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ScienliJic AnavcIisn

AulIov|s) HevIevl L. Osgood

Souvce FoIilicaI Science QuavlevI, VoI. 4, No. 1 |Mav., 1889), pp. 1-36
FuIIisIed I The Academy of Political Science
SlaIIe UBL .
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VoIune IV.] MavcI, 1889. [NunIev i.
JN ANABCHISM ve Iave lIe exlvene anlilIesis oJ sociaI-
isn and connunisn. TIe sociaIisl desives so lo exlend lIe
spIeve oJ lIe slale lIal il sIaII enIvace aII lIe nove inpovlanl
concevns oJ IiJe. TIe connunisl, al Ieasl oJ lIe oIdev scIooI,
vouId naIe lIe sva oJ aulIovil and lIe vouline vIicI JoIIovs
lIeveJvon univevsaI. TIe anavcIisl, on lIe olIev Iand, vouId
IanisI aII Jovns oJ aulIovil and Iave onI a sslen oJ lIe
nosl pevJecl IiIevl. TIe anavcIisl is an exlvene individuaIisl.
Using lIe vovds oJ lIe Janous vevoIulionav JovnuIa, Ie vouId
lIvougI IiIevl, vIiIe lIe sociaIisl vouId secuve
il lIvougI Jvalevnil.
TIe anavcIisl IoIds lIal lIe vevoIl
againsl aulIovil, vIicI Iegan in lIe JieId oJ veIigion vilI lIe
Fvoleslanl veJovnalion, and vIicI vas exlended inlo lIe veaIn
oJ poIilics I lIe vevoIulionav novenenl oJ lIe Iasl cenluv,
viII end, vIen cavvied lo ils IogicaI and necessav issue, in lIe
aIoIilion oJ aII govevnnenl, divine and Iunan. He suIscviIes
lo lIe doclvine conlained in lIe opening senlences oJ lIe Bec-
Iavalion oJ Independence. He aIso cIains lIal nen vIo, IiIe
and HevIevl Spencev, expvess gveal jeaIous oJ slale
conlvoI, vouId, iJ lIe veve IogicaI and lvue lo lIeiv pvincipIes,
Iecone anavcIisls and advocale lIe conpIele enancipalion oJ
TIe BecIavalion oJ Independence conlains nunevous inlevnaI evidences lo
sIov lIal, veve TIonas JeJJevson Iiving lo-da, Ie vouId Ie a pvonounced anavcI-
isl. IiIevl |lIe ovgan oJ lIe Boslon anavcIisls), voI. ii, no.
TIe anavcIisls
ave sinpI unlevviJied JeJJevsonian
Benocvals. AvlicIe I Benj. B. TucIev, in
LiIevl, voI. v, no. I6.
I. FvoudIon.
AnavcIisn, as a sociaI lIeov, vas Jivsl eIaIovaleI JovnuIaled
I FvoudIon. In lIe Jivsl pavl oJ Iis vovI, WIal is Fvopevl.?I
Ie IvieJI slaled lIe doclvine and gave il lIe nane anavcI,
aIsence oJ a naslev ov soveveign. In lIal conneclion Ie said
In a given sociel lIe aulIovil oJ nan ovev nan is invevseI pvopdv-
lionaI lo lIe slage oJ inleIIecluaI deveIopnenl vIicI lIal sociel Ias
veacIed. . . . Fvopevl and voaIl Iave Ieen cvunIIing lo pieces
evev since lIe vovId Iegan. As nan seeIs juslice in equaIil, so sociel
seeIs ovdev in anavcI.
AIoul lveIve eavs IeJove FvoudIon puIIisIed Iis vievs,
JosiaI Wavven2 veacIed siniIav concIusions in Anevica. Bul
as lIe FvencInan possessed lIe oviginaIil necessav lo lIe
conslvuclion oJ a sociaI pIiIosopI, ve nusl vegavd Iin as
aIlogelIev lIe cIieJ aulIovil upon scienliJic anavcIisn.3
FvoudIon, in Iis deslvuclive cvilicisn oJ exisling inslilulions,
nade conslanl use oJ lIe IogicaI JovnuIa oJ HegeI lIesis, anlilI-
esis, and snlIesis. Negalion Ie caIIed Iis Jivsl pvincipIe, as
lIal oJ Ood is in veIigion and lIougIl in lIe sslen oJ Bes-
cavles.4 He denied lIe lvulI oJ evev dogna and sIoved lIe
conlvadiclion ov 7anlinon

exisling in evev Iunan inslilulion.
See TucIev's lvansIalion, pp. 271-288.
Fov an accounl oJ lIis nan, see EI's LaIov Movenenl in Anevica, p. 238.
AIso Wavven's IooIs Tvue CiviIizalion an Innediale Necessil, and FvaclicaI BelaiIs
oJ EquilaIIe Connevce. His vievs ave Iesl slaled in SlepIen FeavI Andvevs' Tvue
Conslilulion-oJ Oovevnnenl, Nev YovI, I852.
So Jav as I Inov, aII scienliJic vvilevs vIo Iave discussed FvoudIon Iave pIaced
Iin anong lIe sociaIisls. Bul al lIe sane line lIe Iave eilIev expvessI ov lacilI
pvolesled againsl lIe cIassiJicalion. Il Ias aIvas Ieen adnilled lIal Ie slands apavl
Jvon lIe olIev vevoIulionav Ieadevs. In lIe IigIl oJ lIe deveIopnenl oJ anavcIisn
duving lIe Iasl len eavs, Iis posilion seens lo Ie cIeavI deJined. Anid aII lIe
inconsislencies and conlvadiclions vIicI na Ie Jound in Iis vovIs, Iis cenlvaI
lIougIl is cIeav. His conlenpovavies did nol undevsland Iin Iecause lIe Iad nol
conceived oJ anavcIisn.
CEuvves conpIees, lone 6, p. 144.
In Iis Sslene des Conlvadiclions econoniques, lone I, p. 67, FvoudIon expIains
anlinon lo nean a Iav vilI a douIIe Jace ov vilI lvo lendencies, IiIe lIe cen-
lvipelaI and cenlviJugaI Jovces inlo vIicI allvaclion na Ie anaIzed. TIese oppo-
sile lendencies do nol deslvo one anolIev, Iul iJ Iepl in equiIiIviun ave lIe pvo-
cvealive cause oJ nolion, IiJe, and pvogvess.
LiIe aII a pviovi veasonevs, Iovevev, Ie vas Jovced lo slavl vilI
a dogna, and lIis vas lIal juslice and cevlain vigIls -enpIal-
icaII lIose oJ IiIevl and equaIil -ave naluvaI, exisl pviov lo
Iav, and JuvnisI lIe cvilevia Jov judging aII IegaI and sociaI ss-
lens. He deJined juslice lo Ie lIe vecognilion oJ lIe equaIil
Ielveen anolIev's pevsonaIil and ouv ovn. 1
TIis, il viII Ie
seen, is lIe goIden vuIe pul inlo pIiIosopIicaI Ianguage. Fvou-
dIon, in Jacl, decIaves al lIe oulsel 2 lIal Ie accepls lIal decIa-
valion oJ CIvisl as lIe covvecl vuIe oJ conducl: Iul Ie ains lo
naIe il nove pvecise and posilive I expounding lIe idea oJ
juslice vIicI il conlains. Evev one sIouId cIain Jvon olIevs
lIe JuII vecognilion oJ lIe nanIood in Iin, slvipped oJ aII ils
accessovies, and sIouId ieId lIe sane vecognilion in veluvn. IJ
vilI lIis veve conIined lIe Iunanilavian spivil, vIicI Fvou-
dIon caIIed /quil/, ov sociaI pvopovlionaIil, a pevJecl Jovn oJ
sociel vouId Ie lIe vesuIl.3 EquaIil and IiIevl vouId Ie
Iavnonized, and IolI vouId Ie deveIoped lo lIe IigIesl possi-
IIe degvee. Sociel, juslice, and equaIil vouId lIen Ie lIvee
equivaIenl levns. AII unequaI, and lIeveJove unnaluvaI, con-
dilions vouId disappeav. Fovce vouId no Iongev Ie vesovled
lo. EvevlIing vouId Ie veguIaled I veason and pevsuasion.
TIougIl, InovIedge, vivlue vouId IoId undispuled sva.
FuvnisIed vilI lIis ideaI conceplion oJ sociel, vIicI Ie Iad
deducliveI allained, FvoudIon allacIed and in Iis ovn opinion
denoIisIed evev inslilulion vIicI Ie Jound in sociel aIoul
Iin. In Iis Ssline des conlvadiclions /cononiques Ie venl
lIvougI lIe enlive sevies oJ econonic pIenonena, -vaIue,
division oJ IaIov, lIe use oJ nacIines, conpelilion, cvedil, pvop-
evl, inlevnalionaI lvade, laxalion, popuIalion, -sIoving Jivsl
lIeiv IeneJicenl eJJecls and Iov lIe neel lIe needs oJ a pvo-
gvessive sociel, and lIen I va oJ anlilIesis lIeiv eviI eJJecls,
lIeiv JalaI, lendenc lovavd lIe deveIopnenl oJ inequaIil.
LiIe lIe sociaIisls, Ie Iovvovs Jvon Adan SnilI lIe doclvine
lIal IaIov is lIe lvue neasuve oJ vaIue. TIe uliIilies vIicI il
WIal is Fvopevl? lvans. p. 231. FvoudIon vepealed lIis deJinilion and ex-
pounded il al IenglI in a six-voIune vovI enlilIed La Juslice dans Ia BevoIulion.
WIal is Fvopevl? lvans. p. 26. 3 WIal is Fvopevl? lvans. p. 242.
pvoduces sIouId aIvas excIange in pvopovlion lo lIeiv cosl.
In olIev vovds, cosl sIouId Ie lIe Iinil oJ pvice. Bul vaIue in
excIange, avising Jvon denand, is anlinonicaI lo vaIue in
use, vIicI avises Jvon IaIov and uliIil. TIe lvo lend in diJ-
Jevenl diveclions and Iecone divovced. We Iave lIeveJove
lIis vesuIl lIal lIe nove uliIilies ave nuIlipIied, lIe Iess
Iecones lIeiv vaIue. In lIe naluvaI ov pevJecl sociel, vIeve
excIange-vaIue and uliIil ave IeId in pvopev equiIiIviun, lIis
vouId nol Ie lvue, Iul lIe vaIue oJ an pvoducl vouId Ie lIe
JovnuIa, ov nonelav slalenenl, vIicI vouId expvess lIe pvo-
povlion vIicI lIe pvoducl Iove lo lIe sun oJ sociaI veaIlI.'
TIen lIe pvoducev oJ a uliIil vouId veceive ils JuII vaIue in
excIange. TIe IaIovev vouId veap lIe JuII IeneJil oJ inpvove-
nenls in lIe nelIods oJ pvoduclion, ov, as FvoudIon expvessed
il, aII IaIov vouId Ieave a suvpIus.
TIe va in vIicI FvoudIon deaIs vilI olIev and Iess oIscuve
econonic pIenonena viII Ie veadiI seen. Fov exanpIe Ie
decIaves lIal lIe division oJ IaIov is a pvine condilion oJ sociaI
pvogvess. WilIoul il, IaIov vouId Ie sleviIe, and neilIev veaIlI
nov equaIil couId exisl. Bul lIe pvincipIe, vIen JoIIoved oul
lo ils naluvaI consequences, Iecones a nosl pvoIiJic souvce oJ
nisev. TIe veaIizalion oJ juslice in lIe econonic spIeve,
vIicI is lo give equaI veaIlI lo eacI on condilion oJ equaI
IaIov, 2 is pvevenled. Houvs oJ IaIov ave incveased: lIe con-
dilions undev vIicI lIe vovI is done gvov vovse: and lIe
IaIovev suJJevs nenlaII, novaII and pIsicaII. He lends
dovnvavd lo lIe condilion oJ a sevJ, vIiIe Iis naslev, lIe
ovnev oJ lIe Jaclov, Iecones a noneed avislocval. TIe guIJ
Ielveen lIe lvo gvovs evev videv, and associalion, educalion
ov olIev scIenes oJ inpvovenenl popuIav vilI econonisls can-
nol Ividge il. Il vouId seen lIal lIe inlvoduclion oJ nacIines
nigIl cIecI lIe gvoving inequaIil, Iecause lIvougI lIen lIe
Jovces oJ naluve ave nade sevvanls oJ nan. TIe IolI incvease
and cIeapen pvoduclion. TIe dininisI lIe anounl oJ Iunan
IaIov necessav lo acconpIisI a given vesuIl. TIe vovId can-
Sslene des Conlvadiclions econoniques, lone i, p. 82.
WIal is Fvopevl? lvans. p. 234.
nol do vilIoul lIen. Bul lIe ave gvaduaII eIininaling lIe
IaIovev, veducing Iis vages, naIing useIess lIe lvade vIicI Ie
Iad Ieavned and upon vIicI Ie depended, causing ovev-pvoduc-
lion, deleviovalion oJ
disease and dealI.
FvoudIon sunned up Iis vievs on conpelilion in lIese
vovds Conpelilion deslvos conpelilion.'I B lIis Ie
neanl lIal, lIougI indeslvucliIIe in ils pvincipIe, conpelilion
in ils pvesenl Jovn sIouId Ie aIoIisIed. In Jacl, Ie IeIieved
lIal il vas sIovI pvepaving lIe condilions necessav lo ils ovn
deslvuclion. MonopoI and cvedil Ie lvealed in essenliaII lIe
sane va, and so lIe venaining econonic calegovies, liII in lIe
pvoIIen oJ popuIalion as slaled I MaIlIus Ie Jound lIe cuI-
ninalion oJ Iunan nisev. TIe concIusion vIicI Ie veacIed
vas lIal ve ave Iiving in a condilion oJ anavcI: neaning I
lIal nol aIsence oJ govevnnenl, Iul lIe olIev signiJicalion oJ
lIe vovd, viz. disovdev, conJusion.
