIB (Part I).
• Bankers with CAIIB qualification.
• Full-time students of the PGDBA/MBA/MMS/MFC/MIB/MBE/MCom programs
with Business Schools/University Departments, IIMs and other reputed
• Full-time students of MA (Eco)/MSc (Maths)/MSc (Stats).
• Executives with minimum 5 years experience in executive capacity in
corporate/banking sector with relevant experience in treasury or foreign
exchange areas.


The CTM Program may be completed in a period of one year.

Period of Validity of Enrollment

The enrollment of a candidate in the CTM Program is valid for three years from the
date of enrollment. Candidates who are unable to complete the program within the
three-year validity period, but, keen on continuing in the program, are required to
register de novo.

Program Structure

The CTM Program covers all the important topics related to treasury and foreign
exchange. The broad areas in which the body of knowledge is developed and the
candidates will be examined, are divided into two Groups consisting of two Parts

The structure of the CTM Program and details of marks and time allotted for each
Part is given below:

Duration of
Group/Part Marks allotted
Part I : Treasury Management 100 3 hours
Part II : Foreign Exchange Management 100 3 hours
Part III : Risk Management - I 100 3 hours
Part IV : Risk Management - II 100 3 hours
The CTM Candidates are required to undertake a Project Work as an integral part of
the Program.

Learning Benefits

The candidates enrolling into the CTM program are likely to get several learning
benefits from each one of the subjects of study. Each subject is given in-depth
coverage so that the candidates derive immediate and practical benefits. Broadly
speaking, the candidates acquire three types of skills:

• Basic Skills
• Application Skills
• Integrative Skills

The more important learning benefits are identified below:

1. You will be able to understand the scope and functions of treasury

management and its linkages with corporate finance and functional areas of
2. You will get to know the financial forecasting techniques and how to apply
them in treasury management.
3. You will appreciate the significance of effective liquidity management under
conditions of surplus and deficit.
4. You will have an understanding of long-term financial planning and the tools
and techniques used for estimations.
5. You will learn about financial markets and instruments and the emerging
6. You will learn about basics of international economics and international
finance including international financial markets and instruments markets and
instruments instruments instruments instruments instruments.
7. You will appreciate the methods of financing international trade.
8. You will understand the key aspects relating to forex markets and
determination of exchange rates.
9. You will learn about risk management and various tools and techniques.
10. You will know how to manage risks with various derivative instruments.
11. You will grasp the accounting and tax implications of various derivatives.
12. You will get an insight into handling financial crisis situations including
13. You will grasp the nuances of financial management of multinational
corporations including treasury management in MNCs.
14. You will appreciate the key role of management of relationships with bankers
and institutions.
15. You will grasp the basics of internal treasury controls through effective MIS.
16. You will get exposure to speculation and ethical dilemmas in treasury

Company Secretary

Q1.Tell me something about the career of company secretary?

A1.The use of the word secretary in the name of this specialisation is a bit misleading
for one who is new to the concept. A Company Secretary has nothing to do with
regular secretarial work. A Company Secretary is a professional whose role in a
corporate set up is that of an advisor for legal matters. As per the Companies Act, a
statutory requirement is that companies with a paid up share capital of a minimum
of Rs 50 lakh are required to appoint a Company Secretary. A Company Secretary is
a very important member of the company’s management.

Q2.What is the role of "The Institute of Company Secretaries of India " ?

A2.The Institute of Company Secretaries of India is constituted under the Company

Secretaries Act, 1980, to develop and regulate the profession of Company
Secretaries in India. The origin of this profession can be traced back to 1960, when
the Company Law Board started a course in Company Secretaryship leading to a
Government Diploma in Company Secretaryship. A tremendous growth in the
number of Company Secretaries led to the formation, in 1969, of The Institute of
Company Secretaries of India under Section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956. The
Institute of Company Secretaries of India has been converted into a statutory body
under the Company Secretaries Act, 1980.

Q3.What does a Company Secretary do?

A3. The range of services that a Company Secretary is trained to carry out is wide.
In actual practice, it will depend upon the size of the company he or she is working
with. The nature of activities that the company is engaged in will also affect the type
of services that a Company Secretary is required to provide. Functions of a Company
Secretary A Company Secretary has been recognised by law as one of the principal
officers of the Company. The knowledge that he or she acquires during training
makes him or her versatile enough to carry out functions in various areas like
finance, accounts, legal administration and personnel division. Training as a
Company Secretary equips a person to provide the following services. Handling legal
aspects that need to be covered for incorporation, formation, promotion,
amalgamation, reorganisation or winding up of a company, are the responsibilities of
a Company Secretary ¨ If a company goes public, then management of the public
issue falls under the ambit of a Company Secretary's responsibility. ¨ All legalities
involved with inter-corporate investments and loans are looked after by a Company
Secretary. ¨ All responsibilities attached to meetings of Board of Directors are
attached to the Company Secretary. He or she is responsible for scheduling them in
consultation with other members of the management team, conduct the meetings
and maintain all records related to the meetings. ¨ Depending upon the needs of the
company that he or she is working for, a Company Secretary is required to handle
matters related to central/state sales tax, excise laws, labour laws and corporate
laws. ¨ Looking into the details of processing applications for management
appointments and their remuneration is also the responsibility of a Company
Secretary. ¨ A Company Secretary handles matters related to obtaining institutional
finance. Responsibilities in this regard would include getting project approvals,
obtaining relevant licences and permits, zeroing in on all requirements under the
MRTP (Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act) and FERA (Foreign Exchange
Regulation Act) and any other relevant legislation. ¨ The Company secretary is
authorised to sign the annual returns of the company, as also represent the company
when a situation demands it. The above-mentioned duties are just a broad guideline
of what is expected of a Company Secretary.

Q4.Who can become a Company Secretary?

A4.The minimum eligibility required for the foundation course for training as a
Company Secretary is 10+2 or an equivalent examination. Graduates or post-
graduates in commerce, or any other discipline except fine arts, are allowed to skip
the foundation course and enrolled directly for the intermediate examination. This
exemption is also extended to those who have passed out of the Institute of Cost
and Works Accountancy or the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. For better
prospects one may opt for the Company Secretary course after having completed
either the Cost and Works Accountancy course or the Chartered Accountancy course
or both. The course The Institute of Company Secretaries of India conduct
examinations for different levels of competencies. Those who clear these
examinations are granted membership to the Institute.

Q5.Where are the centres of the institute?

