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Day of Jan e!y "#1$% &et'een
M/S ANYUTA, Wholly Charitable Trust,
Has its !e(iste!ed offi)e at% *+, Lae--e Road% $
.!oss% Ban(a-o!e +*###1 and the
Administ!atie Offi)e at No/ 01 1 12 Loyo-a Layo3t% Main Road% 4a!d 5 111% Shantha-a
To'n% Ban(a-o!e +*##$6% 'ith )onta)t detai-s 7T / #2# $11"2011, #2# "+0*$6**,
$11"2011, #2# $1+#"2"+ 7Mo&i-e/ 82$+# 1#10*, 8$$2# +$011, 7E 5 Mai-/
!ai9any3ta,)o )ash-ess9any3tat:a,)om ''',any3ta,)o ''',any3tat:a,)om% is
!e:!esented &y D!, N, Raind!a Shetty% Medi)a- Di!e)to!% he!einafte! !efe!!ed to as the
FIRST ;ART< o! TRUST =4hi)h e>:!ession sha-- 3n-ess it is !e:3(nant to the )onte>t
o! meanin( the!eof sha-- deem to mean and in)-3de its s3))esso!s o! assi(nees?
The @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@HOS;ITAL% hain( its !e(iste!ed offi)e at
its Medi)a- Di!e)to! 1 .hief E>e)3tie Offi)e! 1 .hief O:e!atin( Offi)e! 1o!
Administ!ato! D!, 1 M!, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA% He!einafte! !efe!!ed to as the
SE.OND ;ART< o! MEDI.AL ;ROBIDER o! ;ROBIDER =4hi)h e>:!ession sha--
3n-ess it is !e:3(nant to the )onte>t o! meanin( the!eof sha-- deem to mean and
in)-3de its s3))esso!s o! assi(nees?
Ayuta Trust
D!, N, Raind!a Shetty is the a3tho! of the T!3st Inde&t3!e, This 'as de)-a!ed in the
)ity of Ban(a-o!e on 1*121"##*% !e(iste!ed at the S3& Re(ist!a!s offi)e% ShiaCina(a!%
Ban(a-o!e on 16121"##*, The Re(ist!ation N3m&e! is $"*% ;!int date/ 16121"##*%
Time/ 0,## ;M% BooD/ $% ;a(e @ SHBD*2,
Ta" E"e#$tio
The T!3st has o&tained Ta> e>em:tion 3nde! 2# G of the In)ome Ta> A)t of 18+*,
Re(/ 31s 1"AA =1? =&? =i? dated 1*,2,"##*% Ban(a-o!e, Ta> E>em:tion Re(, No/ DIT
=E? 1"A 1 A 5 1#+6 1 BOL, IB 1 4 5 1 1 "##* 5 #6 dated 16 11# 1"##* ti-- 01 1#0 1"#11,
This is fo! -ife no', The 2# G In)ome Ta> .e!tifi)ate is dis:-ayed in the Any3ta T!3st
A-- finan)ia- t!ansa)tions of Any3ta T!3st a!e )ond3)ted th!o3(h the .3!!ent A))o3nt
N3m&e!/ .1A/ #226"#1##"#"8 IF.S/ .NRB####226 M.RI No/ #2M.RT of .ana!a
BanD% Lae--e Road B!an)h% Ban(a-o!e,
Ayuta Trust 'a Nu#ber is( A A M F A 8 6 1 " H DT 16, #2, "##*
Ai# o) Ayuta Trust
4e &e-iee in *Care be)ore CostE, Any3ta T!3st% is )!eated to systemise 'ith in&3i-t
)he)Ds and &a-an)es and :!oide "$16 tota- F3a-ity hea-th )a!e )oe!, This hea-th
)a!e sho3-d &e aai-a&-e and affo!da&-e to a-- in thei! nei(h&o3!hood, The method
ado:ted he!e% is !isD :oo-in( and sha!in( and the )a!e is :!oided &y the net'o!Ded
hos:ita-s% N3!sin( homes% Day )a!e )ente!s% G!o3: :!a)ti)es% .-ini)s% Dia(nosti)
.ente!s% N3!ses% Te)hni)ians% et), 4e 'ant the net'o!Ded )a!e :!oide!s and the
Hea-th )a!e Finan)ie!s% to (ene!ate ma!(ina- s3!:-3s to s3stain and s)a-e 3:, He!e
the Medi)a- Do)3ments% Bi--in( and A))o3ntin( is di(ita-iGed fo! easy !et!iea-, O3!