We need nol JoIIov FvoudIon JuvlIev in lIe appIicalion oJ
Iis IogicaI nelIod lo sociaI Jacls. He cIained lIal I Iis IviI-
Iianl diaIeclics Ie Iad veduced lIen aII lo aIsuvdilies, JvaugIl
Iovevev vilI inJinile Iavn. Fov lIe pvesenl puvpose il is
nove inpovlanl lo nole vIal Ie consideved lo Ie lIe souvce oJ
lIe alilinon, lIe cause oJ inequaIil and Ience oJ nisev and
deca. LiIe lIe sociaIisls, Ie Jound lIis vool oJ Iillevness nol
in nan IinseIJ, nol in lIe individuaI, Iul in sociel. Sone-
lIing vas vvong in lIe Jovn oJ sociaI ovganizalion: sone eviI
inslilulion Iad Ieen aIIoved lo deveIop vIicI I ils inJIuence
Iad lIvovn lIe vIoIe sslen inlo disovdev. IJ lIis couId Ie
svepl ava, ovdev vouId Ie vesloved, lIe diseased ovganisn
vouId Iecone IeaIlI and pevJecl. TIe Salan in lIe sociaI
pIiIosopI oJ FvoudIon vas pvopevl nol pvopevl vigIl Iiniled
I sociaI expedienc and IigI novaI considevalions, Iul lIe
ulendi el aIulendi oJ lIe Bonan Iav, lIe aIsoIuleI unIiniled
vigIl oJ pvivale pvopevl. Bul Ie did nol slop lIeve. Fvopevl,
said Ie, is nol a naluvaI vigIl, Iul is guavanlded and upIeId I
lIe slale. Fvopevl and lIe slale ave covveIalive levns. TIe
lvo inslilulions ave vecipvocaII dependenl and nusl co-exisl.
Ssldne des Conlvadiclions 6conoxniques, lone I,
179 el seq.
TIe cIieJ Junclion oJ lIe slale is lIal oJ poIice, lIe oIjecl oJ
vIicI is lo secuve lo individuaIs lIe enjonenl oJ lIeiv posses-
sions and oJ lIe pviviIeges connecled lIevevilI. In lIe lIougIl
oJ FvoudIon, lIe essence oJ pvopevl vas nol lIe lIing possessed
nov lIe acl oJ possession, Iul lIe pviviIeges, lIe povev, lIe
possiIiIil oJ gain, oJ oIlaining venl, pvoJil ov inlevesl vIicI
acconpanied il. To Iin pvivale pvopevl in lIe excIusive
Bonan sense vas lIe vev enIodinenl oJ inequaIil, and so
lIe eJJicienl cause oJ aII sociaI eviIs. He sougIl lo sun up in
lIe pavadox, pvopevl is voIIev, lIe pvoIIen oJ Iunan voe.
TIe IaIovev, lIe vesuIl oJ vIose vovI is enIodied in naleviaI
Jovn, is lIe onI pvoducev. TIe pvopvielov, vIelIev Ie Ie Iand-
Iovd ov capilaIisl, is an unpvoduclive IaIovev. He is a pavasile
Iecause Ie does nolIing Iul consune. He veceives vilIoul
vendeving an equivaIenl. Bul since Ie ovns lIe neans oJ pvo-
duclion, Ie can appvopviale a sIave oJ lIe IaIovev's pvoducls.
Because oJ lIe inequaIil lIus deveIoped, lIe lviIule exacled
conslanlI incveases. TIe IaIovev JaIIs in deIl and Iecones
nove and nove dependenl on Iis enpIoev.' TIe lenanl pas
Jov Iis Iand ov Iouse nan lines ovev, Iul neev Iecones ils
ovnev. TIe connodilies pvoduced I lIe vovInan naIe Iis
enpIoev vicI. TIe inlevesl paid I lIe Iovvovev exceeds lIe
capilaI, Iul lIe deIl is nevev paid. TIe pvopvielov vivluaII
exevcises lIe vigIls vIicI oJ oId IeIonged lo a seigniov ovev
Iis vassaI ov lo a naslev ovev Iis sIave. TIe slale, vIicI is
ovganized Jovce, IegaIizes venl, pvoJil, inlevesl, and pvolecls
pvopevl ovnevs vIiIe lIe pIundev lIe vesl oJ sociel. Hence
avises lIe povevl lo vIicI lIe nasses oJ nen ave condenned,
and povevl is lIe nolIev oJ evev Jovn oJ cvine. Sociel
lIus appeavs anid levviIIe agon lo Ie evev consuning ilseIJ.
TIese lIougIls and nove oJ a siniIav naluve FvoudIon
pouved JovlI in voIune aJlev voIune duving lIe eavs innedi-
aleI IeJove and aJlev lIe vevoIulion oJ I848. He Iived anid
lIe ideas, lIe enlIusiasn Jov IiIevl and equaIil, Jvon vIicI
lIal novenenl spvang. So vividI did Ie see and JeeI lIe
See lIe nonogvapI enlilIed Banque d'EcIange, in CEuvves conpIeles, lone 6,
pp. I 50 eI seq.
lvaged oJ Iunan exislence lIal Ie vegavded vevoIulion as
lIe onI consevving Jovce. He consideved il inevilaIIe, inni-
nenl no Jovce couId cIecI ils pvogvess. Il vesled vilI sociel
onI lo delevnine vIelIev il sIouId Ie gvaduaI and peaceJuI,
ov vioIenl.' He laugIl lIe lIeov oJ vevoIulion as a pevnanenl
Jaclov in sociaI IiJe. Beaclion, Ie said, couId onI quicIen lIe
onvavd novenenl. TIe vevoIulion nusl conlinue liII vigIl vas
done, liII juslice vas eslaIIisIed.
Accovding lo FvoudIon lIe gveal upvising oJ I789 vas nol
a vevoIulion, Iul onI an inpovlanl slep oJ pvogvess.2 Il vas
an allenpl lo eslaIIisI juslice: Iul il JaiIed, Iecause il onI
suIsliluled one Jovn oJ govevnnenl Jov anolIev. Had il aIoI-
isIed govevnnenl and insliluled lIe vuIe oJ veason, il vouId
Iave Ieen a genuine vevoIulion. As il vas, Iovevev, lIe vovI
oJ vevoIulion vas onI IaIJ done. FavIianenlav govevnnenl,
denocvac, lIe vuIe oJ lIe Iouvgeoisie looI lIe pIace oJ lIe oId
aIsoIulisn. TIe veign oJ Jovce vas nol IvougIl lo an end,
Iul valIev enleved upon a nev pIase. MiIilavisn conlinued,
lIougI undev a sIigIlI diJJevenl Jovn. Nov lIe conlesl is
vaged Jov lIe conlvoI oJ lIe navIels oJ lIe vovId valIev lIan
Jov poIilicaI supvenac. EngIand Ias Ied lIe va in lIis slvug-
gIe I lIe deveIopnenl oJ nanuJacluving- and lIe ovevlIvov oJ
Iev pvoleclive sslen.3 Bul nonopoI suppovled I Jovce is
as lviunpIanl as evev. TIe covvupling inJIuence oJ veaIlI is
seen in aII depavlnenls oJ poIilicaI IiJe. Hence lIe vovI oJ
Augusl 4 nusl Ie laIen up vIeve lIe Consliluenl AssenII
IeJl il and cavvied on lo conpIelion.
To FvoudIon, lIe vevoIulion oJ i848 vas lIe pvocIanalion
oJ a nev eva. Il neanl lIe suIslilulion oJ an econonic and
sociaI vegine Jov one oJ a govevnnenlaI, JeudaI and niIilav
cIavaclev.4 B lIis Ie neanl nol a sslen in vIicI an
Sslene genevaIe de Ia BevoIulion,
p. 9. 2 WIal is Fvopevl ? lvans. p. 32.
See cIaplev on BaIance oJ Tvade, in Sslene des Conlvadiclions econoniques,
lone 2.
Id&e genevaIe de Ia BevoIulion, pp. 177 el
TIis idea vas aIso enJovced I
FvoudIon in Iis speecI deIiveved IeJove lIe NalionaI AssenII, JuI 31, I848, in
vepI lo cvilicisns oJ lIe connillee oJ Jinanice on Iis vepovl in Javov oJ gvaluil oJ
cvedil. C3Euvves conpIeles, lone 7, pp, 263-313.
[VOL. 1V.
econonic cIass sIouId Iecone doninanl, ils vuIe Ieing Iased
upon poIilicaI povev, Iul, as Ie expvessed il, an ovganizalion oJ
econonic Jovces Iased upon conlvacl and opevaling accovding
lo lIe pvincipIe oJ vecipvocil. TIis neans lIe enlive aIoIilion
oJ lIe slale and lIe lvansJev oJ lIe conlvoI oJ sociaI inlevesls
lo individuaIs, acling eilIev singI ov in voIunlav associalion.
SucI is lIe pvogvanne oJ lIe anavcIisls. Il viII Ie inlevesling
lo exanine a IillIe nove cIoseI lIe couvse oJ lIougIl vIicI
Ied FvoudIon lo adopl il.
LiIe aII sociaI veJovnevs, Ie vas Ied lo lIe slud and cvilicisn
oJ sociel I lIe sigIl oJ Iunan nisev. In lIe eavI pages
oJ WIIal is Fvopevl ?I Ie sas lIal pevIaps Ie vouId Iave
accepled pvopevl as a Jacl vilIoul inquiving inlo ils ovigin,
Iad aII Iis JeIIov cilizens Ieen in conJovlaIIe civcunslances.
As lIe veve nol, Ie voliId cIaIIenge lIis cIieJ oJ sociaI insli-
lulions and pul il upon ils deJence. TIe vesuIl oJ Iis exanina-
lion Ias aIvead Ieen slaled. Bul pvopevl and lIe slale Ie
Jound lo Ie inexlvicaII Iound up logelIev. TIe slale, pvop-
evl, inequaIil, nisev, Iecane lo Iin snonnous levns. Il
nade no diJJevence vIal lIe Jovn oJ lIe govevnnenl nigIl Ie:
ils essenliaI naluve venained aIvas lIe sane. Hislov sIovs
lIal nalions ave vevoIving in a JalaI civcIe oJ inpeviaI despolisn,
conslilulionaIisn, denocvac, and Jvon lIis I poIilicaI neans
lIe can nevev escape.2
Expevience JinaII pvoves [Ie
lIal evevvIeve and aIvas
govevnnenl, Iovevev popuIav il na Ie in ils ovigin, Ias laIen sides
vilI lIe vicIev and nove inleIIigenl cIass againsl lIe poovev and nove
nunevous: lIal, aJlev Iaving Jov a line sIovn ilseIJ IiIevaI, il Ias IillIe
I IillIe Iecone excIusive and pavliaI: JinaII, lIal, inslead oJ nain-
laining IiIevl and equaIil anong aII, il Ias, Iecause oJ ils naluvaI
incIinalion lovavd pviviIege, IaIoved oIslinaleI lo deslvo lIen.
53. In La Juslice dans Ia BevoIulion, lone, 4, p. 291, FvoudIon
spoIe in nosl palIelic levns oJ lIe JeeIing oJ inJeviovil vIicI oppvessed Iin Ie-
cause oJ Iis inIeviled povevl. He JeIl povevIess lo vaise IinseIJ lo a posilion
anong lIe Ieavned and Iapp. He lIeveJove vesoIved lo seavcI Jov lIe ovigin oJ
inequaIil. He Jound lIal lIe econonisls aJJivned lIe naluvaI ovigin and necessil
oJ inequaIil, vIiIe lIe vevoIulion said lIal equaIil vas lIe Iav oJ aII naluve.
2 Fov FvoudIon's poIilicaI pIiIosopI see Idee genevaIe de Ia BevoIulion, pp. i i i
AIso Bu Fvincipe FedevaliJ, CEuvves conpIeles, lone 8.
Accovding lo FvoudIon, conlvacl is lIe onI Iond vIicI
can unile individuaIs inlo a sociel. Bul Bousseau's lIeov oJ
conlvacl Ie vejecls, and in lIe nosl adnivaIIe nannev veduces
lo an aIsuvdil. He sas lIal lIe idea oJ conlvacl excIudes
lIal oJ govevnnenl. Il inposes upon lIe conlvacling pavlies
no oIIigalion Iul lIal vIicI vesuIls Jvon lIeiv pevsonaI pvonise:
il is nol suIjecl lo an exlevnaI aulIovil: il aIone conslilules
lIe connon Iav oJ lIe pavlies: il avails execulion onI Jvon
lIeiv inilialive.1 Il sIouId enIvace aII cilizens, vilI lIeiv
inlevesls and veIalions. IJ one nan ov one inlevesl is IeJl oul,
il is no Iongev sociaI. TIe veIJave and IiIevl oJ eacI cilizen
sIouId Ie incveased I lIe conlvacls: olIevvise il is a Jvaud,
and sIouId Ie ovevlIvovn. Il sIouId Ie JveeI deIaled, in-
dividuaII assenled lo, and signed, nonine
I aII lIose
vIo pavlicipale in il. OlIevvise il is sslenalic spoIialion.
AII Iavs vIicI I Iave nol accepled I vejecl as an inposilion
on n Jvee viII. 2 TIe lvue sociaI conlvacl Ias nolIing in
connon vilI lIe suvvendev oJ IiIevl ov suInission lo a Iuvden-
sone soIidavil. TIe pvenise Jvon vIicI Bousseau slavls, viz.
lIal lIe peopIe is a coIIeclive enlil Iaving a novaI pevsonaIil
dislincl Jvon lIal oJ lIe individuaI, is JaIse. TIe concIusions
dvavn Jvon il, viz. lIe aIienalion oJ IiIevl Jov lIe saIe oJ aII,
a govevnnenl exlevnaI lo sociel, division oJ povevs, elc., ave
equaII JaIse. Bousseau Ias in Iis lIeov nisvepvesenled
sociaI Jacls and negIecled lIe lvue and essenliaI eIenenls oJ
conlvacl ilseIJ. His lIeov is IiIe a connevciaI agveenenl vilI
lIe nanes oJ lIe pavlies suppvessed, lIe vaIues oJ lIe pvoducls
and sevvices, lIe condilions oJ quaIil, deIivev, pvice, elc., in
sIovl aII essenliaI lIings onilled, and vilI onI lIe penaIlies
and juvisdiclions given. In olIev vovds, lIe lIeov is aIsuvd.3
Idee genevaIe de Ia BevoIulion, p.
Idee genevaIe de Ia BevoIulion, p. I38. In Bu Fvincipe F6devaliJ,
53 n.,
FvoudIon deJines a Iav lo Ie a slalule avvived al as lIe vesuIl oJ avIilvalion Ielveen
Iunan viIIs.
