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Banglalink aims to understand peoples' needs best and develop appropriate

communication services to improve peoples' life and make it simple. All our work is
aimed towards meeting our vision. All members of the banglalink family are highly
passionate individuals, fully committed to achieving the vision that we have set
ourselves. Our customers' needs matter most to us- making their life simple and
improving it is all we want. To ensure our vision is achieved, we have set ourselves a few
values, we want to be
Straight Forward
All the banglalink family members have one thing in common- a passion to serve. !e
want to go that e"tra mile, so that you can have the best possible service #nvesting in the
future of Bangladesh.
Banglalink$- a name of the second largest Telecom service provider of
Bangladesh. #t has an epidemic growth rate of %&'( which is absolutely
stunning. !hen Banglalink came into operation in Bangladesh in %))',
*ebruary the market situation was not that much good rather than it was
competitive enough. But Banglalink with its efficient workforce and absolute
strategies made a very better position in this competitive market.
Banglalink continues to play an active role in the area of corporate social
responsibility. Because it honors the significance of +orporate ,ocial
-esponsibility over any sustainable growth of a business. #t always
remained cautious #t Banglalink has given .haka #nternational Airport - the
gateway of Bangladesh a completely new look. /rovision of high 0uality
passenger trolleys, phone booths, emergency charging station and
beautification of the premises is an e"emplary initiative which no other
multinational has taken. Banglalink also contributed to an important tiger
conservation pro1ect in the ,undarbans, and continues to support the +o"' s
ba2aar beach cleaning program.*ollowings are the list of some ,ignificant
+,- 3+orporate ,ocial -esponsibility4 activities performed by Banglalink
over its life period
The Company !holly owned subsidiary of 5gyptian Orascom Telecom. #n ,eptember
%))6 Orascom Telecom 7oldings purchased 8))( of the shares of ,heba Telecom 3/vt.4
9imited 3:,heba;4. Banglalink<s license is a nationwide 8'-year =,> license that e"pires
in ?ovember %)88.
!hen Banglalink entered the Bangladesh telecom industry in *ebruary %))', the scenario
changed overnight with mobile telephony becoming an e"tremely useful and affordable
communication tool for people across all segments.
!ithin one year of operation, Banglalink became the fastest growing mobile operator of
the country with a growth rate of %'&(. This milestone was achieved with innovative and
attractive products and services targeting the different market segments@ aggressive
improvement of network 0uality and dedicated customer care@ and effective
communication that emotionally connected customers with Banglalink.
Banglalink is today the %nd largest mobile operator in the country and recently celebrated
with 8 crore customers. This has been achieved in 1ust three and a half years.
Lan!h 8)th *ebruary, %))'
"lobal Operation O-A,+O> T595+O> is one of the most dynamic
telecommunications powerhouses in the world. Orascom is based in 5gypt and has
operations in & countries worldwide. 5stablished in 8AAB, it is today the largest
capitali2ed company on the +airo C Ale"andria ,tock 5"changes with over &A million
subscribers worldwide. #t has grown to be one of the largest and most diversified =,>
network operator in the >iddle 5ast, Africa and Asia.
Corporate Vales
# ,traight *orward
# -eliable
# #nnovative
# /assionate
CEO Ahmed Abou .oma
Vision Banglalink aims to understand peoples' needs best and develop appropriate
communication services to improve peoples' life and make it simple. All
our work is aimed towards meeting our vision. All members of the
banglalink family are highly passionate individuals, fully committed to
achieving the vision that we have set ourselves. Our customers' needs
matter most to us- making their life simple and improving it is all we
want. To ensure our vision is achieved, we have set ourselves a few
values, we want to be ,traight *orward, -eliable, #nnovative, /assionate.
All the banglalink family members have one thing in common- a passion to serve. !e
want to go that e"tra mile, so that you can have the best possible service.
#nvesting in the future of Bangladesh
Sbs!ribers $ase 8%.8D millions 3at the end of September %&&'4
Te!hnology (sed =,> E =lobal ,ystem for >obile communication F
)etwor* Coverage Banglalink focused heavily on enhancing service and 0uality
during %))G. These enhancements were done in terms of network 0uality and customer
service. There was aggressive improvement of indoor coverage, and wherever necessary,
especially in-building solutions were installed in case of enterprise customers and
corporate clients.
Banglalink's network is covering 6BG Thanas reasonably and G8 districts, covering a total
population of around A)(.
)etwor* $and A)) >72
Servi!e Points Banglalink set the benchmark in customer care with our state-of-the-art
call center, largest customer care network, and a passionate C vigilant team serving you
every single moment.
