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William Shakespeare ______________ (baptize) on 26

April 1564. He was an English poet
and playwright who _____________ (regard) as the greatest writer in the English language.
He _______________ (oten!"all) England#s national poet. His sur$i$ing wor%s
____________ ("onsist) o about &' plays( 154 sonnets( two long narrati$e poe)s and se$eral
other poe)s. His plays ______________ (translate) into e$ery )a*or li$ing language and
_______________ (peror)) )ore oten than those o any other playwright.
+ha%espeare was born and raised in +tratord,upon,A$on. At the age o 1' he
___________ ()arry) Anne Hathaway and they _______ (ha$e) three "hildren- +usanna(
Ha)net and .udith who ______ (be) twins. /etween 15'5 and 1502( he __________
(begin) a su""essul "areer in 1ondon as an a"tor( writer and part owner o a playing
"o)pany whi"h ____________ ("all) the 1ord 2ha)berlain#s 3en and whi"h
_________________ (later!%now) as the 4ing#s 3en. He ____________ (retire) to
+tratord around 161& where he ____________ (die) three years later.
Jack the Ripper is the na)e whi"h ______________ (gi$e) to an unidentiied serial %iller
who was a"ti$e in the largely i)po$erished areas in and around the 5hite"hapel distri"t o
1ondon in 1'''. 6he na)e _______________ (originate) in a letter whi"h ______________
(write) by so)eone "lai)ing to be the )urderer. 6he letter ____________ (belie$e) to be a
hoa7 and )ay ___________ (write) by a *ournalist in an atte)pt to heighten interest in the
story. 6he 89ipper: __________ (atta"%) e)ale prostitutes ro) the slu)s whose throats
___________ ("ut) prior to abdo)inal )utilations. 9u)ours that the )urders
_____________ ("onne"t) intensiied in +epte)ber and ;"tober 1''' and letters ro)
people purporting to be the )urderer _____________ (re"ei$e) by )edia outlets and
+"otland <ard. 6here are now o$er one hundred theories about the 9ipper#s identity and the
)urders ______________ (inspire) )ultiple wor%s o i"tion.
John Lennon was born on the 0
;"tober 104=. He _____ (be) an English )usi"ian and
singer,songwriter who __________ (rise) to worldwide a)e as one o the ounding )e)bers
o 6he /eatles. 5ith >aul 3"2artney he __________ (or)) one o the )ost su""essul
songwriting partnerships o the 2=
"entury. .ohn 1ennon was born and raised in 1i$erpool
and he ___________ (be"o)e) in$ol$ed as a teenager in the +%ile 2raze? his irst band.
6he group 86he /eatles: _____________ ("reate) in 106=. 6owards the end o the de"ade
1ennon ____________ (e)bar%) on a solo "areer and then in 10@5 ______________
disengage) hi)sel ro) the )usi" business to de$ote ti)e to his a)ily( but _____________
("o)e) ba"% in 10'= with a new albu). He _______________ ()urder) three wee%s ater its
1. William Shakespeare was baptized on 26
April 1564. He was an Enlish
poet and pla!wriht who was rearded as the reatest writer in the Enlish
lan"ae. He is o#ten $alled Enland%s national poet. His s"r&i&in works
$onsist o# abo"t '( pla!s) 154 sonnets) two lon narrati&e poems and se&eral
other poems. His pla!s ha&e been translated into e&er! ma*or li&in lan"ae
and are per#ormed more o#ten than those o# an! other pla!wriht.
Shakespeare was born and raised in Strat#ord+"pon+A&on. At the ae o#
1( he married Anne Hathawa! and the! had three $hildren, S"sanna)
Hamnet and -"dith who were twins. .etween 15(5 and 15/2) he bean a
s"$$ess#"l $areer in 0ondon as an a$tor) writer and part owner o# a pla!in
$ompan! whi$h was $alled the 0ord 1hamberlain%s 2en and whi$h was later
known as the Kin%s 2en. He retired to Strat#ord aro"nd 161' where he
died three !ears later.
2. 3-a$k the 4ipper5 is the name whi$h was i&en to an "nidenti#ied serial killer
who was a$ti&e in the larel! impo&erished areas in and aro"nd the
White$hapel distri$t o# 0ondon in 1(((. 6he name oriinated in a letter
whi$h was written b! someone $laimin to be the m"rderer. 6he letter is
belie&ed to be a hoa7 and ma! ha&e been written b! a *o"rnalist in an
attempt to heihten interest in the stor!. 6he 34ipper5 atta$ked #emale
prostit"tes #rom the sl"ms whose throats were $"t prior to abdominal
m"tilations. 4"mo"rs that the m"rders were $onne$ted intensi#ied in
September and 8$tober 1((( and letters #rom people p"rportin to be the
m"rderer were re$ei&ed b! media o"tlets and S$otland Yard. 6here are now
o&er one h"ndred theories abo"t the 4ipper%s identit! and the m"rders ha&e
inspired m"ltiple works o# #i$tion.
'. -ohn 0ennon was born on the /
8$tober 1/49. He was an Enlish m"si$ian
and siner+sonwriter who rose to worldwide #ame as one o# the #o"ndin
members o# 6he .eatles. With :a"l 2$1artne! he #ormed one o# the most
s"$$ess#"l sonwritin partnerships o# the 29
$ent"r!. -ohn 0ennon was
born and raised in 0i&erpool and he be$ame in&ol&ed as a teenaer in the
Ski##le 1raze; his #irst band. 6he ro"p 36he .eatles5 was $reated in
1/69. 6owards the end o# the de$ade 0ennon embarked on a solo $areer
and then in 1/<5 disenaed himsel# #rom the m"si$ b"siness to de&ote time
to his #amil!) b"t $ame ba$k in 1/(9 with a new alb"m. He was m"rdered
three weeks a#ter its release.

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