intention is to taDe the HDo)to! 5 'atiet+ !e-ationshi: &3i-t on t!3st% to a -ee- hi(he!,
4e 'ant a -iti(ation f!ee hea-th )a!e system% fo! m3t3a- &enefit and !es:e)t and 'e
&e-iee that Any3ta T!3st )an &e the inte!media!y in )ase of dis:3te, The T!3st 'ants
the Do)to!s to e>:-ain to the :atients a&o3t the i--ness% -ine of mana(ement% :!os and
)ons and the )osts% fo! the :atients to taDe an info!med Medi)a- de)ision, Fo! 3s%
hea-th )a!e is not a 'ay to !i)hness% &3t a means to )omfo!t :eo:-e in :ain and
mise!y, 4hen 'e say *I ,risis you are ot aloe+ mean that 'e a!e 'ith yo3,
A))or!able health ,are
Affo!da&-e hea-th )a!e is :ossi&-e &y maDin( :eo:-e :a!ti)i:ate in &3i-din( hea-th)a!e
inf!ast!3)t3!e and !3nnin( it &y )!oss s3&sidy, He!e the !i)h :ays fo! :oo! and yo3n(
:ays fo! the o-d, 4e &e-iee that the hea-th )a!e is not the !es:onsi&i-ity of the
(oe!nment a-one% it is o3!s too,
Ayuta Trust 'as )!eated% 'ith an aim to :!oide India% 'ith an effi)ient% )ost
effe)tie% affo!da&-e and aai-a&-e -uality Care .ealth Care Syste#% de-ie!ed &y
the :!oide! net'o!D% )om:!isin( of do)to!s% n3!ses% :a!amedi)s% te)hni)ians% et),%
'ith se-f@dis)i:-ine% Inf-3en)e% Inte(!ity% Im:a)t% Insi(ht% and Initiatie,
Ayuta .ealth Care Syste# is desi(ned to &e dynami) and :a!ti)i:ato!y in nat3!e
and is *by the $eo$le a! )or the $eo$le+, He!e the Benefi)ia!ies and the
Hea-th)a!e ;!oide!s% !e(iste! a-iDe 'ith the T!3st% to -o)a-iGe and mana(e
hea-th)a!e% fo! m3t3a- &enefit, The T!3st :!omotes hea-th a'a!eness and :!eentie
)a!e% tea)hes Fi!st Aid% .;R and the 'ay to stay fit% and :!oides a!io3s finan)ia-
inst!3ments to meet the )ost, It :!omotes and monito!s t!ans:a!en)y and
a))o3nta&i-ity in medi)a- Do)3mentation% A))o3ntin( and Bi--in( System% net'o!Ds
the ;3&-i) and ;!iate Hea-th)a!e De-ie!y System% to :!oide the &est of )a!e%
a)!oss the )o3nt!y% to its mem&e!s, T!3st% a-so he-:s in :!o)essin( and sett-in(
Ins3!an)e .-aims and Medi)o@ -e(a- iss3es, By and -a!(e it :!omotes (ood'i-- and
the sense of )ommitment to maDe this 'o!-d a &ette! :-a)e to -ie,
Ayuta .ealth Care Syste#
He!e is a hea-th )a!e mode- that is ia&-e% s3staina&-e% and s)a-a&-e fo! a &a-an)e
sheet to -ooD no!th and f3-- of (ood@'i--, This mode- 'i-- :ay the 'ay fo!
