Fire Mandate

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Prevention and Suppression of all destructive fires on buildings, houses and other similar structures; Forests; Airports;
Land Transportation vehicles and equipment; Ships docked at wharves; Petroleum industry installations; and other
similar incidents

Enforcement of the Fire Code;

Investigation of all causes of fire;

Assist AFP in times of National Emergencies;

Establish at least one fire station in each Local Government Unit nationwide with adequate personnel and equipage.


To prevent and suppress destructive fires, investigate its causes and provide emergency medical and rescue services,
and enforce other fire related laws with active involvement of the community.


A modern fire protection agency working towards a safe and progressive society

The Birth and Growth of the Fire Bureau
The enactment of Republic Act 6975, otherwise known as the Department of Interior and Local Government Act of 1990
which took effect on January 1, 1991 paved the way for the establishment of the Philippine National Police (PNP),
Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) and Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) as separate entities. Specifically,
the Fire Bureaus charter was created under Chapter IV (Section 53 to 59) and carried-out through the provisions of Rule
VII (Sections 49 to 58) of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of the said law. The organization was then placed
under the direct supervision of the DILG Undersecretary for Peace and Order. The succeeding approval of the
Appropriation Act of 1991 has also caused the inaugural operation of the Bureau of Fire Protection on August 2, 1991 as
a distinct agency of the government, with its initial preparation of Operation Plans and Budget (OPB) undertaken by the
staff of the Office of the National Chief Fire Marshal at Camp Crame, Quezon City headed by then F/Brigadier General
Ernesto Madriaga, INP (1990-1992) that took over from the long reign of F/Major Primo D Cordeta (Ret.) the first Chief
Fire Marshal (1978-1989). Gen. Madriagaserved as the BFP first Acting Fire Chief/Director from 1991 to 1992. BFP is
responsible for ensuring public safety through prevention and/or suppression of all destructive fires on buildings,
houses, and other similar structure, forests, and land transportation vehicles and equipment, ships/vessels docked at
piers, wharves or anchored at major seaports, petroleum industry installations. It is also responsible for the enforcement
of the Fire Code of the Philippines (PD 1185) and other related laws, conduct investigations involving fire incidents and
causes thereof including the filing of appropriate complaints/cases


Upon request, the Philippine National Police (PNP) shall render necessary assistance to the Chief, BFP or his duly
authorized representative on the following actions:
A. During actual firefighting operations and fire scene investigations;
B. Business closure and summary abatement proceedings;
C. Installation of signs that the building/structure is a fire hazard and/or firetrap;
D. Obstruction of designated fire lanes and fire hydrants;
E. Apprehension of violators/persons removing, destroying, tampering or obliterating warning signs and similar
abatement appurtenances; and
F. Such other duties and functions of the BFP which would essentially require police assistance.
Local Government Units (LGU) and other government agencies shall render necessary assistance on the following duties
of the BFP:
A. Strict observance of the requirement of fire safety measures for the issuance of Fire Safety Inspection Certificate
(FSIC) as a pre-requisite in the grant of and renewal of business, occupancy and other related permits/licenses. For this
purpose, the LGU and/or other government agencies concerned shall refrain from issuing such licenses and/or permits
without the applicant first securing an FSIC from the BFP;
B. Organization and training of fire brigades in all barangays in partnership with BFP to serve as first responders;
C. In summary abatements, closure and/or stoppage of operation of buildings/structures or portions thereof; and
D. Such other duties and functions of the BFP which would essentially require their assistance.
Other Law Enforcement Agencies, such as but not limited to, National Bureau of Investigation and Philippine National
Police Crime Laboratory shall, upon request, accommodate and render necessary assistance on the following functions
of the BFP:
A. Laboratory/physical examinations of the pieces of evidence gathered in the fire scene and submit the result thereof
to the Chief, BFP or his duly authorized representative, as the case may be;
B. In the investigation and prosecution of arson cases, appear as expert witness thereof;
C. Such other duties and functions of the BFP which require their expertise.
To institutionalize the areas of cooperation and coordination of the BFP with other departments, bureaus, agencies,
offices and corporations of the government, as well as private institutions, the BFP may enter into Memoranda of
Agreement with, but not limited to, the following:
A. National and Local Waterworks, for providing sufficient source of water, especially in times of fire or conflagration
and for the establishment of fire hydrants in strategic areas;
B. Electric Companies and Cooperatives, on the immediate cut-off of electric main lines/power lines during fires or
conflagration to avoid the danger of the people being electrocuted;
C. Department of Transportation and Communication (DOTC), on fire safety measures on all ports and land
transportation vehicle, traffic flow during fire operation and establishment of effective communication system for the
D. Department of Education (DepED), on institutionalizing the kiddie and junior fire marshal program in all pre-school,
elementary and secondary education levels;
E. Commission on Higher Education (CHED), on coordinating with state academic institutions to develop and promote
fire safety engineering courses and post graduate studies on fire science and technology and development of fire testing
F. Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), on instituting continuing development and enhancement of standards on fire
protection and related fire and life safety facilities, equipage and systems;
G. Technical Education Skills Development Authority (TESDA), on providing and enhancing technical skills and know-how
of BFP personnel and fire volunteer organizations as well as their subsequent accreditation/certification.
H. Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), on providing pertinent information in the field of
hazardous materials and hazardous waste management as well as collaboration on forest fire and life safety programs.
I. Such other government agencies, instrumentalities and subdivisions and non-government institutions, with respect to
future concerns as may be deemed necessary by the BFP in furtherance of the enforcement of the Fire Code and this

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