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The Course teaches the fundamentals of In!or"#tic# Power center 8.x platform, through on$ine
tr#inin% and numerous hands-on lab exercises. Students will gain a clear understanding of the product and
acquire the solid foundation needed to make them successful Power center deelopers.
Course Dur#tion: !" hours
Prere&uisites: S#$ %asics. 'o!t(#re: &nformatica, 'racle, Toad
D#t# W#re)ouse Concets:
&ntroduction to (ata warehouse
)hat is (ata warehouse and wh* we need (ata warehouse
'$TP s '(S s (ata warehouse
(imensional modeling
Star schema+Snowflake schema+,alax* schema
(imensions + -acts tables.
Slowl* Changing (imensions and its t*pes.
(ata Staging .rea
(ifferent t*pes of (imensions and -acts.
(ata /art s (ata warehouse
()0 .pproaches1 2alph 3imball4s s %ill &nmon4s
In!or"#tic# Po(er Center 8.*:
'o!t(#re Inst#$$#tion:
&nformatica 8.x Serer+Client &nstallation on )indows+5nix.
Po(er Center Arc)itecture #n+ Co"onents:
&ntroduction to informatica Power Center
PowerCenter 8.x architecture
PowerCenter 6 architecture s PowerCenter 8 architecture
7xtraction, Transformation and loading process
Po(er Center too$s1 (esigner, )orkflow manager, )orkflow /onitor, 2epositor* /anager.
2epositor* Serer and agent
2epositor* maintenance
2epositor* Serer .dministration Console
Securit*, 2epositor*, priileges and folder permissions
/etadata extensions
Po(er Center De,e$oer Toics:
L#- ./ Create a -older.
'ource O-0ect De!initions
o Source t*pes
o Source properties
L#- 1/ .nal*8e Source (ata, &mport Source.
T#r%et O-0ect De!initions
Target t*pes
Target properties
L#- 2- &mport Targets
Tr#ns!or"#tion Concets
Transformation t*pes and iews
Transformation features and ports
&nformatica functions and data t*pes
/apping components
'ource Qu#$i!ier tr#ns!or"#tion
Pre S#$ and Post S#$
/apping alidation
(ata flow rules
L#- 3 9Create a /apping, session, and workflow
)orkflow Tools
)orkflow Structure and configuration
)orkflow Tasks
)orkflow (esign and properties
'ession T#s4s
Session Task properties
Session components
Transformation oerrides
Session partitions
Wor4!$o( Monitorin%
)orkflow /onitor iews
/onitoring a Serer
.ctions initiated from the workflow /onitor
,antt chart :iew and Task iew.
L#- 5 9 Start and /onitor a )orkflow
(ebugger features
(ebugger windows
Tips for using the (ebugger
L#- 6 9The (ebugger
E*ression tr#ns!or"#tion
7xpression, ariable ports, storing preious record alues.
Di!!erent t7e o! Ports
&nput+ output + :ariable ports and Port 7aluation
Fi$ter tr#ns!or"#tion
-ilter properties
L#- 8- 7xpression and -ilter

A%%re%#tor tr#ns!or"#tion
.ggregation function and expressions
.ggregator properties
5sing sorted data
&ncremental .ggregation
8oiner tr#ns!or"#tion
;oiner t*pes
;oiner conditions and properties
;oiner usage and <ested =oins
L#- 9 9 .ggregator, 0eterogeneous =oin
Wor4in% (it) F$#t !i$es
&mporting and editing flat file sources > Targets
L#- 'ession 9 5se -lat file as source.
'orter tr#ns!or"#tion
Sorter properties
Sorter limitations
L#- .: 9 Sorter
Pro#%#te Attri-utes.
')#re+ Fo$+er #n+ Wor4in% (it) s)ortcuts.
In!or"#tic# -ui$t in !unctions.
Loo4u tr#ns!or"#tion
$ookup principles
$ookup properties
$ookup techniques
Connected and unconnected lookups.
L#- .. 9 %asic $ookup
T#r%et otions
2ow t*pe indicators
2ow loading operations
Constraint- based loading
2e=ected row handling options
L#- .1 9 (eleting 2ows
;+#te 'tr#te%7 tr#ns!or"#tion
5pdate strateg* expressions
L#- .2 9 (ata (rien &nserts and 2e=ects
Router tr#ns!or"#tion
5sing a router
2outer groups
L#- .3 9 2outer
Con+ition#$ Loo4us
5sage and techniques
L#- .< 9 Straight $oad
L#- .5 9 Conditional $ookups
=etero%eneous T#r%ets
0eterogeneous target t*pes
Target t*pe conersions and limitations
L#- .6 9 0eterogeneous Targets
-unctionalit* and .dantages
/applet t*pes and structure
/applet limitations
L#- .8 9 /applets
Reus#-$e tr#ns!or"#tions
Promoting and cop*ing transformations
L#- .9 > 2eusable transformations
'e&uence Gener#tor tr#ns!or"#tion
5sing a sequence ,enerator
Sequence ,enerator properties
D7n#"ic Loo4u
(*namic lookup theor*
5sage and functionalit*
L#- 1: 9 (*namic $ookup
Concurrent #n+ se&uenti#$ Wor4!$o(s
Concurrent )orkflows
Sequential )orkflows
Stopping, Starting and suspending tasks and workflows
L#- 1. 9 Sequential )orkflow
A++ition#$ Tr#ns!or"#tions
5nion Transformation
2ank transformation
<ormali8er transformation
Custom Transformation
Transformation Control transformation
?/$ Transformation
S#$ Trasnformation
Stored Procedure Transformation
7xternal procedure Transformation
L#- 'essions/ -or aboe transformations
Error =#n+$in%
@ 'eriew of 7rror 0andling Topics
L#- 11 9 7rror handling fatal and non -atal
Wor4!$o( T#s4s:
7en 2aise and )ait
L#- 'essions > )ith )orkflow tasks
Lin4 Con+itions
Te#" ?#se+ De,e$o"ent
:ersion Control
Checking out and checking in ob=ects.
Per!or"#nce Tunin%
'eriew of S*stem 7nironment
&dentif*ing %ottlenecks.
'ptimi8ing Source, Target, mapping, Transformation, session.
M#in% P#r#"eters #n+ @#ri#-$es
&ntroduction to /appng :ariables and Parameters
Creating /apping :ariables and 5pdating :ariables
Creating Parameter -ile and associating file to a Session
S*stem :ariables
:ariables functions
L#- 15 - 'erride /apping :ariable with Parameter -iles
L#- 16 9 (*namicall* 5pdating a Source #ualifier with /apping :ariable
'$o($7 C)#n%in% Di"ensions T7e .A T7e 1A T7e 2
L#- 18> 'CD .A 1A 2
Reus#-$e Wor4!$o( T#s4s
)orklets $imitation
L#- 19 9 Create )orklets using Tasks
Co""#n+ Line Inter!#ce B PMCMDC
'eriew of P/C/( and functions.
L#- 2: : P/C/(
In!or"#tic# Mi%r#tions:
Cop*ing 'b=ects
'b=ects export and import A?/$B
(eplo*ment groups
Wor4!$o(s 'c)e+u$in%:
5sing &nformatica
5nix crontab, third part* tools.
L#- 2:: In!or"#tic# Pro0ect/ C#se 'tu+7
Sales (ata mart.
$oading (imensions and -acts.

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