ent!e:!ene3!shi:% inestments% sDi-- dee-o:ment% Co& )!eation% &anDin(% ins3!an)e%
et), By o!(aniGin( the 3no!(aniGed se)to! and inf3sin( (!o3: ethos% 'i-- maDe hea-th
'o!De!s the (!o'th en(ine and )ont!i&3te to the GD; of India, This is the mode- the
Goe!nment of India sho3-d ado:t and the !est of the 'o!-d em3-ate,
4e &e-iee that the F3a-ity )a!e de-ie!ed at the !i(ht time% at the !i(ht :-a)e% at the
!i(ht )ost% &y the &est Do)to!s in the fie-d% 'i-- !es3-t in Inte!na- and Inte!nationa-
Medi)a- To3!ism, In this system ee!yone is the 'inne! 'o!Din( to maDe the system
&ette!, The o::o!t3nities a!e :-enty to sha!:en o-d sDi--s and dee-o: ne' sDi--s th3s
o:ens 3: the aen3es of !een3e (ene!ation,
Saliet )eatures
;aid Hea-th)a!e System 'o!Ds on RisD ;oo-in( and RisD Sha!in( :!in)i:-e,
Has &3i-t in )he)Ds and &a-an)es and is t!ans:a!ent and a))o3nta&-e,
Finan)ia- t!ansa)tions a!e th!o3(h the BanDs on-y,
Hea-th .a!e is de-ie!ed th!o3(h the ;!oide! Net'o!D in an o!(aniGed and
ethi)a- 'ay
O::o!t3nity fo! ee!yone to Coin and enhan)e thei! e>istin( sDi--s and dee-o:
ne' sDi--s
O::o!t3nity to ea!n mo!e &y 'o!Din( in an instit3tion and (ettin( :aid fo! se!i)e
;!oide! net'o!Ds time% s:a)e and eF3i:ment 3ti-iGation is ma>imiGed to
minimiGe )osts,
Ne'e! 3nits 'ith )3ttin( ed(e te)hno-o(y and sDi--s a!e added,
Day .a!e .ente!s a!e -inDed to Hos:ita-s,
Fo)3s is on Domi)i-ia!y and ;!eentie .a!e% &a)Ded &y Te)hni)ians%
;hysiothe!a:ists% N3!ses and ;!ima!y ;hysi)ians,
;!e 5 :aid% "$16 Hea-th .oe!% 'ith 3n-imited% Gene!a- O3t 5 ;atient .a!e
Ins3!an)e &a)Ded hos:ita-iGed )a!e,
The 'arties #et to u!ersta! the ,o,e$t a! the /ay to i#$le#et
The Fi!st ;a!ty% IAny3ta T!3stJ e>:-ained to the Se)ond ;a!ty IMedi)a- ;!oide!J its
)on)e:t of :!oidin( :!e 5 :aid o3t@ :atient "$16 hea-th )oe! to $### fami-ies =+
mem&e!s in ea)h fami-y? in the nei(h&o3!hood of a hos:ita-, The hea-th )oe! to a
(!o3: of "#### :eo:-e =$### > +? in the nei(h&o3!hood 'i-- (ie them a sense of
se)3!ity and maDe them aai- othe! :aid fa)i-ities of the hos:ita-% 'ith )onfiden)e,
The T!3st f3!the! e>:-ained its ision of maDin( hea-th)a!e affo!da&-e and aai-a&-e
to ee!y Indian% &y net'o!Din( the e>istin( hea-th)a!e inf!ast!3)t3!e and the
man:o'e!, By he-:in( the man:o'e! to enhan)e thei! e>istin( sDi--s and -ea!n ne'
sDi--s% it is :ossi&-e to im:!oe thei! !een3e (ene!ation )a:a)ity, By ma>imiGin( the
time% s:a)e and eF3i:ment 3ti-ity of the inf!ast!3)t3!e% 3:(!adin( 'ith )3ttin( ed(e
te)hno-o(y% is :ossi&-e to in)!ease the n3m&e! and )3t )osts,
The Fi!st ;a!ty% f3!the! e>:-ained that the method ado:ted to maDe Hea-th .a!e%
affo!da&-e and aai-a&-e is% RisD :oo-in( and RisD sha!in(, The Hos:ita-s and the
Do)to!s ino-ed he!e 'o3-d :!a)ti)e ethi)a- medi)ine% he-: the Benefi)ia!y to taDe
an info!med medi)a- de)ision% ;!omote% ;!eentie )a!e% Domi)i-ia!y )a!e% MinimiGe
the Hos:ita- stay% aoid 3nne)essa!y inesti(ation% medi)ation and :!o)ed3!es%
standa!diGe t!eatment !e(ime% &!in( in t!ans:a!en)y and a))o3nta&i-ity in the
