Benefits of Using Extruders To Process Aquatic Feed

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Digital re-print - March | April 2009

Feature: Extruders
Feature title: Benefits of using Extruders to process aquatic feed

International Aquafeed is published five times a year by Perendale Publishers Ltd of the United Kingdom.
All data is published in good faith, based on information received, and while every care is taken to prevent inaccuracies,
the publishers accept no liability for any errors or omissions or for the consequences of action taken on the basis of
information published.
©Copyright 2009 Perendale Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form
or by any means without prior permission of the copyright owner. Printed by Perendale Publishers Ltd. ISSN: 1464-0058


Picture 3: A closed loop
system used to add wet
slurry in preconditioner
Benefits of using
Operation of a pellet mill
was not a complex proc-

ess. On the other hand it
was very difficult to make
floating fish feed with the
pellet mill. This means there
was no control over buoyancy.
At the same time micro aquatic feed
(less than 2.00mm) was not possible with the Also, Newcastle disease virus
pellet mill. The cooking temperature in the is inactivated by the extrusion and drying
pelleting process was too low to be adequate process where temperatures exceed 75ºC
for destruction of anti-nutritional factors, for one minute. Growth inhibitor, allergens

to process aquatic feed

pathogenic organisms and viruses
in the feed.

Floating and sinking

Current aquatic feed manufac-
turing practices seem to fit into
two simple categories; floating and
by Dr Mian N Riaz, Head Table 1: Effect of Extrusion on Microbial Populations Today 100 percent floating feed
Extrusion Technology Program, is extruded and nearly 60 percent
Texas A&M University, USA After sinking feed is extruded. Whereas,
Microbe Raw Recipe
Extrusion the rest of the 40 percent sink-
Picture 2: Quick test for floating ing feed is still pelleted. This is
TPC (CFU/g) 240,000 9,300 and sinking feed during extrusion just simply because extrusion

Coliform 22,600 <10 cooking offers several benefits
here are wide varieties of because of the benefits it offers Picture 4: Addition of wet slurry in the
to the aquatic feed manufactures.
methods that can be used to fish farmers. Mold count 54,540 <10 ing was use of pellet mills. Pelleted aquatic extruder barrel
Following is the brief description
to process aquatic feeds. Each method had its advan- Clostridium 16,000 <10 feed offered several advantages over the
of the advantages of the extruded
For examples, in early days tages and disadvantages. Listeria positive negative
hand fed natural diets.
the most common method to feed the The initial days of aquacul- For example, pelleted feed was
Salmonella negative negative and other anti-nutritional factors largely
fish was hand feeding of mixed, home- ture were very simple which denser and lower in moisture than the
blended diets and trash fish. Then fish involved hand feeding of ‘trash natural feed, so the long-term storage Hygienic quality of inactivated during extrusion cooking.
Table 1 shows the effect of extrusion on
farmers started using cold forming fish’ or home-blended diets. These diets disease and virus transmission was very was better. Pelleting also reduced the extruded feed
microorganism and their survival.
of moist diets. Pelleting presses then were simulated natural diets and were common in fresh trash fish. Feeding the segregation of the ingredients which Ingredients are cooked at high tempera-
became popular and a majority of the very palatable but the availability was not fresh trash fish in large ponds was very was a very common problem in home- tures and pressures.
fish feed were processed using pellet consistent and providing fresh feed every labor intensive and water pollution was a made diets. Therefore, extrusion cooking provides Option of producing
mill technology. day was difficult. huge issue in the ponds. Since feed was pelleted there was less hygienic processing of feed destroying the floating or sinking feed
Storage of the fresh fish was a problem. waste of feed in the water and that resulted pathogens and most viruses and reducing There are many aquatic species that are
Today extrusion technology is the Farmers need to store these fish in cold Pelleted aqua feed in some improvements in water pollution the toxin levels in the feed ingredients. cultured today.
method of choice to process aqua feed storage or use only fresh. At the same time The next phase in aquatic feed process- and quality. As a result,
IAF03-OEEFishfeed pelleting offered
10.12.2008 10:54low
Uhr In extrusion
Seite 1 cooking avian influenza Some of them prefer to eat the pellet on
processing cost and a higher processing virus is destroyed during the processing the bottom of the pound where as some
rate to the aquatic feed industry. (greater than 70ºC). of species like to come on the surface to