In conneclion vilI lIe Iislov oJ poIilicaI lIeovies il is inlevesling lo nole vIal
lIe anavcIisls Iave lo sa aIoul lIe doclvine upon vIicI lIe Anevican BevoIulion
vas JougIl, and ils conJovnil vilI acluaI poIilicaI Jacls. Lsandev Spoonev, in Iis
Lellev lo Ovovev CIeveIand, sas Il vas once said in lIis counlv lIal laxalion
vilIoul consenl is voIIev. Bul iJ lIal pvincipIe veve a lvue one in IeIaIJ oJ lIvee
EquaII vilIoul veason in lIeiv pvaclicaI opevalions ave lIe
conslilulionaI sslens oJ govevnnenl, vIelIev nonavcIicaI ov
vepuIIican, vIicI ave Iased upon lIis lIeov. TIe eIeclion
is lIe pivol aIoul vIicI lIe vevoIve. Ils JundanenlaI idea is
decision I nunIev ov Iol. In vIal vespecl is lIis pvincipIe
Iellev ov nove jusl lIan genevalion, lIe Iasis oJ lIe JaniI:
lIan Jovce, lIe Iasis oJ lIe palviavcIale: lIan JailI, lIe cenlvaI
dogna oJ lIe cIuvcI: lIan pvinogeniluve, upon vIicI avisloc-
vac vesls ? EIeclions, voles nevev decided anlIing. InJeviov
nallevs oJ IillIe inpovlance na Ie decided I avIilvalion: Iul
inpovlanl lIings, lIe ovganizalion oJ sociel, n suIsislence,
I viII nevev suInil lo an indivecl soIulion. I enpIalicaII
den lIal lIe peopIe in eIeclions ave aIIe lo vecognize and
dislinguisI Ielveen lIe nevils oJ vivaI candidales. Bul vIen
pvesidenls and vepvesenlalives ave once cIosen, lIe ave n
naslevs. WIal do nunIevs pvove? WIal ave lIe vovlI?
You veJev n inlevesls, suIsislence, elc., lo a Congvess. WIal
conneclion is lIeve Ielveen lIe Congvess and ne? WIal
guavanlee Iave I lIal lIe Iav vIicI lIe Congvess naIes and
Iands lo ne on lIe poinl oJ lIe Iaonel viII pvonole n
inlevesl ?1 FuvlIevnove, Iov can I, in sucI a silualion, nain-
lain n dig-nil as a soveveigvn and pavl lo lIe sociaI conlvacl ?
TIe denocvalic lIeov is lIus an allenpl lo Iavnonize lvo
niIIions oJ nen, il is an equaII lvue one in IeIaIJ oJ lIvee nen, ov oJ one nan.
WIo ave evev laxed vilIoul lIeiv consenl? IndividuaIs onI. WIo lIen ave voIIed,
iJ laxed vilIoul lIeiv consenl? IndividuaIs onI. IJ laxalion vilIoul consenl is voI-
Iev, lIe Uniled Slales govevnnenl Ias nevev Iad, Ias nol nov, and is nevev IiIeI lo
Iave an Ionesl doIIav in ils lveasuv. As soon as laxes ave paid, Ie sas JuvlIev,
aII naluvaI vigIls ave Iosl. TIe individuaI cannol nainlain lIen againsl lIe poIice
and avnies vIicI lIe govevnnenl viII pvocuve vilI lIe none.
1 Fov anolIev IviIIianl specinen oJ lIe deslvuclive cvilicisn vIicI lIe anavcIisl
appIies lo vepvesenlalive govevnnenl see Fvince KvapolIine's cIaplev on lIal suIjecl
in Iis FavoIes d'un BevoIle, Favis, 1885. One couId nol visI lo see lIe denos
Ivaleo pvincipIe nove conpIeleI denoIisIed lIan il is Ieve. TIe supevJiciaIil
and cvudil oJ lIe nolion lIal gveal puIIic queslions can Ie pvopevI decided I
eIeclions: lIe pell seIJ-seeIing oJ poIilicians and pavl nanagevs, lo sa nolIing oJ
lIeiv posilive covvuplion: lIe disluvIing inJIuence oJ pavIianenlav laclics: lIe
enovnous dispavil Ielveen lIe InovIedge and slvenglI oJ lIe IegisIalov and lIe
nunIev and nagnilude oJ lIe puIIic queslions vilI vIicI Ie Ias lo deaI, ave
adnivaII slaled and iIIuslvaled. TIe JiIes oJ an daiI nevspapev viII suIslanliale
il aII.
vIoII inconsislenl pvincipIes, lIose oJ aulIovil and oJ con-
lvacl. TIe ovigin oJ aulIovil is in lIe JaniI. TIe necessil
Jov lIe nainlenance oJ ovdev, Jov lIe eslaIIisInenl oJ an avli-
JiciaI, and lIeveJove oJ an inpossiIIe, Iavnon Ielveen indi-
viduaI and connon inlevesls, is lIe onI avgunenl in ils Javov.
TIis neans lIal govevnnenl is Iased upon Jovce, is in ils
naluve and opevalion vIoII avIilvav. TIe IeIieJ lIal lIe
peopIe, eilIev coIIecliveI ov individuaII, consenl lo ils acls,
ov lIal lIe viII oJ lIe peopIe can Ie ascevlained, diveclI I
ov indiveclI lIvougI so-caIIed puIIic opinion, is a
supevslilion. Il is one oJ lIe Jiclions vilI vIicI lIe Iav and
poIilics aIound. Bul, FvoudIon vouId sa, iJ il veve veaII
possiIIe lIal lIe najovil sIouId vuIe and cavv ils desives inlo
eJJecl, ils govevnnenl vouId Ie as lvannicaI as lIal oJ a singIe
despol, Jov il vouId inpose upon lIe cilizen lIe viII oJ anolIev,
il vouId vioIale lIe lvue pvincipIe oJ conlvacl.
Beluvning lIen lo lIe poinl vIence ve slavled, il appeavs
lIal FvoudIon's sociaI ideaI vas lIal oJ pevJecl individuaI IiIevl.
TIose vIo Iave lIougIl Iin a connunisl ov sociaIisl Iave
vIoII nislaIen Iis neaning. To Ie suve lIeve is an expves-
sion Ieve and lIeve in Iis vovIs vIicI savovs oJ connunisn,'
Iul vIen nove cIoseI exanined il viII Ie Jound lo Ie in
Iavnon vilI lIe genevaI lvend oJ Iis lIougIl. No Iellev
avgunenl againsl connunisn can Ie Jound lIan is conlained
in lIe cIaplev on lIal suIjecl in lIe Ss?ne des Conlvadiclions
icononiques. In WIal is Fvopevl? Ie speaIs oJ connunisn
as JoIIovs
TIe disadvanlages oJ connunisn ave so oIvious lIal lIe cvilics
nevev Iave needed lo enpIo nucI eIoquence lo lIovougII disgusl
See, Jov exanpIe, WIal is Fvopevl? lvans. p. 244, vIeve Ie sas lIal ine-
quaIil oJ vages cannol Ie adnilled I Iav on lIe gvound oJ inequaIil oJ laIenls.
Bul on p. 132 oJ lIe sane lvealise Ie expIains Iiis neaning as JoIIovs Oive ne a
sociel in vIicI evev Iind oJ laIenl Ieavs a pvopev nunevicaI veIalion lo lIe needs
oJ lIe sociel, and vIicI denands Jvon eacI pvoducev onI lIal vIicI Iis speciaI
Junclion vequives Iin lo pvoduce, and, vilIoul inpaiving in lIe Ieasl lIe IievavcI
oJ Junclions, I viII deduce lIe equaIil oJ Jovlunes. TIis neans lIal uliIilies nusl
Ie IvougIl inlo sucI pevJecl pvopovlionaIil lIal lIeve viII Ie jusl as nan FIalos
and Nevlons as ave needed and no nove. TIe sane sIaII Ie lvue oJ aII olIev pvo.
ducevs dovn lo lIe Iovesl gvade.
nen vilI il. TIe ivvepavaIiIil oJ lIe injuslice vIicI il causes, lIe
vioIence vIicI il does lo allvaclions and vepuIsions, lIe oIe oJ ivon
vIicI il Jaslens upon lIe viII, lIe novaI lovluve lo vIicI il suIjecls lIe
conscience, lIe deIiIilaling eJJecl vIicI il Ias upon sociel, and, lo
sun il aII up, lIe pious and slupid uniJonil vIicI il enJovces upon
lIe Jvee, aclive, veasoning, unsuInissive pevsonaIil oJ nan, Iave
sIocIed connon sense, and condenned connunisn I an ivvevocaIIe
TIis passage, logelIev vilI Iis Janous saings Connun-
isn is inequaIil : Connunisn is oppvession and sIavev :
Fvopevl is lIe expIoilalion oJ lIe veaI I lIe slvong, con-
nunisn is lIe expIoilalion oJ lIe slvong I lIe veaI, JuvnisI
suJJicienl docunenlav evidence upon lIe queslion. FvoudIon
vegavded lIe vise oJ sociaIislic and connunislic opinions as an
added sign lIal lIe lines veve oul oJ joinl. Wvilevs oJ lIal
scIooI naIe a diagnosis oJ lIe sociaI disease vev siniIav lo
Iis ovn, Iul vIen il cones lo lIe appIicalion oJ lIe vened
FvoudIon diJJevs Jvon lIen in nosl essenliaI pavlicuIavs.
FvoudIon IeIieved lIal iJ lIe slale in aII ils depavlnenls
veve aIoIisIed, iJ aulIovil veve evadicaled Jvon sociel, and
iJ lIe pvincipIe oJ Iaissez Jaive veve nade univevsaI in ils
opevalion, evev Jovn oJ sociaI iII vouId disappeav. Accovding
lo Iis viev nen ave vicIed and ignovanl Iecause, eilIev
diveclI ov indiveclI, lIe Iave Ieen Jovced lo Ie so il is
Iecause lIe Iave Ieen suIjecled lo lIe viII oJ anolIev, ov ave
aIIe lo lvansJev lIe eviI vesuIls oJ lIeiv acls lo anolIev. IJ
lIe individuaI, aJlev veacIing lIe age oJ discvelion, couId Ie
Jveed Jvon vepvession and conpuIsion in evev Jovn, and Inov
lIal Ie aIone is vesponsiIIe Jov Iis acls and nusl Ieav lIeiv
consequences, Ie vouId Iecone lIviJl, pvudenl, enevgelic: in
sIovl Ie vouId aIvas see and JoIIov Iis IigIesl inlevesls.
He vouId aIvas vespecl lIe vigIls oJ olIevs: lIal is, acl
juslI. SucI individuaIs couId cavv on aII lIe gveal induslviaI
enlevpvises oJ lo-da eilIev sepavaleI ov I voIunlav associa-
lion. No conpuIsion, Iovevev, couId Ie used lo Jovce one lo
JuIJiI a conlvacl ov venain in an associalion Iongev lIan Iis
WIal is Fvopevl? lvans. p. 259.
inlevesl diclaled. TIus ve sIouId Iave a pevJeclI Jvee pIa
oJ enIigIlened seIJ-inlevesls equilaIIe conpelilion, lIe onI
naluvaI Jovn oJ sociaI ovganizalion. TIe dvean vIicI Iad
JIoaled IeJove lIe nind oJ lIe econonisl oJ lIe MancIeslev
scIooI vouId Ie veaIized.
Anong lIe diJJevenl Jovns oJ nonopoI vvIicI aJJIicl sociel
al pvesenl, FvoudIon consideved lIe none nonopoI lo Ie
JvaugIl vilI lIe gvealesl eviI.' B lIis Ie neanl, in lIe Jivsl
pIace, lIe seIeclion oJ lvo connodilies, goId and siIvev, Jvon
anong aII lIe vesl, lo Ie lIe slandavd oJ vaIue and lIe inlev-
nediavies in aII excIanges. TIis gave lIen soveveign povev,
eslaIIisIed as il veve lIe nonavcIicaI v6gine anong con-
nodilies: Jov Ie vIo possesses none, lIe univevsaI vepve-
senlalive oJ vaIue, can connand veaIlI in aII ils Jovns. To
nelaIIic none, in couvse oJ line, lIe idea and Jovns oJ cvedil
veve added. TIis gvealI JaciIilaled excIange and nade nove
convenienl lIe Jovn oJ lIe civcuIaling nediun. Bul lIe issue
oJ papev, as veII as oJ nelaI none, vas nade a nonopoI,
in lIe Iands eilIev oJ lIe govevnnenl, ov oJ IanIevs designaled
I lIe govevnnenl. In aII lIe nove inpovlanl Iusiness opeva-
lions papev Ias laIen lIe pIace oJ nelaI, and pvopevl na
nov aInosl Ie said lo exisl in lIe Jovn oJ cvedil docunenls.
TIose vIo issue and deaI in lIese vivluaII conlvoI lIe vale
oJ inlevesl and, lIvougI lIal, venl and pvices. FvoudIon con-
denned usuv as slvongI as did AvislolIe ov lIe nedievaI
lIeoIogians. To Iin il vas lIe divecl vesuIl oJ
lIe laIing oJ il, lIeJl. Ils pevcenlage indicaled lIe vapidil
vilI vIicI lIe Iovvovev vas Ieing expvopvialed. Accovding
lo Iis viev, iJ usuv
ov inlevesl couId Ie aIoIisIed, nonopoI
in evev olIev Jovn vouId JaII vilI il. Benl and pvoJils, con-
sideved as lIe veluvn vIicI lIe pvopvielov can exacl I vivlue
oJ Iis posilion as nonopoIisl oJ Iand and oJ lIe inslvunenls oJ
ov vevavd Jov acluaI
sevvice vouId aIone venain. In one oJ Iis IvocIiuves,2 vvillen
FvoudIon's lIeov oJ none and cvedil na Ie Jound in lIe sixlI voIune oJ Iis
ConpIele WovIs, and in lIe second voIune oJ Iis Econonic Conlvadiclions.
Ovganizalion du Cvedil el de Ia CivcuIalion, IEuvves conpIeles, lone 6, pp.
duving lIe excilenenl oJ lIe vevoIulion oJ I 848, FvoudIon
veconnended lIal lIe slale sIouId laIe lIe inilialive and, Jivsl,
veduce incones I a pvogvessive scaIe, incveasing lIe pevcenl-
age oJ veduclion vilI lIe size oJ lIe incone. TIen pvices
sIouId Ie Ioveved lo an equivaIenl degvee. TIis sIouId Ie
JoIIoved I a covvesponding veduclion oJ laxalion. B lIese
neasuves lIe induslviaI equiIiIviun vouId Ie nainlained,
Ioavded capilaI vouId Ie IvougIl oul, and genevaI pvospevil
vouId ensue. He lIougIl, Iovevev, lIal in ovdev lo IeIp lIe
peasanlv and pvevenl lIeiv nigvaling lo lIe cilies lIis poIic
sIouId nol Ie appIied lo agvicuIluve. FvoudIon did nol allenpl
lo jusliJ sucI vIoIesaIe conJiscalion oJ incones I lIe slale,
Iul said lIal il vas necessav lo vesovl lo il
pvepavalov lo lIe
ovganizalion oJ cvedil.
