Getting Into Teaching

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Getting into Teaching

How to pioduce a successful appiicition,

for the right course, for you
2009-1 0
Bob Vertes
PGCE(S) Admissions Tutor {and lviathematics Tutor) St Mary's University College

, lssues for today's session

r What are the choices you need to make? , Assuming you are a graduate (or soon will be):
ChoOSe your phaSe. Assessed across 2 consecutive Key Stages
for 0TS; post-mmpulsory
r What makes up a PGCE course?
Choose your style of course
Training ( HEI or school) or employment in school; flexible
r Whatdo you have to do to make a successful Choose your subject specialism(s). sK top-up?
application for teacher training? Choose your provider Rpplication is sequential

Choose your timing Primary by 1 Dec; Defer?

rr Yourouestions Choose your referee Emailed reference; academic or line manager

Some Myths A Warning

. Teaching primary children is easierthan teaching secondary
r There's a teaching shortage, lhey'll take anyone The PGCE course will be the toughest year of your life
r lf I go into teaching I will be stuck in it for life
r I know what teaching involves from my parents/friends/schooling
r To be a good teacher you just have to know your subject
' Schools and classrooms today are unruly places but possibly the most interesting, fruitful, challenging
r Teaching has long holidays with no work to do
r Teaching is just a 94 job
. Teaching in a sixth{orm college or FE is just teaching A level
. Teachers are badly paid
Age Phases for Teaching in England What do teachers do?


" 3-7 Early Years and Key Stage '1 genenlly genenlly
. Teach children aged 511 . Teach children/students aged 11-
o 5-'11 Key Stages 1 and2 ' Teachoneclasslorayear 19

, TeachallNationalCurriculum' Teachaspecialistsubject(or
*7-14 Key Stages 2 and 3 subiects and a broader school sometirnes more than one)
curriculum r Plan, teach and assess lessons
* 1 1-16 * Plan, teach and assess lessons n Have Pastoral responsibility, e.g.
Key Stages 3 and 4 . contribute to management, e.g, as torm tutor
taking responsibility tor a . Contribute to extra-cunicular
* 14-19 Key Stage 4 and post-'16 cuniculum area activities

r 16-19 Poslcompulsory

I PGCE (Full-time) STRUCTURE SWELTEC. model of PGCE(S) training

[-Brunel, Kingston, Roehampton, St Mary's^^; solh Wesl London Teacrer Edcam co*um]
. 2/3 weeks induction, including 2 days primary, 3 days semndary,
. Professional Studies - at postgraduate level
school observation on focused, subtect-related, tasks

r Curriculum/Subject Specific Studies

5 weeks - 2 days taught sessions, 1 day self-supported study, 2
days in partner placement school; developmental school experience
r Practical Teaching Experiences in 2 different schools | 2"d half Autumn term, 5 daysAflk block school experience (!p to 50% ol a
University tutors and partner School mentom leacher's hmelaore 2/S major respons b. ty. 1 /3 ppofl/obse aton)
" Time in School:
sL to

' o lSweeksprimary ' 5 weeks - 2 days taught sessions, 1 day self-supported study, 2
days in partner placement school; developmental school exp€rience
o 24 weeks secondary n 2nd half Spring term, l.thalf Summer term, 5 days/week block school
. Assessment: through professional development portfolio, gxpengncg (50% lmelable growing to 70%,2/3 major responsibility, 1/3
assignments and school experience (no exams!) supporuobsrvation)

' Expectations: professionalism, puncluality and 100% attendance r 2 weeks College-based, but with cross- and extra-cunicular visits
. Occasional days/half days bak in HEI
u a ninimun af3 visils tr(itii, ,r *0"_lr:J-1,;1rala!Fs tiere?Gsrbbr'reqrsled