A5.The Institute has headquarters at New Delhi. Offices at Calcutta, Chennai, Delhi
and Mumbai, four regional councils and thirty-six chapters of the Institute in various
cities provide the infrastructure through which the Institute functions. This course is
a mixture of postal tuition and optional coaching classes. Study material is provided
to the students at the time of admission. On completion of postal coaching and
contact classes, if the student has opted for it, he or she is eligible for appearing for
the examinations conducted by the Institute. Registration for each examination
needs to be done at least nine months before the month in which the examination is
held. The examinations are held in June and December every year. Examinations are
held at thirty-six centres.
Q6.What is the procedure for becoming a Company Secretary?

A6. It is as follows: Pass 10+2 or equivalent examination Enrol with the institute for
foundation course Complete the compulsory postal coaching Pass the foundation
examination Register with the institute for intermediate course. Graduates and those
who have passed out of the Institute of Cost and Works Accountancy or the Institute
of Chartered Accountants of India can enter straightaway at this level. Complete the
compulsory postal coaching for the intermediate course. ¨ Pass the intermediate
examination. Enrol for the final course ¨ Complete the compulsory postal coaching
for the final course. During this period the student is also required to undergo
management training or apprenticeship with a company recognised by the Institute
or with a recognised practising company Secretary. The duration of the training may
vary from 12 months to 24 months, depending upon whether it is done on a full time
or part time basis. Pass the final examination. ¨ Undergo practical training for four
months. Now a student qualifies for membership of the Institute On admission as an
Associate member, he or she is entitled to use the descriptive letters "ACS" after his
name. Senior members in the profession are eligible for admission as Fellow
Members, and on admission as Fellow Members they are eligible to use the
descriptive letters "FCS" after their names.

Q7.What are the places where examinations are held?

A7.The Institute has its headquarters at New Delhi and four regional offices of
Calcutta, Chennai, Delhi and Mumbai. The Institute has four Regional Councils and
under their jurisdiction there are thirty-six Chapters: Eastern Region: Bhubaheshwar,
Guwahati, Jamshedpur, Patna, Ranchi Northern Region: Chandigarh, Faridabad,
Ghaziabad, Jaipur, Kanpur, Ludhiana, Lucknow, Modinagar, Noida (U P), Shimla, and
Udaipur Southern Region: Bangalore, Coimbatore, Cochin, Hyderabad, Madurai,
Mangalore, Mysore, Pondicherry, Tiruchirapalli, Thiruvananthapuram, and
Vishakapatnam Western Region: Ahmedabad, Bhopal, Dombivli, Goa, Indore,
Nagpur, Pune, Surat, and Vadodara. In addition the Institute has 16 Satellite
Chapters, which are located at Agra, Allahabad, Gurgaon, Jodhpur, Meerut, Beawar,
Yamuna Nagar, Varanasi, Bhilwara, Bareilly, Dharwad, Kottayam, Thrissur,
Vijayawada, Nasik, Raipur.

Q8.What are the prospects for employment ?

A8. Today's global scene shows a focus on the development of the corporate sector.
Growth automatically translates into the involvement legalities of various kinds. And
this falls under the purview of a Company Secretary. Companies need advice from a
person with a thorough knowledge of all relevant laws. This service is provided for by
the Company Secretary. So the employment potential in the corporate sector is very
high. Openings are also available in government sectors, in bodies like the Bureau of
Public Enterprises, government financial institutions and stock exchanges. Other
government openings are the Accounts branch of the Central Government Law
Services; the finance, law, accounts and merchant banking divisions of nationalised
banks. An option for the academically inclined is as lectures in universities. A
combination of experience and expertise can lead to appointment at top level
positions like chairman, directors and managing director, in reputed organisations.

Cost Accountancy
Q1.What is the job of Cost accountant ?

A1. It is one of the most essential management services. It is a fairly new branch, a
profession ushered in during the last century. With increase in competition and
consequent economic pressures, cost and management accountancy has been finely
interwoven into the main fabric of management. Collection, assimilation, collation
and analysis of financial information from all areas of an organisation are the
functions of a cost accountant. There is no denying the fact that an organisation’s
success or failure is dependent on the quality of information made available to the
management. This is where a cost accountant’s productivity is of vital importance to
the company. It is his primary job to ensure that managerial decisions are well within
the cost prescriptions. The cost accountant is expected to give a prognosis for
projects to be undertaken based on past and present financial performances. In
order to do this a cost accountant needs to take into account factors like cost of raw
materials, labour, transport, overheads and the like. Knowledge of these costs will
help the cost accountant prepare budgets for the operation that is planned.

Q2.What is the nature of job of a cost accountant ?

A2. A cost accountant specialises in navigating managerial decisions, stabilising

budgets and standards, assessing operational efficiency and the effectiveness of
production and service management, identifying accountability for profit variance
and so on. His responsibilities include: designing and implementing effective
management information and control systems, planning costing systems and
methods, inventory control incorporating mathematical models, investment analysis,
project management, internal audit, cost audit, diagnosis in the case of sick
industries, fund management, pricing planning, interpreting information and data
related to business activities and translating them in such a way as to guide the core
management into taking the right decisions. Criteria The academic requirement is to
pass the examination conducted by the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of
India (ICWAI).

Q3.How are the ICWAI examinations held ?

A3.The ICWAI examinations are held in three stages – preliminary, intermediate and
final. A candidate may appear for the preliminary examination after passing the plus
two (twelfth standard) examinations. The students are tested in English, elementary
mathematics and general knowledge. The preliminary is waived in the case of
gazetted officers, post graduates, qualified engineers holding a degree and graduates
from other streams with fifty per cent marks. They are generally allowed to register
with the institute for the intermediate examination.

For the intermediate exam, there are four papers – financial accounts, cost accounts,
corporate laws and secretarial practice and direct taxation. The syllabus covered in
the entire course includes book keeping and accountancy, production, productivity,
cost effectiveness, cost accountancy, business mathematics and statistics, business
and economic laws, principles of management, auditing, tax laws and tax planning,
quantitative techniques and methods of cost and management accountancy. The
institute has made it mandatory for registered candidates to undergo training, or
tuition, either directly or through correspondence, before appearing for the
examinations. The duration of the course through correspondence is eighteen
Q4. What are the qualities essential for cost accountancy ?

