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Low-frequency magnetic shielding (MuFerro 6800)

MuFerro 6800
- NL Headquarters
- TLL +(3l) 78-6l3-l366
- FAX +(3l) 78-6l4-9585
- www.hollandshieldin .com g.
Low-frequency magnetic shielding (MuFerro 6800)
Indoor transformer rooms
Magnetic feld strength measurement MuFerro 6800 wall shielding
Why use shielding/screening?
Magnetic felds pose a serious threat to human health and wellbeing. Scientifc research has shown that exposure to
magnetlc elds of > 300nT or 0,003 Gauss lncreases one's chance of developlng leukemla slgnlcantly.
Moreover there are numerous other health symptoms that are assoclated wlth exposure to magnetlc elds, e.g.
headaches, depresslon, and lnsomnla. Por thls reason the |CN|PP (|nternatlonal Commlsslon on Non-|onlzlng
Padlatlon Protectlon) has made the recommendatlon that for worklng spaces, exposure should be
< 0.5 T500 nT and for publlc spaces lt should be < 0.l Tl00nT.
Holland Shleldlng Systems 8.v. has developed a new materlal for shleldlng / screenlng low-frequent magnetlc elds.
These elds are generated by lnstallatlons ln whlch hlgh currents now, for example transformer rooms , power llnes,
busbar systems and nearby hlgh-voltage cables.
Indoor transformer rooms
The frequency of these magnetlc elds ls typlcally 50/60 Hz
8ut the MuPerro materlal ls sultable for magnetlc shleldlng ln frequency ranges from l0 Hz to l00 KHz.
Customer Benefts
- Cost-enectlve solutlon
- Up to 95% eld-strength reductlon and more
- Plexlble deslgn
- Measurement report
- l0-year guarantee
MuPerro comblnes permeable and satlety characterlstlcs whlch makes lt extremely sultable for screenlng
low-frequent magnetic felds.
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Low-frequency magnetic shielding (MuFerro 6800)
MuFerro 6800
- NL Headquarters
- TLL +(3l) 78-6l3-l366
- FAX +(3l) 78-6l4-9585
- www.hollandshieldin .com g.
Low-frequency magnetic shielding (MuFerro 6800)
Magnetic-feld measurements
Before the screening/shielding is put in place, a site survey (magnetic feld-strength measurement) can be
conducted. we not only measure the magnetlc eld strength but also locate lts probable source. The measurement
results are provided in a report.
Apart from their negative impact on health, strong magnetic felds can disturb or damage electronics in the direct
surroundings of the feld. In addition, magnetic felds disturb sensitive measurements in hospitals and laboratories.
- Transformer rooms (lndoors or outdoors)
- Power plants
- Alumlnlum meltlng/productlon
- Hlgh-voltage labs
- Anythlng that creates hlgh magnetlc elds (hlgh currents)
- Pallways and Subway systems
- Sensltlve measurements
Holland Shleldlng Systems 8.v. can reallse magnetlc shleldlng
even after the transformer has been placed. For screening whole
buildings or rooms, the shielding material is applied to walls, ceilings
and/or noors. Thls protects both people and electronlcs.
Transformer room
Measuring setup
Examples of projects
Due to space restrictions, one of our customers was forced to create
a workplace in a room which had formerly been used as a warehouse
and that was located above power transformers. After the magnetic
felds were noticed by fickering computer displays, we were asked to
carry out a magnetic feld measurement. It was found that the
magnetic feld strength was far above the standard referred to above:
lt was 750nTesla. The magnetlc eld was reduced by lnstalllng an
umbrella construction of MuFerro 6800. After completion of this
pro[ect, the magnetlc eld measured only 80nTesla.
MuFerro 6800 ceiling umbrella construction
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Low-frequency magnetic shielding (MuFerro 6800)
MuFerro 6800
- NL Headquarters
- TLL +(3l) 78-6l3-l366
- FAX +(3l) 78-6l4-9585
- www.hollandshieldin .com g.
Low-frequency magnetic shielding (MuFerro 6800)
The graphs below show the magnetlc elds ln nano Tesla or l0
Gauss before and after the magnetlc
shielding was installed.
Measurement before placlng MuPerro" 6800 platlng
750 nTesla
Measurement after placlng MuPerro" 6800 platlng
80 nTesla
Several clients have engaged us to MuFerro 6800 shielding, including:

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