KAHL Extruder OEE

for Fish Feed
● Flexible
● Flexible production
● Hydraulically
● Hydraulically adjustable
adjustable die die
● Production
● Production of
of floating,
floating, slowly
sinking, and
and water
water stable
stable pellets
● Fat
● Fat content
content up
up to
to 30
30 %%
● Pellet
● Pellet diameter
diameter 2 2 -- 12
12 mm

AMANDUS KAHL GmbH & Co. KG, Dieselstrasse 5-9, D-21465 Reinbek / Hamburg, Phone: +49 40 727 71 0, Fax: +49 40 727 71 100,
Picture 1: Floating and sinking requirements of different species

18 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | March-april 09 PREVIOUS PAGE NEXT PAGE

March-april 09 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | 19
Size of the fish and pellet

take pellet and some are column feeders 640g/l bulk density for sea water at 20C control of the density of the products and
(taking the feed as it slowly sinks through (three percent salinity) and > 600g/l for thus buoyancy properties are managed.
the water). fresh water at 20C. Picture 2 shows a quick test for floating
For examples and sinking while making feed with extruder.
catfish, carp and
tilapia like float- The use of wet material
ing feed where as in the pellet
shrimp and river Extrusion allows raw aquaculture
crab require sink- wastes and undercooked waste to be used
ing feed. in final feed without any problem.
On the other A reclamation system to recover wet,
hand salmon, trout, under-processed product that cannot be
sea bass/sea bream, recycled through the dryer as dry re-
and cod like to eat work are available to be used in extrusion
the pellet when it processing.
is slowly sinking. These are closed loop systems designed
Picture 1 shows for recycling wet product with extruders.
different species These systems allow us to use wet
Picture 6: Micro aquatic feed made using twin screw
requirements for extruder slurries at levels ranging from 22 to 42
floating and sinking. percent (as a percentage of the dry recipe)
Extrusion depending upon the moisture contents of
allows buoyancy control to make floating, To make slow sinking pellet it requires the slurries in single screw extruders.
sinking or slow sinking feed by controlling 580-600g/l for sea water and 540-560g/l In a twin-screw extruder, addition of
the processing parameters on one extruder. for fresh water. At neutral buoyancy pellets wet slurries can be as high as 60 percent
To make the pellet float in fresh or sea should have 520-540g/l for sea water and depending upon the final moisture contents
water requires <480g/l bulk density. In 480-520g/l for fresh water. of the wet slurry. Picture 3 shows a closed
order to make pellet sink fast requires > Extrusion cooking provides ultimate looped system that can be used for wet
material addition during extrusion
in preconditioner. Picture 4 shows
addition of wet slurry (more than
40 percent) in the extruder barrel.

High fat pellets

The main purpose of lipids
(fats and oils) in feeds are as an
Dry with 20-50% less energy
energy source; to increase palat-
ability; provide essential fatty acids;
carrier for fat soluble vitamins;
modified texture; density control
and dust reduction.
Fat level in fish diets can vary
depending upon the species of
the fish.
Some fish, like salmon, need Geelen Counterflow / T +31-475-592315
Picture 7: Pellet soaked in water and then pressed Geelen Counterflow USA Inc. / T +1-772-559-4338
feed with up to 40 percent fat in
Geelen Counterflow América Latina / T +54-9-2362-418899
20 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | March-april 09 PREVIOUS PAGE NEXT PAGE
E / I
"Different shapes & sizes of aquatic
Extruders feed can be produced using extrusion
conversion rates (10 - 20 percent); is a continu-
technology. Depending upon the size higher production yields; improved ing demand for
digestibility and reduced feed cost. extrusion lines
Picture 9 shows pellet made with - approximately
of the fish the pellet size can range extruder with very little or no fines. 50-60 - to meet