A4.As for personal traits, the first requirement is that one needs to be a native
numerate. Of course, academic abilities too top the list alongside. Other equally
important requirements are an ability to communicate (both written and spoken)
concisely, a keen business sense and the ability to negotiate. The job calls for a high
sense of motivation, concentration and determination.Regional councils and other
institutes recognised by the Directorate of Studies of the ICWAI conduct these
classes. Examinations are held twice in the year. The Cost and Work Accountancy
course may be completed over a period of two or three years. It is generally
considered to be easier than the chartered accountancy course.

Q5.What does the future hold?

A5.Once a candidate has passed the examination, there are several options ahead of
him. He could either serve in an industry or opt for government service. There is
plenty of scope in the banking and insurance sectors. The government has made it
mandatory for thirty-eight classes of companies to employ a cost accountant. This
very fact throws up tremendous opportunities for one. There is always the option of
practising as a consultant. A third option is to impart teaching at institutes or at
universities. Higher academic pursuit for a doctorate is also possible. The ICWAI
programme has been recognised by some universities for admission to Ph. D courses
in commerce. If one can manage an additional CA (Chartered Accountancy) or an
MBA (management) degree, the scope for an individual is indeed vast. The returns:
For a cost accountant, there is no fixed pay scale. It depends entirely on the
organisation that he is employed in. Generally speaking, he could begin around Rs.
4,000 a month. For those with an additional degree such as CA or MBA, the starting
salary is likely to be on par with senior executives in the organisation, probably in
the Rs. 7,000-12,000 bracket.

Q6.What is the List of Indian Cost and Works Accountant Institutes ?

A6.Head Office – The Institute Of Cost and Works Accounts of India, 12, Sudder
Street, Calcutta-700 016.

Regional offices: Northern India Regional Council of the ICWAI, 3, Industrial Area,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003. Western India Regional Council of the ICWAI, Rohit
Chambers, 4th Floor, Goga Street, Mumbai-400 007. Southern India Regional
Council of the ICWAI, 65, Montieth Lane, Egmore, Chennai-600 008. Eastern India
Regional Council of the ICWAI, 84, Harish Mukherjee Road, Calcutta-700 005.

Chartered Financial Analysts


• Graduates (from any discipline) are eligible to enroll into the CFA Program.
• Candidates in their final year Bachelor's Degree courses who are expecting
the results within three months from the date of submitting the Application to
ICFAI are also eligible to apply (Such candidates will be enrolled Provisionally
in the CFA Program).
The Regular CFA Program may be completed in a period of three years.

Period of Validity of Enrollment

The candidates are required to complete the CFA Program (all the three levels)
within a maximum period of seven years from the date of enrollment. They are also
required to complete Level I of the CFA Program within three years from the date of
enrollment. Candidates who are unable to complete the program within the time-
frame stipulated above, but still keen on continuing in the program, are required to
register de novo.

Program Structure
The CFA Program is divided into three levels : Level I, Level II and Level III.

After completing Level I, the candidates will be admitted into Level II. After
completing Level II, they will be admitted into Level III. The candidates of the
Regular CFA Program will be required to study and complete the three levels in a
sequential manner.

Subject-wise Waivers at CFA Level I

Candidates with prior professional qualifications like CA/ CWA/CS are eligible to get
waivers from certain subjects in Level I of the CFA Program as indicated below.

Subject Eligibility for Waiver

Chartered Accountants,
Financial Accounting
Cost and Works Accountants
Chartered Accountants,
Management Accounting
Cost and Works Accountants
Chartered Accountants,
Economic Legislation
Cost and Works Accountants, Company Secretaries

Eligibility for Examinations

Candidates of the Regular CFA Program are eligible to appear for the examinations in
the following pattern :


• Group Alpha, after three months from the date of enrollment.
• Group Alpha and Beta, after six months from the date of enrollment.

• Group Alpha, Beta and Gamma, after nine months from the date of
Candidates are required to appear for the Groups in a sequential order i.e., Groups
Alpha, Beta and Gamma.
CFA Level II
• Group Delta, after six months from the date of entry into Level II.
• Group Delta, and Epsilon, after nine months from the date of entry into Level

• Group Delta, Epsilon and Kappa, after twelve months from the date of entry
into Level II.
Candidates are required to appear for the Groups in a sequential order i.e., Groups
Delta, Epsilon and Kappa.
• Group Lambda, after six months from the date of entry into Level III
• Group Lambda and Sigma after nine months from the date of entry into
Level III.

• Groups Lambda, Sigma and Theta, after twelve months from the date of
entry into CFA Level III.
Candidates are required to appear for the Groups in a sequential order i.e., Groups
Lambda, Sigma and Theta.

Award of Certificates

The certification program for financial analysts, designed and administered by ICFAI,
has a modular structure. At the end of each Level, the successful candidates receive
a Diploma from ICFAI as indicated below. After completing Level III, the successful
candidates will be eligible to receive the CFA Charter.

On successful completion of Level I Diploma in Business Finance (DBF)

On successful completion of Level II Advanced Diploma in Finance (ADF)
PG Diploma in Financial Analysis
On successful completion of Level III
(PGDFA), leading to the CFA Charter

Rank Certificates, Merit Certificates and Medals

Based on the performance at the Level III examinations, ICFAI awards Rank
Certificates to top 10 candidates. Merit Certificates are awarded for the top
performer in each Subject. Gold and Silver Medals are awarded for the top performer
in each Group. A Special Award is given to the Best-Outgoing Student every year.

Award of the CFA Charter

All the candidates who successfully complete the CFA Program of ICFAI will be
entitled to receive the CFA Charter from the Council of Chartered Financial Analysts
(CCFA), subject to fulfilling the conditions of membership in CCFA.

Accelerated CFA PROGRAM

The Fast-track Option : 2 Years

ICFAI offers the Accelerated CFA Program for the benefit of professionals, working
executives and full-time students of certain courses enabling them to complete it in 2
years instead of the normal 3 years.

The curriculum of the Accelerated CFA Program is the same as that of the Regular
CFA Program.

Program Structure
The CFA Program is divided into three levels : Level I, Level II and Level III.

Candidates under any of the following categories are eligible to enroll into the
Accelerated CFA Program :

• CAs/CWAs/CSs
• Candidates with PG qualifications like PGDBA/MBA/MMS/MFC/MIB/MBE/MCom
• Graduates with 60% and above marks.

The following categories of candidates are also eligible to enroll into the Accelerated
CFA Program, provided they are graduates.

