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Basketball Rules

Rules and guidelines are based on the Kerrisdale Basketball League in Vancouver.


1) Any player involved in the foul may call a foul. However, the foul is only recorded if there is
agreement between the players involved. The player being fouled may Contest the call, in which case,
the foul is not recorded. Offense maintains possession unless it is an offensive foul. Player being
fouled cannot overrule player committing the foul and gain possession unless there is agreement on the
call. It is in the spirit of the league for players to admit their fouls - please signal the scorers table. In
the case of a Contest, players should either say Contest, or simply motion to the scorers table that it
is a Contest. Please keep the communication cool, fair, and simple, and try not to get personal
about the calls be objective.

Offensive player (with ball) fouled team takes the ball at the top of the key.

Defensive player (without ball) fouled team takes the ball at defensive baseline.

2) 12 team fouls allowed. At 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22. fouls, the opposing team is in a bonus
situation (1 point awarded). If the foul is Contested, offense just keeps the ball and the play moves
on it should be as close to instantaneous as possible and smooth there should hardly be any
discussion. Put the no. of fouls in perspective. Dont get bugged just play.

Fouls occurring after a basket count.

3) There are three (3) kinds of fouls:

i) A regular foul, which is worth 1 foul. These fouls should account for about 90% of the fouls.

ii) An automatic basket without possession. This occurs when the defender is behind the player on a
breakaway going to the hoop and commits a hard foul. No fouls marked. The intent of this rule is to let
the player go if you dont have a reasonable chance of defending the play. Again, players should call
this. Monitors may use their discretion here as well.

iii) An automatic basket plus possession. This occurs when there is an intentional or flagrant foul,
which occurs primarily when a player is behind the offensive player and appears to have little or no
chance of defending the play. A flagrant foul also occurs when a player takes a hard swing (like a
volleyball spike) to swat the ball away. Generally, the scorers desk will make this call, although the first
choice is to get agreement between the players involved and the scorers desk. Of course, if a player or
team volunteers this call, thats even better.

In the case of an extreme intentional foul, see Section on On Court behaviour.

5) If a player drives towards the hoop looking for a foul, there will be no foul. Offense retains
possession. Please drive only when there is a legitimate opening, otherwise the contact creates too
much confusion and conflict.

6) On screens or picks, guys may not put up their arms and elbows. This is a foul. However, it is okay
for women to put up their arms, but only to protect themselves, and not to use the arms to make the
pick more effective - no pushing. Screens or picks in the backcourt are allowed, however, players
cannot pick players off no blind picks.

7) If players do not make the call, the organizer/monitor will use his/her discretion in making a call in
the spirit of fairness. Players must make a call and give the benefit of the doubt to the opposing player.

8) Players not involved in the foul may not make a foul call. If such players do make a call, a warning is
issued. A second infraction is marked as a foul.


1) Games are 24 minute of 2 halves, with a 1 to 3 minute half time. The last 3 minutes are stop
time. However, organizer can change the duration for scheduling reasons. The clock will only go into
stop time if the point spread is 18 or less organizer can use discretion here.

2) Games should be played in the spirit of a 27 second clock, including a 10 second clock in the back
court (times are just approximate - please do not go crazy if the timer is out by a few seconds either way
- until we get a clock, timer will do their best). Organizer will try and arrange a shot clock warning
buzzer to indicate 5 secs before shot clock expires.

3) If a GAME IS TIED after regulation time will remain a tie during the regular season. During the
playoffs consecutive 3 minute overtime periods. Organizer or Game monitor can change overtime
duration for scheduling reasons.

4) Each team is allowed 2 TIME OUTS PER GAME. Time outs are 30 s, with a buzzer signaling return to
play. Game clock keeps running, unless its a disadvantage to the team that is behind. Because of the
limited time available, teams should try playing the game with one timeout and keeping the timeouts
as short as possible. Trying to finish all the games in the available time is a real squeeze.