Qualified Teacher Status (OTS) Professional Standards for Qualified Teacher Status
(2007 onwards)

r QTS is necessary to teach in the compulsory maintatned sector

1. Professional Attributes
Relatbnships with Young Pmpl€; Frameworks; Communicating and
in England:- i.e. in state schools for pupils under 16. working with others; Peraonal professional developrnent
2. Professional Knowledge and Understanding
QTS gets awarded at the end of a teacher training course, for
' Teachina and learninq; Assessment and monitoring: Subiecls and
curiculu-m; Lilermy. iumeracy and ICT; Achievement and diversityi health
those successful, but an induction year, (normally in a school
and well-being
and in the state sectofl is necessary to confirm QTS, and thus 3. Professional Skills
gain membership of the General Teaching Council for England Planning, Teaching; Assessing. monitoring and giving feedbmk: reviewing
teachrnd and learnlng: Leaming environment Team Working and
(GTCE). This then enables international recognition as a
teacher. , Teach in 2 schools

" Teach {and be assessed) eross 2 consecutive Key Stages

, Pass the 3 QTS Skills tests {Literacy, Numeracy, ICT)

Applying for an ITT course The PGCE

Minimum academic entry requirements:

' Prerequisites
Subject Knowl€dge Other qualifications
(as stdom by t€ Training and DevelopmentAgency for Schmls, TDA)

1. A recognised degree
Sctloolobseryationerp€rEnce Appropriatereference

o Useful qualifications, interests and transferable skills 2. GCSEs [orequivalents]

Communications skills, ICT skills Spons [,lusic, Drama Teamwork elc c GradeC EnglishLanguage
: C Mathematics
, Other issues to have considered

Grade C Science
Finances, Fees, Ethos and qualrty of provrder, Domestic issues, Transport,
Partner school quality/age range/location, Accommodation, Tulor Support lfot pinary cdlidales - ALL applicmts nust now have tht3)

Personal health Criminal Record Bureau check

These MUST have been obtained before Slafllng any teach€r taining cours

' How/where to apply

GTTR, SCITT, EBITT, First Teach, iTeach lFast Trmk no long€r fundedl
Some poviderc ask lot these lo haw been obtained
Seconddy subjects and fot hinary coure$.
plgCpplt4h! bt conpetlive

School observation Getting school observation 1. via TIL

A professional prerequisite to interview at St Mary's / Open Schools Programme
For people who have not yet applied to ITT brn are considering it; one day
r l\,'linimum 2 weeks for PGCE Primary (for us) Via Temhing lnfomation Line 0845 6000 991
ems tme in boh Ksl and KS2, in at leastone stale $hml
at least
r' Taster course programme
r lvlinimum 2 days for PGCE Secondary (for us) 3 day course, one day in a school;
3 categories of programmes: ssondary priority subjecls; men into primary; and
in at least one state secondary school (prererabty in England): minority ethnic recruitnent
not 0ust)your old schooli pteferably 11-18;prolqably (s€)mixed;
Via Teaching lnformation Line 0Ef5 6000 991 orwldalgov'ukfta3teE
looking at $me lesns in your sublect area at KS3 and KS4;
a range of age and ability including
al$ seing post-16 in your subject sp€cialism(s);
r School introduction programme
ITT ADDlcants in Enoland trho have aoolied to a smndfl PGCE @urs in on6 olhe sven
bokino al$ athe oastoral cross{utrculal and ertacurEular rol€s of sioritir'subiects. andrrceived a condriibnaloffer ol a plrci$biet to garning mqe $hool
teah;s {do notluit srt rn tre slafroom dur'ng regisuatron o'assembly) bxperience, up to 10 days in a ehool: relened by providq, $hml gets rermbur$d

N.B Ouality of experience is more rmporlarl tnan quantity: lookrng and serng . NB1
lf unsure b€treen the two pha$s, make an informed choice after obs€rying in both 2. Ensure you obsrye 9!4 sqbieq!leaching anlL also pSgblg! roles ofteach€r

Getting school observation 2, via SAS , Getting schoolobservation 3.

