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Little, Brown and Company

New York Boston

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Wednesday, October 10, 2012
The buttery aroma of bchamel sauce welcomed me home
from school. I hadnt even pulled my key out of the door when
Mom shouted, Lily, in the kitchen. Now!
I wondered if she busted the lock on my journal. If she had,
Karb, Kalorie, and Kardio were the least of my concerns. Shed
know about my Duffy obsession, that my savings is now an
homage to Bryanboy, that I toss my Hebrew National salami
because it has Dead Sea amounts of sodium. Most of all, shed
know how badly I long for normal. A longing that negates
everything shes ever taught me.
Anyway, it was a false alarm. I was late for International
Cuisine Night and she was koncerned (ha!).
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ICN is Moms way of lling my free time with activities I
would never tell a Pub person living or dead about. Ever.
The point is for me to translate a foreign recipe, cook it, serve
it, and digest it. You can see why I wasnt racing home.
Sorry, Mom, I had a style club meeting, I said, peering
into the bubbling saucepot. What are you making?
What you were supposed to be making, she snipped.
Kosher Croque Tartiette.
Oy, how French.
She wiped her hands on a black dishcloth and tossed it on
the island. Lily, should I be concerned?
About what?
Look at you.
Concern would not be an uncommon reaction to the bike
chain suspenders that held up my striped golf pants. But they
were a small price to pay for Pub- ularity.
Bubbie Libby from next door stopped by, she continued.
You were supposed to walk . . .
Its okay, they dont have names.
You didnt even call her. Thats not like you. Youre more
responsible than that. . . . Her voice trailed off. You used to be.
Whats that supposed to mean?
It means I havent seen a single grade since that A you got
in Algebra.
Mom, Im ne. I promise. I was at school. Thats all.
Not for long, she mumbled.
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Pardon me.
Sorry. Pardon me?
I was reminding you of our agreement. Straight As or
youre back at home.
The preheat alert beeped. She put in the Croque and let the
oven door slam shut.
Mmmmm, whats that smell? Trs magnique , Dad said,
home from work. He stuffed his commuter train newspapers in
the recycle bin, kissed us hello, and asked again what smelled
so good. We didnt answer. Mom turned her back to me and
sighed. I rolled my eyes.
Looks like everything is under control in here. He
poured a glass of red wine and hurried off. Call me when its
Dad is a senior editor at the New York Times . He is the most
intelligent person I have ever met. He manages a department
of smart journalists because hes even smarter than they are.
But the guy is seriously challenged when it comes to girl ghts.
After he left, Mom said, Im not kidding, Lily. I will pull
you out of that school tomorrow if I have to.
When I was three, I put a dry cleaning bag over my face and
tried to breathe because my mom said not to. I wasnt getting
any air so I breathed harder. That made it worse. My lungs
became bricks and my face turned blue. Leaving Noble and
going back to Homie would feel more stiing.
Am I clear?
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Yeah, I get it.
Yes, I understand.
Yes, I understand.
I understood that I couldnt leave Blake, Vanessa, or Duffy. I
wasnt exactly mentally stimulated by the girls in style club, but
I had fun looking through celebrity magazines and debating
who wore it best. The point is, I am learning to function in soci-
ety. To live among my peers. To connect. Of the plethora of
things Mom taught me, she never taught that. She refused.
While the Croque cooked, I thought about my bungee- ing
grades (A+, B+, B, A-, B, A, C). Correction. Okay, thats a lie.
I should have. Instead, I stared at the side of Duffys house and
wondered why he left school with Sheridan yesterday. What
they talked about. Why we never walked home together. If he
got the Evite to Octavias girl- ask- boy party Friday night. If it
was his rst house party too. What he would wear. What he
thought I should wear. If Octavias parents were going to be
there. If not, what he would tell his parents. What he thought I
should tell mine. What he would say if I asked him to be my date.
I had to know. Then Id focus on my bungee- ing grades.
Mom, how long until dinner?
Five minutes.
Im going to apologize to Bubbie Libby, I said. Be right
When Duffys sister Mandy opened the door, the dogs made
a break straight for my house.