• Candidates who successfully completed the Intermediate examinations of the

Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), the Institute of Cost and
Works Accountants of India (ICWAI), the Institute of Company Secretaries of
India (ICSI) or the CAIIB Part I examination of the Indian Institute of Bankers
• Bankers with CAIIB qualification.
• Full-time students of the PGDBA/MBA/MMS/MFC/MIB/MBE/MCom Programs
with business schools (recognized by AICTE)/University Departments, IIMs
and other reputed institutions.
• Candidates pursuing MBA (by correspondence) with Indira Gandhi National
Open University (IGNOU) and other Universities/All India Management
Association (AIMA)/Indian Institute of Bankers/Icfaian Council for Open and
Distance Education.
• Directly Recruited Officers in Banks, Financial Institutions and Insurance
• Class I officers in Central and State Government Services.
• Executives having a minimum of 5 years experience at managerial level.
• Faculty members having a minimum of 5 years teaching experience at
undergraduate/postgraduate level.

The Accelerated CFA Program may be completed in a period of 2 years through study
and examinations.

Eligibility for Examinations

Candidates of the Accelerated CFA Program have the flexibility of appearing for
examinations in a combined fashion for Level I and Level II together, and
subsequently for Level II and Level III together. To be eligible to appear for Level II
and Level III examinations together, candidates should have completed Level I.

Candidates are eligible to appear for the first examination (one Group) after three
months from the date of enrollment. Subsequently, after every three months they
can appear for one additional Group.

Subject-wise Waivers at CFA Level I

Candidates with prior professional qualifications like CA/CWA/CS are eligible to get
waivers from certain subjects in Level I of the CFA Program as indicated below.

Subject Eligibility for waiver

Financial Accounting Chartered Accountants, Cost and Works Accountants
Management Chartered Accountants, Cost and Works Accountants
Economic Legislation Chartered Accountants, Cost and Works Accountants,
Company Secretaries

A Comparative Perspective
Regular CFA Accelerated CFA
3 years 2 years (saving of 1 year)
All graduates All candidates should have specified
professional qualifications and/or
experience (with a bachelor's degree) or
they should be first class graduates.
Examinations can be taken Level-wise, Flexibility in taking examinations
sequentially. combining Level I and Level II; and Level
II and Level III.

Note : All the rules and regulations relevant to the Regular CFA Program stated
elsewhere in this site are also applicable to the Accelerated CFA Program, except
where stated otherwise.

Period of Validity of Enrollment

The candidates are required to complete the CFA Program (all the three levels)
within a maximum period of seven years from the date of enrollment.

They are also required to complete Level I of the CFA Program within three years
from the date of enrollment.

Candidates who are unable to complete the program within the time-frame stipulated
above, but still keen on continuing in the program, are required to register de novo.

Award of Certificates
The certification program for financial analysts, designed and administered by ICFAI,
has a modular structure. At the end of each Level, the successful candidates receive
a Diploma from ICFAI as indicated below. After completing Level III, the successful
candidates will be eligible to receive the CFA Charter.

On successful completion of Diploma in Business Finance (DBF)

Level I
On successful completion of Advanced Diploma in Finance (ADF)
Level II
On successful completion of PG Diploma in Financial Analysis (PGDFA), leading to
Level III the CFA Charter

Rank Certificates, Merit Certificates and Medals

Based on the performance at the Level III examinations, ICFAI awards Rank
Certificates to top 10 candidates. Merit Certificates are awarded for the top
performer in each Subject. Gold and Silver Medals are awarded for the top performer
in each Group. A Special Award is given to the Best-Outgoing Student every year.

Award of the CFA Charter

All the candidates who successfully complete the CFA Program of ICFAI will be
entitled to receive the CFA Charter from the Council of Chartered Financial Analysts
(CCFA), subject to fulfilling the conditions of membership in CCFA.

About The Program

The CFA Program

The Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India launched the Chartered

Financial Analysts (CFA) Program in 1985. Over the years, the CFA Program has
attracted enrollments from a cross section of students interested in careers in
financial management and analysis.

A Unique and Broad-based Program

The CFA Program is unique in that it addresses the broader financial and managerial
issues in the areas of Corporate Finance, International Finance, Investment
Management and Financial Services.

The CFA Program offered by ICFAI has been developed and is constantly reviewed in
the context of the present and future needs of the corporate sector, the investment
industry and the financial services sector.


The CFA Program is a postgraduate professional program with the following broad
objectives :

• To impart thorough knowledge of concepts in Corporate Finance, International

Finance, Investment Management and Financial Services.
• To improve the ability to develop a framework for financial analysis and to
rationally evaluate alternatives for purposes of decision-making.
• To deepen insights into practical applications of financial analysis in a dynamic
business environment.
• To develop appreciation of the interface between financial analysis and other
areas like economics, management, investments, financial markets,
international finance, financial services and corporate strategy.
• To encourage future finance professionals to equip themselves with the latest
IT tools and techniques.
• To develop a new body of knowledge and skill-set and make them available
for those seeking challenging careers in the new era of liberalization and


The ICFAI Approach

The CFA Program follows seven distinctive but inter-related approaches :

Theoretical studies aimed at improving candidates' understanding of certain

fundamental phenomena and relationships underlying the changing world.

Applied studies linking the theoretical studies to the practical problems faced by

Practical exposure to industry practices takes place through a variety of activities like
training under practice school program, project work, management development
programs, seminars, conventions etc.

Global Perspective to business by encouraging the candidates to appreciate and get

exposed to the international business environment and practices.

IT Orientation by providing a strong focus on information technology and its linkage

with finance.

E-Business Framework aimed at encouraging the candidate to deepen their

understanding of financial management and analysis in the era of E-Business leading
to virtual delivery of financial services.

Ethical Focus aimed at inculcating in the candidates an ethical approach in their

professional interactions and a sense of personal, corporate, and social


For Whom
• Candidates looking for a long-term career as a finance professional to work in
the industry (corporate/financial services/banking sectors) or to set up
independent practice/consulting.
• Professionals like Chartered Accountants, Cost Accountants, Company
Secretaries who are keen on building a hard core finance career or those who
are interested in updating themselves in finance.
• MBAs and other management professionals who would like to specialize in
finance or would like to have a strong grounding in finance which would help
them in performing their general management functions better.
• Graduates interested to build a career in finance.
• Candidates pursuing full-time postgraduate programs in management.
• Working executives seeking enhanced career mobility and prospects in the
area of finance.
• Banking professionals who want to upgrade their knowledge.
• Academicians and those in the teaching profession who are keen to update
their knowledge in the areas of finance.