1) All games to be played with 3 guys/2 women. However, in special circumstances such as injury, this
balance may shift, i.e., 3 women, 2 guys or 4 players on the floor. There is a possibility we may allow 3
women on the court for short periods. Please note that a team needs to have at least 3 guys/2 women
at any game to avoid a default.

2) Teams that do not field 5 players, including 3 guys/2 women, will default their game. If a team
cannot field 5 of their own players 15 minutes past the scheduled game time they will default that
game. Teams may borrow players from other teams for the first 15 minutes, only if the other team
agrees. Technically, teams may not borrow anyone; they must play with whoever they have until a
default is decided. At that point, it becomes a pickup game.

3) If a team defaults once, the team will lose any tie, in the standings, they are in. If a team is
defaulted twice, then the team will be moved down to the bottom of the Pool or Division and will only
be eligible for consolation games. The organizer may also remove the team from the league on the
second or subsequent defaults. Teams defaulted from the league will have their community centre
registration revoked, not be reimbursed for the remainder of the season, nor will they be permitted to
register for the next session.

4) A player may only play in the Playoffs if they have played 2 games in a 8 to 12 week
schedule. Injured players who played in the previous season are exempt from the minimum game
requirement. However, they must meet attend the minimum number of games. Also, if a team has a
player who gets injured late in the season and who is unable to meet the minimum game requirement,
that team is allowed to pick up a player of equal or lesser strength. Need to confirm any add on player
to the League Coordinator.

5) A team roster consists of a MAXIMUM of 8 guys/6 women - team captains must submit an initial
roster and keep updating the roster as players are added.

6) In case of injury or other circumstances where a team has only 5 players beyond the 15 minute
default window, the team may replace the injured player with another of equal or lesser strength or
play with 4 or less players. Technically, teams must play with their own players.


1) Home teams start off with the ball on the top of the key. 2nd half visiting teams start off the ball at
the top of the key.

2) Three point baskets count.

3) Players may play man to man or zone defense.

4) Three second in the key rule in effect for offensive players.

5) Strictly no hands on defense, however, players may use their elbows in post positions. Generally,
play defense with your feet.

6) Held or Jump ball goes to defense (team whose half the play is in)

7) Ball must be checked in at the offensive half on top of the key after a defensive foul or out of bound
on offensive end. No need to check ball in at defensive end

8) All players must help to ensure the games are fair and fun.

9) Guys cannot leave their feet to block women ANYWHERE ON THE COURT. The penalty is
goaltending an automatic basket. Even if the block doesnt actually occur, as long as the motion of the
block interfered with the shot, then its still goaltending. Players should make the call. Most times, the
blocking motion occurs inadvertently, and its simply a judgment call.

10) Game stops when there is an injury - continuation negated.

11) During play, players may only sub in at their defensive end, when the team is bringing up the ball;
the sub exchange must take place near the bench. The best time to sub is during stoppage of
play. Players may sub anywhere on the court when play is stopped. Initial violation of subbing rules will
result in a warning; subsequent violations will be fouls.

12) No dribbling balls on the sidelines while a game is in progress. Please check with the organizer about
warm up areas (little gym w/ no hoop). Its best to come to the games already warmed up.

13) Teams will locate their bench in their defensive end.

14) Visiting teams must assign 1 or 2 volunteer game monitors as indicated on the schedule.

15) Players will respect the court boundaries. As in a refereed game, any stepping on lines either
inadvertently or innocently is a violation.

16) Players must play with self-discipline. Without it, it is very difficult to make this league work.

17) Over and back rule at centre court is in effect.

18) Foot balls result in a turnover in possession

19) The defender or player accused may call traveling or double dribble calls. Game monitors may need
to confirm this call.


