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CCNA 3 - Module 3

1. What statement about the 802.1q trunking protocol is true?

- 802.1q is Cisco proprietary.
- 802.1q frames are mapped to !"#s by $"C address.
- 802.1q does #%& require the 'C( of the original frame to be recalculated.
- 802.1q )ill not perform operations on frames that are for)arded out access ports.
2. Which t)o statements describe the benefits of !"#s? *Choose t)o.+
- !"#s impro,e net)ork performance by regulating flo) control and )indo) si-e.
- !"#s enable s)itches to route packets to remote net)orks ,ia !"# ./
- !"#s reduce net)ork cost by reducing the number of physical ports required on
- !"#s impro,e net)ork security by isolating users that ha,e access to sensiti,e
data and applications.
- !"#s di,ide a net)ork into smaller logical net)orks0 resulting in lo)er
susceptibility to broadcast storms.
1. What are t)o characteristics of !"#1 in a default s)itch configuration?
*Choose t)o.+
- !"#1 should renamed.
- !"# 1 is the management !"#.
- "ll s)itch ports are members of !"#1.
- %nly s)itch port 021 is assigned to !"#1.
- !inks bet)een s)itches must be members of !"#1.
3. 4efer to the e5hibit. (W1 and (W2 are ne) s)itches being installed in the
topology sho)n in the e5hibit. .nterface 'a021 on s)itch (W1 has been configured
)ith trunk mode 6on7. Which statement is true about forming a trunk link bet)een
the s)itches (W1 and (W2?
- .nterface 'a022 on s)itch (W2 )ill negotiate to become a trunk link if it supports
- .nterface 'a022 on s)itch (W2 can only become a trunk link if statically
configured as a trunk.
- .nterface 'a021 con,erts the neighboring link on the ad9acent s)itch into a trunk
link if the neighboring interface is configured in nonegotiate mode.
- .nterface 'a021 con,erts the neighboring link on the ad9acent s)itch into a trunk
link automatically )ith no consideration of the configuration on the neighboring
:. 4efer to the e5hibit. Computer 1 sends a frame to computer 3. %n )hich links
along the path bet)een computer 1 and computer 3 )ill a !"# ./ tag be included
)ith the frame?
- "
- "0 ;
- "0 ;0 /0 <
- "0 /0 '
- C0 =
- C0 =0 '
>. &he net)ork administrator )ants to separate hosts in ;uilding " into t)o
!"#s numbered 20 and 10. Which t)o statements are true concerning !"#
configuration? *Choose t)o.+
- &he !"#s may be named.
- !"# information is sa,ed in the startup configuration.
- #on-default !"#s created manually must use the e5tended range !"#
- &he net)ork administrator may create the !"#s in either global configuration
mode or !"# database mode.
- ;oth !"#s may be named ;?.!/.#<@" to distinguish them from other !"#s
in different geographical locations.
A. 4efer to the e5hibit. Which t)o conclusions can be dra)n regarding the s)itch
that produced the output sho)n? *Choose t)o.+
- &he net)ork administrator configured !"#s 1002-100:.
- &he !"#s are in the acti,e state and are in the process of negotiating
configuration parameters.
- " '//. trunk has been configured on this s)itch.
- &he command s)itchport access ,lan 20 )as entered in interface configuration
mode for 'ast =thernet interface 021.
- /e,ices attached to ports fa02: through fa028 cannot communicate )ith de,ices
attached to ports fa02B through fa0212 )ithout the use of a !ayer 1 de,ice.
8. What happens to the member ports of a !"# )hen the !"# is deleted?
- &he ports cannot communicate )ith other ports.
- &he ports default back to the management !"#.
- &he ports automatically become a part of !"#1.
- &he ports remain a part of that !"# until the s)itch is rebooted.
- &hey then become members of the management !"#.
B. " net)ork administrator is remo,ing se,eral !"#s from a s)itch. When the
administrator enters the no ,lan 1 command0 an error is recei,ed. Why did this
command generate an error?
- !"# 1 can ne,er be deleted.
- !"# 1 can only be deleted by deleting the ,lan.dat file.
- !"# 1 can not be deleted until all ports ha,e been remo,ed from it.
- !"# 1 can not be deleted until another !"# has been assigned its
10. What is the effect of the s)itchport mode dynamic desirable command?
- /&8 cannot negotiate the trunk since the nati,e !"# is not the default !"#.
- &he remote connected interface cannot negotiate a trunk unless it is also
configured as dynamic desirable.
- &he connected de,ices dynamically determine )hen data for multiple !"#s
must be transmitted across the link and bring the trunk up as needed.
- " trunk link is formed if the remote connected de,ice is configured )ith the
s)itchport mode dynamic auto or s)itchport mode trunk commands.
11. 4efer to the e5hibit. &he e5hibited configurations do not allo) the s)itches to
form a trunk. What is the most likely cause of this problem?
- Cisco s)itches only support the .(! trunking protocol.
- &he trunk cannot be negotiated )ith both ends set to auto.
- ;y default0 ()itch1 )ill only allo) !"# : across the link.