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Not today, girls, I called. Come back!
They ignored me so I chased after them. It would be so
much easier if they had names!
What do you think of Violet and Seraphina? Mandy
asked as I dumped them back in the foyer.
Ben Afeck and Jennifer Garners daughters?
She hugged me. Mandy Duffy of the 3Ms hugged me. Ha!
I cant believe you got that. No one here knows what Im talk-
ing about.
I wanted to skate down the street shouting: I got it! I was right!
Move over French, Spanish, and Hebrew! I speak the interna-
tional language of pop culture now! Thank you, Noble! Thank
you, style club! Thank you, Us Weekly ! Thank you alllllll!
Duff! Theres a hottie here to see you! Mandy called,
accepting me as one of her own.
I should have corrected her. I should have told her I was
there to see Bubbie Libby. But I didnt. Because I wasnt.
Duffy came charging down the stairs and all I could think
was, Uh-oh . And then, What am I doing? A girl like me cant ask
a guy like this to a Pub party. Bad idea, Lily! Go ask someone
your own size. Youre not tall enough for this roller coaster. Ask
Blake. . . .
Oh, Duffy said, disappointed. Hey, Lily.
Expecting someone else?
He opened his mouth to answer but I cut him off. What are
you doing Friday night?
O-kayyy, Mandy said, backing away from an imagi-
nary gun.
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Sorry, I said, blushing. And then, Hey, your ankle is
Oh, uh, not really, I, uh, I let it breathe at night. The doctor
says to keep it wrapped for another few days, though, so . . .
Actually, he said, Im glad youre here.
Really, why?
Youre in style club, right?
How many girls are in that?
Fifteen? I said. It came out sounding more like a question.
Cool. He stuffed his hands in the pocket of his hoodie.
Was he nervous too? Uh . . . you think youd . . . all be into
going to a
Want to go to Octavias party? I blurted. Flattering as his
nervousness was, I couldnt stand to watch him suffer.
fashion show Friday night?
Fashion show?
He snickered. He couldnt believe it either. Yeah.
What about Octavias party?
This is gonna be slick. And since your club is all about
style, I gured
Okay. What time will you be picking me up? I laughed
because we live next door and I know he doesnt drive.
I have to go early. Can we meet there?
Cool. Oh, and bring Blake if you want. You know, cuz he
might be into it.
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What he probably wanted to say was, I know Blake is gay
and wont be a threat so if it makes you more comfortable to
have him tag along, go for it. But he was being discreet and I
appreciated that. So I winked to let him know we were on the
same page. I must have been radiating extreme love- heat
because Duffys cheeks got red.
Oh, uh, hold on. . . .
He ran upstairs and returned with a stack of yers. These
will get everyone in.
I took them and ran home. I would have run around the
planet if dinner wasnt ready. I had that much joy to burn. I
couldnt wait to tell Blake everything. Except the part about
how he was invited. Because I, Lily Bader- Huffman- Duffy,
am tall enough for this roller coaster. And Im ready to ride it
alone. . . .
Then Ill study.
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This book is a work of ction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the
product of the authors imagination or are used ctitiously. Any resemblance to actual
events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.
Copyright 2013 by Lisi Harrison
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First Paperback Edition: May 2014
First published in hardcover in October 2013 by Little, Brown and Company
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Harrison, Lisi.
Pretenders / by Lisi Harrison. First edition.
pages cm.
Summary: Five high school freshmenthe Phoenix Fivereveal their
friendships, crushes, school and family dramas, and big secrets, as told in their
unique voices through journal entries Provided by publisher.
ISBN 978-0-316-22244-0 (hc)ISBN 978-0-316-22232-7 (pb)
[1. High schoolsFiction. 2. SchoolsFiction. 3. DiariesFiction.
4. FriendshipFiction. 5. Dating (Social customs)Fiction. 6. Family life
New JerseyFiction. 7. New JerseyFiction.] I. Title.
PZ7.H2527Pqm 2013 [Fic]dc23 2012048434
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Printed in the United States of America
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