**Visiting teams to supply 1 or 2 volunteer monitors. Check your schedule!


1) Keep score

2) Keep track of fouls

3) Keep the game moving. If players are taking too long to decide, ask the team with possession to
begin play

4) Encourage a good spirit

5) Give shot clock warnings as necessary

6) Sound the buzzer on a time out call (30 seconds for time outs) and when its time to return to play

Monitoring can be a difficult job depending on the teams and also the monitor. It is important to
remember that monitors are there to help the league run smoothly. Sometimes, its hard to understand
how players can demand so much from monitors. I think this has a lot to do with perceiving the monitor
as some type of ref. The monitors main responsibility is to keep score and keep track of fouls; they are
not referees. Please treat the monitor and organizer with respect.

1) Please do not blame the monitors for calls.

2) Please do not tell the monitor what to do. However, you may check with the monitor, but politely.

Monitors will only step in if players cannot resolve disagreements between themselves. Captains should
step in when difficult situations arise. Sometime captains naturally get caught up in the game. In such
situations, and generally, teammates can be a big help in resolving the situations.

Near the end of a close game, monitors have to multi-track to keep the game running smoothly. Players
and captains can help in such situations by recognizing the situations with respect to the rules and the
spirit of the league.

In this league, there is an expectation that the players will manage their own game and the monitor will
simply help the players have a good game. Sometimes monitors do make mistakes, but the players have
to accept this reality. Players miss a lot more on the court than the monitor ever does, however, the
players are rarely or never scrutinized as closely as the monitors can be by some players. This cannot
happen. We must treat the monitors desk with respect and make our individual contribution to ensure
a smooth game.

Injuries & First Aid

1) Players should bring their own basic First Aid supplies (ie. Tape and bandaids). The Recreation
Centre or Secondary School First Aid equipment is only for emergencies. Teams should get a bit
organized by arranging within the team to have First Aid equipment. Hyde Creek Recreation Centre
Lifeguards (on site) are available to assist participants with any major injuries.

2) If anyone has any First Aid or other practical and useful Health Related qualification, please let the
organizer know and help out when you can.


1) A recommended roster is 5 guys/3 women. 5/4 or 6/4 also works since the games may be extended
to allow more team play - notice will be sent prior to the change.

2) Please check email or the web page ( for game time changes, schedules, rules,
pictures, league background and contact information.

3) Team captains, please contact your players prior to game time to confirm their attendance.

4) Do your best with fouls. Even with refs, the games deteriorate unless players take responsibility for
the character of the games. Good refs may make a difference, however they are too expensive ($50 -

5) Players must keep the monitors desk area clear. There is a tendency for teammates to gather
around the desk near the end of the ongoing game when the game is usually in its most important
phase from a win/loss perspective.

On-Court Behaviour

1) Any sign of taunting, intimidation, name calling, and other unsportsmanlike behavior will result in
a warning on the initial violation and a player ejection on the second occurrence. This includes any
sign of mocking, ridicule, name calling, or any inappropriate, uncalled for remarks on the bench. This
behavior will not be tolerated it has no place in this league. A third occurrence will result in a team

2) Any player (ONE - no mobs!) may bring a complaint to the organizers attention, although its
preferred if the captain does this. At the organizers discretion, he/she may allow further discussion
with other players. Failure to respect this rule will result in an initial warning, then a player ejection,
and finally, a team default.

3) If a player shows up with alcohol under their breath or the organizer sees any sign of narcotics, the
organizer has the right to remove the player and/or default the team.

4) Any fighting will result in an ejection of the player(s) from the league and an automatic team default
of 1 game including the current game. A second team default will result in removal of the team from
the league.

5) In the case of physical misconduct such as an extreme intentional foul with no play on the ball
where a player is strictly going after another player, the organizer may choose to suspend the player
for a to be determined number of games. As well, the team will default one game if they are
losing the current game, they will default the next game.

6) If a player appears to be ignorant of the league rules, the organizer has the right to remove the
player from the court - with cooperation from the team captain.

Additional volunteers needed!:

1) Please let the League Coordinator know if you are interested in volunteering with the league. Any
volunteers willing to help improve the quality of the league is very much welcomed! Possible volunteer
positions: Promotion and marketing, special events, statistics, face book moderator, etc

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