TIis suggesls lIe nosl inpovlanl Jealuve oJ FvoudIon's
scIene oJ sociaI veJovn. His idea vas lIal in lIe pevJecl
sociaI slale sevvices sIouId excIange Jov sevvices, pvoducls Jov
pvoducls. To lIis end none nusl Ie aIoIisIed: Jov so Iong
as pvoducls and sevvices ave excIanged Jov il, discounl, inlevesl,
and olIev Jovns oJ lviIule lo nonopoI nusl Ie paid. As a suI-
slilule Jov none Ie vouId genevaIize lIe IiII oJ excIange.
Nov lIe vIoIe pvoIIen oJ civcuIalion consisls in genevaIizing lIe
IiII oJ excIange: lIal is lo sa, in naIing oJ il an anonnous lilIe, ex-
cIangeaIIe Jovevev, and vedeenaIIe al sigIl, Iul onI in nevcIandise
and sevvices.'
In olIev vovds, using lIe Ianguage nov cuvvenl in lIe none
navIel, Ie vouId Iase IanI papev upon pvoducls. B neans
oJ lIe IiII oJ excIange Ie vouId noIiIize aII pvoducls, naIe aII
as veadiI excIangeaIIe as none is nov. Il vas lIis vIicI
FvoudIon in conpan vilI Coignel lvied lo do in Favis I
neans oJ lIeiv Ianque d'AcIange ov Ianque du
lIeve in I848.2 Ils opevalions Iovevev veve soon IvougIl lo
CEivves conpIeles, lone 6, pp. 114 eI seq.
TIe lIeov vas Jivsl slaled I one FuIevand-MozeI in x8x8. He Jounded sucI an
inslilulion al Favis in I829, and anolIev al MavseiIIes in 1832. In I848, JoIn Ova,
a ScolcInan, lvied lo cavv lIe sane lIeov inlo
pvaclice in
EdinIuvgI, and puIIisIed
a IooI upon il, enlilIed Lecluves on lIe Naluve and Use oJ Mone, EdinIuvgI, 1848.
See CouvceIIe-SeneuiI, Tvaile des Opevalions de
Banque, pp. 411 el seq. AIso, I
lIe sane aulIov, LiIevle el SociaIisne, pp. 0oo el seq.
an end I lIe exiIe oJ ils Joundev. Lel us see vIal vesuIls
FvoudIon Ioped vouId JoIIov Jvon Iis pIan, iJ il couId Iave
Ieen cavvied inlo successJuI execulion.
In oIedience lo lIe sunnons oJ lIe govevnnenl, and I
sinpIe aulIenlic decIavalion, as nan pvoducevs Jvon evev
depavlnenl oJ induslv as couId Ie induced lo do so, sIouId
unile, dvav up avlicIes oJ agveenenl and pvonise lo aIide I
lIen. TIe vouId in lIis va ovganize lIe IanI. Evev suI-
scviIev sIouId Ieep an open accounl al lIe inslilulion and Iind
IinseIJ lo veceive ils noles al pav in aII panenls vIalsoevev.
TIe IanI vouId lIus do lIe ovdinav Iusiness oJ deposil and
issue. FvovisionaII and I va oJ lvansilion, goId and siIvev
coin viII Ie veceived in excIange Jov lIe papev oJ lIe IanI, and
al lIeiv noninaI vaIue. Bul as lIe nev inslilulion sIouId
gvov in popuIav Javov and Iecone univevsaI, goId and siIvev
vouId go oul oJ use as lIe excIusive Iases oJ cuvvenc. TIe
vouId Ie eslinaled soIeI as connodilies.
WIal veason Iad FvoudIon Jov IeIieving lIal Iis IanI, iJ
pul inlo open conpelilion vilI noneed inslilulions as lIe
nov exisl, unsuppovled I lIe slale, vouId oul-conpele lIen
aII, Jovce lIen lo cIose ov lo cIange lIeiv nelIod oJ doing Iusi-
ness and, JinaII, enliveI veovganize sociel ? Il vas lIis lIe
IanI vouId cIavge no inlevesl ov discounl on Ioans and vouId
pa none on deposils. NolIing vIalevev vouId Ie laIen ov
veceived Jov lIe use oJ capilaI. TIe onI cIavge nade I lIe
IanI vouId Ie enougI
pa ils
ov oJJice expenses.
TIese vouId nevev anounl lo nove lIan one pev cenl and
pvoIaII couId Ie veduced as Iov as one-IaIJ oJ one pev cenl.
Sevvices sIouId excIange Jov
sevvices, pvoducls Jov pvoducls.
Becipvocil is lIe pvincipIe al lIe Iasis oJ lIe pIan. TIe Jacl
lIal no inlevesl vas cIavged vouId allvacl Iovvovevs Jvon lIe
olIev IanIs and lIeveI Jovce capilaIisls lo pIace lIeiv Junds
vilI lIe nev IanI.
Bul lIis pIan na Ie vieved Jvon anolIev slandpoinl, vIicI
viII give il a JaniIiav IooI lo lIose vIo ave acquainled vilI lIe
nosl advanced sociaIislic scIenes. IJ pvoducevs Iiving al diJJev-
enl pIaces couId Inov al lIe sane line lIeiv nuluaI needs,
lIe couId excIange lIeiv pvoducls vilIoul lIe use oJ none.
TIe IanI couId JuvnisI lIal InovIedge and so Iving pvoducevs
and consunevs logelIev. WIal il couId do Jov one connunil,
a nelvovI oJ IanIs couId do Jov a nalion ov Jov lIe civiIized
vovId. TIis couId Ie eJJecled vilIoul lIe inlevposilion oJ a
govevnnenl. TIe IanI need nol even ovn vaveIouses ov
nagazines Jov lIe sloving oJ connodilies. TIe pvoducev couId,
vIiIe Ieeping possession oJ Iis pvoducl, consign il lo lIe IanI
I neans oJ a IiII oJ Iading, IiII oJ excIange, elc. He vouId
veceive in veluvn noles oJ lIe IanI equaI lo lIe vaIue oJ Iis
consignnenl, ninus a pvopovlionaI sIave oJ lIe cosl oJ vunning
lIe eslaIIisInenl. WilI lIese Ie couId puvcIase oJ olIev pvo-
ducevs, nade Inovn lo Iin iJ necessav I lIe IanI, sucI con-
nodilies as Ie desived. Meanline lIe IanI vouId Jind Jov Iin
and aII olIevs vIo Iad deaIings vilI il puvcIasevs oJ lIeiv
goods. TIus suppI vouId Ie adapled lo denand: ovev-pvo-
duclion and cvises vouId Ie pvevenled. Evev one vouId Ie
assuved oJ a navIel Jov vIalevev pvoducl ov oIIigalion Ie nigIl
possess, lIvougI lIe genevaI inlevnediav, lIe IanI. TIe IanI
vouId deaI in cvedil docunenls, noles, novlgages, elc., iJ pvop-
evI indovsed and secuved.
Il viII Ie seen al once lIal, iJ lIis Jovn oJ excIange sIouId
Iecone univevsaI, venl, pvoJils, inlevesl, evev Jovn oJ pvopvie-
lav and capilaIislic expvopvialion vouId disappeav. TIe IanI,
iJ il evev Iecane slvong enougI, vouId Jix lIe vevavd Jov lIe
use oJ pvopevl oJ aII Iinds and Jov eJJecling excIanges. TIe
Jovnev vouId Ie niI, and lIe Iallev, as ve Iave seen, vouId Ie
Iess lIan one pev cenl. Fov exanpIe, FvoudIon avgued,' vIiIe
lIe pvocess oJ lvansilion vas going on, capilaI vouId JIov lovavd
cil Iols and IuiIdings and veduce lIeiv venls liII lIe condilions
pvevaiIing in IaIovevs' cilies sIouId Iecone appvoxinaleI
univevsaI. Benls vouId onI ieId enougI lo naIe good lIe
capilaI spenl in IuiIding, vepaivs and laxes. FinaII, lIe con-
nune couId decvee lIe aIoIilion oJ venl I pvoviding lIal aJlev
a cevlain line aII panenls sIouId Ie cavvied lo lIe accounl oJ
lIe pvopevl, vIicI ilseIJ sIouId Ie vaIued al lvenl-Jive lines
CEuvves conpIeles, lone IO, p. 203.
lIe eavI venl. WIen lIe panenls Iad Ieen nade in JuII,
lIe connune couId give lo lIe occupievs a lilIe lo pevpeluaI
doniciIe, pvovided lIe Iepl lIe pvopevl in as good condilion
as il vas vIen lIe gvanl vas nade. Fvopvielovs need nol Ie
disluvIed in lIe occupanc oJ lIeiv ovn eslales liII lIe pIeased.
AII cIanges, aJlev lIe Jivsl nenlioned aIove, nusl Ie nade I
conlvacl Ielveen cilizens, and lIe execulion oJ lIe conlvacls
sIouId Ie inlvusled lo lIe connune. In lIis va FvoudIon
vouId uIlinaleI exlend lIe capilaIizalion oJ venl lIvougI lIe
agvicuIluvaI dislvicls oJ lIe nalion and evevvIeve lvansJovn
pvopvielovsIip inlo possession. He cIained lIal lIe saving oJ
veaIlI nade possiIIe I lIe aIoIilion oJ inlevesl vouId Ie so
gveal, and lIe slinuIus lIeveI given lo pvoduclion so slvong,
lIal aII puIIic and pvivale deIls couId Ie quicII paid oJJ, laxa-
lion veduced and JinaII aIoIisIed. TIe expense oJ adninislev-
ing govevnnenl vouId Ie covvespondingI Iessened. Bul vilI
lIe pevnanenl and aIounding pvospevil vIicI vouId Ie JeIl
I aII cIasses in lIe nalion, povevl, lIe cause oJ cvine, vouId
gvaduaII disappeav. Couvls and poIice adninislvalion vouId
lIen Ie no Iongev necessav. FinaII, as lIe nev sslen ex-
lended anong lIe nalions, lIeiv inlevnaI veII-Ieing vouId so
incvease lIal vavs vouId Ie no Iongev necessav. Hence lIe
avn and lIe nav couId Ie dispensed vilI and dipIonac vouId
Iecone a Iosl avl. B lIis pvocess oJ deveIopnenl lIe depavl-
nenls oJ Jinance, oJ juslice, oJ poIice,
and oJ Joveign aJJaivs vouId
disappeav. TIeve vouId Ie no nove use Jov lIen. TIe slale
ilseIJ lIen vouId Ie lIvovn aside IiIe an oId and vovn-oul gav-
nenl, and sociel vouId enlev upon a nev peviod oJ exislence,
lIe peviod oJ IiIevl and oJ pevJecl juslice. TIis is vIal Fvou-
dIon lIougIl couId Ie acconpIisIed lIvougI lIe ovganizalion oJ
cvedil. TIen lIe pevJecl individuaI descviIed aIove vouId need
onI Jveedon and lIe equaIil oJ condilions insuved I Jveedon
lo veacI lIe IigIesl deveIopnenl oJ aII Iis povevs. SucI is
lIe anavcIislic ideaI. FvoudIon Ias vepealedI
sel il JovlI. I
quole one oJ lIe passages
and pvopvielav expIoilalion evevvIeve slopped,
lIe giving
and veceiving oJ vages in ils pvesenl Jovn aIoIisIed, excIange equaI and
veaII guavanleed, vaIue consliluled, a navIel assuved, lIe pvincipIe oJ
pvoleclion cIanged, lIe navIels oJ lIe gIoIe opened lo lIe pvoducevs
oJ aII counlvies: consequenlI lIe Iavvievs IvoIen dovn, oId inlevnalionaI
Iav vepIaced I connevciaI convenlions, poIice, juslice, adninislvalion
pul evevvIeve inlo lIe Iands oJ lIose engaged in induslv: econonic
ovganizalion laIing lIe pIace oJ lIe govevnnenlaI and niIilav vegine in
lIe coIonies as veII as lIe nolIev counlvies: JinaII lIe Jvee and uni-
vevsaI conningIing oJ vaces undev lIe soIe Iav oJ conlvacl: lIal is lIe
II. TIze IndividuaIislic AnavcIisls.
FvoudIon's lIeov is lIe sun and suIslance oJ scienliJic
anavcIisn. Hov cIoseI Iave lIe Anevican anavcIisls adIeved
lo lIe leacIings oJ lIeiv naslev?
One gvoup, vilI ils cenlve al Boslon and vilI IvancI asso-
cialions in a Jev olIev cilies,
is conposed oJ JailIJuI discipIes oJ
FvoudIon. TIe IeIieve lIal Ie is lIe Ieading lIinIev anong
lIose vIo Iave Jound lIe souvce oJ eviI in sociel and lIe
vened lIeveJov. TIe accepl Iis anaIsis oJ sociaI pIenonena
and JoIIov Iis Iead genevaII, lIougI nol inpIicilI. TIe caII
lIenseIves IndividuaIislic AnavcIisls, and cIain lo Ie lIe onI
cIass vIo ave enlilIed lo lIal nane. TIe do nol allenpl lo
ovganize vev nucI, Iul veI upon aclive individuaIs, vovIing
Ieve and lIeve aII ovev lIe counlv.
Il is supposed lIal lIe
na nunIev in aII sone Jive lIousand adIevenls in lIe Uniled
Slales. Bul lIe neasuve lIeiv slvenglI I lIe lendenc
lovavds gvealev IiIevl vIicI exisls in sociel. TIe pvogvess
oJ IiIevl evevvIeve and in aII depavlnenls oJ sociaI IiJe lIe
veIcone as an added pIedge oJ lIe Juluve veaIizalion oJ lIeiv
ideaI. So lIe vouId vecIon lIe noninaI adIevenls oJ anavcI-
isn, lIe polenliaI anavcIisls, I lIe Iundveds oJ lIousands.