Two Formats

The CFA Program is offered on a distance learning basis through study and
examinations in the following two formats :

The Regular CFA Program (3 years)

The Accelerated CFA Program (2 years)


The CFA Program Structure

Level/Group/Subject Marks Allotted

CFA Level I (DBF)

Group Alpha
Financial Accounting 200
Economics 200
Group Beta
Quantitative Methods 200
Financial Management 200

Group Gamma
Management Accounting 200
Economic Legislation 200

Total (A) 1200

CFA Level II (ADF)

Group Delta
Security Analysis 200
International Finance and Trade 200
Group Epsilon
Financial Risk Management 200
Project Management 200

Group Kappa

Portfolio Management & Mutual Funds 200

Investment Banking & Financial Services 200

Total (B) 1200


Group Lambda
Strategic Financial Management 200
Management of Financial Institutions 200

Group Sigma
Integrated Case Studies 200
Group Theta
Mergers & Acquisitions 200
Financial Control & Information Systems 200

Total (C) 1000

Grand Total (A+B+C) 3400

Note: The examination for each Subject is of 6 hours duration. Each subject has two
Papers of 3 hours each. Examinations are conducted in the morning session (3
hours) and the afternoon session (3 hours).

Certified Public Accountant

About CPA
Businesses today increasingly require professionals who can integrate knowledge and
skills from multiple sources to address strategic business issues and help create new
innovation-driven business models. This innovation imperative call for unique
opportunities for accounting professionals who can add new value in a global,
liberalized and free economy. There is an urgent need for accounting professionals
who are not only sound in the traditional accounting disciplines but also possess
cutting-edge integrative and professional competencies with multi-disciplinary
knowledge and skills.

In the wake of these interesting developments, NICPA has conceived, designed and
developed a unique Professional Certification Program the ‘Certified Public
Accountant’ (CPA) Program for the benefit of candidates seeking careers in the
Accounting-Management-IT spectrum.

The CPA Program is specifically designed to meet the demands of modern accounting
professionals. The CPA Program integrates into its body of knowledge, areas like
management, information technology & E-Business, US GAAP, code of ethics, and
soft skills, along with the core areas like accounting, auditing, taxation and business

The CPA Program is a postgraduate professional program with the following broad

• To impart knowledge of concepts in Accounting, Auditing, Taxation, Business

Law, Management, and Information Technology.
• To improve the ability to develop a framework for using purposes of decision-
• To deepen insights into practical applications of Accounting in a dynamic
business environment.
• To develop appreciation of the interface between Accounting, and other areas
like Economics, Marketing, HRM, Operations Management, Finance, IT &
• To facilitate the development and growth of Accounting Professionals as
Business Managers.

The CPA Approch

The CPA Program follows distinctive but interrelated approaches:

 Continuous Learning: adapting state-of-the-art concepts and approaches to

drive continuous improvement and adapting readily to new contexts and
 Analytical Prowess: identifying core issues and determining what is most
relevant in multi-faceted situations, dismissing irrelevant factors.
 Networking and Resourcing: drawing up the talents of functional
specialists and experts who create synergy, assembling high-performance
 Dedication to Excellence: demonstrating strong commitment to a global
standard of professional conduct and ethics.
 Impactful Communication: bringing clarity and simplicity to complex or
technical concepts by using appropriate language, graphics and frames of
 Compelling Influence: developing comprehensive business plans in support
of proposed initiatives, accomplishing objectives aggressively and cost
 External Perspective: gathering knowledge on broad socio-economic,
political, demographic, environmental, market and other trends that could
impact the business.

Focus Areas
The CPA Program has five Focus Areas :

Accounting Standards & US GAAP: The CPA Program covers the modern
accounting practices with reference to Accounting Standards and US GAAP. The
candidates gain in-depth knowledge of Accounting Standards which are indispensable
in this globalized and liberalized economy. Many corporates in India and abroad are
adopting US GAAP voluntarily to bring their financial reporting practices to the global
Information Technology and E-Business: The CPA Program imparts the
necessary knowledge and skills required for the tripartite functions of designing,
managing and evaluating information systems, create and implement accounting
solutions by applying IT tools and managing business electronically.

Management Insights: The CPA Program is designed to provide insights into

management strategy and functions so that Accounting-Business interface is
understood in a dynamic format.
Soft Skills & Code of Conduct: To become successful professional accountants of
the 21st century, candidates need to possess soft skills namely Adaptation skills,
Communication skills, Negotiation skills, Management skills, Interpersonal skills and
Personal skills. Through case studies, the CPA Program encourages the candidates to
develop these vital soft skills.

Ethical Focus: The CPA Program aims to inculcate in the candidates an ethical
approach in their professional interactions and a sense of personal, corporate and
social responsibilities.

The uniqueness of the CPA Program lies in its effective integration of all the five
focus areas with traditional disciplines like Accounting, Auditing, Taxation and
Business Law.

The Body of Knowledge

NICPA visualizes the body of knowledge of the CPA Program as covering four inter-
related areas:

• General Accounting Knowledge: a fundamental understanding of financial

accounting, managerial accounting, auditing systems, business law and
taxation necessary to effectively function in the area of accounting.
• Specialized Accounting Knowledge: further, in-depth, knowledge of some
of the specialized areas of accounting like Accounting Standards, US GAAP,
Information Systems Control Audit, Ethics and Code of Conduct etc.
• Information Technology Knowledge: education in IT relevant to the study
of accounting.
• Management Knowledge: knowledge of the basic ideas of business, such as
management strategy, business economics, finance, marketing, HRM and
control systems.

For Whom
The CPA Program will be suitable for:
• Finance, accounting and management professionals like CFAs, CAs, CWAs,
CSs, and MBAs.
• Professionals already engaged in the accounting field, and who wish to
upgrade their knowledge and skills in emerging areas like Accounting
Standards & US GAAP, Accounting-Management-IT interface, Information
Systems Control Audit etc.
• Students pursuing full-time postgraduate programs in commerce, economics,
mathematics, statistics and management;
Skills to Succeed

The individuals who want to succeed in this industry should have the following
attributes and skills:
• Problem-solving, analytical and research skills
• Inter-personal and strong communication skills
• Comprehension of IT from a user perspective
• Broad business perspective
• High ethical standards

Certified Portfolio Manager

About The CPM Program

Leading to the CIIA Qualification from ACIIA, London

Economic liberalization and decontrol have transformed the economic landscape of

India. Globalization of the economy is at the forefront of the reforms agenda of the
Government. As greater faith was placed on the allocative efficiency of the markets,
the Government progressively liberalized controls to overcome severe distortions
that impeded the functioning of the market forces.