future demand.
from 0.6mm to 60mm" World demands
extruded feeds More inforMation:
According to experts, the global
aquatic feed market is expected to
Dr Mian N Riaz, Superior performance,
quality and controllability
Head Extrusion
grow by over six percent per year. Technology Program
This estimate is based on feed sales of Food Protein R&D
Picture 9: Pellet made with extruder Center
with very little or no fines 21,000,000 tonnes/year in 2005. The
global aquatic feed market is expected Texas A&M University
College Station
to be 28,000,000 tonnes by 2010. Based
Texas 77843, USA,
the pellet. Extrusion processes allow feed is not going to eat 10mm pellet since the Extrusion processing allows us to make on the assumption that an extruder Email: mnriaz@tamu.
manufacturers to produce high fat feed. size of the pellet is bigger than the mouth. pellets which are very stable in water for a would run an average 5000h/year, there edu
With twin screw extruder a 20 percent fat Picture 5 (behind the headline) shows dif- long duration. Picture 7 shows pellet soaked
can be added during extrusion of feed.Where ferent sizes of the feed made with extrud- in the water and then pressed with spatula
as in single screw it is limited to around 12 ers at Texas A&M University extrusion pilot to see if it will break or not. If it breaks that Related companies:
percent fat addition during extrusion. plant. Picture 6 shows micro aquatic feed means it will not be water stable.
Additional fat is added to the pellet made using twin-screw extruder. Wenger Manufacturing Inc | Contact: Doug Baldwin
using different coating systems (vacuum or Water absorption of pellets Tel no: +1 816 8919272 | Website:
atmospheric). Extruded feed can absorb Manufacturing soft Extrusion moisture content during Buhler AG | Contact: Christopher Rubin
more fat externally in the coating steps aquatic pellets processing can be controlled over a wide Tel no: +41 71 9551317| Website:
as compared to pelleted feed. Nowadays Some species like blue fin tuna prefer range, which helps to increase the water
aquatic feed is processed to contain very soft pellet. stability of the final feed.
almost 50 percent fat which is only pos- Extrusion processing allows us to make These pellets absorb more water,
sible by using extrusion technology. a very soft pellet (moisture content up to retains shapes for longer time and results
30 percent in finished feed), which is not in reduced losses of nutrients. Water
Different Sizes of the Pellets possible by pelleting or other methods. Absorption and integrity after hydra-

Different shapes and sizes of aquatic This is accomplished using a preserva- tion is very important. It benefits pellet
feed can be produced using extrusion tion system in aquatic feeds (final prod- technical qualities and fish health. Picture
technology. uct moisture of 16-28 percent) during 8 shows pellets disintegrate in the water
Depending upon the size of the fish the extrusion processing. Lower Aw, (water after some time.
pellet size can range from 0.6mm to 60mm. activity) below 0.70 can be controlled
The size of the pellet is important for the with humectants at 10-12 percent levels Mechanical resistance
fish from juvenile to adult. A very small fish and by reducing pH to 4.0-4.5 with acids of pellets
at 1-2 percent levels or with fish silage/ Feed made using extrusion technology is
solubles. more resistant to mechanical durability and Extruder 1250 with Flextex and ECS
Mould inhibitors are also added at 0.2- produces fewer fines in the finished feed
0.5 percent level in the formulation. during transportation.
Recent developments indicate that soft, Extruded feed has an internal matrix Andritz Sprout Extrusion features:
gel-like aquatic pellets can be processed system which tends to increase resist- extruders provide the • Starch cook control
by coupling alkaline extrusion with a post- ance to mechanical handling of feed.
newest technology for • Bulk density control
extrusion acid bath to adjust ph and set or Extruded feed produces approx one-
‘firm up’ the texture and pellet integrity. to-two percent fines in the finished production of the most • Raw material flexibility
products during bulk handling, where as AL30O demanding extrudates • Nutrient advantages
Water stable pellet pelleted feed normally generates five-
within aquatic feed and • Optimal product uniformity
Pellets that break down quickly in water
will lose nutrients.
to-eight percent fines during handling in
bulk or bag form.
High capacity extruders and expanders. pet food industries. • Unique visual appearance
Some farmers hydrate feed in water Extrusion reduces 75 percent of the
and nutrient solution prior to feeding and amount of fines which normally enters the
require rapid and excellent water stability water and ends up decaying on the bottom
for handling and feeding purposes. Pellets of the pond.
that breakdown quickly in the stomach of In other words, fewer fines means:
Almex b.v., Verlengde Ooyerhoekseweg 29, 7207 BJ Zutphen GLOBAL PRESENCE
Picture 8: Pellet disintegrate in fish loses nutrients (during regurgitation) increased water stability; clearer
the water after soaking The Netherlands, tel. +31 (0)575 572666, fax +31 (0)575 572727 Denmark · Netherlands · Germany · France · UK · USA
and may contribute to GDAS (Gastric ponds; lower fatality rates; less unde-
E-mail, Venezuela · Brazil · Chile · Mexico · Australia · P.R. China
dilation and air sacculitis) in certain species. sirable bacteria growth; increased

22 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | March-april 09 PREVIOUS PAGE NEXT PAGE

March-april 09 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | 23
It‘s the mix that makes the difference. Feed manufacturers desire high
durability, reliability and sanitation. Quality feed with minimum operating costs is
a must. Your needs are Buhler‘s first priority. That is why we commit our-
selves to delivering seamless solutions meeting your highest requirements. Get
in touch with one of our specialists worldwide and we will deliver a complete
process design package, equipment, automation and customer service. You and
Buhler – the perfect mix.