Banglalink care line offers a dedicated %6 H & service to answer all your 0ueries. %6 hours
a day. & days a week. Any 0ueries you may have about
$ ,ubscribing for a new connection
$ Any form of account information
$ +overage details
$ /roduct information
$ Ialue added services
$ Billing information
+ot Line ,
# 8%8 Efor all Banglalink customersF
# 8%) for ,>, call back Efor Banglalink connection onlyF
# %&%& for yellow page service Efor Banglalink connection onlyF
# 8&' for 5-Ioucher retailer service Efor Banglalink e-voucher connection onlyF
# Telephone
J3BB4)% ABBBD&)-8, J3BB4)% ABG%D%'
# >obile
)8A88 D)68%8 3*or all Operator, TCT and /,T?4
)8A8%-AAA))) 3,>5 7otline4
# *a" J3BB4)% BB%)'A6
# 5-mail
# !eb httpHHwww.banglalinkgsm.comH
Pioneer In #n August %))G, Banglalink became the first company to provide free
incoming calls from BTTB for both post-paid and pre-paid connections. Banglalink also
pioneered the concept of taking customer service closer to its stakeholders through the
introduction of more than 8,))) customer care points across the country L the largest
network of its kind in the industry.
-ward Winning Banglalink also became a leader in terms of its advertising 0uality and
setting very high standards for competition and others. The corporate TI commercial of
Mdin bodolM based on the theme Mmaking a difference in people's livesM, touched everyone
through out the country and was ad1udged the best TI+ of the year according to the
leading dailies of the country like /rothom Alo and ?ew Age. This TI +ommercial has
become a matter of national pride for Bangladesh as it has been nominated for the best
TI Advertisement of the year with 6 other international television commercials at the
=,>A Award %))&. =,>A Award is considered to be the Oscar of mobile industry.
Corporate So!ial Responsibility Banglalink continues to play an active role in the area
of corporate social responsibility 3+,-4
Banglalink launches agri-solutions service
Banglalink has recently launched a new service NBanglalink 1igyasha &G&G< which will
provide suggestions and answers to any 0ueries related to agriculture, vegetable and fruit
farming, poultry,livestock, fisheries etc.
The service will give people with easy access to advice and solutions to agriculture-
related problems. To avail the service a Banglalink customer needs to dial &G&G, talk and
get e"pert<s advice on the problem. The promotional charge for the service is Tk % per
Banglalink sponsors Rajshahi citys beautification
Banglalink recently sponsored the beautification programme of -a1shahi city. Banglalink
former +5O -ashid Ohan inaugurated the launching ceremony of the programme at the
city's ,haheb Ba2ar Alupotty >ore. A number of distinguished guests, 1ournalists of
different print and electronic media, and Banglalink officials were also present on the
The inauguration programme was followed by a press meet at -a1shahi Tennis +omple".
Banglalink special services at Hajj Camp
9ike the previous year, banglalink continues its +,- activities for the 7a11 pilgrims this
year as well. 9ast year banglalink provided pure drinking water at the 7a11 +amp and the
Pia #nternational Airport. This year, banglalink has added some e"tra facilities, such as
pure drinking water, necessary medicines, free phone kiosks and buses for shuttle
services 3airport drop service for the 7a11is4.
#n this regard, ,heh2ad , 7ossain, assistant manager, /- and +ommunications,
>arketing, banglalink, handed over the necessary e0uipment to Adviser to the >inistry
of -eligious Affairs >a1or =eneral 3retd4 A,> >atiur -ahman in the city.
Banglalink launches nationwide campaign to boost tourism
Banglalink, second largest mobile phone operator of the country has launches a
nationwide campaign on ,eptember D through caravans along with other measures in a
bid to generate votes for +o"'s Ba2ar and the ,undarbans to help those two places top the
'?ew & !onders of ?ature' list. The campaign will also create awareness among people
to encourage them to vote for the two places of natural beauty. -ashid Ohan, +5O of
Banglalink, inaugurated the campaign at the operator's head office in .haka.
-ashid Ohan said the campaign has been planned for a five-month period, and under the
campaign the cellphone operator will organise promotional activities through media and
billboards. 7e also said Banglalink is actively participating in the development process of
the country's tourism sector under +,- 3corporate social responsibility4 programme.