Portfolio Management

The reforms process initiated in the early nineties had far reaching implications for
capital markets too. The abolition of CCI, free pricing of securities and the entry of
private sector and foreign mutual funds has instilled competition and market
orientation in the capital markets. Global fund management giants like Merrill Lynch,
Templeton, Morgan Stanley, Alliance, Threadneedle and Jardine Fleming, among
others have set up mutual fund operations in India. Other developments like
permitting mutual funds to participate in the call markets and GDR market as well as
the introduction of index funds, factor funds and sector funds mean that the Indian
mutual fund segment has come of age. And if the above developments are rapid
enough, the emergence of internet trading is likely to drastically change existing
portfolio management paradigms.

Rapid changes in the global economic scenario calls for incisive analytical skills and
an ability to take swift portfolio management decisions. With an increase in the
number of high net worth investors, the opportunities for private equity fund
management has also proliferated. In an emerging information age the role of an
investment consultant who can adeptly interpret economic and corporate
developments is likely to be at a premium. With imminent deregulation of the
insurance and pension sector, huge investable surpluses are likely to come into the
capital markets. This is likely to open up new vistas for investment analysts and
portfolio managers.

In light of these dynamic developments, The Council for Portfolio Management &
Research (CPMR) has developed a unique Professional Certification Program in
Portfolio Management for the benefit of students and professionals/working
executives engaged or interested in the area of portfolio management and
investment analysis. Successful completion of the CPM Program leads to membership
in The Council for Portfolio Management & Research (CPMR) and the members of
CPMR are entitled to use the designation of "Certified Portfolio Manager" in full and
"CPM" in short.


The CPM Program has the following objectives :

• To develop a new body of knowledge and make it available for those seeking
challenging careers in the new era of liberalization and globalization;
• To introduce participants to the financial system and capital markets both in
India and abroad;
• To impart a strong conceptual foundation in investment analysis and portfolio
• To give adequate exposure to emerging areas like equity and debt research,
scientific asset allocation, portfolio insurance etc.;
• To prepare individuals capable of providing leadership in portfolio
management and mutual funds industry operating in a globalized

The CPM Approch

The CPM Program follows five distinctive but inter-related approaches:

Theoretical Studies aimed at improving candidates’ understanding of certain

fundamental phenomena and relationships underlying the changing world.

Case Studies linking the theoretical studies to the practical problems faced by
portfolio managers.

Practical Exposure to industry practices takes place through a variety of activities

like management development programs, seminars, conventions, etc.

Global Perspective to business by encouraging the candidates to appreciate and

get exposed to the international business environment and practices.

Ethical Focus aimed at inculcating in the candidates an ethical approach in their

professional interactions and a sense of personal, corporate, and social

The Body of Knowledge

CPMR visualizes the body of knowledge of the CPM Program as covering three
interrelated areas:

The Core body of knowledge : Specialized fields and skills which are essential to
business and its orderly functioning.

The evolving concepts, techniques and strategies : Debated and tested by

researchers and practitioners but not yet understood well enough to be included in
the core areas.
The frontiers : The newest ideas, speculative and often controversial, but offering
the promise of practical insights into the process of analysis, and decision-making.

Ideas enter the realm of knowledge at the frontiers and gradually as they are tested
and refined, move towards the core body of knowledge.

For Whom

Keeping in mind the avenues open to candidates who take up the CPM Program, this
course would be useful for:

• Finance and Accounting Professionals like CFAs, CAs, CWAs, CSs, MBAs who
seek careers in portfolio management and mutual funds.
• Professionals employed in the investment and treasury departments of banks
and financial institutions.
• Professionals working in the investment departments of corporates.
• Entrepreneurs and managers engaged in equity research and portfolio
• Candidates pursuing professional courses like CFA, CA, CWA, CS, CAIIB, CTM,
CIB etc.
• Candidates pursuing full-time postgraduate programs in commerce,
economics, mathematics, statistics and management.
• Other individuals associated with financial markets.

Skills to Succeed

The surge of activity in portfolio management requires constant monitoring and

managing. To succeed in these areas, candidates should possess the following skills :

• Analytical dexterity
• Lateral thinking and quick decision-making
• Ability to withstand pressure


The following categories of applicants are eligible for admission into the CPM

• CFAs, CAs, CWAs, CSs, CTMs and CIBs.

• Candidates with PG qualifications like PGDBA/MBA/MMS/MFC (Master of
Finance & Control)/MIB (Master of International Business)/MBE (Master of
Business Economics)/MCom/MA (Eco)/MSc (Maths), MSc (Stats) etc.

The following categories of candidates are also eligible to enroll into the CPM
Program, provided they are graduates :

• Candidates who passed CFA (Level I),CA (Inter),CWA (Inter), CS (Inter) or

CAIIB (Part I).
• Bankers with CAIIB qualification.
• Full-time students of the PGDBA/MBA/MMS/MFC/MIB/MBE/MCom programs
with business schools/ University Departments, IIMs and other reputed
• Full-time students of MCom/MA (Eco)/MSc (Maths)/MSc (Stats).
• Executives having a minimum of five years working experience in executive
capacity in finance/commercial banking/portfolio management sector.


The CPM Program may be completed in a period of one year.

Period of Validity of Enrollment

The enrollment of a candidate in the CPM Program is valid for three years from the
date of enrollment. Candidates who are unable to complete the program within the
three-year validity period, but, keen on continuing in the program, are required to
register de novo.

Program Structure

The CPM Program covers all the important topics related to portfolio management.
The broad areas in which the body of knowledge is developed and the candidates will
be examined, are divided into Three Levels.

Foundation Level : The Foundation Level examination will have 2 Papers of 3 hours
duration each (carrying a total of 200 marks). The Foundation Exam will be
administered on a multiple choice format. This examination will cover preliminary
and introductory topics pertaining to the areas of study.