Medi)a- Do)3mentation% A))o3ntin( and Bi--in( System,
*Wi 0 /i+ situatio
The t!3st f3!the! e>:-ained the ho' Ayuta .ealth Care Syste# &!in(s a&o3t a H'in
5 'inE sit3ation fo! a-- the :a!ti)i:ants,
a? Benefi)ia!y
The ;!e@ :aid o3t :atient )a!e% to(ethe! 'ith Ins3!ed hos:ita-iGed )a!e% 'i-- :!oide a
tota- F3a-ity hea-th)a!e to the Benefi)ia!y% at an affo!da&-e )ost% that is )ash-ess and
taDes a'ay hea-th )a!e 'o!!y, The :atients (et the &enefit of the (!o3: of do)to!Ks
o:inion on his )a!e, The )ash-ess hea-th)a!e th3s )!eated% taDes the !ee!ed do)to!
5 :atient !e-ationshi: to a ne' hei(ht% )3t )osts and !ed3)e -iti(ations,
&? Fami-y ;hysi)ians
The Fami-y ;hysi)ians in the nei(h&o3!hood% 'i-- ha::i-y en!o- 'ith the T!3st to do *
to 2 ho3! sessions in the hos:ita-s% assist s3!(e!y 1 :!o)ed3!es et)% )ond3)ted on
thei! :atients in the hos:ita- and (et :aid, He a-so sees the o::o!t3nity to en!o-% DNB
)o3!se to &e)ome a S:e)ia-ist,
)? Hos:ita-
The hos:ita- in t3!n (ets additiona- Do)to!s to mana(e thei! o3t :atient )a!e 1 'a!d
)a!e% et), 'itho3t e>t!a )ost to ease the staff :!ess3!e, The !een3e (ene!ation
im:!oes d3e to )ommitted :atient &aseL add on &enefits &y 'ay of t!eatin(
mem&e!Ms !e-aties and f!iends at a )ost, O::o!t3nity to )ond3)t .ontin3o3s Medi)a-
Ed3)ation% di(ita- !e)o!d Dee:in(% I.D @1# )odin(% et),% to the Fami-y ;hysi)ians,
Se)ond ;a!ty a(!eed to asso)iate 'ith the Fi!st ;a!ty to :!oide the a&oe@
mentioned F3a-ity Hea-th)a!e Se!i)es to the &enefi)ia!ies on )e!tain Te!ms and
NOW T.IS MOU Witesse! a! a1ree! by a! bet/ee the $arties as )ollo/s(
23 It is hereby a1ree! bet/ee the $arties,
That the Medi)a- ;!oide! ISe)ond ;a!tyJ sha-- :!oide "$16 ethi)a-% :!om:t% effi)ient%
)ost effe)tie F3a-ity hea-th)a!e se!i)es% to Ayuta Trust Me#bers% hen)efo!th
!efe!!ed to as Benefi)ia!y
43 I!eti)i,atio(
Fo! the :3!:ose of identifi)ation% Any3ta T!3st% sha-- :!oide ea)h Benefi)ia!y% 'ith
an Identity .a!d &ea!in( his 1 he! !e)ent :hoto(!a:h% name and date of &i!th o! an
Identity .a!d 'itho3t :hoto(!a:h &3t &ea!in( &enefi)ia!yMs si(nat3!e% Em:-oyment
n3m&e!% BanD a))o3nt N3m&e!% et), The &enefi)ia!y 'i-- :!od3)e this )a!d at the
time of admission fo! the :3!:ose of identifi)ation,
53 'ro,e!ure )or Geeral Me!i,al Cosultatio
It is a(!eed that the Medi)a- ;!oide!%
a, Sha-- identify the &enefi)ia!y &efo!e )ommen)in( Medi)a- E>amination
&, Sha-- :!a)ti)e ethi)a- medi)ine
), Sha-- attend to a-- he-:-ine )a--s and adi)e s3ita&-y
d, Sha-- e>amine one I1J Benefi)ia!y% :e! month% fo! ee!y Rs,2##1@ !e)eied
e, Sha-- maintain a Di(ita- Medi)a- Re)o!d of the Benefi)ia!y
f, Sha-- e>:-ain the &enefits of Domi)i-ia!y .a!e% O3t 5 :atient .a!e and
Hos:ita-iGed )a!e to the Benefi)ia!y
(, Sha-- ans'e! a-- medi)a- F3estions to the satisfa)tion of the Benefi)ia!y and
he-: him to taDe an info!med medi)a- de)ision
I Sha-- e>:-ain to the Benefi)ia!y in detai-% in the -an(3a(e that he and his
immediate !e-aties 3nde!stand% a&o3t the :atientMs Hea-th =medi)a- o!