TIeiv vievs and pIans ave deduclions Jvon lIe lIeov oJ Fvou-
dIon. TIe ave a connenlav on Iis vovIs, an exlension and
occasionaII a cIaviJing oJ Iis lIougIl. Il viII Ie necessav,
1 Idee genevaIe de Ia BevoIulion, p. 297. In Juslice dans Ia BevoIulion, lone 2,
pp. 99- 134, na Ie Jound one oJ lIe Iesl slalenenls oJ FvoudIon's vievs oJ lIe Juluve
sslen oJ induslviaI and poIilicaI Jedevalion, and oJ lIe nelIod oJ lvansilion lo il.
Lellev Jvon Benj. B. TucIev, al pvesenl lIe Ieadev oJ lIe Boslon anavcIisls.
Iovevev, lo expIain nove pveciseI lIe allilude oJ lIe anavcIisls
lovavd lIe poIilicaI and sociaI inslilulions oJ lIis counlv.1
TIe, IiIe FvoudIon, considev lIe govevnnenl oJ lIe Uniled
Slales lo Ie as oppvessive and vovlIIess as an oJ lIe Euvopean
nonavcIies. LiIevl pvevaiIs Ieve no nove lIan lIeve. In
sone vespecls lIe sslen oJ najovil vuIe is nove oInoxious
lIan lIal oJ nonavcI. Il is quile as lvannicaI, and in a
vepuIIic il is nove diJJicuIl lo veacI lIe souvce oJ lIe despolisn
and venove il. TIe vegavd lIe enlive nacIinev oJ eIeclions
as vovlIIess and a Iindvance lo pvospevil. TIe ave opposed
lo poIilicaI nacIines oJ aII Iinds. TIe nevev vole ov pevJovn
lIe dulies oJ cilizens in an va, iJ il can Ie avoided. TIe
vouId nol pa laxes, iJ lIeve veve an neans oJ escaping il.
Judges ave vegavded I lIen as lIe IiveIings oJ povev, and
couvls as cenlves oJ despolisn. TIe vegavd lIe pvoceedings
oJ IegisIalive assenIIies as vain and vovlI onI oJ conlenpl.
TIe vouId deslvo aII slalule IooIs and judiciaI decisions.
JosiaI Wavven slaled lIe pvincipIe2 lIal, in lIe case oJ lIe
inJIiclion oJ injuv I one individuaI upon anolIev, lIe govevn-
nenl nigIl, vilI lIe consenl oJ lIe injuved pevson, inlevJeve
and cause vepavalion lo Ie nade. Bul lIe penaIl inposed
upon lIe oJJendev sIouId nevev exceed in anounl lIe danage
vIicI Ie Iad done. In accovdance vilI lIis, lIe anavcIisls
conlenpIale Jov a line al Ieasl lIe nainlenance oJ a niId
sslen oJ penaI Iav, and vilI il lviaI I juv, lIougI lIe do
nol IeIieve in conpuIsov juv sevvice. As Iong as lIeve ave
individuaIs so inpevJecl lIal lIe insisl upon inJvinging lIeiv
neigIIov's vigIls, lIe nusl Ie veslvained.
TIe anavcIisls Iave no vovds slvong enougI lo expvess lIeiv
|Iisgusl al lIe scIening oJ lIe poIilician, lIe Iidding Jov voles,
lIe sludied nisvepvesenlalion oJ Jacls, lIe avoidance oJ sevious
issues, and aII lIe Jovns oJ covvuplion vIicI slain ouv poIilicaI
IiJe. Ouv nunicipaI govevnnenls JuvnisI lIen unIiniled nale-
' TIe JoIIoving slalenenls ave laIen diveclI Jvon lIe coIunns oJ LiIevl, lIe
papev puIIisIed I lIe Boslon anavcIisls: Jvon Lsandev Spoonev's Lellev lo Ovovev
CIeveIand: WiIIian B. Oveene's panpIIel on MuluaI BanIing: BaIunine's Ood and
lIe Slale, and olIev IooIs and docunenls vecognized I lIe anavcIisls as aulIovila-
live. 2 Tvue CiviIizalion, p. 12.
viaI Jov connenl. TIe caII allenlion lo lIe innense IaIov
vIicI il laIes lo Ieep lIe poIilicaI nacIinev in nolion, and
conpave vilI il lIe IillIe vIicI is acconpIisIed lovavds lIe
soIulion oJ lIe veaII inpovlanl sociaI pvoIIens. No good, onI
eviI, can Ie done I sucI nelIods. TIe inJIuence oJ none
in poIilics, lIe vanlon disvegavd oJ Iav I covpovalions and
lIe inaIiIil oJ ouv IegisIalovs and execulives lo veslvain lIen,
lIe seIJ-seeIing vIicI enlevs inlo aII poIilicaI conlesls and lIe
genevaI IacI oJ eavneslness vIicI cIavaclevizes lIen ave lo lIe
anavcIisl pvooJs lIal lIe slale is decaing and viII soon JaII
lo pieces al a loucI. Il is oJ no use, lIe sa, lo IaIov Jov an
oJ lIe pIans oJ veJovn vIicI ave nov agilaling pavlies. TIe
slale is loo covvupl lo Ie veJovned aIoIisI il aIlogelIev.'
Concevning lIe JaniI veIalion, lIe anavcIisls IeIieve lIal
civiI navviage sIouId Ie aIoIisIed and aulononislic navviage
suIsliluled. TIis neans lIal lIe conlvacling pavlies sIouId
agvee lo Iive logelIev as Iong as il seens Iesl lo do so, and
lIal lIe pavlnevsIip sIouId Ie dissoIved vIenevev eilIev one
desives il. SliII, lIe vouId give lIe Jveesl possiIIe pIa lo
Iove and Ionov as veslvaining nolives. TIe cIain lIal uIli-
naleI, I lIis poIic, lIe navviage veIalion vouId Ie puviJied
and nade nucI nove pevnanenl lIan il is lo-da. TIe ave
Jvee Iovevs, Iul nol in lIe sense oJ Javoving pvoniscuil oJ
lIe sexes. TIe Iope lo ideaIize lIe navviage veIalion I
Ivinging il undev lIe v6gine oJ pevJecl IiIevl. TIe vouId
nol veslvain lIose vIo visI lo pvaclise poIgan ov an sociaI
vice.2 TIe viev vilI aIIovvence aII eJJovls lo pvevenl I
TIe anavcIisls IeIieve lIal univevsaI suJJvage is a snave pvepaved lo enlvap lIe
unvav. As lo lIe exlension oJ suJJvage lo vonen, Lsandev Spoonev vvole TIe
Iave jusl as nucI vigIl lo naIe Iavs as nen Iave, and no Iellev: and lIal is jusl no
vigIl al aII. Wonen vanl lo pul us aII inlo lIe IegisIalive niII and gvind us ovev
again inlo sone sIape vIicI viII suil lIeiv lasle. Bellev Iuvn aII exisling slalules.
LiIevl, voI. ii, no. 22.
voI. i, no. 12 ' LiIevl lIeveJove nusl deJend lIe vigIl oJ individuaIs
lo naIe conlvacls invoIving usuv, vun, navviage, pvoslilulion, and nan olIev lIings
vIicI il IeIieves lo Ie vvong in pvincipIe and opposed lo Iunan veII Ieing. --
Sone oJ lIe anavcIisls IoId lo lIe nonoganic ideaI: olIevs vejecl il, IeIieving in vIal
lIe levn vaviel, vIicI lIe dislinguisI Jvon pvoniscuil in lIe sense lIal Iunan
veJinenenl is dislincl Jvon IesliaI vecIIessness. One oJ lIe nosl eIoquenl pIeas Jov
lIe nonoganic JaniI evev nade is FvoudIon's Anouv el Maviage. He vas ullevI
opposed lo divovce. See CEuvves conpIeles, lone 24.
IegisIalion and lIvougI lIe inlevJevence oJ lIe poIice lIe lvaJJic
in oIscene Iilevaluve. TIis is nol Iecause lIe visI lo upIoId
vice on lIe conlvav, lIe desive lIe puviJicalion oJ sociel,
Iul IeIieve lIal il can Ie IvougIl aIoul onI I lIe aIandon-
nenl oJ evev Jovn oJ conpuIsion. Ovganize cvedil, Iel peopIe
Inov lIal lIe individuaI nusl enduve aII lIe vesuIls oJ Iis con-
ducl, and lIal Ie viII Ie IeId vesponsiIIe Jov lIe deeds oJ no
one eIse, and in pvocess oJ line vice viII disappeav. TIe opeva-
lion oJ seIJ-inlevesl viII secuve ils aIoIilion. In no sense do
lIe anavcIisls advocale connunil oJ vives.' TIe desive lo
pvesevve lIe Ione and lo Ieep lIe cIiIdven in il, suIjecl lo
pavenlaI govevnnenl, liII lIe veacI sucI a degvee oJ naluvil
lIal lIe can assune lIe vesponsiIiIilies oJ IiJe Jov lIenseIves.
FaniI govevnnenl sIouId secuve ils ends I veason and Iove,
valIev lIan I Jovce. SIouId lIe pavenls sepavale, lIe oung
cIiIdven viII go vilI lIe nolIev. WIiIe lIe cIiIdven venain
in lIe JaniI, lIeve vouId oJ couvse Ie an oppovlunil Jov lIeiv
educalion: Iul, aJlev lIe Ieave pavenlaI conlvoI, lIal, IiIe evev-
lIing eIse, vouId depend soIeI upon lIeiv ovn cIoice. Con-
puIsov educalion is inconsislenl vilI lIe anavcIislic sslen.
FvoudIon, vIo vvole lIe eIoquenl pvaev lo lIe Ood oJ
IiIevl and equaIil vIicI concIudes lIe Jivsl pavl oJ WIZzal is
Fvopevl? spuvned lIe Ood oJ lIe IiIIe as lIe cIieJ anlagonisl
oJ nan and Joe oJ civiIizalion.2 TIe pvoIIen oJ Iunan eviI
dvove Iin lo lIis concIusion. He Jound a JalaI anlinon Ie-
lveen Ood and nan. Man's naluve invoIves conslanl pvogvess
and deveIopnenl, vIiIe lIal oJ Ood is Jixed and uncIangeaIIe.
TIeveJove as nan advances, Ood velvogvades. Man vas cvealed
deJovned valIev lIan depvaved, and a Fvovidence, caIIed aII-vise
and IeneJicenl, Ias lIeveJove condenned Iin lo elevnaI nisev.
To FvoudIon sucI a Ieing possessed lIe vovsl quaIilies oJ nan
inlensiJied and expanded liII lIe veacIed lIe scope oJ deil.
WIal lIe slale is in poIilics and pvopevl in econonics, Ood is
in veIigion, a souvce oJ inequaIil, oppvession and voe. TIe
See FvoudIon's Iillev condennalion oJ lIis in Iis cIaplev on Connunisn and
FopuIalion, Conlvadiclions 6cononiques, lone 22, pp. 258 el
See cIaplev on Fvovidence in Conlvadiclions econoniques, lone x, pp. 351 el seq.
idea oJ aulIovil oviginales in lIe conceplion oJ Ood: lIeve-
Jove, as BaIunine said IJ Ood exisled, il vouId Ie necessav
lo aIoIisI Iin.
WIo denies Iis Iing, denies Iis Ood,
said FvoudIon. Yel, lIougI lIe anavcIisls IeIieve lIal lIe
cIuvcI is one oJ lIe IuIvavIs oJ lIe slale and lIal ils spivil is
essenliaII IievavcIicaI, lIe upIoId lIe doclvine oJ aIsoIule
veIigious Jveedon. TIose vIo cIoose lo IeIieve in veIigion and
lo vovsIip lIe CIvislian Ood, ov an olIev divinil, sIouId Ie
pevnilled lo do so vilIoul noIeslalion. Bul evev Jovn oJ
vovsIip sIouId Ie seIJ-suppovling. Lel lIe Ieavev pa lIe
pviesl. IJ veIigion is oJ an vaIue, Iel il Ie sIovn in open
and Jvee conpelilion vilI aII olIev Jovns oJ IeIieJ.2 TIe
anavcIisls oJ lo-da ave vIoII alIeislic, and viII pvoIaII
venain so, Iovevev nucI lIeiv nunIev na Ie incveased.
Il lIus appeavs lIal lIe anavcIisls Iave a pvogvanne vIicI
is as sinpIe as il is sveeping. To evev sociaI queslion lIe
ansvev Iaissez Jaive, Iaissez passev. TIvov oJJ aII avliJiciaI
veslvainl. Leave nen lo lIenseIves. LiIevl is lIe gveal,
lIe onI educalov. Evev queslion viII soIve ilseIJ I lIe
opevalion oJ naluvaI Iavs. AII lIal is needed is equaIil oJ
condilions. TIe ave anli-nonopoIisls puve and sinpIe. Be-
Jevving lo lIe conlesl Jov lIe aIoIilion oJ sIavev, lIe conpave
lIenseIves lo lIe aIoIilionisls pvopev
3 and conslilulionaI vepuI-
Iicans lo lIe coIonizalionisls. TIe Iallev ave conslanlI appI-
ing paIIialives: lIeve is Iul one vened, and lIal is lIe deslvuc-
lion oJ inequaIil al lIe souvce. TIeveJove lIe anavcIisls vIo
ave slviclI IogicaI, vIiIe lIe snpalIize vilI aII cvilicisn
unJavovaIIe lo exisling inslilulions as lending lo veaIen conJi-
dence in lIe slale, veJuse lo co-opevale vilI an pavl oJ sociaI
ov poIilicaI veJovnevs.4 TIe IeIieve lIal lIeve is no posilive
povev Jov good in associalion: lIeveJove co-opevalive scIenes
Ood and lIe Slale, lvans.
Idee gen6vaIe de Ia BevoIulion, p. 26I.
3 An slandavd Iislov oJ lIe anli-sIavev conJIicl, ov lIe JiIes oJ lIe LiIevalov,
viII sIov lIe cIose conneclion Ielveen lIe doclvines oJ lIe Oavvisonian ving oJ lIe
aIoIilionisls aJlev aIoul I840 and lIose oJ lIe anavcIisls. TIe appeaIs oJ lIe aIoIi-
lionisls lo lIe IigIev Iav veve decidedI anavcIislic.
See discussion cavvied on in LiIevl, voI. iv, I886 and I887, Ielveen TucIev
and Henv AppIelon.
Iave no allvaclion Jov lIen. Allenpls lo deaI vilI nen in
lIe nass, lo educale lIen I uniled eJJovl, do nol avaIen lIeiv
I do nol adnil [sas TucIev] anlIing excepl lIe exislence oJ lIe
individuaI as lIe condilion oJ Iis soveveignl. . . . AnavcI Ias no
side lIal is aJJivnalive in lIe sense oJ conslvuclive. NeilIev as anav-
cIisls nov as individuaI soveveigns Iave ve an conslvuclive vovI lo do,
lIougI as pvogvessive Ieings ve Iave pIenl oJ il.