The Studenl Associates Scheme (SAS) is for students inlerested in gaining
" classroom experience while pursuing their studies. ; Other provider-led schemes e,g. Pimlico
The $h€me qivsssludenlsthe ciame lo
leehors and developnewskills
diwvsrwhat te&hing is roally like, wrk alongside e4eiened
connection www. u k/pimlico - manased
. Therc is a lax-froe bursary around t40 lorevery day spenl in $hool orcolleg€ duilng lhe $here volunte€ring
. The sh€me lsops to slldentsregrslergd @ rel€vel HND, loundaion degr@, undergraduale degree
poslgraduate programres subjecl lo @ddn conditims.
r All stud€nb pdcrpaLng rr U'E $here ae gve^ a trarnrng ad induclon programru to prepare lhem for .z Direct application to schools -(the best route)
wo*rngwhyourg peoib You wrll lhen spand'r16e1 days ln a shool or@llsgp so{ng alongside
erpereied ieacniis airc asrstng lhem rn class'oom l€dxng The lfi@1 days or lhe $h€@ can bo
p anred lolil your sludies
. Telephone appropriate schools and ask to speak to the Professional
. Guided by erperig@d teadErs you will gain experione of how to wort wilh pupils rn lhe cla$@m The Coordinating Tutor (PCM); ask for observation bq! work experience,
$\ere drw! you he lo devotop-new *ills. cdlrihit€ b helprng ra* he atlarnrenl and
aspiratdsolioung people in sdool and qain frrdnand exp€rignc€ ofs/hat a @rsl rn ledrng nvolv€s or teaching practicel

. SAS,s manred by alm,led number oi provde.s. de by $me LEASad olhg'groups, rlls l4usd on
- Be ready with an up to date CV and evidence ofgenuine interest in
*condary sh-odaq6 subtels but hm,t€d bppdunil@s 6r al lor oh6rs arc lor P'Tary' us"ally have to apply teaching and perhaps of enquiries at providers
eady. bul rl rs !g! lor lho* vho have already apphod to ITT
. T.y ss@r@ ac.u\; s, uh: r hrl @mdx.e uh, . Some schools now will not let you in without a CRB check.
a.\ayton@gdd; k rebster@!'; g.a.oren1et\en@0p€1 ac uk

Essential (at least for us) Useful

x Complete and accurate personal details

Telephone/email contact details
s lnterview availability (or lack of) noted
r Appropriate choice of sequence
r Accurate description of qualifications
. Good personal statement
r Supportive appropriate reference
r Home or EU studentfee status

Other issues to consider 1. Other issues to consider 2.

r PfOvidefS differ, in expectations, support, placement policies r Financial Planning
r Ethos of training provider Support available, M or H level start o Training bursary (only for hone and EU trainees-l
r Quality of training provider Ofsted reports, student satisfaction o Top-Up Fees (and repayment schemes)
o Student Loans (and repayment schemes)
r Location of partner schools Employment prospects r Career Development Loans
r Accommodation for postgraduates o Shortage Subject incentives - "golden hello"

r Transport convenience of access when at provider n Council tax student rebates

o Oyster card student rebate
r Facilities Library, lCT, catering, social, religious, access t0 tutors a Means tested and other support funds
r Personal domestic circumstances *St
Mary's wlt only take home and EIJ students. and nal tlnse wha are
(e.g. finances, childcare, full-time v. part{ime, etc. ) seen as "overseas fees , lor teacher training courses.
f hose not eli$bleihould aonsidet employnent4ased tainitrg toutes

Current funding arrangements for 2010 Other issues to consider 3,

r All home and EU trainees get a TDA bursary (tax-free) r Openness to learning, unleaming, relearning
Primary 14000, Secondary generally €4000-6000 - but t9000 lor
national shortage subjects (for which there are [2500 or 15000
r Awareness of a teache/s roles and responsibilities
"golden hello'payments after induction, but only ifteaching in state r Awareness of range of ability
schools in England)
- r Teaching is not telling, lecturing, coaching, ortutoring -
r All students pay "top-up fees" a "graduate tax"
but manaqing learninq
Full amountt3000+, (varies yearto yeatl forwhich....

