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Case Analysis:

Submitted To:- Prof. Ankur Srivastava

Mitadru Nag
Saransh Jain
Sakshi Suri
Sarang Jain

Broad issues regarding the case:
1) The first issue was its product policy which includes cost effectiveness was
not present, the luxury cruises were expensive as the only diffrenciating factor
was the dining arrangement, hence the custormers were not loyal and thus
cunard faced a difficulty in this factor.

2) Generation of revenue was an issue due to the Iraq war which resulted in
crisis and resulting in decline in the demand for cruises.

3) Recession was going on in the early 90's and the company was confused
between which way to go whether strategic marketing or tactical marketing. As
stratergic marketing is concentrating the brand image and tactical was focused
on sales, so they were in a dilemma which stratergy to go ahead with.

4) Due to organisational restructuring there was an isssue regarding the dilution
of the overall brand

.5) There were very less point of differentiation between four star and five star
cruises , due to this they had an issue to create a structured segment for a four
star and a five star cruise. The diffrence in facilities provided were minimal
between the cruises but the price difference was huge. This affected the
custormer loyalty for five star cruises.

Solutions to the Issues:
1) The company should focus more on tactical marketing rather than stratergic
marketing because if a company spend more on enchacing the brand image
during the time of recession, it will not be helpful in the short run as profits are
the only relavant aspect.

2) In the case of Organisational Restructuring, the company should go for
departmentalisation of each ship which directly reports to the marketing
manager of Cunard. This will enable proper segmnet execution and
concentrating on each ship will promote the overall brand value of Cunard.

3) A tactical marketing should take place in such a way that it doesnt hamper
the brand value.

4) There should be a major differentiating factor between a four star and a five
star cruises, either the company can increase the luxury factor in the five star
cruises or it can reduce the prices of five criuses.

Innovative IMC Technique:
1) Gureilla Marketing:-
They should go for Guerilla Marketing strategies which focuses on low cost and
unconventional means during the time of recession.

2) Promotional Activities through T-Shirt Printing, Cup Prints.

3) Advertisements through Radio, Public Gatherings, Advertising themselves in

4)Endorsment through Celebrities who is a very high recognised figure in the

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