Hislov sIovs lIal IiIevl vesuIls in nove pevJecl nen, and lIal
gvealev Iunani pevJeclion in luvn naIes incveased IiIevl possiIIe. Il
is a pvocess oJ gvovlI lIvougI aclion and veaclion, and il is inpossiIIe
lo slale vIicI is anlecedenl and vIicI consequenl. Bul lIe aclion oJ
pvopagandisn is nove eJJeclive vIen IvougIl lo Ieav upon inslilulions
and condilions, lIan vIen ained innedialeI al Iunan naluve. So ve
do nol pveacI lIe gospeI oJ goodness, Iul leacI lIe Iavs oJ sociaI IiJe.
Il naluvaII JoIIovs, Jvon vIal Ias Ieen said, lIal lIe anav-
cIisls vIo JuII accepl lIe doclvines oJ FvoudIon IeIieve lIal
a Iong pvocess oJ evoIulion is necessav IeJove lIeiv pvogvanne
can Ie pul inlo successJuI opevalion. TIe ave opposed lo lIe
use oJ vioIence
Bul one lIing can jusliJ ils exevcise on an Iavge scaIe, viz. lIe
deniaI oJ Jvee lIougIl, Jvee speecI and a Jvee pvess. Even lIen ils
exevcise vouId Ie unvise, unIess vepvession veve enJovced so slvingenlI
lIal aII olIev neans oJ lIvoving il oJJ Iad Iecone IopeIess. BIood-
sIed in ilseIJ is puve Ioss. WIen ve nusl Iave Jveedon oJ agilalion,
and vIen nolIing Iul IIoodsIed viII secuve il, lIen IIoodsIed is vise.
Bul il nusl Ie venenIeved lIal il can nevev acconpIisI lIe sociaI
vevoIulion: lIal lIal can nevev Ie acconpIisIed excepl I neans oJ
agilalion, invesligalion, expevinenl and passive vesislance: and lIal,
aJlev aII lIe IIoodsIed, ve sIaII Ie exaclI vIeve ve veve IeJove, excepl
in ouv possession oJ lIe povev lo use lIese neans. . . . TIe da oJ
avned vevoIulion is gone I. Il is loo easiI pul dovn.'
WIal ve nean I lIe aIoIilion oJ lIe slale is lIe aIoIilion oJ a JaIse
pIiIosopI, ov valIev lIe ovevlIvov oJ a giganlic Jvaud, undev vIicI
LiIevl, voI. iv, no. 3, Ma 22, i886, ediloviaI suggesled I lIe IonI-lIvoving
al CIicago.
peopIe consenl lo Ie coevced and veslvained Jvon ninding lIeiv ovn
Iusiness. TIe pIiIosopI oJ IiIevl can Ie appIied evevvIeve: and Ie
vIo successJuII appIies il in Iis JaniI, in lIe pIace oJ avenging gods,
avIilvav codes, lIveals, connands and vIips, na easiI Iave lIe sal-
isJaclion oJ aIoIisIing al Ieasl one slale. WIen ve Iave suIsliluled ouv
pIiIosopI in pIace oJ lIe oId, lIen lIe paIaces, calIedvaIs and avsenaIs
viII naluvaII JaII lo pieces lIvougI negIecl and lIe vusl lIal is seen lo
covvupl lenanlIess anid oIsoIele slvucluves.'
Ov, slaling lIe anavcIislic pvogvanne a IillIe nove deJinileI,
il is expecled lIal poIilicaI covvuplion and capilaIislic lvann,
coupIed vilI vevoIulionav agilalion, viII aJlev a line so undev-
nine vespecl Jov Iav and conJidence in govevnnenl lIal il viII
Ie possiIIe Jov a snaII Iul delevnined Iod oJ anavcIisls lo
nuIIiJ Iav I passive vesislance. WIen lIe expevinenl Ias
once Ieen successJuII lvied, lIe nasses oJ nen, lived oJ lIe
oId sslen, viII accepl lIe nev as a veIcone deIivevance.
TIen il viII no Iongev Ie possiIIe lo enJovce oIedience lo Iav.
FeopIe viII neel in convenlions, ovganize upon lIe pvincipIe oJ
voIunlav associalions, and cIoose lIeiv naluvaI Ieadevs.2 TIese
Ieadevs Iovevev can exevcise no aulIovil, Iul onI use pevsua-
sion and advice coning Jvon a videv pvaclicaI expevience.
TIose vIo do nol visI lo JoIIov, na go lIeiv ovn va. EacI
individuaI can laIe possession oJ and use vIal pvopevl in Iand
and vav naleviaIs Ie needs, Iul Ie nusl nol lIeveI inJvinge
lIe equivaIenl vigIl oJ evev olIev pevson. Fvopevl, lIus,
nusl Ie so used as lo conlviIule lo lIe IigIesl sociaI veaI.
Hunan naluve viII Ie so puviJied Jvon gvoss seIJisIness lIal
il is IeIieved lIal lIe sslen oJ pvivale pvopevl can Ie pve-
sevved JovnaII inlacl. AII lIe Junclions oJ sociaI IiJe, nov
cIassed as puIIic and pvivale, viII Ie pevJovned I individuaIs,
eilIev singI ov in voIunlav associalion. TIe sslen oJ nuluaI
IanIing viII Ie eslaIIisIed, ov, as lIe Anevican anavcIisls
expvess il, eacI nan viII Ie aIIoved lo issue Iis ovn noles,
Iased upon sucI pvopevl ov secuvil as Ie na connand, and
naIe lIen civcuIale as Jav as Ie is aIIe.3 In IanIing, in cavv-
LiIevl, voI. i, no. I9.
See a descviplion oJ lIis pvocess in LiIevl, voI. i, no. 5.
n See Spoonev's Lellev lo Ovovev CIeveIand.
ing oJ lIe naiI, in vaiIva and leIegvapI Iusiness, as in evev-
lIing eIse, lIe Jillesl inslilulions and conpanies viII suvvive.
TIese vesuIls-lIe IanisInenl oJ cvine, lIe eIininalion oJ
povevl, pvospevil so gveal and genevaII diJJused lIal lIe
speclve vIicI MaIlIus vaised viII nevev veluvn lo aJJvigIl
sociel, pevJecl soIidavil conIined vilI pevJecl individuaIil,
lIe lvue Iavnon oJ inlevesls, lIe veign oJ vigIleousness, lIe
goIden age, lIe niIIenniun -viII Ie veaIized and nade pevna-
nenl, nol I nuIlipIing lIe Ionds vIicI unile sociel, nol I
incveasing adninislvalive nacIinev and slvenglIening lIe len-
dencies lovavd cenlvaIizalion, as lIe sociaIisls pvopose, Iul I
pevJecl decenlvaIizalion, I deslvoing aII poIilicaI Ionds and
Ieaving onI lIe individuaI, aninaled and guided I inleIIigenl
egoisn. In a sociel lIus vegenevaled lIe anavcIisls expecl
lIal lIeiv sslen oJ agilalion viII cuIninale.
III. TIe Connunislic AnavcIisls.
TIe IndividuaIislic AnavcIisls accovdingI pvoJess lo Iave
vev IillIe in connon vilI lIe InlevnalionaIisls. TIe Iallev ave
Connunislic AnavcIisls. TIe Iovvov lIeiv anaIsis oJ ex-
isling sociaI condilions Jvon Mavx, ov nove accuvaleI Jvon lIe
connunislic naniJeslo issued I Mavx and EngeIs in I847.1
In lIe oId InlevnalionaI WovIingnan's associalion lIe con-
sliluled lIe IeJl ving, vIicI, vilI ils Ieadev, BaIunine, vas
expeIIed in I872. Lalev lIe JoIIovevs oJ Mavx, lIe sociaIisls
pvopev, disIanded, and since I883 lIe InlevnalionaI in lIis
counlv Ias Ieen conlvoIIed vIoII I lIe anavcIisls.2 TIeiv
vievs and nelIods ave siniIav lo lIose vIicI BaIunine visIed
lo cavv oul I neans oJ Iis UnivevsaI AIIiance, and vIicI
exisl nove ov Iess deJinileI in lIe ninds oJ Bussian NiIiIisls.
LiIe BaIunine, lIe desive lo ovganize an inlevnalionaI vevoIu-
lionav novenenl oJ lIe IaIoving cIasses, lo nainlain il I
neans oJ conspivac and, as soon as possiIIe, lo Iving aIoul a
In FveiIeil lIe naniJeslo is conslanlI veJevved lo as oJ lIe Jivsl inpovlance.
See pvoceedings oJ FillsIuvg Congvess, I883, and lIe naniJeslo lIeve issued
in FveiIeil, Ocl. 22 and 27, I883. AIso EI's LaIov Movenenl in Anevica, p. 228,
and appendix.
genevaI insuvveclion. In lIis va, vilI lIe IeIp oJ expIosives,
poisons and nuvdevous veapons oJ aII Iinds, lIe Iope lo de-
slvo aII exisling inslilulions, eccIesiaslicaI, civiI and econonic.
Upon lIe snoIing vuins lIe viII evecl lIe nev and pevJecl
sociel.' OnI a Jev veeIs ov nonlIs viII Ie necessav lo
naIe lIe lvansilion. Buving lIal line lIe IaIovevs viII laIe
possession oJ aII Iands, IuiIdings, inslvunenls oJ pvoduclion
and dislviIulion. WilI lIese in lIeiv possession, and vilIoul
lIe inlevposilion oJ govevnnenl, lIe viII ovganize inlo associa-
lions ov gvoups Jov lIe puvpose oJ cavving on lIe vovI oJ
sociel. To KvapolIine and lIe conlinenlaI anavcIisls lIe
connune appeavs Iesl suiled lo Iecone lIe cenlve oJ ovganiza-
lion. TIe idea oJ lIe Bussian niv, ov oJ lIe pvinilive viIIage
connunil, is aIso vev allvaclive lo lIen. TIe vouId cavv
lIe pvincipIe oJ IocaI seIJ-govevnnenl lo an exlvene. TIe
vouId Iave no cenlvaIized conlvoI Ieond lIal pevlaining lo lIe
viIIage ov cil, and, vilIin lIal, lIe acluaI exevcise oJ aulIovil
sIouId Ie veslvicled as Jav as possiIIe. A nenIev, iJ dis-
salisJied, vouId Ie aIIoved lo velive al an line and join anolIev
connune. TIe nenIevs oJ lIe connune vouId joinlI con-
lvoI aII ils pvopevl and Iusiness. FevJecl connunil oJ veIa-
lions vouId exisl vilIin eacI gvoup. TIe spivil oJ enlevpvise
vouId Ie Iepl up I conpelilion Ielveen lIe connunes ov asso-
cialions. TIe Iavgev ones vouId conlain vilIin lIenseIves
pvoduclive gvoups enougI Jov lIe salisJaclion oJ neavI aII lIe
needs oJ lIeiv inIaIilanls. WIeve sucI sIouId nol Ie lIe case,
connodilies couId Ie oIlained I inlev-connunaI lvaJJic. TIe
induslviaI Ionds lIus eslaIIisIed vouId pvevenl slviJe and vav.
TIus univevsaI peace vouId pvevaiI aJlev lIe JinaI calaslvopIe
oJ vevoIulion vas passed, and I no possiIiIil couId lIe slale,
Fov JuII delaiIs as lo lIe pvopaganda oJ deed, see lIe JiIes oJ Mosl's FveiIeil:
lIe CIicago AIavn and AvIeilev-Zeilung: and Mosl's Science oJ BevoIulionav Wav-
Jave, an oulIine oJ vIicI vas pvinled as a pavl oJ lIe leslinon in lIe AnavcIisls'
case al CIicago. TIe leslinon in lIal case is given in oulIine in NovlIeaslevn
Bepovlev, voI. 12. TIe speecIes oJ lIe anavcIisls and a Iislov oJ lIe lviaI |Javov-
aIIe lo lIe condenned) Ias Ieen issued I lIe SociaIislic FuIIisIing Sociel oJ
CIicago. - In IooI Jovn, lIe nosl inpovlanl slalenenl oJ lIe pvogvanne oJ lIe
Connunislic AnavcIisls is KvapolIine's FavoIes d'un BevoIle, Favis,
See aIso
EI's LaIov Movenenl in Anevica, and LaveIee's SociaIisne conlenpovaine.
lIe sslen oJ Jovce, vevive. TIis is lIe ideaI oJ lIe Con-
nunislic AnavcIisls.' Il is lIe sslen oJ econonic JedevaIisn
lIe suIslilulion oJ lIe Jvee conpelilion oJ IocaI gvoups, IoIding,
pvopevl in
Jov lIe conpIex sociaI ovdev vIicI nov
exisls. WilIin lIis sociaI ovdev, nalions and nalionaI Iale viII
no Iongev exisl: a puveI econonic veginne viII laIe lIeiv pIace
and naIe poIilicaI slvuggIe inpossiIIe. Il is cIained lIal lIis
is essenliaII diJJevenl Jvon aII lIe oIdev connunislic scIenes,
Iecause vilI lIe deslvuclion oJ lIe slale and oJ veIigion lIe
Iasis upon vIicI aulIovil couId vesl vouId Ie enliveI ve-
noved. TIe eavIiev vvilevs and expevinenlevs, IiIe BaIceuJ,
CaIel, Oven, ave caIIed slale connunisls, Iecause lIe pvo-
posed lo eslaIIisI lIeiv sslen vilI lIe aid oJ govevnnenl ov
undev ils gvanls and pvoleclion. TIis Ialev pIan is puveI anav-
cIislic. TIe eavIiev aposlIes vouId deslvo IiIevl: lIe Ialev
vouId pvesevve il in a pevJecl Jovn, naIe il consislenl vilI a
slaIIe sociel, and Iavnonize il vilI lIe gvealesl possiIIe
We desive no pvopevl. AII lIal exisls upon lIe eavlI nusl sevve Jov lIe salis-
Jaclion oJ lIe needs oJ aII. TIe appvopvialion oJ lIese lIings, -oJ Iand, nines,
nacIines, and in genevaI oJ aII inslvunenls vIicI conlviIule lovavd pvoducing lIe
necessilies oJ nanIind, vIicI sIouId sevve lIe connunil, and vIicI can Ie pvoduced
onI I lIe co-opevalive eJJovls oJ aII Iunanil, - lIe appvopvialion oJ lIese lIings
as lIe pvopevl oJ individuaIs ov oJ cevlain gvoups is lIe velaining oJ lIen lo lIe
excIusion oJ lIeiv vigIlJuI possessov, lIe connunil, il is voIIev connilled againsl
lIe Iallev. We vouId see il aIoIisIed. IJ aII lIe inslvunenls oJ pvoduclion veve
once vesloved lo lIe possession oJ lIe connunil, lIen vouId lIe Iallev I a valionaI
sslen oJ ovganizalion cave Jov lIe salisJaclion oJ Iunan needs, so lIal aII nen vIo
ave aIIe lo vovI couId Ie suppIied vilI useJuI occupalion, and evev one couId
secuve lIe neans necessav lo an exislence vovlI oJ a Iunan Ieing. . . . Bul
vilI pvivale pvopevl viII disappeav al once lIe cIieJ suppovls oJ aII civiI aulIovil.