r You are strongly encouraged to take out a student loan

: Professionalism: punctuality, attendance, personal
Around !4000 maximum may be available; none pairi back until (at the earliest) the organisation, stress management, commitment
April afrer you finish the PGCE, and then only ifearning overll5 000
Personal health, and possible issues with CRB check
lftaking out a student loan then eligible for means tested support funds. '

rv$,rv. qttf
The Graduate Teacher Training Registry
From Sedemb€r 2007 two pathways wrll be avarlabb lo graduates who wish lo
will need to enter a referee's name and email address
be@me trained temhers ' You
Complete the application on line in terms of personal details
. Postgraduate Certificate in Education - PGCE(M) 'n Ensure you give full address, telephone numbers and email address
. Professional Certificate in Education PGCE (H) -
, The PGCE(M) requires work at M {l\y'asteas) level. Up lo 60 M level credits can be
' Check if you are eligible for home fees, if so by whom; or if EU fees;
or if you are seen and funded as an international student
eamed, translerable towards a later Ma$er s degree

' The PGCE(H) requires work at H (Honours) level . Select your sequence of choice of course provider with care
NB Best nol to mix primary (2 choi@s) and s@ndary {4 cholces) or difier€nt subjecls
Both pathways lead to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS), needing an induction year
r Give precise details of qualifications; and signal if needing an
Providers vary in the wav that Deool€ can aoDV for, or swilch between' these two equivalence test for GCSEs
levels ofcourse St Mary's starts everycr'ne'at M level. Some change to H laler'
Funding during the murse and school opporlunitEs for those completing either
r Give precise details of your degree, and list appropriate content
patiways lumessfully rs are expectbd to be the same.
proportions and details (especially ifthe degree is not obviously relevant to
your choie oftraining subject, in which case signal how you propose to update)
For some countries outside England. i will be necessary to have a PGCE(H) for
teacher kaining lemgnition equivalent to their own systems r lr,lention other skills and qualifications gained, or useful interests

Writing your personal statement 1. Writing your personalstatement 2.

Check: Am I "personally and academically suited to the r ln which National Curriculum subjects do I have strong
teaching profession"? [in 21st century English stale schools] knowledge?

. Why do I want to teach? (children, in this phase, in ihis r What am I doing to update my subject knowledge?
subject) To which other National Curriculum subjects can
' I

r What do I think are the qualities of a good teacher?

make a contribution?
Which do I have? (How do I inow?) ' What other relevant knowledge/skills/experience

: Of what professional challenges am I aware, and

r Am I familiar with the effects of the National Strategy?
how prepared am I forthese?

Writing your personal statement 4,

. What other relevanl \,rcrk experience with young pegple do I have,
especially in the age phase in wirich I wish to teach?
r What is my experience of observation in state schools Youth work Summer canps, Sports @aching, Religion shool, S@uls, Language $h@l
of the right age range ? ls it in other than my old school or
where I have been employed? Is it enough to be sure about, and to
. Have I any transferable skills from other u/ork experience?
Comnunication skills, organisational skills, teamwork, diligen@,
be able to convey, convey making an informed decision?
. What are my numeracy, literacy and ICT skills? Reaoy ror ors tests
r What has this experience taught me in comparison with
my own schooling? wnat OiO I learn from such visits about the
r Do I need special entry/equivalence tests or enhancement courses?
What am I doing to prepare for these? [4ost prdid€rswillonly r@gnis ther
teaching and learning of my subject ln the 21"tcentury in England? own equivalence tesis;a cbndiiion for TDAenhan@rent @urss is hotding a PG0E ofier

. What do I know of the roles of teachers other than as ' Have I had a (clear) Criminal Record Bureau check?

subject specialist (pastoral and extra-curricular) roles? r How is my health? Do I have any disabilities?
What can I contribute to be a member ol a school community?