Bühler AG, Feed & Biomass, CH-9240 Uzwil, Switzerland, T +41 71 955 11 11, F +41 71 955 28 96,

The solution behind the solution.

This digital re-print is part of the March | April 2009 edition of International Aquafeed magazine.
Content from the magazine is available to view free-of-charge, both as a full online magazine
on our website, and as an archive of individual features on the docstoc website.
Please click here to view our other publications on

VO L U M E 1 2 I S S U E 2 2 0 0 9
• See the full issue
The use of dietary acidifiers in
salmonid nutrition
• Visit the International Aquafeed website
Adding value to
Benefits of using Extruders to
• Contact the International Aquafeed Team
process aquatic feed

Functional aquafeeds:
Dietary supplements in breakthrough pledge

Ipil ipil leaf meal as supplements • Subscribe to International Aquafeed

to soybean and fish meal
Member of the World Aquaculture Society, European Aquaculture Society, American Feed Industry Association
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IAF0902.indd 1 12/03/2009 10:01

To purchase a paper copy of the magazine, or to subscribe to the paper edition please contact
our Circulation and Subscriptions Manager on the link above. Picture 3: A closed loop
system used to add wet
slurry in preconditioner
conversion rates (10 - 20 percent); is a continu-
Operation of a pellet mill
higher production yields; improved ing demand for was not a complex proc-
digestibility and reduced feed cost. extrusion lines ess. On the other hand it
Picture 9 shows pellet made with - approximately was very difficult to make
extruder with ver y little or no fines. 50-60 - to meet floating fish feed with the
pellet mill. This means there

future demand.
was no control over buoyancy.
World demands At the same time micro aquatic feed
extruded feeds More inforMation: (less than 2.00mm) was not possible with the Also, Newcastle disease virus
According to experts, the global
Superior performance,
pellet mill. The cooking temperature in the is inactivated by the extrusion and drying
Dr Mian N Riaz, pelleting process was too low to be adequate process where temperatures exceed 75ºC
aquatic feed market is expected to
quality and controllability
Head Extrusion for destruction of anti-nutritional factors, for one minute. Growth inhibitor, allergens
grow by over six percent per year. Technology Program pathogenic organisms and viruses
This estimate is based on feed sales of Food Protein R&D in the feed.
21,000,000 tonnes/year in 2005. The Center
global aquatic feed market is expected Texas A&M University Floating and sinking
College Station Current aquatic feed manufac-
to be 28,000,000 tonnes by 2010. Based
Texas 77843, USA, turing practices seem to fit into
on the assumption that an extruder Email: mnriaz@tamu.


two simple categories; floating and
would run an average 5000h/year, there edu sinking.
Today 100 percent floating feed
is extruded and nearly 60 percent
sinking feed is extruded. Whereas,
Related companies: the rest of the 40 percent sink-
Picture 2: Quick test for floating ing feed is still pelleted. This is
Wenger Manufacturing Inc | Contact: Doug Baldwin and sinking feed during extrusion just simply because extrusion
Tel no: +1 816 8919272 | Website: cooking offers several benefits
to the aquatic feed manufactures. Picture 4: Addition of wet slurry in the
Buhler AG | Contact: Christopher Rubin ing was use of pellet mills. Pelleted aquatic
Following is the brief description extruder barrel
Tel no: +41 71 9551317| Website: feed offered several advantages over the
of the advantages of the extruded
hand fed natural diets.
For example, pelleted feed was
and other anti-nutritional factors largely
denser and lower in moisture than the
It‘s the mix that makes the difference. Feed manufacturers desire high natural feed, so the long-term storage Hygienic quality of inactivated during extrusion cooking.
Table 1 shows the effect of extrusion on
durability, reliability and sanitation. Quality feed with minimum operating costs is was better. Pelleting also reduced the extruded feed
microorganism and their survival. conversion rates (10 - 20 percent); is a continu-
a must. Your needs are Buhler‘s first priority. That is why we commit our- segregation of the ingredients which Ingredients are cooked at high tempera- higher production yields; improved ing demand for
selves to delivering seamless solutions meeting your highest requirements. Get was a very common problem in home- tures and pressures. digestibility and reduced feed cost. extrusion lines

