Kindle Paperwhite New Features

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Kindle Paperwhite System: new features, bring good experience

We looked to see if the system hardware, the new Kindle Paperwhite is running Kinlde 5..!
firmware, the user interface is not changed, still the book co"er style tiled, support #$%, #$%&,
'&', P#(, )$*+ format documents , by official Kindle format con"ersion ser"ice to the need to
con"ert files sent directly to your Kindle ,mail go. ,P-* format is still not supported.
'he new firmware also adds a number of new highlights, the first is a "ery popular .Kindle Page
(lip., regarded book pro"ides a paper/like .0uick flip. pre"iew function. ,arlier in the use of
Kindle Paperwhite read, think back or forward flip one thing is "ery difficult to find content,
because in the absence of the directory page after page in case you need to go back to the point,
With this feature it is now a lot easier, you can slide up from the bottom of the current page, then it
will pop up a control content area, in order to achie"e a similar flip book with the paper to find the
book or chapter 0uickly browse operation , you can 1ump directly to the end of the book to see.
+n addition, the new Kindle Paperwhite also adds .the words. function, you can 0uery a word in
the dictionary had automatically added to the words of this, since you can "iew your word list
directly in the home, .the words. and used in self/test2 there is an integrated 3oodreads
community ser"ice, in )arch this year, 4ma5on spent hea"ily to ac0uire a social reading site
3oodreads, so this naturally integrated in the system 3oodreads ser"ice of reading in order to
achie"e social, but in the country seems to be irrele"ant , it touches can share directly to (acebook.
(inally, increasing the (ree'ime parental controls, as well as &/6ay technology, which can pop up
about this book in"ol"ed the rele"ant information, including the introduction, the author and other
information, but also need to support the book itself, now + ha"e only a few ha"e seen the book in
,nglish, %hinese books are basically not included.
+n addition, 7ife, 4ma5on officials said a single charge and turn off Wi/(i under the
circumstances, Kindle Paperwhite can guarantee time 8 weeks or so. 'aking into account the
reading lamp brightness ad1ustment and the actual use of the network connection loss, etc., exactly
two months without charge or somewhat reluctantly, but at least in my opinion, Kindle
Paperwhite9s life can indeed achie"e .ignored regardless of. le"el. Perhaps, when you idle for a
period of time before the screen will light up its endurance strength lamented: .+s not it that the
goods actually ha"e electricity:.
$"erall, the new Kindle Paperwhite upgrade systems is not too much, really practical estimate
only .Kindle Page (lip. and .the words. these two features, unfortunately, is a lot more ser"ices
in the country are not support. ;owe"er, in terms of the new Kindle Paperwhite reading
experience is basically impeccable, whether it is the line spacing, margins, font si5e switching or
changing shape were satisfactory, relying on this .does not hurt the eyes. of the screen, + belie"e
that a friend or lo"ed reading to be here to get the best reading experience.

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