Associateship Level : The Associateship Level examination will have 3 Papers of 3

hours duration each (carrying a total of 300 marks). This examination will test the
conceptual and technical aspects as well as the working knowledge in all the areas of

After successful completion of the Associateship Level, the CPM candidates are
eligible to sit for the final examination of ACIIA. On completing the Final Level of
ACIIA, they will be exempted from the Fellowship Level of CPMR. Alternatively the
CPM candidates can also pursue the Fellowship Level of the CPMR.

Fellowship Level : The Fellowship Level examination will have 2 Papers of 3 hours
duration each (carrying a total of 200 marks). This examination will test the
candidate's expert level of knowledge and understanding in all the areas of study.

The areas covered under all the 3 levels of the CPM Program, with different degree of
depth and coverage are as follows:

• Financial Accounting & Financial Statement Analysis

• Quantitative Analysis & Statistics
• Economics
• Corporate Finance
• Asset Valuation
• Portfolio Management
• Ethics & Professional Standards

Exemption from Foundation Examination

The following candidates are given exemption from taking the Foundation Exam:
CAs/CWAs/CSs/CTMs/CIBs and Students of CA/CWA/CS courses who passed Inter-
level exams

• MBA/PGDBA and equivalent qualifications

• Students of CFA Program who passed Level I examinations

Exemption from Associateship Examination

All candidates who have completed Level III of the CFA Program are exempted from
appearing for the Foundation and Associateship Examinations and can directly
appear for the Fellowship Exam of CPMR or the Final exam of ACIIA.

Chartered Accountancy

Q1.What is the training for Charted Accountancy ?

A1.The Chartered Accountancy course is conducted by the Institute of Chartered

Accountants of India, which has its Headquarters in New Delhi, 5 regional offices
(Calcutta, Kanpur, Madras, Mumbai and New Delhi) and 81 branches under these
regional centres. In order to become a member of this Institute, a candidate needs
to Pass the intermediate and final examinations of the institute. Register themselves
as an articled or audit clerk with a practising CA.

For those just completing their XII, they can opt to start with the Foundation Course.
After +2 - The Foundation course Introduced by the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of India, this course was created for candidates passing their 10+2 with
any subject but can be taken along with graduate/post-graduate studies (eligibility
rules vary). It is a 1-year programme done through correspondence. Once a student
registers, they are sent the study materials and he/she has the option of either self-
study or attending classes organised by accredited institutions (thereby, exempting
themselves from taking test papers under the postal tuition scheme). At the end of
the study/course period of 12 months, a foundation examination is given in four 3-
hour papers in Fundamentals of Accounting, Economics, Mathematics, Statistics and
Mercantile Law. On passing this examination, candidates can apply for articleship
with a practicing CA.

Once the foundation examination is given, candidates can register for training as an
Article (apprentice) with experienced CAs. Certain rules do apply - CAs with 16 years
of experience and above can take on about 8 articles, those with less experience can
train fewer articles and these teachers or 'Principals' as they are called, can be
changed during the course of training. An agreement of training needs to be
executed before it begins. During the training time, articles learn the technical
details of the work and as time passes, they are given larger assignments with less
supervision. All articled clerks are paid a stipend depending on their city's
population.After about 9 months, they can take the Intermediate Examination of the
Board of Studies and then later on, after clearing the exam, can go for the industrial
training in their last year of articleship.

Final exams are generally given in the last year. Another option for those going
through practical training is to work under an audit clerk - which does not require the
agreement of training. This provides a faster route for bright students to move
through the different stages of the profession. Depending on the location of the firm,
the audit clerks have to be paid by the CA or firm of chartered accountants.
Importance of Practical Training : It gives candidates the opportunity to find
solutions for real problems, develop professional competence and other skills, adopt
and sustain ethical values and learn the norms of the professional life. Intermediate
Examination It is essential that students give their intermediate exam within 10
years of completing their practical training, but if they serve under article for a
further duration on one year and go through postal tuition, they can receive a fresh

The main part of the postal tuition scheme is answering test papers in different
subjects and these tests need to be given before appearing for the inter
examination. Apart from this, students also need to enroll in the Sunday test scheme
and give their tests at different centres supervised by the Institute. This is open to
students from Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Calcutta, Coimbatore, Delhi, Hyderabad,
Jaipur, Kanpur, Madras, Mumbai, Poona and Salem. Students from cities other than
the mentioned ones are required to qualify in minimum 16 papers and submit them
under the postal tuition scheme. Once 9 months of training and the oral/postal
tuition scheme have been completed, students can take the Intermediate
examination in the following subjects :- Group I Group II Accounting Mercantile,
Company Law & Industrial Law Accounting & Elements of Income-tax Law Business
Mathematics Cost Accounting Organisation & Management Economics Auditing

After passing the intermediate examination, candidates can serve in a financial,

commercial or industrial project as part of the training. The industrial training allows
the articled/audit clerk to gain valuable experience in internal audit and auditing
procedures, in operating systems of financial control, in merchandised accounting
etc. This training ranges from about 9 months-1 year. Final Examination If a
candidate takes the intermediate examination during their practical training, they
can give their final examination provided there is a time interval of one final exam
between the inter exam and first attempt at the final exam. On the other hand, if the
practical training as article clerk or audit clerk has completed, the time interval can
be neglected.

Group I Group II Candidates may choose from the following: Advanced Accounting
Direct Tax Laws Combination A : Corporate Mgmt., Managerial economics and
National Accounting, Secretarial Practice Management Accounting Combination B :
Operational research and Statistical Analyses, Systems Analyses and Data
Processing, Cost Systems and Cost Control Auditing Combination C : Mgmt.
Information and Control Systems, Tax Planning and Tax Mgmt., Mgmt. and
Operational Audit Company Law

On completion of the training, the candidates need to gain membership to the ICAI
before they can start practicing as a CA. A member wishing to practice in India or
abroad needs to obtain a Certificate of Practice from the ICAI, the yearly fee of which
is Rs. 400. Once membership is taken, the practicing member cannot work in any
other business or occupation without taking permission from the council; they are
only permitted to work in areas as specified in the CA regulations. More information
on enrollment or the examinations can be requested from the Institute's offices or
the Headquarters at Indraprastha, New Delhi OR the Board of Studies, C1 - Sector 1,
Noida - 201301.

Q2.What is the remuneration for C.A ?

