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Name: Kayla McElwee

Grade Level: 4
Content Area: Science
Date for Implementation: NA
Le!!on "itle: Ma#net! and Material!
Str$ct$re: %hole Cla!!
&S'4'(): St$dent! *now that ma#net! have two pole! +north and !o$th, and that li*e pole! repel
each other while $nli*e pole! attract each other'
Content Objective/Learning Outcome:
"hro$#h e-perimentation. !t$dent! will /e a/le to o/!erve and e-plain that ma#net! have two
pole! and that tho!e pole! !tic* to metal o/0ect!'
Language Objective/Language Learning Outcome:
Given academic voca/$lary +in the form of a la/eled ima#e of a ma#net,. !entence frame!. and
varie#ated method! of interaction. !t$dent! will /e a/le to de!cri/e their ma#net! and their a/ility
to !tic* to certain o/0ect! /oth orally and in writin#'
Sentence Frames:
"he ma#net i!ha! 1111111111'
I o/!erve that the ma#net i!ha! 1111111111 and 1111111111'
I o/!erve that the ma#net i!ha! 1111111111. 1111111111. and 1111111111'
o )ormative A!!e!!ment "a!*!:
I will li!ten for the academic voca/$lary the !t$dent! are $tili2in# to de!cri/e the ma#net!
and it! a/ility to !tic* to o/0ect!' If nece!!ary. I will refer !t$dent! to the la/eled ima#e of a
ma#net and remind them to $!e more academic term!'
o S$mmative A!!e!!ment "a!*!:
I will loo* at the !t$dent!3 !cience 0o$rnal! to !ee if they !$cce!!f$lly de!cri/ed the ma#net!
and whether or not they $!ed more academic lan#$a#e a! the le!!on pro#re!!ed'
Materials Needed:
Ma#net! +one per !t$dent, and !cience 0o$rnal! +one per !t$dent, will /e needed for thi! le!!on'
I will offer la/eled pict$re! of academic voca/$lary and !entence frame! for different proficiency
level!' I will al!o allow the !t$dent! to participate in varie#ated form! of interaction +individ$al.
pair4!hare!. and whole cla!!, /eca$!e I *now that !ome of my !t$dent! may feel more
comforta/le !pea*in# in !maller #ro$p!'
Instructional Seuence:
o Introd$ction +(5 min$te!,:
"he !t$dent! will /e !ittin# at their de!*!' I will di!tri/$te a !in#le ma#net to each !t$dent and
a!* them what the ma#net! can do' I co$ld !ay. Each of you has an object like this 6!howin#
the ma#net7. Take a few minutes to observe its properties and to find out what it can do.
After I introd$ce the !entence frame!. each !t$dent will individ$ally 0ot down their
o/!ervation!de!cription! in their own !cience 0o$rnal!' Ne-t. I will a!* !everal !t$dent! to
!hare their an!wer!' E-pected an!wer! incl$de: !ome !t$dent! will o/!erve that the ma#net!
can roll. and other! will di!cover that the ma#net! !tic* to !ome thin#!' "he *ey o/!ervation
i! that the ma#net! !tic* to !ome o/0ect!' I will provide the !t$dent! with !ome academic
voca/$lary for ma#net! +incl$din# 8pole!.9 8attraction.9 etc', and a!* them to !ee if they can
replace any non4de!criptive word! in their 0o$rnal! with more de!criptiveacademic
o :ody +(;4<5 min$te!,:
I will a!* the !t$dent! to de!cri/e other ma#net! they have !een or played with +e'#'
hor!e!hoe ma#net!. ma#netic toy!. alpha/et letter!. refri#erator ma#net!,' =!in# the !t$dent!3
idea!. I will create a cla!! /rain!torm on flip chart paper' Ne-t. I will tell the !t$dent! that I
am intere!ted in their o/!ervation! and !torie! a/o$t ma#net! !tic*in# to thin#!' I co$ld !ay.
I am wondering what magnets can stick to right around your seats. I will allow !t$dent! to
find o$t what their ma#net! will !tic* to witho$t leavin# their !eat! +two min$te! ma-im$m,'
"hen. I will call on !everal !t$dent! to !hare what o/0ect! their ma#net! !t$c* to' I co$ld
follow4$p the!e re!pon!e! /y !ayin#. I heard some of the same objects mentioned as things
that stick by several people. !ow Im wondering if there is something that is the same about
all the objects that the magnets stuck to. In pair4!hare!. I will have the !t$dent! f$rther
di!c$!! the thin#! that the ma#net! !t$c* to' I will #ive them appro-imately two min$te! to
!hare their idea! a/o$t what i! the !ame a/o$t all the o/0ect! that the ma#net! !t$c* to'
o Clo!$re +(5 min$te!,:
I will call4/ac* the !t$dent!. and. a! a whole4cla!!. we will de/rief the !t$dent!3 concl$!ion!'
Several #ro$p! will !hare their concl$!ion!' %hen !omeone o/!erve! that everythin# the
ma#net! !t$c* to wa! metal. I will a!* for a !how of hand! from tho!e who fo$nd that
ma#net! !tic* to metal' Someone may mention that ma#net! don3t !tic* to all metal +0$!t
!ome metal!,' At thi! point. I will a#ain a!* for a !how of hand! from tho!e who a#ree' I will
end /y !tatin# that we will contin$e inve!ti#atin# what type! of o/0ect! ma#net! !tic* to and
why ma#net! !tic* to tho!e o/0ect! tomorrow'

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