Fov onI upon lIe gvadalion oJ cIasses vIicI pvivale pvopevl pvoduces couId lIal
inslvunenl oJ popuIav oppvession, lIe slale, Ie evecled. FveiIeil, Ocl. 31, I883.
WIal ve ave slviving aJlev is sinpI and cIeavI I. TIe deslvuclion oJ lIe
exisling cIass vuIe, and lIal I lIe use oJ aII possiIIe neans, I enevgelic, piliIess,
inlevnalionaI vevoIulion. 2. TIe eslaIIisInenl oJ a Jvee sociel Iased upon con-
nunil oJ goods. 3. Associalive ovganizalion oJ pvoduclion. 4. Fvee excIange oJ
pvoducls oJ equaI vaIue I lIe pvoduclive associalions lIenseIves, vilIoul niddIenen
ov pvoJils.
TIe ovganizalion oJ educalion upon an aIlvuislic, scienliJic, and equaI
Iasis Jov IolI sexes. 6. BeguIalion oJ aII puIIic aJJaivs I lIe Jvee sociaI conlvacls
oJ aulononous connunes and associalions vesling upon a JedevaIislic Iasis.
FveiIeil, Ocl. 13, I883.
NVIiIe connunisn viII Jovn lIe Iasis oJ lIe Juluve sociel, anavcI, aIsence oJ
govevnnenl, is lIe Juluve Jovn oJ puIIic ovganizalion. FveiIleil, Bec. 15, 1883.
TIe diJJevence Ielveen lIe ideaIs oJ lIese lvo Iodies oJ
anavcIisls, vIen lvaced IacI lo ils souvce, seens lo spving
Jvon lIis. FvoudIon, in Iis seavcI Jov lIe vool oJ sociaI eviI,
Iil upon lIe pvincipIe oJ aulIovil, oJ nonopoI and pviviIege
suppovled I il and indissoIuII connecled vilI il. IJ lIal
couId Ie evadicaled, pvivale pvopevl vouId no Iongev Ie JvaugIl
vilI Iavn and nigIl conlinue. TIal vas lIe ovdev oJ Iis
lIougIl. AII sociaIisls, Iovevev, Jvon BodIevlus and Mavx
dovn, Iave consideved pvivale pvopevl and conpelilion lo Ie
lIe cause oJ povevl and lIe eviI enlaiIed lIeveI. TIe Iave
nol gone IacI oJ pvopevl and conpelilion lo Jind lIe souvce oJ
lIeiv pevvevsion in lIe IegaI sslen vIicI sanclions and up-
IoIds lIen. TIeveJove lIe JoIIovevs oJ FvoudIon pvinaviI
allacI lIe slale and pvoceed Jvon lIal lo lIeiv cvilicisn oJ
pvopevl vigIl. On lIe olIev Iand lIe Connunislic Anav-
cIisls divecl lIeiv cIieJ assauIls againsl pvivale pvopevl, and
lIvougI lIose ave Ied lo seeI lIe enlive ovevlIvov oJ lIe slale.
FvoudIon veaII Ieaves lIe individuaI nenIev oJ Iis vegenevaled
sociel vilI onI lIe vigIl oJ possession, oJ usuJvucl condilioned
upon Iis suIovdinaling Iis inlevesl lo lIe connon veaI. WIal
veslviclions lIis vouId pvaclicaII Iead lo, neilIev Ie nov an oJ
Iis JoIIovevs, so Jav as I Inov, Iave evev sIovn.1 On lIe olIev
Iand lIe InlevnalionaIisls, lIougI IeIieving lIal IilIevlo Jovce
Ias Ieen lIe inslvunenl oJ aII Iunan pvogvess, el pvolesl
lIal il viII Ie IanisIed Jvon sociel vIen ovganized accovding
lo lIeiv ideaI. AIsence oJ govevnnenl, HevvscIaJlsIoszgIeil, is
lIeiv ideaI, as veII as lIal oJ lIe discipIes oJ FvoudIon. TIe
decIavalion oJ pvincipIes issued I lIe InlevnalionaI in I883
slaled lIal lIe econonic Junclions oJ sociel sIouId Ie pev-
Jovned I Jvee associalions, and lIal lIe sIouId aIso sI
Jvee sociaI conlvacls

veguIale aII puIIic aJJaivs. TIe lend-
enc oJ lIeiv vvilings seens lo Ie in suIslanliaI Iavnon vilI
In an ediloviaI in LiIevl, voI. i, no. 3, ave lIe JoIIoving slalenenls

We do
nol IeIieve lIal an one can sland aIone. We do visI sociaI lies and guavanlees.
We visI aII lIeve ave. We IeIieve in Iunan soIidavil. We IeIieve lIal nenIevs
oJ sociel ave inlevdependenl. We vouId pvesevve lIese inlevdependencies unlvan-
neIIed and invioIale, Iul ve Iave JailI in naluvaI Jovces. TIe sociaIisls visI a
nanuJacluved soIidavil, ve ave salisJied vilI a soIidavil inIevenl in lIe univevse.
lIis.1 TIe lvulI seens lo Ie lIal lIe one pavl Ias Ieen Ied I
ils aIIovvence oJ aulIovil lo diIule ils connunisn, vIiIe lIe
olIev, lo vavd oJJ lIe cIavge lIal ils lIeov Ieads lo a IeIIun
onniun conlva onnes, Ias IeJl lIe va open Jov a pIenliJuI
inJusion oJ puIIic spivil and Iunanilavian nolives. TIe vesuIl
is lIal, vilI lIe pevJecled individuaI vIon lIe IolI conlen-
pIale, lIe ideaI sociaI slales oJ lIe lvo anavcIislic scIooIs, iJ
evev veaIized, vouId Ie vev siniIav. BolI nusl Jvon lIe
necessilies oJ lIe case laIe IavgeI lIe Jovn oJ voIunlav asso-
cialion.2 IJ on lIe olIev Iand lIe individuaI venained inpev-
Jecl, a'ninaled vev oJlen I passion, anIilion, and lIe Iovev
Jovns oJ seIJ-inlevesl, lIe sslen oJ JedevaIisn vouId neces-
saviI degenevale inlo lIe slviclesl connunisn, vIiIe lIe ss-
len oJ individuaI soveveignl vouId pIunge sociel inlo lIe
vovsl eviIs oJ unveslvicled conpelilion. In eilIev case lIe
veslovalion oJ lIe slale in sone Jovn vouId Ie a necessil.
Yel, vIalevev na Ie lvue oJ lIeiv ideaIs, lIe nelIods oJ
veacIing lIen vIicI ave advocaled and pvaclised I lIe lvo
anavcIislic scIooIs ave vIoII diJJevenl. TIe one expecls lo
allain success lIvougI a Iong pvocess oJ peaceJuI evoIulion
cuIninaling in pevJecl individuaIisn. AIlIougI exlveneI Ios-
liIe lo lIe cIuvcI, lIeiv pvogvanne, so Jav as il concevns Iunan
veIalions, is essenliaII CIvislian.3 CIvislianil Jivsl posiled
lIe individuaI as dislincl Jvon sociel, and Iegan lIe pvocess
oJ Jveeing Iin Jvon lIe veslvainls oJ lIe ancienl poIilicaI ss-
len. TIe slvongesl IislovicaI inpuIse lovavd lIe pevJeclion oJ
lIe individuaI Ias cone Jvon CIvislianil. TIe IndividuaIislic
AnavcIisls sIov ils inJIuence nosl cIeavI, Jov lIeve is a decided
linge oJ QuaIevisn in lIeiv allilude lovavd lIe slale.4 Bul
See vavious avlicIes in FveiIeil, I885 and I886, conlaining a discussion vilI lIe
IndividuaIislic AnavcIisls. AIso KvapolIine's vvilings, especiaII lvo avlicIes I
Iin in TIe NineleenlI Cenluv Jov I887.
2 FvoudIon in Bu Fvincipe FedevaliJ, 1863, slaled al IenglI Iis IeIieJ lIal lIe
uIlinale sociaI sslen vouId Ie one oJ voIunlav associalions Jov speciJic puvposes,
eacI nenIev velaining Iis independence lo lIe JuIIesl possiIIe exlenl. He aIso
cIained lIal IocaI povevs vouId incvease as sociel advanced, so lIal in lIe end
IiIevl vouId vin a conpIele viclov ovev aulIovil.
TIe nusl agvee vilI nan oJ lIe ideas expvessed I ToIsloi in M BeIigion.
See BancvoJl's accounl oJ lIe pvincipIes oJ lIe QuaIevs, Hislov oJ lIe Uniled
lIe Connunislic AnavcIisls ave vevoIulioinisls oJ lIe nosl
vioIenl sovl. TIe Jovn lIe exlvene IeJl ving oJ lIe nodevn
vevoIulionav novenenl. TIe leacI naleviaIisn and alIeisn
in lIeiv nosl vevoIling Jovns. TIe nelIod vIicI lIe pvopose
lo use Jov lIe deslvuclion oJ sociel and lIe inslilulion oJ lIe
nev ovdev is IenealI scienliJic considevalion. Il is Jil onI lo
Ie deaIl vilI I lIe poIice and lIe couvls. Il JuvnisIes lIe
slvongesl possiIIe pvooJ oJ lIe necessil oJ aulIovil and oJ
a govevnnenl lo enJovce il. TIus lIe pIols oJ one Iod oJ lIe
anavcIisls ave anong lIe nosl sevious oIslacIes in lIe va oJ
sociel evev Ieing aIIe lo assune lIal Jovn vIicI lIe olIev
gvoup desives.
IV. ConcI,sious.
Having slaled as oIjecliveI as possiIIe lIe lIcov oJ an-
avcIisn, vIal is lo Ie said concevning il?
In lIe Jivsl pIace il is useIess lo cIain lIal il is vIoII a Jov-
eign pvoducl, and Jov lIal veason lo cIanov Jov veslviclioins upon
innigvalion. Nevspapev ullevances on lIis pIase oJ lIe suI-
jecl Iave consisled loo IavgeI oJ appeaIs lo ignovance and
pvejudice. TIeve pvoIaII ave good veasons vI innigvalion
sIouId Ie veslvicled, Iul lIis sIouId veigI vev IigIlI anong
lIen. Il
a sniIe vIen ve lIinI lIal lIe agilalion
cavvied on I a Jev lIousand anavcIisls
pvoIaII nol nove
lIan len lIousand in aII
sIouId Jovce lIis peopIe lo cIange
ils poIic in so inpovlanl a nallev as lIal oJ innigvalion. SucI
a suggeslion goes lo conJivn vIal lIe sociaIisls sa aIoul lIe
covavdice oJ lIe Iouivgcoisie. And lIen, unIess lIe veslviclions
veve nade so seveve as lo cIecI lIe peopIing oJ lIis counlv,
lIe spvead oJ anavcIisn vouId nol Ie pvevenled. SucI cvude
neans do nol veacI lIe seal oJ opinion. AnavcIisn, so Jav
as il Ias a scienliJic Iasis, is, IiIe sociaIisn, a naluvaI pvoducl
oJ ouv econonic and poIilicaI condilions. Il is lo Ie lvealed as
sucI, IolI lIeovelicaII and pvaclicaII. AnavcIisn is a pvoducl
Slales, voI. ii, pp. 336-355
InleIIecluaI Jveedon, lIe supvenac oJ nind, univevsaI
lIese lIvee poinls incIude lIe vIoIe oJ QuaIevisn, as Jav as il
IeIongs lo civiI Iislov.
oJ denocvac. Il is as nucI al Ione on Anevican soiI as on
Euvopean. TIe genevaI IeIieJ lo lIe conlvav is one oJ lIe
suvvivaIs oJ lIe nolion lIal Fvovidence Ias voucIsaJed us a
pecuIiav cave and an especiaI enIigIlennenl. IJ ve visIed lo
avgue lIal anavcIisn is a pecuIiav and cIavaclevislic Anevican
pvoducl, veasons vouId nol Ie IacIing. Ouv poIilicaI sslen is
Iased on lIe ideas oJ IiIevl and equaIil. TIe ninds and lIe
vvilings oJ ouv vevoIulionav Ievoes veve JuII oJ lIe lIeov oJ
naluvaI vigIls and sociaI conlvacl. TIe Joundev oJ one oJ ouv
poIilicaI pavlies vas a Iiving enIodinenl oJ lIal lIeov. TIe
anavcIisls asI Jov no Iellev slalenenl oJ lIeiv pvenises lIan
lIe opening senlences oJ lIe BecIavalion oJ Independence.