s3!(i)a-? )onditions% the need fo! S:e)ia-ists .a!e oe! Fami-y ;hysi)ians
.a!e% the &est S:e)ia-ist do)to! to hand-e his )a!e% the need fo! Hos:ita-ised
.a!e oe! the O3t 5 ;atient o! Domi)i-ia!y .a!e% the o:tions of t!eatments
aai-a&-e =)onse!atie o! s3!(i)a-? 'ith hea-th and )ost &enefits% the &est -ine
of t!eatment in his )ase% the !eason fo! ado:tin( s3)h -ine of t!eatment% the
o3t)ome of s3)h t!eatment% the need fo! ea)h of the -a&o!ato!y inesti(ation%
inasie o! non inasie :!o)ed3!es% the n3m&e! of days of admission% the
!eason fo! ea)h e>t!a days admission% fo--o' 3: :!o)ed3!es% )osts in)3!!ed in
ea)h eent in the hos:ita- and afte! dis)ha!(e% !eason fo! s3)h )osts%
:ayment mod3-e% .o 5 :ayment if any% the !eason fo! s3)h :ayments% the
anti)i:ated o3t)ome of the t!eatment% the )han(es that he1she mi(ht hae to
do in his -ife sty-e% the e)onomi)a- and so)ia- im:a)t% emotiona- im:a)t on his
fami-y% et),J
h, Sha-- Dee: Any3ta T!3st and the T!3stees% indemnified fo! its -a:ses in :atient
)a!e% finan)ia- -osses and -iti(ations that may a!ise &e)a3se of his
)ommissions and omissions,
63 Re7eue #o!ule
a? R3:ees 2##1@ :e! yea!% :e! fami-y of + mem&e!s% 'i-- &e :aid to the
&? Fo3! tho3sand =$###? fami-ies ="#### :eo:-e? f!om the nei(h&o3!hood
of the ;!oide! 'i-- &e atta)hed to the ;!oide! oe! a :e!iod of time
)? The atta)hment 'i-- )ome in a :hased manne! as and 'hen the
mem&e!shi: o))3!s
83 're $ai! .ealth,are Ser7i,es by the 'ro7i!er
;!oide! a(!ees to :!oide the fo--o'in( FREE hea-th)a!e se!i)es to the
Benefi)ia!y fo! one yea! f!om the date of his mem&e!shi:
a? "$16 Hea-th )oe! to the Benefi)ia!y
&? "$16 Medi)a- He-:-ine
)? MBBS Do)to! to e>amine the mem&e! and t!eat to the &est of his
d? Di(ita- medi)a- !e)o!d
e? .ons3-tation and t!eats to the !e-atie o! f!iends !esidin( 'ith the
mem&e! at 0#N dis)o3nt,
93 'ai! .ealth,are Ser7i,es
a, ;!oide! a(!ees to )o--e)t :ayment f!om the Benefi)ia!y and :!oide
hea-th)a!e se!i)es at 0#N dis)o3nt in a-- the :aid se!i)es -iDe%
i, S:e)ia-ists )ons3-tation
ii, Dia(nosti) Tests
iii, Domi)i-ia!y )a!e
i, Inasie and non@inasie :!o)ed3!es
, Hos:ita-iGed )a!e
i, .a!e of the !e-aties o! f!iends -iin( 'ith them as (3ests
E>)e:t (ene!a- )ons3-tation% )ons3-tation oe! the :hone o! E 5 mai-% !est is
:3 %ee)its to the Me!i,al 'ro7i!er
a? T'enty tho3sand Benefi)ia!ies atta)hed to the Hos:ita- f!om the