- " common nati,e !"# should ha,e been configured on the s)itches.
12. ()itch port fa021 )as manually configured as a trunk0 but no) it )ill be used to
connect a host to the net)ork. Co) should the net)ork administrator reconfigure
s)itch port 'a021?
- /isable /&8.
- /elete any !"#s currently being trunked through port 'a 021.
- "dministrati,ely shut do)n and re-enable the interface to return it to default.
- =nter the s)itchport mode access command in interface configuration mode.
11. 4efer to the e5hibit. Computer ; is unable to communicate )ith computer /.
What is the most likely cause of this problem?
- &he link bet)een the s)itches is up but not trunked.
- !"# 1 is not an allo)ed !"# to enter the trunk bet)een the s)itches.
- &he router is not properly configured to route traffic bet)een the !"#s.
- Computer / does not ha,e a proper address for the !"# 1 address space.
13. 4efer to the e5hibit. &he net)ork administrator has 9ust added !"# :0 to
()itch1 and ()itch2 and assigned hosts on the .8 addresses of the !"# in the
10.1.:0.0223 subnet range. Computer " can communicate )ith computer ;0 but not
)ith computer C or computer /. What is the most likely cause of this problem?
- &here is a nati,e !"# mismatch.
- &he link bet)een ()itch1 and ()itch2 is up but not trunked.
- &he router is not properly configured for inter-!"# routing.
- !"# :0 is not allo)ed to entering the trunk bet)een ()itch1 and ()itch2.
1:. 4efer to the e5hibit. Which statement is true concerning interface 'a02:?
- &he default nati,e !"# is being used.
- &he trunking mode is set to auto.
- &runking can occur )ith non-Cisco s)itches.
- !"# information about the interface encapsulates the =thernet frames.
1>. What statements describe ho) hosts on !"#s communicate?
- Costs on different !"#s use &8 to negotiate a trunk.
- Costs on different !"#s communicate through routers.
- Costs on different !"#s should be in the same .8 net)ork.
- Costs on different !"#s e5amine !"# ./ in the frame tagging to determine if
the frame for their net)ork.
1A. 4efer to the e5hibit. Co) far is a broadcast frame that is sent by computer "
propagated in the !"# domain? none of the computers )ill recei,e the broadcast
- computer "0 computer ;0 computer C
- computer "0 computer /0 computer <
- computer ;0 computer C
- computer /0 computer <
- computer "0 computer ;0 computer C0 computer /0 computer =0 computer '0
computer <0 computer C0 computer .
18. What is a ,alid consideration for planning !"# traffic across multiple
- Configuring inters)itch connections as trunks )ill cause all hosts on any !"# to
recei,e broadcasts from the other !"#s.
- " trunk connection is affected by broadcast storms on any particular !"# that is
carried by that trunk.
- 4estricting trunk connections bet)een s)itches to a single !"# )ill impro,e
efficiency of port usage.
- Carrying all required !"#s on a single access port )ill ensure proper traffic
1B. Which t)o statements about the 802.1q trunking protocol are true? *Choose
- 802.1q is Cisco proprietary.
- 802.1q frames are mapped to !"#s by $"C address.
- .f 802.1q is used on a frame0 the 'C( must be recalculated.
- 802.1q )ill not perform operations on frames that are for)arded out access ports.
- 802.1q allo)s the encapsulation of the original frame to identify the !"# from
)hich a frame originated.
20. What s)itch port modes )ill allo) a s)itch to successfully form a trunking link
if the neighboring s)itch port is in Ddynamic desirableD mode?
- dynamic desirable mode
- on or dynamic desirable mode
- on0 auto0 or dynamic desirable mode
- on0 auto0 dynamic desirable0 or nonegotiate mode
21. 4efer to the e5hibit. Company C4 is adding 8C30 a speciali-ed application
)orkstation0 to a ne) company office. &he company )ill add a s)itch0 (10
connected ,ia a trunk link to (20 another s)itch. 'or security reasons the ne) 8C
)ill reside in the C4 !"#0 !"# 10. &he ne) office )ill use the 1A2.1A.11.0223
subnet. "fter installation0 the e5isting 8Cs are unable to access shares on 8C3.
What is the likely cause?
- &he s)itch to s)itch connection must be configured as an access port to permit
access to !"# 10 on (1.
- &he ne) 8C is on a different subnet so 'a022 on (1 must be configured as a trunk
- 8C3 must use the same subnet as the other C4 !"# 8Cs.
- " single !"# cannot span multiple s)itches.
22. What must the net)ork administrator do to remo,e 'ast =thernet port fa021
from !"# 2 and assign it to !"# 1?
- =nter the no ,lan 2 and the ,lan 1 commands in global configuration mode.
- =nter the s)itchport access ,lan 1 command in interface configuration mode.
- =nter the s)itchport trunk nati,e ,lan 1 command in interface configuration
- =nter the no shutdo)n in interface configuration mode to return it to the default
configuration and then configure the port for !"# 1.

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