A2.Chartered Accountancy is a well-paid profession and most multi-national firms

provide numerous perks such as medical benefits, loaned housing and so on. While
the foreign banks do offer the highest salaries and fringe benefits, Indian companies
are not far behind in providing their employees with good prospects. Some of the
average monthly earnings are given below :- Professional Practice Senior Rs. 1,500 -
Rs. 2,500 Manager Rs. 3,500 - Rs. 25,000 Partner Rs. 10,000 - Rs. 50,000
Industries Industrial Training Rs. 800 - Rs. 1,500 Pre Qualification Rs. 1,500 - Rs.
2,500 Fresh CAs Rs. 2,500 - Rs. 4,000 Accounts Managers Rs. 3,000 - Rs. 6,000
Financial Controllers Rs. 4,500 - Rs. 15,000 Directors Rs. 10,000 - Rs. 25,000

Certified Investment Banker

About The Program

Economic liberalization and decontrol have transformed the economic landscape of

India. Globalization of the economy is at the forefront of the reforms agenda of the
Government. The impact of the reforms process was most pronounced on the
investment banking industry. The entry of foreign investment banks like Morgan
Stanley, Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs, Jardine Flemming, etc. has brought about the
much needed professionalization in this crucial sector. The abolition of controls
enabled the investment bankers to offer customized financial engineering solutions
suited to their clients' requirements. Apart from tapping domestic markets,
corporates are increasingly accessing the global markets. This has widened the
business avenues of the investment bankers by providing newer services like loan
syndication, advisory services and managing mandates for offerings of American
Depository Receipts (ADRs), Global Deository Receipts (GDRs), etc. Placement of
shares/bonds with Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs) has also emerged as a
lucrative business opportunity.

The CIB Program offered by SCIB is specifically designed and developed for the
benefit of postgraduate students and professionals/working executives engaged or
interested in the area of investment banking and corporate finance.


The CIB program has the following objectives :

• To develop a new body of knowledge and make it available for those seeking
challenging careers in the new era of liberalization and globalization;
• To introduce participants to the financial system and capital markets both in
India and abroad;
• To impart a strong conceptual foundation in investment banking;
• To give adequate exposure to emerging areas like securitization, financial
engineering, infrastructure financing, etc;
• To prepare individuals capable of providing leadership to investment banking
organizations operating in globalized environment.

The Body of Knowledge

SCIB visualizes the body of knowledge of the CIB Program as covering three
interrelated areas:

• The Core body of knowledge : Specialized fields and skills which are
essential to business and its orderly functioning.
• The evolving concepts, techniques and strategies : Debated and tested
by researchers and practitioners but not yet understood well enough to be
included in the core areas.
• The frontiers : The newest ideas, speculative and often controversial, but
offering the promise of practical insights into the process of analysis, and

Ideas enter the realm of knowledge at the frontiers and gradually as they are tested
and refined, move towards the core body of knowledge.

The CIB Approach

The CIB Program follows five distinctive but inter-related approaches:

• Theoretical Studies aimed at improving candidates’ understanding of

certain fundamental phenomena and relationships underlying the changing
• Case Studies linking the theoretical studies to the practical problems faced
by investment bankers.
• Practical Exposure to industry practices takes place through a variety of
activities like project work, management development programs, seminars,
conventions, etc.
• Global Perspective to business by encouraging the candidates to appreciate
and get exposed to the international business environment and practices.
• Ethical Focus aimed at inculcating in the candidates an ethical approach in
their professional interactions and a sense of personal, corporate, and social

For Whom

Keeping in mind the avenues open to candidates who take up the CIB Program, this
course would be useful for:

• Finance and Accounting Professionals like CFAs, CAs, CWAs, CSs, MBAs who
seek careers in investment banking.
• Professionals employed in the merchant banking departments of banks and
financial institutions.
• Professionals working in the corporate finance/treasury departments of
• Entrepreneurs and managers engaged in financial services and securities
• Candidates pursuing professional courses like CFA, CA, CWA, CS, CAIIB, TFM,
• Candidates pursuing full-time postgraduate programs in commerce,
economics, mathematics, statistics and management.
• Other individuals associated with financial markets.

Skills to Succeed

The surge of activity in investment banking requires constant monitoring and

managing. To succeed in these areas, candidates should possess the following skills:

• Analytical dexterity
• Negotiation and interpersonal skills
• Ability to withstand pressure


The following categories of applicants are eligible for admission into the CIB

• CFAs, CAs, CWAs, CSs, CTMs and CPMs.

• Candidates with PG qualifications like PGDBA/MBA/MMS/MFC (Master of
Finance & Control)/MIB (Master of International Business)/MBE (Master of
Business Economics)/MCom/MA (Eco)/MSc (Maths), MSc (Stats) etc.
• The following categories of candidates are also eligible to enroll into the CIB
Program, provided they are graduates.
• Candidates who passed CFA (Level I), CA (Inter), CWA (Inter), CS (Inter) or
CAIIB (Part I).
• Bankers with CAIIB qualification.
• Full-time students of the PGDBA/MBA/MMS/MFC/MIB/MBE/MCom programs
with business schools/University Departments, IIMs and other reputed
• Full-time students of MCom/MA (Eco)/MSc (Maths)/MSc (Stats).
• Executives having a minimum of five years working experience in executive
capacity in finance/commercial banking/investment banking sector.


The CIB Program may be completed in a period of 12-18 months.

Period of Validity of Enrollment

The enrollment of a candidate in the CIB Program is valid for three years from the
date of enrollment. Candidates who are unable to complete the program within the
three-year validity period, but, keen on continuing in the program, are required to
register de novo.

Program Structure

The CIB Program covers all the important topics related to investment banking. The
broad areas in which the body of knowledge is developed and the candidates will be
examined, are divided into Three Groups consisting of Two Parts each.

The structure of the CIB Program and details of marks and time allotted for each Part
is given below:

Marks Duration of
Allotted Examination
Part I : Financial Markets and Environment 100 3 hours
Part II: Economics and Corporate Finance 100 3 hours
Part III: Investment Banking I 100 3 hours
Part IV: Investment Banking II 100 3 hours
Part V : Managing Investment Banking
Organizations I 100 3 hours
Part VI : Managing Investment Banking 100 3 hours
Organizations II

a) Medicine and Dentistry
b) Homeopathy
c) Ayurvedic
d) Paramedical
e) Nursing
f) Others
1) Physical therapist
2) Speech therapist
3) Medical Technologist

Aeronautical / Aerospace Marine
Electronics and Communication
Production & Industrial Instrumentation
Environmental Mechanical
Mining Engineering

Home science and food technology

Agriculture and allied field others
Biology and Allied Fields
Physics and Allied Fields

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