&? S:e)ia-ist )ons3-tation% Dia(nosti) tests% Hos:ita-iGation% 'i-- (ene!ate
)? Additiona- :aid :atients &y 'ay of f!iends and !e-aties of the
d? Do)to! 5 :atient !e-ationshi: &3i-t on T!3st 'i-- !ea)h a ne' -ee-
e? The d3ty do)to! )an hand-e these :atients in a se:a!ate .ons3-tin(
f? No e>t!a staff o! additiona- )osts to the hos:ita- at a--,
(? .ond3)tin( )ontin3o3s medi)a- e>amination 1 hea-th a'a!eness )am:s
h? He-: in Ins3!an)e .-aim ;!o)essin( O hand-in( Medi)o -e(a- )ases
;3 Why /ill the $ubli, $arti,i$ate<
a, "$16 Fami-y Hea-th .oe! fo! + mem&e!s 9 Rs,1*,** :e! month :e!
&, Sin(-e 'indo' hea-th)a!e
), G!o3: Medi)a- O:inion in diffi)3-t )ases
d, 0#N dis)o3nt in :aid se!i)es
e, Ri(ht Do)to! at the !i(ht time
f, .ost )3t in hea-th)a!e se!i)es
(, He-: in info!med medi)a- de)ision maDin(
h, Home hea-th)a!e
i, He-: in sett-in( ins3!an)e )-aims
C, Maintenan)e of Medi)a- Do)3mentation
Home Hea-th )a!e is de-ie!ed &y
i, ;!ima!y .a!e ;hysi)ians
ii, ;!ima!y .a!e N3!ses
iii, Dist!i)t N3!ses
i, ;hysiothe!a:ists
, O))3:ationa- the!a:ists
i, So)ia- 4o!De!s
=3 %ee)its to the So,iety
a? O!(aniGed% affo!da&-e% t!ans:a!ent and a))o3nta&-e hea-th)a!e in the
&? Nationa- Hea-th Se!i)e 5 &y the :eo:-e and fo! the :eo:-e,
O3! idea of F!ee O3t 5 :atient )a!e % Ins3!an)e d!ien In 5 :atient )a!e% Life
)oe! 'ith st3dent s)ho-a!shi:% to maDe :eo:-e )!edit 'o!thy to a))ess
finan)e is of a-3e and 'e de-ie! a se!i)e )om:e--in( eno3(h fo! the :eo:-e
to 3se it,
Standa!diGation of Medi)a- Do)3mentation% T!eatment Re(ime% Hea-th)a!e
Mana(ement and De-ie!y System is o3! aim, This 'i-- :!omote Inte!na- as 'e-- as
Inte!nationa- Hea-th To3!ism and &!in( in &ette! !een3e to the :a!ti)i:atin(
Hos:ita-s at the same time 'i-- maDe hea-th)a!e affo!da&-e to ea)h and ee!y
:e!son, 4e 'e-)ome yo3! s3((estions 'ho-e@hea!ted-y fo! im:!oements%
t!ans:a!en)y and a))o3nta&i-ity,
a? The Medi)a- ;!oide! sha-- &e !es:onsi&-e fo! any e!!o!s 1 omissions !e-ated to
the Hea-th)a!e O othe! se!i)es !ende!ed &y them to the &enefi)ia!ies and
sha-- Dee: Any3ta T!3st indemnified,
&? The Medi)a- ;!oide! sha-- f3!nish to Any3ta T!3st detai-ed S)hed3-e of
)ha!(es fo! a!io3s se!i)es and Dee: Any3ta T!3st info!med on any !eision
in the )ha!(es% 'hi)h may taDe :-a)e f!om time to time
)? The Medi)a- ;!oide! 'i-- hae no o&Ce)tion fo! 3sin( its name as an
em:ane--ed Hos:ita- on-y on ade!tisements% :!omotiona- -ite!at3!e% &!o)h3!e%