made diets. Therefore, extrusion cooking provides Option of producing Picture 9 shows pellet made with - approximately

in touch with one of our specialists worldwide and we will deliver a complete extruder with ver y little or no fines. 50-60 - to meet
Since feed was pelleted there was less hygienic processing of feed destroying the floating or sinking feed
future demand.
process design package, equipment, automation and customer service. You and World demands
waste of feed in the water and that resulted pathogens and most viruses and reducing There are many aquatic species that are extruded feeds
Buhler – the perfect mix. More inforMation:
in some improvements in water pollution the toxin levels in the feed ingredients. cultured today. According to experts, the global
aquatic feed market is expected to
Dr Mian N Riaz, Superior performance,
Some of them prefer to eat the pellet on
and quality. As a result, pelleting offered low In extrusion cooking avian influenza quality and controllability
IAF03-OEEFishfeed 10.12.2008 10:54 Uhr Seite 1 Head Extrusion
grow by over six percent per year. Technology Program
processing cost and a higher processing virus is destroyed during the processing the bottom of the pound where as some This estimate is based on feed sales of Food Protein R&D
21,000,000 tonnes/year in 2005. The Center
rate to the aquatic feed industry. (greater than 70ºC). of species like to come on the surface to global aquatic feed market is expected Texas A&M University
College Station
Bühler AG, Feed & Biomass, CH-9240 Uzwil, Switzerland, T +41 71 955 11 11, F +41 71 955 28 96
to be 28,000,000 tonnes by 2010. Based
Texas 77843, USA,, on the assumption that an extruder Email: mnriaz@tamu.
would run an average 5000h/year, there edu

KAHL Extruder OEE Related companies:

Extruder 1250 with Flextex and ECS
for Fish Feed Wenger Manufacturing Inc | Contact: Doug Baldwin
Tel no: +1 816 8919272 | Website:
Buhler AG | Contact: Christopher Rubin
● Flexible
● Flexible production
Andritz Sprout Extrusion features: Tel no: +41 71 9551317| Website:
● Hydraulically
● Hydraulically adjustable
adjustable die die
● Production
● Production of
of floating,
floating, slowly
extruders provide the • Starch cook control sinking,
sinking, and
and water
water stable
stable pellets
newest technology for ● Fat
● Fat content
content up
up to
to 30
30 %%
• Bulk density control
● Pellet
● Pellet diameter
diameter 2 2 -- 12
12 mm
production of the most • Raw material flexibility MADE IN HOLLAND
AL30O demanding extrudates • Nutrient advantages AMANDUS KAHL GmbH & Co. KG, Dieselstrasse 5-9, D-21465 Reinbek / Hamburg, Phone: +49 40 727 71 0, Fax: +49 40 727 71 100,

within aquatic feed and • Optimal product uniformity

High capacity extruders and expanders. pet food industries. • Unique visual appearance 18 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | March-april 09 March-april 09 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | 19
Extruder 1250 with Flextex and ECS

Dry with 20-50% less energy

Andritz Sprout Extrusion features:
extruders provide the IAF0902.indd 19 12/03/2009 10:02 newest technology for
• Starch cook control
• Bulk density control
production of the most
demanding extrudates
• Raw material flexibility
• Nutrient advantages
within aquatic feed and • Optimal product uniformity
High capacity extruders and expanders.
Almex b.v., Verlengde Ooyerhoekseweg 29, 7207 BJ Zutphen GLOBAL PRESENCE pet food industries. • Unique visual appearance

The Netherlands, tel. +31 (0)575 572666, fax +31 (0)575 572727 Denmark · Netherlands · Germany · France · UK · USA Geelen Counterflow / T +31-475-592315 Geelen Counterflow USA Inc. / T +1-772-559-4338
E-mail, Venezuela · Brazil · Chile · Mexico · Australia · P.R. China The solution behind the solution. Geelen Counterflow América Latina / T +54-9-2362-418899
E / I
Almex b.v., Verlengde Ooyerhoekseweg 29, 7207 BJ Zutphen GLOBAL PRESENCE 20 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | March-april 09

The Netherlands, tel. +31 (0)575 572666, fax +31 (0)575 572727 Denmark · Netherlands · Germany · France · UK · USA
E-mail, Venezuela · Brazil · Chile · Mexico · Australia · P.R. China IAF0902.indd 21 12/03/2009 10:02
adv 210x297 fc 08.indd 1 13-05-2008 10:34:57
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