Fvon lIe slandpoinl oJ lIe doclvine oJ naluvaI vigIls, il is
inpossiIIe lo ovevlIvov lIeiv avgunenl. TIeovelicaII no JauIl
can Ie Jound vilI lIe va in vIicI FvoudIon deaIl vilI
Bousseau, nov vilI Iis slalenenl oJ vIal Ie consideved lo Ie
lIe lvue doclvine. Bul FvoudIon I Iis anaIsis sIoved lIe
lolaI IacI oJ IislovicaI Iasis Jov lIe lIeov in an Jovn, and al
lIe sane line ils pvaclicaI aIsuvdil. Il appeavs, lIen, lIal
ve nigIl expecl lIeovelicaI anavcIisn lo oviginale eilIev in
Fvance ov in Anevica, Iecause in lIose counlvies lIe nolion oJ
sociaI conlvacl Ias pIaed lIe gvealesl v6Ie. As a nallev oJ
Jacl, il oviginaled independenlI and al aIoul lIe sane line
in IolI, in lIe ninds oJ FvoudIon and oJ JosiaI Wavven, and,
Ieaving Bussia Jov good veasons oul oJ lIe accounl, in lIese
counlvies il Ias oIlained nosl oJ ils adIevenls. TIen ouv
econonic condilions, in lIe nining and nanuJacluving dislvicls
and Iavge cilies, ave so Jav siniIav lo lIose oJ lIe oId vovId, lIal
lIe na veII occasion, vIen conIined vilI lIe nove inde-
pendenl spivil pvevaiIing Ieve, lIe vise oJ lIeovies vev exlvene
in lIeiv naluve. FinaII, lIe JauIls in ouv poIilicaI sslen,
especiaII in nunicipaI govevnnenl and in lIe veIalions Ielveen
vepvesenlalives oJ lIe peopIe and covpovalions, ave sucI as lo
give a cevlain anounl oJ jusliJicalion lo lIe cvilicisns oJ lIe
anavcIisls. TIese lIings JuvnisI lIe Jood upon vIicI sucI
cvilicisn lIvives. IJ ve visI lo Jind lIe souvce oJ anavcIisn,
ve sIouId conlenpIale lIe exlvenes oJ povevl and veaIlI
vIicI Jace eacI olIev in aII ouv cenlves oJ popuIalion: veigI
lIe avvogance, IvulaIil and vice, vIicI pvevaiI loo nucI in lIe
enpIoing cIass, ovev againsl lIe disappoinlnenl, IopeIessness,
and posilive suJJeving so connon anong lIe enpIoed: slud,
unliI il is deJinile and cIeav, lIe picluve oJ nanipuIaled caucuses,
puvcIased IaIIols and JaIsiJied veluvns, oJ IviIev, divecl ov
indivecl, in lIe IaIIs oJ IegisIalion, oJ poIilicaI deaIs vIevein
lIe inlevesls oJ lIe IocaIil ov lIe counlv ave sacviJiced Jov
pavl success, oJ eJJovls on lIe pavl oJ lIe gveal najovil oJ
puIIic nen lo secuve pavl lviunpI valIev lIan lIe counlv's
veaI: and considev, JinaII, lIe supevJiciaI naluve oJ lIe ques-
lions al issue in neavI aII poIilicaI conlesls. In cevlain quav-
levs oJ lIis counlv, sucI is lIe vapidil vilI vIicI one poIilicaI
scandaI JoIIovs anolIev, so gveal lIe nunIev oJ cvines oJ a
seni-puIIic naluve, so inlense and essenliaII IvulaI lIe slvuggIe
Jov veaIlI and povev, lIal one is al lines aInosl lenpled lo
sa vilI FvoudIon lIal ve ave Iiving in a slale oJ anavcI.
Ouv civiIizalion al ils gveal cenlves Ias a davI side, and an
excIusive conlenpIalion oJ lIis side viII naIe a pessinisl oJ an
nan. A pvoJound dissalisJaclion vilI vev nucI lIal exisls
in ouv poIilicaI and sociaI sslen is videspvead anong ouv nosl
inleIIigenl popuIalion. TIose vIo vouId IooI lo lIe slale Jov
a cevlain anounl oJ eJJicienl aid in soIving lIe deepev pvoIIens
lIal conJvonl us ave aIvas nel I lIe lIougIl iJ lIis pIan
sIouId Ie cavvied oul, il viII enIavge lIe spIeve oJ poIilicaI cov-
vuplion and open anolIev JieId Jov pavlisansIip. We Iad Iellev
nol incvease lIe donain oJ slale aclion liII ve Iave a Iellev
ovganized slale. TIe pvevaIenl dislvusl oJ ouv IegisIalive Iodies
Jinds ullevance in aII nevspapevs and peviodicaIs and even in
lIe slale conslilulions lIenseIves. TIese ave pIenonena lo
vIicI il is useIess, na dangevous, lo sIul ouv ees. TIe cv
oJ senlinenlaIisn viII nol IvusI lIen aside. TIe ave langiIIe
Jacls, as veaI as lIose ceIeIvaled in lIe song oJ lviunpIanl
Bul, adnilling lIal ouv civiIizalion is lIus inpevJecl, does
lIal pvove lIal il is vIoII Iad ov lIal anavcIisn Ias anlIing
Iellev lo oJJev ? Il is noliceaIIe lIal lIe anavcIisl, in cavving
on Iis cvusade againsl lIe slale, avaiIs IinseIJ oJ lIe Jveedon
oJ lIe pvess and assenII, and oJ lIe pvoleclion vIicI lIe slale
gives lo Iis pevson and pvopevl so Iong as Ie does nol allenpl
lo deslvo lIe IiJe ov pvopevl oJ anIod eIse. He aIso uses
lIe posl oJJice, lIe leIegvapI, lIe vaiIva and aII olIev neans
al Iand Jov spveading inleIIigence. He uses lIe pvinling pvess,
a good quaIil oJ papev, and novaIIe nelaI lpe. In aII Iis
daiI IiJe Ie enpIos connodilies and Iives in IuiIdings vIicI
Iave Ieen pvoduced ov conslvucled undev lIe capilaIislic ss-
len oJ pvoduclion, guavanleed I lIe slale. He naIes use oJ
InovIedge and pvaclicaI expevience, JovnuIales scienliJic lvulIs,
enpIos avgunenls and iIIuslvalions, appeaIs lo novaI ideas and
nolives, vIicI Iave Ieen deveIoped in sociel and Iave Iecone
ils connon possession since lIe slale cane inlo exislence.
BeaII lIe vIoIe suIslvalun oJ Iis vovI, naleviaI, nenlaI, and
novaI, is JuvnisIed I a poIilicaII ovganized sociel. TIe
vanlage gvound on vIicI Ie slands, and Jvon vIicI Ie vovIs,
is nol oJ Iis ovn conslvuclion, Iul Ias Ieen IuiIl Jov Iin I
lIe IaIov oJ aII lIe pveceding genevalions. TIese diJJevenl
cIasses oJ Jacls, vIicI ve Iave space onI lo Iinl al, vepvesenl
lIe pvogvess oJ civiIizalion IilIevlo: lIe conslilule ils Javov-
aIIe side, and sIouId Ie navsIaIIed ovev againsl lIe vvongs
and eviIs nenlioned aIove. Hov did lIe anavcIisl gel lIe con-
ceplion oJ lIe indeJinile pevJecliIiIil oJ nan, excepl lIvougI a
InovIedge oJ vIal Ias aIvead Ieen acconpIisIed? TIe civiI-
ized nan is so Jav in advance oJ lIe savage lIal ve can scavceI
neasuve lIe diJJevence. Bul aII lIis pvogvess Ias Ieen nade
since govevnnenl oviginaled: nosl oJ il IeJove lIe dogna oJ
popuIav soveveignl vas evev Ieavd oJ. Il vas acIieved in
ages vIen lIe conlvoI oJ lIe slale veacIed lIe innevnosl con-
cevns oJ lIe individuaI, vIen in Jacl lIe conceplion oJ an indi-
viduaI apavl Jvon lIe slale and lIe ovganic vIoIe oJ sociel vas
nol Inovn. SIaII I nol lIen inJev lIal lIe slale, lIe pvincipIe
oJ aulIovil, is lIe cause oJ aII good? WouId il nol Ie quile as
IogicaI and jusliJiaIIe as lo avgue lIal il is lIe cause oJ aII eviI ?
WouId nol lIe Jovnev concIusion sland lIe lesl oJ IislovicaI ex-
aninalion quile as veII as lIe Iallev ? In lIe one case lIe in-
duclion vouId Ie quile as salisJaclov as in lIe olIev.
Bul lIis vIoIe nelIod oJ veasoning, vIalevev lIe puvpose Jov
vIicI il is used, is JaIIacious. No sociaI ov poIilicaI inslilulion,
no Jovn oJ ovganizalion, is in ilseIJ vesponsiIIe
Jov aII lIe eviIs
oJ sociel. TIe aIIeged cause is nol adequale lo pvoduce lIe
vesuIl. Heve is one oJ lIe JalaI evvovs in lIe enlive sociaIislic
and anavcIislic avgunenl. Ouv Jviends oJ lIal
va oJ
induIge in a gveal deaI oJ denuncialion: Iul did lIe evev sIov
lIal lIe exislence oJ lIe slale and oJ pvivale pvopevl naIes A
cvueI, B Iicenlious, C avavicious, vIen lIe vouId nol Ie so lo
a gvealev ov Iess degvee undev an conceivaIIe ovganizalion
oJ sociel? TIe souvce oJ vIal ve caII sociaI eviI is in lIe
individuaI and in lIe Iinilalions oJ exlevnaI naluve. Fovns oJ
sociaI ovganizalion Iave lIeiv inJIuence, Iul il is vIoII suI-
ovdinale lo lIese cavdinaI Jacls. Inpvovenenl can Ie nade I
civiIizing lIe individuaI and adapling Iis. sociaI suvvoundings lo
Iis enIavged needs, Iul pvogvess is inevilaII condilioned I lIe
Jovces oJ lIe vovId vilIin us and lIe vovId avound us.
TIe pevJeclion oJ lIe individuaI is lIeveJove an idIe dvean.
Man Ias Iived Jov al Ieasl six lIousand eavs upon lIe eavlI,
and, aJlev naIing aIIovance Jov aII lIe cIanges caused I in-
cveasing civiIizalion, lIe JundanenlaI cIavaclevislics oJ Iunan
naluve venain lIe sane. Man Ias lIe aninaI quaIilies con-
Iined vilI lIe spiviluaI. He needs Jood, sIeIlev and vesl. In
lIe slvuggIe lo oIlain lIe connodilies vIicI viII suppI lIese
vanls, Ie is oJlen doninaled I lIe vovsl Jovns oJ seIJisIness
and passion. Because lIe suppI oJ lIe necessilies and conJovls
oJ IiJe is al Ieasl veIaliveI Iiniled, nen nonopoIize lIen. TIen
lIe deveIopnenl oJ sociaI inequaIil Iegins. TIe degvee oJ
InovIedge, JovesigIl, seIJ-conlvoI vIicI nen possess is Iiniled
and exceedingI vaviaIIe. TIe vesuIls vIicI lIe acIieve diJJev
in pvopovlion. Viev lIen as ve na, lIese, and olIevs IiIe
lIen, ave pvinIav Jacls: lIe Iie Ieond lIe veacI oJ Jovns oJ
ovganizalion. TIe ave aIvas lo Ie laIen Jov gvanled in dis-
cussing an sociaI sslen, vIelIev veaI ov ideaI. Evev scIene
oJ veJovn nusl adapl ilseIJ lo lIen. TIeveJove no divecl pvac-
licaI IeneJil can Ie devived Jvon inagining a Jovn oJ sociel
vIeve pevJecl juslice, IiIevl, and equaIil na co-exisl, and
lIen appIing il as a cvilevion lo lIe exisling ovdev. TIeve is
so IillIe siniIavil Ielveen lIe cvilevion and lIe sslen judged,
lIal no salisJaclov concIusions can Ie dvavn. We nusl deaI
vilI veaIilies and puvsue nelIods oJ veJovn vIicI consevve and
pvonole aII lIe Iesl inlevesls oJ sociel. TIis na Ie nodesl
and unallvaclive, Iul il is lIe onI lvue ov JvuilJuI nelIod. We
adnil lIal sociel is inpevJecl, Iul lIe cause oJ inpevJeclion
Iies IacI oJ sociel. IJ lIe inslilulion oJ pvivale pvopevl ve-
suIls in unnecessav inequaIil, il is Iecause il is conlvoIIed I
inpevJecl nen. So il vouId Ie iJ ve Iived in voIunlav asso-
cialions, ov undev an olIev inaginaIIe sslen. IndividuaIs
vouId venain essenliaII lIe sane, and lIe oId pIenonena
oJ inequaIil vouId conlinue. TIe inlvoduclion oJ FvoudIon's
sslen oJ cvedil vouId Ie acconpanied I a gveal JinanciaI
cvisis, lIe vesuIl oJ inJIalion. Il vouId lend lo naIe inJIalion
cIvonic. TIe scIene, as conceived I Spoonev, vouId vovI
nucI as viId-cal IanIing did IeJove lIe cvises oJ I8I9 and
I837. AJlev sucI convuIsions in lIe Iusiness vovId, inlevesl
vouId Ie cevlain lo veappeav, and il vouId Ie lIe saIvalion oJ
sociel iJ il did. As nen ave, and ave evev IiIeI lo Ie, lo
lIvov oJJ veslvainl vouId Ie equivaIenl lo lIe veaIizalion in
sociel oJ lIe Bavvinian slvuggIe Jov exislence and suvvivaI oJ
lIe Jillesl. TIis does nol open an allvaclive pvospecl in an
evenl. TIe lvouIIe vilI us nov, especiaII in lIe vovIings oJ
ouv poIilicaI sslen, is lIal lIe puveI individuaIislic nolives
ave given loo JuII sving. TIe cause oJ poIilicaI covvuplion is
lIe pvedoninance oJ seIJ-seeIing ovev puIIic spivil.
Fov a jusliJicalion oJ lIe slale ve need nol conslvucl an
avliJiciaI lIeov, IiIe lIal oJ naluvaI vigIls and sociaI conlvacl.
Il cane inlo exislence vilI lIe davn oJ sociel: il is as oId as
lIe individuaI. TIe exislence oJ sociel vilIoul il, lIal is
vilIoul ovganizalion and povev in lIe ovganisn lo enJovce con-
Jovnil lo lIe necessilies oJ IiJe and gvovlI, vouId nol onI Ie
conlvav lo aII expevience, Iul is aIsoIuleI unlIinIaIIe. To
conceive sociel vilIoul govevnnenl,
lIe anavcIisls Iave lo
conslvucl an inaginav individuaI: and even in lIis inaginav
individuaI lIeve is lIe possiIiIil
IncI Iav and oJ lIe evoIu-
lion oJ juv lviaI and slale pvisons. We see no pvospecl al
pvesenl oJ lIe Iapse oJ sociel inlo lIe KIeinslaalevei oJ lIe oId
Oevnan Enpive, ov inlo a slale vIeve aII puIIic queslions viII
Iave lo Ie decided I FoIisI pavIianenls vilI lIe IiIevun velo
in JuII opevalion.
SliII, pvaclicaII lIe onI ansvev lo lIal vIicI is veasonaIIe
and jusl in lIe anavcIislic avgunenl is lIe puvsuance oJ vigovous
neasuves oJ poIilicaI and sociaI veJovn, vIicI sIaII sveep ava
lIe eviIs anong us lIal ave degvading lo an civiIized peopIe.

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