A rigorous national campaign spear-headed by Banglalink throughout the year is planned
to ensure proper awareness about the new&wonders nature campaign with emphasis on
generation of votes. Banglalink is the first and only company till now to become the
official nominee supporter by entering an agreement with new&wonders. Banglink has
continued to actively participate in tourism development activities under its +,-
Banglalink is the official nominee supporter of +o"'s Ba2ar in the '?ew & !onders of
?ature' campaign and the partner of Bangladesh /ar1atan +orporation in the campaign.
The caravan activity is a part of a campaign Banglalink is running since August %6 and
will continue until the end of this year.
Qnder the campaign, Banglalink has prepared a DG)-degree communication mi", which
would include electronic media, print media, outdoor visibility, set level activity, mass
people engagement activities and unconventional media as well.
The five months long e"tensive campaign is end that creating a huge awareness and hype
among the countrymen and also generating votes for +o"'s Ba2ar and ,undarbans
through special voting activations on grounds.
There will be particular TI commercial and radio commercial promoting +o"'s Ba2er,
multi plate press campaign, billboards, steamers, posters, leaflets and banners.
A uni0ue mass people engagement activation will be ran in different districts around the
country with mobile caravan having computers and internet facilities for casting votes.
Activation will also be run through special voting boots, which will be carrying &%
educational institutes of .haka city and will engage students for casting votes for +o"'s
Ba2ar and ,undarbans. Ioting will be also fascinated %') +yber cafR nationwide with
support of +yber cafR Association where there will be dedicated computers left open for
free voting for this. There will be ,>, vote casts and advertisements in website to
promote voting.
Bangladesh has its own uni0ue natural Beauty with thousand years of cultural heritage
and has immense potential in Tourism. But current position of Bangladesh, as a tourist
destination is not yet very positive. Banglalink believe now the time has come to take the
opportunity to promote two of our potential tourist destinations on global platform and
they are upfront to make a difference here as well.
Banglalink is contentiously putting its effort to make contribution for the potential sectors
where national interest is involve. Banglalink has chosen the tourism sector as to be one
of the ma1or platforms for +,- activities.
The last three years Banglalink has worked on some ma1or areas for the development of
tourism in Bangladesh. The 1ourney started with a policy dialogue with Bangladesh
/ar1aton +orporation and a session with Tour Operator association of Bangladesh.
Afterwards Banglalink played a key role on developing a two yearlong country-branding
plan with Bangladesh /ar1aton +orporation. A seminar in Ouakata to identify the steeps
to be taken to develop it as a popular tourist destination, roundtable conference on the
immediate steps to be taken for the development of tourism and a separate roundtable
conference to decide the doables for the new seven wonders campaign are few e"amples
of Banglalink initiatives in this regard.
To support the trade Banglalink sponsored .haka Tourism *air %))& and %))B where
many local companies related to the tourism industry participated. #n %))& Banglalink
also sponsored the largest tourism fair ever in the +ountry SBangladesh travel and
tourism fair %))&' organised by Tourism Organisation Association of Bangladesh
To popularise and support eco tourism for consecutives years Banglalink sponsored
traveller's guidebook on protective areas of Bangladesh to popularise responsible tourism
concept among the youths. Banglalink sponsored twelve seminars in different renowned
educational institute of .haka. Banglalink also observed international coastal cline-up
day in %))& to create awareness of cleanliness of the beach.
Banglalink is solely sponsoring SBanglar /othey' a travel show on +hannel # to encourage
tourism 1ournalism. Banglalink is sponsoring SBangladesh >onitor', S.haka +alling',
S/ar1aton Bichitra' and SIromon Barta'. Banglalink is also promoting tourism through
sponsoring various events to re1uvenate Ouakata after 7urricane ,#.O-, Banglalink
sponsored a three-day along SOuakata ,agor Qtsab'. Banglalink sponsored the first ever
tourism photography competition and e"hibition 1ointly organised by Bangladesh
/ar1aton +orporation and Bangladesh ,ilpakala Academy.
Banglalink was proud to be associated with B/+ to observe the !orld Tourism .ay
%))&. ,ince %))G Banglalink is keeping the +o"'s Ba2er beach clean through everyday
cleaning activity on the beach. To fascinate the tourist's beach umbrellas and keep costs
are also being distributed.
At Pia #nternational Airport billboards are positioned to promote tourism of Bangladesh.
A modern water certain is also placed for beautification. Banglalink contributed 8'))
passenger trolleys and four phone booths at Pia #nternational Airport, which has been
able to serve the long needed convenience for the passengers. A huge task of placing
modern and best 0uality neat directions signs in Pia #nternational Airport also has been
performed recently.

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