Before submitting the GTTR form Which courses at St Mary's?
1. Have I made an informed choice about my sequence of
pfoviders on the fofm? gaue I spoken to the admissions tutors and/or subject PGCESecondary 11-18--, (fuil-time) pGCESecondary 14-19. (fult.ilne)
leaders? Have I vrsited on an oren dav? When will thev
me? Have I asked , Geography (GG) r Applied lnformation and
about the schmls to whbh thei are lk-ely to seno me? Have
reporl. their student satisfacilon and employabilfy rates?
I checked their Olsted
. l\.4athematics- (lVA) Communications Technology-
(AICT) - also lTt for'Diploma'
' l\,4odern Languages (ML) Iespecia//y
2. Have I checked the details, handwriting, grammar, spelling Ftench Geman butalsospantsh ltalianl BUSineSS EdUCaliOn (BE)
. "
and punctuation on the form? Has someone else checked it for me? Rellgious Education (RE) r Heatth and Sociat Care (HSC) -

3. Have I asked an appropriate referee to act in that role?

, Science {SC) /wemaybrcakthtinta also Society, Health and
Have I fed them infomation/can they e-maili can I check when they have done so?
BtatasyPhyst6'chenistry'l Development(SHD)fOr'Diploma'
("Ass€ssed 11i6 Mlhpossibleexlensonto 18
@pen&nl on leachmg erptrrences)
4. Have I checked to ensure I meet all of my first choice
PGCEfuimary4'11 (fuil'time)
provide/s entry criteria? wnat do I need to ensure I do meet them? AlstMarysfulltjme@srsssrarlmeaily
sepr;mber and linish in mid'June PGCE Prinary 4-1 1
' (pad'time)
5. Have I checked via GTTR, and the provider, if my first choice JApn _ Deemb€r 18 monlhs lalerl

provider still has vacancies? speak to the admissions tutor if you can ' These dur*s are tunded by a tg000 bursary

'Current estimated TDA Targets for Sept 10 courses Where can I find out more?
r Read with care the St Mary's University College
PGCE Primary FT 120 PT 30
PGCE Secondary Brochure
We filled all our places for September 2009 1,no .0." ,u.u,u..1 available on the St Mary's University College website
AND/OR a copy from our stand today, or via
PGCE Secondary ( FT) See also
AICT/IT 20 BE 9 GG 10

HSC/SHD 20 MA 40 MFL 20
St 1,,|ary's University College's next PGCE Open Morning
rs on Wednesday 2 December, starls at 10, finishes by 1; inclL,des

RE 18 SC 30 an hour with a &icondary sublect tutor or Primary Tutoi (also a lalk

and a campus tour). On Dec 1, PGCE Open Evening 630 start.
These are subject to amendment. Please come - no booking needed.
See \,!€bsite or Brochure for other dates in 2010
Target 1 77. We recrylteQ 1 8f f9r Sep 200! (and sft ,eseryes )

Any Further Questions?
r Academic course and qualification - Practical, on the job, approach
r University- and school-based student . Good prior experience desirable
: r Poslgraduate intime, notin level
PGCE Secondary: contact Bob Vertes
Postgraduate level, including research

' Maste/s level credits

'I School-basedemployee,uk ot 020 8240 4154
r Learning from HE and practising Teaching soon or from start

Slower start, lighter timetable,
lndividual training programme
. PGCE Primary: Contact Trish Lee/Judith Cullen
stuctured r Notwi$ otherGraduate Trainees or,uk
I Universaty tutori admin support . Less tormal structure
r Workingwith otherPGCE students r Skills-based assignments : WWW.S1IUC.3C,Uk
r Structured, guided, organised r
. Standardsjocused Assignments and .
Extensive portfolio of evidence needed
portfolio of school exp€rience
. Free- tuition (but top-up fees)
. No Golden Hello

. Bursary (+Golden Hello?)

r Can take less than full academic year THANK YOU FOR COMING TODAY
. r Can be taken by overseas students
Student fnancial and other benellts
with work permits via school Let us know if and how we can be of further help
I. Only home and EU applicantsl

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