'e&site% et)% s:onso!ed &y Any3ta T!3st,
d? The &enefi)ia!y 'i-- &e :!oided t!eatment &y the :ane- of )ons3-tants
atta)hed to the :!oide! hos:ita- a))o!din( to the :!a)ti)e :a!amete!s and
)-ini)a- :!oto)o-s esta&-ished &y the ;!oide!,
e? Any3ta T!3st 'i-- not inte!fe!e in the t!eatment :!oided to its &enefi)ia!ies,
f? Any3ta T!3st 'i-- not &e in any 'ay he-d !es:onsi&-e fo! the o3t)ome of
t!eatment o! F3a-ity of )a!e :!oided &y the Medi)a- ;!oide!,
(? Any3ta T!3st Medi)a- team may isit the hos:ita- as the :a!t of its Mana(ed
hea-th )a!e :!o(!amme% to -iaison 'ith the &enefi)ia!y and the .ons3-tant in
)ha!(e of the &enefi)ia!y, The Medi)a- ;!oide! a(!ees to e>tend ne)essa!y
)o@o:e!ation d3!in( s3)h isits,
h? The ;!oide! 'i-- not dis)-ose any info!mation a&o3t &enefi)ia!ies o! Any3ta
T!3st &3siness a)tiities and 'i-- not sha!e s3)h info!mation 'ith o3tside!s o!
a(en)ies ino-ed in simi-a! &3siness,
i? Any3ta T!3st 'i-- a-so not dis)-ose any info!mation 'hatsoee! !e-atin( to the
;!oide! 'itho3t its s:e)ifi) '!itten )onsent,
C? Any3ta T!3st !ese!es the !i(ht to a::oint othe! Medi)a- ;!oide!s a-so fo!
e>tendin( medi)a- )a!e to the &enefi)ia!ies and the )on)e!ned medi)a-
:!oide! sha-- hae no o&Ce)tion,
D? Any )han(es 1 amendments to this MOU sha-- &e done 1 o! effe)ted on-y afte!
o&tainin( '!itten a::!oa- f!om &oth the :a!ties,
-? In the eent the Medi)a- ;!oide! has f3!nished '!on( info!mation o! fa-se
info!mation and in the eent the info!mation t3!ns o3t to &e fa-se Any3ta T!3st
is entit-ed to dis @em:ane- the Medi)a- ;!oide! 1 Hos:ita- f!om its -ist of
Medi)a- ;!oide! Net'o!D Hos:ita-s,
m? This A(!eement sha-- )ome into fo!)e 'ith effe)t f!om Fi!st Day of Jan e!y
PP"#1$ and 'i-- !emain in fo!)e 3nti- te!minated &y eithe! :a!ty &y (iin( to
the othe! :a!ty not -ess than 0# days :!io! '!itten noti)e,
n? Any dis:3te a!isin( o3t of this MOU is s3&Ce)t to a!&it!ation a))o!din( to the
!e-eant -e(a- f!ame'o!D a::-i)a&-e, The :-a)e of a!&it!ation and C3!isdi)tion of
BANGALORE .o3!ts on-y,
*Ours is to bea,o a! a #a1et but ot )or a $la,e i history+
BEHALF OF THE ;ARTIES Si(ned and de-ie!ed &y the 'ithin named
=Ty:e yo3! HOS;ITAL name%?


FOR O ON BEHALF OF M1S, Any3ta T!3st
D!, N, Raind!a Shetty
4itness 1? 4itness "?
Name/ Name/
Add!ess/ Add!ess/
Si(nat3!e Si(nat3!e

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