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M!"il#: $%-&%'%())*+'

,ar##r -"j#tiv#
To work in an organization that gives me a challenging environment to sharpen my skills & offers excellent
growth opportunities and enables me to contribute towards the overall growth & success of the institution.
Published a Research Paper in IJAIEM Journal ntitled /Harm!ni0ing Us#r S#arh 1ata 2ith
E33ii#nt 4.#ry ,l.st#ring! http"##www.i$aiem.org#volume%issue&&#'J(')*%+&,*&&*%,*+-..pdf
Published a Research Paper in IEEE Journal ntitled /56S Signal 6!ssi"l# Err!rs 7 Enhaning
Signal A.ray 7 Mar8%'9 in the ' technically co*sponsored conference on /A:van#s in
,!mm.niati!n Navigati!n ; ,!m<.t#r N#t2!r=s9 organized by the department of lectronics &
/ommunications ngineering0 (ndhra 1niversity0 2isakhapatnam.
Presented a Paper in the event PR(345(*+6> /Magn#t! R#sistiv# Ran:!m A#ss M#m!ry
?MRAM@9an: t!<<#: %st in th# Nati!nal A#v#l Technical )eet organized by the department of /
at J4T10 7yderabad 8(pr9+6.
Aa:#mi 4.ali3iati!n
M.T#h. ?,ST@ %+&&*&, * ,56A
(ndhra 1niversity0 2ishakhapatnam
C.T#h. :,SE; %++-*&+ * -<..+=
2'T() /ollege of ngineering0
:(ffiliated to J4T1>;0 2ishakhapatnam.
Int#rm#:iat# :)aths0 Physics0 /hemistry; %++?*+- * @&.,=
Ari /haitanya Junior /ollege0 2ishakhapatnam
SS,0 Board of Aecondary ducation %++? * @.=
2ignan 2idyalayam02ishakhapatnam.
D!r= EE<#ri#n# 7 %.Fyrs
Corked as (ssistant Professor at Dendi 'nstitute of ngineering & Technology from Eecember %+&+ to )ay %+&%.
S!3t2ar# 6r!3ii#ny
T#sting T!!ls )anual Testing0 (utomation Testing in 7P FTP &&.+0 7P F/ &+0 7P
-<#rating Syst#ms Cindows GP
6r!gramming lang.ag#s /0 /HH0JAVA ?,!r#@
Sri<ting Aang.ag#s 2BAcript0 JAP
1ata"as#s myS4AG -ral# %*g
,!n#<ts --6SG )odel 2iew /ontroller :)2/; Pattern0
7T)D0 'nternet Aavvy0 )A Iffice.
(ttended training on S!3t2ar# T#sting T!!ls at Min: 4 Syst#ms 6VT. At:.0 7yderabad.
- 1 -
Aa:#mi 6r!j#ts
M.T#h. 6r!j#t:

Titl# : -rgani0ing Us#r S#arh Hist!ri#s 7 IEEE Transati!ns !n
Hn!2l#:g# an:
1ata Engin##ring !3 V!l.m# '(G Iss.#: F.
Aang.ag# !3 Im<l#m#ntati!n : Java
1ata"as# : myS4A
-<#rating Syst#m : Cindows GP
R!l# : Eeveloped all the modules
(pplication has been developed using Java Sri<tG HTMA ; MyS4A.
Participated in ReJuirements 3athering and (nalysis.
C.T#h. 6r!j#t:
Main 6r!j#t Titl# : SAATHI - A Matrim!nial D#"sit#
Aang.ag# !3 Im<l#m#ntati!n : P7P ..%
1ata"as# : myS4A F.*
-<#rating Syst#m : Cindows GP
In:ivi:.al R!l# : Eeveloped Aearch )odule

(pplication has been developed on the D()P :Dinux*(pache*myAJl*P7P; platform using /ode
'gniter0 an )2/ framework.
'mplementation using several utilities likes Kirebug0 Kire KTP etc.

EEtra-,.rri.lar Ahi#v#m#nts
T#am A#a:#r for Poster Presentation at LE7R12*%k6! organized by us in our college.
Represented 2'T() /ollege in the L'nter /ollege Throw*Ball )atches! conducted by J4T1> at
Participated in L512(3(D(*%>6! for Ainging conducted by J4T1.
Aecured Aecond Prize for the Throw*Ball )atches in the L5outh Kestival! conducted by J4T1.
6#rs!nal 6r!3il#
Eate of Birth " %.
Aex " Kemale
4ationality " 'ndian
Danguages >nown " nglish0 Telugu0 7indi
Kather9s 4ame " J.2.2.A.4. )urthy
Permanent (ddress " E.4o. ..*@*?60)'3*%&07.B./olony0
2ishakhapatnam * .,++%%.
I hereby declare that above mentioned information are true in the best of my knowledge and belief.
Place: (Shravani Jayanthy)
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